26.9% A True Beginning / Chapter 53: Ch.8

章節 53: Ch.8

Elijah looked me over more closely now as he assessed what I was really like. Finally he seemed to give up asking. "Why did you leave us that day."

Sighing I poured myself a brandy before passing him one. "It's a long story and not one you'd appreciate right this moment. Suffice it to say there are an infinite amount of realities out there and reincarnation is a real thing."

He looked more shocked by my implications than what I'd insinuated. I took a draft before continuing. "And add to that that there are gods like we once worshipped walking and talking amongst mortals out there."

I looked him over with a critical eye now as I sighed once more. "Even gods fall when they do battle Elijah. I-I was among those that were once gods. I fell in battle above a realm i was protecting with wives and friends counting on me. Now imagine being bound by mere mortal witches a month after my rebirth."

I stood and paced a while before saying. "If I'd had a fraction of my power I'd have laid waste to the village and this planet when your bitch of a mother helped her witch mentor bind me to the moon, crippling my mind and denying me a return to power for a mortals lifespan."

Elijah looked choked and haggard now as I sighed. "The Kol you knew was a broken shell where the god should have been. No real soul nor any more emotion than to fill a thimble. I only had the cold lonely abyss to look forwards to and death would've been a respite except the rage that I harbored for those bitches. When they finally put me out of my misery and cursed me to this undead existence then broke their own curse upon me. Now I walk this mortal plane looking and seeking out power to return home. To lay waste to the fools who challenged my power!"

The walls crackled as my whole house shuddered under my power. I looked Elijah square in the eyes as his tears fell and spoke softly now. "My love was still there, even if I could not feel enough to express it more than once. I left you the rose petals to quell the bloodlust in you all and hoped you'd gain control and build lives of your own from the ashes of our old one. For you, my siblings, I forgave her and our bastard of a father their slights against me. I stayed my hand then to spare you seeing my wrath and left to fix myself and readjust to being alive once more."

His first question though innocent finally came. "What were you a god of?"

I smiled sadly. "I was a god of nature. Of rebirth if you'll believe it. My mother, Gaia, worshipped by witches all over loved me so that she tried her best to protect me. To get me to abandon the mortals and go to the realm of the gods. But I could not."

"My wives, their friends, my friends, were all mortal and as such forbidden in the land of the gods unless dead and claimed by said gods. So I fought, I fought a battle I knew I had no hope of winning without destroying the planet and killing those I loved so dear. For love I sacrificed my body, for honor my power, and for vengeance my soul. The gods high above answered and accepted my sacrifices and weakened my enemy whilst giving those I cared about a glimmer of hope."

I brushed the glass in my hand before looking down in sorrow. "The truth is I know not what happened to them after my death Elijah. It is why I will drain all the power I can from the dead and the evil whilst purifying it all to go back. I need to know, it is the only way my soul may settle and I'll slaughter any man or god that gets between me and my goals to do so."

I sat back down while flicking a finger and vanishing the broken glass and spilt alcohol. I looked at Elijah once more in the eyes before saying. "I know you feel the loss of your family as keenly as I do mine so I shall give you the hope I have. Niklaus did not bury them at sea. He has them shipped in coffins all over the world and he will continue to do so until he has them all or feels lonely enough to free one."

I flicked my finger and sent a bolt of power into him saying. "He can be redeemed Elijah, but if you still feel he must die instead, that power will give you the strength necessary to carry it out no matter the obstacles in your way. The moment you decide otherwise it will disperse. A gift to a former brother as I'm no longer Kol Mikaelson, the warrior. I am Ryan Masters, the reborn god."

Thunder cracked at the sound of my name before a thought cleared the sky once more. Sighing I said. "You need no witch to do the honors with what I've given you. It is more than enough to destroy his immortality and kill him once and for all. Send you pets away Elijah, this is my territory and while I was lenient to your last witches I will not be from now on."

He sighed. "And what of the doppelgänger and the moonstone?"

I flipped a finger and the moonstone entered my hand. "If you desire to right the wrong you and Mikael forced upon him with Esther then I shall ensure her survival. She is under my protection and I will not budge from it. As for the vampire and werewolf. The vampire we have in the basement locked up and there are plenty of werewolves on the outskirts of town. It seems the Salvatore brothers have a knack for pissing people off."

He smirked and I nodded. "They too are under my protection as is my apprentice and a mate I've taken in this world. She is a vampire and her name is Lexi Branson. If you'd allow I'd introduce you to her, but I must warn you Elijah, if you harm her in any way I will kill you without mercy."

He shivered at my gaze as I promised further. "There is no place on this planet I cannot find you in an instant and while I'd return her to live I would endeavor to make your afterlife an eternal torture so profound you would rather be skinned alive for eternity instead."

My words grew heavier as I spoke and the sky darkened once more before I let it go back to normal saying. "I apologize for the weather but I've yet to acclimate the new magic I've taken in. Once it is fully under my control it will no longer happen. But you get the picture I hope."

He nodded before downing his own glass and standing while buttoning his suit up. "I'll see to the witches for now."

I tossed the moonstone to him. "Wait a few days before you lure Niklaus here. I'll have everything set to save the doppelgänger then. I don't really wish to bring her back to life from the other side so I'll be doing a spell before hand. It will see her alive and well even if Nik tears her in half. You should know something Elijah. If and when you see hope for his redemption, it will be a series of battles like you've never faced before."

I stood as well saying. "If you find you have need of me then, I will answer your call."

I flicked a finger and the same tattoo appeared on his forearm as well. "All you have to do is think about me and I will hear and come. No explanation needed as I will protect that hope and lay waste to your enemies even if they are the gods themselves."

He smiled genuinely now and clasped my arm before saying. "God or brother, you never changed did you?"

I snorted. "I've changed plenty. I can smile now and mean it. It no longer feels hollow and empty to say I love you Elijah. Even if we are no longer family I've never stopped truly caring about you all. Well, Esther and Mikael can go fuck themselves but you, Niklaus, Finn and Becca will always have a place in my heart. Though if that place is in any way filled by a dagger you all seem fond of we shall have words."

He smirked before saying goodbye and leaving in a blur of motion. Sighing I took notice that Lexi came back carrying the bell in the car not long after his departure. Sighing I put the bell with the rest as I no doubt needed time before taking on Cade.

I wasn't expecting anywhere near the amount of magic the armory contained and thus I needed time to acclimate it all. Luckily I had a plan for that as well. What solar system had no star at the center?

It already beat with a power all it's own so all I needed to do was tame it and put it back together. While the ladder will be relatively easy the former will take a great deal of time and concentration.

For a quick fix though I can bring it to heel but avoid using it unless necessary. I didn't plan on taking on any major powers any time soon so there was little worry of that. After Lexi mentioned Elijah helping them out of the vampires Elena had poked with a stick via Slater, I heard little on the problem front as Stefan was out fetching John and supposedly Isobel if he can swing it.

Smiling as everything was on track I sat down in meditation telling Lexi to wake me in the morning as I was only doing the basics for now. I delved right in and started putting the power I collected from the armory back into its sun sized form.

A minor task compared to what's ahead but still formidable enough to take a few hours. Once I'd reformed it I began reinforcing my will over it as to calm the blazing power. It didn't actually burn thank the gods but it did come with serious mental strain as immediately a seal locked away half the power.

It actually worked in my favor as it calmed half the power all on it's own. After a night and part of the morning I had it under a basic enough control as to not cause interference with my planetoid sized power ball.

Sighing as it was the best I was going to get right now I stood up and headed for the shower. I found Lexi there waiting for me and enjoyed the morning. It was a great start to a rather droll day. Stefan successfully got John back in town while he was hinting at a way to kill an original they didn't much bite on that hook.

Stefan then proceeded to antagonize the wolves by going to see Tyler. That in itself wouldn't have been a problem if they hadn't captured Caroline to even the odds. As soon as we arrived we set out with Damon to meet up with Stefan.

We then went to the wolves camp where they tried to foolishly surround us. Lexi spoke to them evenly as they surrounded us all. "Hand over Caroline and you won't all be slaughtered. Refuse and all but three of you will die. Tyler of course, being one of those three."

The alpha snorted. "I'd like to see that. Get em boys."

Lexi snorted and looked at me as I sighed and snapped my fingers. Werewolf heads exploded all over leaving the two alphas alive. I hit them both with full body binding spells saying as they both it the ground. "Stefan, Damon, carry the luggage please. Lexi see to Caroline."

I turned to Tyler saying. "Next time you'd better choose more wisely or that'll be you littering the forest with your brains. Go home before I decide it still might be."

He didn't make it two feet before throwing up. After Caroline and Lexi were out I sent the trailer and vehicles into the earth as they dissolved with the bodies into minerals. Feeling a bit smug I waved a hand healing Caroline while removing the wood pieces.

Sighing I told her. "If you'd like I can remove the memory of the pain as well or dampen it to a degree."

She shook her head. "I don't want to forget. It makes me stronger."

I smiled. "Indeed it does. That's why I've never tinkered with anyone else's mind so willingly. Pain is a reminder that you're not unkillable and therefore you learn from it. I only offered because I know what it's like to be held in a cage and tortured for the amusement of others. I do sympathize with you Caroline and should you need someone that understands to talk to I'll listen."

She smiled weakly before thanking me. I turned to Stefan and Damon who were carrying the wolves. With a growl I grabbed both wolves and gave them my memories of the Romanian's. It was no longer my worst experience by far but it was something they could understand.

They screamed in agony till I muted them with a spell saying. "And now they know what it's like to be held for a thousand years and tortured the same."

I sent them both to their new cages in my basement with a thought. "There. That'll hold them until Klaus gets to town. Shall we head back to your place Damon? I could use a drink and the stuff I have isn't ready to be cracked open."

He nodded and we ran there together. After arriving Stefan shared a round with us before taking off with Caroline. He took her to a slumber party with Elena and Bonnie before coming back to enjoy a few rounds with us.

John even showed up and asked to speak with me alone. I entertained the bug and as soon as I turned by back to lead the way he stabbed me in it, literally. I felt the dagger pierce my heart as he spoke to the room. "See, it can kill an original very easily."

I heard a snap and crunch but that was it as my body desiccated to quick for me to do anything more. I awoke roaring what seemed like the next morning but was a few moments later as I'd melted the dagger in my body and removed it's power over me.

I grunted as I stood up and saw Lexi and Damon covered in blood and John missing a heart along with his throat ripped out. The desiccation went away and I noticed the Gilbert family ring on his finger. I was tempted to remove it along with his head but then we'd be sacrificing Jeremy and Elena would frown on that causing problems.

Asking I turned to the only none bloody person in the room. "Stefan, how long was I out? Dead to be more precise?"

He answered while frowning at me. "Nearly ten minutes. How are you back up? How did you-"

I smirked. "Melt the silly dagger in my heart?"

He nodded and I waved a hand cleaning Damon and Lexi up. "I'm far too powerful and not just a vampire. A silver dagger dipped in white oak ashes can take down an original vampire and would've worked on Elijah, Rebekah or Finn. But I've a bit of werewolf in me and my witch powers as well. Both allowed me to heal as werewolves heal under silver blades. And while the daggers magic is powerful, my power is far greater. I absorbed the daggers magic and destroyed it from the inside. Hence the melting."

I thanked Damon who brushed it off before taking Lexi in my arms while she shivered. She knew it wouldn't kill me permanently but it did kill me and thus I told them. "With my death just now as I was indeed technically dead, Katherine would have been released from my compulsion. We can safely assume they were working together as I know for a fact she knew what would happen and the Gilbert's have done their own research into the original family."

As I told them John's wounds healed and he took a sucking breath. I kicked him, snapping his neck with ease saying. "I'm a bit petty when it comes to those who've killed me. Let the bastard sleep for a while longer. When he wakes up again tell him what I plan to do to him to ensure Elena's survival. See how far his parenting love really goes."

I turned from Stefan and Damon before taking Lexi and heading home. There she spent the night just making sure I was still alive while I comforted her.

The next day Stefan decided to take Elena to the lake house she and the Gilbert's own. Damon mentioned Tyler leaving town to find himself while I spent rest of the day and onwards in meditation to bring the new power more under my control.

A week later I awoke from my meditation with Elijah at the door and Lexi wanting to have me awake before she let him in. Smiling as I'd taken great strides in harnessing the power I told her. "He knows what I'll do if he ever harms you love. You've little to fear from him but all the same I'll start helping you harness and control your own magic's soon enough."

She let Elijah in who then took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Enchanting. Like my brother-"

I growled but he continued. "-said, you've nothing to fear from me. I would no more lay a hand on you than I would Rebekah our-"

I growled again as he continued to ignore me. "-sister."

She shook her head and took her hand away. "Don't ply me with false hope. I know for a fact you've staggered your sister a few times over the century. If you think that promises of not hurting me are any good then you've clearly not realized the damage you and your siblings do to each other. I should warn you though, he's not joking when it comes to my safety. He will kill you and your siblings if that's what it takes to protect me."

I smiled before sighing. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that but it is a fact nonetheless. Now, I'm assuming you are here because you're ready to lure Niklaus into town?"

He nodded. "I've also seen Katerina flitting about the Salvatore house."

I shrugged. "Right your letter and I'll send it to him as for the idiotic bitch, well, all good things in due time. I've recently realized I have other things to accomplish before leaving her to her fate. For now-"

Elijah held the letter out to me. I took it and decided not to read it as I did a blood tracking spell and broke the spells hiding his current location. Grunting I told Elijah. "He's in England. This should be fairly simple though his witches are struggling to keep him hidden. Amusing as it is to see the struggle-"

I did the spell and sent the letter to him. "-there. He has it now. I'll let his witches flounder about. I'm curious though. What did it say?"

He waved a hand as he sat down. "I merely told him that I have all the ingredients including the doppelgänger and with the sending of the letter, a witch powerful enough to do the spell. And of course that if he should like to break the curse than no tricks should be played as he comes to town or I'll kill the doppelgänger and he'll be cursed forever as she's the last of her line. I of course may have mentioned I've a surprise like never before should he come with peaceful tidings."

I grunted. "While I don't mind meeting him Elijah, I am aware of what he's become like over this millennium. I highly doubt he will come peacefully but if he does then that shall be a surprise all it's own."

I took Lexi's hand as she sat across my lap before telling him. "You're free to stay here Elijah but I should warn you, any violence in this house is redirected at the attacker if it's not me or Lexi. The werewolves and vampire are in the basement. Feel free to feed them as Lexi has. They don't much like rats but they've come to appreciate the generosity of this house to enemies."

I picked Lexi up as I stood and vanished to the bedroom. I put up a sound barrier and simply held her for a while. Neither of us were in need or the mood for more. The next day I meditated while Lexi went to hang out with Stefan and put out fires.

I'd placed so many charms and wards on her that she could go toe to toe with Elijah and be fine for a while at least. Paranoia truly is the best preparation starter. She of course gave Katherine a good beating for messing with the boys. She then instructed Alaric to tell Jenna that Isobel left him and in his grief he told the cops she disappeared and that he simply gave up trying to find her to ask why she'd left him.

It worked like a charm believe it or not as Jenna understood being left like that. They made up and while Alaric didn't ask for his ring back from John he did punch him for starting all that crap. Alaric went on to say that he'd been messed up at one point as Isobel had shown up a while back as she blew through town.

He mentioned it being a painful experience and that he hadn't mentioned it before because he'd rather forget her now and focus on what he did have. That was apparently exactly what she needed to hear as they made up and acted like bunnies afterwards.

It wasn't a total shocker when Isobel showed up the next night and revealed John had been in touch either. Alaric however told Jenna that he'd see her later as he wanted no part of Isobel and her drama. He left her there as she slapped John.

Elena was in a bit of a mess as she hadn't mentioned talking to Isobel but not nearly as bad since Alaric had been almost completely honest. It didn't hit Jenna as hard since it made sense that Isobel would see Elena when she came to town.

Lexi gave me the inside scoop as she'd been hanging out and talking girl talk with Elena when it went down. Growling I sighed as I felt the witch come to town. I told Lexi before popping off to take his magic and leave him dead before sending the body to Klaus in a flash of flames with a note pinned to it's chest that read.

(To whom this may concern, practicing witches not of the Bennett line are banned from Mystic Falls. Should you attempt to send more be prepared for more notes like this. Sincerely, your worst nightmare should you test my patience.)

It was a few days after that, that there was a response. Whilst meditating I felt another witch arrive and this time it accompanied Niklaus in person. I was a bit surprised when I teleported in as I hadn't scried for him, I'd only felt her arrive.

He stared at me in shock as a rare tear came to his eyes. I sighed. "Niklaus, it is good to see you. Though you'll forgive me if I send your witch back to England. I don't allow witches not of the Bennett line in Mystic Falls. Did you not get my last message?"

He smiled a bit now. "A bit on the nose but point taken. Leave us. You're no longer required here. Go back to the coven."

The female witch smiled and kissed him before leaving silently. I sat down in his lofty apartment and said. "Don't expect to dagger me like you've done the others Niklaus. You've not the skill nor would it do more than piss me off. I've already destroyed one such dagger after being stabbed with it."

He shook his head while I could see himself trying not to cry. I smiled weakly. "I left Niklaus, not because of you or Rebekah or Elijah or even Finn. But because I'd been cursed my entire human life because of Esther, Mikael and Ayanna deemed me an abomination. I'm sure you remember the full moons and the screams in the forest."

He nodded and I sighed. "I barely felt alive because of them. Trapped in a skin that was never my own. I needed to leave or I'd have killed them and maybe more in my wrath. You saw what I did to that poor village girl. I'm a ripper, the first I believe. I couldn't put you all in that danger either as I might've eaten all of you. So I left. I went several miles out of the village and found a cave. There I slept trying to fix myself after the damage they'd done to me. My mind, it was not safe for others nor myself. I awoke less than two centuries ago and sought you out with magic. What I saw-"

His tears actually fell then as he nodded. "Not my finest moments I take it?"

I shook my head. "Finn and Rebekah in a coffin with the bitch Esther as well. Elijah and you were killing a whole room of innocent bystanders. It, it gave me great pause Niklaus. To see such things as I'd denied myself those very things. I knew if I returned I would become something I would not recognize and so I stayed away."

I looked up to him with a small smile though saying. "I can feel them now. My emotions. They're no longer muted as before and even heightened beyond what I'd expected. Even now I deny myself blood as magic feeds my body to sustain myself. I can not drink like you or Elijah as it becomes all consuming and I loose all reason. So you'll understand if I forebear."

He sighed now as I finished speaking. "I'll admit it's not my greatest moment to be seen like that when you've slept and missed the changes we've went through over time. I fear time itself is our enemy as it makes us do things we would never have done as humans."

I grunted in acknowledgment and he continued softly. "It truly is a great surprise to see you even if it's not the best of situations brother."

I looked him in the eye and sighed. "And you as well Niklaus. I met Elijah when he came to town a while back looking for rumors of the doppelgänger. You should know that while he had intended to use her to lure you out and kill you as he thought you'd dropped them in the bottom of the sea, I've since persuaded him against that notion and told them you had not."

"That you would not do such a thing especially to family. Out of all of us, even Rebekah, I would rebel against that notion of you. You were too kind hearted and full of laughter back then. The prodigy swordsman and the way you took care of Rebekah and Henrik. You were too nice, even with what time has done to you, to ever inflict such a fate on family."

He gave me a great full look before asking. "Was that you that sent the letter inviting me to town?"

I nodded. "Elijah's letter but yes, I broke the hiding spells and sent it as he wished to break this curse you seem to have attracted. I must ask, was it Esther herself that did it or was it that bitch Ayana? Either way I should've ripped them apart before I left."

He smiled a rare genuine smile before sighing. "It was Esther. She Mikael and Elijah worked together to curse me. Like you they left me feeling hollow and empty inside."

I nodded. "Then the next full moon we shall break this curse of yours. I'm sorry I cannot do it sooner but it requires the full moon from what I've been told. Elijah has the rock and I've been studying up on the ritual. The doppelgänger, I know you need kill her for the ritual but I intend to have her survive it as I'll bring her back afterwards."

He went to speak and I shook my head. "She is innocent Niklaus. I'll not have innocent blood on my hands because of Esther's meddling. She can be revived and so I shall do so. If you'd like though you can kill the werewolves I've brought and the vampire I've prepared. Neither are innocent and both are deviants in their own ways."

He swallowed before saying. "I was hoping to build a new species, like me."

I sighed. "I highly doubt Esther would be so kind as to simply make it so easy Niklaus. I imagine if you can do it to begin with then it'll be a task all its own. The doppelgänger won't mess with that so long as your wolf half is unlocked. Yes, I'm aware we were never truly full brothers, but we were brothers nonetheless and that's all that mattered to me Niklaus."

I placed my hand on the side of his face saying. "You are still the first person I've ever been able to say I love to Niklaus. Even in my hollowed nearly emotionless form I felt it. You were my brother and I loved you enough to express it even then. I love Rebekah, Finn and Elijah as well but as you should understand I abandoned Milael's name a long time ago. I am no longer that person Niklaus. Even if I still feel the same inside, I cannot be what you need. I left to protect you but I stayed gone to protect myself."

Sighing I stood up. "I will help you break this curse and hope that you two can feel whole once more, but then I shall not be apart of the family Niklaus. I cannot. You've all changed and will continue to do so but I've changed as well. I've a mate now, her name is Lexi. I know your view as I've caught glimpses of how you've treated Rebekah's mates over the years and even Elijah's."

He shook and tried to promise. "I would never-"

I shook my head. "No, but then, you have before. So have they. You've all eventually hurt each other in so many ways. You've felt that love though, you had to. To know what it's like to be loved like that. I cannot risk it Niklaus. It would destroy me and through my wrath, the world. Yes, I am that powerful. If I didn't keep a leash on my powers my emotions would be creating storms all over the world right now Niklaus, Nik."

He sighed and I told him. "I do not think even you and the others would survive it if I lost her. I would quite literally crack the planet in half Nik. And for that alone I cannot risk her coming to harm. Rebekah will understand after she gets the spite out of her system. How like Mikael she is in that but like you in her ever feeling love. I cherish those memories now even though I cannot feel much of what happened then I still cherish them and thus they must remain memories."

I sighed. "Call Elijah. Make amends if for no other reason than he is your brother. He like you needs love as well. He craves yours while you crave a families love. Rebekah craves that of a lover and family of her own. Perhaps even to be a mother some day. I just hope you all get what you desire most. And for the love of all Niklaus, remove the daggers. They should never have been used on them and you know it."

He shed one last tear as he spoke. "But-"

I shook my head sighing. "This world is small Nik, and we are eternal. You and Elijah even found me after a thousand years. Hell, I interfered and with Mikael and allowed Elijah to escape in New Orleans back then. I've tried to help since I've awoken and even threatened Mikael. He is bound and chained in a crypt else where now and should not bother you now. You've the chance to actually live and rebuild if you do please."

I shook my head. "Remove the daggers after your curse is lifted if that's what you wish but know that you are robbing them of the same life you cherished so much as a boy with each day and year that passes. Finn most of all. If he was such a bore as Elijah thinks then you should've let him be a bore elsewhere. Robbing someone of the chance to live is the way Esther worked. She robbed us both in turn and you've knowingly or not, done the same to them."

He gasped as the realization struck him that I was now comparing him to Esther. I sighed. "I shall see you on the full moon. I'll bring everything including the doppelgänger. Just go where you wish to have it held and I will find you."

I teleported home and went to get a drink and some very potent marijuana. Speaking with him brought back memories of pain and sadness from those years and while some would be cold I could not. I'd lived and grown up with him and knew his pain.

I spent the rest of the evening getting hammered.

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