98.8% Legend Of The Realms Part 1 : Novia / Chapter 83: Chapter 78 : Pirates vs Royals

章節 83: Chapter 78 : Pirates vs Royals

The day , devoid of warmth and comfort and filled with cold winds of despair . The positivity of the quest had been all but lost . The grotesque reformation of the ship was almost completely submerged once again but this time there was no solution to the impending depths of the ocean .

Serena stood still and tried to block out Lance's insesent complaints of how she nearly killed Gilyu .

Gilyu was still unconscious and lying in a motionless , dreamless sleep . His exertion of the previous week was so severe there was no way of knowing when or if he would wake up .

' Serena ! ' Lance roared , she snapped out of her thoughts frantically .

She turned her head suprised to see Lance so lose to her , his expressions were intimidating and rageful . ' Lance I am sorry ! But I did what I had to to save us ! ' She argued .

' Next time maybe don't grewsomely injure my brother ' He bickered .

While they snapped at each other from behind the mist a large shadow approached from in front ...

It quickly interrupted the scuffling and Lance and Serena grew terrified .

The shadow revealed itself to be a gargantuan ship . It had dark red wood , many broken planks and patches and a flag with a crest of golden hat and a royal blue back ground .

This was Jako's ship .

Jako and his crew seem to have no intemtion of stopping or even acknowledging Lance and Serena until a crew mate looking over the deck spots them .

The ship towered over the pair menacingly , Lance was speechless and Serena was on guard .

' Captain I believe they're drifters . ' Shouted a crew mate as the ship haulted and a plank was thrown out as bridge to Lance and Serena's sinking ship .

Three pirates walked down the plank , one had red face paint , the other wore a leather jacket and was the one that spoke with Alhan in his cell . The final pirate was plump , old and rocked a white mustache but no beird .

' Are you here to save us ? ' Asked Lance hopefully .

Serena knudged him and whispered ' Don't get your hopes up , my father told me about the pirates who terrorised these seas and raided merchants travelling ships . '

' State your allegiance . ' The old pirate with the mustache replied .

' I am princess Serena of the Earth islands , heiress to the Earth throne and daughter of King Dwayne . '

' I am prince Lance of lightning country , regiont ruler of lightning country and keeper of the sacred stone . '

' That would be banished prince . ' The pirate replied .

' What how did you- ' Lance asked shocked .

' Word travels fast , but your banishment does not concern me or our crew , we neither care or are interested in why you were banished what we do wish to know is why you are out here . ' The pirate answered .

' After his banishment he fled to the earth islands , we accepted him as a citizen and later deemed him worthy of the rock trials , his friends journied across the Jade ocean in search of a far away land , we wish to find them . ' Serena explained .

' Did your fellar happen to have brown hair and crazy powers ? '

' Yes , yes he did , that's Alhan ! ' Lance excitedly replied .

' We encountered the boy about three weeks ago , come aboard and we'll discuss what we'll do with ya ! Oh and by the way you can call me Jim , Jim Navies . ' Jim explained .

Lance grabbed Gilyu and Serena helped him carry him onboard . Once they entered the upper deck , the intimidating appearance of the pirates' scars and choice expressions made Serena uneasy .

' Captain , these drifters are stranded and claim to know Alhan . ' Jim told Jako .

' I see . ' He replied .

Jako turned his head and measured their situation .

' I take it you guys want safe passage to look for Alhan ? Thing is that so called far away land is incredibly difficult to get to , storm's like the one that wrecked your ship are as common as shit . '

' There is a sliver lining though , Alhan kicked my ass , nothing hurt my pride more , how about you use that top notch lightning sword of yours to duel me , if ya win I'll grant you passage but if I win , you'll walk the plank . ' He offered .

Lance froze and considered his proposal . Serena was just as stumped . ' So it's thay easy ? If Lance wins then you just , take us there like a ferry ? ' Serena asked .

' Yep , that easy . ' He replied .

' If you lost to Alhan then why do you think you'll do any better against Lance ? ' Asked Serena .

' IF YOU QUESTION MY OFFER ONE MORE TIME THEN I'LL LET THE BLOOD SHARKS RIP YOU APART LIMB BY LIMB . ' Jako screeched as he pulled out his gun and fired into the air .

' A little over the top , but fine . ' Serena answered .

' So it's settled then , Lance will duel me tomorrow on this very deck . '

' Yeah , I guess but can we have some where to sleep ? ' Serena asked .

' I'm afraid we don't exactly let strangers stay in our ranks so a cell on the brigg is your only option . '

' Come on , Gilyu is unconscious do yous at least have any medicines or bandaids for his wounds ? ' Lance piped up in disgust .

' If you win tomorrow we will give him our utmost efforts of medical attention . ' Jako replied before turning his back and walking away , two particularly towering pirates moved in on them to ' escort ' them to their cells .

' These foot prints are less than a week old , I am either on my way to finding Rogue or I'm not alone , there could be like an ancient tribe or something , oh shit better stay out of there way if I don't want to be slow cooked . ' Alhan dreaded just slightly hysterically .

The long night setted in , ' Well I better find somewhere to sleep . " He concluded .

He took out his machete and slashed down some folage , he strolled over a hill and came across one of Rogue's old abandoned campsites ...

Rogue who was still riding Ryu had been holding on for days , Ryu never stopped to put him down , he couldn't eat or drink and his hands had many gashes and cuts from holding on so long , they past through many storms and flew for hundreds of miles .

Eventually Ryu decided to lower slightly , Rogue was surprised and woken from his drouzy and lifeless state on Ryu's back .

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