40% Pokemon: Unforeseen Devastation (Yu-Gi-Oh x Pokemon) / Chapter 2: Emergency In Sootopolis

章節 2: Emergency In Sootopolis

A/N: I had decided to change the deck that my character uses, which will be a deck with a bunch of made-up cards that I had created. The main reason for this was so that the deck he used would be consistent and not containing a bunch of cards from different archetypes to fill things in. There might be some pretty powerful cards, so just saying in advance.

Also, this story is set within the Anime world, and maybe some game stuff might be implemented, not certain as of yet. Finally, some things may be changed from the canon and rules, but nothing too impacting.





"So, what is this building?"

"This is the building of Devon Corporation, the company that my father is the president of." Steven had responded to Haruto's question as they were seen currently walking through a rather large building. They seemed to be heading towards a door that was at the end of a rather long hallway within the place.

This place was indeed Devon Corporation, which is a large corporation that is run in the Hoenn region, having been based in the city that they were currently in. This city being Rustboro City, a place that Steven had taken Haruto to after the incident with that duelist that had attacked the young duelist.

Steven had called for a helicopter to pick them up as to take them to this place, which is why they can be seen walking through this building. Steven hadn't told Haruto much about the company, except that it was pretty much a company that is responsible for creating new kinds of Pokeballs in the region as well as creating useful products for pokemon training.

They continued walking through the halls towards the door before finally arriving in front of it, to which Steven then knocked on it a few times before they waited. Soon, a mature male voice could be heard from within the room behind the doors. "Come on in."

Steven nodded before he began to open up the door, to which a light could be seen coming from within the room as the door slowly opened. Haruto had his arms crossed as he followed behind Steven as they began to walk inside, to which he looked around to see that he found himself in some kind of office.

"Ah, you've arrived, Steven. And you seem to have brought the guests that you mentioned." The male that seemed to be sitting on a chair behind a desk said as he turned his attention towards the young duelist. Steven nodded his head as looked at Haruto. "Nice to meet you young man, my name is Mr. Stone. President of Devon Corporation."

"A pleasure, Mr. Stone. It's Haruto, Haruto Mozaki." Haruto introduced himself politely with a small bow as the two of them shook hands. From what Haruto saw of the man, he wore thick coat with two rows of buttons over a white shirt, having spiky grey hair and small dark eyes. His face rather flat looking and his ears sticking out from his hair.

"I see, it's a pleasure as well, young man. I must say, what Steven has said is rather true, you are quite the handsome young man." Mr. Stone chuckled. Haruto sweatdropped, whe never really considered his looks much, so he really wasn't someone to say if he was good looking or not. Steven sighed as he shook his head.


"Oh, right! I have heard of your situation from my son, quite unfortunate indeed." Steven's father said with sympathy. Haruto just shook his head, he wasn't too affected by it, plus, there were some things he wanted to know about who those people were. "It's no problem, sir. I just need to find a way home, and that's that."

"You're keeping a clear mind, that's good, panicking won't do good here." Mr. Stone smiled as he heard Haruto's response. It was true, panicking right now would only hinder Haruto right now. Mr. Stone then leaned forwards as he then said. "That's why I have decided that I will try and assist as much as I can."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"After hearing of your rather unfortunate dilemma, as well as what seemed to have happened not too long ago with that figure." Mr. Stone said seriously. Steven must have told him about the incident. "We have deemed that these people are dangerous people, and that you might be the only one to be able to deal with them. We shall assist in finding a way home for you as well."

"I see. So basically, while you're helping me find a method of returning to my home, you'd like my assistance in getting rid of these dark duelists?" Haruto summarised. Mr. Stone nodded his head strongly at this, to which Steven then added. "That's right, Haruto. I could see just how dangerous they are with those duel monsters, and you are the one that can fight back. Just by looking at those monsters, I can tell just how much stronger they are, and I doubt many, if anyone, can stand up to them in this world."

"Except me?"

"Right. Which is why we ask of your assistance, Haruto. The people of this world have no idea what they are dealing with, they need you." Mr. Stone practically pleaded. Haruto closed his eyes before releasing a smile as he opened them up. "Of course I'll help. I won't just let these duelist cause havoc, plus, I want some answers of my own!"

Mr. Stone and Steven smiled as they saw Haruto's aura of determination as well as a strong presence, he had one of the most powerful presences that they have ever felt. Steven thought that champions like him and the others of the other regions carried strong auras, but Haruto was certainly something else.

As they were talking, something seemed to happen as an alarm seemed to sound as the room began to flash red. They looked around in alert as they heard this, what the heck was going on right now? They soon noticed someone running into the room, which revealed to be one of the scientists of the corporation.

"P-President! We've detected the same energy signatures! The one's that Steven told us about!" The scientist had cried out as he tried to catch his breath. They seemed alarmed as both Steven and Haruto turned to look at Mr. Stone, who had a very serious look on his face. "So soon... We need to get to the monitor room."

Both Steven and Haruto nodded as all four of them began running out of the room, with Mr. Stone leading the way as they ran through the building towards a larger room within the complex with a good number of computers. There were staff everywhere as they seemed to be panicking as they worked.

"What is going on!" Mr. Stone demanded as he looked towards one of the scientists. The scientist that was called out to stopped his work and looked towards Mr. Stone and replied by saying. "President! We have detected the so-called duelling energy on our scanners, the same ones that Steven told us!"

"Where is this located? Show us!" Steven said as he walked up next to his father. The scientist nodded before turning to a computer and began typing furiously on it. They waited as on the big screen appeared a large map of many landmasses, to which a red space was indicated when zooming in on the one named Hoenn.

"It appears to be coming from Sootopolis City! It's coming from the ocean!" The scientist cried out as Steven and the rest of them stared at the screen with sweat coming down their face. The meter judging the amount of energy was skyrocketing, showing no signs of stopping. "What should we do?!"

"I want you to try and locate the exact location of the energy, inform us after it is done!" Mr. Stone ordered. They all nodded before getting to work instantly, to which the president then turned to both Steven and Haruto. "Steven, I need you to get into contact with Wallace. Inform him of what is going on."

"Understood, father. I'll get right on that!" Steven replied strongly. He then turned his attention down towards Haruto before holding tow things out towards the young man, who blinked in confusion. "I had forgotten to give this to you. They'll prove helpful to you in the future, that being now as well."

"A jacket, and what is this?" True to Haruto's words. Steven had handed him a white hooded jacket with black accents, along with what appeared to be some kind of earpiece. Steven then explained. "Wear that jacket, it allow you to hide yourself as your out there, if people found out who you were as you duel, it could cause major searches for your face."

"That's understandable, thanks a lot." Haruto nodded his head in understanding. He then swung the jacket over his shoulders as it seemed to act like a cape, defying gravity as it seemed to stand up. He then swung the hood over his head as his face was obscured by the pointed hood. It was actually a really nice fit.

"That earpiece I gave you will also allow you to communicate with us while we're separated, we'll be able to tell you if something happens." Steven had explained simply. Haruto nodded his head before attaching the device onto his right ear as it had a microphone that went to his mouth and covered a good majority of his ear. "Perfect, I'll prepare a helicopter for you to get to Sootopolis."

"Alright, understood. I'm ready whenever." Haruto replied. He then took hold of his duel disk as he held it in front of his face, with the lights of it glowing along with the orb. The scientists looked at it with major interest as well as Mr. Stone. Mr. Stone then approached and nodded his head.

"We're counting on you, Haruto."

"Leave it to me."


Haruto could now be seen sitting in a black helicopter that Steven had assigned to help him get to Sootopolis City, being rather strong looking as it could be seen approaching a city with many buildings built upon what appeared to be a dormant volcano, perhaps an extinct one as he doubted they would build a city on a volcano that could potentially erupt.

Haruto had his hood down as he made sure everything was in order, his deck as well as his duel disk as he didn't know what could end up happening. He needed to be prepared for he didn't know when anything will happen, and who knows when one of those guys from that so-called Dark Estrada would appear.

"Haruto, can you hear me?" Steven's voice had went through from the earpiece that was still attached to Haruto's right ear. Haruto didn't flinch at the sudden voice, but instead moved his hand to the device and began speaking. "Loud and clear, Steven. Is there anything that you have gathered yet?"

"Not much so far, just that the signal is getting stronger and stronger. Be careful, we don't know what can happen." Steven warned as his voice was completely serious. Haruto just nodded as he gave a grunt that told he understood. "Good. You're nearing the city, prepare yourself to start the mission."

"Roger that." Haruto joked a bit. He then stood up from his seat and held onto the walls and the interior of the helicopter as to not end up falling over, to which he then began making his way over towards the opened up side of the vehicle. When he looked down, he could indeed see a city coming into view.

"Remember, I had informed Wallace of what is going on. Meet up with him as soon as you can." Steven said lastly before cutting off the line. Haruto waited until the helicopter flew over the city, to which he began to notice people were starting to look up in confusion at eh sudden appearance of the aircraft.

"We have arrived at the designated point. You can now exit the vehicle when you need." The person that was flying the helicopter had voiced from the front where the controls were. Haruto looked towards them before nodding his head. "Alright, thanks a lot. Appreciate the assistance with taking me here."

"No problem, good luck out there." Haruto gave a thumbs up before pulling his hood over his head, once again obscuring his face. He then grabbed what appeared to be a cable of sorts that was attached to the side of the helicopter. He then took a breath before holding tight and jumping out of the vehicle.

He began diving down through the air as he was still holding tightly to the cable, and he could see the people staring up in shock along with their pokemon as his act seemed rather shocking to them. I mean, who the heck just jumps out of a helicopter randomly? Haruto wasn't affected much though.

He had been in far more dangerous situations before, one being whenever he has a Speed Duel, your life is rather at stake if you end up falling off the board. Haruto then watched as the ground began to get closer, to which he then did a series of flips before straightening himself and holding the cable.

Once he was about to almost crash to the ground, the cable began to do a swing as he barely skimmed the ground. The people watching were shocked when he let go of the cable nad rolled across the ground a few times before managing to stand up and skidding to a stop. Haruto sighed before looking up and looking at the helicopter.

He watched as it began to fly away, which he gave a small wave before hearing Steven's voice once again come from the earpiece. When he heard the voice, there was surprise laced in the young champion's voice as well as disbelief. "You could have just asked to lower the helicopter, not just jump out of it..."

"Would have taken too much time, you did say you wanted me to meet up with this Wallace guy as fast as I can." Haruto shrugged. Steven seemed to sigh with a small chuckle, Haruto was truly an interesting person. Haruto then cut the link as he noticed the people around him gawking, to which he sweatdropped. "Well, might as well start looking for him..."

He just began walking calmly while ignoring the stares that he had gotten, perhaps that little stunt was a bit much... nah, it saved quite a bit of time that would have been wasted if he waited for the helicopter to land. He just walked through the city, which appeared to be not too advanced, not compared to his world at least.

If he were to compare the technology that this world had, from what he had seen so far at least, it was far inferior to anything that his world had developed. So, he wasn't expecting anything too much of this world's technology while he was here, it did seemed to be many many generations behind his.

He had continued walking through the city as it was actually rather peaceful, but he knew that Steven along with his father and the company were trying to find the exact location of the energy they detected, and all he could do right now was try to find this Wallace guy he was told about.

From what he had heard from Steven before getting on the helicopter, Wallace is the gym leader of this city. Apparently also good friends with Steven, so he probably asked the gym leader to assist Haruto in searching at the scene alongside Haruto. Haruto didn't mind help, but he could only hope those that do help don't get hurt.

"Excuse me! You with the hood!" Haruto stopped walking in confusion as he heard a rather upbeat and female voice. Haruto seemed to turn around as he was surprised at what he saw, there were a group of people that seemed to be heading in his direction. Leading them seemed to be a young girl his age. "Can I have a moment, please?!"

"Uh... sure?" Haruto had answered unsurely. Now that he took a look at the group, it seemed that they were all admiring the young girl, the group consisting of both males and females of all ages. The girl having a rather petite build as well as fair skin, she had turquoise hair and eyes.

She was dressed in blue and white, a lot of it he might had. Her hair tied into two large bangs, clipped by a barrette that held a strange stone. She wore a sleeveless blue top with a blue ribbon design that exposed her belly button. She wore white shorts that are laced with two large blue and white frills that mimicked a skirt.

She also wore a pair of diamond-designed anklets around her light blue high-heeled shoes, which make her look like she is somewhat taller than an average person but still shorter than him by a bit. On her left leg, was a blue and white striped stocking. To add more to the flashing outfit, she had cotton puffs on her forearms, the back of her neck, and above her shoes.

He had seen many people dress rather strangely, especially the duel entertainers back in his home, but this certainly took one of the top places. Though, that was the least of what he was thinking about right now, who was this girl? She appeared to be famous as he could see people marvelling at her.

"It seems that I've found someone that I have decided to scout today! Having that mysterious and powerful aura that draws people in! It's perfect!" The girl had stated with an energetic attitude as Haruto sweatdropped. What the heck was she talking about? Scouted for what? "I can totally see you doing well in contests!"

"Huh? What are you talking about...?" Haruto asked with a tone of complete confusion. They couldn't see his face right now, but if they could, they would certainly see the amount of confusion that just fully covered his expression. He was just honestly baffled right now. "We must make haste to the Pokemon Contest Hall!"

"Lisia, I believe you are rather overwhelming the young man." A rather graceful voice had interrupted. Haruto just grew more confused, though a bit relieved, as they all turned to look at who had spoke. When they did, the crowd seemed to go even more crazy, further bring confusion to Haruto. "He seems uncomfortable."

"Oh come on, Uncle Wallace! Just look at him, you can't tell me he doesn't interest you!" The girl, that Haruot now knew was Lisia, had said to the man. Haruto looked towards the man and looked at his appearance, being that of a young man who held a rather graceful posture and was kind of... flamboyant.

He was a tall, thin young man with light blue eyes and teal blue hair that curls gracefully around his head. He also wears a white beret and an outfit that was majority of white, along with ribbon-like additions that were draped over each of his shoulders. Another person with strange clothing choices...

"While I may agree, now is really not the time. I ask of you to please leave us for a moment." Wallace had asked the people that had been watching. They seemed hesitant, but complied as they began to back away and only observe from a distance, making the young duelist sweatdrop. He then turned towards Haruto. "It's nice to meet you, young man."

"Same, it's a pleasure..." Haruto replied as he heard him talk. He then noticed something strange, he saw the people that were observing from a distance even having worn a hat that was pretty much the exact same as Wallace. This making him just deadpan slightly. 'Okay... things are just getting weirder and weirder...'

"I have heard of you from Steven, he had told me about you and how you were going to be arriving soon! And here you are! My name is Wallace!" Haruto nodded his head. He had heard Lisia say his name before, but at least he knew this was the rigth Wallace he was searching for. "This here is my niece, Lisia."

"Nice to meet you!" Lisia said with a bubbly attitude. This girl was seriously on some major sugar... Haruto was a bit overwhelmed by the over-energetic attitude, though he just smiled as he decided to introduce himself as well. It was common courtesy. "Nice to meet you both, the name is Haruto. Haruto Mozaki."

"Now that we have gotten introductions out of the way, I believe that we have a rather serious situation on our hands here." Wallace said quickly turning to a serious attitude. Haruto nodded his head as Lisia just seemed to blink in confusion, she had not expected her uncle to suddenly change tones like this. "Quite troubling..."

"Yeah. I think Steven probably told you why he needed to contact you about it?" Haruto asked. Wallace crossed both his arms as he nodded his head in response, to which he then looked towards the ocean. "Yes. He had told me of your situation and what we are possibly dealing with. Also, Milotic has been sensing strange disturbances within the waters."

"Milotic...?" Haruto muttered to himself in confusion. Must have either been another person or a pokemon of Wallace's or something, that was really the only thing he could really guess this Milotic was. Haruto then added. "Anyway. I think we need to start looking and investigating as soon as possible."

"I agree, this is a situation that needs our attention instantly." Wallace nodded. Lisia had just been listening in on the conversation as she stood next to her uncle, her eyes dancing between the two of them in confusion. She then pouted as she swung her arms around. "What is happening exactly? I want to know!"

"Uh... Lisia. This is not something that you need to know, just get back to what you were doing before now." Wallace said as he looked at his uncle. Lisia didn't seem satisfied with the response at all as she seemed to start a small argument with her uncle, trying to get more answers from him.

"... What is happening anymore?" Haruto sighed. He then seemed confused as he then heard his earpiece beeping, he pressed on it by reaching into his hood. Steven's voice then seemed to be alert as his voice sounded into Haruto's ear. "Haruto! Have you found Wallace? This is urgent!"

"Uhh~... Yeah, he's right in front of me."

"Good! The readings are going haywire, something is happening within the ocean near the city!" Steven shouted as Haruto could hear the panicked movements of the scientists. The sound of the mic from the other end seemed to shift a bit as another voice was heard. "Haruto, this is Mr. Stone! What Steven said is true, something is happening. Be careful!"

"Wait, what's going on?!" Haruto asked in panic into the device. This seemed to get both Wallace and Lisia's attention as they turned towards the young duelist in confusion, what was he shouting about? "Mr. Stone?! What is going on?"

"I'm afraid I don't know. Whatever we are picking up is getting stronger and stronger. I'm going to need to look deeper into this!" The mic began to shfit around once again as Steven's voice played through. "This is Steven again! Haruto, we don't know what is really happening in the water, but just know it's really close! Tell Wallace! This could be dangerous!"

"Wait, hold on!" Haruto tried calling out. He clicked his tongue when the line cut off, it seemed that everything was just going crazy right now. Wallace seemed to watched as Haruto looked towards Wallace. "Wallace, Steven had just told me something is happening in the waters. We need to check it out quickly!"

"Does he know what's happening?" Wallace asked in a serious tone. Wallace could tell from the urgency within Haruto's tone that whatever was happening was crazy, and it worried him as whatever it was is close to the city. Haruto shook his head at this as he then said.

"I'm afraid not. They're looking it-!" Haruto didn't get to finish as a sudden powerful gust of wind encompassed the area. They all had to block their faces, except for Haruto who just stabilised himself on the ground as his hood was already covering his face. The sudden wind bringing them great surprise.

"What is happening?!" Lisia shouted. None of them knew the answer to this, where did this wind suddenly come from? Everyone in the city seemed to be panicking as they all then noticed a few people staring towards the sea, to which they also turned before gasping at what they saw. "I-Is that a tsunami?"

"No... something else." Haruto replied slowly. He narrowed his eyes under his hood as he stood up from the ground, Wallace and Lisia following as they all stared towards what looked like a huge wave rising from the ocean. But, Haruto could tell this was certainly no normal tsunami or wave. "Something's coming..."

The citizens of Sootopolis as well as the group of three all watched as the water began to seem rush back into the ocean, seemingly as if it was running off of something. When it did, they all gasped at what they saw... Flying in the space that the tsunami just was, was a large dragon-like creature of sorts

Everyone, except for Haruto and Wallace, could only stare at the beast in fear as its size completely towered over the city, leaving a shadow over the buildings. The beast had black armour-like pieces on its body as a pair of wings that were separated into two sections could be seen, having white and blue webbing.

It had a rather lean yet strong looking build, having a long body as well and a long tail that was completely covered in the black metallic pieces. There were also a few glowing red lights on certain parts of the body, and with its head having rather angular with four horns that arched backwards, with some kind of silver piece on its forehead.

Finally, it's pair of glowing red eyes seemed to glow menacingly as its mouth opened up before releasing a shaking roar that shook the area as well as the sea. It's purple tongue could be seen when doing so as the red lights were glowing brightly as the beast threateningly held its claws up.

"Wh-What manner of creature..." Wallace muttered as he stared completely wide-eyed at the huge monster. Lisia had fallen to the ground on her knees as she was shaking constantly, Haruto was glaring towards the monster, he knew exactly what it was... This was also no doubt a duel monster, that was certain.

Wallace could only stare in shock and fear, the beast in front of him was unlike anything he had ever witnessed in his entire life. He had encountered some beings that were massive in size, like legendary pokemon for example, but this creature that had suddenly shown itself dwarfed them as if they were mere bugs.

What else was that the aura that just radiated off of the being was just immense, nothing he had ever felt could compare to it. It just felt... immeasurable. Haruto just glared as he walked a bit forwards, and he could see all of the citizens already panicking and running away as some were still frozen in fear, the same could be said for the pokemon.

"Huh? Is that... It is!" Haruto had narrowed his eyes as he seemed to notice that the beast had its right hand open and bent, seemingly holding something. When he noticed what it was, he widened his eyes before quickly began running towards it. Both of the idols seemed to be surprised by the act.

"H-Haruto?" Lisia voiced out in a stutter as she saw the male running as the sleeves of his hood swayed as he ran. Haruto just turned his head back slightly as he seemed to yell towards them as they heard him. "I'm going to deal with it, you guys get everyone to safety! This'll get dangerous!"

"H-Hold on, Haruto! I'm coming with you! Lisia, I want you to do what Haruto said, get all the citizens to safety! We'll be back!" Wallace ordered as he looked down at his niece. She seemed to blink with widened eyes at the order, to which she then saw her uncle running off after Haruto. "U-Uncle Wallace! Wait, what's going on?!"

"Now's not the time!" Wallace had shouted back as he disappeared into the distance along with Haruto.


"Show yourself, I know you're on there!"

Haruto's voice had yelled out as he was now standing on the docks, right in front of the beast that was standing within the waters. He was glaring up at the beast as the monster looked down at Haruto, Wallace could then be seen running over as he panted and finally stopped close behind Haruto.


"I apologise, I couldn't allow myself to leave you to come in front of this thing on your own." Wallace said sincerely. Haruto stared for a second before sighing, he just gave a nod with a small smile underneath his hood. Their attention was soon gained from a roar by the massive creature, shaking the air and stirring the oceans.

"So, you are the one that Orion was duelling. Haruto Mozaki." A male voice had sounded. They both looked up as they could hear the source of the voice coming from above, to which they then saw the monster open its hand up fully, now revealing a figure wearing the same clothes that Orion had worn. "Didn't think you'd get here so fast."

"You're one of them, huh? I can tell, those clothes are a dead giveaway." Haruto stated as he took a step forwards. The figure seemed to laugh as the beast's hand lowered to the ground as the figure stepped off and onto the dock, to which they prepared themselves. "The name is Alvex, and I am indeed one of the Dark Estrada."

"I see, so you are the ones that had attacked Haruto along with Steven." Wallace voiced as he walked forwards and stood next to Haruto, his face holding complete seriousness as he addressed Alvex. Wallace then pointed at him as he demanded. "Just what is your goal in this world? Why are you here?"

"What obligation do I have to disclose such information to you? This city and its future is pretty much in my fingertips." Alvex chuckled. Wallace seemed to grit his teeth as he heard this, he couldn't deny it, the monster behind Alvex only spoke volumes of what he could do to the place and more. "Though, now that I think about it, I might as well destroy the place."

"Don't you dare! I am not allowing you to injure and risk the lives of innocent civilians as well as the pokemon that live here and in this world!" Haruto declared strongly as Alvex just laughed louder as both Haruto and Wallace just glared at him more. Alvex then held up his hand, much to their confusion as they narrowed their eyes.

"Uncle Wallace! Haruto!"

"Eh?" Both the mentioned people turned their heads to see that it was none other than Lisia running over towards them, along with a pokemon that was flying beside her. Having a bird-like appearance with blue skin and a bunch of white puffs on its body, making it almost look the same as a cloud.

"Lisia! What are you doing here?!" Wallace shouted in an alert. "I thought I told you it was dangerous! You need to go!"

"No way! I am going to find out just what this is about!" Lisia shouted back as Wallace could only sigh in frustration. Why did his niece have to be so difficult?! Wallace was worried about her safety, and the situation right now was anything BUT safe. Lisia then turned to see Alvex as she returned Altaria to her Pokeball. "Who is this?"

"How about this? If you can defeat me in a duel, I'll leave this city alone, I already accomplished what I wanted here. But, if you are to lose, I'll reduce this place to rubble." Alvex offered with a smirk underneath his helmet as he ignored the girl. Wallace along with Lisia gasped at the declaration as Haruto clenched his fist. "How about it? What do you say?"

"If that's the only way... then I guess I have no choice! As a great duelist once said, It's time to duel!" Haruto announced. Haruto then took out his duel disk as he placed it onto his arm as the lines appeared and both them as well as the orb began to glow. Wallace watching in interest, as Lisia was major confusion. "Deck, set!"

"Hehehe~! A duel it is then! Let's get started!" Alvex then raised his arm into the sky as the beast behind him gave a final roar before disappearing into thin air, much to both the idol's surprise. That was when a flash of blue light appeared on Alvex's arm, to which it faded as a duel disk very similar to Orion's appeared, the difference being that the golden parts were blue and purple this time.

"Wallace, Lisia. Both of you need to stay back, things are getting serious."

"Right, understood." Wallace nodded his head in understanding. Lisia was going to argue about it, but Wallace grabbed her shoulder and shook his head. Wallace knew for a fact that the only person that could save them right now was Haruto, he had heard it all from Steven. "Lisia, we need to leave it to Haruto."


"Don't worry about me. Just stay back!" Haruto assured. Lisia was hesitant, but just nodded in acceptance before running a good distance away, though close enough for them to hear the two duelists. Haruto and Alvex then distanced themselves as they faced each other, Haruto glaring continuously. "Allow me to show you the pinnacle of duelling!"

"Duel!" Both of them declared. The area around them began to glow for a short second as the two trainers seemed confused at the effect, though focused back on the duelists when a robotic voice could be heard coming from the area in front of them, which just confused them even more.

They were more surprised by the numbers that had appeared above the heads of both of the duelists, though the fact that it was labelled 'Life Points', they could easily end up guessing just what it meant. Contests had this similar function as well during battles, though this seemed to be calculated in numbers.


Duel Recognised. Initiating Duel Sequence. Duel Authorised.

Shock Level: A


[Turn 1]


Haruto - 4000 LP [Hand: 5]

Alvex - 4000 LP [Hand: 5]


"I'm going to start this off! Draw!" Haruto shouted as he reached towards his deck and pulled out a card from the top of the deck. The action caused a powerful gust of wind to blow across the area, surprising the two idols, though it didn't seem to affect Alvex at all as he seemed to watch Haruto. "Going full blast from the start!"

Haruto was not holding back this time! The lives and the future of an entire city were at stake here, and he was not going to this! While he normally would not duel his hardest at the start and would like to drag the duel on to see his opponent's potential, this situation right now was critical.

"I'll start by activating the spell card known as Call of the Red!" Haruto announced. He placed the card down as it appeared on the field, displaying what appeared to be a red orb with a shadow-like claw grasping it strongly. "This spell card allows me to select one Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my deck and summon it to the field in attack mode! Due to the card's effect, he loses one thousand attack points!"

The trainer's watched in awe as a bright crimson glow enveloped the area in front of Haruto, to which it soon exploded into a crimson pillar reaching high into the skies. When it faded, a massive black figure shot out from the ground and released a powerful roar, it seemed to fly into the sky before stopping.

When they all could get a good view of it, the monster revealed to be a rather massive yet lean dragon. Having strong obsidian scales along with a pair of glowing crimson red eyes that radiated power, the sharpness of its features just gave it a more terrifying appearance. To the trainers, the monster was terrifying... but, it was also beautiful at the same time.

"Now, I'll play the spell known as Ancient Rules, allowing me to special summon forth a normal monster that is level five or above from my hand! And I choose... Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Haruto declared. Haruto then placed the card down as the area in front of him exploded into a pillar of blue.

When the light began to fade, a massive monster just as big as Red-Eyes had emerged and flew around before stopping besides Red-Eyes. The beast had revealed itself to have a beautiful white body, sharp claws and a pair of glowing beautiful eyes. While it released a terrifying aura, they all could only marvel at its radiance.

"I'm not done! Since I have both Red-Eyes and Blue-Eyes on my side of the field, I can now special summon two monsters from my hand by tributing both of my dragons!" Haruto shouted as both of his dragons glowed their respective colours before disappearing from the field by going into Haruto's duel disk. "I now summoned forth Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon and Blue-Eyes Illuminate Dragon!"

They could feel the ground shaking as the seas were raging, blue and red lightning could be seen sparking in front of them in the sky. They all watched with open mouths, except for the two duelists, as two massive figures the same size as the previous two dragons emerged from those lightning bolts.

When they did, their mere presence was astounding. The first monster resembled Red-Eyes a lot as the main differences between them was taht there were now orange glowing lines that ran along its entire body, along with growing a few diamond-shaped crystals on its wings, thighs, chest, and also the top of its head.

The next monster closely resembled that of Blue-Eyes, the only differences being quite similar to the previous monster. It had grown a few glowing sapphire lines that ran along with entire body, along with circular blue crystals that were on its wings, the top of its head, the stomach region, and also on its shoulders.

"Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon's effect activates! He gains three hundred attack points for every monster that is currently in my graveyard. Since there are two in there, he gains six hundred attack points!" Haruto shouted. Red-Eyes Darkness roared as a red aura enveloped its body before it released a terrifyingly powerful roar.

"Impressive, you have certainly earned your ranking back in your world." Alvex complimented with crossed arms. Lisia seemed confused by the statement, though she was still looking shocked at the monsters that were in front of her. Haruto then scoffed. "Who said I was done? I activate Blue-Eyes Illuminate's effect! This allows me to target one other dragon monster on the field and it gains that dragon's effects!"

"So, if what we have gathered is correct... does that mean that that dragon will attain that Red-Eyes dragon's effect?" Wallace wondered. He was trying to grasp the situation as best he could, he's pretty sure he was getting the idea. Lisia was pretty much a lost cause, she was as confused as ever. "Meaning..."

"That's right, Wallace! Blue-Eyes Illuminate now gains six hundred attack points as well since it had taken Red-Eyes Darkness's effect!" Haruto explained. As soon as he did, Blue-Eyes Illuminate's body gained a power blue fiery aura as it released its roar, doing so alongside Red-Eyes as their auras roared next to one another. "Since I can still normal summon since I have yet to do so, and I'll summoned forth Heteros Dragon Knight!"

They watched as the space below both of the flying dragons glowed both blue and red as it soon exploded, and what came out of the explosion was a lean armoured figure. Having silver armour that resembled that of a dragon, with it having large spikes on each arm and a helmet that was designed like a dragon's face.

The most noticeable parts of this monster were the golden accents on the armour, which lined the different sections. More so, the knight carried a thin yet sharp looking sword that had a red and blue gem attached to the handle. Finally, the most prominent feature were the eyes, the knight's left eye being crimson red and the right sapphire blue.

"Now, I'll take the time to activate his effect! That being since both a Red-Eyes and Blue-Eyes dragon monster are on the field, his attack points increase by two thousand as long as they remain on the field!" They watched as both a red and blue dense aura enveloped the knight. "Since I was able to resolve this effect, I can now draw two cards! That ends my turn."



Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon: [ATK: 3000 DEF: 2000] [Level: 7 Dark] [Dragon/Effect]

Blue-Eyes Illuminate Dragon: [ATK: 3100 DEF: 2500] [Level: 8 Light] [Dragon/Effect]

Heteros Dragon Knight: [ATK: 3000 DEF: 1500] [Level: 4 Light] [Warrior/Effect]


"Very impressive, Haruto Mozaki. Being able to summon forth three powerful monsters on the first turn." Alvex had complimented with a clap of his hands. Haruto just crossed his arms as he didn't react at all, though the same couldn't be said for the two trainers that were observing the duel, at least the other people were hiding away, so they weren't seeing the duel.

Wallace and Lisia had been watching pretty much in complete silence as they could only marvel at the beasts that Haruto had summoned forth, they were monsters of incredible power. The two dragons being massive and as large as legendaries like Groudon, and the knight, despite being rather the same size as a average man, released immense pressure.

"Wh-What is this?" Lisia managed to croak out as she marvelled at the spectacle. Wallace stayed silent as he observed them, they were a true beauty. He had heard about these duel from Steven when he was informing of Haruto's arrival, but had yet to truly witness one for himself, it intrigued him of what Steven had told him.

But, now that he was really seeing it with his own eyes, he was speechless. It was a sight beyond what he had ever imagined, far greater than anything he had ever felt. True, the ideas of pokemon battles and contests gave him incredible adrenaline, but the anxiety and anticipation that he felt from this topped that more than ten fold, and he wasn't even the one fighting in it.

"It's my turn now! Draw!"


[Turn 2]


Haruto - 4000 LP [Hand: 2]

Alvex - 4000 LP [Hand: 6]


"I'll start by actvating the spell card known as Allure of Darkness. This allows me to draw two cards, though I have to banish one DARK monster from my hand." Alvex explained as he did just as he had stated. He then held a card forwards before declaring as he placed it down. "Since you control more monsters than me, I can special summon Evilswarm Mandragora! Along with me normal summoning forth Rescue Rabbit!"

They watched as a small plant-like monster appeared on Alvex's side of the field, having resembled that of a mandrake. The top of its head had what appeared to be what looked like a venus flytrap and its arms were thorned leaves, and its body being mainly brown and having pale blonde-like hair.

The next monster that appeared to was a small cute rabbit that was grey and white in colour, though it appeared to be wearing a pair of goggles of sorts along with a helmet over its head, also having what appeared to be a phone attached around its neck by a string. It hopped around for a second before standing with Mandragora.

"They're so adorable! How can such little creatures beat those dragons that Haruto has?" Lisia had marvelled at the sight of the two small and adorable monsters, they looked harmless to her. Wallace wasn't convinced as he narrowed his eyes. "Don't judge by appearance, they could be dangerous."

"Eh? How? look at them!"

"Wallace is right." Haruto had voiced. Lisia turned to look at Haruto, who had his arms crossed as both him as well as his monsters were seemingly cautious as they were ready for battle. "You can't judge merely by appearance, while they aren't as strong as my monsters. I'm guessing he's relying on effects here."

"You'd be correct, Haruto Mozaki! I'll show you now! I activate Rescue Rabbit's effect! By banishing him, I am able to special summon forth two level four or lower normal monsters with the same name as each other to the field from my deck!" Rescue Rabbit then disappeared in the form of pixels as he took two cards from his deck and placed them down. "Come forth, my two Evilswarm Heliotropes!"

They watched as two monsters emerged onto the field, both being the same size as Haruto's knight as they both seemed to be growling in uncontrolled anger and insanity. They wore black armour and had swamp-greenish skin with spikes on their shoulder pads, each also wielding as large sword in one hand.

"Sc-Scary... Why are they acting like that?" Lisia stuttered. She went behind her uncle as they all saw that the two monsters were thrashing about and growling as they stood, seemingly uncontrollably as they released a bunch of bloodlust. Wallace was unnerved by the monsters as Haruto decided to explain.

"It's expected for them to act that way. It's said that whatever they used to be had been infected with a virus, driving them mad beyond repair, losing all of whom they once were. All they can think about now is eliminate, eradicate, and exterminate." Haruto explained with closed eyes behind his.

"That's... so sad."


"Don't worry, they won't be staying for long. I'll continue by activating the spell known as Double Summon, allowing me to perform an additional normal summon this turn!" Alvex declared, to which he then placed a card from his hand onto the duel disk. "With it, I'm summoning forth my Evilswarm Thunderbird!"

They watched as a rather large monster that was a bit bigger than Heteros and the Heliotropes emerged on the field. Having large webbed wings along with a dark obsidian body, along with red orbs inside of its body that ran along vertically down its stomach. From its head also camed what looked like tendrils swaying about.

"Considering you're using Evilswarms, I already know what you're going to be doing..." Haruto clicked his tongue. He doesn't know too much on the deck, but he knew it was strong in its own right. He had to tread cautiously. Alvex chuckled at this. "And I'm going to do it right now! I use my two Heliotropes to build the overlay network!"

"Woah...!" Lisia and Wallace were shocked when Alvex held out his hand as a swirling vortex of raw power and bright lights had appeared in front of them all. They observed as the two monsters turned into streams of energy before crashing down into the centre of the vortex, to which it glowed brighter afterward.

The pokemon that lived within the vicinity were all fleeing still, though some seem to have stopped as the light had attracted their attention. They could all be seen cowering away in fear at all that was happening, but who could blame them? They had never seen anything like this before, nothing so petrifying.

"Dragon that has been corrupted by a war that plagues the very land we stand upon, rise in a new glorious form, and cast aside all that stand before your might asunder! Xyz Summon! Rank 4! Evilswarm Ophion!" Alvex had chanted. Everyone had just listened with awe at the chant, aside from Haruto who was narrowing his eyes.

They observed as a massive monster that was as large as both of Haruto's dragons began to emerge from the vortex, a loud roar going through the area as this was happening. It's claw reaching out, pulling it out of the vortex before finally arriving and stomping with its right leg as it released another death curdling roar.

It was on all fours and before flying into the air as it glared towards Haruto's two dragons, Haruto's doing the same in return. It had an obsidian armoured body with sharp claws and a pair of wings that had crystal-like blue and orange webbing. Its tail was like a blade and its mouth resembled that of a beak.

"I now once again build forth the overlay network with Mandragora and Thunderbird!" Alvex shouted as he once again formed the vortex in front of him. He grinned before they both crashed into the centre like the two Heliotropes had done. "Prepare yourself, Haruot Mozaki! I'm not holding back!"


"Shake and bring chaos to the firmament! Ripple the waters of the primordial oceans themselves with your very call! Xyz Summon! Rank 4! Evilswarm Bahamut!" They watched as the very same monster that had appeared from the ocean emerged from the vortex, being that of the same size as the other dragons.

It stared up at the flying dragons as it roared at them, to which they did the same in return. Heteros Knight was seemingly flying alongside Haruto's dragons as Bahamut soon flew up beside Ophion as they all glared at each other. The two trainers and the surrounding pokemon all staring up in awe and fear.

"I now activate the effect of Evilswarm Bahamut! By removing one overlay unit, I can activate its effect, allowing me to discard one LSwarm monster. Thus allowing me to take control of one of your monsters!" Alvex explained. Haruto widened his eyes at this. "I choose to take control of Blue-Eyes Illuminate! Which also means Heteros Knight loses his boost in power!"



Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon: [ATK: 3000 DEF: 2000] [Level: 7 Dark] [Dragon/Effect]

Heteros Dragon Knight: [ATK: 1000 DEF: 1500] [Level: 4 Light] [Warrior/Effect]



Evilswarm Bahamut: [ATK: 2350 DEF: 1350] [Rank: 4 Dark] [OU: 1] [Dragon/Xyz/Effect]

Evilswarm Ophion: [ATK: 2550 DEF: 1650] [Rank: 4 Dark] [OU: 2] [Dragon/Xyz/Effect]

Blue-Eyes Illuminate Dragon: [ATK: 3100 DEF: 2500] [Level: 8 Light] [Dragon/Effect]


"Heteros! Blue-Eyes!" Haruto shouted. Heteros seemed to stagger as the aura around him was flickering, Blue-Eyes roaring as it was pulled over to Alvex's side as a dark menacing aura had enveloped its body. Alvex smirked sinisterly as he then pointed forwards. "Now, I'll use your monster to destroy Red-Eyes! Attack!"

"Oh, crud!" Haruto braced himself. Blue-Eyes seemingly not in control of itself had charged forwards and attacked Red-Eyes, causing it to scream in pain before shattering in the form of a large explosion. The explosion causing a large gust of wind to blow across a large vicinity of the area.

"Haruto!" Wallace had called out as both him and Lisia blocked the wind from their face, though it was really difficult. When the wind stopped after a bit of time, they both looked to see Haruto okay, though they widened their eyes since Haruto's hood had been knocked off and his appearance was revealed to them. Lisia gained a small pink tint on her face when looking at him.


"H-Haruto!" Both of the trainers shouted, and the pokemon watching had all gasp and cried out in surprise when powerful electricity had shocked Haruto, causing him to scream. It wasn't too painful since he hadn't lost many life points, but it was still decently painful. The trainers could only shudder at the idea of being shocked like that.

"It's not over yet! I'll now use Ophion to destroy Heteros Knight! Go, destroy!" Alvex had shouted as he pointed towards the knight that was standing in front of Haruto. Both Wallace and Lisia were seriously worried as they saw the beast charging towards Haruto, though Haruto had different plans.

"Not so fast! I activate the spell card from my hand known as Radiance of One's Might!" Haruto shouted as he placed the card on his duel disk. It depicted a silhouette of a man with blue shining energy surrounding him. "Since I have lower life points, this allows me to summon forth a monster from my graveyard directly to the field! I choose Red-Eyes Black Dragon!"

"This won't help you! You'll still take the damage!" Alvex shouted. They all then saw as Red-Eyes Black Dragon emerged on the field beside Heteros Knight, though Alvex seemed confused, as well as the others, when Ophion stopped moving. "Huh? What in the world is going on here?"

"Radiance of One's Might doesn't just let me bring back a monster, but it also ends the current battle phase! You cannot attack anymore this turn!" Haruto had declared. Alvex seemed shocked about this as he clicked his tongue, though he chuckled afterward. "To think you would have such a backup plan. Impressive indeed. Very well, then I'll remove one overlay unit from Ophion to activate his effect, allowing me to add one Infestation spell or trap card from my deck to my hand. I end my turn with two face downs."

"Then it's my turn. Draw!"



Red-Eyes Black Dragon: [ATK: 2400 DEF: 2000] [Level: 7 Dark] [Dragon/Normal]

Heteros Dragon Knight: [ATK: 1000 DEF: 1500] [Level: 4 Light] [Warrior/Effect]



Evilswarm Bahamut: [ATK: 2350 DEF: 1350] [Rank: 4 Dark] [OU: 1] [Dragon/Xyz/Effect]

Evilswarm Ophion: [ATK: 2550 DEF: 1650] [Rank: 4 Dark] [OU: 2] [Dragon/Xyz/Effect]

Blue-Eyes Illuminate Dragon: [ATK: 3100 DEF: 2500] [Level: 8 Light] [Dragon/Effect]


[Turn 3]


Haruto - 3900 LP [Hand: 2]

Alvex - 4000 LP [Hand: 0]


'Alright... things aren't looking good for me right now. What can I do?' Haruto wondered as he looked at the cards in his hand. There was very little that he could work with right now, but he had to make do with what he had! He then thought as he seemed to think. 'Okay, I think by summoning forth...'

"If you're thinking about summoning forth a monster from your extra deck, I'm glad to tell you that you can't." Alvex grinned. Haruto seemed confused as he looked at Alvex, the same with the two trainers. "Since Ophion still has an overlay unit attached to him, any level five or higher monsters cannot be special summoned!"

"What?" Haruto gasped. Okay, things just got way harder! What in the world was he going to do now?! He had a plan forming before, but Ophion's effect is making this difficult. The monsters that were on Alvex's control were mighty, and his monsters right now stood no chance, things weren't looking good... "If only there was... huh? Of course!"

"Huh?" Alvex rose an eyebrow beneath his helmet at the sudden shouted that came from Haruto. He saw that the boy was smiling, to which the member of the Dark Estrada narrowed his eyes, what was he planning? He had reduced the boy's chances by a lot, what could he possibly do?

"This is the only thing I can do right now, hope this all works out! I'll start my turn off by activating the second effect of Heteros Knight, allowing me to select one monster on the field and change its level to equal his! Level down, Red-Eyes!" Haruto declared as he pointed towards his dragon. Which it roared in response.

"What's the point in that? It's..." Alvex looked confused for a second before widening his eyes as he noticed something, something that made him step back. "They're... the same level now. Which means... you're going for an Xyz summon!"

"Bingo! Since Xyz monsters don't have levels, then the effect of Ophion doesn't affect their summoning! I now build the overlay network with Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Heteros Knight!" Haruto shouted as he held his hand forwards, to which the very same vortex appeared in response. The monsters soon turning into energy and crashing into the vortex.

"Beast encompassed by the very soul of devastation! I call upon the one that dwells within a prison where years of countless evolution may take form! Xyz Summon! Rank 4! Red-Eyes Peril Dragon!" Haruto chanted. They watched in awe as a massive dragon appeared from the vortex, releasing its own powerful roar as it shot into the sky.

When it stopped, they could all see it in its full glory. It was a lean yet powerful looking beast, having shining black scales along with unimaginably sharp looking claws. It possessed wings that had crimson webbing of crystals along with sharp silver platings that covered the edges of the wings, the head, and along the back to the tip of the tail.

Finally, what caught their attention the most were the glowing red lights that glowed through the spaces between the different sections of the dragon, giving a feeling of power as its eyes glowed bright red in tandem with the glowing red spaces. It was both a terrifying and beautiful dragon.

"So what? You managed to summon forth a monster, what can it possibly do to help you in this situation? It doesn't even have over a thousand attack points!" Alvex wondered with narrowed eyes. Haruto narrowed his own eyes at Alvex before giving a smirk. "You should know the true strength of Xyz monsters are their effects! I remove both of Peril's overlay units!"


"He now becomes immune to all effects of Xyz monsters, and no spell or trap cards can be activated in response to this effect! Rendering you're Bahamut's effect null to him!" Haruto explained. Alvex recoiled back at the information, unaffected by Xyz monster's effects?! "Since I have successfully resolved this effect, I can activate his second effect without needing overlay units! I am able to remove one overlay unit from any monster on the field! I choose Bahamut!"

"Huh?" Alvex and the others watched as the overlay unit that circled around Bahamut had shattered into pieces. Alvex then looked at Haruto confused by the use of the effect. "What was the point of that stunt? Bahamut's effect wouldn't have affected you anyway."

"Because, this now allows me to activate Peril's third and final effect!" Haruto answered strongly. Alvex was stunned, a third effect in a chain of effects? What kind of monster was this? He had a bad feeling about this... Haruto then further added. "Peril now gains attack points equal to the total rank of the monster it removed the Xyz material from, which Bahamut is rank four, and multiply that by six hundred, he gains two thousand four hundred attack points!"

"What?! What is this?!" Alvex gritted his teeth as he saw the dragon roaring with power as its aura condensed immensely. Peril's attack points had risen to a great three thousand four hundred, becoming stronger than all the monsters under Alvex's control. "Now, Peril attacks Bahamut! Rid the field of this beast!"

"Bahamut!" Alvex had cried out as his ace monster was sliced right through by Peril's claws, to which it released a pained roar before exploding. Alvex felt the shock, though he didn't scream as he then glared towards Haruto. "This doesn't change anything! I still have two thousand nine hundred and fifty life points remaining! I'll finish you off in the next turn!"

"Not happening! I'm ending this now! I set one card on the field face-down before activating the last card in my hand!" Haruto shouted in response. Alvex looked at the card that Haruto showed, before his eyes widened. Haruto smirked as he then played the card. "I activate Rank-Up-Magic: Doors of Chaos! By selecting one Xyz monster on my field and using it as a material, I can summon forth a CXyz monster that is two ranks higher! I can then attach this spell card as an overlay unit for the summoned monster afterwards!"


"I call forth the overlay network using my Red-Eyes Peril Dragon as the material!" Haruto declared as the vortex opened once again. Peril then crashed into the centre of it as Haruto chanted. "The absolute destruction brought upon by your might shall crush all opposition! Taking form in the eyes chaos! Chaos Xyz Change! Rank 6! Cause havoc, CXyz: Souless-Eyes Ruin Dragon!"

They watched as a mighty monster emerged from the vortex, one that was even larger in size than the dragons and Bahamut. It held a superior aura as its eyes demanding authority, having a lean yet built body that was that of a humanoid dragon. Scales being metallic obsidian and having a pair of purple eyes.

It had three pairs of sharp wings on its back and silver metallic plates that covered its forearms, thighs, tails, as well as the chest area. At the centre of its chest was a dark purple orb and it had silver claws that were remarkably sharp and reflected the rays of the sun away. It released a powerful roar, shaking the ocean and the very ground they stood upon.



CXyz: Souless-Eyes Ruin Dragon: [ATK: 1500 DEF: 1600] [Rank: 6 Dark] [Dragon/Xyz/Effect]


"I'm finishing this duel now! By removing both of Ruin's overlay units, I am able to negate the effects of all spell and trap cards on the field as well as monsters, except for Ruin!" Haruto explained. Alvex was shocked by the effect, though there was more. "Now, since a total of five cards that were negated, them being the monsters you control and the two spell or trap cards you set along with my own, he gains six hundred attack points for each!"

"What?! This is...!"

"How much is that...? Six hundred times five... three thousand!" Lisia gasped. Both her and Wallace seemed to get the game now, it was both a dangerous yet rather intriguing game. The concept was rather easy to understand after a while, so they understood the basic rules and stuff from watching.

"Souless now has a total of four thousand five hundred attack points which I will use to destroy Ophion! Now!" Souless rushed towards the dragon before smashing it into the ground, creating a crater as a scream of terrible pain was heard before it exploded. "Gahhh~! You're going to pay for this! You still failed to take may life points completely away! I still have one thousand!"

"I'm afraid this is truly where it ends! Since I had activated its effect, and successfully destroyed a monster afterwards! I am now able to conduct a second attack!" Haruto declared. Alvex's eyes widened in horror as Souless began charging towards Illuminate. "Sorry, friend! But, I'm winning this duel! Souless, destroy Blue-Eyes!"

"Noooo~!" Alvex yelled as the attack went through, resulting in a massive explosion. This made every person that was watching, pokemon included, have to cover their faces and try to hold on to anything to keep them stable as the explosion slowly subsided. When it did, Alvex was revealed to be on his knees and Haruto was panting, the monsters all gone from sight.




Haruto - 3900 LP [Hand: 0]

Alvex - 0 LP [Hand: 0]


"Damn you... I can see now why Orion was so eager to defeat you, and how you are such a threat to our plans. We shall meet again one day." Alvex grumbled as he stumbled up to his feet before placing his hand on his duel disk. "We shall duel each other again one day, Haruto Mozaki! For now, I shall take my leave."

"Wait, hold on!" Haruto shouted. It was too late as Alvex already began to disappear, which he soon was completely gone from sight. Haruto gritted his teeth as he punched the ground with his right fist in frustration. He wasn't able to get any answers out of that guy, he left way too quickly!

"Haruto!" Said boy turned his head to see both Lisia and Wallace running over towards his location, which he then stood up and turned towards them. He stumbled a bit as both of them then stopped in front of him, with Wallace assisting in Haruto standing up as he was winded after that duel.

"Are you alright, Haruto?" Lisia asked in worry as she saw the boy's exhausted condition. Haruto nodded his head and replied by saying. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little exhausted, that's all there is to it."

"Excellent work. You managed to claim victory." Wallace congratulated as he smiled at the boy. Haruto just sighed as he gave a small smile along with a nod, though he then frowned and had downcasted eyes as he then said. "Yeah, but I still haven't managed to get any new information that guy."

"That is true. But, at least we do know something. He did say that he accomplished whatever he was here for, and that is something we need to find out." Wallace said seriously as Haruto agreed wholeheartedly. This was something that needed closure, what was going on with this group of people? Who were the leaders?

"Excuse me." Lisia's voice snapped the both of them out of their thoughts as they turned to look at her with confusion covering both of their faces. They noticed that she had her arms crossed and with a heavy pout on her face as she was tapping her right foot on the ground. "I demand an explanation. For everything!"

"..." Both Wallace and Haruto shared a look with one another before sighing at the same time, they were not going to be able to get out of this one, especially if it was Wallace's niece that they were talking about.

"Oh boy..."

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