"Tsk, even after everything that happened recently he was still able to call all of them here." Aaron said looking at people arriving at the mansion one by one.
Aaron was really surprised to learn about this location.
It was just outside Star City, near the mountainside.
A secret meeting location for Trinity Crown, a mansion hidden between the forest and the mountains.
One by one, the higher-ups of Trinity Crown were arriving at the mansion.
The security is extremely tight, guards were everywhere around the vicinity of the mansion.
"Look at them, even the people arriving can tell how paranoid Hawthorne is. Also, they are not much better off too, one of them even demanded more security to be brought in here. Tsk, every one of them are scared shi*less." Erisviel beside Aaron said looking at the monitors, observing Trinity Crown through the hidden cameras they have set up around.
There are sixteen laptops on top of portable foldable tables.
Erisviel adapted to this new life of hers, rather quite fast. She thought it will take some time to get used to it but much to her surprise, Erisviel adapted so well that to her it feels like she has been doing this for years.
"It will take some time for all of them to arrive, tired?" Aaron asked Erisviel, feeling a bit tired. He hasn't slept at all since yesterday.
He tried to take a nap but he can't shut his eyes off for even a minute.
This operation must succeed at once, he has been working so hard he might collapse anytime.
The moment this finishes up, he will shoot himself up with one of his darts and sleep soundly.
Nyx, on the other hand, was fine. She was eating, sleeping and working fine.
"Nope, I'm fine but you look like you're gonna collapse!" Erisviel frowned staring at Aaron's eyes. He has dark circles around his eyes and keeps yawning every couple of minutes.
"Don't look at me like that, I will shoot myself up with a sleeping dart. So don't worry about me." Aaron said, giving a yawn after he told Ersiveil about his Shooting self to sleep plan.
"You are crazy!" Shaking her head, Erisviel started going through all the cameras once more.
The whole operation is very tricky.
Aaron, Erisviel, Ana and Nyx were 'support' for the whole operation.
Ana has a dual role of medic and tech support.
Zulkernyn and his team which consist of three people are the 'assassins' of the operation.
Zulkernyn and his two assassin subordinates tasks are to get control of the Surveillance room in the mansion and assassinate people as much as possible without making a single sound.
Aurora and Sabastian will spearhead into the mansion with Hidelio and Julian.
They will go straight to the belly of the beast where the meeting will be held.
Timothy and his team of elites will go around the area and kill the Trinity Crown members.
Terry and his people will support Timothy and meet with Aurora and Sabastian inside the mansion after clearing up everyone outside.
So the first objective is to take control of the surveillance room.
The second objective is to clean up every grunt mobs inside the mansion.
The third objective is to trap the higher-ups inside the meeting hall.
The fourth objective is to clean up everyone outside.
These are the four main objectives.
It sounds simple but it isn't.
Aside from the main objectives, there are more than twenty sub-objectives for all of them.
It isn't easy to wipe out an underground gang that has been operating on Country O for years.
Nyx is going through the plan once more and was checking up everything one last time.
The last member of the higher-ups just arrived.
Soon their Operation 'Taking the Crown' will be commenced.
"Zulky, where are you? I can't see you anywhere?"
Even with the infrared X-ray cams, Erisviel can't see Zulkernyn and his two subordinates.
"I'm wearing special clothes, it will not be seen through your cameras." Zulkernyn replied to Nyx through the communication device that Aaron made last week.
"We are inside the surveillance room, give me the signal when to start Nyx, I'm ready." Zulkernyn said in a soft voice, it was so low even the communication device was barely able to get his message across.
"What the f*ck!!!" Nyx was stupefied hearing Zulkernyn.
How was he able to sneak into the Surveillance room and hide so well that even the people inside haven't been able to notice his presence!!!
Zulkernyn chuckled hearing Nyx curse through the comm.
From the shadows, Zulkernyn was staring at the people inside the room.
His presence is so thin, he was clearly standing in the shadows on a corner yet no one was able to feel his presence and notice him.
His subordinates? One was inside the vent up in the ceiling and one was hiding underneath a table.
Poor guy, he chose a place that so cramped that aside from sitting there silently he can't do anything.
He probably won't even be able to do anything and contribute anything here in the surveillance room.
The person hiding underneath the table was thinking.
'Why did he choose to hide under a table?'
The guy cursed himself thinking this over and over.
Zulkernyn sighed looking at the table nearby.
'He needs more training. Stupid idiot!' Shaking his head he readied a couple of daggers on his hands.
There are 14 people inside.
Zulkernyn started going through a simulation inside his mind.
Calculating everything and imagining all possible scenarios, Zulkernyn nodded after finishing his preparations.
"We will split up here, beware of the cameras. Sabastian, you will go to the north and I will go to the east. You two, listen up if you two can't fight? Then run. I don't need dead subordinates but alive. You two will take the west and the south." Aurora told the others.
Sabastian rolled his eyes then started walking, taking the bags of explosives from and leaving Aurora, Hidelio and Julian alone.
"Did any you two understand what I said?" Giving a cold look to the two of them Aurora asked.
"Yes, boss." Hidelio and Julian quickly nodded and replied to Aurora.
Taking their bags of explosives, Hidelio and Julian left Aurora all alone.
Taking a deep breath Aurora asked Aaron through her telepathic channel.
"Everything fine?"
"Yep, all fine. It will start soon. It will be better if we can capture them alive, so don't just kill everyone. Especially, that Park Hae-young. He's Terry's stepbrother." Aaron told Aurora.
"I know, I know. So when this is over, knock yourself out or I will really beat the crap out of you Lil' brother." Aurora smiled taking her bag of explosives and started walking to finish installing her shares around the mansion.
Ana checking up all the cameras took her communication device and said.
"Zulki, time to ztart killing."
Zulkernyn hearing Ana's voice in his ear smiled.
With Ana telling him to start, Zulkernyn slowly approached two people from behind without making a sound.
Blood gushed out from the necks of the guards dying the white tiles of the floor in the colour of blood.
I have lots of homework!
I won't be able to post for a couple of days so next week only will post the 5 guaranteed chapters.
So no chapter tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
Next chapter will be released 11 October.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
If there are any mistakes? Please, make a comment on the comments section or make a paragraph comment.
Help me improve myself.
Like the novel so far? Please, add it to the library!
[(7/7)Weekly chapters released.]
Two guards their throat slit fell to the ground.
Just as the bodies fell, Zulkernyn threw the blades on his hands towards two guards farthest away from him.
One of Zulkernyn's subordinate who was up in the vents on the ceiling dropped down throwing two knives at the guards.
After touching the ground, she grabbed one of the guards.
Messing up the balance by pulling the guard's hair, she stabbed on the guard's neck before she jumped onto another and plunged a knife at the heart of a guard.
She turned around to help her master, only to found out every other guard were lying on the floor dead.
Looking at the dead bodies on the ground she felt a chill run down her spine.
The amount of time she took to kill four people, her master killed ten at the same time!
Unlike her, Zulkernyn killed all of them silently and swiftly.
He took each step to his advantage, with every step he sent a soul to the underworld.
Leona Raymonds stared at Zulkernyn in fear, awe and respect.
Zulkernyn was 10 years younger than her, yet he was much more ruthless, merciless and dangerous assassin than she is.
Zulkernyn wiped the blood dripping from his knives.
He was staring at the table, where one of his stupid subordinates hid.
"Come out." Zulkernyn said in a monotone voice.
Leona shook her head thinking about the punishment her partner will get.
Keith hurriedly came out from his hiding spot.
Looking at his boss, Keith shuddered thinking about what kind of punishment he will get.
"Tell me, why did you hide under the table?"
"Uhm, I thought it was a good place to hide and sneak attack, Sir!" Standing uptight in front of Zulkernyn, Keith answered.
There was a moment of silence before Zulkernyn opened his mouth.
"Your training will be triple from tomorrow onwards for a month." Zulkernyn told Keith before he informed the others that he took control of the surveillance room.
After reporting his success on his 1st objective, Zulkernyn told his subordinates to follow him
"We need more stuff to do, don't do any stupid things anymore."
Taking the lead Zulkernyn left the Surveillance room.
Aurora just finished placing the explosives, she was about to leave the area when she saw someone coming her way.
Recognising the person and thinking of a sudden idea, Aurora stealthily approached him from behind.
Placing a knife on his neck, Aurora said.
"Park Hae-young, don't move."
The voice sounded grim to Hae-young.
He felt like 'death' was grabbing on his throat, Hae-young felt fear to the point he almost passed out.
"If you want to save your mother and sister, follow me. Your brother is also here."
*boom* Park Hae-young felt like his mind exploded hearing the person who is holding a knife on his throat.
His mother? His sister? Brother?
He knows that he has a stepbrother, his stepmother told her about it.
His stepmother kept his brother safe by telling Hawthorne that his son died.
But in truth, his stepmother gave her son to her sister to take care.
Many thoughts were inside his head, but he can only get his answers if he follows the person whose blade is touching the flesh of his neck.
"Okay, I will come with you." Park Hae-young said to the person who is holding the knife over his throat.
"Then let's go inside that room." Aurora moved the knife away from his neck and pointed at a door.
"Aurora, everyone finished placing their explosives. What are you doing?" Aaron asked furrowing his brows.
"I just got ourselves an ally to help us, little brother." Aurora replied to Aaron in their telepathic channel.
Park Hae-young was looking at the girl in front of him with fear in his eyes.
He just learned everything from the girl.
Today, Trinity Crown will fall.
They will fall for sure, it is inevitable.
Park Hae-young's face was pale as a sheet of white.
He gulped his non-existent saliva down his throat.
With a quivering voice, Hae-young asked.
"Then why are you not killing me off?"
Aurora rolled her eyes and said.
"I will give you a chance on behalf of your brother, join us or die. So choose, what is your answer going to be Park Hae-young?"
Hae-young thought for a few minutes before deciding.
He doesn't know much about the Nameless.
Is he going to sign another deal with a devil?
From Hawthorne to Nameless?
To be honest, he is tired of this life.
He just wants to save his family and leave to who knows where.
But after everything he has done, will he ever be able to live in peace?
Surely, his Karma will catch up to him sooner or later.
Thinking about some more he finally decided on what his answer will be.
"I will help you with one condition!"
"Speak," Aurora raised her brows thinking about what his condition will be.
"I want you to grant me a peaceful death after everything is over.
Aurora's eyes widened hearing Park Hae-young.
"Are you sure? Why don't you just see for yourself what Nameless is by your own eyes before you decide on throwing away your life?"
Aurora can kind of guess what is on his mind right now.
His guilt is eating him up inside.
Park Hae-young will sooner or later, break.
Aurora heard everything from Aaron about Park Hae-young.
The only reason he was doing Hawthorne's bidding was that bastard was holding his family hostage.
Hawthorne needed Park Hae-young, he is a genius with numbers and administrative work.
A perfect manager anyone could ask for.
For the past couple of months, Hawthorne has been torturing Hae-young giving him tasks which were breaking his mind little by little.
"That son of a bitch!!!" Aurora cursed in the telepathic channel.
"What?" Aaron asked hearing his sister curse.
Aurora explained everything to Aaron.
"That bast*rd son of a b*tch!!!"
Even Aaron was enraged hearing everything from Aurora
"Agree, for now. He needs help, we will get someone to look after him later." Aaron told Aurora.
Aurora took a deep breath and said to Park Hae-young.
"I understand, We will talk about this later after we save your mother and sister from that b*stard. We don't have much time right now."
Park Hae-young nodded without thinking much.
"Eris, what's the situation outside?" Asked Aurora to Erisviel.
"Terry and Timothy are advancing to the mansion. 80% almost finished, so you should go for the finale Rory."
Nodding her head Aurora, left the room with Park Hae-young.
Soon, Aurora was in front of a giant closed door.
Zulkernyn was already waiting for her with his subordinates.
Julian and Hidelio also arrived right on time.
"There are about more than 100 people in the hall." Zulkernyn said in all seriousness.
"We need Hawthorne alive." Looking at the people staring at her, Aurora told them their final objective.
"It's gonna be messy, really messy. Guns are better than blades." Sabastian arrived holding a ninjato and Aaron's 'HaloCutie' on his hands.
"You guys will only support us until we grab Hawthorne. So till then don't do anything." Aurora said to Julian, Hidelio and Zulkernyn's two subordinates.
Aurora took out a pair of guns.
Taking three deep breaths in and out, she slowly opened the door.
Zulkernyn was surprised feeling murderous and violent aura coming from Sabastian and Aurora.
Compare to the two of them, he was severely lacking experience in fighting hordes of people.
But he wasn't discouraged at all. Instead, competitive spirit rose within him.
"I won't lose to either of you." Zulkernyn darted throwing thin knife blades to the people sitting at the tables.
"Oh! really?" Sabastian chuckled swinging his ninjato.
With a single swing three head rolled to the ground.
"Tsk, boys!"
Aurora saw people going for their guns, her reactions were fast and marksmanship was heavenly.
Each shot was a headshot.
*BANG* (x?)
I'm sorry, I was late to upload because I had too much work to do.
Have exams going around. sorry.
Here's the new chapter!
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
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Help me improve myself.
Like the novel so far? Then please, add it to the library!
[(1/6) Weekly chapters released.]