72.48% Shot ~ Sexual Fantasies / Chapter 137: Mindfuck

章節 137: Mindfuck

Part 1: Surprising reveal

Simon sat at his desk, it was one of those days that felt like a Friday, and not in the good, soon to be weekend, kind of way, but in the, I feel like I have already been here for 5 days and it is only Tuesday morning, kind of way.

He stood up and walked tired to the coffee machine, "I need more coffee," he thought.

On the way to the coffee machine Simon had to go past the HR department and all the pretty girls in there, but of cause also the queen bitch herself, Sonja, no one of the girls in HR liked Sonja, but she survived by belittling the male staff in front of all the other girls and one of her primary targets was...

"Simon!", someone yelled out and Simon knew exactly who that was, "Simon! I need to talk to you," Sonja yell again.

"Yes, Sonja?" he said in a low voice.

"That vacation request you send in, is it really necessary for you to get vacation there?" she asked looking down at him, she was only a little taller than him but wore very high heeled shoes, so she seemed much taller.

"Yes, I have already planned something there," Simon said trying to sound like he had the situation under control.

"Yes, but we have so many on vacation there, and also your request was sent in too late, so I have rejected it," she said with a smirk on her face.

He really hated Sonja, and now even more than ever, he had really needed that vacation to get some air instead of being locked away in this dark and dusty office.

He turned around without saying a word and walked towards the coffee machine, the only thought in his head was, "If Sonja, just dropped that skirt, I would give her such a spanking."

Suddenly from behind him, there was a roar of laughter, he turned around quickly and what he saw didn't make sense.

Right on the spot where he left Sonja, she still stood but now with her skirt on the floor.

He looked at her, standing there in only her shirt and panties, he noticed her far away look, she almost seemed like she wasn't there.

The girls from the HR office was just standing around laughing and Simon couldn't help raising a smile either, but in the back of his head a thought started to form, "what a weird coincident.''

Sonja's eyes suddenly changed it almost looked like she had come out of a trance.

"What the fuck..." Sonja said as she looked down and saw her skirt on the ground, she quickly pulled it up and stormed out of the room, while the laughing continued in the background.

Simon just stood there, his head full of thoughts, "Was that really a coincident," he walked on to the coffee machine, with the HR girls still slapping their thighs in laughter.

Part 2: A Nice view

Simon was at home, he had turned in sick both because he didn't want to meet Sonja after that day, but also because the episode with her skirt had been nagging him since it happened, he needed to find out what was going on, the first day he was convinced it was just a coincident, but then something that happened the next day that made him doubt it.

He was out getting some air, just walking around the park until he found a free bench where he could sit down and rest. He liked the park, always full of people and especially women, walking, running, sitting around on a nice day like this.

He had finally set his mind straight about yesterdays incident with Sonja and her skirt, he had gone through it again and again in his mind and had come to the conclusion that it had to have been coincident, what else could it have been.

So today he was more at ease with everything, more relaxed, but that would only be short-lived.

As Simon sat on the bench he looked over at the bench on the other side of the path, there was a gorgeous woman sitting there, she was the kind of woman that he would never be able to score or even talk to, but his wet dreams were full of. The woman had long chestnut hair that was wavy in that sexy way he just loved, she was wearing a white shirt with a few of the top buttons undone, her breasts were not big but just perfect and to end it all a short black skirt and high heels.

Simon tried not to stare but it was very hard not to, this woman was just perfect in every way, and as he was looking at this dream girl, all he could think was how much he wanted to just get a glimpse of her pussy.

Suddenly she moved about on the bench and he couldn't believe it, she was not wearing any panties and left her legs open for such a long time that it actually looked like she wanted him to have a good look. This was unreal he needed to pinch himself to make sure he didn't imagine or dream this, but no it did happen, he was right there across from her and she was spreading her legs so he could see her wonderful little pink jewel.

After some time, she closed her legs again and at no time did had she looked up from the magazine she was reading, he needed to hurry along before she would notice him sitting there staring, this was crazy, had she just deliberately showing off herself to him because he had thought it, that was the question in his mind at that moment, then that would have been the second time a thought in his mind, had manifested itself in the real world.

Part 3: Learning

Simon was sure after the two incidents he had been involved in, that he was the cause of them, it was something he had done, but what and how he had to find out more.

He searched the internet for information and quickly found some articles about strange happenings where a person had imagined something that happened, he read them all, he quickly found more articles about the psychic and the next few days he read anything he found about psychic abilities and soon found that he was ready to do an experiment.

The next few days he was trying to figure out what the experiment should be, it should be something small and relatively risk-free.

He once again was in the park on Saturday, walking around trying to find a good test subject for his first experiment, there were lots of people in the park that day, he didn't know exactly what he wanted to do yet, but this was still on an experimental level so he would make it up as he went along.

In the park was lots of pretty young women and he zoomed in on a pretty young woman playing with a Golden Retriever. He found a place nearby where he could observe and stand without being noticed, he concentrated on the woman and her dog, and in his head started thinking only one thought, "You are getting horny," he closed his eyes and repeated it to himself, "you are getting incredibly horny."

When he opened his eyes and looked at the young women, what he saw was not exactly what he had planned, the dog was running around the woman trying to hump her leg and jumping on her back, Simon quickly removed the thought from his and like magic the dog went back as he was before.

Simon could see the woman getting angry with the dog and he just thought, "and they say dogs are so clever," he couldn't help raise a smile at the scene, because it may not have worked out exactly as planned, but it did prove that he was on his way to controlling his ability.

Part 4: More control

Simon had now tried his trick out a few more times, with smaller tests and had gained more knowledge on how to control his ability, there had been a few funny episodes just in the last week, but now he was ready to try something bigger.

He had been thinking about what he should try to do for a few days, and was now at the bus stop and knew what he wanted to try, as the bus came rolling up he started to smile, this time it would work.

He walked down to the back of the bus, he would have a better view from there and he needed to have a good view to find the right person, it was early on the route and not a lot of people was on the bus yet. At the next stop a woman walked in, he could see it right away, she was the right one, she went to sit at an empty seat in the middle of the bus, in total there were only around 6 people on the bus, so it was just perfect.

The woman was dressed in a short skirt, a thin shirt and under it a white top, she was a good looking woman, but it was mostly her clothes that were perfect for Simon, loose clothes that could easily be pushed aside. Simon started concentrating his mind on the woman, thinking, "you are getting horn," while focusing his mind, he got up and moved a couple of seats closer and was now only 2 seats behind her, he could hear and see everything she did, he wanted to make sure that he didn't miss anything if this worked.

He kept focusing his mind on her and also listening for any signs that it was working and then he heard it, not very noticeable but it was there a clear change in her breathing it was getting heavier.

"You are so horny, you need to touch yourself," he thought as he focused his mind, even more still listening for any change, and then she moved her hand, he almost couldn't believe it, she started touching her own breast, he could hear her breathing getting very heavy, no question about it this girl was getting very horny. He quickly took a glance around to see if anyone had noticed anything, but the few passengers in the bus didn't seem to have noticed anything, he was nervous that if he looked around too much he would break the connection, so he went back to full focus on the girl.

He watched her for a moment touching herself. He also wanted to see how she reacted in her face, but he couldn't see it from where he was sitting. He was amazed at how good this was going, so he got more daring, "put your hand inside your underwear and insert a finger inside yourself," he thought and focused his mind totally on the girl, and it was not long before she did exactly that. She pushed her hand down the front of her skirt and inside her underwear.

Simon had to find out more about how this affected this woman, so without breaking the mental connection he slowly walked past her and noticed her face, her mouth was slightly open and he could hear her heavy breathing and every part of her face looked like she really enjoyed herself, but her eyes were wide open and totally blank like she wasn't there.

Simon stopped by her seat and quickly understood, she wouldn't notice anything around her, he looked at her sitting there with her hand down the front of her skirt and breathing heavy, he couldn't stop staring at her and suddenly felt the mental connection disappear, he had shifted his focus to long and she was gaining control of herself, he had to think fast now, he was standing in a bus staring a woman that was almost pleasuring herself, he quickly put a hand on her shoulder and shook it.

"Hello! Are you okay?" he said to the woman.

The woman looked at him in shock and quickly found her hand was down her front and pulled it out fast.

"Sorry?! What did you say?" she said in a confused voice.

"I was just asking if you are okay, you seemed a little distant," he tried to put on his most sincere and concerned voice.

"Yes thank you I am fine, I must just have blacked out a little bit," she said still looking a little out of it.

"Okay, that is good to hear," Simon said and walked to the back of the bus again, he watched as the woman got off at the next stop, she still seemed confused, but it was clear she had no knowledge about what had happened.

Simon smiled to himself, "If this had been an exam, I would have passed," he thought to himself as he rang the bell to get off.

Part 5: The Queen Bitch

It had been some months now and his powers were more complete now and he had used it several times and it had been going good, but there was still one target he was going after, Sonja... The Queen Bitch herself she needed to be taught a lesson for all the verbal abuse he had been forced to listen to over the years, so now it was payback time.

Simon actually didn't know a lot about Sonja, he was sure she was single, "who wants a woman like that," he thought to himself, and he didn't know where she lived but was hoping to find out more about her, to do this he planned to follow her, it was not hard to follow her without getting noticed, she didn't stop once during her walk home from the office and didn't look at shop windows or stuff like that, so it was easy for Simon to follow behind her straight to her apartment, when he got there he was actually a little surprised to see where it was, he knew the area well, it was a cheap area with small apartments and in Simon's head it didn't fit a stylish woman like her, he always imagined her to live in a super modern apartment and not in this slum. But Simon didn't have time to think about that now, he would need a plan. He wouldn't do anything in her apartment, that would be too risky, so he started keeping an eye on her, especially at the weekend, she had to go outside sometimes, and Saturday afternoon she finally went out, she walked slowly to a park nearby and found a bench a sat down and started to read a book. Simon watched her all the time she was there, he wanted to learn exactly why she was there and what she was doing. But she didn't do anything else than sit on the bench and read for a few hours and then walked back home.

Simon found out that she was a creature of habit and went for the same walk every Saturday, so he started to check out the park, the park was not very big so not a lot of people came there and maybe that was also why she came there, for the peace and quiet, so he decided that it was in the park he would strike.

A month passed, where Simon made sure that she didn't suddenly do something else, but she didn't, everything was perfect. It was Saturday, Simon walked to the park early just to make sure he got there before Sonja, if she saw him there the plan would be ruined, he found a place to hide, it was a big bush almost in the middle of the park, it wasn't near any paths so it was perfect for his plan and it wasn't too far away from the bench where Sonja had been sitting every time, then he just waited and at almost the same time as last Saturday, Sonja walked into the park and headed for her normal spot, Simon looked on from the big bush, he couldn't believe how lucky he was everything just worked out exactly as planned.

Sonja sat down on the bench and started to read and Simon dared to move closer, the other times he had observed her she had never looked around, just concentrating on reading her book. Simon moved closer and started to send his thoughts in her direction, "Sonja in a moment I will come and sit beside you on the bench you will not get scared and you will not recognise me, just carry on as normal," Simon repeated the thought again and again and concentrated on Sonja sitting on the bench, he actually got a little nervous, it was some time ago he had been so close to her, he started walking closer and repeating his thought, he walked around the bench and into where he knew she would notice him, suddenly she turned her head and look right at him, "Hi!" she said, Simons' heart had shot straight up into his throat, but quickly composed himself, "Hello," he said politely before Sonja returned to her book.

Simon needed a moment to relax, it was a bit of a shock that she had actually talked to him, he had not expected that, but after a few minutes he was ready.

He started sending his thoughts to her, "Sonja! Listen to my thoughts, my thoughts are everything inside your head right now," he was concentrating his mind on Sonja, "listen to my thoughts Sonja, in 5 minutes you will get up and you will walk into the big bush in the middle of the park, if you understand turn towards me and say yes and then return to reading your book," Simon repeated the thought several and was starting to get excited, suddenly Sonja turned towards him and said, "yes," and then she turned back to her book.

Simon, was so excited, he quickly got up and walked towards the bush, checking that no one saw him, inside the bush he waited and looked carefully out at the bench where Sonja was still sitting, he felt like the entire world was spinning, but he had to keep his mind sharp, so he concentrated on the task at hand.

The 5 minutes felt like an eternity, but then it happened, Sonja stood up, took her bag and walked straight towards the bush, Simon was so excited now, it had worked.

Sonja walked into the bush and stopped, doing nothing.

Simon looked her straight in the eyes and said, "do you know me?"

"No," she answered promptly.

"Good, now listen to me Sonja, you will get undressed and lie down on your stomach right here," he said to her and pointed to the ground at his feet.

"Yes," she said as she took off her coat, Simon watched as she stripped in front of him, watching as she got naked one piece at the time and it was not long before she was all naked, "she is actually a very good looking woman," he thought to himself.

Sonja got down on her knees and lay herself face down on the ground.

Simon enjoyed the view, "The Queen Bitch naked at my feet," he thought, it was so perfect, he kneeled down between her legs, it was time for his revenge, he pulled his trousers down and took out his cock and rubbed it against her ass, before pushing it between her cheeks until he felt her asshole push back.

"I am sure this will hurt her," he thought as he pushed it hard against her hole, she gasped as he penetrated her, "there is a good girl, let me inside," he said to her as he pushed himself deeper inside, her heavy breathing and loud moans really made him hard, as he started to fuck her ass in slow hard thrusts, her moans were replaced by short screams as he fully penetrated her, it just felt so good and it was a perfect revenge, raping The Queen Bitch's ass and it wasn't long before he exploded inside her and now it was his time to moan as he filled her ass with his cum.

The world was spinning as he collapsed on top of Sonja, "oh yes that felt so cumming inside your little bitch asshole," he said to her.

Sonja didn't move.

Part 6: One last surprise

Simon was still on top of Sonja, he didn't know how long he had been there, but it was time to get up he thought. He got up and put his clothes back in place.

"Get up Sonja," he said and she started to get up, "I am done with you, now you can go back to your boring life," he looked at her face as she got up and in her eyes were tears, and as he watched her he could feel her mind, but it was not the mind of a queen bitch it was the mind of a little frightened girl, that was hidden inside and while he stood there and got more and more from her mind, he realised the truth about Sonja, she had built a mental shell around her true character because she was afraid, he felt it all, her lonely life, her daily struggle to keep up the front that she was a hard businesswoman that could take anything.

Simon felt it all inside her and his hate for her melted away and felt sympathy for her, she was more like him than he knew.

"Sonja, I never knew..." he started but then stopped, he looked at her cute face and wanted to help her, "listen to me Sonja, you will do exactly as I say."

"Yes," she said.

"You will get dressed and go home, everything that happened here you will have forgotten and when you get home you will start changing your life, your old hard person will disappear, you will break down your hard shell and start living the life as your true self, you will smile and be friendly to everyone, and then you will find yourself a special person to share your life with," he said with a lump in his throat.

He didn't know why but he then gave her a hug and stormed out of the bush.


It was a few months later he saw Sonja at a cafe.

"Hi Simon!" she yelled after ham, she ran over to him and gave him a hug, "it is so good to see you!"

"Ehh, hi," Simon said a little worried, "how have you been, Sonja?"

"I feel better than ever before, it is like a new life I have started for me these last few months," she said as she smiled a big friendly smile at him.

Behind her, another woman walked over to them.

Sonja looked back at her and said, "this is Linda."

"Hello Linda," Simon said as she shook her hand.

"She is my girlfriend," she said with true love in her eyes.

Simon couldn't believe how changed this woman was in such a short time and thought it was better to leave them alone, "well I have to run along now, take good care of her Linda," Simon said smiling to both of them and waved he walked off.

There were other lives to change and he knew what his calling was now.

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C137
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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