55.76% But a Side Character...or not? (Moved to new link) / Chapter 29: Chapter 29- An Unexpected Gift

章節 29: Chapter 29- An Unexpected Gift

"Why are you so red?" Alex asked as she sat down in the seat across from me.

I looked up from my algebra sheets and groaned, "Sunburn."

Alex winced as she sympathized with me. "Ouch."

"I hate this body," I deadpanned.

Alex nervously laughed at me. "At least your skin looks fine, other than the redness. Albinos getting sunburn is very dangerous. Almost life threatening too."

"Let's just focus on our math homework. I'm pretty sure we have a test this coming Wednesday too. Just thinking about my sunburn makes my body ache. Did you know it was hard to shower last night? It felt like I was being pricked by hundreds of falling needles."

Alex nodded. "That's what sunburn does to you. Too bad sunscreen hasn't been invented yet."

"Yeah. By the way, where's Lady Grace? Wasn't she supposed to come too?" I asked, noticing how she didn't come with her roommate.

Alex and I were at the library. After her so-called date with the first Prince, she begged Lady Grace to help her with her algebra. Since I also have homework to finish, I decided to tag along. So here we are. Once again, my fine Sunday is being used for school work.

"She had some other business to finish first, so she told me to go ahead and meet up with you," said Alex.

"I see."

"Also, where did you go yesterday?"

I blinked in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You disappeared at some point during my date. Did you ditch me?"

"Oh! You mean after the restaurant. I didn't ditch you, I met up with Lady Claudia."

"Wait! She actually showed up!?"

I nodded. "She was also in the restaurant. She had been following you and His Highnest since the beginning like me. We talked for a bit and when we looked back at you and Prince Leonhardt, you were already gone. So technically, you ditched me."

"I thought you would notice!"

I sweetly smiled. "When you're talking to your true love, your surroundings don't matter."

"Woooow," Alex monotoned. "So I don't matter, I understand where I stand now."

I giggled, "I'm just kidding. Of course you matter, Alex."

Alex only absentmindedly nodded as she pulled her assignments out of her bag. "Uh huh, uh huh, definitely. So how was your date with Lady Claudia then?"

"It was great!" I exclaimed. "Expect the part where I could have died."

Alex blinked. "Excuse me, what?"

"I saw Lady Alexis and the person she was meeting. I chased the other party and was pushed in front of a horse drawn carriage. The horses almost trampled me."

"Oh my Celestia, are you alright?"

I looked at myself and then back at Alex's worried eyes. "If I'm able to sit here and talk to you casually, then yeah, I'm alright. Lady Claudia was able to save me."

"That Claudia actually saved a commoner?" Alex grinned as her eyes showed amusement. "You actually opened her route."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, yes, let's forget about that part and go back to the fact that Lady Alexis's partner ran at the very sight of me."

"So they know you. Did you see what they look like?"

I shook my head. "Couldn't get a clear view. All I know is that it's a girl with brown hair and grey eyes."

Alex thought about my description and said, "Is it Sophia?"

I frowned. Lady Sophia did have brown hair and grey eyes. They're height was similar as well, but… "No, if she was working with Lady Alexis then she probably wouldn't have agreed to help me look into Lady Alexis in the first place. And if she did agree to look into Lady Alexis to confuse me, she wouldn't have told us that Lady Alexis was meeting someone. She would have left that part out when we had that meeting with her."

"Oh right…" Alex chuckled, "Stupid me. Teehee."

I sighed and shook my head. She doesn't even think before she speaks. Honestly, what am I gonna do with her? She's lucky that she's cute. "So where have you gone off after you split up from me. Lady Claudia and I looked everywhere for you two, you know?"

"Prince Leonhardt invited me to watch a play. It was so great!"

"Well, no wonder we couldn't find you."

"Ah, there's something I actually wanted to bring up. Did you see the newspapers going around?" Alex asked.


"You didn't. It was about a recent burning."


Alex nodded. "Someone was burned at a stake in a nearby city close to the capital. Many people in the downtown area have been talking about how a cult that worships Pandora might be nearby."

I hummed as I rubbed my chin. "I didn't think burning people on stakes was still a thing…"

"Apparently, it's a rising topic among the commoners. The nobles aren't taking it seriously. They think it's all made up."

"I assume they don't want another Witch hunt happening after what happened years ago."

"But don't you think we should look into it? What if it has something to do with an Eye? What if Lady Alexis was in the city because of that news?"

"Hmm… You could be right. I could ask Lady Sophia to look into it for us."

If Lady Alexis was indeed meeting with her partner to discuss that news, it could likely be another Eye making an appearance. With that information, it could be said there are now five Eyes in the capital. I almost feel like I'm in an episode of Supernatural. I just hope no one in the capital dies, I'll freak out if a murder happens. This isn't a horror/thriller story.

"Sorry for being late."

Alex lit up in the monotone voice. "Grace!"

"Hush! We're in a library!" I scolded.

"Oops!" Alex nervously smiled.

"Reiré, is right. You should keep your voice down, Alexandra," Lady Grace voiced as she sat down beside Alex.

"Good afternoon, Lady Grace," I greeted.

"Good afternoon, I hope my idiot roommate hasn't caused you any trouble."

"Grace," Alex whined.

They seem to have gotten closer since the last time I've seen them together. Lady Grace still had a harsh tone, but it looked like she grew a soft spot for the heroine. To think the unmannerly Alex has wiggled her way into Lady Grace's heart. As expected of the one with the heroine halo.

"We only met up a few minutes ago," I voiced. "So she hasn't caused any trouble…" I smirked, "Yet."

"Hey! I am an obedient child, like I would cause trouble," Alex pouted.

I playfully sighed at her behavior. "Of course. Why don't you start on your homework? I've already finished a page as I waited for you." I lift up my completed sheet as proof.

"You work fast," Alex voiced.

"I did come earlier than the meeting time," I informed her.

"I already finished the Algebra assignments from Sir Oscer, so I'll be working on my Language assignments instead."

"That's fine," I voiced. "You should get started, if you get stuck just ask either one of us."

Alex smiled as she nodded. "Okay!"

The three of us worked in silence. There were a few times where Alex asked me and Lady Grace for help. I finished most of my math homework, so I went to my other assignments. Alex has gotten better at finishing the math problems. It's to be expected since Alexandra is excellent in many subjects except Etiquette.


I peeked up at the familiar harsh tone. I looked up from my papers and smiled at the approaching girl. "Lady Claudia, good afternoon."

Alex and Lady Grace also looked up from their papers to greet Lady Claudia. Lady Grace immediately went back to her work while Alex was curious as to what the approaching noble wanted.

I also noticed how Lady Claudia was being followed by her two followers. I don't know their names even though they have been around Lady Claudia a lot and the fact that they are in some of my classes. I'm not interested to know their names since they weren't all that important in the novel. But as a student of Roseward Academy it's still polite to greet them nonetheless.

"Good afternoon to Lady Claudia's stalkers as well."

"Stalkers?! How dare you call us that!"

"We are Lady Claudia's friends, not stalkers!"

"Elena, Jasmine, we are in a library," Lady Claudia voiced.

I smiled, "Forgive me, Lady Elena and Lady Jasmine, I didn't mean to offend you."

The girl with chestnut hair grumbled, "I don't want to be called a stalker by the likes of you. It'll tarnish my name as Elena Vahan. You don't think I noticed how you stalked Prince Leonhardt yesterday?"

I noticed how Lady Claudia flinched as her expression became stiff. If she saw me following Alex and Prince Leonhardt, there's a good chance she might have seen Lady Claudia as well.

"You saw me yesterday?"


"Just me?"

"Yes!" Lady Elena stated with irritation, but her answer caused Lady Claudia to be relieved. "I was in the city with a few friends and saw you tailing His Highness and this girl!" She claimed as she pointed to Alex, causing the other poor girl to flinch.

The girl with ash blonde hair scoffed as she crossed her arms. "You two commoners are bringing shame to Roseward Academy. You think just attending this honorable academy and getting the Princes' favor will have us accept you? In your dreams."

I sighed, "I wasn't really looking for acceptance…"

"And the Princes' are just our friends…" Alex softly voiced.

"Friends? I think not!"

"Lady Jasmine, your voice is increasing in volume," I warned.

Lady Jasmine narrowed her eyes and calmly voiced, "You know Lady Claudia is a candidate that is to be engaged to Prince Leonhardt or Prince Clovis, right? Your intimacy has already brought trouble to Lady Claudia!"

"That's right!" Lady Elena agreed as she glared at Alex. "Just yesterday you forced Prince Leonhardt to visit the city with you instead of Lady Claudia. You dare do that to a Marquess's daughter?!"

Alex squirmed in her seat. It's not like she can refuse the crown prince in the first place. They should honestly be complaining to the first prince instead of this poor fifteen-year-old girl.

"I-I'm sorry," Alex stuttered.

"It's too late for apologies!" stated Lady Jasmine. "You tell her, Lady Claudia!"

I've been too busy paying attention to the lackeys that I totally forgot about the dark haired girl. It seemed that Lady Claudia had been staring at me for a while. Now that I remember, wasn't she looking for me? Somehow the attention was drawn to Alex instead. I mean, she is the heroine so it makes sense I guess.

"Lady Claudia?" I called out when she said nothing.

She only glared at me with her hard cold eyes as her two friends gave me looks of disgust. I was wondering what she needed with me. It's funny how Lady Claudia even came to look for me. Actually… how did she even know I'm in the library?

"Lady Claudia, it's rude to only stare and not say anything," Lady Grace voiced as her eyes never left her papers.

Lady Grace has been ignoring this fiasco and working diligently on her assignment. It would be rude to ignore a noble of higher status when approached, but I guess Lady Grace doesn't care since they were looking for Alex and I in the first place.

When Lady Claudia has yet to say anything, I politely asked, "Is there something you need from me?"

Lady Elena smirked, "Lady Claudia has something to say and you best be prepared."

Lady Jasmine grinned as she nodded. "A cursed child like you will feel the wrath of Lady Claudia. It's what you get for messing with her."

I have no idea what Lady Claudia's followers were saying. I don't remember angering her. If anything, I understand why Alex would be getting hate from them since she was seen on a date with His Highness, but I was only stalking them. And Lady Claudia was with me too so she wouldn't be angry at me for that. Could she still be upset about the fact that I passed out? Was she looking for me so I could return the favor now? That must be it! I am in debt to her, but for her to want me to repay her now…

I sighed and sadly voiced, "Lady Claudia… I'm sorry, but I don't have money yet. I can't compensate you. Could you wait a few more days?"

Everyone around me gave me looks of confusion while Lady Claudia's expression has yet to change. She must be thinking of another way for me to pay her back. Maybe I can ask Lady Rium for a bit of loan. I'll make sure to pay her back once Winter comes around.

"Here!" Lady Claudia suddenly slammed something on the table and crossed her arms.

I blinked and let the item in front me sink into my eyes. It was a glass bottle with a silver cap filled with a white gel-like substance. It looked pretty expensive. Why did Lady Claudia put something like this in front of me? Actually, what is this?

I gave Lady Claudia a puzzled look and questioned, "Excuse my rudeness, but what is this?"

Lady Claudia glanced away as her face turned slightly red. "You got a heat stroke yesterday and the doctor has told me how you have a sunburn for staying out in the sun for too long."

"I see…" I was still confused.

"I had an extra bottle of lotion, it's good for your skin… It's still new and unused…"

I glanced back down at the bottle and then back to Lady Claudia to see her blush travel to her ears. "This is for me?"


I softly smiled and took the bottle into my hands. It was cold to the touch, but somehow it felt warm. I twisted the cap open and caught the scent of lilies. It had a nice and soothing smell. "Thank you for your thoughtfulness, Lady Claudia."

"D-Don't get me wrong! I did this out of pity! Pity!" Lady Claudia shouted.

I giggled, "Lady Claudia, you're shouting."

She blushed even harder and bit her lower lip. Unable to take the shyness she was feeling, Lady Claudia turned on her heel and walked away.

Lady Elena and Lady Jasmine finally shook out of their shocked state and ran after Lady Claudia while asking for explanations. I chuckled as I watched the three girls disappear from my sight.

"Wow," Alex voiced. "I can't believe it. You got Claudia to like you."

I couldn't stop the blush from appearing on my face. "I wouldn't say like…"

"If not like, then what would you call that?" Lady Grace asked.

I looked down at the fancy glass bottle and hummed, "Hmm… I don't know… Maybe I did get her to acknowledge me a bit…"

As I fondly gazed at the bottle of lotion, I felt like my relationship with Lady Claudia improved. Even if it's just slightly.

Shiena_Gin Shiena_Gin

This chapter wasn’t too hard to write since it was mainly all about exchanging information and having a cute Reiré and Claudia moment. The next chapter is the problem. I do have a few ideas, but it’s hard to make them flow together… eh, I’ll see what I can do. Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed the chapter, leave a comment, review, or vote! ^^

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C29
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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