76% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3116: POWER

章節 3116: POWER

Jason gulped some hot coffee, and stole a long look at her. Her polished appearance and alluring gracefulness stood out in the café. This quiet café had been a good choice, and the few people around were all spread out. The perfect place for this talk.

Andrea always had this same kind of look to him. She may have been more made-up at times, or more casual, but there was always this look. Smugness. Confident. More like cocky. The slightly lifted chin, the cool expression, the steely eyes.

All of these were present today. And, all these things would make this perfect. His hands smoothed at his modest sport shirt, but he didn't really have to worry. He was probably invisible next to her. Unlikely noticed much by her.

Why was it that he was more like his dad, and a regular kind of guy, while his sister was naturally beautiful like their mom? Also like his dad, he was already working sales and trying to get established. Meanwhile his sister was going into acting, more outgoing and glamorous, like their interior designing mom. Seemed unfair to him.

"So, why all the mystery? Why did we need to meet and talk?" Her tone came playful. "You could have just come by the house."

The white blouse gave her a professional look today, as she had just come from her office. Her brownish-blonde hair was teased, and he loved that look. He hoped his own thick black hair wasn't sticking in all directions like it could. Should have used some product.

"I wanted to run something by you." His voice cracked slightly, and he hated himself for it. His hands fidgeted with his coffee cup.

Her full, red lips curled at the sound of his nerves.

"Jason," she intoned, "you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. This is just a little difficult for me. That's all."

She paused a little, and it pleased him. "Difficult?"

"Yeah, not easy to talk about." I'm about to rock your world, mom.

"It's not?"

His eyes didn't leave hers.

She shrugged. "Maybe you should talk to your father about it then. I'm sure he can help."

"No, that's probably not a good idea."

Her posture tightened. A quick blink.

He added with a relish. "You wouldn't like that."

That alluring face of hers tilted slightly. "I wouldn't like that? What are you talking about?"

Another sip of his coffee, and the hot flavor soothed him. Take your time.

"Hear me out before making any rash decisions." He said it carefully.

She gave a quick, fake smile, before blurting out. "Darling, get to the point, alright? I don't have much patience today."

You never have any fucking patience.

His voice lowered. "I know. ...I know what's been going on."

She stared a second. "Uh, 'what's been going on?' What are you talking about?"

He took a deep breath. How many times had he played out this very exchange in his head? Would she get pissed-off? Get emotional? Just deny it?

"Your late lunches. Last Friday's late lunch."

He watched her carefully, taking every bit of satisfaction he could as the realization sunk in. It first showed in her eyes. They widened and then blankly stared, with her mind spinning to calculate.

"Late lunches? I don't know what you're talking about." A forced laugh.

"Yes, you do." He was so glad he finally sounded a little confident. I'm a six foot, hundred ninety-five pound grown man; I gotta hold her accountable.

She leaned forward and her arms crossed on the table. The v-neck showed some cleavage he had to fight not to notice. He glimpsed for a split-second anyway.

"I think you're mistaken. I don't think you understand." She leveled her most charming grin at him, and the sight of it touched in his core. Can she see she affects me? Even though... .

His response eventually surfaced. "But I do understand."

"No," her head shook a couple of times, her brownish-blonde hair waving, "I don't think you do."

"I have video." There.

"You have what?"

"I have video." Surveillance had cost most of a commission check, but it proved worth it.

Her eyes grew big again, but relaxed when she chuckled softly.

"You have video of something? Jason, you're playing a ridiculous game." Her face slowly went from side to side.

"I have video of you and him going into the Carlyle Hotel. Going past the lobby, and going to the elevators."

Her eyes batted and tensed, and her forty-four years showed through. The smile not quite so poised. Her tone grew faint.

"Jason, Jason."

Her eyes wandered around the café, and she again shook her head. He started to speak again, but then let her twist a moment. How will she play this?

"I have so many questions, but... . Well, the main thing is," she eyed him closely, "it would be impossible for you to know how things are for me."

"What?" He suppressed a chuckle.

"Your father and I... . Things haven't been good for a long time." Her voice trailed off.

"Well... ." He caught short and couldn't finish at first what he had planned to say. Her serious look about it stopped him.

"Jason, what is it?" Her look bore down at him now.

"Then, he shouldn't be that surprised then." He knew he sounded shaky, but he didn't care. He had the upper hand here.

"What the hell are you saying, young man?" Her look was certain; she wanted to slap him.

"I'm saying he will understand. Things haven't been good, and it shouldn't be a shock."

"You can't do that." Her words were matter-of-fact.

"I'm going to do that."

Her eyes studied him a long moment. "Then, why are we here?"

He didn't answer right away. Drawing a breath, the same question returned that he had toyed with over and over. Exactly how do I tell her? When?

Her lips softened to a polite kind of smile. Maybe even condescending. "Are you suggesting that I go ahead and tell him first or something?"

He shook his head. "No. No, I'm not suggesting that."

Up came her coffee and she drank, buying some time. Tossed her hair. She licked her lips. He shifted in his seat.

"Listen," she lowered her voice, "I'll stop it. It won't happen again."

He leaned just forward himself. His initial silence hung in the air.

Feeling a little heartened, she added to her offer. "This can stay between us. And... you have my word it won't happen again." Her hand poked out flat in the air between them to emphasize the point.

He took a deep breath. "That's a start."

She flinched. "A start? What are you talking about? A start?"

"I'm saying that it must never happen again."

"And, it won't."

"Good." He gave a slight nod as he sipped again.

She fell just back in her chair and sighed. "Jason, I'm glad you came to me. Glad you understand."

He swayed in place slightly.

"Well, there's something else."

Her brow tightened. "Something else?"

He downed more coffee. A strange mix of fear and excitement stirred in him. Even though he had thought this over a lot, he tried to take his time. His throat felt tight.

"There's more to this than just you stopping with seeing that guy."

"What?" Her voice pitched, and they both looked about. She quietened back down. "Are you saying you want money from me?"

He wagged his head back and forth. "No, no, no. That's not what I'm saying."

Her entire torso stretched back in his direction again. Her tone shot tight to him. "Don't be asinine here."

"I'm not." Her severe reaction rattled him. "Hey, I didn't ask for any money.'

"Then, I don't get it. I said it won't happen again. There's no need for anything else to come of this. I made a mistake. That's all."

Her eyes danced about at his, as she waited to hear.

Quietly and carefully, he responded. "There's something I need from you."

Her face slowly turned from side to side. "I'm sorry it happened, Jason. I'm sorry I cheated."

"Uh, I wasn't talking about an apology."

Her head tilted down and the tightness returned to her voice. "I don't understand what you're talking about then."

Her face looked about the café again, before returning to his. "What else do I have to do?"

He couldn't help his slight grin at her saying this. She immediately picked up on this.

Her next words were very uncertain. "There's something I need to do?"

He spoke discreetly. "There's something I want you to do."

She blinked a few times. "What is it you want me to do, Jason?"

He drew a deep breath. He scanned the room, and then leaned in closer. He said it just as he had practiced it.

"Um... I want us to be together."

He could feel his blood race inside. Her eyes kept on his, as her mind tried to process this. It looked at first like she couldn't get it.

He didn't blame her. He had been sorting through it ever since he had graduated from high school. Since that one summer years ago.

"Be together?" Her eyes narrowed. Her entire body sat still.

She started to giggle, stopped, and then "You're not saying... ."

He stayed quiet, and as he did, her shoulders sagged and her mouth parted wide.

"You're kidding, right? Is this some kind of cruel joke, or something?" She leaned a bit in.

"No, it's not. It's not a joke at all." He looked straight back at her. "I'm serious."

The look on her face switched back and forth between concern and shock. She nibbled her bottom lip. Her voice came rumbling back at him.

"You're terribly confused. We need to get you help, because... . You can't be serious with what you just said."

He leaned his elbows onto the table and looked straight at her.

"I'm very serious. I'm not confused at all. I've thought about this."

Her face twisted a bit. "Thought about this? Jason," she forced a polite grin, "I'm your mother."

He nodded. "Yep. You are."

She just stared back at him. Stunned.

Like he had also practiced, he didn't back down, didn't waffle.

"Well," her head shook back and forth, "I can't do that. I absolutely cannot do that. And, you know what?"

He waited on her words. Her eyes batted.

"I don't believe you can do that, either."

She paused, and while she waited on him to agree with her, he didn't respond.

Her next words were thin. "You can't, can you?"

"I can."

For a moment, they just stared at each other. He kept a level look, wanting her to see he was serious. For her, piercing eyes searched back at his, like she was trying to decide whether he was up to something else.

"Well, I don't believe you. I just don't." A light chuckle. "I don't believe you'd be able to do that, Jason. That's... that's not how we raised you. It's just not."

He stayed still. And quiet.

She finished her drink. "I've got to go. We can--"

"No." He was quick and firm.

She froze. Then, a nervous laugh. "What?"

"I said no. I don't want you to go."

"Well, I have to go. This is all too much for me." She reached for her purse. "You've floored me with this."

"I will give that video to him. I will."

Her mouth dropped open wide. "You asshole, you."

"Come with me." He got up.

"What are you talking about? Go where?"

He stood over her at the table. "Across the street."

Her hand went to her mouth, covered it, and she gasped. "The hotel over there? Jason?"

"Yes. That's right."

She slowly rose to her feet. Standing close to him, she kept her voice low. Her words softened to more of an understanding tone.

"You've made your point. I did something awful, and you've made that clear to me now. I'm sorry. Clearly, I hurt you, and... I didn't mean to."

She turned towards the door and they both walked forward.

They reached the front of the café, and he opened the door for them. Out on the sidewalk, they both gazed across the street at the tall, elegant hotel, before she looked back up to him.

"I'll see you at home later."


She squinted to him.

He motioned across the street and started in that direction. "C'mon."

He checked both ways, and then started across the street. As he cleared the street, in his periphery he saw her just behind him.

They entered the lobby, and he spoke back at her. "Wait just a second."

The process took a few moments, and when he turned back to face the front, she was still there, but her look was away and out a window, trying not to be noticed. He went to her side.

"Let's go on up."

Her face turned up at him, and it was pained. "Jason, no. Stop this."

"I swear to god I will go straight to him immediately. Now, let's go."

He turned towards the elevators. Not turning to see if she followed, he walked right over and hit the 'up' button. As the doors opened, she appeared at his side.

They stepped into the elevator, and he pressed for the tenth floor. Neither spoke the whole way up. Part of the time, she looked at the floor. When they reached the tenth floor, he left from the elevator and led them down the hall. He found their room and let them in.

The quiet, dim room was spacious, and the large king-size bed dominated the room. He crossed over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. She managed only a couple of steps inside the room and then paused.

He untied his shoes and took them off. He was slipping off his socks when she spoke gently.

"Jason, this is crazy. It's wrong on so many levels. I know you're just trying to punish me. Make a point or something."

He sat there and looked over at her. He put his hands to the tops of his legs and leaned on them.

She managed a smile. "Let's go. Please."

They stared at one another again, but unlike before at the café, he felt a little more emboldened. They were here as he had hoped, and he was close to what he had imagined.

Her hands clutched her purse at the front of her, and her petite 5'6" frame appeared very vulnerable now. Her white blouse hung at her shoulders, and her black skirt hugged her.

He spoke softly. "Take off your clothes."

Her lips parted, and at first, no words came.

Her head went slowly from side to side. She spoke barely above a whisper. "Jason, I can't do this."

She kept her eyes on his, and when he didn't speak, she slowly turned around. She took the couple of steps to the door and stood at it facing away from him. Her hand went to the knob, but before opening it, she said once more.

"I'm sorry. Just don't tell him."

And once more, his words came right back to her. "Yes, I am." Without a breath. "Soon as you leave."

Standing at the door and facing it, her hand held the knob. He watched her standing still for a second and wondered what she would try to say to him next.

Her hand let go of the knob and fell to her side. Her face looked down, and her torso lifted and fell with a long, deep breath. Once she exhaled, she straightened and turned around.

Her eyes didn't meet his. They peered about the room, and she went to a side counter where she placed her purse. Her hand patted at the purse, and then she turned towards the bed and eased to in front of him. She didn't meet his eyes with her own until she stood right in front of him.

"You just want to humiliate me." Her eyes tensed. "That's all."

He didn't answer her. Instead his eyes swept from her head to her legs and gradually back up again. As feminine as anyone could look. Her reaction back at him registered some surprise. She really hadn't expected that, his gawking her.

Some look passed over her face he hadn't seen before and didn't understand. Her eyes searched to the side a couple of seconds. Slowly she slipped back into the moment.

Her hands raised to her chest and found the buttons to her blouse. As they worked at them, her eyes locked onto his. He went from her hands undoing her buttons to her eyes and back, paying attention to the release of the sides of her blouse as she undid it.

As she worked her way down, more of her bare, pale skin came into view, as did cleavage and the white lacy bra that supported her. After the last button, her hands clasped the sides of the blouse and pulled up at it, bringing it from the waist of her skirt.

Once untucked from the skirt, the blouse stayed clenched in her hands at her middle. Her voice was all that sounded in the room.

"Please don't make me do this, Jason."

She stayed still a second, and he didn't answer.

Her eyes left from looking down at him, and gazed absently across the room. Her hands gradually lifted. Her shoulders bent forward, and the soft fabric of the blouse pulled over and back from her, leaving the front of her. Only the white bra stayed on her chest.

His eyes soaked up her chest, and he felt himself throb with the view of her bunched in her bra before him. Large dark points pressed at the bra cups.

His voice mumbled in the hotel's room silence. "The skirt next."

Her eyes shot to his and her bottom lip quivered. She started to speak, but didn't.

Her hands reached behind her. The stretching around her to get to the zipper of her skirt caused her chest to bow forward. Her breasts lifted up and his eyes locked to them. She watched his eyes ogle her.

The black skirt soon loosened about her hips, and it was releasing quickly. There was a sweep from her hands and it collapsed to the floor.

Her bare skin now revealed from the waist to her feet except for only the briefest of white, thin panties that covered her mound. They both heard him gasp hard.

Her eyes avoided his for several seconds as he just stared at her. Her hips were narrow, and her stomach flat. There was a distinct vee-shaped mound at her crotch.

His voice was hoarse. "Take off your bra."

She shut her eyes tight. "I can't do this."

"Take off your bra."

She opened her eyes and moved her hands at the same time. Her eyes raised to the ceiling as her fingers unhooked it behind her. The bra kept her as her hands then came around to the tops of her shoulders. The thin straps at the shoulders didn't need much to ease away, but her palms went straight to the cups of the bra before it fell completely away.

His look switched from her hands still blocking her up to her face. It was when his eyes met hers that she then moved her hands away. The bra fell to the ground, and her fleshy breasts jiggled free from any restraint. Large, brownish nipples covered the ends of her chest, and the tips were taut.

My god, nothing like I thought. Those are really her nipples? Fuck.

His heavy breathing was apparent as his stare went back and forth on them. Somehow they appeared wider than he had ever imagined, each sloped down and out some, more off to the side than straightforward. Her eyes glared at him.

Not letting up, he strained another direction to her. "Your panties... ."

Her chin lifted a bit and she took the couple of steps over to where he was perched at the bed. Her breasts swayed as she did. She looked down at him.

"If you want your mother's panties off, you're going to have to do it yourself."

He didn't expect her to do that, and it gave him pause. Her bare chest was right in front of him and just above his line of sight. After glimpsing the hardened nipples that close, his view drifted down her smooth tummy. Her waist had the slightest indention from where the skirt had sat, and then more bare skin curved down and into the white bikini panties that waited.

He brought his hands to her hips and when they made contact with her, she flinched. He glanced up at her, and her mouth had fallen open again. With a deep breath, she steeled herself.

His thumb each hooked into the band of her panties at the sides, and her hands moved. They started in the direction of his hands but then stopped. He looked up at her, and she was staring at his hands. She exhaled and then dropped her hands back to her sides.

He tugged at the thin fabric and it didn't resist. The first effort brought the panties over the widest part of her, but the middle of the panties stayed higher. His hands worked around further behind her, and he could feel the incredible softness of her skin on her bottom, as he took the underwear lower back there.

Defiantly, the triangle patch still stayed at her front, and his fingers traced around to it. A finger from each hand curled over the band of the panties, and he didn't look up. He stared right at her crotch as the panties rolled-up, showing more and more of her. The first glimpse was of bare skin, but then the brownish-blonde curls of her mound were revealed.

He couldn't help a small burst of air at seeing her exposed sex the first time. His fingers finished the panties down her legs, but his attention didn't leave her lightly patched pussy.

Only the sound of her voice broke his trance.

"You're such a little pervert."

She stepped to the side of him, and descended to the bed. "Stand up. Your turn."

He blinked a few quick times. "Uh... ." His stomach knotted.

"Stand up."

His hands pressed the bed and he lifted up. "I don't--"

Her eyes darted to his middle, and he looked, too. His trousers were tented. The lump was obvious.

Her brow furrowed again. "Seriously?" She half-smiled.

His face burned with his blushing, and he hurried with whipping his shirt up and off his shoulders. He wasn't exactly sure why, but her reaction surprised him. She took her time surveying where his pecs and ribs were exposed. He throbbed in his pants and they both looked to there.

His voice then sounded out thinner than he wanted. "Okay."

"Okay? Okay, what?"

She frowned up at him.

He tried to strengthen his tone. "Take them off."

She coughed out a burst of air. "What? Uh-uh." Head back and forth, as in 'no way.'

His chest rose and he raised his voice higher. "Take off my pants."



She blinked and her eyes widened.

His blood raced even quicker when her hands came to his belt. She unspooled it and unhooked it swiftly. No hesitation with going to his button at the top of his trousers either. It came undone easily. But when her thumb and finger grasped the zipper, she paused. It was only a second and then she pulled.

The sides of the trousers relaxed open, and the white cotton boxer-briefs appeared. Black curls of hair sprouted out of the top of the waist of the band, and her face didn't come up to look in his eyes. Her hands went about clearing the trousers from his hips. She held the legs of them as he stepped out.

Her hands propped onto the bare skin of his upper legs and she waited a second. A curled bulge along the left front of his underwear pulsed. She kept staring a long moment before she looked up at him.

Her question was muted, and her eyes narrow. "Are you sure about this?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

Her eyes returned to watch his middle, as her hands shifted on him. He noticed she didn't remove her hands from touching him, but rather just brushed across from his legs to his boxer-briefs. Both hands gave a short caress up, and then pulled down at the underwear.

At the first tug, the black patch of pubic hair and the root of his shaft displayed, and then she jerked once more. His shaft still curled out and down, but the underwear fixed at the head of him. She didn't hesitate. Her fingers delicately pinched the band of the underwear and pulled it out and over his hardness. Once it cleared, his dick flopped out and then jerked to angle up.

He looked down at her staring at him, and eventually she peered up at him, as if caught. She shook her head, and she scooted back onto the bed. Her back and hips wiggled to where she could lie higher for her head to be on a pillow.

He started to get in the bed, and her voice raised.

"Wait... go ahead and get a condom."

She looked directly at him, but he didn't move, didn't get off the bed.

Her voice tightened. ""Aren't you going to use a condom?"

He stayed quiet, and her hands covered her face. "I can't do this."

While her hands were still on her face, as he propped on an elbow beside her. His hand reached over to her stomach. She jumped in place when his hand made contact on her soft flesh there. He lightly rubbed.

"Jason, we have to stop this now. Before it goes too far."

His hand drifted lower and past her waist.


His hand stopped just above her pubes.

"Tell you what." His words came softly.

Her eyes fluttered.

He spoke slowly. "We'll stop right now... if you're not wet."

At the sound of the word 'wet,' her tilted away and a hand went to her eyes. "Jason."

His hand started lower onto her mound, and her left hand stayed over her eyes and her right hand went to grasp his hand between her legs. She stopped it in place, and it rested right on top on her sex.

His hand pressed at her, and he suspected she was about to move it off her. Instead, it just stayed atop his hand. He extended his middle finger, and it brushed through her curls there. She let out a quick pant as it bent down to press at where it was. It passed through some more curls, and he knew it was near her lips.

He pushed his hand further and he kept his finger on her. He found her pliable lips, and kept moving. As it slipped forward, her lips yielded and they both knew he found dampness there.

She moaned at his touch. "Jason."

He couldn't believe he was touching her. His hand worked up and down, and now two fingers massaged her lips there. First slippery, and then soaking wet, her middle slightly opened to his touch.

His torso moved to get to her, and her hand left her eyes. She watched as he brought his open mouth to her tit. First, he pecked bare flesh at the side of her, and then he drew a moist line to her nipple. He parted his lips, and drew the hard nipple into his mouth. He opened his mouth wider and sucked more of her into his mouth. His tongue swiped about her nipple and his mouth closed tight over her. He sucked on her nipple hard.

A small whine came from her. "Oh shit."

As he propped on his one arm and his free hand played between her legs, he felt the surprising touch of one of her hands in his hair. She stroked his hair, but her tone came harshly.

"You're such an asshole. I can't believe I raised you."

He drew on her breast even harder and she groaned out. His hard dick strained at her side, and he didn't want to wait much longer. His face lifted to move from one breast to the other. She started talking as he went to licking and sucking on her other breast.

"We absolutely cannot go further, Jason. Here... let me just take care of you."

She reached a hand between them and it touched his cock. It pulsed hard.

His mouth left her breast, and his body shifted over her. He planted a hand just outside each of her shoulders, and his knees pried between her legs to center himself. She squeezed against him.

Her hand gripped him and stroked up and down. She half-whispered. "Here." Her hand was snug on him.

"Stop, stop." His hand got her wrist and he moved it away.

She plopped back against the bed, and her hands came to his chest. Her palms went flat on his chest.

"You... ." Her voice trailed.

His knees finally made progress with widening the middle between her legs. He positioned quickly. He brought a hand to his cock between them. She put her hand on his there.

She growled under him. "Think about what you're doing! You can't just fuck me."

A small laugh burst from him. And reluctantly she did the same.

They stared at each other a second. Then, he took his hand from his dick, and put hers on him.

She squeezed out a plea to him. "At least put a condom on."

"I don't have a condom."

She rolled her eyes. "Jason."

His hips descended, and the movement caused her eyes to blink wide. Her hand gripped tighter on him. Her eyes left him and stared up at the ceiling.

He brought his hips higher up the bed and her hand angled his dick just down. It felt like her legs eased wider.

When he felt the wetness of her on his cockhead, he moaned. Her hand made an adjustment, and he was centered on her. Her palm slid further down his shaft.

He held himself right over her, while his face moved to hers. Her eyes darted back from staring away. She watched his lips close to hers. He kissed her and let it stay a long moment.

When he brought his lips from hers, she was still looking to him, and her hand moved him forward. They looked deeply in each other's eyes, as he entered her. His penis plunged right past her lips and her warmth shot electricity through him.

They both heard him moan hard.

She pulled more of him to her, and he grunted. Once he was almost completely inside her, her hand let go of him, and she put her hands on his back. Her knees raised up and to her sides.

A delicate breath from her brought one quiet word. "Okay."

He leaned forward and he pushed from his knees. He didn't stop until his base was firmly against her pussy, and he was fully inside her.

Her mouth opened and stayed apart, while he eased back and forth a few times. Her face moved up and down in time with his body's shifts back and forth.

He loved how wet and warm she felt on him, and how her lips stayed to him as he swayed over her. They kept watching each other, and she looked like she was about to say something.

All that came was a soft mumble. "Yeah."

After a while, he slowed down even more, and he brought himself to where he was almost out of her. He paused there, and then he felt something that instantly thrilled him.

Her hips pushed back on him, causing him to be back into her. She rocked back and forth herself, and he loved it. A quick, self-conscious look crossed her face, but she didn't stop it. She kept pushing back and forth from under him, and he restarted his own thrusts.

He found a rhythm of meeting her pushes with his own stabs, and her head bobbed at the force of it. Seeing her absorb it spurred him harder. He shifted more weight onto his arms, and his hips picked up their pace.

He worried about how her body was now jerking about, but one throaty blurt from her relieved him.


He felt his balls tightening. He decided to go from a steady pushing to outright pounding against her. The slaps of their skin filled the air.

She started a kind of humming sound and cried out. "C'MON!"

She started crying louder. "Oh, oh, oh, OH!"

He was very close. He stopped holding back at all, and he fucked as hard as he could.

Her body was jerking up and down the bed, and her fingernails dug into his back.


She sucked a deep breath and then let another scream rip. "AAAAHHHHHH!"

Her scream still in his ears and her pussy lapping at his cock, the most intense, ecstatic waves ever slammed him.

"OOOOHHHHHHHHH!" He heard himself crying out, never having done so before. "OOOHHHHHHHHH!"

He clenched his eyes, and his body jerked about. Spasms ravaged him over and over, and he was cumming over and over, digging as deeply into her as he could possibly get.

He was still pushing out grunts when he finally started to orient.

He opened his eyes, and he was still propped above her. She was panting and staring straight up at him. They looked at each a long moment.

He eased low to her and they kissed. It was a couple of quick, but firm kisses, and then he raised back up. He felt her brace under him, sensing he was about to withdraw. His hand steadied himself, as he pulled out of her. A thin string of fluid connected them a second before he was further away, and rolling off her.

He flopped onto his back, and they both panted.

This moment, with the two of them in bed together after sex, had never entered his mind. He searched for the right thing to say. He stuck with just being honest.

"That was incredible." He was still catching his breath. He looked over at her.

She rubbed her eyes.

He spoke gently. "Are you okay?"


"That," he hated being redundant but couldn't help it, "was absolutely amazing."

Her hands came to rest on her chest, and he could glimpse perspiration on her chest. Her breathing was still heavy, too. At least she wasn't trying to cover herself up.

Calming, they both just laid there a minute. The room fell completely silent.

After a few moments, he sensed her head run slightly his way on her pillow.

"Jason... when you planned this... what did you anticipate for how things would be from now on?"

It was a fair question. The honest answer was that he seriously doubted she would ever go along. He couldn't say that.

"Well... ."

A distinct sigh came from her as they laid there.

His voice sounded low as he kept looking upward.

"What had you planned to do with your affair?"

There was what seemed like a shrug from her.

"That wasn't going to last." She put a hand through her hair. "Nothing was going to change for me. I just needed... something for then. That's all."

He ran her sentiment through his mind. Before he could say anything, she added more.

"Your father and I have built a nice life. You and your sister, our home. Our way of life." She shifted a little where she laid. "We just don't... we don't really excite each other anymore. At least, I'm not. And, well, he doesn't really try."

It struck him she was sharing this. He offered what he could.

"Happens sometimes."

"Yeah. It does."

He let his hand drift over by her side, and he brought the back of it to trace at her arm.

"You okay?"

She didn't answer right away. Then, there was a slight nod. Meekly, she answered, "Yeah."

"Ummm," he wasn't sure about anything except how strong he came, "I hope I can walk."

They both chuckled.

He struck a low tone. "Are you angry?"

"Uh," she shook her head, "no."

He grinned broadly. "Good. How do you feel?"

She bit her lip. "Honestly?"


A hand went to her eyes and shielded them. "Thoroughly fucked."

He laughed hard. "Good!"

She shook her head. "Doesn't mean that wasn't wrong, but... ."

He raised his hand higher. It traveled from her arm over onto her chest. It was the back of his hand that still grazed her skin, his hair and skin feeling the softness and contour of her. He didn't think he had ever felt such delicate skin before.

His hand crossed onto the plush underside of her tit, and it pressed firmly enough to indent her there as it went higher. When it met her nipple, he lingered there, and then he brushed back and forth. It hardened again under his touch.

She groaned under her breath. "Don't get me started again."

"Why not?"

Her face turned to him on the pillow. "What?"

"Well, you've got me started again."

"No way." Her face lifted just off the pillow and glimpsed down to his crotch. "Jason!"


Her head slapped back against the pillow. "We just got through having sex."

"I can't help it."

Her hands covered her face and she couldn't stop smiling. "Oh. My. God."

His hand reached down and grabbed her hand. He brought it to his dick.

"Are you serious?" She went ahead and rubbed him.

"You can't leave me this way."



Her hand massaged him, and her face moved closer so she could whisper in his ear.

"What do you want?"

He could feel himself get harder in her hand. He spoke in a ragged voice. "You really want to know?"

She slowed down stroking him and was silent a second. Almost coming to a stop, she kept her whispering voice.

"Should I not ask?"

He grinned. "I think you should guess."

"Okay." Her hand barely moved on him. "You want me on top?"

He didn't say anything. He was trying to come up with something witty when she surprised him again.

"You know... um... before we did it, you kind of, um, threatened me. You know?"

He wondered what she was up to. "Well, 'threatened' sounds a little harsh."

At least her hand was still on him. It wasn't moving much, but there was still hope.

"But you did, Jason. You threatened to tell your father. Tell him I had been unfaithful."

His heart sank. She going to try to shame me now? After that intense sex?

"Yeah. I did."

She edged up closer to him. She was eying him closely now, and while he glimpsed her a second, he didn't continue her look, instead just facing up.

She wasn't far from his ear. "You didn't really give me any choice before, you know?"

He pulsed in her hand, and they both knew she had struck a chord with him. Maybe for both of them. He liked it.

"No, I didn't. And, you know what?"

She grinned slightly. "What's that?"

He lowered his voice to almost a whisper. "You still don't have any choice."

She seemed to tremble. "I don't?"

His face turned back and forth. "No, you don't."

"So, are you saying... you'll still tell him if... ."

"If you don't do exactly what I want, I'm going to tell him. I swear."

She drew a deep breath in, and slowly exhaled before a slight shrug. "I guess I don't have any choice then." Her hand dragged just up his shaft and slid back down. "I gotta do whatever you want."

His arm next to her lifted, and he brought it up and over her shoulders.

His motion left his shoulder open for her to draw closer, and she did, resting her face against the fleshy part of his chest next to his underarm. Her face had barely sat for a second, when his hand was in her hair. His hand extended in her hair and pressed to her scalp.

Her face tilted to him in wonder, as if she thought he wanted her to move it. His hand placed higher onto her head and then pressed. Her face nudged to the skin at his pec.

Another second passed, and his hand applied pressure again. Her face disconnected from his chest and she squeaked a question. "What is it?"

Her hand still held him, and his hand guided at her head again, this time causing her head to point down.

A low coo came from her. "Oohhh... ."

She laid her cheek against the solid middle of his torso. Her voice sounded distant with her face turned away.

"I don't have any choice, do I?"

His voice came rough and rugged. "No, you don't have any choice. I'm going to tell him if you don't."

His hand pushed again, and she resisted somewhat.

"Don't make me, Jason."

His hand urged her and got her face to where it was at his waist.

"Jason please," she begged, "I'm your mother."

He felt her grip tighten on his cock, and his hand pushed on her head.

The first thing he felt were her tender moist lips press to his head. It was a firm peck to him, and he groaned. Her lips didn't leave the surface of him, and his hand moved at her head again.

Her lips relaxed but didn't leave. They parted and wrapped over the ridge of his cockhead. Instantly, they stopped and sucked. He pulsed hard.

When she brushed her lips about to tease at the head of him, he didn't hesitate. He simultaneously pushed his hand and lifted his hips. The combination drove several inches into her hot mouth. She grunted loudly.

Her mouth clamped down hard on him, and his hips bucked upward hard. His head reached the back of her throat. She choked on his dick, and frantically pulled off him.

She sucked air into her lungs and coughed loud, before tilting her face back at his dick. When he saw her face his dick again, he grabbed a hand full of hair and forced her face to him. Her head didn't struggle.

Her hot breath and wet mouth enveloped him, and the squishy feel of her cheeks clasped down on him made him moan loudly. He kept moaning as she pulled her mouth along him, getting up to his head. Just as she did, she slid back down his shaft, her mouth tight onto him.Up and down, she worked on him, and he panted with her movements. He couldn't believe she was doing this. He would have never guessed she could be this way.

He looked down, and he watched her head bob up and down, his cock slick with her saliva as he again felt a surging deep in his balls. She must have sensed it. She slowed and then pulled off him a moment.

She took her mouth off him, and she panted. Her breath whipped at his cock, as she managed to mumble her request.

"Hey, um, don't cum in my mouth, okay?"

"No? You sure?"


He started to clarify what she said, but her mouth went right back on him. He did not want her to stop. She got a good pace built up again, and she was careful to keep her lips and mouth tight to him. It was as sensual as anything he had ever experienced.

Too soon, he felt the rising surge from his balls. His legs braced. His hand tousled her hair.

"Hey," he grunted, "I'm close."

She slowed down, but she damn sure didn't lighten up. Her lips and cheeks clamped tight, and her sucking pulled hard at him.

The unmistakable filling of his shaft with semen tightened in him.

"I'm about to! I'm about to!"

Her hand held the base of his cock firmly, her lips glued to his smooth shaft, and her mouth still drew from him. Her face rocked back and forth.


Soon as he had said it, he exploded in her mouth. A gush of cum spurted down her throat and filled her mouth. The undeniable feel of her swallowing hard slammed him, and he yelled out, shooting another hard burst of his cum into her mouth. Again, she swallowed, and sucked at him. A third, fourth, and fifth blast fired, and she never let him leave her mouth.

She choked some, swallowed, and sucked. More cum sprayed yet again. He realized his semen had spilt over her lips and onto her fist, and still she sucked at him. Another round jerked in her mouth, and they both moaned. She kept swallowing and drinking from him.

Finally, his legs collapsed and his arms splayed to his sides. "Oh my god."

He was trying to catch his breath, and he sensed her face finally leaving from his cock. He propped up on the bed to see if she was okay. Her hair messily blocked the view of her face at first. His semi-hard cock slumped on its side just under her head.

Her hands planted into the sheets and she lifted herself up.

"You alright?" He asked.

Her hand daintily reached to move her hair from her face. A couple of strands had to be pulled away, as they had matted to stickiness on her cheeks. With the hair pulled back, her eyes batted back at him.

She gave a small, self-conscious grin, and her hands immediately went to her mouth. Her lips were swollen and shiny, just as her chin appeared slick. Some whiteness remained at the corner of her mouth. Her fingers busily tried to clean her mouth, and finally she wiped away the whiteness.

"Wow." Her voice sounded tired.

"That was absolutely the best."



She fell back onto the bed. Her tits bounced some before coming to rest.

He let her catch her breath, and gently tried to explain.

"I tried to warn you I was about to."

He readied for something sharp in return, but once more, she surprised.

"I know."

He tilted up onto his side, and then he started to shift lower down the bed.

Her voice was quick. "What are you doing?"

He kept maneuvering down the bed. "Your turn."

"No, no! No need to do that. No, I need a shower."

He got to where his face was near her middle. "Just relax. You deserve to relax."

"Jason, we, uh... . You came in me earlier."

He still positioned over to where her crotch was directly under his face. Her face held tightly together. His hand tried to pry between them. They stayed clamped together.


"Jason. Let's not do that. Not right now."

His face dipped to where the pubic hair covered her mound. He kissed and nuzzled there. He wagged his face back and forth to feel her smattering of hair there.

Her hands reached down to pull him up. "Come here."

His face glanced up to her. "Hey!"

She stared back with a pleading look.

He grinned. "I am so going to tell him."

She smiled. "Please. We can do that another time."

"You don't get it, do you?"

She stared back at him.

"You don't have any choice in the matter. Open your legs right now."

She slung her head and shoulders back to flop onto the pillow. Staring straight up at the ceiling, she brought her palms to rest on her hips. Very slowly, her thighs parted. Her knees relaxed and angled away from each other. When she stopped, there was maybe a couple of inches separation between her thighs.

"Spread your legs, damn it."

His words had such a bite to them that she shot a look to him. Her eyes then returned to the ceiling. Her legs pulled further, and one thigh and then the other lifted and then resettled further apart. Now, there was distance between her legs for him to see her still wet there, and her lips were agape.

His tone came thick again. "More."


"Where's your phone? I'm going to call him."

He could see her still looking straight up at the ceiling, but smiling at this.

Her legs moved again. This time they bent at the knees, and the thighs splayed further outward. This look struck him as so much more open, so much more inviting. Lewd.


She gasped. Still looking straight up, she bit her lower lip.

Her legs dragged out on the sheets. They now looked to be as far apart as she could likely get them. Her pussy laid completely exposed and open to him. After they reached their stance, her knees still flinched a little. He didn't know if it was from nervousness or maybe some extra effort from her. Either was fine by him.

He sprawled out to where he could lie between her legs and he positioned to have his face near her twat. The brownish-blonde pubic hair was matted and it also made light lines down beside her lips. Her lips were slick.

His first kiss was on the inside of her thigh, and it jolted her. He kissed the same spot on the other thigh, and she shook again. He lightly pecked a kiss at the small groove where her leg met her crotch, and she flinched and whimpered. He did the other side, and she flinched and whimpered just as hard.

He put a palm flat on her mound, rubbed, and then posed something he wondered about.

"How long's it been?"

Her face still pointed at the ceiling and her eyes were closed. "Since... what?"

"Since a man went down on you."

He could tell she gulped. Her face didn't look down. "Years."


She didn't answer. His hand kept massaging her mound. As it moved, her lips reacted with bending and wiggling, dampness glistening.

"More than ten years?"

She sighed. "More than ten years."

He brought his mouth as close as he could get to her open pussy without making contact. And he breathed out to where she could feel his breath on her. She trembled. His hand was still on her mound.

His face dipped just a touch, and his tongue extended. He found the bottom of where her lips started, and he put his tongue to her there. She made a shrill crying sound, pushed her hands into his hair, and kept the crying sound going while he dragged his tongue slowly up her lips. When he reached the top of her pussy, he put his lips to where her clit sat swollen.

He kissed her clit, and then slightly sucked at it. Her cry got deeper above him. He moved his mouth back, and a strand of saliva stayed connected to her.

A couple of seconds passed, as he let her anticipate what would happen next. He thought it was horribly unfair she would not have had this kind of attention in more than ten years. He would not asked her how many times she had performed oral sex in that time.

His lips returned to her crotch, and he kissed alongside one of her lips, not kissing her crevice, but glancing the pliable lip itself. It flinched each time he bussed at it. With each contact, he could hear her pant above him. He rounded over the top of her pussy, planting kisses about her repeatedly.

After he had kissed a trail all around her opening, he leaned back to her. He put his lips squarely onto the bottom of her pussy, stuck his tongue out, and proceeded to bring his lips and tongue gradually up. The flat of his tongue separated her lips and lapped her juice from her folds. She gave a long, low groan.

When he had traced a long swath of her, he swished her juice in his mouth, savoring her tanginess, and then let it swallow. He listened to her pant, and thought he should again take a second. He wanted her to have to wait.

Once his breath had leveled again, his mouth went back. This time he put both his hands onto her mound as he kissed at her lips. Much more sweetness had built at her lips, and the scent and the taste moved him. His fingers stretched atop her mound, and his thumbs lowered to where they could get to her lips.

With his movements, she must have sensed more intensity, because she brought her own hands to her middle. Her fingers curled into his hair and tried to grip at his head. He couldn't tell if it was her nerves, or a start of trying to deter him. He peered and just up, and saw she had tilted her head even higher up on the pillow, bringing her shoulders off the bed and getting better reach to put her hands on his head.

His thumbs at her lips pressed to get traction and then pulled outward, causing her lips to spread further apart and open more of her pussy to him.

"UUNNNGGGHHHHHHHH!" Her wail came from her throat.

No doubt she had realized how open and exposed her sex now sat for him. He felt her hips shake and wiggle at his face. He pushed his face against her. Her outstretched lips meant his mouth could go past her lips, and it did. He squeezed his mouth at her open pussy, and just past her lips, his tongue pushed out. His tongue stretched and then licked hungrily in her pussy.

She squealed loudly over him. He kept at her, the sweet tanginess mixed with once or twice with saltiness and he didn't slow. He was drinking as vigorously at her, as she had with him.

His face lifted up and down with his laps against her, and to his shock, her hips bucked against his face. Her hands held his head, as her pussy pushed back on him and started grinding. Something inside her seemed to relax, and more juice flowed over his tongue and mouth, a stronger sweetness spilling onto his mouth and face.

She gripped his head hard, her hips started shaking, and he knew she had started cumming. She soaked at her pussy even more, and his chin was coated. Her torso bowed upward, and a shrill cry came out loud from her.

His mouth slid to the top of her sex, and his tongue darted to tangle with her clit directly. He sucked at it. When his tongue connected to her clit, she gripped his head hard. Her hips thrusted against his face.

"UNGH, UNGH, UNGH, UNGH!" Her whole body shook over him and her wet pussy rubbed about his face. Then, suddenly she yanked herself from him.

"OOOHHHHHHH!! She still arched on the bed and rode the remnants of her climax.

It took several moments for her to calm. Her legs stayed far apart and bent at the knees. He rested still near her crotch, and used the sheet to try to start cleaning his face. He stared wantonly at her gaping pussy inches from his face, wet and twisted about. I can't wait to fuck you again.

"Jason." Her hands were on her face and it was going from side to side. "I have never... felt anything like that."

He raised onto his haunches, and his hands still wiped at his lips and mouth. "You can have that whenever you want."

Hearing him say that, she moved her hands and her eyes fixed on his in a kind of disbelief.

"Don't tell me that."

He laughed softly. "I'm telling you that."

He noticed her eyes glance down and then widen. "Jason?"

He looked and he saw his cock was erect again. "I can't help it."

"You've cum twice." She was aghast.

"I'm twenty-two years old, and I just got through... eating your pussy."

Her head eased from side to side. "I don't know what to say."

He started to suggest ideas, but she kept surprising him. She brought a leg around him, so that both her legs were together, and turned onto her side. On her side, she moved again, and this put her face down on the bed beside him.

In a slow but certain movement, she brought her hands to the front of her and pressed them against the mattress. This gave her the brace to lift her chest just off the bed, while still facing down. Then, she drew her knees up under her, taking her ass into the air, and the move of her knees apart on the sheet, made her pussy available once more.

Still on his haunches and his dick erect, he openly gawked at her striking this pose. Her face peered around to him. Very slowly, she nodded.

He crawled on his knees up behind her, and she stared straight ahead at the bed mantle. His hands gripped her ass and she flinched hard at anticipation. His right hand ventured down her leg, felt the smooth inner thigh and then swept back in to the middle of her. He didn't slow down or go easy when he reached her pussy, but rather traced a line right back through the middle of her. She was still wet.

His words came in a kind of taunt. "Tell me."

Her head raised a bit, but she didn't look back at him. "Huh?"

Holding onto his shaft, he leaned up against her. He rubbed the head of him about her lips, getting himself smeared with her again.

"Tell me you want it." He almost spat the words.

"I do."

He wedged himself in her lips till he was confident he was there.

"No, convince me." He popped her ass hard and she jumped under him.

"Oh shit, Jason. Is that what you want? Now you want me to talk dirty to you? Is that it?"

She wiggled her bottom and took more of him inside in the process. She had gotten even wetter it seemed.

"Convince me, Mom."

She hung her head. "I wish you wouldn't say that at a time like this."

He pushed into her. She grunted.

"C'mon," his voice openly taunted her, "you like your son fucking you, don't you?"

He watched her hands gather the sheets into her fists.

She moved on him, first back and then up.

His voice came tight. "Tell me what you want."

"I want... you to fuck me."

His hands held her hips, and he pumped at her. Her hands clasped tight to the sheets in her fists.

She groaned. "Yeah, that's it."

Her body swayed up and back with his driving at her. She felt tighter to him this way, and he especially liked how she pushed back at him. She was into it.

Her words came through between grunts under him.

"I want... you to... tell me... a secret." She tossed her hair about and kept pushing back onto his cock. "Something I don't know about you."

He huffed aloud himself. His hips worked up and back, his dick hard and getting ready to pop yet again.

"Uh," he wasn't sure which secret to even share, "well, for a long time... I've fantasized about you."

She moaned. "Oh god." Her head hung low down and she slowed.

He added. "For years... I'd see you sometime... and... then masturbate later."

"UNGH! UNGH! Oooooohhhhhhhhh." She stopped and thrashed under him, clearly hitting her orgasm. She shook hard, and he waited as she moaned out. Her head wagged around as she settled from her peak.

When she had calmed somewhat, he posed a question. "Uh, want me to stop?"

Still buried in her, his cock stayed hard and close.

Her head tilted to still face back up, but still away. "No. No, don't stop. Can you cum again?"

He returned to a steady pace. His voice answered tightly. "Oh yeah. And I'm close."

"You are?" She seemed to go faster hearing this.

He panted now, with his own thrusts up and back, and hers coming to meet him solidly.

He could barely get his words out. "Your turn."

"What?" Her voice was affected by his fucking her, and she sounded like it was a yelp rather than a question.

He grunted his words. "Tell me... your secret."

"Yeah?" It sounded like she may have been smiling.

"C'mon." He felt another release build in his balls.

"I... never let a man... cum in my mouth."

His cock was ready to shoot.

Her voice pitched higher to make sure he heard her.

"With you today... I wanted... you to cum... in my mouth."

He shrieked out loud, and his dick kicked in her, as he shot a last load deep inside her. He fired another and another spray, and meanwhile, she kept pushing back at him, bouncing against his cock, and then grinding to him.

He groaned hard. "OOOHHHHHHH! Uh, uh, uh."

He stopped still and the spasms washed over him. He twitched over and over, the sensations shooting throughout his body as he held onto her hips. He didn't know how long he had been shaking behind her when his breathing and attention leveled.

"Oh shit." He could barely speak.

He stayed in place behind her a couple of moments, and neither of them moved. His dick felt good in her. When she lifted higher onto her hands, he figured she was getting uncomfortable.

"You okay? Here, let me move."

She eased forward, and he leaned back. His cock slid out of her and then flopped about, soaked.

They both settled onto their backs on the bed. Neither spoke at first. He had never felt so satisfied from an afternoon of sex.

"You're incredible." He meant it.

Her laugh was quiet and short. "Actually, you are. I have never... experienced anything like that. I just haven't."

They both laid there, no doubt both appreciating just how significant her words were. Her next words stayed muted.

"What have we done?"

He looked her way, and she looked back.

He met her low tone. "What we both wanted."

A small grin formed at her lips, so he added more.

"I mean, at first, I pressured you. Pushed you."

"Gave me no choice?"

"Gave you no choice."

He grimaced a bit, and she spoke up.

"Listen Jason, I want you to understand something." She waited until his eyes met hers before she finished her thought. "I always had a choice here."

She done it again. She had completely surprised him.

He raised up on his elbow and she watched his face come to hers. She fixed on his lips, as he got closer. He stopped right at her, and glimpsed her once more.

She glimpsed back at him, and with her eyes on him, it was she who leaned to meet his lips.

At first, their lips met and stayed touching, but it was a short moment before, he pressed hers firmer. He sensed her kiss right back. His lips opened hers, and her tongue pressed his as soon as it entered her mouth. They twisted on their kiss intensely, and she closed and sucked on his tongue like she had also done with his cock.

They kissed a good while, before they finally separated. Her head went from side to side on the pillow, and he eased over onto his back.

"My god, Jason."

"What do you think?" He saw her left hand go up to rub her face, and her wedding ring flashed through his view.

Her eye brows lifted and her face softened.

Her answer shook his core.

"I'm already wondering when you're going to fuck me again."

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