22nd April 1574
With everything regarding the Steam Horse already set in motion, there was no need for me to linger around. After making sure that I pushed as many people as it was possible into laying down the bricks, hauling them towards the construction site and preparing the mortars, I split the remaining group into two, sending one of them right back to cutting down trees while tasking the other one with the long and mundane job of digging up the huge area of ground, of a perfect, one hundred by one hundred meters square (110yards).
Just the volume of the ground that I wanted them to excavate would be enough to create an insanely huge pile of earth, so to make the task a bit easier, rather than going entire one meter down to the ground, I settled with half of this depth, while ordering them to stack the uncovered earth at the boundaries of the excavated pit, to make up for the remaining part.
No matter how much I try, I can't really nail the description to make it any easier than what it is now, hence, I will link the image I had in my mind in the comment... But as I'm writing it in advance already, please, be so kind as to remind me about it if you have any trouble understanding the content of the chapter!