94.93% (Hiatus) I've Reincarnated With An OP Gacha System?! / Chapter 74: Side Chapter: Lovelace's Specters

章節 74: Side Chapter: Lovelace's Specters

In the world of Goblin Slayer...

*Tfft Tfft Tfft Tfft Tfft*

The sound of a suppressed USP-45 could be faintly heard in a dark cave, hidden deep in the woods.

A figure wearing blacked out clothes, a ballistic vest with an obscene number of magazines, a FAST helmet with a red-lensed gas mask, a heavily customized LWRC M6A2 slung across the shoulders, a holstered Glock 19, a large bowie knife sheathed near the figure's hips, and a backpack with 2 patches on it, made its way towards the sound of footsteps and a faint light source that was moving with the footsteps.

The figure was none other than Tristan Lovelace, the Ex-SCP Operator, who was now the official founder and leader of the Clockwork Specters, a group of devout believers who held Myr as their Eternal Patron Goddess and Guardian Deity and harnessed the technology that was blessed to them from one of Myr's strongest Soul Avatars that presided over the Goblin Slayer multiverse.

Due to the meteoric rise in power of the Clockwork Specters, and the fact that people only knew about them as a mercenary group, they received an insane number of invites to large scale excursions, dungeon clearing (Myr instructed her Soul Avatar to basically do whatever she wanted. Her Soul Avatar then added a host of things to the multiverse as a whole to make it more interesting), Outbreak Suppression, and large-scale rescue operations among many others.

Many people weren't aware of this, but the Clockwork Specters only have 100 members within their ranks.

Despite this, each and every one of them were above level 200, with Tristan herself clocking in at level 419. (Everyone in Goblin Slayer was given a system not unlike ones you'd find in a game. Levels were added among many other things.

To put things in perspective, the Witch, Knight Girl, Spearman, and the Berserker all have levels around 90-100, while Goblin Slayer is level ≈50.)

Although most of the Clockwork Specters would fall like wheat being cut by a scythe if they were to fight the Hero, there were 12 Specters besides Tristan that would be able to kill the Hero with a single strike.

Each of the 12 Specters received a special codename corresponding to an Astrological Sign, earning them the nickname "Zodiac Squad".

Zodiac Squad was the most secretive of the Specter Squads, as they very rarely ever show themselves and never take credit for their deeds.

The only reason why the existence of Zodiac Squad was known to outsiders was due to the Clockwork Specters' only failed mission, where they were tasked with killing a corrupt noble who was striking deals with the demons.

They managed to kill him, but the noble was able to transfer his memories into crystals which were then spread across the land.

Anyways, Tristan followed the light source and raised her eyebrows when she saw a group of 4 young adventurers proceeding along the Goblin Nest's paths without a care.

'A warrior, wizard, fighter, and priestess. These kids will die if I don't do something.'

Just then, a faint whistling sound caught her attention, as she instinctively shot down the arrow that was headed for the group.

Startled, the 4 young adventurers turned to face Tristan, who had just revealed herself.

Tristan raised her pistol and fired off 7 shots.

*Tfft Tfft Tfft Tfft Tfft Tfft Tfft*

Each bullet struck a goblin in the head which caused several momentary shrieks from the Goblins in the tunnel path in which she shot down.

Tristan reloaded her USP before she quickly and smoothly holstered it, raised her M6A2, which had a fancy suppressor, 1.5x magnified normal/night vision/thermal mounted sight with a 3x sight magnifier, AN/PEQ-15 unit, fast magazines, and a vertical foregrip, and started putting controlled fire down the path directly behind the group, as her senses warned her of the hobgoblin and several dozen goblins that were rapidly approaching.

*Tffkt Tffkt Tffkt Tffkt Tffkt*

Casings bounced off the ground as round after round tore through to air to reach their targets.

Due to their small size and surprising speed, Tristan thought back to her old MTF unit and wondered how many of them would struggle to deal with the goblins as a brand-new enemy.

'Nu-7's freshies (read: brand spankin' new recruits) would probably be wiped out trying to fight in an enclosed space like this, not to mention that Nu-7 is one of the Foundation's biggest sticks, their specialty is large scale ops, not spelunking. Those tough Mole Rats bastards would have a hayday here though.'

Tristan snorted and instantly cleared out those distracting thoughts as she quickly reloaded her rifle and started to put more rounds downrange.

Not a single one of her shots missed its mark, as before she started her organization, Myr's avatar required her to train for 10,000 years, which lasted only a second due to Myr crunching the time in a pocket dimension.

The training was hellish, but Tristan overcame the trial of 10,000 years with flying colors, gaining wisdom, strength, charisma, and overall confidence about herself.

Her faith in Myr reached heights that briefly alarmed Myr's strongest Soul Avatar, which wasn't even in the Goblin Slayer multiverse.

The hobgoblin was also killed by a single bullet that was placed in-between it's eyes.

Seeing that there were far more goblins than she had originally planned for, Tristan sneered under her mask as she stored her M6A2 in her watch, and brought out a heavily modified MG-3 outfitted with both a vertical grip and a "chainsaw grip" that were mounted on tactical rails, an AN/PEQ-15, an EOTech Holo-Sight, and a custom paintjob that had gold Nordic knots lining the edges of the gun, while intricate silver and black designs filled the rest.


Tristan racked the bolt of her MG-3 and turned towards the 4 stunned adventurers.

"If you don't want to go deaf, I suggest you cover your ears now!"

Her words startled the adventurers out of their daze as they instantly listened to her suggestion and covered their ears with all of their might.


A terrifying 1,800 rounds per minute were spat out from the barrel of Tristans gun, which tore through the goblins as if they were made of wet paper.

When the third wave of goblins saw the dozens of lifeless goblins, or what remained of them, torn apart and riddled with grievous wounds, instead of their normal cowardly behavior, the goblins shrieked, and not 20 seconds after, Tristan sensed over 500 goblins rapidly approaching their location from the tunnels that the 3rd wave came from.

Sensing that they were basically at her front door, Tristan grinned and flicked her wrist towards the 4 adventurers, which enveloped them in a translucent barrier that had moving cogs floating around on the surface.

*Ka-chock* *Ka-chock*


Tristan had just racked the bolt twice in a row, which triggered a hidden function within her MG-3, and that was to boost the guns fire rate from 1,800 rounds per minute, to an obnoxious 3,600 rounds per minute.

The ammunition belt that came in a shell to protect it during the feeding process was also modified by the change.

The belt now had infinite ammunition, along with a disintegrating belt link.


A ghastly blue flame erupted from the MG-3's barrel as the bullets sped out towards their targets.

The noise echoed endlessly across the network of tunnels which drew the attention of every single goblin within the nest.

A horde of goblins poured down the tunnels in front of Tristan, who calmly mowed down the obscene number of goblins.

Spent casings began to pile up, and the clinking noise as they hit the ground provided a quiet respite to the roar of the MG-3.

A few minutes of continuous fire later, Tristan released the trigger and sent a pulse of magic across her gun to cool it down.

She then stored it in her watch and walked towards the 4 young adventurers.

Once she was a couple meters in front of them, she stopped and snapped her fingers, which dispelled the barrier surrounding the 4.

"You kids are safe now. If you want, I can escort you all back so you can gather your reward from the Guild."

Only the Priestess stepped forward and bowed to Tristan.

"Thank you, fellow adventurer. We're most thankful for your help. We would be glad to have you accompany us!"

Tristan chuckled and slightly ruffled Priestess' hair while bringing out some water, which she dripped a drop of water on some white marbles.

Upon contact with the water, the white marbles expanded to create a giant plate full of great smelling and tasting food.

Tristan then gestured for 4 to eat.

Warrior was the first one to dig in. When Tristan saw Warrior eating with gusto, she laughed a good amount before lightly patting the young man's back.

"You can eat slower you know? I don't plan on taking the food away from you."

Fighter then began to eat, and once she tasted the dumplings that Tristan had made, her eyes watered due to how delicious and flavorful it was.

Wizard and Priestess then began to eat, with Priestess eating the least, and Warrior tied with Fighter in eating the most.

Once everyone's stomachs were comfortably full, Tristan stored the scraps and trash in her watch to dispose of at a later time.

The 4 adventurers stood up and got their equipment ready, while at the same time, Tristan brought out her M6A4 and racked a round into the chamber, after which she instinctively whipped around and pointed her rifle across to where the 4 adventurers were standing.

"Get behind me, now!"

Tristans whisper-shout seemed to make their bodies move on their own accord, with every single one of them sprinting to take cover behind Tristan.

Tristan glared down the tunnel as although her scanners weren't picking up any life signatures, her instincts told her that there was someone, or something, that was hidden behind a small bunch of rocks.

"Whoever is behind the small mound of rocks in the tunnel in front of me, you need to come out with your hands raised above your head, now!"

When she received no response and heard no movement, Tristan grunted before she aimed her rifle at a small gap in between the rocks and squeezed the trigger.



A small cloud of dust formed where the bullet struck, followed by sound of the bullet ricocheting off of a metal object after striking the wall, with a dull grunt that came immediately after.

A man in light metal and leather armor who carried a short sword, a "holstered" bow, and a small circular shield stepped out from behind the rocks, rubbing his chestplate, which was dented right above his heart.

The man's helmet prevented Tristan from seeing any of his facial features, but she could tell that he was human. She wasn't sure how, but it was as if she just... knew.

Tristan felt a little more at ease, but still kept her rifle trained on the man's head. After all, she had no idea who this man was.

"Who are you, and why-"

Tristan didn't even get to finish her question before the man stunned everyone else present when he suddenly knelt down on one knee and saluted with his short sword.

"It is an honor to meet you, Boss!"

Tristan was very curious as to why the man suddenly greeted her as his boss, but her curiosity turned into a steely coldness once she saw the man pull out a badge that only the people very close to her held.

'A Clockwork Specter Insignia Badge. How in the hell...?'

"Boss, I obtained this badge once I cleared a series of tasks from Master. He had said that I need to look for someone who has a red eyed mask and weapons that spit fire. It is then that I'll be able to join your ranks as long as I pass any additional tests."

Although nobody could see it, Tristan had an eyebrow raised as she slowly asked, "Your master wouldn't happen to be a solitary goblin that has broken away from its nature, would it? Perhaps it gave you tasks that most kids would find impossible."

The man in armor seemed shocked that Tristan knew his master, as he had never told anyone about him at all. Despite this, the man in armor curtly nodded his head.

"He is indeed Master. How do you know him, if I may ask?"

Tristan snorted and cracked all 10 of her knuckles before she started speaking.

"I held that little bastard at gunpoint because he managed to sneak past my wards surrounding my makeshift camp. Almost blew his brains out. He managed to strike a deal with me where as long as he found suitable candidates, that he would attempt to train them at his discretion. If they passed, then they would have a chance to join our group, and it appears that you're the only one who has survived his 'training'."

Tristan took another good look at the man in armor, and suddenly remembered a rumor about a man who made a living solely by killing goblins.

"Would you happen to be the "Goblin Slayer" that people are spreading rumors about? If so, I'd like to talk to you further once we get these kids back to the city. Care to tag along?"

Goblin Slayer nodded his head, and although the 4 adventurers didn't know it, Tristan could practically feel the excitement radiating off of Goblin Slayer, which puzzled her, as although the Clockwork Specters have a very good reputation, they almost never took missions in regard to goblins, making Goblin Slayer's help invaluable, as it would serve to broaden the horizon of their operating fields.


Back at the Guild...

"Welcome back! Did the mission go along smoothly?"

The Guild Girl's soft yet cheerful voice brought a host of complicated expressions to the 4 young adventurers' faces.

This caused some metaphorical question marks to pop up above her head, but before she could get a chance to ask for details, she saw, but didn't recognize, Tristan. She already knew Goblin Slayer though, so she wasn't surprised to see him, but rather, quite happy.

Before she could ask for details about who Tristan was, Tristan walked up to the Guild Girl and discretely flashed her Clockwork Specter badge and whispered into her hear, "I'm personally going to sponsor the group of 4 young adventurers. I'm also ordering them to be promoted. It's been cleared by your higher ups already, so make it happen."

The Guild Girl instantly recognized the badge, and it made her face turn slightly pale and her hands started to lightly shake.

"U-Understood your excellency, they will be promoted within the day. Pardon me for being late, but it's an honor to have you at our humble Guild. If there's anything else you need, just let one of us know, and we'll do our very best to satisfy your needs."

Tristan chuckled and lightly patted the Guild Girl on the shoulder.

"You don't need to be so nervous, I'm not a heinous murderer or a cultist. Just relax and do your job like normal."

Tristan walked away and absentmindedly looked out the window of the Guild's tavern.

'I have a feeling that my life is about to get a lot more interesting now...'

Load failed, please RETRY


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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