31.97% A True Beginning / Chapter 63: Ch.5

章節 63: Ch.5

The boring meeting came to a close as Carter asked me. "Where did you get the information on the stargates? I mean, you had to have gotten it after your arrival in this dimension."

I smirked. "The information you seek is out there but for now, no more questions. I don't want to ruin the possible future you have. It'll be a while before you learn what you need to know but you will find it if that I'm sure."

The general called a close tot he meeting and gave the go ahead to head to Gaia for tomorrow's mission. Alice went to trade mission reports with Lexi while I went to Carter's bunk room for some one on one time.

We started off slow as she said. "Since I cant have answers then what about things?"

I chuckled. "Are you a women who values material objects now? What is it you want?"

She smiled as I hadn't refused her. "I want something to study, something more than a medical table."

I chuckled and went down on her as just before I applied my mouth to her sensitive skin a sighed. "Granted."

I set a book I'd made long ago called The Mind Arts on her night stand as my tongue swirled and swished over her heightened pleasure centers.

Several hours later she sat on my lap while I let her rest and read the book. She'd been forced to bite her lip as I was still in her and every time she breathed she felt me move just a little.

I was doing it intentionally but she didn't need to know that. It was a game to see if I could distract her disciplined mind from the task at hand. While she read away I messaged her breasts and occasionally touched a sensitive spot.

After a while she set down the book and started moving on her own. When she cried out I gave her a break as hit my release. When I was able to I slid out of her while she panted into my chest. Kissing her I told her. "Read you book in peace, I'll just hold you for now. No more distractions."

I cleaned us both and held her while she read through the book for a few hours. Every now and then she would mutter. "Fascinating."

I nodded each time until she asked. "What are the limits?"

I sighed. "For mortals with no magic in their system I've found a basic planet is the best they can hope for with resistance to mental and hypnotic suggestions. Beyond that they're helpless. But you my love have magic in your system. You took some when you asked for the basic knowledge and understanding of it. Not a lot mind you but enough to bolster your defenses if necessary."

She bit her lip before asking. "Any you? What are your limits?"

I smiled and pulled her into my mind to show her. There we stood in the center of what looked much like a galaxy. Hundreds of stars circling three small two foot in diameter seeds. I told her curios mind. (They are seeds of energy. Two are magic while the third is an energy I encountered that is unique to this reality. I traded a lot of magic for that seed. This universe took it in trade.)

She looked fascinated before asking. (What do they do?)

I smiled and showed her the things she thought were actual stars. ( They create these balls of magic and here-)

I showed her the growing planet sized ball. (This is the first from the new seed. I have yet to test it's uses. I'm waiting for it to mature.)

She looked around in amazement before asking. (What is the output of these stars of magic?)

I smiled and showed her all of done and knew I could do with a single one. Destroying a planet was easy, even a solar system, though that was the limit of each one. She was fascinated and completely absorbed in counting them all. I finally took pity on her say. (There are one thousand thirty six magic stars and half an energy star of the new kind.)

She blanched and I brought us to the actual planet of my knowledge. I explained to her. (Every molecule of this planet is like a usb or computer hard drive. Filled with information I've either learned myself or gained over the years. The knowledge of the ancients, the reason you have the star gate information, forced me to adjust as it was hundreds of millions of years worth of knowledge. Their race was older than most except my own and my fathers that I've come across.)

She raised an eyebrow. (Father's?)

I grimaced and showed her an image of Maloker. (A demon and a very old one at that. For billions of years the old ones ravaged the reality we came from. He is the father of my previous body and apart of me in a way that will never change.)

I showed her the details of my birth and reasons behind it while she flinched. Finally I told her. (I don't wish this knowledge spread as I showed you so that you could understand and get to know me. This is personal.)

I brought her through my world as the old ones and creatures made of psychic energy roamed about. It truly was a place of nightmares come to life. When we neared the sea Cthulhu and several eldritch abominations stood guard.

We passed them and headed before sea level where krakens and beings of darkness dwelled. A bubble of light surrounded us as we passed them all until we arrived at a shining city, Atlantis. We passed through the barriers and entered the city before going through it's corridors down into the very center and further.

Once we passed the deepest depths, there lay a giant vault door. I touched it and it opened. Mechanical bots of all kinds pointed weapons and stood guard. We passed them up as we entered a maze like labyrinth. More creatures, robots and barriers of all kinds appeared as we passed them all.

When we arrived at the core of my mind, the very heart of my personality, there lay three creatures guarding a computer so advanced it required me to access it. The creatures, as large as life, stood guard and actually reacted to us unlike the rest that we passed.

The vampire screeched and I huffed as all three backed away. Aspects of my personality didn't control me, I controlled them. Sam asked. "What are they?"

I smiled. "These three? They're me, or should I say, they're aspects of me. They're the forms I can take to fight beings of my strength or stronger as well as as representatives of my personalities."

I pointed to the winged vampire creature. "My cold destructive bloodthirsty side."

The half werewolf form. "My loyalty to my mates or wives you could say and our friends and subordinates."

The giant wolf was next. "The animal within me that desires to be free and run wild without a care in the world."

I pointed to myself. "The human aspect that cares for others and feels emotions and empathy."

I pointed to her now. "Mate."

She got the picture as my werewolf form sniffed her while circling us both. I waved it off and pulled her to the giant computer database saying. "This is the core of my entire being. Even the magic's are only a small part of who and what I am. From here you could literally access every spec of knowledge and power I have and with it, take control of my body and soul. My innermost thoughts and feelings are sharable through it as well."

Buffy, Alice, Lexi and Faith appeared next to us silently and I motioned first her to look towards them. When she saw them I told her. "I hold nothing back from them and they do the same. We know and accept each other completely and entirely. Only they and I have access to this part of myself so freely."

Alice told her. "You will as well in time. He's showing you this because he's staked his claim on your body, but like us all, we want more. Should you choose to join us of course, and it is a choice."

Alice gave me a look and I shrugged and pointed to the wolf aspect about to mount Faith. "Blame him, I'm just the one expressing it's needs."

Lexi snorted. "You are him."

I smiled. "I know, but you can't blame a wolf for trying."

Buffy huffed as the werewolf me mounted Faith. She laughed and rolled over, dodging while the big wolf pend her to the floor and licked her entire mental avatar form. The vampire spoke. "Humans approach us."

I sighed as my wives faded and I grabbed Sam. We exited my mind at the speed of thought. There was a knock on the door and I released Sam, dressing us both. She got up saying. "Come in."

I grumbled a bit but the door opened and in came Daniel and his wife Sha're. As soon as he saw me relaxing on Carter's bed he spoke. "I was hoping I'd find you here, Sha're wanted to thank you in person for saving her from the goa'uld."

I shrugged as the ancient Egyptian speaking Abydonian said thank you in English. Chuckling I spoke to her in her native tongue saying there wasn't a need for thanks as I didn't save her for her sake, I did it to prove my power.

She looked to Daniel who told her in English. "He claims to be the god Osiris, not the goa'uld, but the actual god."

I smirked. "Well I am a god, I'm just not Osiris. I took the name as he's the closest god to what I am other than Shiva and I don't look Asian."

Daniel Jackson was confused now so I sighed and admitted. "I'm a new god, one who hasn't found a holy name to go by. There are as many gods as there are specs of sand on the beaches of this world. Usually and eventually we go to war for those names. When the war of the gods happens I will fight for the name Osiris and kill my predecessor before devouring him whole. Then I will be the god Osiris. Until then I have no name to go by that inspires worship. It's a whole thing up there like crazy people and them claiming to be Jesus or buddha."

Sha're and Daniel looked a bit shocked and more than a bit frightened. He asked. "Won't the real Osiris be pissed you're using his name?"

I shrugged. "Not really. I'm a real god and my presence inspires worship and faith in those that see me. That worship connects with the name and in turn feeds him as you mortals pray to the name itself. I get a bit of the energy from the mix like tax and the rest he has access to to draw from. It's a win-win for him. Besides, it's not like he's going to form an avatar in this small reality out in the recesses of the Omni verse to fight over my claim to the name."

Sha're asked. "The battle of the gods must be very dangerous."

I nodded. "Many trillions of realities will crumble from the cosmic clash and many gods will be destroyed or eaten, some both. In the end a couple hundred thousand get names and prove themselves strong enough to hold territories. But that's not what you're worried about, you're worried it'll collapse this reality and kill all the people here."

Daniel gulped and Sam asked. "Won't it?"

I shook my head. "Not unless a couple gods duke it out nearby. Seeing as how I haven't ran into a god since coming here and I can't sense any in this universe it should be fine. My guess is this is the bottom of the barrel. There wasn't even magic in this reality until I came here. So very little to feed a God's power other than faith and the energy I showed you. Odds are you were one step short of a plain reality with no aliens or major conflicts beyond world wars. Very boring and no real energy to feed off of other train faith."

Sam snorted. "Because world wars are boring enough."

I chuckled and shook my head. "You misunderstand. With so little to offer very few gods would bother fighting for the territory. Hell, the reality I came from had gods and demons crawling out of the wood work and fights that leveled dimensions. Magic that made words reality and beings the size of sky scrapers."

Daniel frowned. "Why did you leave then? Why come here?"

I grinned. "Two reasons, one, I ate all the gods there, two, I needed to come here to ascend beyond my flesh through the mind."

I looked over Sam. "The energy I showed you, I think it's what I need to shed my body and ascend to full power. If I did so in my home reality it would've destroyed the world I lived on as my counterpart, my other half, would've ascended with me and she's bound to the planet there. I came here to ascend through a different means so that I wouldn't have to worry about waking her up. Sort of like a yin yang balance thing."

Daniel understood what I meant almost instantly. "You're bound together."

I nodded. "Like earth and sky. Should one go the other must follow. So I came here to ascend and when I've done so I'll go back in an avatar body to prevent her from going free and killing so many. I am rebirth, son of creation and bound to death, daughter of man."

My words a right and holy feel to them as if they should be written down to which Daniel was fidgeting trying to resist the urge to do so. I got up from the bed and wrapped my arms around Carter while Sha're asked. "Won't your other half be angry you're with someone else?"

I shook my head. "Not in the slightest. We are both apart of nature and she understands me like I do her. She will treat them as if they are my concubines, sure, but she won't be hostile as they take care of me in her absence. She understands I'm a a god of nature and as such I'm basically a fertility god to most, FYI, congratulations on the kid."

They were both stunned by my words as Daniel asked. "We're you the reason-"

I shook my head. "Not in the slightest. The fact that you've been making like bunnies is the reason if any. She's five days along by the way."

Wrapped my arms around Carter's waste as she leaned into me on instinct. Daniel and Sha're stayed and asked a few more questions on what my plans were and I left them guessing. They finally took the hint as Sha're asked. "Are you really a god, I mean, more so than Ra was?"

I nodded politely. "The Ra you knew was a parasite pretending to be a god, nothing more. I could squash it like a bug in its fancy space craft or out. I hate to say it but you worshipped something that was the equivalent of a sand flee in the face of a real god."

She got the reference and looked sad and a bit frightened that she was speaking to a being that should be worshipped. When she felt it, my presence, she got panicky and Daniel took her away.

I of course took that opportunity to ravage Samantha a bit more, showing my needs to her. Buffy and the rest showed up as they didn't like that I was paying so much attention to her because she was new. I brought out a proper bed for us all and proceeded to show them the error of their ways.

They were each feeling the after shocks of their recent releases while I was pelvis deep in Faith as she rode me one last time, slow and languid. She was always the one to last the longest and ready for one last round.

When I began to knot she collapsed on my chest and passed out from over stimulation. I couldn't do much for her until I could pull out and from the feeling of her vice like muscles milking me it would be awhile.

Sam was barely conscious with her head in Buffy's lap while Buffy was humming to her. Sam has shown she'd learned a thing or two in college and Buffy was certainly appreciative of it.

My own release was still hitting me while I stroked the curls between Alice's thighs and she moaned. "No more, too tired and sore."

Lexi, who was curled up beside me appreciated the attention but like the other she was tapped out. I still played though if only enough to draw gasps from them for a short while as I filled Faith to bear bursting.

Her stomach had a light bulge in it from the knotting not letting anything out as her womb expanded to hold it all. A slight pain with the pleasure she called it. She liked feeling full and usually slept this way, connected.

Carter reaches for her book weakly and Buffy gave it to her, helping her hold it while she read. She certainly deserved the effort as she'd distracted me from Buffy while she feasted and showed her techniques to her.

She won't be able to walk properly for a while as I'd really liked her swaying behind. She'd certainly been receptive as well, very vocal even with her mouth buried in Buffy's nether regions.

I relived the memory of what I'd just done while Faith slept on me in every since of the word. After a while I viewed Sam through Buffy's eyes as she held her and red the book on mind arts. When Sam managed to finish it she asked. "I'd there any other books you have on other topics?"

I chuckled while Faith murmured and snuggled up. I had Buffy whisper to her. "An entire library the size of your capital city full. We've gathered knowledge on many things over the years. What subject would you like to read on?"

Sam smiled and sighed. "Anything on magic or space travel."

Buffy looked to me and I sighed. "Magic."

Buffy gave her a book like I'd taught Bonnie with long ago. It would unlock itself when she mastered and understood all the basics and the need for caution. After that it was a book on potions and herbal remedies using magical plants and the identification of every magical plant out there or any with magical properties.

Some could be used in science even on this planet. Sam became engrossed in the book while Buffy and I watched her. Soon Buffy fell asleep while I was left watching her read in fascination with my own eyes. Several hours passed before she set the book down and tried to get up.

She barely managed to stand as my seed spilled from her onto the floor. She gasped at the sensation and I sighed cleaning up her and the others except Faith who would be very cross with me if I did so.

She gave me a weak smile before sliding on her panties and bra whispering. "I've got to update the gate protocols and the list of gate addresses not to mention the algorithm for planetary drift and black holes. Then there's the solar flare calculations and possibility of gating through a star."

I sighed and woke up Faith with an apology as I removed myself from her. She whimpered a little as I cleaned her and myself up. She gave me a betrayed look as she snuggled up to Lexi.

I chuckled lightly. "Sorry love, if you want you and I can go back to Chulak and I can spend all my time stress testing whether you can handle me alone."

Her eyes went wide before shaking her head. "No thanks, go have your fun."

Smiling I gave her now empty channel a plug of it's own in the form of a toy she'd had made of a cast of me. She accepted it without complaints as I put on clothes and helped Sam walk to the gate control room. The base was mostly quiet except a few incoming teams.

I watched Sam work as she reprogrammed the computer controls and effectively shut down the gate for a few hours under the general's go ahead. She typed away for a few hours while sitting on a special cushion she had me make for her when she found it difficult.

I was generous enough and offered my lap but she snorted. "Not right now and not while I'm working."

I sighed and gave her what she wanted and added an extra healing spell to help out. It wouldn't take away all of it but then nothing but time could as her body adjusted to my very vigorous use.

Sergeant Siler helped her encode the programs after she asked me to give him what she needed help with. After a while I started getting bored again as I played with her hair. She got a bit agitated but when I started messaging her shoulders and neck she calmed right down and relaxed to my touch once more.

After a while she got tired and I sent her to bed saying. "I'll take care of the rest. I'm bored anyway and you have a mission tomorrow so get some sleep."

She agreed seeing as I was sincere. I got rid of her special pillow as I took her place and began typing at a speed the computer could barely keep up with. After a while I wrote a compression algorithm that came from my ancient knowledge. After I finished it and rebooted the system I typed at speeds twenty times faster than before as the computer held it's own now.

In less than an hour I finished the complete overhaul and showed Siler and General Hammond their access to every gate in this galaxy. I divided them and locked out all the ones leading to black holes at the generals request.

After that he requested I mark the ones that went to goa'uld home worlds and their territories. It was an easy thing to do as I was bored and wondering how smart he'd be. When he asked if I knew which goa'uld each territory belonged to I told him honestly. "No, but I can find out."

He frowned. "How?"

I shrugged. "Going there of course, don't worry, I don't need a stargate to get there either. Bye."

I did a rabbit hop around the galaxy startling several hundred Jaffa at times and taking note of whose territory was whose. I took the chance to read all of the system lords minds and genetic memories as well.

I found a few Asgard and read their minds as well, hopping to the Ida galaxy and copying all their knowledge and history as a bonus. When I was done I headed back to the SGC. In reality it took less than ten minutes to visit the several thousand worlds and taking what I needed.

When I teleported back to my seat the General was still there. He asked. "So? Did you find out who owns what?"

I shrugged. "I did but does it really matter? They're a parasitic warring race that take worlds on a whim. By the time you can make use of the knowledge there's a good chance it'll be invalid."

I tossed him a stack of papers with the information on it. He asked while flipping through it. "What makes you say that?"

I shrugged. "You're not equipped to take on the goa'uld and while I'll protect earth it doesn't mean I'll protect your people off world. They mean nothing to me unless they're Carter or my wives. Should they be captured the goa'uld only have to possess them in order to find out all they know about this base and your worlds defenses, minus me of course. I've sealed away the knowledge of what I am and what I can do from all minds including yours so as not to spread it. You could no more speak to someone who doesn't already no about me then you could lift the moon."

I leaned back saying. "All knowledge the goa'uld have of Apophis has been erased from their minds as they've completely forgotten who he was and where his former territory lay. Hence you can't use me as a threat against them. Nor do you have sufficient manpower or firepower to strike a significant blow to more than one goa'uld home world."

He looked a bit flustered and frustrated but nothing I needed to worry about. He finally sighed. "Do have any suggestions then?"

I smiled. "Well, you could always ask Teal'c to teach the goa'uld to your people then use strike teams to stealthily sneak aboard the goa'uld ships and take control of them. Ships go missing all the time amongst goa'uld as they steal from each other when they're not looking. Take a ship or two and return to earth with it before taking it apart and reverse engineering them to understand and build your own."

He frowned. "That's a hell of a risk."

I nodded. "But the reward is there as well. The bigger the risk and all that fun stuff."

He nodded. "You would help I take it?"

I shook my head. "No, but I'd certainly watch the fun. The sad part is you have four immortal witches at your disposal, each with the power to cloak teams and kill with a thought if they wanted to. You haven't even realized your biggest assets are those wanting to help. Not to mention the fact that each of them could destroy an army of thousands if they got angry."

My words struck a cord as he called in an officer and started making plans. The stack of papers gave exact details each goa'uld and the size and locations of their fleets. The size of their armies and who their enemies were. Hell they even had an in depth psychological analysis of each goa'uld from yours truly.

I'd really been bored and was now contemplating eating a few planets full of wraith to pass the time. I'd eat the replicators but I had a feeling they'd go down wrong and I don't feel like digesting metal.

I got up just as the general called in Jack to ask for his suggestions. I passed him on the way out heading for the cafeteria. I want to see what passes for food on this planet.

I found Janet in there and decided to join her. I ate a few burgers and a couple steaks while listening to her talk about the medical bed. It all sounded rather boring so when I felt Faith stir I headed to find her leaving Janet talking to air.

I woke her up with the real thing as I discarded the toy and woke her up properly. She only went two rounds before falling back to sleep as she was comfortable again with me inside her.

I decided the base was boring so I slept for a while till I heard a knock at the door that woke the girls up with me. Faith grumbled and slid off me as she was the closest to the door. I cleaned her with a thought and she grabbed her clothes before answering for them.

Jack was surprisingly the one there as he was looking for Sam to go to Hammond. Lexi got up and headed for the shower with Sam while I saw Jack peeking into the room. He quit when I took away his eyesight. It was an involuntary choice on his part.

When the girls were all dressed and showered I returned his sight as he could watch me be naked all he wanted, I couldn't care less what turned the mortal on. I got up and he looked away real fast.

After I showered I joined the mission briefing for Gaia. It was Lexi's turn to go and she was happy to meet them. When the briefing was over Hammond asked Buffy and the girls not going on the mission to stay while the team went to gear up.

I stayed to watch and took away from it that he'd asked Teal'c about teaching the language to the teams along with Daniel's help. They'd agreed since they had a specific mission in mind for it but that it would take weeks if not months for them to get a firm enough grasp of it to be effective.

They each agreed to help on the mission as it was the goa'uld they were fighting and they could easily put the innocent people to sleep instead of killing them. When they gave the ok he seemed relieved so I took it as a go ahead to leave. I took them topside to a fancy candle lit restaurant for breakfast in Paris.

Then while they were full and happy I took them to a professional message parlor and spa for the day. I was bored and it felt good. We finished the night off at a fancy steak house in Texas.

There I ordered several cows worth of steak and ate with the voracity of a starving man. They weren't much different with their slayer appetites either, well, except Alice.

When we got back to base I had to hear the general complain about us going out into the world but only so much as it took me to remove his mouth telling him. "If you're worried about your silly planet I can assure you you couldn't protect it from me either way. I'm not your subordinate nor do I need to listen to you. Tell it to someone who cares. My wives needed pampering and I gave it to them."

He wasn't my main concern at the moment anyway. Lexi was back and she was mad i hadn't taken her as well. Instead she had to listen to what she now referred to as 'annoying tree people' talk about them being too young to understand this or that.

She was still fuming when I wrapped my arms around her and told her. "I'll take you out tomorrow and treat you to some one on one date time, wherever you want to go."

She cheered up until she felt me and growled. "You're still in the dog house so don't think about it buster."

She huffed and I was left standing next to Sam. She shook her head. "Don't look at me I have work to do. I have to help our technicians break down and understand the medical bed so that we can reverse engineer the technology."

I sighed. "Would it help if I said you couldn't as it requires a specific element not on your periodic table?"

She shook her head before asking. "What element is that?"

Sighing I handed her a small piece of trinium. "It's called trinium and it's required to make the technology to work the deep micro scanners. Without it even making a mock up would be next to useless."

She frowned. "But you clearly have some."

I nodded. "I do, but what could your people trade for it? Remember that I am a leader of worlds and need to look after my own interests beyond the bedroom love. While we are just beginning I won't be trading with you specifically for others to benefit."

She sighed. "Let me talk to General Hammond and see about allowing you to keep a home here on earth, not just a bunk room on base. I'd like to actually wake up in my own bed as well or at least in my own house."

I chuckled. "That's a start but how about I make up a list of requirements and you give it to him. In exchange I'll supply your people with all the trinium you would ever need. Just remember that if mixed with carbon it becomes some of the most durable material in the galaxy, next to my skin of course. The more advanced ships I'm having built are made out of that mixture."

She raised an eyebrow. "Ships? It's really that durable?"

I sighed. "And light weight. I'm sure you've noticed."

She nodded and felt the trinium some more before setting it down. I told her. "It's hard to find and very few planets have significant enough deposits of it but me being a god of nature does have it's perks. That plus magic and so long as a planet has a decent enough amount of a specific element, I can turn the entire planet into that element and break it up into chucks to be used at my leisure."

She was stunned as I chuckled. "Yes, I did it several times with some unique elements. Naquadah, the stuff the stargate's are made up of was the first I did it to. By the way never pressurize and super heat naquadah, it turns into a very unstable substance that gives of tons of radiation. If I were mortal I'd have been dead almost immediately. As it is it took a moment to purge the energies from myself."

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