50% Unrequited : Won't you love me? / Chapter 5: WE CAN AFFORD IT


Morning came too fast. I didn't get enough sleep so I woke up with a mad headache. Took me a few minutes to eventually open my eyes. A head full of disheveled hair and a pair of eyes were towering above me

"Aaaaahhhhhh! Mandy what the hell. Are you trying to give me a heart attack? What are you doing in my room?"

"I'm trying to give you a heart attack? Me? That's funny. Let's talk about how I've not been able to sleep all night. I would not have been able to even if I wanted,what with your groans that terrified the hell out of me"

I didn't know what the hell she was talking about "What do you mean my groans. I don't have any groans"

"You do too. I couldn't sleep so I came to your room,thinking maybe I would be able to if I'm around one thing that was familiar, on getting to your room,I was greeted by your deep groans. It sounded pained,like you were in agony. Then at some point you started crying, silent cries with tears pouring down your face. I tried waking you up but it drove you into a struggle so I left you and just watched over you all night. It was not until the early hours of the morning before you had a peaceful sleep."

I was so embarrassed."I'm so sorry dear. I didn't mean to keep you up all night"

"Soph you don't have to apologize for anything. I was not bothered, far from it. On the contrary I was worried. Babe what really happened to you? Before you left Lagos and before you returned? I may not say much but that helps me observe and see a lot. I see you Soph, I see the sadness behind your smile,the pain behind your laughter. You are not happy my friend and it makes me sad. I remember how happy you used to be. Your smile brightening the day for everyone around you. What happened to kill that light in your eyes and replace it with nothing?"

I smiled. That's my best friend alright. Nothing goes by her. Sensitive and observant.

"Mandy I'm not going to deny the truth of what you've said,I won't insult you like that. Something did happen that made me leave,something awful and something else happened that prompted my return. I had plans of coming back but not this soon. But a turn of events drove me back. I will tell you everything but not today, I'm not ready to talk about them. Give me a little more time please. Is that OK?"

She gave a heavy sigh" It's fine. Take your time. On a lighter note Miss Secrets,I'm going to start calling you that,before my head implodes, are you ready to talk about how you can afford this place? Whose money did you steal? Should I leave me bags unpacked in case we have to run?"

I couldn't hold my laugh. Mandy is still the drama queen she has always been"Alright. That I am ready to talk about. I didn't steal anyone's money. In my second year in the East, while I was doing some menial jobs to make ends meet, there was this old lady that I was working for, mostly house chores, I go to her house every evening to cook,clean and wash. She hardly trusted people anymore because she had been duped by people she trusted multiple times. At first she was mean and harsh but with time she took a liking to me,trusted me and took me like a daughter. She didn't have anyone. She told me her husband was late. He had fallen sick so they had to leave Lagos for the East. He died shortly after that. She has a son but they were estranged due to a fallout between the son and his father. He walked away and never returned. All her effort to find him with the help of several private investigators proved abortive. From then onwards I became a lot of things to her,personal assistant,secretary, driver, I was like her right hand. A year after she became very sick,we tried everything. I took her to different specialists but we couldn't defy age. She died."

I couldn't stop the sobs. Mandy tried to console me by patting me gently on the back" I'm sorry for your loss Soph. She must have really meant a lot to you"

"She did. She meant so much to me. She was everything. She took me like her own,protected me,provided for me,she did what nobody had ever done for me. She made me forget all my pains and sufferings"I sniffed,wiped my eyes and continued "On her death bed she made me promise to never stop looking for her son. She said to me,"Sophie promise me you'll find him,promise me you'll bring him back" and I swore that I would. Few weeks after her funeral while I was getting ready to pack my things before I was thrown out,I wouldn't be living in a mansion anymore but I won't be going back to the street,she had paid me enough money in the one year to live a decent life while I looked for another job,a man visited the house, it was her lawyer and this woman sent from heaven to wipe away my tears had done something unbelievable. She had left everything she and her husband owned in my care. She had left two accounts with enough money to buy a village in my name,then placed every other thing including their two companies in my care. I am to manage them until I locate their son. And just like that,in one night, my life changed. That is how we can afford this place"

For all of three minutes the room was quiet. Mandy was staring at me and I was waiting for her to say something. Then out of nowhere she started crying. I was confused,then she reached out to hug me and I became more confused. I held her until she stopped. She gave a gentle laugh in between her sobs "I'm sorry,I couldn't help it. I'm just so happy for you that I didn't know how best to express it. I know how much you suffered after you left Lagos. Everyday I cried to God to watch over you,to protect and provide for you. He did more than provide for you,He gave you the world. I'm so happy I feel like screaming! "

I knew she was genuinely happy for me. I smiled at her,my sister" Mandy you have always been like the sister I've always asked for. You shared the little you had with me then,dividing your salary that was already little and giving me half. Now I have the chance to repay your kindness and I will"

"I didn't do any of those things to be repaid. I was just being there for my sister "She gave a shy smile

"I know you were. And I'll be eternally indepted to you. Thank you for being there in every possible way. Now that you know we won't be running, can you go unpack your bags please?" I put my hands together

She laughed, mimicking a bow "Yes ma'am "

"Thank you! It goes without saying that you have to quit that your job. We're done cleaning after people my friend. I know someone who knows someone who can get you a proper job. I'll give Mark a call,forward your resume,see what he can get for you,OK?"

"My guardian angel. What should I do for you? Should I rub your feet? Massage your shoulders? Anything,just name it"

I laughed"You can leave my room so I can get ready for work. At this rate you'll get me fired for lateness"

"Well I don't understand why you're working when you can own a company of your own" she gave a fake cocky look

"I'm working because I want to! Girl leave my room please! And don't you have to go in and tender your resignation letter? "

She opened her eyes in horror"Ehn!? Go in and tender what? You're joking right? Such formality for a cleaning job. I'm not doing jack,they're free to sue me. This is my long overdue vacation. So until your friend finds me something, I'm just going to immerse myself in the tub and try to soak away the stress and joint pains of months of cleaning " she strutted out

I simply smiled. I got ready for work and I left the house.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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