Today was the first time that Tang Zong understood the meaning of the phrase that he used to read in school,"the spring night is short and bitter, and the days rise high. From now on, the Emperor will not attend court early."
He was now almost the same as described in this poem, wishing he could stick himself into Rong nuo's body and never get up again.
in the past, tang zong despised men who liked to play with women. he always thought that it wasn't fun to use money to play with women. not only that, but he would also lose money. tang zong had never liked such a losing business.
However, he now understood that it was not that those women were boring, but that he had not met the one he was interested in.
today, rong nuo had wanted to use this opportunity to completely push tang zong away and scare him away. but what she didn't know was that today, it had caused tang zong's feelings towards her to undergo a qualitative change. it was too late for him to cry and regret.