72.51% In another world with the crafting system / Chapter 95: Technoblade never dies

章節 95: Technoblade never dies

Will placed his ear on the wall. He could hear faint screeching and high pitched cries coming from the other side of the wall. There were definitely more than a few scorpions, but it was still hard to tell just how many there were.

Bombing them was out of the question. If he were to set off a bomb underground everything will collapse on him, and it won't gurantee that it'll kill every scorpion. There's even a slight chance part or even all of his kingdom will collapse.

"If I were to throw you in with those scorpions, would you be able to kill them?" Will asked his advanced tier golem.

"Master, I still remember how the scorpions destroyed my bodies and my cores, so I have a rough grasp of just how powerful they are. With this new body of ours we stand a better chance, but it is hard to tell."

"Thought as much."

Will wanted these golems to do more than just mine. He wanted them to be able to kill monsters, that way he wouldn't be able to grind for them himself, or at least they'll be able to properly defend themselves and his base from threats.

"But with proper weapons we might be able to annihilate them. With our bodies we can use heavy artillery and heavy weapons."

Golems now have steel bodies, meaning that they are stronger, lighter, and faster than when they were using gold bodies.

"Hmmm… I am going to make a few slight adjustments to your bodies."

For the next few minutes Will increased the golems height and made them bulkier. The normal golems were roughly around Will's height, around 5 feet and 9 inches tall. The new golems' height increased to 6 feet and 5 inches. He would have made them bigger but the cave limited their movements if he made them any taller.

Their limbs and bodies appeared thicker and muscular, as if they had been jacked with 10 years worth of steroids.

Now he had a new type of golem that he calls 'fighter golems' of course that was a placeholder name until he can give them better names in the future.

{Steel golem}

{HP: 7000/7000}

Before his gold golems had around 2000 HP. Then after a few improvements the new steel mining golems had a HP of 5000. This new golem's HP increased another 2000 by adding extra layers of steel.

"What do you think, golem?" Will asked his advanced golem. He made it easily thanks to his [hologram platform] item.

Will didn't add the golem's core inside the new body yet.

"It's better for fighting but it could be better with a few adjustments." The golem gave his honest opinion.

"Better how?"

"First of all it's too plain. You could add some sort of long tail to the golem's upper buttocks area to give it extra protection on the back to cover its weak spot, and maybe add something else on its back such as huge spider legs or giant whips like steel tentacles. Also one hand could have a great shield installed in its arm to protect its core better. You can also give it a darker color and make it look more intimidating by adding short and pointy spikes. Not only that but it can have more than 2 arms giving it more options to use other weapons such as guns or swords and such. And also…"

"Wait, wait, wait, I can do all that stuff?" Will asked.

Will has played so much Minecraft that he had not considered an important fact: that there is no limit to what kind of golem he can create. It is the main reason that there isn't a golem body in his crafting recipe, because it was all up to the user to create his own.

"Of course, Master. Golems don't need a specific type of body to be made. It can be a humanoid type of golem like right now, or a monster type of golem such as centipedes, dragons, even scorpions. There is no rule that you can only have one type of golem. You can even make a golem as tall as a mountain, or as tiny as a mouse."

Somehow this golem knows about animals that he had never seen or heard before.

Will walked a bit while he rested his chin on his hand.

It all made sense! It made perfect sense!

Before he wanted to make a dragon into a golem, but golem cores don't work on corpses. But that doesn't mean that he can't make a dragon golem made out of iron or steel.

Will's builds have always been simple. From a simple kingdom, a simple base, a simple building, simple weapons, simple golems, everything he has done has been plain and simple.

For years he has always played sandbox games doing simple and boring stuff, and those thoughts have transferred over to his builds right now.

It never occurred to him just how far he can take his building and crafting abilities.

"And lastly, Master, don't you think that you should add some sort of enchantments to our bodies?"

"Hm? I can do that as well?"

Will never thought of that because he always thought that enchantments can only be applied to armor and weapons. Would that actually work for the golems' bodies who were made out of pure metal?

Then again the weapons he uses are all made out of pure metal. He just never thought of it until his golem mentioned it.

"I don't know but I imagine you can." The golem didn't even know if it could be enchanted, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

"But I don't think I can… hold on, I just thought of something. Gimme one of your hands."

Will couldn't shrink certain items, and he needs to shrink items to enchant them. He feels that enchanting an entire golem wouldn't work. But perhaps enchanting them piece by piece would work.

Most items that can't be shrunk have to do with their height. For example his golems are around his height, and he cannot shrink them. But with other items such as furniture he can shrink them. It's why he thought of taking down his golem piece by piece to enchant each piece separately.

And also his items and weapons can't shrink, like his pickaxe, or guns, or ammo. But they do shrink if he places them in a chest.

The shrinking mechanism is confusing to Will but he had grown accustomed to it at this point.

"Master?" The golem wanted to be sure he heard his Master right. If Will wanted to he would destroy his own core without the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Right. Come here for a second." Will took the golem to the enchanting area. It was just a room with many, many chests with rare minerals such as rubies, diamonds, and such. In other chests it had iron and copper ore to make steel pickaxes. In the center is a single cursed power source generator.

The rare minerals are used for high level enchantments. Without the minerals he would only be able to use enchantments up to the third level.

He tried to make his golems enchant items, that way it would save him time, but it turns out only he can use these power generators. He didn't know what methods ordinary blacksmiths use to enchant their items, but one thing is certain is that their method is worse than his method.

The highest possible recorded enchantment levels for this world is 4, and those are almost as rare as magical items. Will can enchant items up to level 5 guaranteed with no effort.

The cursed power source generator is currently his best way to enchant the items he wants. It was a creepy thing that would come out of a H.P. Lovecraft book, but with an eye in the base and tentacles for some reason.

For some reason it changes its appearance. Why? Will doesn't know and it doesn't explain why it does that in the book.

Before he could have sworn it had more than one eye and less tentacles. Or it could have been his imagination.

{Item too big to enchant}

"Hmm…" Will went in deep thought. He placed the golem's right hand in the box where the items go to get enchanted, but it didn't fit. It had to be cut off from the rest of its body first..

"Gimme your hand. Actually better yet gimme your arm or leg or something."

The golem looked at Will. It wanted to give its limbs away to Will, but it didn't know how to do that without damaging its body.

"I gotcha." Will instead used the [hologram platform] to split the golem's hand from its body. Will is deeply in love with this item that helps him out so much. All the effort into building this item was worth it.

Will took the golem's entire right hand and was actually able to enchant it.

{Steel golem right arm}

{Enchantment: Strength V}

"Holy balls. It actually worked. Good thinking, Golem." Will held the Golem's hand in his arms. It actually worked and he couldn't believe it.

In reality almost anything can be enchanted, even ordinary rocks, it is common sense in this world. It's just that people don't have the luxury to waste valuable time and resources to enchant dumb items when they can enchant useful weapons and sell or use them.

"Thank you, Master. Your compliments are like a priceless treasure to me."

"Uh-huh." Will cringed when he said those words for some reason.

Will reattached the new hand on the golem's body.

"How does it feel?

"It feels stronger, Master. With these enchantments I feel like we can mine faster, and even kill those scorpions with our hands alone."


Will had previously added strength to his armor but he never really used it because he mostly relied on his explosive weapons.

He had tested out the {Strength V} enchantments on Sandra to compare their strengths in an arm wrestling match, but it wasn't enough to even move her. At most his strength could be compared to a championship pro arm wrestler.

And unfortunately these enchantments do not stack. He tried to enchant 10 rings with {Strength V} enchantments but his strength was still only equal as if he was only wearing 1 ring.

Before doing anything else Will decided to deal with the scorpions first. He blocked off the path to the outside so the scorpions could not find their way to his kingdom.

Then he crafted new dragon scale armor, this time it was dragon scales from the third layer instead of the second.

The dragon scales from the third layer have the ability to make a dragon shout, this works for both bone AND scale armor of the same layer, There are notable differences in their defense points, such as scale armor is sturdier than bone armor and covers more offering more protection.

Will didn't even need to worry about the weight of the dragon armor since one of his abilities doesn't make him carry the weight or make him feel uncomfortable in any way, it is why he can even sleep with his armor.

He did have enough to make dragon scale armor of the second layer, but it has the flight ability, flying wouldn't necessarily be of big help to him when fighting underground.

The special armor set bonus abilities that the Apex dragon armor and other types of cyclops armor has is still unknown to him. The cyclops of the third level lets him have laser eyes.

"Golem I am going in alone. I want you to stay on the defensive." Will decided to bring his Golem to fight the scorpions.

The new Golem was roughly the same as before. He added a large tail with a pointy tip that resembled a scorpion's tail. He also added 6 spider legs that can be used as spears. On its left hand was a large steel shield.

Its entire body was enchanted with the best enchantments he could use.

"Yes, Master."

Will used the advanced Golem core because according to the advanced Golem's words, the higher the advanced golem core, the better it functions.

Meaning that if Will uses a low tier golem core instead, it might not be able to even use its tail or spider legs. It might not even know how to protect itself or attack.

Middle tier cores are better than the low tier cores, but the advanced tier cores are better. Will was just testing it out at this point.

It's true that the advanced Golem core helped out since they are a hive mind, but it was like trying to play a video game with high requirements on a potato.

The other Golems were all in a defensive position that Will never taught them. They all carried pickaxes and will use them as a weapon. They all had the task to make sure that none of these scorpions reach the top.

Thanks to the advanced Golem he can make all the Golems move according to what he thinks is the best move.

With the path closed thanks to Will, most likely the scorpions won't find their way up.

"I'm going in now."

Will made a hole through the wall. He found a steep and long dark hole that led to hundreds of scorpions. It would be difficult to see in the dark, but Will had an enchantment that let him see in the dark.

"Well this is easier since I have the high ground." Will smirked.

The giant scorpions noticed Will and tried to climb up to him.

"Blood for the blood god." Will pointed at the scorpions with two handguns with a turret on the barrel, with the infinity enchantment, and he unleashed hell on the scorpions.

The giant scorpions fell as the bullets pierced their thick skin as if it were cutting through butter. The bullets were so effective that it pierced through one and another in one shot.

{Piercing V}

The bullets were usually enchanted with explosives, but since Will didn't want a cave in, he had to rely on another enchantment, and the piercing enchantment seemed like the best idea for the moment.


The loud screech echoed throughout the cave.

{Scorpion Queen}

{HP: 30000/30000}

"Well, well, another one." Will once killed a scorpion queen with Adaline. He didn't think there would be more.

The queen charged at Will. It was bigger and stronger than her children, but that didn't matter to Will.

He aimed all the bullets straight at the queen's head. It didn't matter if it had 30000 HP, a shot through the head is still instant death.

And just as he predicted, the queen fell moments after. Piercing V was just too much for her to handle.

After killing the queen there didn't seem any more noise coming. At the bottom of the hole where all the scorpions were, there was a tunnel that Will couldn't see.

"There is no way that there isn't another scorpion in that tunnel. Golem, send out a low tier Golem to scout the area for me."

"Aye, Master."

'When did he learn the word 'aye'?' Will thought.

After this he will make a tiny Golem meant for scouting the tunnels or the cracks. Sometimes the cracks in the caves are rather large and might lead to something.

A single low tier golem jumped down the hole and explored the deep tunnel.

"See anything?" Will asked.

Every Golem can see what other golems can, they all share the same vision.

"No, Master. There doesn't seem… hang on, I see something long like a long, black, and pointy… snake?" The Golem didn't even seem to understand what it was watching.

It was dark, long, and slithered like a snake would. However it didn't have a face but something pointy, much like a spear.

"Snakes? Underground?" Will didn't think snakes would live underground. Do they even live underground?

"It's not a snake…"

Then suddenly he couldn't see through the low tier golem anymore.

"And the Golem's core has been destroyed."


Will heard the faint sound of something metal and heavy falling on the tunnel.

"What destroyed the Golem core?" Will asked. He was glad he didn't go down there or that might have been him.

"It looked as if the long snake pierced my head like a spear at a fast speed." The Golem said.

"You couldn't tell what it was?"

"No. It was too fast to properly describe what it was. Whatever it was, it was sharp, big, fast, and accurate."

"And sending other golems to scout ahead would be a horrible idea. Oh well." Will wanted to jump down to have a look, but the Golem stopped him.

"Master, I fear that even your enchanted dragon scale armor won't be enough. For all we know it could be hiding near the entrance of the tunnel."

"That… makes sense. Still I can't let whatever it is just sit there. It's too dangerous." Will didn't want all his Golems to be destroyed. It already happened once, and he won't let it happen again.


Without warning, something long and hard came out of the tunnel and directly at Will's face at an insane speed. It looked like a scorpion's tail but it was very long, and it moved as if it had a mind of its own.

Will didn't see the tail, but the loud and sudden noise that the tail made made him jump and his head moved just barely enough that the tip of the scorpion's tail cut part of his dragon scale mask.

"WHat The hEll!" Will jumped back not understanding what was happening yet.

Without hesitation, the scorpion's tail aimed at Will this time aiming for his heart.

However, his advanced Golem moved in front of Will to protect him. With his enchanted shield it repelled the scorpion's tail, leaving a large dent on the shield.

Had the other lower tier Golem who had scouted the tunnel recently been enchanted, it wouldn't have been destroyed so easily.

The Golem unfortunately did not carry a weapon as Will had not assigned one to him.

It didn't stop there.

Using his newly made tail, the Golem coiled his steel tail around the scorpion's long tail, not letting go. It even used his tail spider legs to pierce the tail, causing some blue blood to spill out.

"Master, now!" The Golem cried out. With his free hand it tried to crush the tip of the tail with all his strength.

It happened so fast that neither Will nor the other Golems could react. The other Golems were not as fast as an advanced tier Golem despite them being the same.

Will knew he had to do one thing, and it was to obviously shoot down the tail.

The scorpion however wasn't going to stand around like a sitting duck while its tail got shot. It rapidly swung it around and hit Will, the walls, and even some Golems.

The advanced Golem, who was still attached, also swung around with if as if it were a rag doll.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Will roared furiously like a dragon. His voice echoed across the cave and it sounded like there was an endless echo of a dragon roaring., and there was even some rumbling

The scorpion's tail stopped moving for a second and it shook slightly out of fear.

Ignoring the intense pain in his ears from the noise he made, Will jumped down the pit where all the scorpions' dead bodies were, and shot part of the tail that exited the cave.

The giant scorpion tail plopped to the ground and so did his advanced Golem.

"Hurry and bring me some iron. Now!" Will said loudly. With his ears ringing and possibly bleeding he couldn't hear anything.

In a few seconds the other lower tier golems brought Will a chest full of smelted iron.

Will first crafted a giant boulder made out of pure iron to block off the entrance. It didn't want to go inside the cave after what had just happened.

And for extra precaution, Will crafted an iron wall and bolted the entrance to whatever was behind that tunnel.

"From now on, we do not mine that way. Actually, don't bother mining from now on." Will said. He collected the corpses of all the scorpions, even the giant tail. Luckily he had some empty soul stones inside his inventory that filled up when he killed the other scorpions.

Will decided that from now on the Golems shouldn't mine until he is able to make a Golem strong enough to fight something like that.

The other Golems who were hit by the tail, their cores were fortunately not destroyed or damaged. Had their bodies had been made of gold instead of steel then there is no telling what might have happened.

Will felt tired mentally and physically. He just wanted to shower and rest for today.

Will used the waystone to teleport to his kingdom saving him so much time.

Adaline seemed to have anticipated his arrival and she lunged at him. She heard his dragon roar and was worried all this time, her hearing is the one thing that helped her see meaning that her sense of hearing is superb.

"Hey, girl. I brought you some lunch." Will very tiredly placed the chest down filled with scorpions.

With delight, Adaline began eating as if it were her last meal.

Will took off his armor and just threw it on the ground, leaving a trail of dragon scale armor behind him.

"Will? You're back. And you're… are you okay?" Sandra just finished preparing herself some food as a way for the villagers outside to express their thanks for her help. It was mostly veggies since meat is expensive.

"I'm fine, just tired."

Will lost a lot of good stuff after grinding for it for so long all because of a dragon and it was most likely destroyed. Even if he went back for it he didn't know where it was. Then he died, killed a few scorpions, almost lost his life again because of a weird scorpion tail.

"There's a scratch on your forehead." Sandra caressed his forehead.

The scratch on his forehead was caused by the scorpion tail that barely grazed him. He didn't even realize it until Sandra pointed it out. Luckily the tail didn't cut him and therefore didn't poison him.

Will hugged Sandra tightly, kissed her then left.

"I'm going to take a shower then sleep. Sorry, I am just so tired right now."

DemonGodHiatus DemonGodHiatus

Fuck cancer

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  • 人物形象設計
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