68.02% A True Beginning / Chapter 134: Ch.19

章節 134: Ch.19

We left the happy couple to enjoy their time alone and I went to work over time. With Phoebe's instructions I enlarged the bedrooms and closets of the house and with her specific instructions I made a baby room out of their closet that was now the size of their old room.

I added a personal magic shower system in each room as well as a full bathroom and expanded their own rooms to make them large enough to be comfortable in. With a few runes the magic stuck and was permanent.

Next came the kitchen and laundry room. By the time I finished only the common area was untouched as mortals would visit and them asking questions would cause problems.

With the house finished with being made fire and water proof, I added electric resistance and automatic repairing as well as a mist like effect on mortals that weren't in the know road forget anything they suspected when they walked out of the doorway.

With that out of the way I set up my worker bots that had been on standby in my realm ever since the werewolves, vampires and witches took over Frosthaven. They took over P3 and took examples from all the successful clubs in the world before making something unique. On the surface not a lot changed but in actuality it was the subtle things.

The alcohol was improved by quality and stock. A sound system was installed and CD's of every music I had on memory we're burned to be played when bands weren't playing live. The booths and chairs were improved for comfort and the tables were freshly varnished.

The bar itself was replaced with marble and the lighting was both upgraded and improved to the point where I had a hologram system installed to take the place of bands playing from my memories. It brought a unique yet expensive charm to the place and damned if it didn't attract the crowds.

Three weeks later when they were first used, Prue and Phoebe were worried about the holograms at first until I told them. "I've been studying mortal technology for four months now and I've built my own holograms with the available technology. There was no magic involved."

Prue was shocked and Phoebe was happy. "Seriously? That's amazing."

Mum smiled and told them. "Damien is a bit of a genius and the mind arts plus the occlumency, once mastered gives one the ability to control their emotions to a great degree as well as photographic memory. Add that to his IQ and his obsession with learning everything and it was only a matter of time before he started inventing things."

I was busy kissing Phoebe while Nym was talking to Prue when phoebe had a premonition. She looked to Prue before saying. "There's an innocent in danger, it's inspector Reece Davidson. I saw you letting him die."

I raised an eyebrow. "Relax love, visions are subjective and the future is always changing. The future is fluid until it solidifies as the past by hardening in the present. Only the past is set in stone and even stones can be shifted so long as you're wise enough to know which ones to achieve it."

Prue asked Phoebe. "What was attacking him?"

Phoebe frowned. "They were like vampires but they attacked the back of his neck."

I frowned now. "Can you show me love?"

Phoebe nodded and I sighed. "Think about the vision and I'll see it on the surface."

She nodded again. "I got it."

I made eye contact with her and entered her mind. There I saw the vision and sighed as I backed out of her mind. "They're called seekers. Demonic lie detectors that read their victims mind by biting into their brain stems."

I wrote down the vanquishing spell and handed it to them. "That should do the trick with the power of three."

Prue frowned. "How do you know?"

I shrugged. "Leo has me studying your book of shadows back when he was teaching me how to use my whitelighter powers so I memorized it all. I've a few suggestions if you ever want to update the book. The spells are a bit like child's rhymes but I can't say they aren't effective."

Prue didn't like that. "I'm going to kill Leo!"

I chuckled. "Relax, I could touch the book without a problem and it didn't tell me anything I needed to know. Though your spells for upper level demons need to take in account you need a piece of the demon to make a strong enough vanquishing potion."

She snorted. "That's not the point! It's supposed to be our family's magic and inheritance. He shouldn't be letting others use it."

I put a hand over my heart. "Ouch, that hurts. Though you're right. It's family magic and I should've known better. Even in the UK we have family magic and laws to prevent others from learning it without permission. For that I'm sorry, I should've known better."

Phoebe blew it off. "No, it's ok. Prue's just frustrated she hasn't made any progress on her Occlumency."

I raised an eyebrow and Prue's narrowed. "Quiet you!"

Phoebe stuck her tongue out and before she could pull it back I captured her lips and tongue with my own. When I pulled back I sighed and turned to Prue. "If it makes you feel better that Occlumency book is classified as my family magic as well. It was outlawed in the UK as truth potions can be fought off if they're prepared to fight it with Occlumency. That and most of the pureblood families had all practiced legilimency. They liked the idea of reading anyone they wanted whenever they wanted so they forced the school to stop teaching Occlumency."

Phoebe sighed. "That's horrible!"

Nym nodded. "It was over there. Most of the purebloods passed laws to keep muggleborns, what you'd call first generation witches, from getting good jobs and so they went back to the regular world, mostly leaving magic behind."

Prue asked. "But that's changed now right?"

I sighed. "I hope so. I certainly wiped out enough pureblood families to ensure it. My little brother should've taken over the family with all the families votes I'd wiped out as conquest, he has the most power and say in the wizarding courts now. I passed everything, all my gold, businesses and investments to him. The only thing I didn't give him was the pocket dimension preserve and Nym. He has the heart to make the changes necessary for a better world and the power to do so now."

Prue asked. "But you don't know?"

I shook my head. "When I left, the war had just ended with a total victory. I'd already been kicked out of the family when I was sent to prison so I had no real place to stay there anyway. All I could do was give him the votes necessary to make a difference and leave before our society shamed me or some witch or wizard tried to off me to make a name for themselves. Nym, bless her heart, agreed to come with me to explore this world."

Nym smiled. "I haven't regretted a moment of it."

Phoebe joined her with a smile. "I'm glad you decided to come then. It must've been hard, choosing to leave all you knew behind, your family as well."

I shrugged. "Not really. I can speak to my family through my ring here and as for the wizarding world, well, like Leo said, it's backwards and cruel."

Prue asked. "How long were you in prison for?"

I sighed. "Only a year. The dark wizard at the time broke his followers out and them not being to pleased with me and to many to fight saw me fleeing. After that I was in hiding, growing stronger until a year before the final battle when the school was attacked by the dark wizard's followers."

"Then I was exonerated and I went on the hunt for them instead. I captured and killed many dark wizards in that time, all followers of the one they called Voldemort. When the final battle took place, I freed and commanded the dragons from my pocket dimension and the burned the battlefield killing most of the evil witches and wizards. After that the basilisks killed the rest with their gazes and I sent the bodies to feed the beasts in my pocket dimension."

Nym snorted. "You're forgetting the dementors, lethifolds and Harry's battle with Voldemort and your repairing of the forest so that the creatures and beasts could return to their homes after the battle."

I shrugged. "It's a lot to say and besides, it's not my accomplishments that matter. I used the beasts to win the battle, nothing more or less than sending them out like attack dogs. They were already miss understood creatures and greatest fear is that the wizards and witches that survived the battle will think of them as weapons of war to be used as they see fit much like I did."

Nym shook her head. "That's not what you did. If you hadn't done it hundreds of good witches and wizards would be dead by now. They had dark creatures of their own and that's not even including the giants to which we're little more than ants to. You made the best of a bad situation and kept it from turning into the worst case scenario."

I sighed and downed my drink before saying. "I'm going to head home, anyone want a ride?"

Prue raised her hand. "I could use one. Phoebe drove me here."

I chuckled. "Alright let's go then."

We went into the back, wading through the crowd and orbed home, once the back door was closed. There I dropped her off before heading to the house. The next morning Prue had gotten Piper and Leo out of their honeymoon that had actually been more than three weeks long.

They both looked more relaxed and happy when they came out. She'd filled Piper in and news came in the form of the inspector showing up at the house looking for Phoebe. He demanded to know where Cole was and she told him. "I haven't seen him in four months when he left me, as you can see I'm no longer interested in Cole or what he does with his time."

I wrapped my arm around her waist and introduced myself. "Damien Greengrass, now what's this about her ex?"

The inspector grimaced before saying to Phoebe. "I know you know more than you're saying and when I bust Cole Turner, I'm going to bust you as well!"

I snorted. "Then I'll sick my high powered lawyers on you and see you out of a job and maybe I'll buy the bank that owns your house mortgage and see about foreclosing on it so you'll be homeless and destitute as well. Perhaps the police will find you in some liquor filled rage ranting about killing me and you'll either take a swing when they go to arrest you or pull a gun on them ending in your death or imprisonment. See, I can predict the future as well as make threats just like you. Now why don't you back off before I show you how little a badge means to me."

Phoebe put a hand on my chest and shook her head, causing me to sigh. "Be happy she's here or you'd find that stick up your ass replaced with my foot."

The inspector wasn't as much intimidated by my threats as he was by my killing intent. Phoebe told him. "Inspector Davidson, my boyfriends sorry for your problems about Cole but he is right, I've nothing to do with him anymore. If you've got an issue with me then I'll see you in court, if not then I wish you good luck in finding Cole and Godspeed."

She shut the door in his face and I heard Prue from behind. "Would you really ruin his life like that?"

I nodded. "He threatened Phoebe so yes, in a heartbeat. You could threaten me all day long and even take a few swings and I'd shrug it off, but never threaten those I love and may the gods help your soul if you tried actually doing something."

Prue sighed. "So that's your bottom line then?"

I nodded. "It has been and always will be. Nym's following him, cloaked and on a broom. Should the seekers come for him I can rob us all there in a heartbeat."

Prue nodded and looked out the window. "What's that? That grayish black thing standing beside that woman the inspector is talking to?"

I frowned and felt a tingling from the deathly hollows and my swords. Sighing I said. "That's a reaper."

Prue frowned. "What's a reaper?"

I sighed. "Also known as angels of death they're like a neutral party that takes unclaimed souls wherever they're destined, be it heaven, hell or reincarnation. They don't do the killing themselves but are instead responsible for helping the souls move on to keep the cosmic balance in the universe going. If a reaper doesn't do their job then death stops and soon all death ceases to be and with death gone, all life with cease as well. They maintain the balance because if they don't, then instead of death, you get unmade."

Prue shivered. "How do you know that? I don't think that's in the book."

I shook my head. "It's not. I studied reapers for a time to make my swords with an aspect of their powers. It's one of the things you should add to the book though as they can't be touched by anything and their power to send souls on their way is almost absolute."

Piper asked. "Almost?"

I nodded. "If say a protection spell is added to the one whose supposed to die, then it can back fire and create a ripple affect, effectively halting death in it's tracks and creating a serious problem that if it isn't fixed, can kill death and end all life. A rather big flaw in the grand design."

Piper snorted. "You think?"

I nodded. "So, the woman is fated to die soon and since Prue can see it then she might be as well."

I turned to Prue who looked scared. "Relax, If you die, so long as I can get to you in time, I can bring you back, well, granted so long as your injuries aren't too severe."

It wasn't much later that Nym gave the signal and we arrived at the court house ready to send the seekers back, only they shimmered away when we arrived and the cop lady was already dead.

I healed the puncture marks and broke her neck. Prue asked. "Why did you do that for?"

I sighed. "Bite marks on the back of the neck are unusual and can lead to them investigating the magical world. A broken neck however, is common. I'm cleaning up after them to ensure the mortals don't go poking into demonic or witch business. It's crude and screwed up, I know, but it has to be done."

Piper sighed. "He's right. We've clearly already got someone out to get us. We don't need to hand him proof of the supernatural."

I flame traveled us all back and Nym left to follow the inspector once more. Bh morning Prue'd decided to confront her fear when I told her that an angel of death couldn't take her before her time no matter how angry she made it as they were neutral.

Phoebe, Piper and I replaced Nym as she'd gotten tired so we watched him at his partner's funeral. When the seekers showed up and he led them away, I gave chase on foot with Phoebe and Piper just behind me.

We got to the mausoleum just as the seeker placed a metal candle holder through the door handles, locking it. I told them. "Stand back!"

They did so and I hit the door with a bombardment spell, nearly blasting it off it's hinges as it opened for us. Gun shot rang out a second later until I heard a click. I led them in and threw two stunning and binding spells at the demons.

When they hit, they both went as stiff as a board and passed out. The cop, inspector Davidson, yelled. "Who are you people and what the hell were those guys?"

I chuckled. "You mean are those guys because they aren't dead. And they're demons, aka the bad guys. We, on the other hand-"

Prue came over with death. "-are witches. We fight evil, no matter what evil it is."

I raised an eyebrow but nodded as she said. "I talked to death, he said this wasn't supposed to happen."

I chuckled. "It's fine. His list excepts the successful save and the odd death before their time shtick so long as he's not here to collect a soul no matter what."

Death walked over and raised a finger. "Actually, I was but it seems I cannot even sense you."

I smiled as Prue's eyes went wide. "I have my ways and besides, you aren't omnipotent and neither are you a god. You're just a cleaner of sorts that makes sure the machine that is the grand design doesn't collapse."

He nodded but frowned. "How do you know so much about the grand design?"

I chuckled now. "That's none of your concern. By the by, if you see the angel of destiny, tell it not to look for me as I don't play by anyone's rules nor could it find me if it wanted to, much like you can't."

He nodded. "I'll pass it along if you tell me how I'm supposed to collect a soul from here."

I tilted my head before tossing him a soul in a jar. "It belonged to an outlaw I killed in another plain of existence. I was going to release it but I didn't exactly know where and I've been busy so-"

He nodded. "It'll do."

Prue frowned at me and I sighed. "What? It's not easy dealing with souls not on deaths list. There's a whole lengthy ceremony that I swear was made just to waste time."

She rolled her eyes as death vanished and Phoebe asked. "So that was death?"

I frowned. "You could see him too?"

She nodded. "I think we all could. He wasn't exactly hiding, this time anyway."

I sighed. "Then yes that was an angel of death, one of many anyway. I think they reap by zip code as I've never seen more than one in each place."

The inspector asked. "So what now?"

I shrugged. "Can you handle the truth without exposing it or magic to the world?"

He frowned but nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

I smiled. "Then you get to keep your memories and on occasion you can ask if a particular case your working on is supernatural or not. Though I expect you to leave our names out of it. As for Cole Turner, he was the demon known as Balthazar and I vanquished him. Much like they're about to do to these demons."

Prue nodded and they each took out a piece of paper I'd written the spells on. "Knowledge gained by murderous means,

is wisdom's bitter enemy.

The mind that burns with stolen fire,

will now become your funeral pyre."

The seekers both burst into flames leaving nothing behind. Phoebe smiled. "There, see? We beat evil."

I nodded and turned to the inspector and asked. "So, do I need lawyers or-"

He waved me off. "No, I get it. What you people do is way to important to mess with. If Cole Turner were anywhere, he's definitely south of the boarder right now."

I smiled. "Thanks, now if you've any questions feel free to ask us or discretely ask detective Morris. We'll be happy to answer so long as it's not for you building a case or proof against witches and magic."

He nodded and thanked us before leaving. I repaired the mausoleum before we left and Prue asked. "Is it safe to leave him knowing?"

I nodded. "I read his aura to make sure he wasn't lying. Speaking of which you girls need to work on your chakras. Prue, you're far to tense most of the time and Phoebe love, you're anxiousness is on another level. It's like you're constantly waiting for the other proverbial shoe to drop."

I rubbed her shoulders before getting into the car. The inspector watched us leave from the funeral proceedings. It wasn't more than a week later that a warlock showed up trying to off himself with the sisters help.

When he found me however, I was on a date with Nym. He attacked with a levitation ability and I simply stunned him with an overpowering stupefy. I put him in my realm while no one was looking and apologized to Nym.

She accepted it and I made up for it later. When we got back to the house I went inside my realm and used the Gorgon head I retained from my previous reality on him. He became a nice statue I set up for Selene to sleep on.

I told the sisters what I did to the warlock and they approved wholeheartedly. Soon enough Prue had us out looking for random demonic activity. Phoebe and I were her go to demon slayers for a while until we ran into a demon holding a box.

Prue knocked him back, forcing him to drop the box and he and the man who seemed to be inhabited by the sin of greed leapt for it. Prue sent it sliding across the street and the demon said some guy named Lukas would come for it, before shimmering away.

The greedy human went after the box and I stunned him before he could get to the road. I told Prue. "You get the box, I'll see what's wrong with him."

She nodded and I leaned down to the stunned human. "Forgive me, but I need to see what's wrong with you if we're to fix."

I entered his mind and saw it all, how he was hit with the sun of greed from the box and all the things he did up until the demon found him to kill him and take his soul. I left his mind and stopped Prue. "Don't open it! It's a demonic Pandora's box!"

She stopped herself and asked. "Then he's-"

I nodded. "Infected with a concentrated dose of the sin of greed. I'll take him to the manor where we can tie him up until we figure out a way to remove the concentrated ball of sin. We might have to vanquish this Lukas first before we can free him."

She agreed and I flame traveled the human to the house where I bound him to a chair with magical ropes. While he struggled I hit him with stunning spells each time until Prue and Phoebe got here. They set the box down while they went to get Piper and Leo to figure it out.

When Leo suggested we see what the book said on it, I followed them up, taking the human into my inner realm.

We found it after a few minutes and Prue read it out loud: "The seven deadly sins. The sins are spread by demonic infectors, former humans who were turned into demons after being consumed by sin, who seek to place them in paragons of good. The sin balls magnify a particular sin, and gradually consume an infected person until the infected self-destructs."

"The sin balls can be removed from infected people either by vanquishing the infector or by the infector himself. Bottled at the source by the Source."

Phoebe said. "Alright, you guys handle this, I have a meeting with my ethics professor about all the missing classes because of vanquishing demons."

I nodded. "Go, we got this. If your professor gives you any problems I'll make a donation to keep you in class."

Phoebe kissed me before racing off downstairs. Prue smacked me and I asked. "What? It's not like I'm offering to buy her professor off to up her grades. This is just to keep her in school so she can realize her potential."

Prue rolled her eyes. "Whatever. So, do you have any idea how to vanquish said demon without your swords?"

I shrugged. "Hit him with all the sins available? That's the best I have. His minion was a medium class demon with weak powers so I can only guess that he's either an upper class demon or close to it."

Leo agreed and led us downstairs. When we heard Phoebe ask. "Who are you?" We sped up and found the demon hitting her with a sin ball. He turned and hit us each with one. Almost immediately I felt an overwhelming anger rising inside me.

All I could think was. (He hurt my mate!)

I through my blade that appeared in my hand but he shimmered out just in time and it stuck into the wall behind where he'd stood. With him gone the focus of my anger shifted and I stopped it as I focused on my Occlumency to fight it.

Damned if it wasn't difficult. Prue asked. "Do any of you feel different?"

I grunted. "Yes, I've been infected with the sin of anger. I'm guessing yours is pride, Leo's is sloth and Piper's is excess."

Phoebe asked. "What's mine?"

I turned to her as she approached seductively and I focused on what she made me feel. "Yours is definitely lust. Your pheromones are off the chart and if I wasn't fighting my sin I'd be all over you right now."

Phoebe smiled. "Really?"

I nodded and she stepped closer while Prue said. "Can it people, we need to focus here. We've a demon to kill."

I grunted. "Trust me, I'm focused. I'm using what I feel for Phoebe to fight the influence of my anger. Otherwise even with Occlumency I'd be overrun in moments."

Leo frowned. "You've that much anger in your heart?"

I snorted. "Anger can be about anything and is the easiest of the sins to fall prey to next to lust. All it takes is a spark and it can become a living flame of wrath."

I grabbed Phoebe saying. "Sorry people, I need to focus and if I don't you may all be dead soon."

I flames to the bedroom with Phoebe. When we appeared before her bed I apologized. "Sorry love, I need you."

She smiled. "I don't mind, trust me."

I growled and ripped her clothes off before introducing her to the roughest sex of her life. I was a complete animal and when Nym apparated in, she was next, then all my wives inside her. They didn't mind either though it was a bit awkward as Phoebe was already passed out beside us.

Faith was the first and last as she insisted on rocking my world. Each of them had their own turns and fun though. When we finished, I focused on my love for them with my much clearer thoughts and an orb of light flew out of me.

Phoebe was the same when I woke her up. We grabbed a quick shower and left Nym, tired and exhausted in the tub soaking while we went to help fight the demon.

We found Prue getting tossed around by the demon and I through a stunning spell at him with my sword. He dodged and grabbed Prue before shimmering away. I helped Piper up and called Leo to heal her as I knew it was the only way to fix them both.

He came and healed her and his and her orbs went out of them. He asked. "How did you know that would work?"

I sighed. "I figured it out when mine and Phoebe's left. We had to focus on something pure and they were ejected from us. For me it was my love for Phoebe and Nym."

Phoebe spoke up. "I was dreaming of our future, our kids."

I smiled and Leo said. "Mine was worry and love for Piper."

I nodded and Piper said. "I thought that if I died I'd never be able to see Leo's face one last time and tell him I love him. I love you!"

He chuckled. "I love you too sweetheart."

I sighed. "Now is not the time, we've to find Prue quickly. The demon took her."

Phoebe and Piper started scrying for her and when we found her, Leo and I orbed them to her. There we found her jumping into a pit. I orbed after her and brought her back up before she shoved me off. "I had him right where I wanted him!"

I rolled my eyes as Piper froze the demon. Phoebe took his box of sin and dumped them inside him. When he screamed and fell down the pit, I chuckled. Phoebe went to toss the box in and I stopped her. "Don't, the pit leads to the demonic wasteland and while the fall will kill him, the box won't be destroyed. It needs to be locked away so evil can't use it again."

She asked. "Where do you suggest we put it then?"

I turned to Leo. "You think the elders can lock it away?"

He nodded. "I'll see what I can do."

He took it as another ball appeared in it and I let out the entrepreneur who lost his as well almost instantly. I orbed him away before coming back for the staff Prue used to open the entrance to the demonic wasteland.

When she asked why I wanted it I shrugged. "Very few things can open a portal to that place and should we ever need to go there it'd be nice not to have to actually die to do so. I'll lock it up in my pocket dimension under the manor there in case we ever need it."

They agreed and Leo asked. "Why not put the box there as well?"

I shrugged. "I figured the elders might want it in their own hands to keep us from being tempted. It is concentrated sin after all and it could be used if one of us ever turns evil by spell or whatever. It's best not to have something like that on hand."

He agreed after a bit and took it up while I took everyone else home. I then sent Phoebe's dean a call and had her teacher change his mind with a very generous donation. Phoebe wrote an ethics paper while I was busy locking away the staff and helping Nym out of the bath as her legs were wobbly.

I paid off Piper's credit cards and helped her store all the extra stuff she bought in the second manor in my realm as well. When Phoebe announced the next day that she passed with a B in ethics class we celebrated. She would officially graduate college in a couple weeks now.

Two weeks later we were out to have fun and hoping to catch a movie together without demons attacking, to celebrate Phoebe's graduation. I felt a demon nearby and told them. "You go, I'll catch up. I need to take care of something."

Piper frowned. "Oh no, it's a demon isn't it?"

I smiled. "Relax, I'll handle it and get to the theater before you all. There's no need to worry about one demon."

Phoebe and Nym gave me kisses before I shimmered away to the demon and his prophet he was about to kill. I stabbed the demon through the back before he could kill the prophet with my sword. Seeing as it was a duplicate of Cole's powers, I absorbed them right away, reinforcing what I already had.

It truly felt good to get stronger though I could do without the demonic taint. At that thought it seeped further in and disappeared inside my soul, feeding my beast sides as I felt my wolf and vampire parts grow stronger.

Smiling I chuckled as they were only small pieces of a greater whole that was me in the end. I listened to the street prophet talk about the brotherhood of the thorn and a company called Luxirom, an internet provider, and it's rival MetaSatellite. He said the investment banking firm financing the merger was infested with demons who were working towards a greater goal.

After hearing him, made enochian runes appear on his skin like tattoos before telling him. "You should find another place to hide or the demons will find you again."

He smiled and nodded before taking off, knowing his message had been heard. I waited for a bit and another demon, a female, showed up this time where I vanquished her friend.

She joined him on my sword and I shimmered away to the theater. There I barely arrived before Phoebe and the rest. Taking Nym in my arms I handed the cash for the movie tickets to the clerk as phoebe told him we wanted them for the Faithless, a foreign love story film.

When we got to our seats Piper asked. "How did it go?"

I sighed. "There were two demons and they're both vanquished. I got information from a street seer the first one tried to kill about a group called the brotherhood of the thorn that's making moves but it's nothing we can't handle tomorrow."

Leo asked. "Are you sure? I mean the brotherhood is a big deal."

I nodded. "I'll take care of them tomorrow. As for how, I'll have to borrow your powers Piper. It won't be long and I can return them so long as I don't fuse with them completely which I can choose not to do."

She looked me over before sighing. "Swear you'll give them back?"

I nodded. "On my honor, I'll give your powers back. I only need to freeze them so I can vanquish them without getting myself killed. It should take an hour or two at most."

Leo asked. "Will you be using your swords?"

I nodded. "They're all upper level demons Leo, what else do you expect me to use? They all have at least the same strength as Balthazar and the leaders are even stronger."

He nodded. "I'll need to notify the elders in case you take in to much evil at once and can't purify it."

I sighed. "Do what you want but unless it's the source, which I will not be vanquishing, I doubt any other demon could pose that kind of a threat."

Phoebe made sure my mind was preoccupied to speak further by holding my hand and kissing me. We barely made it through the movie when Nym joined in and we left the rest of the group at the movie theaters while we shimmered home.

After a long night of fun and satisfaction, I left them in bed and met Piper, Leo and Prue at the manor. Piper asked. "Are you sure you want to do this alone?"

I nodded. "It's safer and I don't want you all seeing me slaughter defenseless demons. Even if they are, well, demons. It's a Nobel act to fight evil but what I'll be doing is essentially a cruel act of slaughter, an evil of it's own. And I don't want to expose you all to my wrathful side."

She sighed. "Ok, how do we do this?"

I raised a hand and told her. "Don't resist. It's one of the warlock's powers that stole all those powers before."

I took her power to freeze and she sighed. "Well that felt different."

Prue asked. "Are you sure you don't need my powers as well?"

I shook my head. "I'm going for stealth and swift kills here. Your powers are too destructive and showy. I'll be back when I finish and if I'm caught then I'll show up on the preserve to escape."

They nodded and wished me good luck. I shimmered away to the investment banking and slung deaths cloak on before entering unnoticed. Once I reached the top floor, I walked right in to the back room without anything slowing me down. They really were to confident.

I summoned and focused all my emotions on Piper's powers to the max. I froze them and what felt like the entire building full of demons before I drew my blades and got to work. I started with the bosses first and branched out killing every demon in the building before Piper's powers wore off.

Moments later I felt someone shimmer in with my senses and I shimmered to them. I recognized him as Raynor. He frowned. "Who is hiding there? I felt your shimmer."

I moved silently and stabbed him from behind with both swords, as I took in all the power and evil from all those demons. The brotherhood was officially dead now and yet I was feeling a head rush off all the power I'd gained.

Most of it was the same kind while I did gain a decent amount of strength for throwing fireballs, most of it was to sensing, energy blasts and toughness of my own skin against spells, a sort of resistance. I knew I was beyond most demons in power now as Raynor hadn't been in the Source's inner circle for no reason.

My demonic heritage started showing through as my wolf and vampire sides grew immensely but not yet stronger then my own will. The evil was all consumed so all that was left was the powers that bolstered my own to the point where I was fairly confident in killing most upper level demons with a full powered energy blast.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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