46.66% Out of the Ashes by SABATHco / Chapter 14: 14

章節 14: 14

Chapter Fourteen: The Astronomy Tower.

Harry had arrived too late to talk to Ron, and he was too bothered anyway. He wanted to yell and scream at Snape and tell him how much of an arsehole he was, but at the same time, he wanted to just… throw the man against the wall and make him fuck him.

His thoughts and hormones were all over the place, and he was actually thankful that Ron had already gone to bed. He was the only one up, and he sat in the lounge of the common room, the fire burning. Spells was inside with him, and he let her sit on the arm of the lounge, giving her a gentle pat. He was too angry to sleep.

He had no idea why Hagrid and Dumbledore—and even McGonagall—were trying to get him to keep trying with Snape. It seemed impossible! Maybe he just needed to go out and do something reckless!? No, that would just make the Head of Slytherin House angry and scowl at him—like he always did.

The Gryffindor in him wanted to be outrageous and brave in just telling Snape how he felt, or at least exposing it, but the shy teenage boy wanted to never speak of it again. He just wished the man would give him some kind of sign.

Looking over at the snowy owl, he felt Spells nibble against his fingers. He could always send Snape a letter, but that seemed silly. No, he'd just keep it to himself. Who knows, maybe the longer he kept it in, the more his feelings would just dwindle and go away.

He just wanted to stop thinking about it all.

"Come on, girl, we should get to bed. Classes start up again tomorrow," he murmured gently to the owl, Spells hopping up onto his arm. He took her upstairs and let her onto his nightstand where she usually rested—she was definitely related to Hedwig. He opened the window for her in case she wanted to fly out before he changed into his pyjamas and went to bed.

His magic was itching, though, and he knew he wasn't going to get to sleep with all of his hostile energy around him. Eventually, he decided bed wasn't going to do anything, so he took out his father's old cloak and headed out of Gryffindor tower.


Severus sat in the staff room of Hogwarts, Filius Flitwick reading a Charms book. When the half-goblin left, he finally felt he could relax and put his own book down. He'd had the jitters ever since he'd been in the Forest, having been faced with a snake again. He'd be lying if the thought of ever being near a snake's fangs once more didn't somewhat frighten him, but he had to get the venom.

Part of him was quite happy that he'd been knocked down and he hadn't seen most of the snake since Harry had landed on him. It wasn't the first time he'd seen a snake since Nagini, though—although certainly the largest. It was just a fear he'd been working to overcome. He was a Slytherin, after all, the serpent was his animal. To be afraid of them just seemed stupid to him.

He'd got what he went for, put some into his personal store and given some to Madam Pomfrey just in case. He was grateful to his own skills in hiding his emotions, and the fact that Potter had froze and not even thought about the possibility of what could have happened to him. He couldn't afford to put a student in danger like that, especially the boy he had been protecting all these years.

He wasn't usually very talkative when it came to being in the staff room, and he knew quite well how some of the other Hogwarts staff felt about him. He wasn't exactly the most social man, nor was he the kindest. Alas, the silence was a bit annoying, and so he ended up heading back to the dungeons to at least have the company of Fawkes.

The bird greeted him warmly with a flap of his wings and a loud screech. Severus walked over to the phoenix and gave him a treat before removing his outer robes and relaxing into his own chair with a book in his hands.

The headmistress had asked how his and Potter's night had went, and he explained that they got what they needed. Of course, he didn't say anything about Potter's tantrum. He honestly had no idea what was getting into the boy lately.

Potter had been a shy wizard when he'd arrived at Hogwarts. He'd watched him grow into a young man who was brave enough to defeat the Dark Lord and keep his friends close by his side. Even people who were once his enemy, such as Draco, were now much kinder to him.

He supposed that wasn't a bad thing, but considering the Dark Lord had been defeated, he would have thought Harry would have calmed down. He understood that he was still getting harassed by some of the other students because he was so popular, but he didn't think the boy would act out as much as he had been.

Severus, of all people here, knew what it was like to be isolated and alone. He'd spent his whole life alone except for his years with Lily. She'd been his only real friends. And he'd gone and screwed that up by calling her a Mudblood because he was pissed off, embarrassed and humiliated.

Potter had many friends, though. Gryffindor's weren't exactly known to be alone. They moved around in large social groups. Quite popular groups at that. And although many Houses did stay to their own 'kind', Gryffindor's were the ones who were known to mingle with other Houses without a problem—unless they were Slytherins.

Severus put his book down, running his fingers through his dark hair. No, it was quite clear that a Gryffindor and a Slytherin could never be together. He learnt that the hard way with Lily. He'd loved her so much, and she was such a wonderful, kind and caring friends, and his own dark nature had split them apart.

Why the hell did he always fall for the bloody Gryffindors!? And her son of all people!?

Severus' book fell to the floor with a thud as he realised what he was thinking. No, he couldn't possibly… But Harry's perfect green eyes, and his soft skin, his messy, rough hair…

"Damnit…!" he hissed, standing up. No, this couldn't be happening! Harry Potter was the son of James, and he despised Gryffindors and their haughty behaviour. How the hell had it come to this!? Why the hell did that little prick have to save is life!? Why couldn't it have been someone else!? Anyone else but Potter.

His fist hit the arm of the lounge with a thump. He knew he and Harry had been seeing much more of each other lately, but it had been forced from McGonagall. That woman…! This was all her doing! She was doing it on purpose! Because she knew he'd loved Lily. And now she was trying to make him get close with Potter and see how 'close they were'. Argh, it pissed him off!

Harry Potter was not Lily Evans! He never would be! But maybe that wasn't a bad thing…

As Fawkes flew over to him and landed on his shoulder, he sighed, but welcomed the new change of thought. At least Fawkes could get his mind of Potter. Maybe a walk would do, too. Fawkes had been inside all day, so he gathered a change of scenery might be good for him.

Keeping the phoenix on his shoulder, he headed up to the Astronomy Tower. Fawkes' feathers were illuminated enough to be a lantern, so his wand stayed in his sleeve. It was dead inside the castle anyway, and he was glad he didn't run into Filch on the way.

Walking to the balcony, he placed his hands there. It was the first time he'd been here since he'd recovered, and the memories of Dumbledore's murder haunted him. Those blue eyes begging him… aching inside. He knew deep down that he was doing the right thing, that he was putting Albus out of his misery and stopping Draco from becoming a criminal, but…


Turning around, Severus felt his heart thump in his chest. "Bloody hell, Potter, are you trying to give me a heart-attack!?" he hissed, looking at the boy in his Muggle pyjamas. What the hell was he doing here after hours!? He was going to get into trouble!

"Didn't think you were that old…" Harry smiled, having lifted his cloak off. He had been here for a little over fifteen minutes before he'd heard footsteps. He would have stayed hidden if it weren't for seeing the fiery feathers of Fawkes and who he was perched upon. He'd been angry at Snape, but… somehow at the sight of the professor, it all just evaporated.

Snape rolled his eyes, looking back over the balcony. "You're breaking school rules, I hope you know that, Potter. I should drag you back to your common room by your ear."

Harry moved beside the taller man. "But you won't, will you?" he asked softly, Fawkes leaning down to waddle in between them onto the balcony ledge.

Severus found himself frowning as he looked over the grounds of Hogwarts. "What makes you think that?"

Harry laughed a little, although he was rather nervous. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he shivered lightly at the cold autumn breeze that came through the tower. "Because you would have done it already, sir…"

When Snape didn't say anything, Harry sighed gently. "I don't blame you for Dumbledore's death, Professor… I know you think I do, and that night when I saw it happen… I was horrified. I was angry. I wanted to kill you," he admitted. Not that he would have.

"But when I found out the truth, that Dumbledore was dying… I knew what you did you did for him and Malfoy. You killed your own friend… your mentor because he asked you to, to save the innocence of someone like Draco Malfoy. I think Professor Dumbledore thanks you more than anyone else for what they've done for him."

"Even you?" asked Snape, scoffing as he didn't look at the boy, his hands tightening on the balcony railing. "You, who he raised to kill at the right moment? Harry Potter, the boy who defeated the Dark Lord? I highly doubt he sees my deeds as higher than yours, Potter, so don't try and flatter me."

Harry looked at the man. "I'm not trying to flatter you," he said in all honesty. "If it weren't for you protecting me all of those years, then Dumbledore wouldn't have even had me to defeat Voldemort."

When Snape didn't say anything else, Harry looked down at the man's left arm. "Why don't you ever call him 'Voldemort'?" he asked, letting his hand smooth against Fawkes' back.

Severus turned his head to look down at those curious green eyes. He eyed his sleeve for a moment before taking a step back from the balcony. "It was safer to refer to him as one name, Potter. I was a loyal subject to the Dark Lord and so I addressed him as my higher. Calling him by name was not considered respectful. If I had let it slip, my position may have been revealed."

Looking at the boy, he frowned at seeing he was shivering. "Potter, it's autumn, are you honestly that stupid that you didn't bring one of your oversized jackets?"

Harry shrugged. "To be honest, I wasn't really thinking…" He rubbed his arms a little in the chill of the autumn weather, the wind making his hair prickle, "And I don't want to go back yet, I can't sleep."

When did Gryffindor's ever think? Severus frowned to himself. "I have potions that can aid with that."

"No, I don't want to sleep… I want to stay here," said Harry, his hand still running up against Fawkes' warm back. "Can you stay with me? So… I don't get into trouble."

Severus just stared at the boy. Potter wanted him to stay with him? He swallowed gently, trying to hide his discomfort, but when Fawkes made a happy chirp, he decided the bird could be his scapegoat.

"Fine," he muttered in Fawkes' direction before turning back to Harry, "but I will not be the cause of you falling ill," he added, unbuttoning his coat. He slipped it off and handed it to Harry, exposing the white undershirt and black cravat that was beneath.

Harry smiled, enjoying the sight of Professor Snape without his coat on. If only more would come off.

"Thank you," he said softly, pulling the coat over his shoulders. Of course, it was too large for him, but he was able to wrap himself up in it, and he was used to oversized clothes.

"You aren't going to get cold, are you?"

"No," Snape informed, a vest still over his white shirt. He had another layer to still be warmer than Harry in his thin pyjamas. He should have brought his robes, though. It could have helped. He'd rather the boy didn't disappear under the coat to try and get warm.

Harry looked back over the balcony, putting his hands into the coat pockets. Snape must have emptied them, because there was nothing inside them now. Not even lint. He was very clean, despite the greasy hair from standing over cauldrons every day.

"She should have forgiven you…" he said softly, Fawkes still beside him. The phoenix began to preen his feathers gently in the moonlight. "It was one mistake… just one-,"

"An irreversible one, Potter, and one that you do not need to speak of," Snape spat.

Harry turned over his shoulder, looking at the man as he had his hands in his pants pockets. "I saw you, Professor, when I was in your memories. I saw how sorry you were. I saw how much she meant to you, and how sincere you were. She should have forgiven you, especially considering the circumstances."

Snape had been so young in those memories. Even younger than Harry was now. His hair had been longer, his face much thinner. For a moment, he couldn't believe that Snape was apologising for something. Not the Snape he'd known at Hogwarts as a professor. He was always so cruel. But it wasn't true. It was just a mask so no one would know. Snape was capable of apologising. Of being somewhat kind. Maybe not out in the open, but Harry knew it was there inside him. He'd just got the shit end of the stick in life. Could he blame him for turning out so bitter? Everything he did bit him on the arse, and he'd become a slave to two masters. Albus and Dumbledore.

Severus really didn't want to talk about his past right now, especially when it involved Lily Evans. He stayed perfectly quiet, looking away from the boy, his locks of hair moving against his face from the cool breeze.

"I know you think I'm more like my father… but I wish you wouldn't. I was mortified and angry when I saw what he and Sirius did to you growing up. I love my father, even though I don't really remember him. But I'm not proud of what he put you through, and I wish you wouldn't see me like that," Harry said into the night. "Despite the fact that I may look like him on the outside… I think I've always felt more like my mother in many ways. Even if I never knew them…"

When Harry fell silent, Severus looked back at the young man, his green eyes on him. "Your father was-,"

"I know… a jerk," said Harry.

"That was not what I was going to say," said Snape, irritated that Harry had cut in. The boy seemed surprised, but he continued. "Your father was, yes… a cruel man in his time, but your mother didn't just break off our friendship because I called her such a foul thing. I had shown a deep interest in the Dark Arts and become friends with a group of Slytherins, which, you know by now, became Death Eaters."

"But you weren't like them," Harry protested. "You came back for her… You tried to protect them. Even my father."

"I thought we already established that I only asked for Lily's life to be spared," said Severus rather irritably. "Your Gryffindor antics will not turn the situation to be heroic. It was anything but."

"That's a lie," said Harry, his expression stern as he turned around and looked at the professor. Damn, he looked really good in the moonlight, his hair drifting with the breeze.

Harry swallowed hard, feeling his cheeks go warm in the cold night as he looked back away. "I don't care what you say, and I don't care what you think. You're a good man. You've made mistakes, but so has everyone. You made up for them. Stop punishing yourself over it. I saw those memories. You said 'them'. Not just her! But us as well! So you may have wanted my mother more, but that didn't stop you from still trying to save us as well."

Stop punishing himself over it? Severus' whole life was miserable because of his own actions. He didn't have to call Lily a Mudblood. He didn't have to join the Death Eaters, and he certainly didn't have to tell the Dark Lord about the half of the Prophecy he'd heard. He did. He chose to do all of those things. There wouldn't be a day in his future where he didn't loathe himself for what he had done.

He watched Harry carefully, though, and for a moment the young man was right. He was much more like his mother than he was James. He'd grown up and matured a lot since his first time here at Hogwarts, and now, in the moonlight, saying all of this, he certainly did resemble much of his mother. But that didn't excuse anything.

"I'm just saying, sir," Harry continued, looking back up, "that if I were her… I would have forgiven you. I know I can't do it on her behalf, but if it means anything… I am sorry for what happened."

Sorry wasn't going to do anything now, but Severus nodded gently, the wind picking up. He saw Harry shudder as the wind pushed him from the heavy coat, and he shook his head, approaching the younger wizard.

"You're going to get ill," he said, pulling the coat tight at the front and doing up some of the buttons in the middle. When he noticed Harry was watching him, he awkwardly took a step back, turning back to the balcony.

The touch of the young man was very much intoxicating, and he wanted more, which was exactly why he stepped away. Those perfect eyes, his strong magic that was clinging onto his own lonely magic. He couldn't. He swore to protect Harry, and he wasn't doing that by being with him. It would cause more chaos than anything else.

Harry couldn't hold his smile back, and he was disappointed when Professor Snape turned away. He had liked getting to see him up so close, actually being able to see the slithers of brown in the man's eyes rather than just black from so far away.

"Thank you," he whispered, "for not getting me into trouble. You could have sent me to Professor McGonagall or taken points and given me detention, but you didn't. So thank you."

Severus just smirked a little. "You assume I'm not going to do any of those things?"

Harry's lips parted as he looked at the man, but he knew he was just kidding. Huh… a joke? From Severus Snape? "Well, I suppose you could, but… who would want detention with me? My fan-club might get in your way."

Snape held back a chuckle. "I wouldn't say I'd detest the idea, Potter. I think I've become quite fond…" He cleared his throat as he realised in a moment of sentiment that he may let something uncomfortable slip. Curse Potter and their magic! No, he wouldn't let that happen!

"Yes, Professor…?" Harry asked hopefully, his eyes widening in anticipation as he watched the side of Snape's face.

"I should escort you back to Gryffindor Tower, Potter, it is quite after hours," the Potions master stated, going back to stern professor within a millisecond.

But Harry wouldn't have it. And in a moment of hope and awkwardness, he blurted out, "I like you, Professor."

Snape froze, just staring at the boy. "Erm… well, Potter, that's honest of you, but that will not change the fact that if you wish to pass your exams this year that it is imperative that you get a good amount of hours sleep."

Harry blushed, looking down. "N-no… I mean… I like-like you."

Like-like? What the hell kind of teenage babble was that? Snape's brow crawled upwards as he examined the boy. Then it struck him, making his body stiffen.

His hands fell down to his sides, and he didn't know what to say. He was rendered speechless. He'd never had anyone tell him that before, and he certainly wasn't expecting Potter so say something like that. Of all people. The wizard he had these odd feelings for.

Even if he did have feelings for the Gryffindor, he could hardly act on them! Harry was a student, and he was a professor! It was against the rules! No, he had to be professional about this and push it back like any sane person would. Slytherin or not.

"Potter…" he started, Harry looking up at him. He inwardly frowned as the boy seemed completely embarrassed by his outburst, not to mention the humiliation he was probably expecting. He knew all too well what rejection felt like.

"I'm sorry, that came out wrong… I just meant that… I like your hair cut," Harry tried to cover. It was too late, though, and he shrank into the warm coat that was around him, the scent of caldrons against it.

The Potions master may not have been the nicest of wizards, but he did try and comfort the boy by pulling a strand of messy hair from his face. "I think it's best if you got a good night's sleep, Harry."

Hearing his first name, something in Harry was very happy, but he knew Snape was just trying to make it go away. "Yeah… okay," he said, unable to look at the other man.

He heard Fawkes flap his way over to Snape and the man silently led him back to Gryffindor tower, taking the coat from him and wishing him a goodnight. Harry just stayed silent, mumbling the password and heading upstairs to bed. He never wanted to think about this night ever again.


Returning to his quarters, Severus closed the door gently as he walked inside, Fawkes flying to his perch. Snape, however, went right to a bottle of firewhiskey and poured a goblet ready, chugging it down in one go.

Merlin, what the hell had just happened!? He'd had the perfect opportunity to tell Harry how he felt, and the boy had even told him he liked him and just…

"Merlin's beard…" he whispered, pressing a hand to his forehead. What the hell was he going to do about this? Nothing, right? That was the right thing to do. Just pretend it never happened. He was a professor here, and he hardly needed his dark reputation ruined, nor did he need others harassing Potter about this.

Putting the goblet down, he fell into the lounge in his study, his hands hanging off the arms of the lounge as he slouched uncharacteristically. Why did this have to happen to him? Just another thing he couldn't have in life, right? Came with him being a Slytherin and Potter being a Gryffindor.

He was bothered at himself, irritated for letting this happen. He'd always been so in control of his own emotions and now he didn't know what to think. He wasn't a nice person, and he knew that, but he didn't want to hurt Potter either.

He rubbed his hand against his chin, thinking of the boy and how he'd felt against him. It wasn't exactly like he'd been up against Harry like in the classroom, but he had still tasted the boy's magic against him, and it had been powerful. Very powerful. He'd wanted more, so much more. He wanted Harry's eyes on him, he wanted those soft lips as his own, he wanted his body against his own…

His breath caught in his throat as he'd become rather excited over the whole idea of Harry Potter against him. He immediately stood and walked uncomfortably to the bathroom to take a very cold shower.


In the morning, Harry sat quietly in the common room of Gryffindor Tower by himself. He decided there wasn't much point in telling Ron that he had feelings for Snape anymore. Not now when he knew the professor didn't like him back.

He was stupid to have said anything last night, and he felt very awkward knowing he was returning to Potions classes with the man today. He should have just kept his mouth shut. What in the world made him think Snape would ever share the same feelings? He was a cold-hearted Slytherin!

He ran a hand down his arm as he remembered how gentle Snape had been last night. He honestly thought the man was going to hold him, even tell him that he shared the same feelings, but… No, instead, he was ushered back to his common room in his own humiliation. It made it worse that Snape had been nice about it. He would have rathered the man laugh and be cruel about it. Now he just felt pathetic.

"Hey, Harry," said Hermione, everyone still in bed. "What are you doing up so early?" Of course, she was up and early to get ready for classes before breakfast. She was always up at the crack of dawn.

Still in his pyjamas, Harry hadn't even gone back to bed last night. He slept down here by the fire because he just didn't know what to do. He didn't want to risk waking anyone up in case they asked where he'd been, so sleeping on the couch seemed the best way to go.

"Nothing… I didn't sleep well last night, that's all," he said, smiling lightly to her.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said the girl, trying to pat down her frizzy hair. "Are you alright? I heard someone come in late last night. Was that you? You know you shouldn't be out after hours…" He'd get into trouble and more points would be taken from Gryffindor.

Sitting with his hands between his knees, Harry looked around just to make sure that no one else was moving around upstairs. Considering Hermione knew about his feelings towards Snape, he figured telling her wouldn't be so bad. At least it would get her to stop asking about it anyway. Not to mention it helped him unload.

"I ran into Snape last night on the Astronomy Tower," he started, Hermione sitting across from him in the lounge. She seemed surprised, but she didn't say anything more, so he continued, "I sort of… well it just came out." He frowned.

"You told him that you like him?" Hermione asked. Her brows arched up as her eyes widened. "What did he say?"

"Nothing…" Harry said, looking down and linking his hands. "I mean, I didn't expect him to, I just… I dunno, I kind of would have liked if he threw me out rather than just kindly and awkwardly walk me back to the common room."

Hermione's eyes arched the opposite direction now, curiously. "He walked you back? Well… he had to have said something, right?"

Shrugging, Harry was desperately trying not to remember the events of last night. It all seemed a bit of a blur now. Something that he just wanted to forget.

"He just… changed the subject and said that I should get some sleep, as if I was talking crazy or something. I mean, I know it sounds crazy, me liking Snape and all, but… I don't know. It was weird, and horribly humiliating. I really don't want to face him in class today…"

"Don't you see, Harry?" said Hermione, piercing the boy's eyes across from her. "This is Snape, a professor at Hogwarts! If he didn't like you back, he probably would have thrown you out. Instead, he walked you all the way back to Gryffindor Common Room even if it was horribly awkward for the two of you."

Harry just stared at her. "Hermione, you're not suggesting that Snape actually does-,"

"Yes. He does have feelings for you, I'm sure of it," the girl said as-a-matter-of-factly. "Look, how many years have you two been snarky and snide with one another? If Snape's feelings hadn't have changed, then he would have been just as cruel to you last night. Instead, he walked you back and didn't even reject what you were saying. He just tried to pretend it didn't happen, most likely because he's trying to keep his feelings to himself because it's against school rules for professors and students to date."

Hermione sighed. "Harry… I've seen the way he looks at you… It's hard to see it because he's always been such a cold and professional character, but it's there. He's spent years putting on this cold façade just to show his loyalty to Voldemort. Do you really expect him to come out with it like it's nothing? He likes you. He's just trying to be professional about it. He's probably never liked anyone since Lily… This would be just as confusing for him as you."

"What, do you think he's playing it safe? Snape?" Harry asked, a brow raised. Could Hermione be right, though? It made sense. Snape was very good at hiding his true feelings. He'd had to live with Pettigrew, who he knew betrayed Harry's parents just because Voldemort said so. He must have hated that! Harry knew he would have killed the man before ever letting him step foot into his own home.

"What if you're wrong, Hermione? What if he's just being nice because he knows what rejection feels like? I mean, I know he's been acting nicer towards me, but what if it's just sympathy? Or thanks because I saved his life? I don't want to chase him if it's for nothing…"

"I don't think it's that at all, Harry. When you spoke about sparks, you sounded very serious. You wouldn't be feeling Snape's magic back if he didn't share the same feelings," explained Hermione. "What about in your tutoring? Surely when you're alone it's stronger. And last night?"

Harry remembered the day in the classroom that Snape was up against him. In fact he could very much feel his magic. It was pulsing against his own—especially when Snape's hand had been against his own wrist.

Then the night he had cried, and how amazing Snape had felt against him. And last night, when Snape had given him his coat and done some of the buttons up, he had felt it even more. It was much stronger.

Was Hermione right? Did Snape really have feelings for him? But why keep it a secret? Especially when Harry had so blatantly let slip that he 'liked' him. God, it sounded so stupid now. But even if Snape was a professor, that didn't mean he couldn't tell the truth about how he felt! It just meant they couldn't be together during school…

"You… really think he likes me?" he asked, looking back at Hermione. "I mean… yeah, I have definitely felt his magic. I sort of thought it was just my own being weird because I've never really felt anything like it before, but now that you mention it, I'm certain it was Snape's."

"Well, there's one way to find out," said Hermione, "Magic has a certain scent of the carrier, kind of like Amortentia, which is why the potion has a smell. Yours is broomsticks, I've smelled it before when you did accidental magic… I'm assuming it would be some kind of passion that Professor Snape has, probably some kind of potion."

"Cauldrons and parchment…" Harry murmured, looking up to his friend. He felt awkward for knowing, and he felt his cheeks burn a soft shade of red. "I… thought it was just the Potions classroom, you know, considering there's always cauldrons in there, but it wasn't… It was Snape."

He remembered how good it had smelt as well. It sounded strange, thinking the smell of a cauldron would be nice, but they were actually rather sweet and had a certain musk to them. Harry hadn't been able to get the scent from his nostrils for hours after that class, and now it made sense. It was because Snape's magic was still attached to him.

"What should I do?" he finally asked, "I don't want to bother him, but If he does like me, well… I want him to show it," he shrugged, as if that were normal. Which it was. If two people liked each other, what was so wrong about showing it?

This time Hermione didn't really have a solid answer. Professor Snape wasn't the average person. He was shut in, cold, professional. She hadn't really seen him the way Harry had, so she honestly wasn't sure what Harry could do.

"I don't know if he'll ever come out about it, considering he's a professor here, but maybe you should just continue doing what you're doing. Whatever that is, it's obviously made the two of you closer. Just being yourself."

Harry could have snorted. "You mean be completely idiotic and humiliating?" That really made him sound like his father, not to mention like a complete and utter Gryffindor, acting without even thinking.

"Well it's working," Hermione laughed. "Just be yourself. This is Snape, if you start trying to act different, he'll notice, and he'll probably yell at you because of it. It's not the first time he's liked a Gryffindor, Harry."

No, that was true. Harry smiled lightly at the thought of Snape actually liking him back. He definitely wanted to get down to the bottom of it, and he certainly wanted Snape to admit it. He'd be himself, with maybe a little more courage. Not that he had the feeling Snape did like him back, he felt much more confident.

Maybe today's Potions lesson wouldn't be so bad after all.

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