75% Alpha Lilly / Chapter 24: The Date

章節 24: The Date

Aaron came back every few days to check on Carson. Its funny to watch them. Sitting with Samantha in her living room we watch the boys fight over the Xbox controller. Dalton wanted to kill Aaron at first but now the three of them are laughing and bickering like 3 little kids. Carson pushes Aaron and takes the controller. "I'll take care of this."

"Boom! And you're dead!" Alt says laughing. "You guys both suck!"

"Soooo..." Alt says looking at me "How long are you two going to go on pretending you aren't obsessed with each other?" My jaw drops. Carson grabs Dalton covering his mouth.

"Don't listen to him!... I'm proud of you two actually. You are building something great." Carson says.

"Actually..." Aaron says. "I think it's about time for us to start dating... if I'm counting right... two days."

What?! Time flies I guess! We've been sending so much time together as friends. It feels so right! I hadn't realized we hit our 6 weeks. First date?!

"Really!" Carson says letting go of Alt. "Baby bro's first date... what are you planning?"

Alpha Aaron's POV

The question hit me hard... it will be our first date! Everyone is staring at me. Crap! I hadn't planned anything yet... what am I going to do?

"It's a surprise." I say trying not to let my panic show.

"Better be good!" Dalton says "Lil deserves the best!" I don't disagree.

"Alright... leave him alone. It's none of our business." Sam says. I'm grateful for her interface. The guys back off and I breath a sigh of relief.


I sit at my desk staring at the wall.

"Alpha?" Clay walks in "aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your date?" I look away from him. "You still haven't figured out what to do have you?"

"No." I say flatly. I am clueless. Every time I think of something it seems stupid or cliché. I am hopeless at this.

"You are so lucky you have me!" He smiles at me. I give him a confused look. "Reservations are at 7 here's the address. Nice place quiet, romantic, not too fancy she wouldn't like that... eat, flirt, talk, a block south is a nice garden. Take her for a moonlight stroll... maybe even steal a kiss? Dude it's not that hard!"

"Says the guy without a mate!" I jab at him. I know it was a cheap shot. Clay desperately wants to find her but that hasn't happened yet. He deserves someone great.

"Whatever... just don't screw it up!" He says turning to walk out the door.

"Thanks Clay." I say

"Yea. Yea. Yea... get out of here or you're gonna be late Aaron." He smiles and leaves. I grab some car keys and head out.

Lilly's POV

"So." Sam says looking at me. "Tonight's the night."

"Yup." I respond.

"What are you wearing?" She asks.

"Ummm this." I am wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Not fancy but nothing I own is.

"No you're not... come with me." Sam drags me upstairs. "I got you these to choose from." She holds up two dresses. "your pick!"

Red or blue. That's the choice. I'm not good at the girly stuff but this choice is easy. I am NOT wearing the red one! It is short and kinda says look at me look at me. Nope not gonna happen.

"Blue." I say. Sam obviously wanted me to make a different choice but just handed me the blue one.

"Alpha's gonna pick you up at 6:30." EV says as she enters the room. She is great I know she's here to guard me but we've become friends. "I like the red one." She says smiling.

"Sorry EV I've already decided." I go into the bathroom and change. I come out a moment later. "So where are we going?" EV smiles at me.

"Don't worry! No way Clay would let him get away with something stupid. Boy is a helpless romantic." EV answers.

"Well if you won't tell me where will you at least tell me if this would be appropriate for the date?" I ask.

"You look great!" She responds.

"Makeup time!" Sam jumps in and I groan. She buzzes around getting me ready.

We go downstairs to wait. The girls keep gushing over me about this whole thing. I am beyond nervous.

"You look great!" Carson says as he walks in with my father. Ok this is ridiculous! I am not some little teen who needs the whole family to see me off. It's just a date! I turn a dark shade of red.

"Thanks Carson... Seriously tho you don't all need to be here! I'm an adult." I say.

"I live here!" Carson defends. He's right but still that is not why he and my father showed up at this moment.

"I'm the Alpha I go where I want... plus I'm your dad you can't deny me the chance to scare my baby girl's date!" Father grins at me.

"Did we miss anything?" Dalton calls running in with Eric. You have got to be kidding me! How many people? How many feel the need to humiliate me! "Lookin' good Lil."

"Shut it Alt!" I say looking at all of them. Ok head count

Father ✔

Beta ✔

Samantha (surrogate mom) ✔

Eric (basically big brother) ✔

Dalton (best friend) ✔

EV (body guard) ✔

I'd say we've got a full house and they are all grinning at me. I know it's a big deal but they are not helping my nervousness.

"Thanks for coming!... you can all go now!" I say. Eric laughs.

"Not gonna happen spitfire! Got ta make sure the boy treats you right!" He says.

"Ok that "boy" is an Alpha and my mate. What are you going to do to him?" I yell at him when there is a knock on the door.

"Got it!" Alt calls running to the door. "Why Alpha Aaron what a surprise come on in!"

I can't believe this! I am going to die of humiliation before the date even starts. Aaron walks in the door.

Alpha Aaron's POV

Dalton answers the door and guides me into the living room. The place is packed. My brother, his mate, Mason, the Gamma, EV. They all stand around Lilly.

WoW... she looks amazing. I run my and through my hair. I don't know what to say. She is radiant. Her blue dress shows off her curves and accentuates her breasts. I can't stop staring.

"Wow...You look... wow." Is all I can say.

"Smooth bro." Carson says... everyone calls him that now so I guess Andy will have to be in the past. I blush at his comment.

"Stunning." I correct myself "absolutely breath taking."

"Thank you Aaron." She whispers looking around at the group. "Ok bye everyone!" She seems eager to get out of here and I happen to share that desire.

"Not so fast pup!" Mason says smiling. Lilly glares at her father and I suppress a laugh. She is adorable when she is mad. "So where are you taking my daughter boy?" I don't feel like an Alpha at the moment. I feel like a kid. But I guess that's appropriate for the first date with a girl.

"Dinner... maybe a walk." I answer. I'm so glad Clay put this together. Mason walks over to me and puts his arm around my shoulders turning me away from th he group.

"Listen Aaron. I like you. Always have... but this is my daughter. You will respect her. You will be a gentleman. You will make her feel special. You will NOT hurt her. These are my rules boy. If you break any of them I will kill you mate or no and don't think I can't just because you are the ranking Alpha. You hurt her you die!" He says with a smile... I believe him!

"Here! here!" The Gamma adds "and he won't be alone! She's got an army backing her! One missed step and your a goner!" I really don't like this guy.

"We're all on her side." Dalton pipes in.

Too many males all ready to kill me. If I wasn't nervous before (which I was) I am now. I could take Dalton or the Gamma easy but Mason... Now... I'm not so sure about that!... all three of them... yea I'm dead. I feel myself gulp as Mason squeezes my shoulder.

"Alright I think he gets it!" Carson says and Mason let's go of me. Lilly walks over to me and we turn to leave.

"One more thing Aaron!" Mason calls after us as we reach the door. "Have her home by midnight... you don't want me hunting you down." I open the door and with a nod to Mason we leave.

Lilly's POV

"Well that was mortifying!" I say from the passenger seat as Aaron drives us into town. "I'm so sorry about that."

"They love you... that's a good thing." Aaron responds. He's right... but do they have to be so embarrassing?

Aaron opens the door for me as we reach the restaurant. It is beautiful. A little hole in the wall place with a romantic atmosphere. I love it! They seat us in a booth and we sit opposite each other in silence. The moments pass slowly as neither of us knows what to say.

"This is stupid!" Aaron breaks the quiet. My jaw drops. I thought he wanted this? "We have no problem being together normally but now because we call it a date it's like we reverted to strangers! Your favorite color is orange, you hate the yellow skittles, you always have an answer for everything, you snore but won't admit it, and you're temper rivals my own! I know you! But somehow you leave me speechless!"

"That sounded like a speech to me... a long winded one at that!" I laugh as does he.

I smile at the fact that he keeps such close track on my likes and habits. I don't snore but other than that he was spot on.

"So do you like it?" He asks.

"This place is beautiful and I couldn't ask for better company." He smiles at my response. I can't handle how handsome he is.

"Glad you like it... I had some help deciding what to do... I'm not really good at this sort of thing." He says.

"Me either! See this dress!" I gesture to my dress and he looks me up and down. I blush... that's not what I meant. "Sam made me wear it. I was gonna show up in a t-shirt and jeans."

"I love the dress don't get me wrong but you would look beautiful in anything." He says. His eyes don't leave mine. He reaches up and rubs my cheek "I just wish I could see those freckles... you hid them under a mask you don't need." He takes a napkin and dips it in his water cleaning the foundation and blush off of my cheeks. The blush was not needed anyway because my face did that all on it's own. "There's my girl!" He smiles staring at me.

I start to respond when his eyes become unfocused. Mind link. I wait patiently him to return to me.

"Dang it!" He says standing up. "Sorry Lilly I need to go back to my pack."

"What's up?" I ask.

"A pups about to shift... I need to accept him... it's important." He explains.

I get it. The first shift is a big moment for any pup. I don't want to leave him yet tho.

"So let's go! If we run well get there in less than an hour." This place is in his territory and we aren't too far from the pack house. An hour and a half by car.

"You sure you wanna come?" He asks.

"Yea... afterwards we can go on that walk." He smiles at me and we leave before we even order our food. He leaves a twenty on the table as we rush out.

We run all out toward the pack house clothes in our jaws but turn off about a mile out. I wish I could mind link him to ask where he is going but I get my answer as we approach a cabin. We shift back and dress.

"Alpha! A woman standing at the entrance calls. "I linked Clay as soon as it started he said you were on a date. I'm sorry."

"Its fine Mary. Big day for the little guy!" He smiles at her. She shakes her head.

I hear an agonizing scream from behind the door the woman looks away. I take a step forward but Aaron stops me with an outstretched hand and a stern look.

"He'll be fine Mary... its rough on everyone." Aaron says.

"I know Alpha." She nods and he hugs her. I feel somewhat possessive over him. My wolf does not like a female so close but I know he is just being a good Alpha. We hear a whine from inside followed by a little happy "yip!"

"Sounds like he's ready!" Aaron says and opens the door for the panicked woman. He steps in the doorway and nods for me to follow.

"My little boy! You are so handsome! Look at that fur!" Mary gushes petting the pup who bounces around happily wagging his tail. Next to him a large wolf matching the pups black fur stands up, picks the pup up by the scruff, and deposits him in front of Aaron.

"Hay there pup!" He says with a smile. I see Aaron's teeth elongate and he bites his hand blood pools in his palm. The wolf quickly nips the back of the boys neck. He yelps and looks back at his father. "It's ok buddy!" Aaron says petting the boy under the chin with his clean hand his bloodied one quickly covers the wound on the boys neck. Aaron strokes the boys fur looking him in the eye until the boy suddenly turns to look at his father then mother. He begins jumping around barking loudly. Aaron stands up laughing he comes over and stands beside me.

"I love that part!" He says with a smile "when the mind link opens and they hear their parents... every pup. Every time. They get so excited. I back out of the conversation to give them some privacy." He starts laughing again.

"Try not to broadcast every thought pup!" He calls laughing. "He'll get the hang of it!"

Amazing!... I've never seen this kind of ceremony before. It is a private affair. I didn't expect to come in. I figured I'd wait outside until they were done but I'm glad I got to see it. Aaron is a great Alpha!

"Excuse me, Alpha?" Mary says tapping Aaron on the shoulder. "Would you two like to join us... it would be a pleasure!"

Aaron looks at me a moment and nods. "We'd love to Mary... meet you outside." She smiles and props the door open. The wolves run out and she follows.

"So what are we doing?" I ask.

"The first run." Aaron says taking off his shirt. I turn away and he laughs. "After a pup shifts the family runs together. We were invited. It would be rude not to accept."

"Uh hu... I get that but you need to leave before I'm going to get undressed." I say pointing to the door still not looking at him. Suddenly I feel his cold wet nose poke my outstretched hand. I turn and see his wolf walk out. I quickly drop the dress shift and run out.

We ran for hours. The pup was so hyper he kept howling and running under his father. Aaron and I ran with them happily until Aaron stopped dead looking at me his eyes wide.

He ran at me nudging me to run in the opposite direction. What is going on. He pushes harder and I look at him. He looks nervously up at the night sky... wait a second midnight! He saw the realization hit me and we took off toward my pack.

I run all out Aaron keeping himself beside me. Crap! Crap! Crap! I know father wouldn't kill Aaron... hopefully... but he doesn't like being disobeyed either. He said midnight. By the look of the sky we are well past that.

As we get close to the pack house a large black wolf tackles Aaron growling. The two stare at each other

"Dad." I try to link him but he ignores me.

Carson and Sam come into the woods where we are. Carson tosses a pair of shorts toward Aaron and I see Sam has clothes for me. I follow her shift and dress in my typical t-shirt and jeans. When I come back Aaron is in human form my father's wolf staring him down.

"Come on Mason let's talk!" Aaron says holding his hands up in front of him. "I didn't mean to be late."

Father growls then walks off. When he returns fully clothed he pins Aaron to a tree furry filling his face.

"What is so difficult to understand about midnight!" He screams. Aaron makes no attempt to fight him which I can tell takes great effort. Alphas tend to snap when not treated with the upmost respect. Threatening one is not a good idea.

"It was an accident Mason. Pack business interrupted our date and then we lost track of time!" Aaron explains. Father releases him but continues to yell.

"Lost track of time!? Boy you didn't even contact me! Didn't even consider it! You have a wolf in my house! You could have given me a heads up! For all I knew she was dead! I can't protect her if I don't know where she is!" Father yells.

I wanted to say I could protect myself but the sheer power resonating off of these two shuts me up. I can see Aaron getting mad now.

"She is MY mate! You think I can't protect her! She was with ME! She was in no danger! It's MY job to protect her and I have!" Aaron yells back at my father.

"Listen here pup!" Father says going up to Aaron and putting a finger in his chest. "Until your mark is on her!... She. Isn't. Yours! She's MINE! MY daughter! MY heir! MY responsibility!"

Aaron gets quiet and looks away.

"Sorry Mason." He mumbles. I see the tension in my father lessen.

"Dad..." I try to talk to him.

"Bed! Now! I'll deal with you later!" I don't argue. Not that it would do any good. My father is usually even tempted but when he is mad... watch out.

"Yes sir." I say softly "bye Aaron." I wave and get a growl from my father.

I stop at the edge of the trees to listen in.

"We had a deal Aaron! I'm even working with you to keep you involved! Lilly's protection is top priority! I try to respect that you are her mate allowing your warriors here but you show no such courtesy to me! A simple mind link to your warrior "tell Alpha Mason we're running late." Would it kill you boy!" Father scolds him.

"You're right. I'm sorry Mason... I wasn't thinking." Aaron responds looking down. I see father take a deep breath calming himself.

"Go home Aaron." Father says. He no longer seems angry just tired "Next time... just think."

Father turns toward me and I take off running to get to my room. I sit on my bed and wait. A moment later there is a knock at my door and Father enters.

"Do you know what time it is?" He asks leaning against the wall.

"It's close to midnight." I smile at him trying to break his sour mood.

"Not funny little wolf." He says. He looks beat up not angry any more just worried.

"I'm sorry daddy... one of the pups in his pack had their first shift... they invited us on the first run... it was amazing." I tell him.

"It always is... but you know what isn't amazing? Spending 2 hours trying to find your daughter. Finding the car she was in abandoned at a restaurant with no trace of her. And not getting a response from her as you repeatedly mind link her." He frowns looking me in the eye.

I look away. I hadn't realized I was blocking everyone out. I guess because I was angry and embarrassed when we left I did it subconsciously.

"Sorry daddy." I repeat.

"You could have contacted me little wolf." He says.

"I didn't realize how late it was!" I defend myself.

"And once you did?... it's a long run home. You could have told me you were on your way at any point in time." He responds. Crap he's right. I was so focused on getting back I didn't even think to link him.

"Sorry... I wasn't thinking." I say and father laughs.

"Seems like there's a lot of that going around... next time... just think." It was the same thing he told Aaron.

"Go to sleep little wolf." He says kissing me on the forehead he leaves.

"Well that could have ended better!" I think laying in bed.

"But the rest of it was amazing!" My wolf says.

"Yea." I tell her... "it was pretty amazing!"

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