When Madeline had left the room, she walked as far away as she could from where Calhoun so that she wouldn't end up running into him again. But then it was a hard thing to do when it wasn't her but him who came looking for her.
Bringing her hand forward, she took a look at her wrist where the vampire had bit into her. She blushed by thinking how his tongue had run on her skin. She had to get some water to wash her skin! How shameful and embarrassing! If someone in the village heard about a man sucking on a girl's wrist, it would have turned into a full-blown scandal, and she doubted if it was any less with the people who belonged to the high status. Pulling out her handkerchief, she started to rub the area where his mouth had been that now turned red.
"He's nothing but a crude man acting like a cave person," Madeline muttered under her breath while fuming quietly by herself as she walked alone in the lonely corridor.