THEY ARE CRAZY. Thomas was dragging me down the stairs he wouldn't stop, he locked me down here with ely and Amy's help it is so plain but scary at the same time. i am no idiot i know i am dying slowly please tell max if she sees things too she must not give in if she gives in we die everyone that gives in dies and eventually will help them. i don't want to help them. you must not befriend them as i did. i figured out a way to kill them go for the eyes their eyes are delicate and act as the brain or heart would to any human. it is so strange i believe they are dead well i know they are dead but they are ghost's right like the ones i see in movies but then why would they have a week spot. i believe i am not supposed to know but after scratching at Thomas with no effect i went for his eyeball it seemed to work and it inflicted damage on him.