With their lips locked together and kissing sounds ringing out as they stood in the hallway, Layla hooked one of her legs at Alex's back.
This then prompted Alex to lift Layla up who curled her other leg which was on the ground around his back.
With her thighs balancing on his strong and powerful arms which kept her suspended in the air, she continued to kiss him, ignoring some certain workers who passed at the moment Alex lifted her into the air.
After some time, she removed her lips from Alex's and said "Let's go inside"
"Okay" Alex said.
Then he carried her in and locked the door behind him. And as soon as they arrived before a bed, Alex threw her onto it.
Hello Readers,
I am sorryyy for the late chapters.
I have been hella busy these days. But I would make it up to you.
Thanks for understanding.