76.09% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3120: PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT


Sasha woke up knowing this was the last year Trevor would be around the house during her husband's month long camping trip. Well it used to be three weeks, then it grew to a month and the last few years it has stretched to five weeks and a few travel days.

Sasha didn't mind the trip, she was very happy to be completely independent herself for a few weeks each year. She of course loved her step son, Trevor, but she actually liked him a lot as well. The only role she had ever played in raising him was driving him around a little before he got his license since she had married his father when he was 15, but now he was a senior in high school, almost 19 and heading off to college next year.

She made breakfast and was a bit surprised when Trevor didn't appear from his room. An hour went by and he still; no Trevor. She listened from outside his door and didn't hear anything, "Hey Trevor you OK?" She called through the door.

"Ya, I'm fine." He replied sounding annoyed.

"OK, let me know if you want anything." she said realizing she would need to explore further.

Sasha opened up her laptop and logged into a few of her fake social media accounts. She had felt guilty when she created them, but in this day and age it was the only way to know what was going on in a kids life.

Sasha was a little confused as she began sorting through some of the comments. It appeared that Trevor had been with his good friend Aaron, Aaron's girlfriend Gina and a girl Sasha hadn't ever heard of before named Morgan.

Sasha gasped when she figured out what had happened. At first she felt bad for Trevor, then she felt embarrassed for him, and then she felt a little sick for knowing. She read on. Soon she had a knuckle in her mouth, feeling so bad for her sweet Trevor as it seems like this was not the first time it had happened to him.

Trevor had cum prematurely.

Based on what she was figuring out from their snide comments he had cum really prematurely, like maybe as soon as he had gotten his hand inside her shirt. A new comment was added from another girl Sasha didn't recognize, she said he didn't make it past her kissing his neck with her.

Sasha felt so bad for Trevor, he had become so good looking in the last year, it was no surprise there were plenty of girls interested in him, but he didn't seem to be able to enjoy it.

She didn't know what to do but she understood why he was feeling annoyed and probably frustrated.

The day turned to evening and Trevor had only come out of his room for a few minutes here and there. Sasha decided to order pizza to try and lure him out for a bit.

He was quiet as he ate, Sasha just wanted to hug him and tell him not to worry about it. "So are you going out tonight?" He rarely stayed home on a Saturday night.

"Ahhh, naw, I don't think so." He replied, his mouth half full of pizza. Sasha felt bad but didn't make a thing of it.

An hour later Sasha was surprised to see headlights in the driveway. Trevor came out of his room looking much nicer than he usually did. He smelled good too, Sasha didn't even know he owned any kind of cologne let alone a nice one.

"Hey I changed my mind, I'll be back later." He said, sounding a little nervous.

"Oh ok hun, call me if you need anything." Sasha said, but she didn't think he was paying any attention.

An hour and a half later Trevor came back in the door and headed for his room without saying a word. Sasha's heart sank. She logged back on. It only took a moment to see what had happened. He had met up with Morgan again, and it sounded like he had talked a big game and then the same thing had happened.

She watched as Trevor was mocked online in real time. Her eyes started to tear up, her stepson was the butt of the joke for all these dipshit girls. Any of them would be more than lucky to have such a nice sweet boy as a boyfriend.

Sasha stared at his door, knowing he was just on the other side of it feeling horrible. She knocked, and surprisingly he said come in.

She stepped into his room, saw him lying on his bed facing away from her. "Umm is there anything you want to talk about hun?" she asked, having no idea what he might say.

"No" he said, but it didn't sound like he wanted to be left alone.

"So who did you go out with tonight?"

"A girl named Morgan, but I don't think I like her." He rolled over and faced her as he said this.

Sasha sat down at his desk chair, leaning towards him. "That's fine. I'm sure there are lots of girls." she said, trying to sound light hearted.

He just kind of grunted at that comment. "Hun, you can tell me anything, is there something on your mind?"

"No." he said, rolling away.

She paused, "Are you sure hon, I wont be mad about anything, like..." she paused again "Like ummm, if you are ummm like want to ask about anything like... physical with a girl or have questions about something like that." Sasha stopped talking wishing she had been able to be even slightly smooth about that.

He didn't move. He didn't say anything.

"Trevor? Hon?"

His voice was unexpectedly harsh. "Are you stalking my friends online? I know some people's parents do that, I thought you were cooler than that."

Sasha's heart dropped, damn she was not as smart as she thought she was.

"Oh fuck." he said burrying his head in his pillow.

"Honey, it's ok, please lets not make a big deal about this, it's not like I didn't expect you were having sex." Sasha just wanted to make him feel better.

He kept his head facing away from her. She didn't know if he was going to yell at her, or cry or what. "Ya I wish I could make it to having sex." He muttered.

Sasha was glad he wasn't looking at her, she couldn't hide her grimace. Had he never made it past some fumbling hand stuff?

"Well ok... Ummmm, maybe I could like teach you a breathing technique." She didn't like how her voice went up at the end, she didn't feel very confident.

There was a long pause. Finally he rolled over and said "OK fine."

She was shocked, he must be really desperate.

She showed him how to breath in through his nose and out of his mouth, holding his breath slightly. They did it together a few times.

"So ummm how will this help?" he asked.

Sasha didn't realize how awkward this could get. "Well ummm, maybe as you ummm you know umm start to do things, if you concentrate on your breathing it ummm might distract you and ahhhhh make things go ummm a little slower."

He nodded and took another breath like she had shown him.

The next day Sara came over to see Trevor. She was a sweet girl, not very stylish, Sasha assumed she had gotten a pair of glasses in eighth grade and just kept them since then.

Sasha retreated to her bedroom. She knew that they had some kind of relationship in the past, but she also knew Sara had never said anything mean about Trevor online.

It was only twenty minutes later when she heard the front door thud close. Sasha came out of her room. Trevor was in his room but the door was open, he had changed his clothes but was sitting at his desk chair with his head in his hands.

"Oh honey, did ummm that not go well?"

He was obviously very upset. "I don't get it, I did it like right before she got here and I still couldn't..." he trailed off. It took Sasha a minute to realize he had just told her he had also jerked off recently.

"OK so the breathing didn't help?" she asked obviously knowing the answer but wanting to fill the silence.

"I don't know, I tried I think... I don't know."

Sasha paused, she really had no idea how far to go with this, but he obviously wanted something from her. "Ummmm can I ask a personal question?" She said.

"Ya I mean at this point whatever." Trevor said.

"So ummm when you ummm like are doing it by yourself... Does it last longer then?" Sasha asked, a knot forming in her stomach.

"Ya it lasts a really long time then, I mean if I want it to."

"OK so ummmmm OK, like ummm how many girls has this happened with?" Sasha hoped she wasn't scaring him for life with this conversation.

Trevor paused and Sasha wondered if he was about to tell her to get out. "I think like seven."

Sasha's felt her eyes get wide. "Oh ok ummmm so seven times."

"Well no, seven girls, it's happened with some of them a bunch of times." Trevor looked up at her. "Oh god this is really bad isn't it?" Sasha thought he might cry.

"No, no, no, no, no this will be ok." Sasha wished she had said the word no two less times.

"Any time a girl is around at all I like can't control it." He said, exasperated.

There was a long pause, "You know, I really wanted to ask Laura to prom, and I really wanted that to ummm go well. I really like her." He told Sasha.

Sasha felt a little better moving towards more general high school crush talk. "OK so why were you going out with that Morgan girl and having Sara over?"

Trevor looked at her "I was trying to practice."

"Oh, Trevor, that is not a nice thing to do to girls. Sara is not a 'practice' girl. How do you think she would feel if she heard that."

Trevor sighed. "Ya, I get it, I'm gonna shower."

He left the room and Sasha was left having no idea if she handled that well or the worst way imaginable.


Trevor was quiet at dinner the next night. Finally Sasha asked what was wrong. She really hoped it was a new problem. "Well Laura finally asked if I was ever going to ask her to prom so I said ya, and now I'm going with her."

Sasha looked at him confused "Isn't that what you wanted?"

Trevor looked her in the eye, "Not if I'm going to make a huge ass of myself. I just can't..." he stood up and went into his room, slamming the door.

A few minutes later Sasha knocked and then let herself into his room. He was lying on the bed again. "OK let's figure out some kind of plan."

'I had a plan, but no, it's not nice so now I'm fucked."

"OK but that wasn't even working hon" Sasha was cut off.

"BUT IT MIGHT HAVE!" he snapped at her.

"OK, OK, OK... umm we will make a new plan. Ummmmm" Sasha trailed off.

"The breathing didn't work." He said, rolling back away from her.

"OK fine" Sasha said "we will do something else."

"Like what?"

"Ummmmmm ok. OK, I want to help, OK ... OK" Sasha took a deep breath. "OK..." She wasn't sure she could say it, "OK I'm going to sit over there, on your bed, facing that wall, and ummm you're gonna come here at your desk... and ummm you're going to umm do it with yourself." Sasha moved over to the end of the bed.

"What are you talking about?" Trevor asked.

"You said any time a girl is around you cant control it, well I'm a girl, I'll be around, this is the new plan. We'll get this fixed."

"Are you serious?" He asked sitting up and looking at Sasha.

"Do you have a better plan?"

Trevor moved to his desk chair, he had cum in that chair hundreds of times, usually looking at his laptop screen.

Sasha twisted her body to face the nearest wall, but she was still only six feet from him. She heard his belt unbuckle and then she could tell he was getting his cock out. "Ummm are you looking at me?" she asked.

"I umm I hadn't decided, should I be?" he asked back.

She really didn't know. "Ummm well what do you usually look at?" She asked, realizing he obviously usually watched porn.

"Well ummm stuff on my computer." he answered.

"Ummmm ok do that, and let's see if me being in here ummm makes it go faster or if it's the same amount of time."

"Ummm ok but I'm ummm gonna use headphones." Trevor said, spinning his chair back to facing his laptop.

At first Sasha was glad she wouldn't also be hearing the grunting and other noises of his porn, and she wouldn't know exactly what kind of porn he prefered. She didn't realize however that all she was left with was the sound of his lubed up hand slowly sliding up and down his cock. She closed her eyes and tried to think of anything other than her step son having an erection a few feet from her. She began counting. Slowly she heard the pace pick up, she knew what that meant, she hoped he would be quiet about it.

He wasn't loud but she would never forget the grunt and then feverish stroking of Trevor having an orgasm in the same room as her.

She continued looking at the wall, she heard him pull a tissue from the box, he must be cleaning himself up, she heard the belt buckle. She turned around and saw the laptop screen, a woman close to her age was on her knees sucking the dick of a much younger male. She tried to ignore that.

"Ummm the umm computer is still umm has the stuff on it." She alerted Trevor.

"Oh god ummm sorry." He said, closing it.

"So OK." Sasha said, trying to take an even tone. "Did that take the usual amount of time?"

"Ummmm ya I mean close I guess, but ummm it was kinda the same thing I usually do... well I mean I don't always watch that kinda of... But it seemed like ummmm."

'You don't have to explain that." Sasha said. "Well ok, I think that's good." she said.

"So ummm what's the next part of the plan?" Trevor asked, cum soaked tissue still on his desk.

Sasha had not considered the next part "Ummm next?" she asked.

"Well ya, I mean I doubt Jenn wants to spend prom night staring at a wall while I jerk off."

He was right. "I'll umm come up with something tomorrow." she said.

Sasha had a lot of trouble sleeping that night. A line had definitely been crossed but Sasha tried to convince herself that it wasn't that big of a line. On the other hand how would she help him with this if without doing something that was clearly over many many lines?

She fell asleep after having decided this was just something she wasn't going to be able to help with.

Sasha was shocked when she came out of her room in the morning and Trevor was showered and dressed. He usually got up about an hour later and barely got out the door in time to make it to school.

"Can we work on something before I go to school?" He asked, sounding very intense.

"Now?" Sasha asked, "Hon, I just woke up."

"I'm gonna see Laura in second period and I know I'm gonna like freak out. If I at least knew how you were going to fix this I would feel better."

"Honey," Sasha said with a small sigh. "I don't know if I can help, like this isn't something a parent usually... " She trailed off.

"Mom please please please please help. I know it's weird but I do not know what to do and I just can't... please try ..." He begged.

Sasha saw the tears forming in his eyes. Her heart broke.

"Mom, please" he begged.

"Oh god. OK. Ummmmm ok." Sasha truly had no idea what to do. "OK, why don't you tell me what you have been able to do." She couldn't believe she had said that.

"Ummmm ok, I have kissed girls, and I have touched them in some places, and ummm they sometimes touch my ummm you know"

Sasha cut him off. "OK just say the words ok hun?"

"Ummm ok, so I have touched girls umm butts, and their breasts over their shirts, and I'm usually ok if they touch my umm my dick over my pants."

Sasha was staring at the counter as she listened to his modest sexual experience. "OK so have you ever touched any woman under their clothes?"

"Yes, yes... But it usually ends really soon after that." He looked embarrassed for the first time.

"OK, what about them, have they ummm have they touched your ummm your penis with their hands at all?"

"Ya, a couple times. Carrie ummmm did it a few times before I finished." He made the jerking off motion with his hand.

"Carrie?" Sasha said surprised, Carrie was her friend's daughter, she didn't know they even spoke to each other.

"Uhhhh ya, is that ok?" He asked.

"OK yes, ummm ok let's not get sidetracked. Ok so umm have you ummm done things for these girls?"

"Ummm" he paused "I did Emily's math homework a few times."

"OK well don't cheat in school but I meant like, have you done things for them, umm sexually, like ahhhh going down on umm them." It was really early for this kind of talk, let alone with your step son.

"Ohhhhhh, yes yes, I fingered most of them and I went down on Carrie for like 20 minutes, she really liked that."

"OK that's good, I don't need to know all the details." Sasha said, her hands now out in front of her like she was trying to stop the words from getting to her ears. "OK umm how did those twenty minutes go?"

Trevor's head dropped again "I uhhh you know uhhh it happened twice."

Sasha was out of questions. There was nothing left to say. It was time to do something if this was going to go forward.

"OK Trevor, I want you to be thinking about Laura for now, ok?" She felt like she might be sick.

"OK mom." Trevor said.

"NO! You can't call me that if we are going to work on this. Laura ok?" Sasha tried to convince herself that mattered.

"OK" Trevor said a bit defensively.

Sasha turned away from him and put her hands flat on the counter. "Trevor come behind me, and put your hands on my chest." She closed her eyes and waited.

She heard him slowly walking across the room. He stopped just behind her, she could hear his breathing which had become heavier. His hand reached around her, between her body and her arm. Sasha closed her eyes tighter. His hand cupped her breast, his right hand, and then the left. He squeezed them, his body now was pressed against her, and she could feel his cock growing against her leg.

"Oh wow" Trevor mumbled as he squeezed then released and squeezed again, each time a little harder than the last.

Sasha shifted her weight, and when she did her ass moved across her step sons hard cock.

"Oh god, oh god. Oh god" Trevor said, pushing himself against her, humping her backside just a bit as he came.

Once he stopped neither Sasha or Trevor said a word. Trevor's pants were wet, and Sasha felt some of his cum on the leggings she had on.

"I think you should change so you're not late for school." Sasha said, turning away from him.

Trevor went to his room, changed and left without saying a word.

Sasha was left to think about this morning the rest of the day. She was a bit disgusted with herself, but on the other hand this was a real problem for Trevor. Being able to be intimate was important, and she was starting to think she could help. She would just need to break it down into tiny steps, get him used to things, like when he was trying to learn a new sport.

Sasha was waiting for Trevor when he got home from school. He came in the door and didn't really seem to know what to say to her. Sasha took the lead.

Sasha sat Trevor down, took his hand and looked him in the eye. "Honey I think I can help you with this but it something we can never talk about again afterwards" She paused "ae you really sure you want to do this?"

"Please mom, please, you have no idea how much I want help with this, I am begging you."

Sasha looked at him and could tell this was something that had been tormenting him for a long time.

Sasha stood and walked back over to the counter.

"OK, let's do this again." Sasha said, turning and putting her hands back on the same place they were this morning.

She felt him push himself up against her again, his waist and hips making contact with her first this time, his hands sliding up her side a little slower. Sasha was wearing a thin button down shirt with no bra. He began the same squeezing and releasing pattern, his hips pushing into her a little more this time. Sasha pushed her ass back into him.

They began an almost slow dance, grinding into each other. It lasted a minute, then a second, but not a third. Trevor grunted again, but this time Sasha kept rubbing her round ass against his pulsating cock.

Trevor began to pull away, but Sasha put her hands over his, holding them on her now hardening nipples. She didn't want to admit it, but her body was responding to this game."No, keep going." She directed him. She began unbuttoning her shirt, sliding his hands against her bare skin.

She continued to slowly massage her ass against his crotch, his cock softening slightly, then becoming ridged again.

"OK" he grunted.

Three minutes went by, "OK slide one of your hands down to my ass."

"OK" Trevor said again, his left hand on her tit, his right hand now caressing her backside.

Five minutes, and he had not cum a second time. "Mmmmm Trevor, that feels good." She decided to see if he could handle a little dirty talk.

"Ohhh" He moaned, his cock stiffening even further.

"Ya, spank me a little." Sasha added, wiggling her hips extra. He had gone seven minutes now.

She felt his hand leave her ass, and a moment later it came back down on it, with almost no force.

"Oh harder, harder." Sasha said, raising her voice.

That was all Trevor could handle as she spurted a second load into his now very wet pants.

Sasha turned around and stroked his face.

"I'm sorry mom, I'll do better." He said.

"Don't worry about it, we are going to get you there. Go clean up hon, I'm gonna start dinner." Sasha said, ignoring the cum that had smeared onto her legs.

Dinner was quiet but once the kitchen was cleaned up Sasha took a deep breath and called him out of his room.

"OK hon, we are going to switch this time." She said, a feeling in her gut she would never be able to describe.

"What do you mean?" he asked, not as hesitantly as Sasha would have liked.

"You're going to stand right where I was and I'm going to help you get used to being touched."

Trevor only hesitated a moment before assuming the position. He was wearing gym shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt. Sasha wasn't totally sure where to start so so reached up to his shoulders and began rubbing there, almost as if he had a sore muscle. She ran her hands down his back, and then around his sides. She pressed her body against him as she did this and that was the first time she noticed a growth start to extend out from under his shorts. She tried not to look at it.

"OK, take your shirt off." She whispered.

He pulled it off over his head, not turning around to look at him. She took her fingernails and began running them up and down his back, stroke it gently. She could hear him starting to moan just a bit, he was also adjusting his weight back and forth on his feet, she knew he was close.

"OK try the breathing we spoke about."

He did, she was glad he was trying. She didn't really know if it would help at all but it had been a few minutes and he hadn't cum yet, granted he already had at least three times that day.

It seemed to help some, the moaning slowed down some, and Sasha felt good, like maybe a little progress had been made. She pushed things a little further by lowering her hands down, onto his shorts. Not touching his cock, but the sides of his shorts, a little on his ass. She hated that she thought to herself what a nice ass he had.

This was obviously hard for him, but she kept going, she squatted down and slid a hand up the back of his shorts, she was surprised that he did not have anything on under them.

"Mom I'm really close." He mumbled.

"Laura, call me Laura honey." She said, knowing that was silly.

As she pushed her hands further up his shorts the head of his cock popped out, she had not seen it yet. It looked almost swollen as he fought to keep from cumming for even another moment.

She knew this wasn't what the point of this was, but she wanted to see it up close. She as she knelt behind him she wrapped her hands around to the front of his thighs and slid them to the top of his legs, just a fraction of an inch away from his engorged cock and squeezed.

That sent him over the edge and Trevor released one of the most satisfied sounding moans Sasha had ever heard. His cock began spraying all over the cabinet he was standing in front of. After that initial burst however it began to drip down onto Sasha's hands. Sasha felt the warm gooey semen of her stepson on her and for a brief moment wondered what it tasted like.

Sasha collected herself. "That was good honey, why don't you go clean up and I'll take care of things here."

"OK ummm thank you." Trevor said, adjusting his shorts and heading to his room.

Sasha looked at her hands, there was still cum on her fingers. She looked down the hall to make sure Trevor didn't come back for something, then she licked her hand, first the right and then the left. She couldn't lie to herself about that, that wasn't to help him, that was for her.

This pattern went on for a few days, each taking turns groping each other, Trevor did a little more pinching and spanking, Sasha doing more and more dirty talk. Trevor began lasting longer and longer. Until finally, one night after dinner it happened.

Trevor and Sashsa were both completely naked Trevor had begun leaning with his back to the counter, Sasha was kneeling before him, running her hands slowly up and down his legs. His hard cock was only inches from her face but they both pretended that was not a problem. She had been rubbing him for nearly ten minutes.

"Ummm, mom or I mean Laura, I don't think it's going to happen." Trevor said

"Oh big boy, it's ok let it out." Sasha hadn't been listening to him, she was thinking about how she would pretend to be slow moving out of the way and was going to let him shoot some of his cum onto her.

"No really, I mean I know it looks like I'm going to but I'm not close at all."

Sasha stopped, looked up and then looked around her stepson's hard cock and asked 'Oh wow really?"

"Ya, I am sure! This is great! Thank you so much!" Trevor said, pulling his shorts back up. "This is really working!"

"Ya, great job hon." Sasha said not as enthusiastically as she should have been.

An hour went by and Trevor was still in his room. Sasha knocked, "Hon, do you want anything?"

"No, I'm good." he replied.

"OK ummm hon one more question..." She hesitated. She should let it go.

"Ya mom?"

"Ummm will you be able to sleep ok, like you were pretty ummm worked up and then we didn't finish anything."

"Uhhh ya mom, I did the two other times so ya."

Sasha tried to convince herself she wasn't disappointed.

Two days went by and they didn't do any work. Trevor seemed like he had moved on, and Sasha kept telling herself that she didn't miss it.

On the third day Trevor came home very upset.

"MOM!" he screamed as soon as he came through the door.

"What hon?" Sasha said running into the living room.

"Mom I have a problem," He paused "Laura sent me a picture and ummm it happened from looking at it. Fuck!"

"Oh honey, ok we will work on it more." Sasha tried not to sound excited, but she was. "What was the picture?"

"Ummm she was standing in front of a mirror and she had one foot up on a chair, and she had her phone in one hand but the other hand was like holding her ummm her vagina kinda open, and she labeled it 'I can't wait to feel you here.' "

Sasha was a bit speechless, that was far more forward than she had ever been in high school.

"OK so what should we do sweetie?" she asked.

"I don't know mom but she obviously wants to do more than back rubs!" Trevor yelled.

"OK OK OK, hon, take a breath and calm down. We can umm practice other things. It'll be fine." She tried to reassure him.

"Ya ok mom, like come on, you're gonna help me get used to getting jerked off or get a blow job or have sex?" He threw himself down onto the couch.

Sasha stared at him for a moment. "Honey, I would do anything for you." she said, holding his eye contact.

They looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Sasha finally stepped forward and knelt in front of him.

"Close your eyes and think about Laura." She said. Trevor followed her instructions.

Sasha's heart was beating fast enough that she could feel it in her neck as she undid his pants and reached her hand inside. She wrapped her fingers around his hardening pole and pulled it out. His skin was incredibly hot. She just held it in front of her for a moment. Sasha took a deep breath, there was no defending this, as she raised her right hand and felt the skin pull up and then lower her hand and have it stretch back the other way, that was it. Sasha was jerking off her step son. No way to go back now.

Trevor's head was all the way back, his face turned to the ceiling. Sasha went very slowly, up, pause, down, pause, up, long pause, down.

It was only a few more strokes before she felt him push his hips up towards her, his breath quickening. She picked up her pace, knowing that would make it feel better for him, she wanted him to like it.

He began cuming, the gooey liquid shooting up into the air and landing on her hand and his stomach. He moaned in appreciation and clear ecstasy. It was over a moment later, before he opened his eyes he muttered "You're really good at that."

"Ok honey let me get you a towel."

Sasha came back into the living room, his cock now slowly shrinking back down. She wiped up his cum for him like he had spilled a drink at dinner. He said thank you when she was done.

They ate dinner on the same couch with the tv on. It was a reality show, normally very tame, but this episode the cast was visiting a beach and one young blond was filling out a tiny bikini in a rather surprising way.

Sasha glanced over at Trevor just in time to see him adjust his cock as he looked at her. Sasha felt a little jealous but pushed that feeling away.

"Do you like her sweetie?" she asked.

Trevor looked a little surprised, "Umm well ya, I mean, ya, she's ummm." he trailed off.

Sasha picked up the remote and rewound to the beginning of the scene. The camera was following behind her, zoomed in on her very round and very bouncy ass as she walked towards the water. Her bikini could barely be called visible as it rode up between her cheeks.

"You can think about her." Sasha said pressing play with one hand and freeing his cock with the other.

Sasha heard the scene they had just watched playing out as her head dipped into his lap. She wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and held them there. She knew it wouldn't take much to make him cum this way, so she tried to not move her mouth at all. She began the slow jerking motion with her hand, up and down once again.

It was only a moment before his cock was going a little more in and out of her mouth and Trevor adjusted himself in his chair. The noises he was making were more of a whimper than a moan.

Sasha let out her own moan, sending vibrations down her step son's cock. That was all he could handle.

What Sasha didn't expect was the pair of hands that came down on the back of her head, pushing most of his seven inches into her mouth and throat. His cum filled her mouth, salty and thick, coating her cheeks, tongue and teeth. She swallowed as fast as she could, it poured into her.

Finally it stopped and he released her. Sasha sat up and slapped him hard enough that she thought it might leave a mark. "You asshole!" She began "You NEVER do that to a woman!"

Trevor looked shocked, he began to speak but Sasha cut him off. "If a woman is kind enough to suck your dick you don't ever press her head down!"

"OK mom I'm sorry." he said rubbing his cheek.

"OK asshole lets see how you like it!" Sasha said, standing up and pulling her leggings down.

Trevor looked at his step mother's pussy, it was groomed but not hairless the way Laura's had been.

Sasha grabbed his shirt and pulled him in front of him, grabbed his head and pushed it into her vagina. He immediately began licking her, aimlessly, but eagerly.

Sasha's anger began to subside as she got more and more aroused. It had been three weeks since her husband had rolled off of her the night before he left for his trip. The sex that night had been good, but not amazing.

Sasha inched back to the couch, finally being able to sit down. She began to guide him, helping Trevor find her clit, then showing him how to add a finger, placing his other hand on her breast. He kept going, showing no desire to stop. His cock was rock hard again. Sasha was embarrassed because she felt herself getting ready to cum. She couldn't help it, Trevor was about to hear the series of tiny grunts she let out as her pussy convulsed.

She caught her breath as she looked down at Trevor who was still kneeling in front of her.

"Did I do OK mom?" he asked.

"Yes honey, you did very well." Sasha panted.

Trevor smiled before asking "Umm can you maybe shave though, that way it'll be more like Laura's."

Sasha wanted to slap him again, but she was too out of breath. "OK hon" she agreed.

"Thanks mom." Trevor said, getting up and going to his room.

The next morning was awkward. Trevor seemed to hover, maybe thinking he would get a blowjob before school, Sasha open to the idea but not really sure how she should start that. Finally Trevor left and Sasha found herself alone, wishing she had taken advantage of the opportunity.

It seemed like forever before Trevor was back from school and practice. He was sweaty when he came through the door, but Sasha didn't want to wait. Once she started she didn't stop for days.

Sasha took him deep into her mouth, some slow wet slobbery sucks, some fast head bobbing up and down, her hair flopping. She rubbed his balls, she sucked his balls,she helped him titty fuck her. She swallowed his cum, she took shots across her tits. She sucked him off laying down, kneeling, she had him stand on a chair when her knees were tired. She blew him fully dressed, in her panties, and completely naked with her newly shaved cunt on display. Once she made him cum while he was on the phone with Laura.

It was working though, he was lasting longer and longer. He lasted twenty five minutes four days before prom, and he hadn't even cum yet that day.

There was one last hurdle though, and they did not have much time to master it.

Trevor looked over at Sasha after dinner, she had sucked him off fast and furious when he got him from school, and they usually did a second one after they ate. Tonight would be different though.

Sasha led Trevor to her bedroom, they had always used the living room or sometimes Trevor's bedroom. Trevor watched as she undressed, slowly, before climbing onto her bed.

She waved him over. He climbed up and Sasha helped him undress. They didn't kiss, but it was still more intimate, she licked his neck, he sucked on her nipples, groped her ass. She moaned into his ear.

He laid on his back and Sasha straddled him. She slid a condom on him, made him promise to always use one with what she was sure would be a herd of girls now that he could control himself.

Sasha closed her eyes as her step son's cock slid easily into her. She ground her hips into him feeling him impale her. She leaned forward and his hands came up and cupped her breasts. He began to thrust into her and they found a rhythm.

She leaned down and whispered into his ear, "Is this really your first time?"

"Yes mom." he replied.

Sasha squeezed her pussy tighter around his cock, he moaned in response. She was surprised he was doing so well. It had been about five minutes.

He came soon after, his hips bucking up and down, Sasha trying to ride him as fast as she could. They laid together for a bit before Trevor got to experience doggystyle for the first time. He liked that very much.

They went through the first pack of condoms in a blink of an eye. Sasha bought more. She drove thirty five minutes away to make sure no one she knew saw her buying them.

By the morning of prom Trevor was a good lay. The last time they fucked before bed he bent her over the side of the couch, pulled her hair and spanked her till she begged him to stop. He gave her two more smacks and then only stopped because she promised to finish him with her mouth. He was confident and experienced and by this point had fucked and gotten blown more than he could count.

Trevor's dad came home a few hours before the festivities started, Trevor was out picking up his tux and Sasha thought of Trevor the entire time her husband fucked her.

Sasha tried to smile through the pictures and made painful small talk with Laura's parents. She didn't want to admit it but she was jealous of the way Trevor was looking at his date. She had a small tear in her eye when they rode off in the rented limo.

Her husband fell asleep early, and she knew Trevor wouldn't be home until the early hours of the morning but she couldn't sleep. She waited in the living room, each pair of headlights driving by getting her hopes up. She knew when the prom ended, she knew the house they were going to afterwards and soon after Saturday turned to Sunday she guessed her step son was taking the very cute dress Laura had worn to the prom off of her.

It was about three in the morning when the Uber pulled into her driveway delivering Trevor back home. He quietly opened the door but seemed very happy that Sasha was still up.

"Is dad asleep?" he asked.

"Ya he was very tired from travelling, but come on tell me how did it go." Sasha asked.

A grin spread across his face, the size of which Sasha had never seen on him.

"It was awesome mom," he began. He told her about the evening but Sasha just wanted to know about the afterparty.

"So I was pretty nervous" he started getting to the good part. "We were upstairs in one of the bedrooms. We had been kissing all night, I really like the way she kisses."

Sasha once again felt that pang of jealousy. She tried to ignore it.

He continued "She took her dress off and mom, oh my god, she had the tiniest thong on. It was so hot. She took her bra off before I had even gotten my shirt off. Mom her tits are amazing."

Sasha wasn't feeling only jealousy anymore, she was starting to get turned on.

He kept going "So she gets my clothes off also and I was really happy, I wasn't even all the way hard yet. I felt more relaxed. We laid on the bed and kissed and touched each other a lot. Mom it was a lot like what we ummm used to do, that helped a lot."

Sasha just smiled, she wasn't sure what to say.

"So I started fingering her and she was so wet, so I went down on her. I tried to pace myself, but it was so fun listening to her like that."

Sasha was more than a little turned on, now she was actively wondering if he would want to fuck her now that his dad was home.

"I think she came, because she said I should stop. She then climbed off the bed and knelt as I sat. I knew what was coming next. She was good mom, but ummm not as good as you." This was the first time he looked right at Sasha. They both smiled.

"OK so ummm did you enjoy it?" Sasha knew that was a dumb question but she wasn't sure what else to say and she wanted him to finish the story.

"Well I mean, ya of course, but I did good, I think she was surprised, I mean I know she has heard about some of the other times."

"I'm glad honey." Sasha was thinking maybe he eventually came and that was going to be the end of the story.

"Well after like ten minutes she got back up on the bed." He continued on.

"Oh ok." Sasha said.

"Ya... mom I can't tell you how good her skin felt. I just kept rubbing and grabbing her. Her ass is soooooo amazing!" His smile was growing again, he paused and looked at her again. Sasha hoped she didn't look annoyed about his enjoyment of his new partner.

"You'll be happy mom I wore a condom both times."

"Oh my!" Sasha said, louder than she should have.

Trevor went on to tell Sasha about what sounded like an amazing night of sex. He still seemed to really like doggystyle, and from what he said Laura also liked getting pounded from behind.

When he was done there was a long pause.

"Ummmm well I am really glad you had a great night honey." Sasha said.

Sasha went to give him a hug before he went to bed. Their bodies pressed against each other, Sasha felt his cock pressed against her leg, not hard but not all the way soft. They held each other, Sasha's breath got a little heavier, did she just feel his cock start to stiffen?

The hug lingered even longer, Sasha slid her hands down a little lower. Trevor pressed her chest against himself a little firmer, his cock was now very much hard. Sasha reached for his belt.

Trevor pulled away. "Oh ummmm we ummmm, I mean me and Laura, ummm she's ummm my girlfriend now. I'm really glad about that."

Sasha was speechless, she felt dumb. "Oh baby that's ummmm wonderful."

Trevor turned and headed for his room. He turned back to her as he got to the door, "Ummm mom, really thank you for everything. Really, thank you."

"Of course honey, anything for you." She said.

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