35.89% Be The Father Of This Child! / Chapter 14: Ch. 12 – Applied Education

章節 14: Ch. 12 – Applied Education

Chapter Twelve – Applied Education

"What happened?" His dad welcomed them with a worried look on his face. "Jett ran out the door as if there were a fire, somewhere. Are you two boys okay?"

April swallowed hard. Well, there had to come a moment when he needed to start lying to his dad about the heavy stuff, anyway. "I just --" he began.

Jett hurried to help him out. "I forgot what time April finishes his classes."

He squeezed in a short, grateful look, hopefully, quick enough so that his dad wouldn't catch wind of what was going on.

"That's some dedication. I wonder, though, what you meant by," Sid allowed one moment for his words to sink in, "the words 'go for the balls', though. Whose balls?"

"I'm kicking balls at school." April made a small gesture with one arm as if he had to muscle through his studies like they were heavy lifting.

"Kicking balls? I thought the expression was 'kicking ass'. I'm getting older by the minute, it seems." Sid shook his head in mirth, but his eyes stayed on his son.

April fidgeted in his place. His dad wasn't that easy to fool.

"Also, there are other things I don't know these days. Like how you got yourself a boyfriend," Sid continued.

"Ah, that," April said flatly. "It was, just, you know, it happened."

"And you didn't think to call and share the news?"

"I didn't think it would last," April said, in the same deadpan voice.

"Really?" Jett intervened. "What makes you say that?"

"Geez, I don't know. You're a womanizer, and seriously, your phone is --" April bit his tongue.

"His phone is what?" Sid asked affably, but now April could tell his dad was having fun on his account.

"Old. His phone is old."

"It's not old," Jett protested.

April threw him a short look.

"Ah, well, okay, I think it's pretty old," Jett added quickly. "Like last year or so."

"Ancient," Sid said and smiled. "Is the latest technology a criterion for choosing your boyfriend now, April?"

"You know me, dad. Nothing but the latest smartphone model does it for me," April replied and smiled all the same.

His dad winked at him. "I believe we two have a little catching up to do. Jett, would you mind taking care of Jay a little while I talk to April?"

"We have that monitor thing," Jett replied.

April threw him a short look of gratitude this time. Jett didn't want to let him alone to face his dad.

"Are you sure you want to stay for a repeat of the lecture from earlier?"

Jett's face fell in a comical way. April would have laughed if he hadn't realized Jett would bail on him now. "What lecture?"

"That lecture," his dad said.

"Ah, damn," April moaned. "Is this what you want to talk to me about now?"

"Among other things."

April just nodded and patted Jett on the back. "You can go now, Jett," he said in a theatrical voice. "Tell Jay I love him, and I hope that he'll remember me."

"Just Jay? What about me?" Jett protested. "Wait, you're not leaving, are you?"

"He's not," Sid intervened. "April here has a flair for the dramatic. It is his way of saying he might not escape alive. Of course, it's not true. But he is due a lecture, anyway."

Jett grinned. "Take care then, fool," he joked and ruffled April's hair.

Yeah, he was alone in this. But sooner or later, he would have had to confront his dad, anyway.


"So, let me understand," his dad started.

They were out of the house, walking slowly on the sidewalk. The autumn leaves gathered in front of them, and April couldn't resist the temptation to kick the larger heaps with his feet the same way he had used to when he was a little boy.

"Jett has no idea who you are. How did this happen?"

"Long story," April replied.

"I took today off. I have time," his dad said.

How much of the truth could he allow himself to say? If he told his dad he got into trouble over that cash borrowed in not entirely legal ways, he would be in even bigger trouble.

"I thought about making some cash, and I answered an ad for babysitting," he said.

Jett had brought him up to speed with what his father knew of them.

"And? When you realized it was Jett who put up the ad --"

"I didn't realize," April blurted out. "It took me a while. By then, it was weird to say anything. And Jett doesn't remember me from that time."

His dad looked at him with eyes that told him his bullcrap didn't magically sprout wings overnight. "If I remember correctly, that time, as you say, he decided not to be your friend anymore."

"Yeah, but … people change, right?"

"Jett says he has never had a boyfriend before you. Isn't that an unsettling thought?"

"I think Jett is honest to a fault. He might really like me," April said quickly.

"I don't doubt that," his dad said. "I want to make sure you realize it, too. You should go ahead and tell him the truth about who you are."

April winced, as a falling leaf smacked him gently in the face. "I don't know, dad. It would be weird."

"It would be honest. Didn't I teach you well?"

"Yeah, I know," April said and sighed from the depth of his lungs. "But me, Jett, and honesty don't mix well."

"You're the one who said people change. If Jett is so attracted to you that it took you two less than a week to become boyfriends, he must have. After all, he was just thirteen at that time, and maybe just startled that another boy liked him."

"He was more than just startled," April replied tersely. "He was downright mean. He let me down. After all --" he swallowed his words.

"And this new version of Jett is different how?" His dad chose not to antagonize him further.

"I guess we'll wait and see," April said. "Right?"

"Don't ask me. I already offered you what I believe to be good advice."

"I'm sorry, dad. It was like, really messed up to see Jett after such a long time."

"How do you really feel about him? Aren't you a bit too much in a hurry to consider him your boyfriend? Have you two been intimate?"

"Daaaad," April moaned. "Seriously, let's not talk about this."

"I'm not letting you off the hook that easily. Have you been waiting for Jett all this time?"

"All this time? I'm only twenty," April complained.

"If we were living in Victorian England, I would even suggest for you to wait another ten years or so," his father joked, "but in this day and age, you were long overdue to have your first boyfriend. Wait, is that some strange thing young people do that I don't understand? Are you hooking up with Jett?" This time, Sid appeared to choose his words carefully.

April made a horrified face. "No! I'm not the kind to hook up!"

"Good. I was already thinking about making some addendums to my sex ed lecture."

"It's … um, I guess I will figure it out. It's --"

"Complicated. I get it." His dad raised his hands in surrender. "Now I must ask since Jett is turning himself into wallpaper the moment I mention Jay's mom. Where is she?"

"We don't know." April offered the simple truth. "Someone just dropped the baby by Jett's door. Then he needed a babysitter," he added quickly.

"Sooner or later, you need to find her."

"Yeah. If she wants to be found. She left a pretty angry note along with the baby."

"That's an extreme thing to do," his dad commented.

"Yeah. It's pretty intense," April confirmed.

"And doesn't it bother you? Jett must have angered Jay's mom quite severely for her to take such a step." His dad looked at him carefully as if he waited for April to misstep and give himself away.

"That's one theory. I still think she must be pretty nutso to have left a baby this small in front of a house without knowing if Jett was home. Who does that, anyway? And Jay is at least one year old. Has she waited this long to decide Jett should become involved with his son? That's a pretty long time to hold a grudge without doing anything about it, isn't it?"

"I don't know. Jett's your boyfriend, not mine," his dad said with a sly smile. "I do trust you, April." He stopped and put one firm hand on April's shoulder.

It was pretty damn hard to look his father in the eyes and lie to him like that. But, for the moment, it felt like the only thing he could do. Later, someday, he would confess to everything.

"Thanks, dad."

"I had a feeling you never really got over your first love," his dad said and took him by the shoulders, walking again.

April blushed. "It wasn't like that! I mean, I was pretty dumb to like someone like Jett at that age. He has always been a punk."

"Well, it appears that you didn't change that much either if it's still him you like after all these years."

"I don't like him!" April protested, and then almost bit his tongue through.

"You don't? Then I must say that relationships today are much more complicated than back in my days."

"Oh, sure, dad, you're ancient." April rolled his eyes.

"I might even understand the hooking up part. But being boyfriends with someone you don't like … You don't hate-friend him or something, I hope."

"There's no such thing as hate-friending someone," April replied. He knew his dad was teasing him, but Sid had a pretty important reason to do so. Now April really felt guilty.

"Then it's your last chance to enlighten me. Since you are both back home, I don't want to lurk around, making everyone feel uncomfortable. What's the deal with you two?"

"We're, um, just trying to figure things out. Maybe we're not quite boyfriends," April said. "We're more like pals with benefits."

"Just for the record, April, that sounds even worse. You're not the type," his dad warned.

April deflated. "Then, he's my boyfriend."

"All right. Let's get back so that I can go back home. But no more radio silence, okay? You're always glued to that phone, anyways. Call me, text me, and not only when there's an emergency."

"It's obvious why I haven't gotten a boyfriend until now," April said lightly, to clear the air a little. "I'm too busy texting my dad all the time."

"You punk," his father said and laughed. "That's not why, and you know it."

"I do. Hey, I'll see how things work out. And you're right. It's not like I can wait forever to see how it is to have a boyfriend."

"Something tells me Jett wouldn't be too happy to learn that he's part of some trial and error process."

"Why? What do you mean?" April asked.

"You'll figure it out." His dad winked at him. "Now, let's get you back to your boyfriend. I think he's already pacing the floor, thinking that I took you back home with me."

"Jett wouldn't worry that much," April replied.

No, Jett would freak out big time if April were not to return. He had made it quite clear. Seriously, even for a boyfriend, Jett was pretty possessive. What was the deal with that? Yeah, there was Dan at school, and he was kind of an asshole, but April wasn't afraid. Jett was overreacting. But, truth be told, he could barely wait to be back home with him and Jay, too.

"Thank you, dad. For coming in such short notice and, you know, for everything."

"You can always count on me, pumpkin," his dad said with affection in his voice and squeezed the back of his neck a little.

"Could we give up on 'pumpkin', though?"

"Really, why?" His dad feigned being hurt.

April snickered. "I think it comes with the territory. I got myself a boyfriend, so I can't be a 'pumpkin' anymore."

"I guess so," Sid said with a small laugh. "It's okay. It will take some time, but I'll get used to it."

"Thanks, dad." April embraced his dad and enjoyed being embraced back, like always.


Jett thanked Sid and shook his hand, wishing him a safe trip back home. April was obviously studying him as he did so as if he had suddenly grown another head. "What?" he asked as soon as the door closed.

"I didn't know you had manners," April said.

Jett examined his roommate, aka fake boyfriend, from behind his eyelashes. "What's that supposed to mean? Did I mistreat you or something?"

"Hello," April said in an exaggerated voice. "You just kidnapped me from my home, tied me to a kitchen chair with rope, and stuck your tongue in my --"

April seemed to become a mute, all of a sudden. His eyes were also darting sideways like he was trying to run from something.

"Continue. Did I stick my tongue where?" Jett approached April carefully, measuring his steps. He didn't want to come across as too eager, but he didn't want to allow his prey to escape either.

April bristled. "You know where!"

"I forgot. Remind me. Preferably, with a physical demonstration." Swiftly, Jett caught April by the waist and pulled him close.

"Let me go, you monster." April struggled, but Jett could tell he didn't really mean it.

"I won't. You kissed me earlier. Your father thinks we're boyfriends. You're the only one who's playing hard to get as you see fit."

"Jett, we're not really boyfriends, and we covered that," April protested. "I get it all about handjobs and all that, but --"

"Oh, you get it? That means you like it, too. Yeah, you were pretty quick to get off your clothes to jump in bed with me, all naked and stuff."

"Because you're just so insistent," April explained. "Wait, have you looked after Jay while I talked to my dad?"

"He's sleeping. He must be exhausted after all that crying." Jett used a serious tone to distract April's attention and smiled when he reached his goal. With a short shout of triumph, he grabbed April's phone from his pocket and took a few steps back quickly.

"What are you doing with my phone?" April protested immediately.

"Just curious about something," Jett replied.

"Give it back." April seemed restless now.

Jett shrugged, and April lunged at him. Good thing he was quick to act, as always. He began running around the kitchen table with April's phone in his hand. April was sprinting, and Jett knew he would be caught. Size-wise, April was no match for him, but speed-wise, the tables turned.

He stopped abruptly, and April almost crashed into him.

"Give me my phone back," April said and reached for it.

Jett held his arm up, enjoying how April rubbed against him, in his futile tries to get his phone back. "On one condition."

April stopped, and his pretty eyes squared on Jett. "What condition?"

"I get to see your search history."

"No way. I mean, I always wipe that clean."

"Hmm, really? Okay. Then I'll go straight to the point. Your dad told me you don't have experience with babies whatsoever."

"He did? Ah, damn!" April moaned and stepped back.

Jett caught him again by the waist. "For a noob, you did great. So I'm not mad."

"Ah, great," April breathed out the words.

"But this doesn't mean that I'm going to let you off the hook that easily."

"I should have known that," April said and crossed his arms, trying to put some distance between them even if Jett held him close.

"First, let me return this." Jett continued to hold April with one arm and pushed the phone into a back pocket of April's jeans. He patted April's ass, a bit lower than the back pocket. Damn, his fingers were itching, but he had promised himself he would play things a little cooler than this.

Who was he kidding? There was no way he could be cool around April. Jett Huntsman was not known to keep from taking what he wanted. He let his hand slid upward on April's back and buried it into the spiky hair. All he needed right now was a kiss. No plays, no complications, nothing but a kiss.

April's lips opened to his, as always. No matter how much the dweeb ran his mouth, he wanted this as much as Jett wanted it, which was a lot. No, it was fucking everything.

He moaned as he felt April's hands reaching for his hair. Deft fingers worked at untying his bun, letting the hair loose, and then blunt fingernails ran across his scalp, making him shudder.

"There's no way you're a virgin, dweeb," he complained as he pulled from the kiss. "How do you know my weak spots?"

April snorted. "Weak spots? Is that why you keep your hair in a bun? You don't want anyone to touch your head or something?"

Jett grinned. "Got me there. Do it again," he whispered against April's lips and caught them quickly into a soft bite.

April laughed, a bit embarrassed, and pulled away. "I don't want to touch your spots, Jett. I have a feeling it wouldn't end in a good way for me."

"You're reading too much into things. Nothing will happen," Jett lied through his teeth.

"I'm telling you ���no' to butt sex --"

"Hmm, butt sex," Jett drawled the words, "you make it sound so sexy."

April sighed. "There's no winning with you. C'mon, Jett, I'll do whatever, but not that. Or oral sex. That's not included, either."

"It's all right. I have other things in mind. Let's watch porn, April."

"Wow, how quickly we evolved," April said with a small, cute snort. "Nothing excites us anymore, so we need to watch porn."

"Hey, it's only for educational purposes," Jett replied.

"Oh, no, is it that thing about gay porn again? I won't tell you which guys are my type."

"That's not it. You told me I don't know anything about gay sex. Technically, neither do you."

"But I watched gay porn. There's nothing to learn from there," April protested, clearly wanting to weasel his way out of that situation. "You know how porn is. Completely undependable for educational purposes, as you say."

"Well, we need to start somewhere. And you owe me for lying to me about knowing how to take care of babies."

"I'm wondering whether you're not a bad father for letting me in charge of Jay when I don't have a clue about such things."

"Your father said you're a natural, and I believe him. Jay loves you."

"He's a baby. Anyone who feeds him and changes his diaper must be the center of the universe."

"Nah, he loves you."

April fell silent. His lips twitched in the cutest way and his eyes were a bit moist.

"Dweeb, are you having an emotional moment?" Jett squeezed his hand.

"What the hell are you talking about? And seriously, are we going to watch porn in the middle of the day?"

"When Jay wakes up, we'll go to the park again. And then you'll have to cook some food for us. By tonight, you might be too tired for sex stuff."

"Jett, we're twenty. We almost never sleep. Except when we sleep in, but with a baby in the house, it's not like – all right, you convinced me. Let's get this over with. I bet once you look at some guys going at it, you'll want to run for the hills."

"Keep that thought." Jett grinned and let go of April's hand only so he could sneak his own and grab April's ass hard. "Nah, I don't think there will be any running."

"Jett, seriously, there's nothing to learn from those videos."

"So teach me. Ah, wait, you're a total noob."

"I'm not that noob," April protested. "I've read about it."

"Oh, really?" Jett opened the door to his bedroom and pushed April inside. "Did they have pictures in those books?"

"There were more like articles and stuff," April replied. "But yeah, there were pictures."

"So you just looked at porny pictures, anyway. Get undressed and in bed."

"Wait, aren't we going at this a little too fast?" April asked and put his arms around himself as if Jett was about to tear his clothes off.

"I saw you naked. You saw me naked. C'mon, dweeb, it's not like there are secrets between us."

April seemed uncomfortable at that. "But it's light outside!" He pointed at the large window behind him.

Jett went and drew the curtain. "Better now?"

"Now I can't see much," April said. "But it's better."

Ah, April didn't have that good eyesight, Jett remembered. Well, he wouldn't need his eyes that much for what would follow. He didn't hesitate to take off his clothes fast and plopped on the bed, next to April. "You're not undressed, yet."

April appeared to be squinting. Ah, the dweeb wanted to look at him.

"I could pull the curtains back, you know," Jett said.

"No need," April said quickly. "In semi-dark like this, I can at least pretend this isn't really happening."

"Come on, April, off with the clothes."

Jett had no trouble seeing in the dark. It was easy to pull the zipper down on April's hoodie, and then hurry him to take off the t-shirt, too. He inhaled as April pulled the t-shirt over his head. There was just something about April's smell, which he enjoyed like a madman. It made him want to sniff April everywhere and then rub his body against him until their scents mixed and mingled.

April mumbled something in protest as Jett pulled at his jeans.

"Hey, not my fault you wear jeans this skinny," Jett warned.

He liked that April wore tight jeans. They showed off his ass nicely. It was a real pleasure to watch him walk around. With confidence, Jett hooked his fingers into the waistband of April's underwear and pulled it down. A hard cock sprang out.

Jett laughed. "We haven't even started." He wrapped his hand around April��s cock and rubbed it slowly. "So, you like what you see, or something?"

April was lying on his back, stiff as a board, and looking at the ceiling. "I don't see much, you know. I don't wear my glasses in bed."

"Good. Then you're going to feel more."

April snorted. "Let's watch your gay porn. I know I can't see your face well, but I must warn you that I will laugh my ass off when you run out of the room, screaming."

"Not gonna happen," Jett said.

He kept from jumping April on the spot and went to grab his phone. April waited, almost without breathing, by how still and charged the air in the room was. Jett lay next to him and hooked one arm over his shoulders. "You'll have to work stereo for this. I'm in charge of the entertainment."


"One hand on my dick and one hand on yours. I know you don't need that much guidance," Jett said.

"All right," April said with a sigh, obviously pretending to be bored with all that.

Bored my ass, Jett thought. The fingers wrapping around his cock were eager and even trembling a bit. He needed to make April more acquainted with his cock and overall, with them being together naked.

"What do you say about this?" Jett asked and showed April a video of a slender twink being taken hard by a muscled young man.

April seemed lost in thought. "I don't know," he said.

"You're prettier than this guy," Jett pointed out. "There's no reason for you to get jealous."

As his arm lay hooked over April's shoulders, he let his hand roam lower. April grunted when Jett's fingers brushed by his nipple. "What we're doing here, it's absolutely insane," he complained.

"Because you like it?" Jett asked.


Sometimes the dweeb was surprisingly honest.

"That's okay. I like it, too," Jett replied. "How about we look at some bj videos?"

April shrugged, and then tensed. "I am so not going to blow you, Jett."

"Stop getting your panties in a twist. I'm not going to make you do that or anything."

There was something else Jett had in mind. His fingers continued to torture April's nipple as he reveled in the small sighs and grunts coming from his bed partner. Jett could feel his own nipples getting hard at the thought of April's mouth on them. Never before had he thought about such a thing. Now, everywhere April touched was a weak spot.

Right now, April, whether he was aware of it or not, was moving his hand on Jett's cock fast. On the screen, a beautiful blond with green eyes was swallowing to the hilt another guy's long cock.

"Fuck, he's like a sword swallower or something," Jett whispered.

Usually, Jett wasn't one for gonzo style porn videos, but, under the circumstances, it was pretty cool to watch the blond on the screen sucking that big cock from that angle. He could only guess what April was thinking. The hand on his cock was getting desperate. Jett stole a quick look at April's other hand and saw it standing still on his cock.

That looked a bit painful. It was so obvious April was just moments away from blowing, but he didn't want to do that.

"This guy really likes what he's doing," Jett commented, letting his whispers drop lower and blowing hot air over April's cheek.

"He's a porn actor. He does what he's paid for," April replied, his voice strained and weird.

"I don't know. Just look at his eyes. He loves that cock in his mouth."

April's small grunt of distress was almost funny. Almost, because Jett could feel his own cock growing harder and harder and the pressure in his balls building. He stopped the video and put his phone on the nightstand.

"What? Enough for you?" April clearly wanted to joke about it, but his voice was hoarse and deep.

Jett didn't say a word. He just turned on April and kissed him hard on the lips. As he slid down, he bit a nipple playfully in passing and then went for his prize.

April cursed in an unintelligible language when Jett swallowed his cock. There was a sound like something hitting wood, and Jett looked up only to see April smacking one hand hard against the headboard of the bed. April used the other to bury it in Jett's hair, trying, apparently, to stop him.

That was all the more reason for Jett to insist and continue. He ignored the hand pulling at his hair and swallowed April's cock as much as he could.

It looked like whatever the blond in the video was paid for was worth it because swallowing a dick took skill. But Jett was hungry as hell, at this point. He tasted April's cock, enjoying the sensation. It made his determination grow. He grabbed April's cock hard and pushed it as much as he could into his mouth.

With the tongue, he ran circles around the head and then sucked it hard into his mouth with a smack. The distressed sounds from April were only growing in intensity, turning into shouts. At the same time, April continued to smack his hand against the headboard, like in a futile effort to escape.

"Jett, please, I'm going to--" April breathed out.

Good, Jett thought, finally. April's cum began shooting into his mouth, and, for a second, he stood there, frozen, unsure of what to do.

It wasn't bad. It wasn't good. It was just … something and Jett just decided to go with the flow and began swallowing. At the same time, he rubbed his own hard cock against the coverlet, in a desperate attempt to get off.

"Dude, you're insane," April moaned as Jett finally let him go.

Jett felt pretty smug about himself but winced when he looked up, and surely he made quite the face. April snickered, then controlled himself, and his eyes grew wide. "How does it taste like?"

Jett considered for a second. "Like licking a battery or something."

April guffawed, and then he seemed to get serious again. "I haven't licked a battery in I don't know how many years."

"Yeah, me neither," Jett said.

For a couple of seconds, they stared at each other in the semi-dark of the room. They could mostly guess what the other was thinking.

"Do you want me to … you know?" April asked, in a weak, vulnerable voice.

"No," Jett said quickly.

"Wait," April said and reached for him. He caught Jett by the shoulders and whispered in his ear. "That was pretty awesome, Jett."

"Really? It was my first."

"Maybe you're a natural." April giggled in his ear.

"Shut up, dweeb. I just wanted to do it."


April was so close, and his cock was still hard. Plus, now he had April's taste on his tongue. If he thought about it a little, he liked it.

"Because I want to taste you everywhere," Jett said in a low voice.

April shuddered for a brief moment. "Let me do you, too, Jett."

"All right. Just don't put your mouth on it."

"How am I supposed to do it?" April asked, and, to Jett's ears, he sounded disappointed.

"With your hand."

"But that's not --" April started to protest.

"Hey, according to your dad's lecture, I think it's safer if I get some bloodwork done or something first."

"But you did swallow mine," April said.

"You're a virgin, dweeb. I used to plow the fields up to Antarctica. Didn't you say so?"

"Yeah, but …" April protested. "Before, you said you used condoms--"

"I know. And I did test whenever I went steady with someone. Wait, didn't you say you wouldn't put your mouth on my cock?"

"I changed my mind," April said breathily.

"Well, it kills me, but use your hand. And give me a free blowjob card after."

"A what?"

"Yeah. Like a promise that you'll blow me eventually."


"Okay? I thought you would protest or something."


Jett had a mind to question April more, but his cock was getting handled, and he forgot all he wanted to say. April put his mouth on his and began kissing him with something that tasted like vengeance.

So the dweeb wanted to suck him off, after all. That was good to know. If he hadn't been so hard, he would have laughed his ass off, but right now, it was like his body was a self-activated spring, pressed at one end by April's firm hand on his cock, and fused at the other to April's hot lips.

No one, ever, had the right to kiss those lips. Jett sank one of his hands in April's spiky hair and kissed back, too, using all his strength, wanting and needing that to show the other what he really meant.

April was going at it now, and Jett knew it would be over soon. But he didn't mind; he was in for the long game, so coming fast or slow didn't matter. What mattered was for April to kiss him like that until none of them had lips anymore.

Their tongues were busy playing catch up when he came. Jett moaned his satisfaction into April's mouth, and April just kept on kissing him.

When they finally broke their kiss, they were both panting. April's lips were moist and red, and his eyes were out of focus. Jett looked down and wondered at his cum-covered belly. "Dude, I shot a huge load!"

It was embarrassing to say something romantic, given the circumstances. So it was safer to go for something he knew.

"I know," April replied with a small, hoarse laugh. "Look here," he added, keeping his hand up and showing Jett his sticky fingers.

"Let me get you something for that." Jett stumbled out of bed and removed an entire drawer looking for some tissues.

For some reason, his heart was so big it threatened to go out of his chest if he just stood there, staring at April.

"It's fine. I'll go wash my hands."

Jett looked at April as he got out of the bed, completely comfortable, as it seemed, in his nakedness. He stared after the perfectly shaped ass as April walked out of the room. As soon as the door closed behind him, Jett slumped against the wall.

Hell, that had been great. But now what?


LauraSFox LauraSFox

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter! Things are getting spicier, so expect more of Jett's scheming as the story progresses!

Thank you for reading,

All the best,


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