(The next day)
Korra came out of her room, looking better than the day before. She was happy not to have lost her bending, and that was a relief on her part. She saw Gon, and she waved.
"Korra, we need to talk," Gon stated.
"Is it about yesterday?" Korra asked.
"Yes," Gon muttered, "What happened back there?"
"I got pressured into attacking Amon and got my butt kick," Korra said with a little hostility, "There is nothing to talk about!!!"
"Korra, we have traveled to all the nations and fought many times!!!" Gon shouted, "What was different?"
"He was different. Amon was different," Korra said, "At first I was winning the fight. It was easy, but when I was about to finish him, my hand moved, and it kept moving. It was like I could not control my body."
"He is a blood bender Korra," Gon answered, "We fought one at republic city. You were able to come out of it somehow that time, what was different this time?"
"He did not use his hands. It was like he was a psychic or something. I thought that I was just off, but it scares me at that man's capabilities," Korra mumbled.
"Okay, I understand why you lost, but why did you even join Tarlock's taskforce?" Gon questioned.
"As I told you before, he pressured me into doing it!!!" Korra replied, frustrated.
"We had faced pressure before, what was different now?" Gon wondered.
"There were peoples who were counting on me!!!" Korra shouted, "I saw what he did to Zolt, and I do not want that to happen to anyone. Do you understand? I got put on a platform where people asked me to help, and so I did it b-"
"Because you are the Avatar," Gon said, "Well, since you are the Avatar, save yourself next time. I am leaving. I have to train the non-benders."
Gon stormed off to see a crowd of non-benders in the training area. The first day only had thirty people, but more people started coming to learn as the days passed.
He looked around to see if Asami had come up and was happy to know that she did.
"Hey, Asami. Glad to see you are here," Gon said.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Asami asked.
Gon thought back to missing their date and said, "Uhh no reason!!!"
"You look angry. What happened?" Asami asked.
"I am just tired of babysitting my friend," Gon said, "The person can take care of themselves now. They don't need saving anymore."
"Okay, let us start," Gon said, changing the subject, causing Asami to worry.
"Today, I will be teaching you guys about strategy and the slip. Those that are new should pair up with the more advanced people to learn from them once I have taught them these two moves," Gon ordered, "Before I teach you this, I want to see everybody's level. I will fight all of you at once, and if you fall, you are out. Are you guys ready?"
"Yes, sir," The non-benders said.
"Will this be fair," A newcomer asked, worried for their teacher.
"Yes," The advanced non-benders answered, remembering all the times that they had lost.
Gon went into his boxing stance and attacked the first guy attempting to give him a light jab to the face. The man blocked and went for a hook, which Gon swept away and then proceeded to jab again at the man's face making him fall to the ground and ultimately making the man lose. Gon proceeded to use the same trick but faster on all the Advanced members and then started to attack the newcomers. Some were good at dodging and attacking already having a base, while others flopped.
Gon attacked the nearest newcomer but got dodged. He turned to see who it was and saw Asami. He proceeded to give a barrage of punches, but they were all blocked.
"You are good," Gon voiced surprise, "Time to take things up a notch!"
Gon proceeded to use the same moves, but faster and soon, Asami was out too.
He quickly beat the rest and started to speak, "You guys are all strong enough to beat the normal bender, the advanced being on equal levels with the triad. Now let's start your training."
"Yes, sir," the non-benders answered.
"You will be learning about the slip. The slip is when the weight drops, and the head tilts slightly to get out of an incoming attack. A Slip will often lead to a hook or an uppercut because the lower positioning of the body allows for a more significant rotation of the hips and puts the fighter into a position to quickly attack the ribcage. The slip is the greatest move against benders because it helps you dodge the attacks you can't take head-on. Watch me do it."
Gon quickly made the Air bending gates move and weave through them, dodging the spinning death traps. After a minute, he had passed through all of them.
"You guys should split into twos, one attacking, one slipping," Gon announced.
The group quickly split into twos and started to do the exercise. After a while, they had finished.
"Now, let us move on to strategy. A strategy is the biggest thing in a fight. Without a strategy, then you will lose to the benders. You need to know how to fight when inconvenienced and how to think fast. There are two types of strategy, thought of before and planned on spot. Both are useful. I am now going to teach you guys how to utilize it."
As soon as Gon was about to teach them, a non-bender entered shouting, "Sorry I am late but, have you watched the news!!!"
"The Avatar just attacked a group of innocent benders in the name of Amon and Tarlock just gave us a curfew because of Amon. I work late. How am I going to feed my family?" The non-bender cried.
Everyone looked at the man and felt anger at the Avatar. Even Gon was surprised by what happened.
"What the hell have you got yourself into?" Gon thought.
"Guys, I have meant to talk to you about something. I thought it would be after your training, but I guess I have to change my schedule." Gon announced, "I want to make an organization, one that is hidden. We protect non-benders from their abusers, but we do not kill."
"Why do you think we will join?" A non-bender asked, "Why don't we join Amon?"
"Because you don't believe in him. If not, you would all be there," Gon retorted, "We can protect everyone since the law enforcement isn't doing their job. We will. Who is with me?"
"I am," Asami shouted.
"I am too," Another non-bender said and like that they all joined.
"We shall get called worthless because that is how non-benders get seen," Gon announced, "We will show them that we are not."
"We meet back here tomorrow to talk about how we will do things," Gon said.
Gon watched as everyone left except Asami.
"That was brave of you," Asami voiced.
"Thanks," Gon answered, "Would you like to go on another date?"
"Yeah, I would like that," Asami said, "Friday at 5 pm does not miss this one or else..."
"I won't miss it," Gon said.
"Bye," Asami said as she walked away.
"Who was that?" Korra asked from behind him.
(Authors Note)
Hey guys, Powerstone and comment if u like✌
Hey guyys, hope this was better than the last chapter. The next chapter might be Gon and Korr clashing.
Powerstone and comment if u like