寫檢討I hope that the hiatus will soon stop and the translation will continue, the mtl have reached more than 600 chapter.
I'm at ch 85 and tired of MC's focus on beauties and their bodies. All he thinks about other than spending money is girls and their figures. Furthermore he got training for behaving himself but was gorging buns in public. when it matters the MC is tall and graceful but other times he's just like an excited little child. can someone tell me if this will remain consistent in the entire novel or will the MC mature. He is rich but doesn't know anything about lifestyle and stuff. when will this problem be solved?
The story is very interesting. It's a shame it's on hiatus. The MC somewhat stays rational. it's not all hot-blooded adventure type but more of a slice of life style that is really enjoyable to read
I like MC mindset to improve himself, plot and story development is also quite solid. although it start pretty rough you should give MC a chance to change his mindset after that it goes smoothly. A pity it got dropped, MTL is God of life.
Not a bad novel, however the further into it you get the more gramatical errors there are in the translations. You will also likely find that the amounts of money he earns will changed repeatedly in a single chapter chapter 314 has the largest fluctuation ive seen so far (going from it being 31 billion earned to it being only 31 million within a few sentences)
for the first part I really like it, but as time goes on, each plot must be all related to women, the more boring it gets At first this seemed very unique and fun, but more and more women wanted to climb the bed of mc, wow, you really are a writer with an excess of stupid imagination
be careful before getting into this. good story, but when it went premium it was screwed over. book wasn't chosen so someone decided to translate 5 chapters a day and did a very good job. when it got popular, however, a different translator took over, made it premium and screwed up all the pronouns. it became almost like a MTL names and genders got mixed up bad.
the translation quality is getting worse and worse I'm sure its just machine translation now simple mistakes like he and she are wrong and the protagonist name is wrong a few times so what about the side characters we rarely see the only thing good right now is update stability
Horrible translation and this makes the novel not worth reading. bshusheh ejjebehe uwbvwheuwb wuwvhwve hev e syev eushs wusvw uwvw whev wuwhw shw wwkwkwk wkkeke kwkwkwk wkwkwkkw kwkwkwk wkkwkwk kwkwkw kkwwwkwk wwkkwkwkwk
Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try
Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support
its a good novel i mean it has some mild nationalism but they arent saying china is the best country or the best race its just the so called ( pride of the people) its very scary stuff if you ask me i’ve never met an american with that nuch pride also another thing is how much they emphasized that the main character has so much superb temperament and he is so good at everything i think it should speak for its self not having to be sold it at every sentence but its very interesting compared to somthing like i am prodigy where they have like a god-complex
I am chapter 75 and it's just boring without any kind of action 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪🤧😪
I wish I would speak Chinese and read the Chinese version of this novel becouse the Translator can't even do basis math or forgets hoe much money Mc spend. Example: One chaper Mc plans to buy something over 1000000 the second chapter Mc just spend 100000 for it. And that's not even his cheat it's just not OK. Afterall its not like this only happens in on 1 to 50 chapters no it happens in almost all chapters. And I still don't understand if Mc is using Yuan or Dollar becouse at fist the currency was Yuan but then it became US Dollar. Aother Example: Like Mc at first did receive 100 cash every day at level 1 but then at level 6 it still was 100 ( that's just a example I forgot the actual numbers)
I can't stand the MC, really, I get that he is a teenager, I've seen 10 year olds smarter than this retard, when I was reading this, I felt I was losing brain cells, I was starting to think more align with the MC and that terrified me.
The Novel is amazing, however the translator is a complete failure. At the start of the novel the translation was fine if not perfect. However, some time ago, it started getting worse and worse to the point that when reading I don't understand what the characters are saying, I can only guess the contents by myself. The translation is mostly machine and the translated doesn't even bother doing his job. Not only that, but the novel has also been officially dropped in China. So it's better not to read it and waste your time.
It has a really tough start and some people may drop in early chapters. If you really want to enjoy, just let it go and don't mind the small details like dollars and RMB. Just enjoy the plot. Chapters are long enough so I recommend that you read all the chapters in one long read. This will be better than just reading 3 chapters a day with those fast passes in my opinion.
Gostei 👀✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑😇☺😇😉😇😉😙😉🤗😉🤗🤗😉😇☺😆☺😅😃😙😄😚
Melhor novel slice of life que li atualmente. Gostei demais e espero mais capítulos..👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
An amazing novel, Mc super cool and smart, at first I didn't think it was so good, but haha then I saw that to stop reading would be an absolute loss of such a cool story, anyway I liked it and I'm following the developments closely, being anxious every time step 👑
I really enjoyed this book. If there's any recommendation for books like this where there's character development at every step where we see our mc becoming a supernatural genius and his way of seeing things and seeing each of the characters with complicated personalities come into his life, I'm finally happy to read every chapter of this novel.
Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top, Top,Top,Top,Top, it's amazing
starting story was good...... but after some chapter i am feeling like there is no concept for this book now.... just waste of time n mood...
the beginning was interesting. mc thought of different methods to make money and made smart decisions to guarantee his customers were satisfied. hence accumulating money. but after going to the capital and meeting a woman, he became distracted, starting chasing her and losing his sense of purpose. story just regressed, became a typical romance novel of a man hanging with his gf and her bffs. how disappointing.
bagus bgttttttttttt5tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
amazing book, but would be better if there were more free chapters haha. Progression is fast and the story is nice to binge read[img=update][img=update][img=exp][img=exp]
When I started reading it, I honestly didn't have too many expectations and thought it would be another face-slapping story we are all so fed up with but surprisingly, it turned out to be a really insightful read. You would find lots of life lessons in the novel and if you are giving it a serious thought, you might end up coming across opportunities to reflect on philosophy of life and way of living
average breath per minute is 16 that means per day on average it is 23040, let's go with 23000 for convenience. lv 1 breathing 0.05 yuan/breath = 1150 yuan/day atm yuan - usd is around 15% so 1 yuan is 0.15 usd, that mean he is earning 172.5 usd/day... that's 62962.50 usd a year!! And lv 2 breathing is double that!! At lv 1 MC can live a pretty normal life with no work but at lv 2 he is able to live abit more extravagantly being more loose with money, especially at lv 3 and beyond. morale of the story, this guy is just too greedy for money when within 20 chps he is already earning in the top 0.1% in the world without having to work in his life and still rising. God damn it!! he can just relax for the rest of his life without having to deal with these Young Masters or just hire bodyguards... well anyways rant done, other than that good story but needs a good editor since sometimes it gets hard to understand
Everything is good except the story as it's dragged far too long I mean he is making movie at 400 chapter but at the end of near 600 he was still doing it just when will he release it all the story is focused on other things which can be explained in 2-3 chapters but it goes on for at least 7 to 8 chapters like seriously?!
I hope that the hiatus will soon stop and the translation will continue, the mtl have reached more than 600 chapter.
I'm at ch 85 and tired of MC's focus on beauties and their bodies. All he thinks about other than spending money is girls and their figures. Furthermore he got training for behaving himself but was gorging buns in public. when it matters the MC is tall and graceful but other times he's just like an excited little child. can someone tell me if this will remain consistent in the entire novel or will the MC mature. He is rich but doesn't know anything about lifestyle and stuff. when will this problem be solved?
The story is very interesting. It's a shame it's on hiatus. The MC somewhat stays rational. it's not all hot-blooded adventure type but more of a slice of life style that is really enjoyable to read
I like MC mindset to improve himself, plot and story development is also quite solid. although it start pretty rough you should give MC a chance to change his mindset after that it goes smoothly. A pity it got dropped, MTL is God of life.
Not a bad novel, however the further into it you get the more gramatical errors there are in the translations. You will also likely find that the amounts of money he earns will changed repeatedly in a single chapter chapter 314 has the largest fluctuation ive seen so far (going from it being 31 billion earned to it being only 31 million within a few sentences)
for the first part I really like it, but as time goes on, each plot must be all related to women, the more boring it gets At first this seemed very unique and fun, but more and more women wanted to climb the bed of mc, wow, you really are a writer with an excess of stupid imagination
be careful before getting into this. good story, but when it went premium it was screwed over. book wasn't chosen so someone decided to translate 5 chapters a day and did a very good job. when it got popular, however, a different translator took over, made it premium and screwed up all the pronouns. it became almost like a MTL names and genders got mixed up bad.
the translation quality is getting worse and worse I'm sure its just machine translation now simple mistakes like he and she are wrong and the protagonist name is wrong a few times so what about the side characters we rarely see the only thing good right now is update stability
Horrible translation and this makes the novel not worth reading. bshusheh ejjebehe uwbvwheuwb wuwvhwve hev e syev eushs wusvw uwvw whev wuwhw shw wwkwkwk wkkeke kwkwkwk wkwkwkkw kwkwkwk wkkwkwk kwkwkw kkwwwkwk wwkkwkwkwk
Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try Give it a try
Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support Five Star support
its a good novel i mean it has some mild nationalism but they arent saying china is the best country or the best race its just the so called ( pride of the people) its very scary stuff if you ask me i’ve never met an american with that nuch pride also another thing is how much they emphasized that the main character has so much superb temperament and he is so good at everything i think it should speak for its self not having to be sold it at every sentence but its very interesting compared to somthing like i am prodigy where they have like a god-complex
I am chapter 75 and it's just boring without any kind of action 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪🤧😪
I wish I would speak Chinese and read the Chinese version of this novel becouse the Translator can't even do basis math or forgets hoe much money Mc spend. Example: One chaper Mc plans to buy something over 1000000 the second chapter Mc just spend 100000 for it. And that's not even his cheat it's just not OK. Afterall its not like this only happens in on 1 to 50 chapters no it happens in almost all chapters. And I still don't understand if Mc is using Yuan or Dollar becouse at fist the currency was Yuan but then it became US Dollar. Aother Example: Like Mc at first did receive 100 cash every day at level 1 but then at level 6 it still was 100 ( that's just a example I forgot the actual numbers)
I can't stand the MC, really, I get that he is a teenager, I've seen 10 year olds smarter than this retard, when I was reading this, I felt I was losing brain cells, I was starting to think more align with the MC and that terrified me.
The Novel is amazing, however the translator is a complete failure. At the start of the novel the translation was fine if not perfect. However, some time ago, it started getting worse and worse to the point that when reading I don't understand what the characters are saying, I can only guess the contents by myself. The translation is mostly machine and the translated doesn't even bother doing his job. Not only that, but the novel has also been officially dropped in China. So it's better not to read it and waste your time.
It has a really tough start and some people may drop in early chapters. If you really want to enjoy, just let it go and don't mind the small details like dollars and RMB. Just enjoy the plot. Chapters are long enough so I recommend that you read all the chapters in one long read. This will be better than just reading 3 chapters a day with those fast passes in my opinion.
Gostei 👀✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍✍🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑😇☺😇😉😇😉😙😉🤗😉🤗🤗😉😇☺😆☺😅😃😙😄😚
Melhor novel slice of life que li atualmente. Gostei demais e espero mais capítulos..👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
An amazing novel, Mc super cool and smart, at first I didn't think it was so good, but haha then I saw that to stop reading would be an absolute loss of such a cool story, anyway I liked it and I'm following the developments closely, being anxious every time step 👑
I really enjoyed this book. If there's any recommendation for books like this where there's character development at every step where we see our mc becoming a supernatural genius and his way of seeing things and seeing each of the characters with complicated personalities come into his life, I'm finally happy to read every chapter of this novel.
Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Top, Top,Top,Top,Top, it's amazing
starting story was good...... but after some chapter i am feeling like there is no concept for this book now.... just waste of time n mood...
the beginning was interesting. mc thought of different methods to make money and made smart decisions to guarantee his customers were satisfied. hence accumulating money. but after going to the capital and meeting a woman, he became distracted, starting chasing her and losing his sense of purpose. story just regressed, became a typical romance novel of a man hanging with his gf and her bffs. how disappointing.
bagus bgttttttttttt5tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
amazing book, but would be better if there were more free chapters haha. Progression is fast and the story is nice to binge read[img=update][img=update][img=exp][img=exp]
When I started reading it, I honestly didn't have too many expectations and thought it would be another face-slapping story we are all so fed up with but surprisingly, it turned out to be a really insightful read. You would find lots of life lessons in the novel and if you are giving it a serious thought, you might end up coming across opportunities to reflect on philosophy of life and way of living
average breath per minute is 16 that means per day on average it is 23040, let's go with 23000 for convenience. lv 1 breathing 0.05 yuan/breath = 1150 yuan/day atm yuan - usd is around 15% so 1 yuan is 0.15 usd, that mean he is earning 172.5 usd/day... that's 62962.50 usd a year!! And lv 2 breathing is double that!! At lv 1 MC can live a pretty normal life with no work but at lv 2 he is able to live abit more extravagantly being more loose with money, especially at lv 3 and beyond. morale of the story, this guy is just too greedy for money when within 20 chps he is already earning in the top 0.1% in the world without having to work in his life and still rising. God damn it!! he can just relax for the rest of his life without having to deal with these Young Masters or just hire bodyguards... well anyways rant done, other than that good story but needs a good editor since sometimes it gets hard to understand
Everything is good except the story as it's dragged far too long I mean he is making movie at 400 chapter but at the end of near 600 he was still doing it just when will he release it all the story is focused on other things which can be explained in 2-3 chapters but it goes on for at least 7 to 8 chapters like seriously?!