100% The Mutant Sorcerer / Chapter 63: Chapter 63: Some Things Are Not Meant To Be Seen

章節 63: Chapter 63: Some Things Are Not Meant To Be Seen

Hey guys,

New Chapter of the Mutant Sorcerer.

Don't forget to leave comments and check out my other fics



"So how did I do?" asked the child as if he had just taken a written test and asked the teacher his grades.

The people in the observation room were silent in shock at the little boy's performance.

"W...Well that was something," Hank said breaking the silence.

Logan scoffed,

"I'll say. He doesn't even look tired," the man replied.

Xavier continued to stare at Isaiah who looked around innocently, waiting for the verdict. He took a look at the stopwatch,


It took less than five minutes for him to complete the obstacle.

Even if the obstacle course was set at the easiest level, it was still an incredible feat for someone like Isaiah. The record amongst children for the easiest level was ten minutes.

He then turned to the two teenagers,

"Children, why don't you go join young Isaiah and tell his result."

"Sure!" replied Jean.

Scott remained silent and followed her leaving the three adults in the room.

Xavier turned to Hank,

"So what did you find, Hank?"

The man took a look at his laptop as he tapped away.

"The results are extraordinary. The energies the boy emits are something unlike I have ever seen. If what you say about the boy's capabilities is true, then what he has shown isn't even the tip of the iceberg. However, I will need to run more tests to see what those energies are, but I can say for sure that it is not psionic energy."

The blue beast pushed his glasses,

"But from what I can see according to this test, he is no ordinary mutant. When did you say he awakened?"

"Five," Charles replied.

"Five years ago!? That's the youngest mutant ever recorded!" he asked bewildered.

Logan shook his head,

"What he meant was the kid awakened at the age of five."

Hank remained silent,

"Well, I'll be damned. H-How?"

Charles sighed,

"He was a victim of the Disaster of Kathmandu."


They all turned to the Danger Room where they saw Isaiah talking to the two teenagers.

"But what he showed is not something a normal child should be able to do. Heck, almost none of our students is able to do that. Not including his powers, the way he moved, the way he accurately shot his energy bullets, and the way he destroyed those robots. It's like he was trained." Hank analyzed.

Logan nodded,

"He was trained."

"Did Tony Stark have him trained?" asked Hank.

"No. Apparently, they've only found out about each other last year," replied Charles.

"Then what is going on? How does he have such experience?" asked Hank.

"Well, that's the million-dollar question, ain't it, bub?"

Xavier rolled his wheelchair back and went to the intercom before pressing a button,

"Young Isaiah."

The boy in question stopped talking and looked up,


"How do you feel?" the man asked.

"I feel great!"

"How much of your energy reserves have you used during the obstacle course?"

"Not much. I mostly used it to enhance myself."

"I see. We would like your permission for further testing. Is that possible?"

"Sure!" Isaiah shrugged.

Xavier turned to Henry and nodded.

"Thank you. Hank will be with you in a moment. Jean? Scott? Will you please return?"

Hank left the room and walked up to the younger boy holding up some sort of stickers.

"Hello, Isaiah. What you've shown was simply fascinating. And thank you for letting us run more tests."

"No problem! I also want to find out more about my powers."

Although Isaiah knew much about his mana and his magic, he wanted to see what it would look like from the perspective of science.

"What are those?" he asked as he saw the blue beast holding up some stickers.

"These are my personal spin on medical detection devices you can find in hospitals. You can compare them to electrodes. It will accurately read your biometrics as well as analyze the energies you emit while you use your powers. However, I'm gonna need you to stick it on your body. May I?"

The boy nodded and removed his shirt revealing an impressive physique not normally found in a twelve-year-old boy.

"I'm impressed by your physique, Isaiah. What did you do to get in such shape?" asked Henry as he placed several electrode-looking devices all over the boy's upper body and head.

"My teacher taught me martial arts! I also do a lot of exercise."

"Teacher? Can you tell me about them?"

"She was the one who found me after the disaster. She then taught me how to fight."

"Is that so? I heard that you found out about your father last year. Does that mean, you were living with your teacher that whole time?"


Hank smiled and placed the last devices.

"Aaaaand done! Are they uncomfortable?" the man asked.

Isaiah moved around and shook his head.


"Good. Now then." Hank took out his tablet, "What can you tell me about your powers?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, from what I've learnt, you possess the ability to manipulate multiple unknown energies. And since you've had your powers for more than five years, I figured you have researched your powers a lot. Did this teacher of yours know about them?"

Isaiah remained silent.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Isaiah scratched the back of his head,

"Well, I don't know the full capabilities of the energies, but I gave the blue one a name."

"Really? What do you call it?"


"Mana? Like the supernatural force found in Polynesian legends?"

"What? No. Like those found in RPG video games. It's the energy used by the characters to fuel their spells."

"Huh? That's a handy name. So what can you do with mana?"

"I can do this."

Isaiah held up his hand and a ball of water appeared hovering above his palm.

"Oh? What is this? Water?"

Isaiah nodded.

"I found out I can convert my mana into natural elements. Water was the easiest. I figured I could do this with the other elements once I get more practice."

Hank pushed his glasses as he further observed the ball of water.

"Fascinating. Is this transmutation? And you say you converted your "mana" into water. How did you do that? Is it drinkable" the man asked as he poked the water with the end of his pen.

Isaiah nodded,

"I focus on an image of what represents the water as much as possible. And it is also drinkable."

"Am I to assume imagination plays a big role in the manipulation of your powers?"

Isaiah nodded,


"What else can you do with "mana"?"

"I showed that I can enhance myself, shoot energy bullets, but I can also do this."

He showed off his telekinesis by lifting a destroyed robot in the air.

"And how did you do that?"

"I used my mana to convert it into another form of energy before wrapping it around the object and lifting it."

"I see. So what you're saying is that you use this mana to achieve telekinesis similar to psychokinesis which uses psionic energy."

Isaiah nodded, "You could say that."

Hank nodded and noted it down in his tablet.

"One last question, I heard you had a sub-ability due to your energy manipulation."


"Is it possible to tell me?"

"Sure! I wouldn't call it a sub-ability more than that it is part of my energy manipulation. Like in order to manipulate different forms of energy, I would need to perceive them right?"


"Well, that's what I can do. I can sense these energies."

"I see. And when you say sense energy, what do you mean? What energies are you sensing and how do you sense them?"

Isaiah cringed a little,

"It's kind of hard to describe. It's like a combination of touch and smell. And I don't understand your first question."

"When you say you sense energies, do you sense the energies that you manipulate or all the energy around us?"

"I can sense the ones in my surroundings as well as the one I use."

"An example perhaps?"

Isaiah looked around before turning to the observation room.

"I can sense the energy emitted by the mutants."

Henry raised an eyebrow,


"Yes. Professor Xavier's psionic energy is concentrated around his brain. Scott also has psionic energy around his brain, however, he also has another form of energy around his eyes."

"Fascinating. Do you feel anything from me?"

Isaiah looked at the man in front of him and frowned,

"You are a little weird. I don't feel much from you. Do you have any powers where you need to emit something?"

"No. I see. Since I am a purely physical mutant, I don't have some form of energy that you can pick up. What about Logan?"

"It's like all of his cells contain his energy. But there is a higher concentration of it around his arms. What's up with that?"

Hank nodded,

"That makes sense. Logan has two major abilities. The ability to form metal claws from his knuckles and regeneration."

"Woah," Isaiah let out in wonder.

Hank smiled,

"Now then. Shall we proceed with the tests?"


It was now 10:45 PM and way past the children's curfew.

In a lab, Hank was looking through some papers when the door opened revealing Charles Xavier.

"Oh, Professor. What brings you here?"

"I wanted to see what you found out about today?"

Hank smiled,

"Isaiah is such a peculiar child, but his abilities are simply outstanding. I've never seen multiple mutant abilities, and Isaiah's can be placed amongst the most fascinating. The sheer versatility makes him one of the stronger mutants we have encountered."

"What level would you place him at?"

Hank had to think about it for a moment,

"I would categorize him as an Omega class at least."

"At least?"

"Yes. From what I analyzed what he's shown today was barely anything. Not to mention the energies he used during his demonstration."

Xavier nodded,

"I see."

"Actually, I have noticed something strange."

"Do tell."

Hank pulled out some papers and MRIs and gave them to the wheelchair-bound man.

"As you can see, Isaiah's brain activity is quite unusual. You usually find them in mutants with telepathic abilities such as yourself and Jean."

"Are you saying young Isaiah is also a telepath?"

"But that's the thing. Telepaths have a common reading when doing brain and brainwave scans. But not Isaiah. Unlike you guys, Isaiah's brain activity is highly concentrated in the hippocampus whereas yours and Jean's is concentrated in the whole brain itself. And Isaiah's scans show an activity higher than what is normal for a human. As you know, the hippocampus plays a major role in learning and the formation of memories. Isaiah also has an unusually high amount of grey matter which could also impact his learning ability and intelligence."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"I believe, Isaiah has another ability that either he doesn't know about yet or he didn't tell. That ability has something to do with his learning capabilities."

"But what does it have to do with his energy manipulation?"

"As of now? I don't know."

Xavier nodded.

"Well, Isaiah is going to be staying with us for a week as a trial run. Therefore, we must first let him experience this school before starting to run more tests," He gave the papers back to the scientist. "I shall leave you now since I believe you still have a class to prepare, don't you?"

Hank's eyes widened,

"Oh dear, you're right! I better prepare."

Xavier smiled and rolled out of the room. As soon as the door closed, his smile disappeared. He started rolling in a particular direction.

A few minutes later, he arrived in front of a door and slowly opened it. There, he could see Isaiah sleeping soundly on his bed.

'I really hope my suspicions are wrong and it's simply paranoia talking.'

He slowly wheeled his chair toward the bed and observed the child sleeping without a single care in the world.

'Just what kind of life did this child have to have trained like that? If he is an Omega class mutant, why have I not found him? Why has he not found this child? So many questions and so few answers. I must at least get some answers.'

The man closed his eyes and frowned,

'Forgive me young Isaiah, but I must make sure you are not a danger to the others and to yourself.'

Xavier then started concentrating and focused his power on Isaiah. That's when he encountered the child's mind.

And it was another surprise.

The reason he had difficulty picking up on his thoughts was not because of his ability, but because it seems the child has a mental barrier to him. And it was quite sturdy.

It made him wonder if Isaiah intentionally created something like this. And if he did, just what could he be hiding?

However, he was not an Alpha-class mutant and the strongest telepath in the world for nothing. After carefully avoiding the barrier with his expertise without waking the boy up, he finally breached the barrier.

However, at that moment, a flash of light blinded him and the next thing he knew, he was waking up on some grass.


The man looked down and saw that his wheelchair was gone which was normal. Since this is a mental realm, Xavier can present himself however he wants. He took a deep breath and looked up.

It was a mistake.

"Oh, my god."

As soon as his eyes lay on the sky, his breath hitched as he saw the crimson cracks in the sky glowing ominously. As he continued to stare, he felt himself going cold and shivering.

"W-What's this?"

The cracks seemed to pull something from inside of him. It was like he was so insignificant. He felt like he was watching the End with a capital E.

He didn't know how to describe it. It was so primal and incomprehensible. It was like something no mortal was meant to see.

He looked down at his hands and saw that they were trembling.

"How?" he asked himself.

When dealing with a mental mindscape, usually, he was the stronger one.

The keyword being "usually."

But this was different. So different.

"Just what are you, Isaiah?" Xavier asked himself.

He looked back to the sky and, for a split second, the whole landscape turned dark with red cracks everywhere.

He quickly stumbled back and the vision turned back to normal just like a lie. The grass was green and the sky returned to being littered with ominous crimson cracks that seemed to shift every second. But that was not the end.


As soon as he turned his eyes to the sun, his whole body stood still. He couldn't move it and he was frozen in place.

"What is going on!?"

The sun felt so unnatural, he felt like it was going to swallow him if he were to stare at it any longer. It was...

It was so disturbing, but so beautiful at the same time. The blue sun shone upon the world, but he didn't know how or why. But that sun...

That was something masquerading as a sun.

But that begged the question.

What the hell is that?

What was its relationship with Isaiah and why does it disguise itself as a sun illuminating his world?

With great difficulty, he tore his eyes away from the horrifying sun and finally set his eyes upon a city in front of him.

Usually, people's mental realm is usually composed of something they are familiar with like a house, or a school. There can even be a city sometimes, but those were rare. 

However, Isaiah's mental realm was unlike he had ever seen. It was so detailed with building roads and even a huge castle. He also saw people roaming around in the streets.

Wait. People?

He had to double-take when he saw actual people. Mental realms don't have people simply walking around. There may be memories containing people, but not the people themselves.

"Just what is going on?"

At that moment, he felt a poke on his shoulder.

"What the!"

He stumbled back when he saw someone standing behind him. And he hadn't even sensed her!

The woman in question was a very tall and voluptuous woman with long purple hair that reached her feet. She wore a short black dress, long thigh-high black boots, and arm sleeves that exposed her shoulders. However, the peculiar aspect of her appearance was the purple blindfold she was wearing.

"Who-" Before Charles could say anything two long nails linked by a chain appeared in her hands.

"You've seen something you shouldn't have," the woman said.

With a swift movement, she shot one of her weapons and the last thing Charles saw was the nail nailing into his head and blacking out.

He soon found himself back in Isaiah's room heaving and gasping for air.


The man tried to catch his breath as he touched his face and only felt the sweat coming down his forehead.

That's when he felt something drip down his lip. He brought his hand to his face touched his top lip and felt some wetness. Looking at his hand, it turned out to be some dark red liquid.

Blood. His blood.

Charles had several emotions running through him at the moment. Confusion, fear, etc. He wanted to find out if Isaiah was safe, but he came back with more questions and answers. What kind of mental world was that? Who was the woman? What are the cracks and was that ominous sun?

Just who was Isaiah?

Charles felt like he had stepped on a landmine and it was just waiting to go off if he dug any further.

The last time he felt so small and insignificant was when he entered Jean's mind. The horrible fire capable of wreaking havoc throughout the world and maybe the universe! He thought back at the fiery being inside of her ready to unleash its flame if released.

'Was it the same for Isaiah?'

He didn't know what it was and its role.

But he knew. He knew that being could spell the end of the world and it was too much for the young girl.

Therefore he did what he had to do. He sealed away that part of Jean's psyche. He knew it was wrong. It was morally wrong, but he had to do what he had to do for her own good and the good of others. He would only release that seal when she was ready to wield that power lest it consumes her and the world around her.

He looked back to Isaiah and cringed in indecision.

Should he do it? Should he lock that part of Isaiah's psyche? He hadn't even explored the mental realm to make sure there wasn't any other danger. That woman seemed powerful and independent from Isaiah. It may be his defence mechanism, but it was too real and independent of the child.

And if that woman was that powerful, are the other people in Isaiah's mental realm like her?

Xavier has a Ph.D. in psychology. He has written many papers concerning the human mind due to his mutant power. That's why, he could speculate that Isaiah could also suffer from a mental disorder.

A dissociative identity disorder.

But Xaveir hadn't noticed anything strange from the child except he seemed way more mature than his age.

'What should I do? Perhaps I shou-'

At that moment, something strange happened. It was like he froze as his thoughts had been interrupted. He sat there in his wheelchair for a whole ten seconds before going out of the room and closing the door. Once outside, he frowned,

"What was I doing here? Oh right, I was going to check on some paperwork for Isaiah."

Unknown to him, piercing blue eyes that seemed to glow in the dark were staring at him from the bed. Isaiah sat up on his bed and stared at the closed door.

"That was a close one."

Isaiah had noticed something was going on when he felt something going on in his Reality Marble. He hadn't even noticed that someone had breached his mental barrier. The only reason he noticed someone had breached his Reality Marble was because there had been a shift in it.

"Thank you, Medusa."

A soft and mature female voice appeared could be heard in his mind,

'It was no problem, my King. I simply did my duty.'

Isaiah smiled and lay back down. After awakening The Kingdom of Mysteries, Isaiah was able to communicate with its residents if he wished to do so.

"You know I remember Percy saying he met with Medusa of this world," he said

'Oh? Why did she look like?' Medusa asked seemingly interested.

Isaiah sighed,

"Unfortunately, I haven't met her. According to him, the woman looked like an old Middle-Eastern woman with snakes for hair."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, and did you know your legend is different from your own here?"

'Do tell.'

"Well it goes like this. There was a daughter of Phorcys and Keto, and was once a priestess of Athena. Poseidon was bitter at Athena for recently turning his beloved Koroneis into a raven, so he decided to get back at her by becoming obsessed with the beautiful girl. Despite being warned about sea gods by her sisters, she was actually flattered that Poseidon liked her. He took her to a town's temple dedicated to Athena.

As a result of the two getting romantic at the foot of a statue of her, the infuriated and disgusted Athena cursed Medusa. The girl's hair was turned into serpents and any mortal who would look upon her gaze would turn to stone. Eventually, she ended up living in a cave far from civilization with just her sisters, Stheno and Euryale, the three were called the Gorgons. Medusa's sisters were eventually made immortal, though they do not have the power to turn people to stone like her," Isaiah said as he recited the legend from a book Annabeth had given him the last time she came with the other demigods for training.

'That's...' Medusa tried to say something, but she couldn't.

'I know. At the end of the day, she is simply a person caught in a quarrel between two gods. And she couldn't do anything. Now she has to live as the monster the legends made her to be. She was soon defeated by the son of Poseidon, Perseus, using a Celestial Bronze shield/mirror.'

'I see. Is she still alive?"

Isaiah shrugged,

"A few years ago, Percy managed to kill her since monsters can't really die, but they can be killed. Therefore, I don't know if she managed to revive or not. She probably did or not. There is no way of knowing."


Noticing her tone, Isaiah asked,

"What's wrong?"

'If my King sees her one day, could I perhaps meet her?'

"Sure, why not?"

"Thank you."

"No problem," Isaiah replied and yawned.

"Now I should go back to sleep. Goodnight Medusa."

'Goodnight to you too, your Majesty,' Medusa replied and Isaiah felt her retreating into his Reality Marble.

His eyes lingered on the door where Professor Xavier had left. To be honest, the man was a much better telepath than him. It reminded him of a quote his teacher once told him,

'A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."

Isaiah's greatest gift is his magic, but he still had a long way to go before mastering it. He may not even master it completely in his lifetime.

Nothing is set in stone.

However, Xavier was a master in his domain: Telepathy. He's had a lifetime of experience. The only way Isaiah could fight back was by using his strongest ability.

Denial of Nothingness.

It was not something he used often considering the world he was in, but Xavier had seen something he wasn't ready to show yet.

'I guess this was a lesson for me to not show everything on the get-go.'

The boy sighed before closing his eyes,

'I wonder what other mutant power I could research?'

He could feel his Intuitive Aptitude thirst for knowledge, but he could leave it for tomorrow's Isaiah.

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