8% Solo Leveling: The White Death / Chapter 1: Dungeon Break

章節 1: Dungeon Break

"Back again with us in Indonesia News. News shifts to Sumbawa, East Nusa Tenggara. Evacuation of residents in the red zone are and its surroundings is hampered by heavy rains and storms that currently hit East Nusa Tenggara. Emergency evacuation posts prepared by the government each looks empty. "

" National Search and Rescue Agency ( BASARNAS ) has sent a SAR team to explore the affected area and evacuate the local population on the Komodo island and its surroundings. At present we have connected with our colleague Jenita Muara Ningsih who was at the scene."

"Jenita, can you describe the current condition of Sumbawa at this time?"

The television screen then highlighted a reporter who was seen to be washed down by heavy rain and strong winds, she was wearing a plastic raincoat to keep her clothes dry. However, she looked troubled because of the strong winds that hit around her.

"Well, Rina, as all you can see on your screen, extreme weather is currently hitting the Lesser Sunda Islands, Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency ( BMKG ) estimates that this weather is not purely a natural event, but is influenced by a Gate which is expected to break in 5 Hours."

Dungeons are the realm of the Magic Beasts and are connected to Earth via Gates. When a dungeon isn't cleared within 7 days of appearing, a Dungeon Break occurs. When this happens, the Gate fully opens and the magic beasts that were normally confined to the inside can now leave the Gate, causing destruction and mayhem outside.

That is a dangerous case that is tried to be avoided by all countries in the world.

"The Hunter Association of the Republic of Indonesia has officially declared this Dungeon as an High-End S-Rank Dungeon which at any time can turn into a level of Dungeon that has never been seen before, namely the EX-Rank Dungeon."

A few days earlier, the Government of Indonesia and the Hunter Association of the Republic of Indonesia had published the existence of a S Rank Dungeon in the interior of the forest on the Komodo Island, East Nusa Tenggara. An island that is also a cultural preserve for captive protected animals, Komodo Dragon.

But they were too late to identify the existence of the Dungeon. After an investigation, the Dungeon has appeared 5 days before being detected and fully identified by the Hunter Association. That is certainly a very, very fatal mistake by the Hunter Association.

The Chairman of the Indonesian Hunter Association, Budi Pradjatmoko has officially announced that the province of East Nusa Tenggara is declared the Red Zone, and all residents must immediately leave the area.

But the announcement was made public on Day 6, and of course it was too late considering that Dungeon Break would break on Day 7 after the Gate surfaced.

And an S-Rank Dungeon is not a Dungeon that can be cleared by a non-powerhouse country like Indonesia alone.

At least it takes dozens of S-Rank Hunter to take care of an S-Rank Dungeon, it also depends on how much the fluctuation of magic energy that the Dungeon emits. If the magic energy fluctuation exceeds normal capacity, then only a country that has a National Level Hunter can cleanse it.

"This is of course unprecedented in any part of the world, for the first time humanity must face a Dungeon that exceeds S Rank appears, and if a Dungeon Break occurs, then not only Indonesia, but neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Philippines , or even Australia will also be affected. "

"Because of that, good news came from the Hunter Association, after negotiations between the Indonesian Hunter Association and China, China agreed to send their 10 S-Rank Hunter and a National Level Hunter, Liu Zhigang, to assist Indonesian Hunter."

"Besides China, Indonesia also received food and medicine supplies from neighboring countries."

Then, the camera panned towards the dark sky of Sumbawa, in the distance a horrific black-and-blue fluctuation of energy rose up into the sky. It was a sight that could make everyone stunned.

Then, Jenita resumed her report, she was now seen standing next to a large man who was 2 meters tall. The man was seen wearing jet black iron armor with gold ornaments.

His body was stocky, and his face was firm. His gaze was sharp and piercing like someone who would kill people. He was seen carrying a large machete with jet black blades on his waist.

"Right now we are with the chairman of the Indonesian Hunter Association, Budi Pradjatmoko. Good afternoon, Mr. Budi, can you explain how likely this dungeon can be cleared?"

Budi nodded.

"Well, first of all we will assess the strength of the Attack Force that we have today. In total there are 21 S-Rank Hunter and 1 National Level Hunter who participated in this Raid. 11 Hunter from China, 9 Hunter from Indonesia, and one Hunter from Japan. " Budi said in a unanimous and firm voice.

"To be honest, we feel greatly helped by Mr. Liu Zhigang's presence in this place, considering that the Gate that will be cleared this time is most likely the strongest ever in history. Our preparation is of course very short, envoys from China and Japan have just arrived in Indonesia early today, which is the seventh day after this Dungeon was discovered. "

"We only have 8 hours to prepare the Raid this time, but that does not mean we are not ready. We are truly 100% ready and ready to expend all our abilities to prevent the occurrence of Dungeon Break."

Budi then looked at the camera and said.

"Therefore, the probability of success of this mission is ... 10%."

"Eh?" the reporter, Jenita was astonished when she heard Budi's words. Then a woman who seemed to be another S-Rank Hunter approached Budi.

"Sir, the helicopter is ready and the storm's raining has subsided a little, we will take off in a few minutes."

" Very well. "

Budi nodded before he look at the camera once again.

"Then, please support us."

And then he walked away with that woman Hunter, because the other Hunter had also been waiting for them to go directly to the place where the real Gate was located, Komodo Island.

"... W-well, that's how it is ... we can only pray for the safety and victory of our heroes. Hope that they all get back safely, as well as our comrades who are still stuck there, that's all the reports I can give you, back with Rina in the studio. "


* dap * * dap *

The sound of helicopter propeller can be heard taking off and flying into the air, in one of the helicopters seen Budi and several other Hunter both from China and Indonesia.

But what attracted the most attention of course was the burly man who was seen carrying two dual swords on his waist, the man had a handsome but fierce stature. His long black hair was tied and his body looked very well built.

This man was none other than a National Level Hunter, Liu Zhigang. His face looked relaxed even though he was currently heading for one of the most dangerous dungeons in the world.

Zhigang sat with his arms crossed and was seen smiling.

"Well, I no longer know how to thank you Zhigang, actually I didn't think that woman would really send you here. " said Budi, as chairman of the Hunter association who is still actively entering the Dungeon, he has connections with many people.

"Again you are talking like that, of course that woman will not send us here without any reason that can benefit her, she wants to monopolize the Mana Crystal and the dead monster that will be at the gate this time. So you don't need to feel grateful, after all, Indonesia and China have a good relationship with each other. "

"Hahaha, I know, I know, that woman never changes, huh." Budi laughed lightly at Zhigang's words. There was no awkwardness between the two of them, after all this wasn't the first time the two of them had met.

"Besides, I didn't expect that old man Matsumoto sent one of his S-Rank Hunter voluntarily, you didn't make any agreement with Japan right?"

"No, this is generous help from Matsumoto-san, whether it's true or not, but it seems like the Hunter from Japan this time is a war veteran, even though I've never heard his name."

"Ho ~"

Then the pilot in the front seat interrupted the conversation between Budi and Zhigang.

"A few hundred meters before we arrive at the coordinates, sir."

Budi nodded, he then said to the other 6 Hunter who rode the same helicopter with him.

"Very well, if so, we will continue to follow the strategy that has been prepared previously, the Attack Force will be divided into two teams, the attacking team and the Evacuation Team."

The Attack Team will be led by Budi himself, although Liu Zhigang is a National Level Hunter, but in terms of experience and leadership, he is still far below Budi. The Attack Team consists of 18 Hunter including Budi, their job is to enter the Gate and clear it. While the Evacuation Team with 3 members left will be tasked with evacuating the local population as well as killing the Magical Beast who managed to get out of the Gate.

"Then all the parachutes are ready, we will immediately glide."

"" Roger that. "" "

Then, one by one the Hunter in the helicopter jumped down using a parachute tied to their back. This was done because objects that were not made of magic-based material such as helicopters were very vulnerable to being destroyed when exposed to waves of magic energy emitted by the Gate.

* tap *

Liu Zhigang and the other Hunters had landed smoothly, the contours of the ground which was muddy due to rain made it difficult for them to move.

"Has everyone arrived at this place?"

" Yes sir, In all 18 people, the Evacuation Team led by Ardian has also moved."

Budi nodded, he then turned and glanced towards the sky in the North. A wave of magic energy soared into the sky, even visible to the naked eye by anyone.

He then analyzes his surroundings and realizes a strange thing.

"Hey, isn't this place called Komodo Island?" Said Liu Zhigang who was seen putting his hands in his pocket.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"It's just strange, because since landing I haven't seen a single Komodo dragon in this place ... Ah ~, even though I really want to see it."

Hearing that, Budi widened his eyes before he looked around.

'That's right, why we haven't run into them at all since landing, even though from the outline, the point where we are is their main habitat. '

When Budi was thinking, he suddenly heard a panicked voice from the woman who was always seen with him.

"Sir, this is bad!"

"Hm? What's wrong?"

All the hunters on the attack team who were preparing their equipment also immediately focused their attention on the woman.

"I just received an emergency report from the Team that was tasked with measuring the wave of magic energy emitted by Gate and the results were astonishing, currently the number has reached 350,000 !!"

Said a Woman Hunter who continued to be by Budi's side from the beginning, judging by the equipment, which was a wooden stick with a green crystal ball on it, the woman was a Healer-class Hunter.

" What!!? "

Hearing her words, everyone including Zhigang widened their eyes. That is the amount of waves of magical energy that is truly astronomical.

Normally, the wave of magical energy from an S-Rank gate is only in the range of 100,000 to 200,000, but 350,000? That's insane.

The amount of magical energy waves emitted by the gate on Komodo Island this time is even almost double the first S-Rank Gate that appeared in the US a few years ago.

"That's crazy, even Kamish the Dragon doesn't emit waves of energy that are so frightening, why is the report different from the first report? It seems like your people don't work well, Budi."

"No, the first report was not a mistake, has the gate turned into a Red Gate?" Budi asked, he was dripping with cold sweat after hearing the report from the woman.

The woman shook her head.

"No, this isn't Red Gate, the wave of magic energy surged before we entered it, so it's not a Red Gate, but a normal gate whose level is far above the S-Rank gate."

Everyone swallowed their saliva, even Budi could only be silent when he realized this important fact.

At first he thought they would be able to clean the gate this time, especially with the help of a National Level Hunter like Liu Zhigang and dozens of other Chinese S-Rank Hunter. Even though the Hunter in the Attack Force this time only numbered 21 people in total, but it was the best choice to overcome this problem.

But Budi was wrong, the reality slapped him like a winter breeze. Even the other S rank hunters who were present there could only be silent, waiting for the decision of the two key figures of the mission this time, namely Budi and Zhigang.

Zhigang then glanced slightly at Budi.

"If what the lady said here is true, then this attack is tantamount to suicide."

Everyone glanced at Zhigang.

"As you know, a few years ago an S-Rank Dungeon appeared for the first time in the State of Arizona, United States. At that time humans faced a threat they had never faced before."

"At that time there was no organized Hunter association like now, hundreds of Awakened from all parts of the world gathered to clear the Dungeon, I was one of hundreds of people."

"Long story short we all managed to complete that S-Rank gate, but there are only 16 people who can survive the mission. Those people are now known as National Level Hunter."

Some people who had never heard of the story widened their eyes in surprise, while Zhigang continued his story with a relaxed expression.

"Well, even though at that time we were still much weaker than now, and we were not yet a National Level Hunter, but you can imagine how scary the Dungeon inhabited by Kamish the Dragon is. And right now we are also facing such a situation ... . "

Zhigang then glanced at Budi, who still seemed to think hard.

"With this number of people, even with my strength, this gate can never be cleared, I'm 100% sure. Therefore I suggest we retreat and ask for help from other National Level Hunter-holding countries."

The other Hunters silently agreed with Liu Zhigang's words. And their attention is currently focused on Budi, who is the decision holder.

"But the final decision is yours, Budi, will we continue to attack and buy time so that the evacuation team can save the remaining people as soon as possible, or we retreat and devise the best strategy to clean up the impact of the impending Dungeon Break ... "It all depends on your decision," Zhigang said.

Budi who heard it looked down, the atmosphere became quiet as everyone waited for the decision to be made by Budi.

The sound of raindrops can be heard more clearly, their heart rates can also be heard, this is a decision that will affect everyone.

'Hopefully you don't make Emotional irrational decisions, Budi. 'thought Zhigang, his expression unchanged.

While Budi is currently in a very terrible inner conflict, because his decision this time concerns the lives of many people.

'What should I do now, do I have to order them to move forward, so that the Evacuation Team will be able to rescue the residents who are still trapped here, or I must order them to retreat, Zhigang is right, this Gate is not insurmountable by the Attack Force this time, at least until another country sends help ... '

"Sir, what is your decision?"

Hearing the voice, Budi woke up from his mind.

"Ah ... yes."

He then smiled bitterly and closed his eyes and returned to thinking.

'What am I thinking, why am I hesitating like this. Is my ability to make decisions even more dull? Since when have I considered myself so special, have all my possessions and power gained to this day blinded me? Remember Budi, remember your reason for being a Hunter. After all, this all happened because I was incompetent to lead the Hunter association, and was careless, causing fatal mistakes like this. '

After a few moments, Budi then opened his eyes, no more doubts that crossed his black eyes. Zhigang who saw that lost his smile.

"We will go forward, if we retreat now and let Dungeon Break happen, then no one will know what terrifying creature will come out of this Gate and what destruction it will cause."

Everyone fell silent, what Budi said made sense.

"Therefore, I want you to lend your strength, I will not force anyone who wants to retreat from here, but I ask for your help, please help me save the residents and innocent people."

Budi bent his body, and saw one of the most respected people in Indonesia bowing to them, making the Hunter from China and Indonesia there moved.

Those who initially hesitated, felt their blood pumping when they saw the sincere wish from Budi.

"You don't need to worry, sir, we won't let the monsters set foot on our homeland."

"That's right, this is our duty as citizens, and for the sake of humanity itself."

The Hunter from Indonesia smiled.

"You guys ... thank you so much."

Then, Budi glanced at Zhigang who was still standing there leaning against a tree. He then spoke with his arms crossed.

"Actually, I don't agree with your heroic pretentious decision, Budi, but a promise is a promise, and this Liu Zhigang is not a man who likes to break his promises, we will participate." Zhigang said with a serious expression.

"Zhigang ... you all."

After that, Budi paused for a moment before he pulled the machete on his waist from the sheath and turned around.

"Then it is decided, we will go forward and enter the Gate, this is a Gate with a very dangerous dungeon, I want you all to return alive, for the sake of humanity."

* clang *


However, before Budi could finish what he was saying, a huge roar like thousands of lightning coming down to earth could be heard from the direction the Gate was located.

* rumble *

"* gasp * What's that?"

Everyone widened their eyes at the sight of a horrifying and amazing sight.

The ever-expanding gate emits thunderous black lightning which destroys the surrounding forests.

*Duar* *Duar*

However, suddenly the lightning disappeared and the atmosphere became quiet, feeling a bad feeling, Budi immediately shouted.

"Tank, blockade !!"

* cling *

Hearing Budi's command, the tanks immediately moved quickly and erected a line of blockades on the front lines using their shields, but right after they did that, a large explosion occurred.


Blue light illuminated the dark sky, a tremendous amount of magic energy created an explosion that caused a very strong shock.

* Fwuossh *

The strong waves swept across the island very quickly like waves caused by an Nuclear bomb explosion.

But fortunately, the Tanks have been prepared in the vanguard and drive the waves of the big explosion so that the other Hunters are not blown back. After the strong winds died down, the view in front of them was terrible.

Countless trees were destroyed and uprooted, a large crater formed in the middle of the island due to the big explosion that occurred just a moment ago. Budi who saw the scene in front of him could only be stunned.

'N-no way ...'

"Let's move quickly, it looks like the Gate has begun to open, there's no time to stay still !!" said Liu Zhigang, drew his dual swords and immediately ran towards the Gate that began to open.

Hearing Zhigang's words, Budi regained consciousness and nodded. He brandished his machete forward and shouted.

"Let's go !!"

And with that, Dungeon Break from an Ex-Rank Gate occurs for the first time.


* crack *

Crumbling apart, the sight he saw before his eyes was pure destruction. Houses made of wood that were previously standing firmly flat on the ground.

Some corpses can also be seen dead crushed by collapsed buildings, some are crushed by large rocks to make their body contents scattered.

The moans of pain of those who survived could be heard, but the condition of their bodies was no better than death itself.

The scene became even more frightening because of the blue light emitted by the Gate that began to open.

On the outskirts of the settlements of the local residents, seen two children who stood stunned when they saw their village, where they lived, their hometown just destroyed after being swept away by a wave of explosions before.

Even though it is only a small village of Komodo Island indigenous tribes, hundreds of people may have died due to the waves.

The first child is a boy who is around 11 years old, he has brown skin and Asian facial features, features that are quite common to be found in tropical regions like Indonesia. He has a body that is sturdy enough for a child at his age, and dull skin, his black hair blowing in the wind and showing a stunned expression on his face.

His body stiffened when he saw his villages destroyed before his own eyes. The child is another normal child who can be found in any village, his name is Martius.

Meanwhile, the child next to him is a child who has a very unique appearance, or maybe very different from most people.

He had snow-white hair, skin that was as pale as a corpse, and a thin body. But it was not only his hair that was white, his eyebrows, eyelashes, all the hairs on his body were white. people call the condition of his body as Albino.

He looks taller than the black-haired boy beside him, he is around 12 years old. His golden eyes looked at the devastated village with a cold stare, whether it was intentional or not but there was not the slightest change of emotion on his face when he saw lifeless bodies that had lost limbs scattered everywhere.

The boy was seen carrying a kind of mesh reel that is commonly used by locals to catch fish off the coast. He also carries a knife on his waist which can be used for many things. The name of the white-haired boy is Reo, a common name in the East Nusa Tenggara region.

"Th-this, h-how did it become like this ..."

Martius widened his eyes, he still could not believe the sight he was seeing right now. Seeing many people die just like that, making his stomach churn.

* clang *

He then dropped a large bucket of fish caught in his hand and began to vomit while crouching on the ground due to the smell of blood that was so thick.

Reo who saw that immediately took a bottle of water they had brought as provisions before.

"Drink this."

"Thank you bro."

Martius received the bottle from his brother and took a sip of water in it. Reo then tightened his grip on the net that he carried on his back.

'The gate is still not open, but it has caused a big shock that can even devastate the whole village, has there not been a Hunter who came to clear it? '

Reo did not know that the Gate on Komodo Island had been declared a multinational threat. Even though he lives in the interior, Reo is familiar with technologies such as television and such, it's just that access is very limited and only when the weather is really good can it function.

Meanwhile, the last few days of thunderstorms accompanied by lightning enveloped the sky of East Nusa Tenggara without stopping, so that their access to the outside world was completely cut off. No helicopters, planes or even ships can approach because of high waves off the coast.

"Let's go to inspect our home, Martius, it is in a vacant lot and there are no large trees close to it, it should not be too severe."

"Ah !! Mom !!" Martius shouted, realizing that his mother was at home right now.

" Let's go bro, we have to check mom's condition immediately."

Reo nodded when he heard his brother's words, even though they were not visible on his face, but Reo was worried about his mother's condition. He threw the net to the ground, then brought the knife in case a Komodo dragon approached when they smelled the strong scent of blood.

Because the Komodo sense of smell is very sensitive, they are very interested in the aroma of blood.

* cling *

"Let's go!"

Then, the two of them started running as fast as they could through the village streets, as they ran, they looked around, the villagers trying to save themselves from being crushed by a large rock and so on.

Martius is seen trying to help them, and Reo who sees it stops him with his voice.

"Stop it, let them take care of their business, we must check mom's condition right now!"

"But ..."

"Do you choose mom or them?" Reo said with a cold look towards Martius. Martius who saw the serious expression on Reo's face could only be silent.

Reo rarely put a serious expression on his face, or rather he was someone who could control his emotions very well, too well to even seem weird. He often smiled and sometimes laughed cheerfully. As a younger brother, Martius was well aware of that.

Even Martius never saw Reo angry or even cry in his entire life. When he was ostracized and bullied by the childrens in the village because of his very different stature, Reo, who was 7 years old, did not cry, nor did he ever get angry or repay the deeds of the villagers. He just kept quiet, and finally the abduction stopped by itself after one of the children suspected of being the provocateurs just disappeared.

Reo's golden eyes stunned Martius who could only nod.

"O-okay, bro."

* tap *

* tap *

The two of them continued running until finally they reached the front yard of their house. The vegetable garden that was previously overgrown by fresh vegetables fell apart and left only land, the wooden house that had previously stood firmly collapsed and left debris.

" Mom! "

Martius and Reo who saw it immediately ran and approached the debris of their house.

"Mom! Are you inside !!"

Reo then looked around to examine the surroundings.

'There are no Komodo around here, no, not just here, even on the caost before ... I did not see them today, what happened? Where were they when the village was filled with the scent of blood like now? '

* krieet *

Reo then looked at his brother who seemed to rummage through the rubble of wood with despair, and approached him.

"Bro, help me lift this concrete debris !!"

"I understand, you take the peg that is in the warehouse and plug it in there, we will lift this large object together," said Reo, taking the rope that was tied to his knife's scabbard.

Hearing his brother's words, Martius nodded and immediately ran to take the steel peg that was in the ruins of the warehouse.

'This concrete is a building material used for ongoing construction, did the blast wave fly it all the way here? If so, the chances of mom to survive are very small. Reo thought as he was seen tying the rope he had taken earlier to the concrete shards.

Then Martius's voice came.

"I'm done, bro!"

Reo who heard that nodded, before tying the other end of the rope in the peg that Martius had plugged into the muddy ground.

* rumble *

"You pull the ends, one ... two ... Three!"

Reo and Martius then pulled the rope with all their strength to lift the concrete weighing maybe tens of kilograms.

* bump *

After the concrete was lifted, the two siblings immediately ran closer towards the concrete to see what was underneath.

* tap *

And what they saw made their eyes widen, especially Martius, he saw his mother's body lying helpless with her lower body badly injured.

Her bones were broken and his flesh was seen poking out, Martius who saw it was holding his head in shock.

" Mom!!! "

He jumped from the concrete and crouched next to his mother, as did Reo who immediately checked whether his mother was alive or dead.

"She is still alive, her heart is still beating but very weak, but if left like this, she will ..."

"Mom won't die !!"

Martius denied Reo's words, he tried to resuscitate his mother in despair. While Reo glanced at his mother's foot which had been crushed hit by concrete.

'Infection and broken bones, this can't be helped, even if the hunters come to evacuate the survivors, mom will die of his own due to heavy bleeding. ' Reo thought, he paused for a moment before pulling the knife out of its sheath.

* cling *

"Eh? What do you want to do, bro?"

"I will amputate mom's leg, it's broken and it's no longer useful, I'll cut it." Said Reo coldly stared at his mother's broken leg, holding a knife in his hand. But Martius who saw that widened his eyes.

Before Reo started the action, Martius pushed him back and stopped him.

"What are you trying to do, stop it bro!"

"You yourself are you aware that mother will die of infection if we let her broken leg stay like that, move away." Reo said, throwing Martius's body that was thicker than his body easily.

"Ack! Don't do that bro! What's wrong with you today, you have been very strange since this morning."

"You're right," said Reo who returned to his feet after being pushed to the ground by Martius. He then approached towards his mother.

* cling *

"It will hurt so endure it mom." Reo crouched down and his golden eyes seemed to concentrate.

"Stop it !!"

* fwash * * tap *

But, before he can move his hands, Suddenly, Reo felt a hand stop his movements, it was his mother's hand.

"Mom?" Reo turned and looked at his unconscious mother. She looks helpless.

"Stop that Reo * cough * ... you don't need to go any further, immediately take your little brother away and leave this place, Dungeon Break has just happened and terrifying monsters will come out of the Gate," His mother said in a low voice.

"Mom, thank God you are safe, take it easy, Reo-bro and I will take you to the nearest hospital as soon as possible, we will definitely take you there so you hold on just a little longer, I promise this won't take long." Said Martius, looking panicked and trying to be calm at the same time. But the mother just smiled and shook her head.

"Go with your brother Martius, magical beast will come here when they smell human blood."

"I will kill them, all of them," Reo said without the slightest hesitation.

"That's impossible, you two aren't Awakaned, at least for now, defeating Magical Beasts with ordinary human strength is impossible, so hurry up and go! * Cough *"

"No, i don't want it, me and brother will definitely bring you with us."

"Martius, can you listen to me just this time !!"

Hearing his mother's words, Martius who was seen in tears immediately fell silent, he then without regard to the words of the mother tried to lift his mother's body.

"Bro, help me!"

"I told you to stop, I'm not saved, go with your brother and seek help from the Hunter who came to clear the Gate, Reo I beg you, bring your little brother with you." Said the mother, looks to be killed anytime.

Reo did not know what decision he had to make at this time, and suddenly, a snarling sound came from the yard.

* Grrrr *

Reo who heard that immediately turned around and he saw a Komodo dragon walking slowly towards them. But that was not a usual Komodo dragon he used to meet and live with.

His body was twice three times bigger than ordinary Komodo and his entire body was covered with dark green scales, his red tongue protruded down and his poisoned saliva trickled to the ground along with drops of rain.

Reo who saw it muttered.

" That is... "

The mother who saw the Komodo dragon mumbled in a low voice.

"... This is bad, they have come, Magic Beasts."

Phantominium Phantominium

First Chapter.

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