20% F/ / Chapter 18: 2712 Sword King Vs Blade Wanderer

章節 18: 2712 Sword King Vs Blade Wanderer

"Thanks for your help. You can all leave by going through the passage on the left or challenge the trials here. The rewards are great but the penalty for failure is harsh, what do you guys want to do?" Shi Feng told the team.

"Guild leader Black Flame we'll stay. Thank you so much I don't know how we'll ever repay you." Tracer was truly grateful to Shi Feng. The entire purpose of their trip to this map was to grow stronger so they can challenge their tier 4 promotion exams and get good results. Shi Feng had not only given them helpful guidance but also gave them an opportunity to train in a trial.

"Don't think so much of it, you guys helped me plenty" Shi Feng said

"Please guild leader Black Flame, we'll feel bad if you don't ask for anything in return for all the things you did for us" Tracer insisted.

"I really don't need anything. How about you join zero wing, my guild plans on expanding to the western continent soon and urgently needs manpower. If you join zero wing I'll make you leaders of the new legion we're creating. Not only do you get a berserk skill that will stick with you to tier 5, you also get access to training resources, you also can learn the guilds exclusive combat and mana techniques, of course you don't have to feel obligated, it's just a suggestion." Shi Feng offered.

"Guild leader Black Flame we will seriously consider your offer" Tracer said. After talking for a few more minutes everyone went to tackle their own trial. Shi Feng hoped that he could recruit Blue Tracer and the rest, when Phoenix Rain catches back up he plans to put her in charge of the western continent. Having Blue Tracer will increase zero wings strength in the west, Tracer and the rest can rival the guilds upper echelon, Blue Tracer himself was a domain realm expert and had entered the truth realm already. His addition will surely be welcomed. Shi Feng entered the trial grounds, he saw the ghost of swordsman and berserkers and he could tell these ghosts were close to the refinement realm and had stepped into the ascension realm.

One ghost charged at Shi Feng and with a complex footwork he faded in and out of reality making it hard to detect his exact position, when the ghost was three yards from Shi Feng he thrust his great sword at Shi Feng and the sword vanished. Against normal experts this will overwhelm them but Shi Feng was a domain realm experts and reached the peak of the ascension realm, unsheathing the abyssal blade he to thrusted at the trajectory of the great sword and in less then a second the greatsword reappeared and slid on the flat of the abyssal blade. As sparks flew from the two weapons grinding each other Shi Feng made a swatted motion with his sword, this disarmed the ghost and left it wide open for an attack. Taking the opportunity Shi Feng executed lightning flash taking over a quarter of the ghost hp and throwing him back into the pack of other ghosts. When the rest of them saw this they grew infuriated and charged at the enemy swordsman. Shi Feng grinned and also charged into battle.

After three days a group of ten players met at a diamond gate, this group was the Night Blazer adventure team. "Look at you guys you've all grown much stronger and got new equipment, Link you finally entered the domain realm, congratulations" Blue Tracer said, he to got great benefits from the trial. Not only did he get top tier epic equipment when he finished but he finally stepped into the ascension realm.

"Commander those trials were amazing, we really owe guild leader black flame a lot" Fauna said. She not only entered the void realm but almost reached the truth realm as well in there and got a new epic staff for oracles that allowed her to play as both a healer and damage dealer, her gains were unbelievable. "I know, how about we check out zero wing, I know we all wanted to be free and not bogged down by any guild but if anyone of us finds zero wing appealing no one should stop them from joining ok" Tracer said to them and the team agreed.

Back in the trial after three days of nonstop fighting Shi Feng made it to the end. He could have finished in a day but fighting those ghost helped him to solidify incorporating advanced combat technique into his every action. Shi Feng was now confident that he could defeat the knights on the 100th step of the extraordinary tower and reach the third floor. Currently in front of Shi Feng sat a ghost with pale blue armor and streams of white flames flowing through the engravings of the armor

(Clyde Rock, 146 tier 4 blade wanderer, 80,000,000/80,000,000hp). Adventurer you have done well, you may pick three of these five items as your rewards or you may take my trial. Not only will you get these items but you may also obtain my legacy and learn my techniques. "Sir Clyde I wish to take your challenge" Shi Feng said without hesitation, one of the reasons players loved to hunt down blade wanderers aside from the pass to the sword sanctuary was because blade wanderers dropped gold combat techniques and guidance orbs to those techniques. Normally even tier 6 players found it difficult to do gold combat techniques usually sticking with silver ones but guidance orbs allowed players to perfectly perform a technique multiple times making it much easier to learn and decreases its stamina and concentration consumption.

"Adventurer don't think because you have reached tier 4 that you can easily pass my challenge. All you have to do is kill me five times and you will pass, but if you die once not only do you fail you must offer up a piece of your soul to me." Clyde said."What harsh conditions but I expected as much" Shi Feng wasn't surprised at the unfairness of the challenge. Blade wanderers used to be extremely respected and powerful fighters, but after growing conceited with themselves they had challenged the god of war and lost. The god of war then cursed these fools to forever wander the continent. This is why blade wanderers have such unique requirements before they can be challenged, in reality they are looking for suitable souls they can steal to help break their curse. When both sides were ready Clyde unsheathed his long sword and his short sword and ran up to Shi Feng. He swung both swords at Shi Feng and made the swords connect. A simple strength stacking technique, Shi Feng unsheathed his blades and activated purgatory pentalash and did strength stacking as well. All blade wanderers have ridiculous attributes, Shi Feng suspected that the one in front of him had attributes about 30% higher than himself. When the two attacks made contact, the ground broke with rocks flying up in the air but in the next moment Clyde stopped his breathing and pressed his feet to the ground. He then focused all his strength to his arms and sent Shi Feng flying. Shi Feng then crashed into a wall losing over 300,000 hp. After stabilizing himself Shi Feng looked at Clyde with fear, after that single exchange Shi Feng could determine Clyde's standards. Not only was this wanderer in the domain realm, but he can perform combat techniques back to back very smoothly, Shi Feng suspected that Clyde is half a step in the transcendental realm, the third stage in the realms of truths. Taking this more seriously Shi Feng then executed light shadow, the phantom of a giant sword descended on Clyde.

"What a powerful mana technique, but it's not enough" with that said Clyde jumped up to meet the attack, in the air the wanderer collected the ambient mana as well and blue flames appeared on the edges of his swords, he then swung his blades in a X shape and this destroyed light shadow. He knows mana techniques too. Shi Feng was flabbergasted, normally beings on the western continent employ mana techniques due to mana control being much more important there then in the east but the mana technique that Clyde did is more powerful then light shadow in fact it seemed stronger than holy devour. As Clyde was landing he aimed at Shi Feng then started spinning in the air. Numerous sword images appeared all around Clyde, Clyde then pointed his swords at Shi Feng and all the sword images he created converged right next to the long sword creating the image of a human sized sword falling on Shi Feng. "A gold combat technique not good". Gold combat techniques were like the taboo skills of combat techniques allowing players and NPCs to transcend tiers. Shi Feng swung the abyssal blade at the falling sword.

Dragon Breath

A white beam then shot towards Clyde but when they made contact the beam was breaking apart but the giant sword was getting smaller as well. Dragon breath slightly came up on top and did some damage to Clyde forcing him to leave an opening when he landed. Shi Feng took advantage and swung clear fire

Mirror Blaze, a sword of red and blue flames cut Clyde, this caused over 700,000 damage. For this fight both participants were the same level and had only 5,000,000 hp. Shi Feng then activated gale domain amplifying his speed and decreasing his enemies, he then did sword orbit to keep on the pressure. Thanks to his speed boost nearly 30 stars appeared simultaneously and even though Clyde tried to block it he wasn't fast enough to block them all and thanks to mirror blaze he would randomly catch fire causing him to leave openings. On average he got hit by 14 stars and each star took nearly 100,000 hp. Clyde's hp drained like water and after ten seconds he was killed. "Not half bad, you are stronger than I expected but I won't hold back any more" Clyde said after he was revived, he then proceeded to do his mana technique again but this time instead of blue flames black flames was on the edge of his long sword and white flames on his short swords he then swung both blades

Lightning Flash

17 flaming sword images then turned to lightning

"He could combine mana and combat techniques!" Shi Feng was at a loss for words. He would never dare to attempt to combine a mana technique and combat techniques. The burden on one's concentration isn't a simple addition of the two techniques but a multiplied depletion of concentration. But yet this blade wanderer did it effortlessly. Shi Feng held nothing back as he gathered mana and performed holy devour. Raging flames filled the room and the two attacks collided creating a void and shatters in the surrounding space. Shi Feng then flew back like cannonball with less than half his hp. Clyde did not give Shi Feng any chances, he ran up to him and used a skill.

tier 4 skill: 10 ton cut.

This skill amplified the weight of a weapon so blocking it is unwise, with the current weight of the attack it can effortlessly break dark gold weapons. Caught in a desperate situation Shi Feng used darkness bind. This stopped Clyde for a second, enough to let Shi Feng recover and dodge. After dodging the attack Shi Feng didn't hold back either he activated darkness domain and clear fire third skill Flame Hunt. The cry of a falcon filled the room and a 20 meter bird made of red flames stood next to Shi Feng. Shi Feng's strand of darkness and his summon then ganged up on Clyde. Clyde was overwhelmed and did his best to survive with less than two seconds left on darkness domain Shi Feng used 20 of the strands of darkness to do sword orbit and finally kill Clyde a second time.

"Don't get cocky adventurer, you will face your demise this time" Clyde said angry. The only reason he lost again was because of the domain skill and the flaming falcon ganging up on him, if this were a one on one fight Shi Feng would lose. Shi Feng also knew this, he then smiled at Clyde and stapped clear fire in the ground. Flame Baptism.

Fire filled the room and ten spears of fire appeared next to Shi Feng. Clyde's face grew heavy and a repeat of the second round happened, with Clyde trying to buy as much time as possible but ultimately dying when one flame spear created an opening for the flame falcon to deal the final blow. After Clyde resurrected Shi Feng then activated chilling field. So far the skill is still at tier 3 ever since Shi Feng obtained his own natural domain he didn't feel the need to upgrade chilling field to tier 4 so the skill still has a time limit and leveling the skill now will cause him two levels which would decrease his chance of getting broken edge. Clyde died to this just the same. "You have no more domain skills brat, it is now the end for you" Clyde said in rage. If he had lost in a straight up man to man duel he wouldn't mind but the way Shi Feng had killed him was frustrating. "Blade domain was still on cooldown but no more games its time to get serious as well" controlling all those domain skills, and the flame falcon depleted a lot of his concentration. Shi Feng smiled and activated one of the broken steels set skills. Mental Clarity allowing him to achieve nirvana. Nirvana is a state where players can almost do anything. If they see a combat technique once they can do it as well. Performing a 100% completion rate with even tier 6 skills is possible in a state of nirvana.

Shi Feng's mind was clearer than ever before not even the soul crystals or eternal energy made his mind so clear. Shi Feng then switched clear fire for the twilight blade and activated twilight of the gods and twilight shadow. "Come!" Shi Feng was excited right now he felt that all road blocks he had in his way were gone. As he controlled his clones they all displayed combat standards of new domain realm experts, every clone perfectly doing a combat technique, this gave Clyde no breathing room at all. He can suppress two even four Shi Fengs but eight is a different story. Clyde took hit after hit and when his health was less than 1% Shi Feng used void steps. When he did he even blended with the mana becoming basically invisible, coming out of void steps Shi Feng switched abyssal blade for killing ray and swung the sword right in Clyde's face. Lightning Slash.

With this move Clyde dropped to the floor dying for the fifth time. +

With that final death Clyde dropped seven items. And a beam of blue light shot into Shi Feng. This light was the knowledge of one of Clydes techniques. While information was pouring in Shi Fengs mind he inspected the loot. Shi Feng saw the five items he would've got for clearing the earlier trial, they were all top tier epic equipment and one epic sword.

True Wind (One-handed Sword, Epic Rank)

Level 120- Level 160 Equipment Requirement: Agility 1200, Strength 1000 Endurance 900

Attributes adjust to user's level.

Attack Power +6,502 (Level120)

Strength +280, Agility +317, when equipped

Strength increased by 15%.

Agility increased by 20%.

Attack Speed +15

Attack Power increased by 15%.

Attacks have a 20% chance to increase attack speed by 100% and do +200% damage.

All Sword Skills +2

Ignore Levels +10

All item level requirements reduced by 5 Levels.

Additional Passive Skill- Safe Wind: create a natural barrier of wind weakening attacks below players tier by 50%, attacks at players tier by 30%, and attacks above players tier by 10%.

Additional Active Skill- Dancing Gale: in a 100x100 yard area create storms of wind blades that do 110% damage and have 70% of players strength. Duration 30 seconds Cooldown 1 hour

Additional Active Skill- Mad Wind: use the power of wind and increase movement speed by 150%, attack damage by 150%, and all attacks are extended by 20 yards. Become immune to control effects Duration 1 minute Cooldown 1 hour

True wind was created by the master smith Arno for the knight commander of the temple of the wind goddess. Due to a great battle True wind has been slightly damaged. To return it to full strength must absorb 10 wind source crystals.

Shi Feng doubted True Wind was a fragmented legendary weapon but once restored it will rival fragmented legendary weapons. If he puts this in the guilds warehouse the guild members will go crazy for it.

Shi Feng also got a guidance orb and a pass to the sword sanctuary. The information finally finished downloading in Shi Feng's mind and he couldn't believe it. The technique he got from Clyde was the mana technique he used. The mana technique was called Edge Fire and it was just as complex as holy annihilation. Shi Feng doubted he could do the move at tier 4. After resting, Shi Feng took the pass to the sword sanctuary and disappeared.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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