86% A Cromwell Rogue / Chapter 43: C42.P1. Intoxicating

章節 43: C42.P1. Intoxicating

Juliette's POV:

     The dress I picked out was similar to Olivia Bottega's stunning and sparkly ball gown batist. The light ivory- which almost seemed silver to my eyes. Which cost about fifteen hundred alone. It was gorgeous. It was my kind of style. I looked like I was going to a wedding instead of a birthday masquerade. I wanted to be eye catching. I wanted to dazzle people and this dress was the perfect match for me. 

     I felt like a princess inside it. 

     It was an off shoulder corset with long sleeves. This was the type of dress that would make anyone believe I was fragile and at the same time... Stunning. It was an open back with detailed lining of pearl buttons. Each bead would glitter at the slightest of light interaction. The décolleté is garnished with lace carefully caressing my skin. 

     I matched it with a similar light ivory colored mask which would only cover my face and was made from the same lace material. My dress had a pocket for the potion which is where I placed it. I was certain nobody would pat me down before entering the ball room. I was in the same expense of a new pair of jimmy choo.... who was I kidding? They cost more than the dress. Decoration was everything to me. I even had new diamond earrings on. My make-up was done light but with a glitter effect across my eyes. I don't know why I bothered. I wouldn't be showing them most of the night. 

     My mother had more of a plain look about her dress. It was a beige ash color which was a silk evening dress with a slit marry. It was simple, really. I would say it didn't cost half as much as my dress. It was sex appealed. With a front slit on the skirt- marry. As well as halter high neckline. It looked lightweight compared to what I was wearing. It was golden and glowing in its own fabulous way. It seemed scandalous for a mother. It's open backed with a cute bow around her neck. She could almost compare to a Greek goddess in it. It was hard to imagine my mother as a goddess... maybe as a nymph. 

     My mother would match her dress with simple gold toned dior - dway heel exactly four inches which was cotton embroidered with metallic thread and strass. These shoes cost rightly seventeen hundred. I could imagine my mother breaking her neck in those... 

     If she took a wrong step?



     someone like me were...

     to push her down some stairs?

     She would easily... 


     Her mask was cut from the same cloth as her dress... She also would only be covering her eyes. If there was anything my mother knew how to do... It would be to dress like a queen at a masquerade. I'm sure she would be hit on by all the single men well over forty five in the room. If there were to be any. 

     The hour came. 

       The servants were knocking on the door. 

     Even though I was ready, I felt anxious to be doing this with a fake mother. This was not the same person I made these plans with. Would I find out what happened after I woo the king? Whatever happened to my mother... It was being kept on the down low. It was like a new person stepped into my mother's spot. She looks like her, sounds like her, and acts like her. There is only one memory that strays me from believing it is her. That's what I know... The night I found her in the bath tub. I cannot forget. 

     My mother let them in like before. It wasn't expected when a pair of unfamiliar faces came into the room. They were new servants. Ones I've never met before. They both still smelled like omegas. I was certain they were underlings of the king and his beta. Their nametags read Henley and Charlotte and they would politely introduce themselves as such.

     "This is Henley," Charlotte would say. "He's Ethan's PA." Even though Charlotte was the first to talk and first to introduce... First to catch my attention... I found myself obeying as I found myself glowering towards her partner. 

     "Madams," Henley's kind words would speak as he bowed politely. "It is a great honor to serve you tonight. If there is anything you need we will be right by you to assist. It is our duty." No doubt we're being put on watch by their personal assistants.

     Henley was very unattractive to be a male. He was short and unappealing to me. I hated males like him. He was a freak. A guy that dyed his hair blue. No wonder he was an omega. He had his hair styled in a man-bun. An earpiece hanging out of his ear for the whole world to see. He even had disgusting chocolate brown eyes. Shit eyes. Nothing good came from eyes like those. Not only was he the complete opposite of what I wanted in a man but he had dimples when he smiled. It was a huge turn off. I couldn't stand to look at him any longer. But, I would. I liked to weigh down omegas for what they truly were. I wasn't the type to break eye contact. I could tell he was of Spanish origins due to his slight accent he used when greeting me. I could even tell as he blushed my way he was too shy for his position. He was too innocent... Too.... like the barista. I slightly wanted him because of that. I wanted to ruin the eyes that worshiped my body. He was worshiping me with his glance. 

     "A great honor indeed," Charlotte would agree as she pulled my attention back to her with a curtsy. There was another plain girl. With boring red tinted hair and shit-colored eyes. I mean brown colored eyes. There wasn't anything special about her as I looked her over. Her lips were too thin for my liking. She even discolored her cheeks from blushing too hard. They both were unmated... unwanted and lowly omegas. Her eyes blinked too much for my liking. I suppose I frightened her when I found my distaste in her too.

     The servant's outfits were simple to put. The colored being a navy blue and silver. They were dressed accordingly to their statuses. I imagined the rest of the servants would not be wearing the awards they held on over their left chests. I couldn't tell what the awards meant. Why would servants need awards? Was it something they did in this territory? Something to keep them happy while slaving away in a manor all day? I didn't notice before if the other servants had any.

     "Are we ready?" Henley would ask in a respectful tone. He would go to hold open the door for us. Only to pause and wait for our answer. 

     "Are you?" My mother would ask me. Of course I were. I nodded as she walked up to me and took my arm in hers as we walked out into the hall. We would wait as Charlotte took lead. Henley would follow behind us out of respect. 

     "Your entrance will be announced when we reach the ball room," Charlotte would say over her shoulder. I could hear Henley speaking into his earpiece as he said directions on where we were. "Since you are both the highness' most welcomed guests. As well as Alpha families. It is a great honor to have you here with us. He would like to speak to you both at some point tonight." I felt my head flinch up in satisfaction. King Camren wanted to speak to me? Well... this was easy. I swear this manor was the size of Adare manor. With perfect symmetry of affection. Each hall separate and so much alike at the same time. I felt in good hands being lead by Charlotte.  

     We were stopped at the end of a hall. I had a feeling we went the long way to get here. I could hear the chatter of a full room just on the other side of the doors. They were closed off for some reason. Charlotte knocked on the door and whispered our names before looking back at us. 

     "Are you ready?" She would ask. 

       "Ready," I agreed. 

     Charlotte knocked only once on the door before stepping aside. The doors flung open. A fanfare went off as it grabbed people's attention. It was already so early in the evening. I wonder when I will get to see him... the king. As the sound quieted down I could still hear classical music playing somewhere down below. 

     My mother clutched my arm. We walked forward and stopped at the top of the stairwell. Two flights would be taken before I would find myself on safe ground. I looked at my mother with temptation. To get her out of my hair tonight. My snarly thoughts would be set aside.

     "Now announcing Luna April of pack Rabidcrest and her daughter Juliette," I heard a servant yell. I didn't dare to look at him. I would separate from my mother. We parted as we took different paths. 

     It was a double bifurcated staircase. It was elegantly curved. Every step made out of marble. I felt like walking on glass as the sound traveled. We traveled around this floor to ceiling chandelier made out of pure diamonds. We reached the bottom and connected arms together. The sounds picked back up as if nothing happened. I'm sure the guests were still awaiting the hosts. I looked over my shoulder to see the two servants coming down to follow us. It was now obvious to me they would be following all night.

     "Madam," I heard a slight chuckle as I was spooked. My mother was being greeted by a masked man so suddenly. I smelled the air. Too many mixed scents to catch anything. "May I have this dance?" He asked in amusement. It was hard to tell his facial features. His hair was sleeked back to hide anymore telling secrets about his identity. He was dressed fine enough. My mother scoffed in amusement before looking at me. 

     "Don't get lost," my mother said in amusement. I felt my mouth part in a small gasp as she was whisked away before me through double doors. I imagined they lead to a dance floor. I was sure as I saw people part for them. Charlotte grabbed my attention as she seemed to be listening into her ear piece. 

     "I'm on my way," Charlotte announced. She looked at me suddenly. "Stay beside Henley. I will be back soon. I have to assist the king with something very important."

     "The king?" I asked quickly. "Is he here?" 

     "King Camren will be here shortly... Henley will you take our fair maiden to our wine selection? She looks parched."

     As if on cue, Henley held out his arm for me to take. I wrinkled up my nose. He was a lowly omega in my eyes. Why would I take his arm? I refused it as I held up a hand to tell him I wouldn't. I would simply have to follow him. Henley frowned before leading the way. He looked uncomfortable having to lead instead of keep his eyes on me while holding arms with me. I would not look like I mated to a lowly omega. I would keep him in his position. Somewhere beneath me. I followed him through a crowd of people. 

     Some would look directly at me as I passed. I could hear them commenting about my dress. How beautiful I looked and how... I must be the one for the king. There wasn't anyone like me. Not here at least. I was the match made in heaven... No- I was a match fated by my own hand. I wanted to reach into my pocket and clutch the bottle but at last... I wouldn't flinch its way.

     Henley moved fast for a servant. I lost him suddenly in the crowd as his confidence forgot about my very being. I was suddenly surrounded by people wanting to talk with me. Their hand reaching out to shake mine. I couldn't keep up with the introductions that fought their way at me. I was startled. A high pitched ringing sound went off in my head as I was spun around by greetings. I lost myself as I couldn't remember which way I was supposed to be going.

     "Henley," I would say softly as I wished he would notice I was missing. I should have taken him up on his offer. My heart was racing as the people wouldn't give up. Women were disappearing from me as men were taking over. I could smell their arousals from my beauty. 

     My imaginative innocence beat away at their need to have me. I remembered then I was unmated. I was wanted. I was a jewel to this party. None of them could compare to what I really wanted from this party. They would keep their hands away from my body but I knew what they really wanted to do. They wanted to rip my dress off. No matter how many fancy clothes someone dresses up in... a beast will always be a beast. I was shrinking away from the pheromones being produced around me. They were overwhelming me from the want to mate. The need to woo me. I was a prize to be won here. No matter if we were fated or not. Suddenly... one would be brave enough to speak out amongst the rest of them.

     "You don't want any of these hounds," a voice said from in my ear. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I wasn't aware now of how shut my eyes were and how afraid I had become. The world was shutting off around me as I felt ill. This was a bad idea. "Look at me." I felt nervous as I opened my eyes and turned around slowly. My disappointment sprung across my face. It was not him. Before me was a man hidden under the mask. 

     Not much older than me. I knew from scent. He was a soft brown headed fellow. He played his cards right by leaving his hair to fall around his mask. I could see sunset colored eyes shining back at me. Who was he? I don't know him. I knew then... he was someone I wanted... He was not the king. I felt my heart skip a beat. Mine... I want him. I want him now. I was blushing like crazy. He was not who I came here to see. He took my hand suddenly. "Let's have a dance, shall we?" He asked with a devilish smile crossing his face. I felt my fingers curl to stay with his. I want to sink my k-9s into his throat and show him how much I was grateful to find him at last. Was this what it felt like to find a fated mate? This was a worthy man- no- was he really? I don't even know if he's anything compared to the status of a king. I would take him up on his offer. How much time did I have? Before my life would be swept out from under me.

     I heard a throat clear. Not his. The people around us seemed to float away as they separated from me. There were to many scents around to be certain of who this man was. Who was I savoring for? I already found myself distracted by his touch. My eyes landing on the hand holding mine. Another throat being cleared brought my eyes to meet where they belonged. 

     There he is, a king worth fighting for.

     Yes, that's who I came here for.

    King Camren Ramirez of the werewolf country was standing in front of us. His royal navy blues and silver made up his outfit with a crown sitting on top of his head. His hair was sleeked back like most men in the room. His hair was a dead giveaway of who he was. I was familiar with it's tone in color. His eyes reminded me of my father's. He was gorgeous. He was sexy. He was admitting waves of pheromones out into the air. Something he must not have been aware of. He was angry.  He was wearing a mask for show. His scent was a dead giveaway as it concurred anyone's in the room. I didn't know he would be here so soon.

     Suddenly... I didn't find myself attracted to Camren. Not even his power was all of that amusing. I was interested in the person that made him feel that way. I wanted to know more about whose hand I was holding. I wanted more than just following my mother's orders. Power felt meaningless to me.

     I couldn't believe it as his nostrils flared. He looked in disbelief. I must've disappointed him. He eyed down whoever's hand I was holding. A glare written across his face. He would suddenly remember something as his eyes landed on me. He looked at ease as our eyes met. He would part his lips to speak.

     "Can... I speak to you alone?"

     That question wrapped around my head as I felt light as a feather. I wasn't sure what to say. I could only agree with a nod. Right... I'm here for him. I'm here to follow orders. I'm still here to get what's mine. I can't find myself distracted.

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