77.15% A True Beginning / Chapter 152: Ch.37

章節 152: Ch.37

It didn't take long to dig up the pyramid cap that was made of what was clearly Adamantine and celestial technology. After taking that I dug much deeper into the ruins, only stopping when I found the alters En Sabah Nur used to transfer his consciousness from one host to another.

Smiling, I saw the body and mind of his disconnected from having the process interrupted. I grinned as I picked him up off the alter and pulled his celestial armor off of him before tossing his body into my inner galaxy. I then took the alters and the liquid Adamantine into my inner galaxy but on separate worlds. I'd need time alone with him to take his powers and abilities and in my inner galaxy I was unbeatable by such weak beings.

He wasn't a god, not really anyway, so he posed no threat to myself even if he did manage to find his body again and reconnect with it. I portaled home and began my own tinkering while donating tens of millions to the Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters.

It wasn't an in by any means but it was a start. They'd had their own various problems over the years but my bots had interfered wherever necessary to stop the mutant registration laws from going through.

They'd gone so far as to replace government officials and change minds in secret to prevent such events like the last stand and days of future past from happening. Now Xavier was getting old or older anyways and so was Eric Lensherr.

Wolverine was with the school now after his own trying past and was happy or as happy as he can express anyways. I'd soon be introducing myself I hope. For now I was busy putting Apocalypse together and draining him of not just his knowledge, but his very powers and essence.

He didn't have as many powers as I was expecting but with teleportation, telekinesis, force field generation, power absorption through the alters, knowledge absorption through touching technology, something close to technopathy in that regard, matter manipulation, power bestowal, power augmentation, mental manipulation and mental shielding, it was still an impressive haul.

That didn't include his adaptive superhuman reflexes regenerative healing factor only weaker than Wolverines and Deadpool's, his augmented super strength and durability but both were weaker than my own, not that I didn't take them to add them to my own abilities and strength anyways.

His most unique ability is the essence transference he used in conjunction with the power absorption and the alters. While it was a truly interesting idea, my mimicry could do the same except inner powers like healing, and that I could just take by ripping it out of them and eating with my own powers especially now.

Thus ended the possible future of En Sabah-Nur, the false god who never was. His DNA was still fascinating to research but it wouldn't give me anything unique. I did however find the celestial ship Apocalypse has stolen the technology and the information to build the alters from.

It's technology was taken into my inner galaxies and would be slowly taken apart and assimilated into my own knowledge base of alien technology's. On the bright side stealing Apocalypses powers awakened the dormant X-gene inside myself and through the advanced telepathy and telekinesis I'd added to my repertoire because it was also Jean Grey's original DNA, I also felt an inkling of the Phoenix Force.

I'd felt a small connection with Jean's mind as well though I was able to close the connection for now. When I exited my inner galaxies, I felt a mental probe trying to break into my mind. My mimicry power copied the power and I used it to probe the famed Professor X's mind.

He sensed me naturally and let me in. I stood there in a mental representation of his school and looked around. "Huh, so this is what's so secret about your school, it's actually a school."

I heard one very bald Picard speak up. "That's one way to look at it."

I shrugged. "Well, considering it's actually a school, I could care less about the other stuff. So long as the kids are safe that is."

He raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. "Anyways, why'd you try to read my mind? Not that I'm complaining as my own mutant power is to mimic other's powers when they're used against me."

He seemed surprised by my admittance. "So you're a mutant yourself?"

I shrugged. "I'm many things, a mutant is just one in a long list."

He sighed. "I wanted to see if your intentions were pure before I accepted the donations."

I chuckled. "Oh, that. Yeah, that was just a off hand donation when I learned of your school. Feel free to keep it, there's no strings and it's a tax write off for me."

He raised an eyebrow. "You're not exactly what I imagined when I heard of you as well."

I shrugged. "No one is how they appear on the surface unless they're pure of heart. Then they're mostly taken as honest fools by others. Personally I think each person is an amalgamation of everyone they've ever met. Each unique influence affecting and changing those around them."

The bald professor asked. "For better or worse?"

I nodded. "Exactly."

He seemed confused for a minute before nodding. "Might I ask you over for a bit, not that this mind link isn't interesting and enlightening on it's own."

I smiled. "I'll head right over, tell your kids to relax, I ran into a teleporter not long ago and well, it shouldn't be but a thought away."

I exited his mind and tried out my new teleportation power. A purple bubble encompasses me and I teleported to a study with a silent pop. To my amusement he wasn't alone when I arrived. Storm, Logan, Cyclops, Hank McCoy, Jean Grey and Eric Lensherr was there with him.

I raised an eyebrow. "Expecting trouble I take it?"

Wolverine raised a claw to my throat. "Not any more Bub."

I chuckled. "I wouldn't do that if I were you Logan, son of James. After all, you wouldn't want me to spill your secrets after I break your Adamantium bones."

His cigar fell from his mouth and he asked. "You know my past?"

I chuckled. "I know everything there is about you, after all, it's all in your own head, buried between the beast you think you are and the Adamantium bullet still lodged inside your brain. Unlike the professor, I can take the bullet out and even restore every memory you have."

He faltered and Eric asked. "Can you also perform miracles and bring back the dead or are you just another snake oil salesmen?"

I snorted. "Hardly, but I can tell you where your daughter and son are and what names they go by, they're mutants like yourself as well but that'll cost you."

He stilled and narrowed his eyes and I turned to Jean. "I can tell you about the Phoenix inside you and even take it away if you want. It isn't a natural part of you after all. It's a living entity after all. Your mental blocks won't hold it for much longer anyway and once it's free it'll kill the professor for trapping it inside the bottom of your mind."

I turned to Hank. "I can point you to the direction to master your blue self and inner beast. The monks in Tibet have mastered themselves and through their teachings you can turn your blue self on and off at will. A free advice if nothing else. Mention my father's name and the look for Kamar-Taj. Ask around and mention my father when you are approached, they'll take you in and teach you at no cost."

I turned to Storm. "You should cancel your marriage to the golden tribe prince if you aren't going to go through with it. He'd be happy to know you're safe and happy if nothing else."

She looked like I slapped her and I turned to Xavier. "Was that all you'd hoped it would be or are you going to stop trying to enter my mind? I'm immune to all the powers I mimic. There's no chance you're entering my mind, not even with Jean's help."

He looked caught between a rock and a hard place and I sighed. "Relax people, I'm not here to attack or anything, it's not like I'm foolish, I value my life and I've no intentions of killing anyone here, well, except maybe Eric if he does something naughty like kidnapping and killing another senator."

Professor X asked. "I thought you said you hadn't heard of us before you sent the donation?"

I smirked. "Correction, I said I hadn't heard of your school. Individually I've heard of each of you, particularly James Logan, or Howlett over there. He's quite famous and has been around for almost two hundred years."

Logan stilled before growling. "What is it you want from me?"

I shrugged. "Your power time heal. Relax, I don't need to take it, just mimic it. What's more important is what you want from me besides your memories back and the bullet safely out of your brain, cause metal tosser here isn't precise enough to do it without more brain damage. Though if you're offering, I'd take you on as a body guard as well, I've been nearly killed by a bunch of mortals several times already."

Xavier asked. "Mortals? Aren't you mortal like the rest of us?"

I shook my head. "Not even remotely. Logan here would be immortal if he removed the Adamantium that's poisoning his body. Jean Grey here would be immortal as well if only much harder to kill them most immortals if the Phoenix Force inside her is released, though that would mean your death as it's not particularly happy with you and it sees whole planets as insignificant, so maybe humanity might die with you."

They all went green before Logan asked. "I'm dying?"

I nodded. "Maybe twenty or thirty years more before the poison builds up enough to end you regardless but then I can remove the metal from you body safely if you like. A truly dumb idea to take unknown metals and shove them in your own body but then you volunteered for that particular experiment, albeit under trickery."

He grimaced, still having no clue what I was talking about. I sat down and sighed. "So, I've told you all what you want and what I can offer, you can guess with my mimicry powers what I want and with Jean's Phoenix case. Now, let's play 'let's make a deal'."

Eric was the first. "If I let you mimic my powers you'll tell me where and who my children are?"

I nodded. "I will. Though I should warn you, Hydra has them."

His face darkened and the room shook before Xavier told him. "Calm old friend. If Hydra has them then we shall get them back."

I shrugged. "Then their powers won't awaken but that hardly matters because I can awaken mutant powers with one I've collected over the years. I can even amplify them to the peak of their abilities. Something I'll be doing to Logan here if he agrees to trade."

Eric sighed. "Deal, I'll give you my powers-"

I waved him off. "I only need to mimic them not take them so relax, Jesus people, it's not like I'm taking your powers away. It's only mimicry. I'll be able to do what you can do and that's all."

Eric nodded. "So how do we do this?"

I shrugged. "Try to manipulate the iron in my blood. You only need to attempt it even just a little and my power will mimic yours and make me immune to them."

He raised a hand and after a seconds I felt the power click into place. I grinned. "Your kids are Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. They're at a Hydra base in Sokovia and their future powers will be extreme speed for Pietro and chaos magic for Wanda. His ability is self explanatory but hers is unique in that it can very and do many things from telekinesis to mind manipulation and power corruption."

"She can literally for you to use your powers to kill yourself, a very powerful potential if I do say so myself. Oh, and they both hate Tony Stark because of something he had no hand in. His business partner is selling Stark weapons under the table and behind his back so Stark is being blamed for their issues and he's completely clueless."

He frowned. "If you're lying to me..."

I snorted. "Not that it matters, but you're not on my level, especially now. I'd sooner piss on you then lie to you, you're just too insignificant to be bothered to lie to."

He frowned and looked a bit angry as I merely shrugged and turned to Hank who told him. "I'll give you a ride, I'm taking the jet Professor."

Xavier nodded. "Do so but bring in Rouge and Robert as well, they might gain something as well."

A white an brown haired southern Bell and a man made of ice walked in moments later. I raised my eyebrows. "Troubled students?"

Xavier smiled. "Ah, something you didn't know about."

I shook my head. "Hardly. I know about Rouge aka Anna Marie. I just don't know much about the popsicle or why you'd bring them in here."

The popsicle asked. "Popsicle?"

I shrugged. "You'd make a great beer buddy if that helps. Well, so long as you don't actually freeze the beer."

Logan grunted in his form of laughter while the ice man himself through a sharp spear of ice at me. It pieced my skin and went into my stomach. I grunted as I pulled the bloody ice pop out. "See what I mean about nearly dying?"

I dissolved the ice as I mimicked his powers and turned my hand to ice before turning it back. "Huh, neat power kid. Maybe next time you don't try to kill the friendly's with it?"

His stunned expression looked carved in ice on his face which was unique in and of itself. My stomach had healed itself up right before their eyes as if I'd never been injured in the first place.

He blushed, or as much as ice could blush anyways and I told him. "Your power is like Hanks, you need to learn control. Go with him and they'll teach you there."

Rouge blew a bubble before asking. "What about me Mista?

I chuckled. "You'll have to demonstrate what's wrong with you first. There's no outward signs of problems with your powers."

She sighed. "My powers are to dangerous to use."

I chuckled. "Then use them on me and I assure you, you won't be disappointed. My mimicry ability makes me immune to the powers used against me when I gain them."

She shrugged and looked at the professor who nodded and she grabbed my arm after taking off her glove. For a second I felt her draining me before I gained the ability she had and shut it off as not to kill her.

I became immune as well and I sighed. "Your power has an off switch as well though meditation and practice will help you find it, the same people Hank and Popsicle are going to can help you as well. Go with them and you'll learn to turn your abilities on and off at will and so much more if you stay there to learn all they can teach you."

She shrugged and rubbed my arm in amazement before I rolled my eyes. "You can let go of me kid. You're not my type and I doubt I'm yours. Go with them and when you return you'll be able to touch whomever you want to."

I turned to Xavier. "If you have others with similar problems you can take them to the same place. Cyclops here can learn to do the same."

He finally spoke up. "I was wondering when you'd get to me. So tell me, what is it you think you know that I'd find interesting?"

I shrugged. "What happened to your father. Who your family really is and what they are, little princeling."

He stilled before frowning. "And what am I supposed to be a prince of?"

I smirked. "That's apart of the trade and a bigger secret than any here has except Xavier and Jean. You'll have to pay the Piper for that answer."

Logan spoke up. "Then he'll have to wait in line. I want my answers now!"

I chuckled. "Your problems will take a bit of time and power on my part to fix. But okay, so long as you agree to the price."

He nodded. "Just do what you gotta do, I need answers."

I smiled and waved a hand, covering him in my symbiote as it leapt off me and shifted from my shirt into a full body suit on him. I told him. "Don't resist. It's going to go inside you and remove the problems. This is going to hurt worse then anything you've ever experienced before and considering I know exactly what you've been through, that's a lot."

The symbiote body under my control, sank into his pores and into his blood stream, eating the poison out of it as the rest seeped the bones and nearly vanished his entire skeleton at once. I waved a hand, boosting and augmenting his healing factor as his bones regrew at Deadpool speeds.

The bullet vanished from his brain as well, taking the shrapnel with it as I closed my eyes and smiled as I received his own Deadpool healing factor. I was nearly unkillable now or as much as any mortal could be.

I'd need to bestow the powers I had on Natasha when I get the chance as well and hopefully bring her close to my level of power. After my symbiote body left him, I dived into his mind and shut down his ability to move until he was fully healed while I dug our all those suppressed and fragmented memories while I filled in the blanks for him.

I even showed him things he hadn't known before like why Kayla Silverfox has betrayed him and that Wade hadn't actually been the one Stryker had experimented on. I cleared out all his doubts and recovered all his memories with the Howling Commandos, Leo and Henry as well as Steve.

The rest with Sabertooth and his jealousy as well as the fact that Stryker had used him as well until his mind has devolved into the beast itself because of his experiments. All of it was open and clear to him. Even his time in Japan and before that until the days of his first memories.

When I finished, I left his mind and grunted. "That was a pain in the ass."

I looked around and only Storm, Jean, Scott, and an unconscious Logan were left in the room. Even the Professor has left, no doubt to try forcing his way in with Cerebro, not that it would work but it might boost my own telepathic powers without me having to waste the time and energy doing it myself.

I sat back. "So, who's next?"

Storm spoke up. "I am. How do you know of the Golden tribe and it's prince?"

I smiled. "I've been to Africa and I'm very old girl, but I'd you want specifics, you'll have to strike me with your weather controlling powers. Yours is a power I'm vary curious about after all. I have my own powers over lightning but to control the weather like you do is unique even to me."

Her eyes went white and a bolt of electricity came in from the window and zapped me. I chuckled as I understood how her powers differed now. They were a mental connection to the atmospheric ozone like a persons own magnetic field stretching to control the earth's magnetic ozone layers at their whim.

Smiling I told her. "I read it from your mind though I already knew about the Prince as he's not exactly low key. Though you'd be surprised what Wakanda is really like. Your ancestors made a pact with his and you're both meant to carry it out but it's by choice so you can choose not to go through with it. He's already in love with someone else so I doubt he or the current king will mind."

She sat down, stunned by my revelations on something she only knew little about. Scott said. "Ladies first."

Jean rolled her eyes. "Alright, how do I get the Phoenix out of me and keep it from killing everyone? What is it anyway?"

I smiled. "I'll take it out and it's an entity above any god you know of or heard about. It's just under beings and concepts like death and eternity. The Phoenix is rebirth and life personified. A living concept of fire, passion and eternity. It's an intelligent and powerful force of nature that can swallow stars and burn planets to ash with a thought. It chose you at birth as it's new avatar because you're a powerful psychic and it likes female redheads for some reason."

"You're far from the first and probably far from the last. It does what it wants when it takes over it's avatar and that includes forcing them to do it's bidding. It doesn't care about concepts like right and wrong as it's above life and death, I kill able and truly hard to suppress. If Charles hadn't stopped it from manifesting in you fully you'd have left this small backwards planet and gone to fight alien civilizations."

She nearly choked. "Aliens are real?"

I rolled my eyes. "Duh! Really people, where do you think mutants got their powers from? Jesus, you people don't even study your own histories."

They were tongue tied but I was too busy to care as I was digging under the mental blocks of Jean and Charles's. When I found it, it was already beyond angry. I pushed it back sending it my offer if taking me as it's host as I'd used Jean's DNA to connect me to her and it in a way.

When it agreed so long as I freed it from it's prison, I pulled it into my mind and shattered the mental blocks. It went willingly and was surprised by what it found there. It's powers were at my fingertips and once it saw my soul, it cried out and charged it. My Phoenix soul and it fused into one, shaking my inner galaxies a bit.

When it was done, I felt a connection to the rest of the Phoenix force and smiled inwardly as I could now tap into that psychic power at will. It and I were one now, my will was it's will. I summoned it into my inner galaxy through that same link and it went to sleep on a star branch of my world tree stars. A truly inspiring concept as my tree both was solid and not now with the psychic influence.

My mental avatars were working overtime creating dozens of new realities out all the mental energy I'd received from it. My psychic powers were officially god tear at least though the rest of me would have to catch up.

I wiped all traces of it from Jean and augmented her own powers to the max of what she was capable of naturally as thanks. She was now the second strongest psychic on the planet next to me and just above the professor in Cerebro. She had her own highly advanced Prue like telepathic abilities and that reminded me I'd need to look for her and Neal as well.

I face palmed as I'd completely forgot about them all together. When I finished helping her clean up her own mind and left it, I turned to Scott and he asked. "Are you sure you can handle my power?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Kid, I've been hit with a meteor before. Your power impales by comparison."

He turned his eye band on and blasted me through the wall. That stung a hell of a lot. I stood up and walked back into the study through the wall while closing my eyes and turning off the power I'd just acquired before telling him. "Your family is from the Shi'ar empire. One of those aliens I mentioned before. Congratulations, you're the youngest brother of the current emperor's best toy."

"Your father fled with you and your second oldest brother when your mother was killed and he was dethroned. That same empire was the one responsible for many Phoenix host's deaths as they consider it a sport of sorts to hunt down each new host and charge it with what they view as the crimes of the Phoenix Force. They then scalp the host after they kill her and hang the scalps on wall for all to see they've done justice."

He paled as I continued. "If you want that kind of family, be my guest and look them up if you ever go intergalactic, but I'm warning you now, I'm the Phoenix host now and killing off an empire of worlds isn't even something I'll blink at if you or they come after me."

Dread was clear on his face and I turned to Jean who was equally as pale now. "Tell Logan to look me up if he's interested in taking up a job as a bodyguard. It comes with perks and pay that would help the school immensely if he chooses them. That'll be up to him though. You're free of the Phoenix now and I've amplified your powers as a bonus. Go to Tibet if you need control. They teach it there and can help you both. Scott won't need glasses if he learns from them and you won't need to worry about loosing control there as they can protect themselves. They have mental and spiritual powers of their own after all."

With a thought I added. "And tell Xavier he has a son and he shouldn't abandon him. Warn him the shadow king isn't dead and is hiding in his kid. He has been ever since his defeat at Xavier's hands."

I teleported home and went into secluded meditation to practice my new powers in my inner galaxies where it was safe to do so. Finally after a month of practice and one interruption by Natasha who'd asked how to change her suit to spy type clothes, I'd given her a telepathic burst of information on how to control the suit and what it could do so long as it protected her and she didn't use that same technique to sleep around.

She'd almost seemed amused by the idea but I gave her the impression of the pain it would cause me and she stopped that notion for now. No matter how our relationship was formed, I was something positive in her life and someone that protected her when nobody else could or would.

For that she'd promised me mentally that she'd never hurt me like that and I promised her I'd always protect her, even if she had. I would just reach through a portal and kill the man she'd tried to be with. She was entirely amused by my threat but still allowed it to stand unchallenged.

She could morph and control the suit she wore and it would obey her except when it came to her own safety and even then I could heal her so long as it wasn't death. I'd finished my practice and learned of Stark's kidnapping on the news. I used this time to snap up another fifteen percent of the shares, putting me as the largest single shareholder of Stark industries.

A month after I emerged from practice and was augmenting my own powers to the extreme, like my magnetic and weather powers, I'd felt Natasha was in danger and teleported to her.

I let go of my glamours and revealed myself, sending Bucky aka the winter soldier, flying with a TK blast. He'd shot her off the road and was in the middle of unloading a clip into her as the suit had protected her and he'd been unable to kill his objective.

She saw me and I waved her bye as I sent her and the scientist through a portal to the Shield headquarters in the US. I sent a chi healing burst through the sword suit and into her and through her into the scientist she was covering, healing them both instantly. The fall had been neutralized but I took no chances with her health.

I turned to see the Winter soldier staring at me and I sighed. "You've failed to eliminate your target. Now piss off before I eliminate you."

He reframed from firing at me but it didn't matter to me either way as I teleported away. Another month passed and Tony was found again. A few days later Stark announced he was shutting down all weapons manufacturing plants and cutting off all military contracts.

The stock tipped again and I got another five percent of the stock while Stain bought up the rest. Now only he Tony and I had any stock of which to speak of and I was sitting at half the company stock by myself. Though the stock was actually split between me and my reclusive father's names.

In the end it wasn't more than a couple weeks before Stark showed up at my labs with his fancy new glowing chest piece and a bad attitude. He demanded without even introducing himself or knocking. "What's your interest in my company's stock? Hmm? Are you trying to take over my company? Because that's what it looks like!"

I snorted. "You need to relax Stark, I don't answer to you and you certainly ain't my father so you'd best quit it with the attitude."

He took a deep breath before asking. "Can I at least get an answer to my questions?"

I waved him to sit while I was working on a cure for Ebola on a high tech hologram screen. "Sit, grab a drink and give me a second to answer. You asked a few questions and each have their own answers."

He sat down while pouring himself a glass of my best fire whisky. I continued to work at incredible speeds while he watched in fascination and I answered after a bit saying. "As for your first question. I bought the stock in your company because it needed to be bought by an outside interest. Besides, Obadiah bought stock from my company as well. I figured tit for tat was fair play."

He grunted. "Why would Obbie buy your company's stock?"

I snorted. "Because with the exception of your military contracts my company makes just as much as yours most of the time. As for his actual reasons you'd have to ask him, I'm not him. As for what I plan to do with it, nothing. I only bought it so he couldn't. I'm vindictive that way."

He frowned. "Obbie was buying more Stark stock?"

I nodded and slid open a side window on my hologram screen and sent it to his phone through his email. "Both times though he didn't get much each time as I bought the bulk of it, we threw together have all the stock now, or all that matters anyways. My father has his original stock but he'd never use it."

Tony grunted. "How is the old man?"

I sighed. "Not good. He's getting on in age. He was old when he met your dad and now he's pushing eighty. His body's failing him and there's no cure for old age that I've been able to find."

Tony sighed. "I'm sorry to hear that."

I nodded solemnly. "I'll tell him you said so. He's going to be coming to this year's Expo. He wants to see it one more time before, well, you get the picture."

He sighed. "So what do you want for your twenty percent? You know as well as I that the agreement your father made was only for thirty percent and if anyone inherited it they'd have to be satisfied with just that as they aren't allowed to own more."

I smiled lightly. "I want that."

I pointed at his chest light and he looked offended. "Not happening."

I rolled my eyes. "Not you dumbass, your miniature arc reactor. I think I might have a viable upgrading solution to it. A new element both our fathers worked on."

I showed him the file with the design before saying. "It could potentially replace the scrap in your chest. I want to see if I can make it and perhaps we can cut a deal to introduce it as a clean renewable energy source that could shut down all reactors across the planet. Think about it, no more having to fear a meltdown and knowing you aren't harming the environment. It could very well save this planet from us."

Tony listened to my words and finally asked. "How do I know you won't turn around and sell it to the military?"

I rolled my eyes. "Hardly. The closest I'd come to helping the military is making body armor for the police. Or are you saying I'm lying? Because out of the two of us, which one has a history of building weapons?"

It was his turn to roll his eyes. "Point taken. Sure, so long as it's above board and protected under secure patents that don't describe how to make it or exactly what it does."

I chuckled. "Easy enough. I'll even be kind enough to share credit with you on the new element we're going to make. Now, hand shake and a signed contract should do."

I held out my hand and he shook it, although reluctantly as he didn't like touching other guys even for a hand shake unless he was close to them. I pulled a packet out of the drawer and handed it to him. "It's all in there, including the shares and our cooperation on the clean energy project as well as the agreement not to sell to the military. Look it over and sign it when you're ready."

He raised an eyebrow. "How did you-"

I smiled. "I had them drawn up when you were found. If you weren't found I was prepared to cripple Stark industries and buy off the parts with my father to shut down the weapons manufacturing and give a big middle finger to Stain. I'm not exactly his biggest fan, I'll admit. My own findings into the company's financials shows him selling weapons under the table to some terrorist group called the ten rings. I'd have leaked that to end his career after I dismantled the company."

Tony was gobsmacked and I shrugged. "What? My father said the company had changed it's principles from your father's ideals so he made the plan himself. Something about destroying it before it ruined your father's legacy."

He was quiet now for a bit before sighing. "Do you have proof of Obbie's guilt?"

I nodded. "I'll send you the files from my secure server. I don't keep the kind of stuff that can get me assassinated on open servers."

I cleared my voice. "Shadow, come out."

A hologram of a shadowy face appeared over my work. "How May I be of assistance?"

I smirked at Tony's clear interest. "Transfer all data on Stain and the Ten Rings to Mr.Stark's phone and keep an eye on Jarvis in case he tries anything sneaky."

The head nodded before saying. "Transfer complete."

Tony's phone dinged and he looked down at it and after a couple minutes he grabbed the packet before saying. "I gotta go!"

I nodded. "Contact Shield. My father says they're good for this kind of stuff."

He waved me off and went to do something about it personally from the look of anger on his face. I left it to him to deal with and heard about his exploits on the news as the Ten Rings were besieged by a metal man and Obadiah Staine had been ousted from the company and arrested by the FBI.

After two weeks of similar news, Tony ousted himself as Iron Man and the public went crazy. On the bright side he and Pepper Potts, his assistant, showed up with signed documents for our deal. He had them notarized and I transferred the shares to him. He now owned fifty five percent of the company and the rest was owned by the public and my 'father'.

I showed him the new element and even built him a new mini arc reactor with it as the base. I helped him with the clean up of getting the toxic waste from the palladium out of his chest before sending him on his way.

He asked curiously. "Aren't you at all curious about my suit?"

I shrugged. "Not really. I'm sure it's nice and all but I'm also sure I can build better."

He was a bit indignant before asking. "How so?"

I chuckled. "If I were to build a suit, it would at least be space worthy. I might even use multiple power cells like yours along the spine and shoulders to ensure it could out last any battle I'd be up to fighting in and maybe more weapons. I'm thinking electromagnetic cannons for shoulder blades and an inertial dampening system to ensure I don't get jostled around inside. Perhaps even a hard light shield and sword or a plasma whip. All things considered you went rather tame with yours."

Pepper's eyes went wide before Tony said. "Hard light technology doesn't exist."

I smirked. "As far as you know. Now, off with you, I've some diseases to cure and I'm trying to build an affordable filtration system for salt water to distill it into fresh water. It might help my ideas on heavy water reactors."

I continued to work in front of them both despite the fact that Tony was essentially a new rival in the field of clean energy. I'd already patented a black box design that ran on miniature arc reactor technology under both our names as well as named the new element DarkStark.

It was to be released in science journals everywhere along with the elements Vibranium, Adamantium, Adamantine and Uru and Gravitonium.

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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