86.29% A True Beginning / Chapter 170: Ch.4

章節 170: Ch.4

When General Lane and I broke out into small talk, Lois commented. "You're definitely not so small. I don't think I can call you Smallville."

I smiled as I'd hit another growth spurt and I was sitting at seven foot three and damned if the army hadn't given me a chance to get jacked. My black hair and green eyes had caught her attention but it was my height that got her. "Well, I can still call you the army princess so it's fine."

She blushed a bit and General Lane grunted. "How is the captains doing?"

I sighed. "Slade took two to the head but the docks are patching him up. They say he'll make it though he ain't as pretty anymore. As for Wes, he's in bad shape. He took shrapnel to his left leg and messed up his knee. His old wound in his thigh was aggravated by another piece of shrapnel and he's got a chunk missing from an RPG round explosion that broke a rib and tore out a chunk of his side. All in all it's a bloody shit storm. He'll be back in rehab for months before he's ready for duty and Slade is being transferred back to Australia. They have some experimental treatment they want to do there."

He nodded. "How are you holding up?"

I chuckled. "Good except the blood and grime from pulling their messes back. They were downed only halfway through the fight so I had to go it alone until I ran out of bullets and grenades."

Lois asked. "How'd did you get out and survive then?"

I smirked and pulled out a foot long Bowie knife. "Slade had these puppies on him. I took them and cut us a path out. I never loved a knife more than when I needed it the most. If it weren't for these I'd be captured or dead and they'd be right there with me. Kandahar is a mess but we managed to kill all but the corrupt police there that were working with the circle. The rest are dead or run off. Bows the time to roll up the tanks and knock down doors to take the city. As for Afghanistan and the rest, the General would know better than me. All the information was sent directly to the top brass."

General Lane nodded. "And it was worth it too. We've got them this time. Every cell and every terrorist faction this side of China linked to the circle. That's actually why I'm here. I've come to personally give you a mission. You're to clean up and ship back out immediately. You'll lead a team of marines and take out the heart of their organization while other teams will attack simultaneously around the globe. We're going to cut the heart out of this terrorist faction and end this war."

I saluted him and he dismissed me to get cleaned up. I went to the common shower and got the blood, sand and muck off myself. While I showered I heard Lois behind me. "You know you're being promoted to Colonel right? It was a big bonus to your carrier."

I grunted. "It doesn't matter. My contract ends in two years and I star school then. I'll be learning to build rockets instead of blowing stuff up princess."

She sighed. "Most people would make a real career out of this. Hell, you've jumped ranks so fast the brass are thinking you're general material."

I shook my head. "I'm not interested. If I make General before I leave then that's fine but I still won't be staying because of it and I won't be signing the forms for reactivation either. Once I'm out, I'm out for good. I've no interest in this becoming all I do or who I am. Killing and fighting to the death are meant for those who aren't already unbeatable."

She snorted and walked closer. "Full of yourself aren't you?"

I smirked and turned fully to face her, giving her a view she'd been looking for. She gulped and I chuckled. "Love, you've no idea. Now, are you joining me or is this just a visual aid visit?"

She raised a challenging brow and pulled off her shirt. I smiled and stepped out of the water, helping her undress. She still looked at my length with worry before saying. "I have something I need to admit. I may not be as experienced as I claimed before. Like at all. I'm a vir-"

I kissed her and pulled her under the water with me. There I slid her against the tiled wall and she wrapped her legs around my waste while we used the water and her already dampened heat to slide in.

She gasped into my mouth as a trail of fresh blood washed away down between us. I adjusted and began showing her what she was missing. After several round and a close call where I'd nearly knotted inside her but pulled out at the last second, causing her to gasp and nearly faint, she was quite tired and sore.

It had been messy, exciting and fun for the both of us. When I helped her dress, I handed her my dog tags. "In case i don't make it back, I don't want my family burying an empty coffin."

She took them and kissed them before kissing me. I returned her kiss before she told me I'd better make it back. The next day I shipped out to Kabul. There I led a raid with six marines and some heavy artillery. All around the world similar raids were taking place all at once while General Lane and the other top brass were watching it live.

We entered the compound and I had them spread out and plant charges while I killed my way in with knives silently. After twenty three kills, I found the basement where the gold, money and looted valuables were being kept. I killed three more men before finding a trap door and going through it. There I found a dirty bomb and radioactive materials ready to be shipped out for a major terrorist event.

Twenty scientist and another forty armed guards stood between me and mission success so I killed the first five with a knife before switching to guns and using a suppressor. Another twelve dropped before anyone noticed anything was wrong. Then I opened fire while killing each guard with a sing shot to the head or heart.

I heard Lane over the coms commenting about my accuracy and deadliness. When the guards were dead, I ordered the scientists to stand down. Five of them did while the rest grabbed guns and opened fire.

I killed them but the bomb was already set to go off. I heard General Lane order me out of here but I disobeyed saying. "This is close to a finished nuke sir, I won't make it out in time even if I grew wings. Order the men to retreat, I'll disarm it and see you on the other side."

I cut my link and began dismantling the bomb while cutting wires and removing triggers and false trap wires until all that was led was the basic blasting cap and C-4 they'd hooked up for it. I carefully removed each one and barely made it with ten seconds to spare.

I opened the com link saying. "This is Alpha one, area secure. WMD is disarmed."

I heard a cheer and General Lane grunted. "Good work Colonel. It's official."

I thanked him and called in a pick up for all the money, gold and artifacts as well as the disposal unit for the radioactive materials. I'd avoided a blood panel and checkup with a mental nudge and had my reports falsified.

I was officially in perfect health for a seriously fit eighteen year old soldier. I was called back to base for leave and to give my full report while I escorted the loot back. I stopped a few marines from trying to snatch some for themselves and turned them over to the MPs.

I spent a month at base camp before being sent to find a lead on the Taliban with two new recruits, John Diggle and Lyla Michaels. They were a little wet behind the ears but that would change. For the next six months we tracked taliban movements and intercepted signals and information for the brass to send down orders.

We found they'd been using cave systems along mountain ranges to stay hidden and work from the shadows. Bin Ladin has been their link to the circle and now that the circle was all but destroyed, they were operating as a completely different organization.

I taught them enhanced interrogation techniques on the fly and when I got the full map of the cave systems as well as the location of most of the taliban our of an unfortunate member of the taliban, we got our orders.

The problem with cave systems is that they're too layered for satellite tracking to penetrate and even coms are useless. Diggle and Michaels were captured after we were overwhelmed by their numbers and taken away while I escaped.

To put it simply, that was a bad move on their part as now I was free to move around and do as I pleased. I kept an eye on the two new recruits while I slaughtered thousands of taliban members with my blades and bullets before they even knew I was there.

Over the course of a week, I collected intel, slaughtered the taliban hiding out and set explosives to blow when we left there. Suffice it to say once I collected the beaten John and Lyla, the taliban was well and truly fucked.

I carried them out and got a few miles away before blowing the charges. Half the mountain range collapsed in the explosion and I called us a chopper out of there. I checked them over and Lyla asked. "What took you so long?"

I snorted. "I'm not a mountain expert. Half the time I was killing my way to whatever they were hiding and hacking their network to try and find you. The rest of the time I was lost and looking for people to kill because I thought it meant you were near. Damn cave systems go on forever. Why do you think I blew the damn place to kingdom come?"

They looked back out the window at the still collapsing mountains in wonder. I'd stolen and made a lot of explosives to achieve such a feat. Most of the bodies would never be found but what they would eventually find was a massacre of nearly a thousand taliban warriors.

It would just be added to my ever growing record. I spent another year and a half doing rotations while seeing Lois until we called it off. She'd cheated on me with Wesley while I was on rotation and admitted it when I got back.

We weren't on the best of speaking terms ever since then. I'd not spoken to Wesley and he'd requested a transfer to another command so he could keep seeing her. They broke it off a few months later as he'd cheated on her now.

I'd tracked him down and gave him a beating for that. I could understand her leaving me for someone able to be there for her, but him cheating on her when he broke the honor code in the first place earned him a beating not just from me, but from his own squad. He'd been transferred again after that where I heard he and his new fiancé were happy.

I'd earned the rank of brigadier general during my last rotation and was awarded it just before I retired from the military as one of the youngest brigadier Generals in history.

General Lane was the one who pinned the stars on me himself before commenting. "It's a damn shame you're not staying."

I chuckled. "I'm not one for politics, besides, I've not received any news from home in three years. It's time I returned before heading off to college."

I saluted him and he saluted me back with the full base doing the same. He sighed as we finished the ceremony. "It's a damn shame what happened between you and Lo."

I shook my head. "We just weren't meant to be sir. Besides, we're both too young, headstrong and reckless for each other. Sooner or later she was bound to outgrow me."

I was officially twenty years old now and it was time I returned. I'd finished my high school learning online and gotten a diploma and now I'd have a chance to see what college was all about here on the Army's dime.

I shipped state side having been debriefed and fully retired. To my surprise, Lois came with me. She wanted to know what really happened to Chloe and filled me in on what she did know which wasn't much.

I had her take me to the house where I learned Clark was missing and dad was in a coma. Ryan has apparently died a year ago from a brain tumor and now the bills were stacking up higher than ever. Mom mentioned having lost a baby and I hugged her while she unleashed her burden and cried.

I made a call to the bank and had the hospital bills taken care of. I'd been playing the investing game with the money I got from the military. When I hung up the phone I told her. "The bills are taken care of. Dad can rest easy when he wakes up. I'll visit Ryan's grave in a bit and get the farm back on it's feet."

She cried in relief and I let her cry on my shoulder for a bit longer before I told her. "Why don't you go up to bed and get some rest. I'll make supper and bring it up in a bit on a tray. You've been stressed enough. Once the farm's taken care of I'll have dad and the machines transferred to the house and the hospital can quit billing us. I've a feeling him being there is a moot point with the machines available here."

She nodded and sighed. "It's good to have you home Jake."

I smiled wryly. "It's good to be home mom."

She passed Lois and headed upstairs after introducing herself. I sighed and got to cooking a hearty meal while Lois talked. "Wow Kent, I didn't think things would be this bad even for your family."

I rolled my eyes. "It'll be fine. Money isn't as tight as all that now that I'm back. I've been playing the stock market for years now since I enlisted. Now that I've built up a decent amount, I'm not too worried about the regular stuff like bills. What worries me is my brother being missing around the same time as your cousin dying. It wreaks of conspiracy."

She nodded. "I'll look into it."

I sighed. "First unpack your bags. You can take my old room until you've found your answers. I'll crash in Clark's room until he's found."

She raised an eyebrow. "And afterwards?"

I smiled. "I'll sleep in the loft of the barn. It's where I was crashing a few months before I deployed while Ryan took my old room. Trust me, it's no hardship."

She seemed a bit disappointed but nodded while sighing. "In that case I'll go unpack."

I nodded. "I'll have the food done by the time you're done."

I continued cooking and while she brought all her stuff in, I sent out elves to fix up the farm. My old truck was in the barn, damaged surprisingly. It looked like it had in fact been hit by a train which was odd because it was supposed to be fine with train level damage.

The elf that reported it, asked to fix it but I disagreed saying it would give me something to do. The elves practically lived and breathed magic and while it coursed through my veins, the laws he were simply too hard to understand by trail and error practice. On the other hand, elf magic seemed to work fin so the crops were soon doing fine and the house and barn were fully repaired.

When they all returned the new head elf, Mipsy, gave her full report of what all they'd repaired, including the brakes on Lois's rented SUV. I finished supper which was steak and eggs with a side of homemade mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.

While I made the plates, Lois came in. "Done. I put your duffle in the hall. Now, food."

I chuckled and set a plate in front of her saying. "There's more on the stove if you're still hungry."

I took mom her tray and woke her up to eat a proper meal. There she told me Clark has been forced to leave by Jor-El, Clark's biological yet now AI father. She told me of dad's heart condition and saving Clark from what the red Kryptonite did to him as well as whatever Jor-El had done.

Then came her telling me about Virgil Swann and learning of Clark's home world, it's name and the name of the meteor rocks. The cave and all it's wonders came next before finally all the meta humans that Clark stopped and saved over the years I'd been gone.

When she finished her story, I told her. "Don't worry mom, I'll handle everything from here. It seems dad's coma is linked to his deal with Jor-El. When Clark is back he should snap out of it, and if he doesn't, I'll have words with this cave ghost myself and bring it all crashing down until he does fix it."

She gripped my hand and smiled. "It's good to have you home. You've grown up so much and I don't just mean vertically."

I chuckled and left her so she could eat in peace. I told Lois about the Torch and suggested she start there while I mentioned heading to the graveyard to see my little brother, Ryan. she agreed I'd need some alone time.

I went to see Ryan after bringing flowers and sat beside his headstone, telling him about all the bad guys and bombs I'd stopped as well as the good I was able to do with the down time. Finally I made sure the grave was cleaned properly before heading to fix my truck.

I worked on it until Lois brought an amnesiac Clark home. She kept trying to press him for information but in the end all she got was a blank stare. She did however get to see more of him then I wanted to. I told her I'd let her ask all the questions she wanted in the morning before reheating the food and watching Clark or Kal-El, polish it all off.

I woke up mom and told her Clark was back but that he'd lost his memories. After getting him to his room and telling him to sleep after showing him I wouldn't take no for an answer and I was stronger, he agreed for now to act like a human being.

Mom watched over him for a bit before I told her. "I'll take it from here and make sure he doesn't go anywhere. Go back to bed and get some real sleep."

My tone brooked no argument which only made her smile and head to bed. I watched him sleep and listened to his heartbeat to make sure it was in a sleeping rhythm. After that I continued to listen to it while I went back to working on my truck. Lois was already asleep as well so I was able to work at super speeds. By sun up I'd dried a fresh coat of paint on it and was rolling it out of the barn.

The farm truck and tractors were likewise fixed by the elves while I'd worked. When I finished gassing it up, I cleaned up and cooked breakfast. The smell of bacon, eggs and homemade buttermilk pancakes woke each of them up in turns. The pipes had been cleaned so both bathrooms were available and working so there was little overlap.

They all three sat down for breakfast, albeit reluctant on Clark's part. He kept eyeing me as if I was his current problem to get passed. I told mom I cleared Ryan's grave of the weeds and put flowers on both his and Chloe's graves.

Lois commented about going there today and actually took off after scarfing down her meal. Chuckling, I cleaned up while mom asked. "So how long were you two a thing?"

I sighed. "Is it that obvious?"

She nodded. "I'm your mother so yeah."

I sighed deeply. "Two years. We had two exciting years before we broke it off. It just wasn't what we wanted in the end."

In truth she was my type but she didn't have that spark I was looking for so I'd been hesitant and I think she'd sensed it and used that as the reason to go with Wes to lesson the blow. Unfortunately it didn't help one bit and Wes's beat had been brutal because of those memories. No god, no matter how weak at the time, liked to be cheated on.

I'd forbeared because they were in the end both still good friends and it would've hurt her to see me hurting him, but once he did what he did, I held out no longer. He'd been hospitalized and I'd headed back to my base camp after that. I hadn't seen him since.

Setting those memories aside I turned to Clark who heard the same pitch I did. "What is that?"

He flipped out before groaning and standing tall. I went to stop him and he threw me back, through a wall. Next thing I know, he was taking to the air. I stood next to mom and she asked. "Can you follow him?"

I shook my head. "I've not practiced flying to that extent mom. I could follow on land but he's headed towards the coast from what I could glimpse in his mind. I can't run on water."

She sighed and I cleaned up the house. Soon enough I heard someone pull up and stop by. Seeing as she knew mom, I let it go and had the house elves fix the house before Lois gets back.

Mom came back with a black Kryptonite rock and I was hands off with that stuff. She mentioned the caves and I took her there. We found Clark coming out of the secret room and she confronted him. When he went to backhand her, I grabbed his wrist and growled. "It's time to wake up little brother."

I used telekinesis to hold him in place and nodded as she shoved the rock at his chest. He split into two and began fighting himself so I grabbed his Kal side and mom handed Clark the black Kryptonite. He slammed it into Kal's chest and I was blown back against the back wall while he dropped to the ground.

I got back up and brought some elves to fix the wall while I took him and mom to the hospital. When we arrived by truck, dad was already up and awake. He was getting tested by the doctors a bit but after several hours of exams, they called it a miracle and released him.

I drove us home while I bitched at Clark for trashing my truck before and telling him I had to practically rebuild and replace the whole thing. The only thing old on it now was the rear view mirror and the door handles. The rest was all new and seriously runed to the last bolt.

I actually doubt a meteor could harm it now as I'd micro etched the runes in and simply layered and overlapped them so much that I could punch it and only scratch the pant after sending it back a couple yards. The Gradium prevented it form taking damage by blunt or brute force mostly now.

On the bright side, that left me with a ton of scrap metal I'd then agreed to use to build him his own damn truck. That ended our conversation and my rant as we'd pulled into the house.

Lois was back already and I told her while introducing them. "This is my dad, Johnathan Kent and while you've met amnesiac Clark, he's regained his memories so yeah, have fun with that."

I walked in and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Dad looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I sighed. "We can talk later. For now, I need a beer and you need to rest. I'll cook supper in a bit."

He nodded. "Just don't make it a habit."

I chuckled. "Relax, I'm not a drunken war vet. I just, well, I'll tell you later."

He agreed and went upstairs while I watched mom go with him and Clark and Lois snipe at each other. Seeing the budding attraction was a bit harder when you were as emotionally invested as I was in it before and now I understood why Dan drank so much when Lucifer and Chloe got together.

After a while I barbecued and made burgers and hotdogs with cheddar cheese injected into them. A rack of barbecued ribs later and I made coleslaw with macaroni salad and a strawberry cheesecake for desert.

When they all came down to the table, dad looked better and mom looked flushed so I steered clear of their thoughts. The next morning Lois mentioned visiting Chloe's grave and Clark, who got up later and heard about it over last nights supper decided to go visit Chloe's grave as well.

I gave him the keys to the truck promising I'd work on his truck while he was gone. I made French toast and hash browns for mom and dad's breakfast before going over the farm issues and reassuring them the bills were paid in full.

After dealing with the irrigation issues and making sure everything was fully repaired, I started doing chores before working on Clark's truck in the barn. I gave him a V8 and built him the equivalent of a 2018 Ram Hydro Blue Sport 2WD. Leather seats and all.

The bed was a bit short but it was a four seater and plenty of leg room in the back. Add to that it was also extremely durable and not a bit of it was fiberglass and it was perfect American muscle built to last. I painted it blue and had the back bumper and tailgate painted red and it was perfect.

The tires were made with Gradium threads and a rubber concrete substance that would last as long as to truck itself so long as Clark didn't intentionally destroy it or them.

I was rolling it out and filling up the tank when Clark and Lois returned. I tossed Clark the keys and told him to have it registered with the DMV while asking why they looked bedraggled. Lois snorted. "A bunch of commandos attacked us out by the site of Chloe's safe house. Clark here seems to think she's still alive."

I turned to Clark who gave me a look and I nodded. "In that case why don't you two go get showered and changed. Moms making sandwiches for lunch. Clark, you break this truck you're doing the rebuild. I'll be going off to college in a week since everything's settled here, for the most part."

He nodded before asking. "Are you staying here or doing a dorm situation?"

I sighed. "I haven't decided yet. I've got a week to decide and I've talked to the dean so I'll let you know then."

He nodded and looked sad but went to shower as well. Dad came out. "You ready for that talk?"

I nodded. "Now is as good a time as any."

We went to the loft and talked for what seemed like hours as I told him all I'd done and about the one time I'd used my speed to kill so many terrorists. There was no such thing as confidential or classified between dad and me. I told him everything I'd done in the army, marines and special forces.

I'd sniped a hundred and two confirmed kills with a rifle, killed two thousand three hundred and twenty seven people with bullets, knives and bombs. I flew with the Air Force and bombed terrorist hideouts as well as snuck aboard pirate ships housing nuclear supplies and killed them all with the seals.

When I finished, I felt odd, like I'd gone through confession or something. He had listened to me through it all including my failed relationship with Lois and all my promotions I wasn't at all satisfied with. In the end he hugged me and I felt like I was a kid again with him telling me everything was going to be ok.

It just goes to show that no matter how old or wise you are, a parent holds a special part of you that makes you feel as if your a kid all over again. Clark and Lois were caught by mom in a coed situation a bit later and getting stern looks from mom and dad which I smiled about.

They ended up confessing to their trip to the destroyed safe house and the black ops team attacking them. Finally Lois took my keys and said she'd be back after going to talk to Chloe's grave.

I didn't argue and even went with her. She wanted to refuse until she saw my look and agreed. On the way she told me her plan to dig up the grave and I agreed to help if it would put her mind at ease.

I dug up the grave while she helped by couching me how to dig to my amusement. When we reached the coffin, I hopped out of the whole and handed her the shovel. "I said I'd help, I never said I'd desecrate a coffin. This part's up to you."

She snorted. "Chicken."

I rolled my eyes. "We both know this isn't my first dead body or even the first dead friend, I'm just too close to this."

She sighed and hopped down in the hole. A moment later I heard a man behind us in a couple yards away by the tree at the entrance to the graveyard. He spoke up. "Where's Chloe Sullivan?"

I hadn't reacted except to look at him while Lois turned and asked. "Who the hell are you?"

He retorted while walking towards us. "You'd better tell me where she is."

I walked towards him while Lois spoke up. "What, the posse couldn't get to me the first time so the boss sent you? You can both kiss my ass."

He smirked. "Have it your way."

She smiled. "Boy, you really don't know who you're dealing with now. This time my backup isn't some farm boy."

I toward over the guy and when he swung his metal sword arm out at me, I dodged and cracked him in the face hard enough to send even his metal ass tumbling. He got back up and I saw Lana grab a shovel and crack him in the head before Lois tossed her a can of mace which she used to spray the guy in the face with.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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