52.19% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2140: HORNY FAMILY ON PARADISE ISLAND


I had the perfect life, and I mean perfect. My girlfriend was beautiful, and we fooled around all the time. We planned to be each other's first time. My family was cool, Dad was a lecturer in ocean biology, and Mom was a vet specializing in sea mammals. Tammy was my little Sister, and she would be just like them. She was dorky, and her body was a mess. She never exercised or played a sport, but she was super bright and was destined to follow in our parent's footsteps.

We lived near the beach in southern California. Dad worked at the university that I deferred from earlier this year, and Mom volunteered at the sea animal rescue center when she was not working with the local vet. To be perfectly honest, I was thinking of nothing else but Wendy and when we would finally fuck. My part-time job was only to give me some spending money, and allow as much time fooling around with Wendy as I could.

"I love you, Levi, and we will do it as soon as I'm ready. My parents are pushing me to remain a virgin until my wedding night." Wendy said, as we were panting after another hot makeout session.

"I love you too, Wendy, but I'm not ready to get married yet, and I don't want to wait until after I finish college to have sex." I replied, and saw the sorrow in her eyes.

"I want to do it too. I dream of feeling you inside me. Just give me some more time." She begged, but I was cooling down now and held her beautiful bare breasts to my naked chest.

"When you are ready, so am I. I'm not going anywhere." I said, and she smiled through her tears. "And we have done everything else but sex."

"Well, I want to keep you happy." Wendy said, blushing.

"What, you didn't have that orgasm that you just shuddered through."

"That's why I know you are the one."

"Because I lick your pussy so good?" I said, and got a slap on the arm for the comment.

"That's not the only reason." Wendy said, pulling on her clothes as we could hear her parents moving about upstairs.

We made an effort to wash up and put on some body spray to hide the smell of sex on us before going upstairs to greet Wendy's parents. Luckily they both liked me a lot, often joking that if we broke up, Wendy was moving out, and I was having her room.

"Are you staying for dinner, Levi?" Mrs. Donaldson asked, hugging me.

"No, there is a family dinner tonight. I already saved Wendy from it, but I couldn't miss it as well. I've already used up all my brownie points." I answered, but I would have stayed in a heartbeat if they had pressed, as the Asian food Mr. Donaldson was carrying smelled divine.

Wendy gave me one more toe-curling kiss in the doorway as I headed out to my car. She looked dreamy, leaning against the jam with her head resting on the frame. Fuck she was beautiful. I was a lucky guy, that's for sure.

I pulled into the front yard, and I could already tell something was up. All the lights were on, and our house was lit up like a Christmas tree. I stepped out of the car and heard the commotion coming from inside. I peeked my head inside the front door to find a pile of Dad's clothes at the bottom of the stairs.

"Please, June, listen to me for a second." Dad was yelling from the foot of the stairs as Mom threw another armload of his suits down from the second-floor balcony.

"You can sleep in her bed tonight." She screamed, down to him as he placed a foot on the first step.

Mom instantly turned and picked up a lamp from the small table I knew was beside her and held it over her head in one hand even though it was still plugged into the wall by the cord. I stepped between them, looking up at Mom with my arm held in front of Dad to stop him from taking any more steps and enraging the situation further.

The look on Mom's face was frightening, the rage in her eyes, and even through my tears, I could see her heart being wrenched out through her chest. Tammy took the lamp from Mom's hand and draped herself around her, trying to absorb some of her pain.

"Find a hotel and text me, but she better not be there when I come over with the rest of your stuff, or I will fucking burn it all." I whispered, and he couldn't even look me in the face.

"I'm sorry, Levi." Dad said, as he turned and headed for the door, his posture was that of a beaten man.

I watched him pull away from the house in his Audi, to the sound of wailing before another crash from upstairs as something expensive hit the Venetian plaster wall. Following the noise, I found Mom with the other vase in her hands, aiming at the wall where the shattered remains of the matching one lay scattered at the base. "Make it a good one. It's probably not worth shit without its brother anyway." I said, and Mom hurled it at the wall.

"I will break everything he ever gave me." Mom screamed, as the vase exploded into fragments.

"Well, I'm next then, I guess." I said, as the vases were a wedding gift from his parents, so the story goes.

Mom's eyes softened in a second as the recognition of my words hit her, and realizing the pain was not hers alone. She rushed to me, slamming into my body and almost knocking me off my feet. "I got you, Mom. Tammy and I have your back." I said, as I crushed Tammy into us from her hiding place in the hall.

"Oh, Mom, I'm so sorry." Tammy said, as she hugged her from the side, gripping me tightly on the back.

It took a long while to get Mom to settle enough to talk to us calmly as we sat in the kitchen sipping the coffee that Tammy made. "It's like we are in some fucked up daytime soap opera. It couldn't get any more cliché." Tammy noted, as she made herself another coffee, and Mom was staring at the pile of clothes at the bottom of the stairs.

"I will take his clothes to him." I said, and Mom's eyes jerked in my direction.

"You know where he is staying?" She asked, before screwing her face up and beginning to cry.

"Not yet. I asked him to text me where I can take his clothes." I said, rubbing her shoulders while she cried some more.

"Why do I still care where the fuck he is?" Mom asked herself.

"Habit, I guess." I replied, and she nodded as she sipped on her coffee.

"Are you ready to talk about it yet?" Tammy asked, and I cringed.

"His assistant phoned me to tell me about the affair. She said it was only to help me see the true man he was." Mom said, almost under her breath.

"How long has it been going on?" Tammy asked, but I couldn't believe her questions while Mom was obviously crushed by the discovery.

"She didn't say, but I didn't even have a clue. I thought I would have known."

"Well fuck him, I say." I said, as my phone pinged.

Mom looked at my pocket with a flash of concern, then screwed up her face again and began to cry. Fuck, even after this betrayal, she still loved him. I collected all his clothes in a garbage bag and took it around to his hotel room, leaving them at the door, and texted him when I was leaving the car park. I didn't want to talk after dealing with my devastated Mother all night.

This cold war lasted for the next few weeks, and everyone suffered. Tammy only answered Dad in one-word texts, and I could barely speak to him at all. I went around to see him after he texted me a hundred times that day. "What the fuck, Dad."

"Your Mom won't answer my texts." He stammered, and he looked awful when I opened the door.

"If she has any sense, she will have blocked your number if the hundred messages you sent me is anything to go by." I replied, still pissed off with him.

"It was one night, we were both drunk, and she came back the next day with plans for our future. What future? I am married, and I still love my wife." Dad stammered, before breaking down in my arms.

"You are a fucking idiot." I said, and he just nodded his agreement.

"Why the fuck would you do that?" I asked, looking back at their perfect marriage.

"She took off her dress and I couldn't walk away from that body in those skimpy panties. You're right, I'm a fucking idiot."

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" I asked, still dubious about the chances but wanting to give him some hope, and maybe even myself some too.

"Do you think there is something still there?" He asked, looking into my eyes, searching for the truth.

"Not how it was, but she is not happy either, so before someone else finds that beautiful woman and gives her the life she deserves, you better do something. And I don't mean another hundred stupid texts." I answered, already wondering if I was doing the right thing.

He nodded his head and straightened up his posture. I had given him some hope. It could have been false hope, but it was a straw, and he clutched onto it with both hands. I left him that afternoon with a hug and the understanding that he was human and, if he was telling the truth, had made a mistake that was currently taking away his whole life.

It was a few weeks later that we got a text from Dad asking for a family meeting. I had a date with Wendy, and her Mom and Dad were staying out late, so I was looking forward to getting naked with her. "Dad called a family meeting, I don't know how long this will take, and I hope I will make it around tonight. I don't want to leave Mom if she is broken up after she talks to Dad." I said, over the phone to Wendy.

"I get that, Levi, but I will be in my bed without any clothes if you can find the time to make it." Wendy said with a giggle, and I almost texted Dad to tell him he was on his own.

Tammy was sitting with Mom at the table when I got downstairs a few minutes before Dad was due to arrive. Mom had on makeup, something I hadn't seen her wear in the last few weeks. Tammy was sitting on her shoulder almost protectively. Her body language and folded arms tell of her closed heart. I couldn't blame her, as Mom wasn't the only heartbroken that night.

"Ding Dong." The doorbell chimed, and I went to let Dad in as no one else moved after their bodies jerked at the sound.

Dad hugged me briefly and then moved into the dining room. He offered Tammy a hug too, but dropped his hands when she looked away. He gingerly pulled out a chair close to Mom, and when she didn't flinch, he sat down facing her.

"I'm sorry, June, I know that means nothing to you, but I'm truly sorry for hurting you. I have never done anything like that before, and I have gone out of my way to make sure I'm not in a position where it is possible. I always have two assistants working with me whenever I need help. Any suggestion that I was alone with a female assistant was too damaging. But that night, I had too much to drink and dropped my guard. Unfortunately it happened. I wish I could get a do-over; there are so many times I could have stopped it all. But.. I simply fucked up." Dad's voice trailed off as the tears brimmed in the bottom of his eyelids, threatening to overflow.

Mom remained unchanged, her face hardened to him. Now after weeks of buildup, no emotion came out. "You expect me to believe it was only once?" She asked, her voice harsh and short.

"I don't expect anything, and I don't deserve anything from you. I just wanted you to know I love you." He said, now knowing he was beating a dead cat here.

I saw Tammy's eyes flicker to him and then away as he stood. She was like a coiled snake, ready to bounce from her seat at any second, and I was prepared to step between them to stop the blows that I was sure were to come. But when she moved, it was too quick, and she had her arms around his neck and was crying before I had a chance to stop her.

Tammy's sobs were loud and only matched his as he clutched onto his Daughter with all his might. "I'm sorry, Tammy, I'm so sorry." He said, as he pulled back from her and turned to leave.

"Is that all you have to say? You blow this family apart for a little pussy, and all you can say is, I'm fucking sorry?" I yelled, as Dad made his way to the door.

"It's not all Levi, but I have loved your Mother for over twenty years, and I have never seen her lock me out like that before. So any plan I had to get us back together would be pointless right now." Dad said, his shoulders slumping back to their defeated position.

"So you aren't even going to try?" I asked, but Mom cut me off.

"What plan?" her words startled us all.

"North fur." Dad said, without turning.

"What's North Fur?" Tammy asked, looking at Mom, who rose from her seat.

"It would mean dropping everything here." Mom said, as her words cut through the tension in the air like a hot knife through butter.

"I have nothing here, but I need my family." Dad said, turning to face Mom, who stepped forward to confront him.

"But why now?" Mom asked, her eyes on Dad's, who's lifted to hers.

"When we had nothing, we had that dream. We lived in a one-room apartment with a pull-down bed and a toaster. It was you and I against the world, and I don't remember being happier in our lives. We have worked all our married lives for more stuff and gotten less and less happy. Why not have the dream?" he asked, stepping in even closer.

Dad then dropped to his knees and pressed his cheek to Mom's belly. "I'm begging for your forgiveness and will walk away now forever if you say so. But if you still have that dream, I will give it to you. A year at North Fur island." Dad said, his arms around Mom's hips and his face buried as he sobbed.

"No research assistants?" Mom asked, a hint of venom still in her voice.

"It takes four people." Dad said, and I got a feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"There are four of us." She said, and I knew we were trapped, even if Tammy still had a bewildered look on her face.

"What the fuck is North fur?" Tammy asked again.

"Not a holiday resort, I'm guessing." I answered, as we both saw Mom's hand go to the back of Dad's head and hold him to her body as she cried.

Over the next few days, the plan came out, and with every detail came the realization that this was not some idle plan of two young kids. It was something that would have happened many years ago if I hadn't come along. North Fur was a remote island with a fur seal colony that was remote enough to be unaffected in modern times, but forty years ago was almost wiped out by fur hunters.

Dad announced his one year sabbatical from the college, and Mom quit her practice and began to arrange the transport of all the equipment needed for the one-year stay. I was at Wendy's again, trying to cram as much fooling around into the days left before we shipped out. "I have only these last few days before I go off to war." I pleaded, as I looked up from between her naked thighs.

"Well, I won't have to worry about you being celibate for the next year." She said, as she broke out in giggles, I stopped that with a lick of her clit.

Wendy put her hand on the back of my head, forcing my tongue deeper into her pussy. "But I will miss this tongue." She groaned, as her organs took over.

Even as we taxied along the runway, I was already missing Wendy. "You can text and ring Wendy whenever I like using the satellite internet." Mom said, trying to reassure me.

The trip was exhausting, with two plane rides and a long journey in the world's slowest boat. I was waking up on the deck when I saw a dot on the horizon. "Fuck, it's tiny." I yelled, when I saw the amazed looks on Mom and Dad's faces.

"It's beautiful." Dad and Mom said, together, but I just couldn't see it.

"Where is the town?" Tammy asked, as she looked along the coastline.

"Back where we got on the boat." Mom answered, and Tammy looked back where we came from, distressed.

"That's a day's trip." She said, looking at our home for the next year with fear in her eyes.

As we got closer, I could see the rocks and ledges that were the coastline covered with black dots that were constantly moving. Every spot that could possibly fit a seal was covered with more jumping around in the ocean below. We cruised past the rough edge of the island facing us and pulled closer to the side, away from the wind on this day.

The Captain dropped anchor and began to fill the landing craft with our gear from below. "One of you on each run." He yelled, over the noise of the winch motor.

"I'll go first and help unload the rest of the gear. You come next, Levi as it will be easier with us both." Dad said, but I just wanted to go home to Wendy.

I came in on the second boat, and the small pebble beach was awash with the waves. The Captain said it was a good day, but I didn't believe him. I jumped out of the boat, pulled it up onto the beach, and helped Dad carry the gear up to the high ground. By the time we had made our first trip to the top of the cliff and back, Mom was just off the beach.

She jumped off the boat in waist-deep water, and I raced out to help her drag the craft up the beach. What I wasn't prepared for, was the wet bikini that clung to Mom's body when she came out of the waves. I could see every crease of her bottom and even the vee-shaped bush where the water made her white bottoms see-through.

"June, your bottoms are a bit revealing." Dad said, nodding to her crotch

"Oh, shit. Well, someone might appreciate them." She countered.

"Oh, I do, but Levi probably shouldn't." Dad said, cocking his head in my direction and breaking me out of my trance.

"Crap, sorry, Levi." Mom stammered, turning sideways but still showing most of her bottom.

"Didn't see a thing." I lied, as I picked up my next arm full of bags.

I was in front of Mom on the way to the top of the cliff but couldn't miss her bottom when she bent over to drop her load right in front of my face. I got an eyeful of her bikini-covered crotch that left nothing to the imagination. Thankfully, she took off without looking at me, and we got down just in time to catch Tammy as she made the beach.

"What is it with white clothing today?" I asked, as Tammy's shorts clung to her chunkier thighs.

Tammy's body was softer and thicker than Wendy's or Mom's, but she was still pretty; especially with see-through white pants and white G-string underneath. "Let's get this gear off the beach before the tide comes in and takes it all out to sea." Dad said, looking around and surveying the mountain of gear around us.

Why so much stuff?" I asked, when I realized how many trips up the cliff we had to make.

"There is another boatload or two to go. We won't see another resupply for two or three months at least." Mom said, as she looked at the nearby rocks with seals basking in the sun.

I had lost interest in Mom's ass by the fourth trip up the trail. The bikini had dried to the point that it was white cloth again, and even with her lovely bottom leading the way, I was as tired as hell. The tide had come in enough to be lapping at the path's base only a few minutes after we had the last of our bags off the beach. We didn't get them all at the top but at least they were distributed along the trail anywhere it was wide enough.

We toiled until the girls couldn't make another trip, then Dad and I finished the last few on our own, holding each end of some of the longer pieces as we staggered to the top. The old man was still pretty fit for his age, and Mom was a real surprise; she was stronger than she looked. Tammy looked like she was about to die, but she was still breathing, which was a good sign.

"Push me back down the hill, and I will swim home." Tammy grumbled, from on top of a pile of packs.

"I'm sorry, but the swim will have to wait. We need to set up a tent for tonight, or we will get very wet. It rains almost every afternoon this time of year." Dad said, as he staggered over to one of the packs and started to pull out a tent.

"Are we all sleeping in there?" Tammy asked, as she lifted her head for the first time.

"Until we get the domes set up." Mom replied, as she began clearing some small bushes and moving the rocks.

I helped Mom and Dad set up the tent but could still feel the tension between them. Mom snapped at Dad a few times, then thankfully stopped herself before it escalated anymore. Let's just say it was cordial for the next few hours, but I was worried how they were going to sleep in the same tent all night. Once the tent was up, we started setting up a tarp so we could cook underneath with some protection.Mom made a circle from the rocks she pushed from under the tent, and Tammy and I gathered some sticks and fallen wood from the small forest nearby. "Will they be alright?" Tammy asked, as she picked up another small branch.

"They will either get it together or kill each other." I answered, as I tried to smile and relieve the worried look on Tammy's face.

By the time we got back, some tension had dissipated, and Mom and Dad talked about the Seals and were keen to start their project. When I looked over at Tammy, she cracked a smile. She was beautiful when she did that.

As predicted, the rain began to tumble down an hour before dark and abruptly stopped just after the sun went down. We were huddled together under the shelter. We gathered around the fire as the rain took some warmth from the air. We ate and sorted out our sleeping bags with dad on one side, me next, then Mom, and finally Tammy beside her. Dad stripped to his shorts and climbed in, and I did the same, feeling a bit crusty from the saltwater.

We watched the shadows of Mom and Tammy washing off the salt, and I instantly regretted not doing the same. Mom came in next and slipped into her bag, but not until her pantie-covered bottom was pushed right into my face. "Sorry, Honey." She said, and giggled.

I shrunk away and protested as much as I should, but the view was not unpleasant at all. Tammy creped in, holding a shirt in front of her hips, covering her thighs from our sight. She needn't have worried because Dad and I were never going to call her out, but her self-consciousness was evident for us all to see. She managed to slip into her bag without flashing her bits to the rest of us.

I was asleep quickly, thank God, because I knew Dad would snore, but in the early morning hours, I was woken by him running a chainsaw in my ear. My eyes shot open when I realized my morning wood was pressed into the soft butt cheek of the woman to my right. What the fuck was wrong with me? That was my Mom. And I discovered she had a wonderfully soft body.

I shuffled around until my cock was pointed into the air and tried in vain to get back to sleep with my elbow pressed into Mom's left breast. As soon as I saw that the sky was brightening, I extracted myself from between my parents and stoked the tiny embers in the fire ring to get it going again.

"Did you get any sleep?" Tammy asked, as she sat beside me, bleary-eyed.

"A bit." I replied, hiding my boner from my Sister, whose nipples were poking through her tee.

"Are you having problems already? It's only been a week away from Wendy." Tammy asked, when she caught me glancing at her tits.

"Sorry." I stammered, and put some more wood on the fire.

"Don't fret it, Levi. No one is looking at me." She said, as she pulled at her tee so her nipples didn't show.

"I'm going to work hard and get the domes set up as fast as possible. I can't stand another night with that buzz saw next to my head." I said, trying to change the subject.

"I'll help where I can." Tammy said, her puffy eyes telling a similar story.

Half an hour later, Dad came out stretching like he had slept for days, and I felt like beating the shit out of him. "What?" He asked, at our sour looks.

"You're sleeping with the seals tonight if we don't get a dome built." Tammy said, with a sneer.

"Did I snore?" He asked, and she threw a stick at his chest.

"I thought it was a walrus mating next to the tent." I said, and Tammy broke out in a giggle, the smile back on her face.

We worked hard all day, but I could tell Mom wanted to start checking the seals. I saw her walking to the edge of the steep drop offs staring down at the teaming colonies. She was drawn back into the tasks at hand, as there would be a whole year to do her research. I slept in the partially constructed dome, leaving Mom, Dad, and Tammy to the noise. And over the next few days, we got both Domes watertight, and Dad and I started on the rest of the camp.

"Sorry, Mom, he is all yours. I can't stand it anymore. How did you put up with it all these years?" Tammy said, as she moved her bags into the dome with me.

Mom didn't look too pleased, but this was the plan anyway. If they were going to get back together, they had to sleep in the same room at least.

That night I feigned sleep while I watched Tammy undress in the darkness, only illuminated by the light seeping through the thick plastic walls. I could feel my cock expanding and creeping along my thigh as her breasts wobbled wonderfully when they were freed from their confines. She pulled off her panties before pulling on a long tee and crawling into her sleeping bag.

I spent the next hour willing my cock to go down. I would have snuck out and relieved myself, except I could hear Mom and Dad talking by the fire and didn't want to disturb them. I never got the chance again for the next few days as there seemed to be a job to do every time I tried to beat one out.

It was a beautiful morning, and I had my tea in my hand as I thought about where I could sneak off and explore the trees for a hiding place to jack off. I looked over and saw Mom running along the track towards me, her breasts wobbling as they were only restrained by the Bikini top. "Get a net, Levi. There is a seal with something caught around his neck." Mom yelled, when she was within earshot.

"Oh, shit. Where is it?" I said, as I hadn't seen it since before we left.

"Under our dome." Mom yelled, and I grabbed it and took off in her direction.

Mom was panting pretty hard after running up then down the trail but was clearly worried as we got to the edge of a large group of seals eyeing us nervously. "He is in the middle. See the green netting around his neck." Mom whispered, but I could hardly hear her over the noise of the colony.

"How do we do this?" I asked, in a normal voice, to get over the din.

"We'll run in on an angle to head him off before he can get to the water. I think he might drown if he makes it in." Mom said, her eyes fixed on the target.

She took off with me only a step behind, and when we went into the group of twenty or more seals, they took off towards the water. I took a wider angle than Mom, who ended up almost beside the young male, but it was enough to make him swerve away from the water only ten feet in front of him. I took another few strides and reached out the net's hoop, and he ran straight into it.

The net was like a giant sock with a hoop and a narrow point to trap their head. He slipped his body deep into the sock and wiggled, trying to get free. Mom dropped over his middle, and I grabbed him around his neck, holding him into the sand so he didn't hurt himself. "Open the zip a little from here and see if we can cut off the net." Mom said, as she pointed to the zip that started near the top of my hands.

That's when I saw Mom pull at her bikini top to recover her nipple. I hadn't seen her exposure in all the commotion but the movement gave her away. I pulled down the zip a little, and the green netting spilled out. Mom handed me some safety scissors from her waist belt, and I began cutting the seal free. "I can't get any more, the strands have cut into his neck." I said, worried about the pain I could cause.

"He will suffer much more if you leave them in there. Dig your finger under the line and cut it; it's the only way." Mom said, as the seal went still.

I slid my finger into the bloody cut in his fur, and I felt the line. I got my fingertip under the rope and lifted it enough to slide the tip of the scissors in too. I felt the line pop and could instantly hear the seal's breathing get better, so I pulled at the scraps of the line until it was free from his body.

He looked at me with his big dark eyes, and I guess, wondering what pain I was going to inflict next. But I patted the soft fur on his head as Mom pulled the zip down the length of his body. "On three." Mom said, and began to count.

When she said three, we both sprang back, and the seal took off for a few steps, then stopped and looked back when he realized we were not chasing anymore. He stopped for a long moment, the blood still trickling from the wound, then joined his friends in the water. "Will he be alright?" I asked, when I turned back to Mom.

"I don't know, but at least we gave him a chance. Having blood coming out of a wound is a bit of a worry. Not being able to breathe is fatal." Mom said smiling, and pressed her sweaty body into mine. "We did alright, Levi."

Dad looked on with pride as we retold our story over the fire that night. I didn't like to admit it, but I still sought his approval, even as flawed as he was. We had been on the island for a month now, but it felt like a year already. I was missing Wendy's touch and smell, so I grabbed the sat phone and my laptop from the solar charger and retreated to our dome to spend some alone time with Wendy before Tammy came to bed.

"Hi, Wendy." I typed, and waited for a response.

It took a long time looking at the blinking light, I could see the message had been delivered and read, but no reply had even been attempted. Tammy came to bed, but I stayed in the same position with my laptop on my knees, waiting for the reply that never came.

"Have you been up all night?" Tammy said, when she looked over at me in the morning.

"She hasn't messaged me back." I said, like it explained everything.

"She has a life back home, Levi. She will get back to you." Tammy tried to comfort me, but it wasn't helping.

I staggered through the day, checking my laptop a thousand times to no avail. Mom and Tammy were both looking at me like I was a nutcase, but I knew the promises Wendy and I had made and the life we were going to have together. It was very late on the second night that I finally saw the three buttons flashing on and off, letting me know she was typing her message of undying love.

"Levi, I'm so sorry for leaving this message for so long, as I just didn't know how to tell you this. I'm weak and can't wait a year for your return because I have found another man who loves me. The sex was too good to refuse and even better because I waited for the one. I hope someday you forgive me, and we can be friends and joke about the puppy love we had as kids.

All the best, Wendy

Each word pierced my heart. That she had sex twisted the knife even deeper as the pain rushed through my body. I couldn't breathe as I read each word, unable to believe my eyes. I thought I was the one, and our lives would be together until death do us part, but it felt like death right now.

I was sitting in the darkness, the heaviness on my chest crushing as my future faded in front of me. All the plans and the broken promises flooded my mind as I worked to make sense of the pain. A sob escaped my lips before I had a chance to stop it, then another as I felt the tears dropping onto my bare chest.

"Levi?" Tammy asked, as she peered at me in the dark.

"She fucked some random guy!" I growled, my voice not like my own.

"What?" She asked, as she crawled to my side.

It only took her a few seconds to read the message and slam my laptop closed. " That cunt. Fuck I'm sorry Levi." She said, as she pulled my head down into her chest.

I cried, wrapped up in Tammy's arms for the rest of the night, falling asleep just before dawn. Tammy was still cradling my head to her chest when Mom peeked in the door. "We will be out later, Mom." Tammy said, waving Mom away and letting me fall back to sleep.

The sun was high in the sky when I awoke with my head pressed against Tammy's soft breast. Although I could feel her nipple against my cheek, and it was not so soft. I pulled my head away when I remembered it was my Sister and I should be more careful. "You okay?", she asked when I jerked my head away from her.


I stood and pulled on a pair of shorts over the tent in my briefs. I didn't want to have it spring-free when Tammy had been so good to me last night. "Thanks, Tammy." I said, and left her worried look behind.

I walked to the top of the cliffs and could see Mom crouched close to a colony of fur seals that mostly ignored her presence. I could see Dad on the rocks behind her fishing but still watching Mom's every move. It was then that I heard the footsteps behind me. "You don't have to watch over me." I said, knowing Tammy too well.

"It's a tall cliff, and the rocks look sharp." She said, from behind me.

"I'm still in the angry stage. Fuck her, fuck all women. Except you of course, because you are my Sister."

"Well, thank you for excluding me from your fucking." She said, trying to lighten my mood, but I just couldn't laugh at the moment.

"Maybe marriage is a fucked up idea."

"Yep, I used to think it was a fairytale like they had, but now not so much." Tammy said, as we looked down on our parents, ignoring each other.

"I don't think there is a fairytale." I said, as I wandered down the trail with Tammy.

That's how we spent the next week, Mom counting seals and Dad supplying fresh fish, and me looking at the waves, wondering if I should swim for it. But Tammy seemed to be looking at me every time those feelings overwhelmed me. I couldn't shake the gloom, and there was nothing here to distract me.

I was sitting against the rocks with the wash lapping at my feet when I was startled out of my thoughts by a loud bark next to my ear. I could smell the fishy breath before turning my head, and I was suddenly face to face with a seal. He sniffed my way, then bumped his nose into my cheek, his sharp teeth only an inch from my neck.

That's when I saw the scar running around just behind his ears. "Hi there, you made it." I said, in almost a whisper, which was followed by another loud bark.

The seal bumped my cheek again, and I couldn't help but smile. I tentatively reached out a hand, and he shied his head away, so I ran the back of my knuckles down the front of his chest. "It's good to see you, big guy. I was worried about you attracting some bad neighbors with the blood from your cuts."

I brushed over one of the cuts to find that the edges had healed together nicely. His flipper began to twitch when I rubbed over again, like a dog when you scratch his belly. "If it's itchy, it must be healing. That's a good thing." I said to him, as he leaned into my fingers.

He wobbled off and dove into the water, disappearing under the waves only to return ten minutes later, all wet with his fur slicked down, making him look like a shiny black car. Then over the next hour of nudging me for more scratches, his coat fluffed up as air got underneath.

It was then that I noticed Mom behind some rocks watching our interaction from the cover. He eventually tired of my company and waddled off to the edge of the rocks, dropped into the water, and gracefully glided into the depths of the sea. "Is it alright to touch him?" I asked, as Mom came out of her hiding spot.

"We already intervened in his life, so nothing he does from now on will be quite natural anyway. But he is beautiful even with the scars."

"Chicks dig scars." I countered, as I tried to avoid looking at Mom's body in her bikini.

"Even the ones you can't see." Mom said, as she pulled my head into her chest and kissed the top of it.

The trouble was that I was looking right at the side of her boob. I can't say I closed my eyes even though it was the appropriate thing to do. And when she pulled back from me, her eyes went straight to the bulge down the leg of my trunks.

"Sorry, mom." I said, looking away.

"Looks like there is life in you yet. I'll take it as a compliment." Mom said, as she headed for the path up to the camp, swishing her bottom a little more than usual.

I followed Mom at a safe distance but still managed to get caught watching her bottom sway. I had no excuse and didn't even offer one, as Mom just smirked and kept climbing. Strangely Tammy seemed pissed with me the rest of the day and didn't even check on me when she came to bed.

"Did you see Corky?" I asked, trying to start a conversation with Tammy.

"Corky? You named him after our childhood dog?" Tammy grunted, without turning toward me.

"He acts just like him pushing his nose under your arm trying to get a pat." I said, but Tammy didn't reply.

I got a visit from Corky each day after that. He would play in the water near me and pop out onto the rocks in search of more scratching. In a few more days, he would come close to me, rest his head on my leg, and soak up some sun. He was a beautiful animal with an incredibly playful side. When some of the seals nearby hobbled off towards the water, he bounded off after them like there was some unheard call that dinner was being served.

I wandered along the top of the rocks, watching them swimming under the water until they swept away out of sight. Then I spotted Tammy out of the corner of my eye, standing only a few feet off the rocks. I was stunned to find her naked body visible through the clear water as she stood chest-deep, washing out her hair.

I should have looked away, but the sight of her nude body was something to behold, her full breasts peeking out of the water. I couldn't pull my eyes away until I saw a dark shape that was following a few of the seals, then changing course and cruising along the edge of the rocks.

"Tammy, out of the water now!" I yelled, at the top of my lungs, and took a few strides, leaping into the water between her and the dark shape. I made a big splash, and when I stood, I was within arms reach of Tammy. I didn't look back, just grabbed her around the waist and smashed my way through the water to the rocks.

We both turned back, looking out into the deeper water to see a tail flash then disappear. I held Tammy to me, and she was shaking like a leaf. "Holy shit Levi. He almost got me." She whispered into my neck.

"I saw him chasing some seals then broke off when he saw something that doesn't swim as fast as they do. He wasn't that big, but he would have taken a good bite out of that cute bottom." I said, unwilling to let go of Tammy's body yet.

"Were you spying on me?" She said, as she looked into my eyes.

"Not on purpose. Corky and his mates headed along the rocks under the water. And... I found you." I answered, not letting on that I watched her for a while.

"Got to thank Corky then." She said, pulling her body away for a second and then squishing her breast's back to my chest. "Oops, that's a bit revealing. Close your eyes."

"Fuck that, the best sight on the island, and I have to close my eyes? Like hell!" I said, not wanting to miss out without putting up some sort of fight.

"What about Mom's boobs?"

"Her's weren't naked, so I reserve judgment." I retorted, and she slapped me before moving away without covering herself with her arms, collecting her clothes, and putting them on.

I watched her pulling up her shorts over her wet thighs, and they gripped her wet skin making her wiggle and jiggle to get them on. Then she pulled her tee over her head, leaving off the bra for the sake of speed. I took her hand and helped her over the rocks to the trail. Then I had a distracting view of her bottom from behind as we walked up the narrow path to camp.

"Are you staring at my bottom?" Tammy asked, as she led the way.

"Well, it's very nice. What's a man gonna do?"

"It's too fat."

"Not from here. You don't realize how good your bum and thighs look after walking everywhere on the island the last few months." I said.

"Flatterer." she said, but didn't make me pass her on the way up.

Mom and Dad made a big deal out of me saving Tammy, but the shark wasn't the size of Jaws or anything. I guess it would have been dangerous considering how far from a rescue we were. Mom gave me a long hug that night and told me how proud she was of me, but she didn't know I was perving on my Sister when I spotted the shark. Thankfully Tammy left that out of her report.When she came to bed, she took off her clothes, threw on a fresh tee, and slipped into her sleeping bag without even looking in my direction. I saw her roll over to face me, and I could feel her eyes on me in the dark. "I don't know what Wendy was thinking. I would never have made you wait." She said, out of the blue.

"Feels like I'm going to be a virgin forever." I said, back, finding it easier to talk to her in the dark.

"Me too." She answered.

"Can I ask you something?" She said, in the darkness.

"Why not? It's just the two of us."

"Did you really like what you saw today?" She asked, and I could hear the tremor in her voice.

"You're fucking beautiful, Tammy."

"You're just saying that so I don't get hurt."

"I was standing there like a pee-struck butterfly when I spotted you naked today." I answered honestly.

"Then you go and save me like my knight in shining armor, and I can't do anything with you. I'm horny all day, and I have to sleep in the same room as my brother, so I can't even masturbate for relief." She blurted out, before turning onto her back.

"I'll do you a deal."

"What's that?"

"I won't complain about you fapping off in your bed if you can ignore me doing it in mine." I suggested, hoping to get some relief without having to sneak away into the bushes.

"It would be nice not to worry about Mom or Dad catching me with my pants down."

"Tell me about it." I said, and noticed her rustling in her bed.

"Are you going to do it now?"

"No time like the present." She answered, and dropped her tee onto the floor.

I saw her hands go inside her bag, and my cock began to fill with blood, creeping up along my belly. I pushed my shorts down my legs and kicked them off with my foot, and began stroking my cock with some slow strokes. Looking over at Tammy, I saw some movement about her hips.

"Are you thinking about her?" Tammy asked, looking off into the distance.


"What then, Me?"

"Sorry. It's the last thing in the spank bank." I said, stroking my demanding cock.

"Hard to believe I have that kind of pull on you."

"It's hard, alright." I said, and we both giggled.

"How far did you two go?"

"Everything but."

"You went down on her?"

"And she returned the favor." I said, and let out a breath.

"Was she any good?"

"I don't think there can be a bad blow job, to tell you the truth."

"Makes sense. I wouldn't mind a bad one." Tammy said, as I saw her knee slide out from her bag.

She noticed me looking and moved her leg out some more. "I can't finger myself with my legs straight down like a guy." She said, in her own defense, as my eyes fixed on her naked thigh.

"No complaints here." I said, as I looked over at her as I stroked my cock.

"Can I see it?" She asked, startling me from my impending orgasm.

"I guess that's fair." I replied, and pushed down the top of the sleeping bag.

Once my cock was in her view, Tammy resumed rubbing between her legs. Pushing aside the top of her bag and turning her body slightly my way, she looked intently at my cock as she dipped her fingers along her pussy lips and out of my sight. Even in the dull light of our dome, her skin looked soft and smooth all the way to her curly bush.

I stroked my cock with purpose, and Tammy seemed delighted with the results as I could hear her breathing hard, well, as hard as I was anyway. I was getting close to my orgasm and let out a low groan. This spurred on Tammy, who spread her legs wider and rubbed her clit furiously.

"I'm cumming." I grunted, and shot a load into the air that landed on my stomach with a splat.

"Oh, fuck, Levi." Tammy muttered, as her body began to shudder and she clamped her legs around her hand.

I shot another load onto my chest then the rest pumped out over my fingers as it flowed down my shaft and into my pubic hair. Tammy was still humping her hand between her thighs, her orgasm going on much longer than mine. Once she stopped shuddering, she relaxed and looked at my face. "Can you grab me something to clean this up?" I asked, stuck with cum all over my front.

"Here, use these. They are dirty anyway." She said, as she reached into her sleeping bag and threw me her panties.

I caught her panties and instantly put them to my nose. "Shame to waste that wonderful smell." I said, teasing her a little.

"Men are such dirty bastards." She retorted, but I could see the smile on her face.

The next day seemed pretty normal, with our jobs relatively well defined by now. Tammy and I collected fallen wood and Dad was fishing, and Mom was down with the seals, documenting the newborn pups. The only thing I noticed that changed was that Tammy had her Bikini bottoms on as usual but without the shorts over them this time. Her bottom was a perfect pear shape, and her thighs had a nice gap below her pussy lips.

"You like my Bikini bottoms?" Tammy asked, that night as she undressed for bed.

"Much better without the shorts." I answered, watching her openly this time.

I watched her shimmy out of the Bikini bottoms and tossed them at me. "For tonight's cleanup." She said, and I brought them to my nose and inhaled deeply.

"Another waste." I said, as I flipped my sleeping bag open to expose my already hard cock.

Tammy reached around herself, grasped the hem of her tee, and pulled it over her head. Opening her sleeping bag, she lay down but didn't pull the top half over to hide her nakedness. My Sister reached into the small box that acted as her nightstand, opening her laptop so that the light from the screen lit the gloomy interior. "I want to see you better."

"I'm Ok with that." I stammered, at the wondrous sight before me.

Tammy shifted to her side and watched me intently as she lifted her upper leg so her knees were pointing straight up. Her hand drifted across her belly as her fingers ruffled through her curly hair. I pulled the skin of my shaft down, so my foreskin pulled back, exposing my cockhead, which provoked a moan from Tammy.

Tammy pressed her fingers between her thighs, again out of my sight from my position. "Can I turn around so I can see you better?" I asked, and Tammy blushed but nodded her consent.

I swiveled around so my head was towards her feet, and I could see what her fingers were doing. I saw Tammy's eyes follow my cock, and she was now watching me stroking from a different angle. Her pussy was not the same as Wendy's, not even close. She had small, almost invisible inner lips that disappeared within her outer lips when her fingers were not holding them open. Then, her clit protruded from her pussy at the top, at least like now when she was excited.

I watched, mesmerized, as she dipped two fingers into her pussy and used the juice to circle her clit before going back in for more. I stroked my cock in earnest as I marched closer to my goal, slowing when I got over excited to prolong this glorious moment. The inevitable was about to happen, and I groaned as my body began to tense. I saw Tammy strum furiously on her clit as her pussy opening started to pulse in time with her moans.

I splattered my chest and stomach with my load as Tammy watched each jet. When I squeezed the last drop from the tip onto my stomach, she licked her lips as she slowly closed her legs and pulled the top of her bag over her body. I took one last sniff of her bikini bottoms before using them to clean up my mess. "Dirty boy." She whispered, as she closed her laptop.

This scene was repeated almost every night as we became familiar with each other's bodies. I found myself seeking Tammy's company as we became closer than ever before in our lives. She was beautiful and funny with some sarcasm thrown in for good measure. But above all else, she was a sexual being and matched my level of desire almost perfectly.

When I felt my horniness building within me the next time I saw Tammy, she would drag me off somewhere secluded and flash her pussy or breasts. "I can't wait for tonight. I need to cum real bad." She would say, and every night she would follow through on her word. She would throw off her clothes as soon as we were in the dome, spread her beautiful legs, and fap away on her clit while I tugged on my cock.

Of course, we were playing with fire. I was falling in love with her and was drawn to her side at every opportunity. I tried to resist touching her because even when I placed my hand on the small of her back, I would get a look from Mom. When you are barred from sex, it seems to be everywhere on the island. Every time I looked around, a bull seal would be fucking first one of his females then move on to another, slamming into her while the next of his wives waited her turn.

I saw Tammy watching one of these encounters and then looking at me, then quickly away when Mom noticed her gaze. But I don't think the trip was having the desired effect on Mom and Dad, as Mom barely looked at Dad even when I saw him trying to win her approval on many occasions. "I think this might be all for nothing." I said, that night as I watched Tammy removing her panties.

"Don't say that." She whispered, and her chin began to quiver.

"She can't forgive him. Or won't." I said, and she crossed the room and hugged me tightly.

"So you lose a girlfriend, and I'm celibate, for fuck all?" Tammy asked, wiping away the tears with the top of her tee.

"I think I was lucky to lose Wendy now. She would have broken my heart at some point. It could have been after we had kids and fucked them up as well." I said, as the tears began to well in my eyes.

Tammy leaned into me, so close I could feel her breath on my lips. She hesitated as if thinking of the consequences for a moment, then brushed her lips across mine. I opened my mouth and closed it around her bottom lip, tracing my tongue across them. The sparks flew, and my mind exploded as the feelings rushed onto me like a tidal wave.

Tammy pressed in again with more vigor than before, her tongue darting out in search of mine. The next few minutes were a blur as we kissed with a passion I had never expected. "Was kissing Wendy like this?" Tammy asked, when she pulled back to look into my eyes.

"I didn't know it could be like this. I just thought kissing was kissing." I whispered, trying to make sense of my feelings as my cock swelled between us and pressed into her naked bush.

"Well, that wasn't just kissing." She said, as I ran my hand over her bare bottom, and it was as soft as it looked.

Tammy closed her eyes and leaned in again, kissing me as I gripped her ass cheek in one hand. We were locked together for the longest time as she ran her hands along my bare hip to my thigh. "What was that?" I asked, when she pulled back with a smile.

"Just testing if it felt the same."


Tammy dropped her gaze searching for the words. I knew this because I was doing the same, and the only ones I could think of tumbled out of my mouth at the same time hers did. "I love you." We said in unison.

What a shocking occurrence to fall for your Sister, and if we had never come to the island, I don't think I would have ever happened. We looked at each other, my feelings becoming clearer with every passing second. She pressed her lips to mine again for a few seconds. "I'm yours, and I won't hold you off; take me now."

My cock lurched at her words, and I could have easily rolled on top of her and had my way. But I couldn't do that to her. "Fuck, I want to, with all my being, but there is no way to explain the results of my actions, no lie to hide what we had done." I said, as Tammy lifted her body and gripped my cock for the first time.

"I don't care about any of that shit, fuck me now. Fuck me!" She said, as she rubbed my cockhead between her pussy lips.

"You know that my precum has millions of sperm in it, right?" I asked as I rose over her, lifted her legs over my shoulders, and lined my cock up with her pussy.

"I don't care." She said, but I saw the hesitation in her eyes.

"You know I want this too, but I won't hurt you like that." I said, as I moved down her body and dropped my mouth over her clit.

Tammy instantly gripped my hair in her fingers, trying to pull me back up to her, but as I resisted and began licking the most beautiful pussy in the world, her tugging became more like she was guiding me to even more pleasurable spots on her pussy. She relaxed her legs around my head, pulling them back to her chest. I licked up the juice dribbling from between her lips, then attacked her clit at the top of my stroke.

I used my mouth on her clit and my tongue flipping back and forth across her sensitive button. I ran my fingers between her pussy lips to find her wet and willing. I slipped one finger into her pussy until I felt her barrier, so I withdrew and pressed a second into her, and her moans went up another notch. I withdrew the fingers and circled her rosebud, and she groaned out her pleasure.

"Slip one inside my ass." She whispered, and I pressed one finger against her crinkled opening.

I continued to lick her clit as my finger disappeared inside her warm back passage, sliding into her past the second knuckle. That's when I felt her orgasm coming on, first her low moans, then the contractions around my finger as her body began convulsing against my mouth. She gripped my hair, forcing my face harder into her pussy.

When her tremors stopped and her body relaxed, I kissed my way up until my cock rested in the groove of her pussy. She pulled me in for a kiss, and I tried to resist because I had her pussy juice all over my mouth. "What?" She asked, looking at me strangely.

"I have your pussy juice everywhere, and Wendy didn't..." I began to explain.

"Wendy never tasted her own pussy?" She asked, confused, and pulled me into a kiss. "I'm not Wendy. And trust me, my pussy tastes incredible."

"Yes, it does." I agreed, and kissed her again.

"I'm all wet. You can rub against me." She said, as she rocked her hips, her pussy slipped along the underside of my cock.

"Are you sure?"

"Unless you want to be inside me, it's up to you."

"Outside, your pussy is plenty for me. I'm not going to last long anyway, you're far too beautiful." I said, and her face lit up our room.

Her rocking and my thrusts along her channel had me on the brink very quickly, then she put her hand behind my neck and gently pulled me down into a long hot kiss that triggered my climax. I could feel the jets of sperm splashing between us, but nothing else mattered while our lips were joined like this. "We made a mess." I said, as my pulses calmed down.

"A wonderful mess." She said, and took her bikini bottoms from the box and brought them to her nose. I stopped her before she could start to wipe up my cum. "What a waste of an opportunity to see how I taste." I said as her eyebrows and smile both erupted on her lovely face.

"Mmm you taste good too."

It took a pair of my jocks as well to get us both clean, then we lay facing each other in my bed, the smell of sex surrounding us. "If Mom comes in right now, we are dead meat." I said.

"Fuck them; they brought us here. It's all their fault." Tammy said, as she dropped her head on my arm and snuggled into my chest.

"I love you." I said, but she was already softly snoring.

I watched on the following day as Mom counted the new pups, and Dad caught and tagged a few after weighing and measuring them. They were working together but still had no contact with each other. I would go as far as to say they avoided the contact from what I observed. I was sitting on some rocks with Tammy by my side when Corky popped out of the water onto the rocks beside us, splashing Tammy all up the side.

"That wasn't very nice big guy." I said, as I scratched at his neck.

"I guess he thought it would be refreshing." Tammy said, as she tentatively held out a hand.

Corky barked out loudly, scaring Tammy's hand away until he leaned into her palm on the second try. Tammy's face lit up when Corky closed his eyes, enjoying the scratches. Soon enough, he was sunbathing with his head on Tammy's wonderful thigh. "What are we going to do about them?" Tammy asked, nodding towards Mom and Dad working further up the beach.

"He just needs to fuck her good and hard, and it will all work out. Unfortunately I don't see that happening any time soon." I said, shaking my head at the body language I watched from up the beach.

"They both love this shit, and they are not enjoying any of it." Tammy admitted, as she scratched the top of Corky's head and smiled to herself.

"I'm worried this year will be a total waste of time."

"She must be dripping by now. It's been months since she has gotten off." Tammy said, and my mind was instantly reeling with the thought of Mom's pussy dripping hot with lust.

I shook my head to disperse those thoughts. "Then how do we get them together?" I said, without looking at Tammy and giving myself away.

"We do what we are now and leave them to work together. One of them will give in eventually. I hope." Tammy said, as she stroked my thigh close to my cock.

"At least we have each other." I whispered, and put my hand on her ass, out of sight of our parents.

Tammy moved her weight onto one ass cheek, allowing my hand to cover the other entirely. I ran my fingers along the cleft of her ass and across her covered pussy lips. "I'm as horny as fuck. I can't wait for bedtime." Tammy said, as I felt the dampness on my fingertips

Corky lifted his head from Tammy's thigh and sniffed her crotch before waddling to the edge of the rocks and swan diving into the next wave. "Even Corky can smell my excitement." She whispered, as she gave my cock a squeeze.

That night in my bed, Tammy was stroking my cockhead against her clit, making me worry about the amount of precum that was getting between her pussy lips. "Ok, let's try this." She whispered, as she turned over and took a bottle of something from the side table and dripped it on her beautiful ass.

She smoothed the oil over and between the globes, then took hold of my cock and directed my cockhead between that glorious valley. I was humping between her ass cheeks when she took hold of my cock and pointed the head at her rosebud. "Right there, ooh, now play with my clit."

I could feel the spongy head of my cock slipping back and forth across her puckered opening, bringing me, and by the sound of her moans; her incredible pleasure. "I'm not going to last much longer, Tammy." I said, to give her time to pull her body away, so she didn't get any of my sperm between her legs.

I felt her center my cockhead at her crinkled opening as if she was trying to get it to go in. I stayed still and concentrated on holding back my climax, but that was all in vain as her movements back on my cock were way too much exquisite friction for my cockhead to withstand. "Fuck, Tammy, I'm about to cum." I said, as she forced her ass back one last time and sealed my crown against her ass as it opened a little to accept the intrusion.

"Oh, Christ, you have the head in." Tammy grunted, as I clenched my teeth in an effort not to thrust my cock deeper into her ass.

"What the hell is going on here!" A voice from behind us yelled, and Mom flung the top of my sleeping bag back to reveal our naked bodies in what could only be described as a compromising position.

My balls were ready to begin pumping their contents into Tammy, and I was sure if I moved, it would happen without any notice, so I froze in place, and so did Tammy. "Levi! Stop that now." She yelled, and I remained frozen, unable to look her in the eye.

"Leave us alone." Tammy said, as she found her voice again.

"I will not." Mom said, took hold of Tammy's wrist, and dragged her from the dome.

I leaped up from the bed, my cock flopping from side to side, slapping on my thighs as I ran to rescue Tammy. Dad was still next to the firepit sitting on one of the benches when his eyes almost bugged out of his head. "I need answers. What the hell do you think you were doing with Tammy?" Mom asked, as she sat Tammy down across from Dad.

"We were helping each other out, Mom." Tammy answered, trying to hide her body.

I sat on the bench to the side and put my hands over my erection. Mom looked furious, but I saw the anger in Tammy's eyes begin to flair. "You brought us here. This is all your fault!" She screamed, as she stood and faced up to Mom.

"We came here together!" Mom screamed back.

"We came here to save your marriage, but you pair aren't even fucking. And the only other guy on the island is my brother, and I don't want to fall pregnant, so I'm fucked too." Tammy yelled back, their faces only inches apart.

"You shouldn't be doing that with your brother." Mom retorted, as she stood her ground with her angry Daughter.

"What the fuck are you waiting for? Dad's right there. Don't you love him anymore? You both are so uptight, you need to get laid!" Tammy asked, and Mom took a step back.

"It's just not fair. I married your father right out of college. I had never had another boyfriend and never had sex before marriage. Over the years, I have brushed off advances from the opposite sex, not wanting to break our vow. Now I just feel like a fool." Mom answered, after a few moments of thought.

"Then square it up, and get on with your marriage." Tammy said, and I saw Dad react, then drop his head.

"I'm not going to fuck some stranger to get even. If the word ever got out, my career and all my research would be tainted with the stain." She said, but Tammy looked at Dad, then me, still trying to cover my cock.

"Fuck Levi. He's been drooling over your ass for months." Tammy said, and Mom's head jerked in my direction.

"It's not something I could do, Tammy." Mom said, as she glanced at my cock.

"It's only fair. You cost him a fuck with Wendy and are cockblocking him and me. The poor bastard has to have blue balls by now. Fuck him, and then you will be even, and you can go back to fucking Dad again and leave both of us alone." Tammy said, as she turned Mom towards me and pulled on the strings at the sides of her Bikini bottoms.

Mom's bottoms fell away at the front exposing her blond pubes. They were lighter than Tammy's but a bit bushier. Tammy pulled the cloth from between Mom's legs as she pushed her in my direction. I saw Dad begin to rise for the first time, but Tammy held out her hand to stop him. "You have done enough already. Just sit there and take it like a man."

"Would you?" Mom asked me, as she nodded at her body.

I looked at Tammy questioningly, not wanting to hurt her. She nodded to me, and there could be only one answer. "If you want me to."

"I need you. I think it will put things right." Mom said, as she pulled at her strings on the top and her breasts broke free of their confines.

"But June?" Dad asked, and Mom stopped just before my knees.

"Would you rather I take a stranger's cock inside me? I'm not taking you back until I have had sex with someone else, so I know how it feels. It's up to you. Do you want me back?" Mom asked with her hands on her hips, then waited for an answer, but Dad just hung his head. "Well?"

Dad just nodded his head a fraction of an inch, and Mom stepped over my thighs and pushed my chest back, so my cock sprang free. "Look, his cock is even bigger than yours." Mom stated, with a dreamy look in her eyes.

She stood over my thighs with my cock standing up between her legs, only a few inches from her glistening pussy. "Don't do it, June. How many times must I say I'm sorry?"

"You should have thought of that before you put your cock in Penny's cunt." Mom said, her voice was as harsh as I have ever heard it.

The firelight was flickering in the background, illuminating between Mom's legs and outlining the drip of pussy juice hanging from her lips. I couldn't bring myself to side with Dad, as I now knew the pain he had caused, and ran my hands up the outside of Mom's sides, taking hold of her hips and bringing her soft belly to my lips.

I felt Mom's hand behind my head as she moaned to my touch. I traced my fingers between her cheeks and over her puckered opening until I found her pussy with its petals spread to my contact. She was slippery with desire, her lips parting with my slightest endeavor, and I slid two fingers deep into her opening to test her resolve.

"Are you watching? This is love, pure and unadulterated love. He has never been with another woman and is willing to be with me to fix his parent's marriage. That's true love." Mom said, looking my Dad in the eyes, as she lowered her body, so my cock parted her outer lips.

The truth is my cock was making all the decisions now, and I was just along for the ride. And what a beautiful ride it was. Mom seemed to hesitate for a moment, her legs shaking above me with my cockhead lodged just inside her opening. Her lip was quivering as she thought about the consequences of what we were doing.

Then I saw Tammy stride up behind Mom and, taking her by the hips, pushing her down onto my lap. My cock slid in easily, all the way to the root. Mom wrapped her arms around me with my face planted between her breasts and sighed. I ran my hands everywhere I could reach, from her ass crack to gripping a breast in each hand, playing with her body as I began to hump up into my Mom.

"That's a beautiful big cock, Levi. It fills me completely." Mom whispered, as if I needed more encouragement.

She began to match my thrusts by raising and lowering her ass on my cock. We soon set up a nice rhythm as I was cruising towards my climax. I became mindful of how fast that point was approaching and slowed myself down, but Mom would have none of that and bucked faster on my lap. "You won't beat me there, Levi. Just let it go, Baby." she whispered, as I could feel her begin to tremble in my arms.

"He is making me cum. Oh God, it's going to be a big one, Honey." She announced, throwing her head back and moaning out her climax.

I felt the cum boiling in my balls and was just holding on while Mom orgasmed on my cock, her pulses on my shaft, driving me over the edge. I began pumping my cum deep within her pussy as I realized that I was no longer a virgin, and I was fucking my first pussy. Mom slowed her humping as her climax waned, and she only rocked her hips as I jetted the last of my cum into her womb. "Don't worry, Baby. I can't have any more children." Mom whispered, when she saw the worried look on my face.

Mom waited until my cock softened and slipped from her pussy, cuddling and kissing me the whole time. She then looked over her shoulder at Dad and slipped off my lap onto the grass at my feet. "Ok, here I am if you still want me." She said, spreading her legs in his direction with my cum trickling from her opening.

Dad looked at her with his distress evident for everyone to see. He thought for a second, then rose from his spot, shook his head, and stormed off towards their dome. He slammed the door and moved something against it. This was symbolic at best, as the walls were plastic and could be pushed through with minimal effort, but Mom got the message and dropped her tough persona as soon as he left.

Tammy rushed to her, lifting her under the arms, and I followed them into our dome. Mom had tears in her eyes as Tammy wiped Mom's pussy with my tee-shirt and laid her in her bed, before climbing in behind her and pulling the opened sleeping bag over them both. "Was that the right thing to do?" Mom asked, and I didn't know the answer.

"It will either fix things or break them for good. Either way, it's for the best I think, to move forward one way or the other." Tammy said, her arm around Mom.

"I'm sorry Levi." Mom blubbered, as she looked across the gap to me.

"He loved it, Mom." Tammy said, but I could see the tinge of sadness in her eyes.

"It was beautiful, Mom, and you are beautiful." I said, as I looked into Tammy's eyes.

She mouthed I love you, from behind Mom and tried to smile. Then after a few minutes of silence. "We will make him jealous, Mom, and he will come running back to you." Tammy said, as a grin broke out on her face.

"What, I just keep fucking Levi?" Mom asked, her interest showing on her face.

"Yes, and you show Dad everything, he has to have the pornstar view. He will be drooling for your body by the time we finish with him." Tammy said, as her face disappeared behind Mom.

I awoke in the morning to the smell of breakfast cooking and Mom and Tammy's bed empty. I wondered if everything would return to normal today, but when I came out to the fire, Mom and Tammy were wearing G-string bikinis as they tended to the food. Dad was greeted with this when he came out from his dome, but I couldn't look his way for the rest of the morning.

Later in the afternoon, Dad came up behind me while I scratched Corky as we sunbathed on the rocks. "Are we Ok. Levi?" He asked, and I didn't answer.

"Are we?" I asked, back without looking at him.

"It's a strange position we find ourselves in."


"I think we might be able to forget it ever happened." Dad said, as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Do you still love her?" I asked, and he dropped his hand.

"Of course."

"Then you need to show her that, or you might lose her for good." I said, as Corky dived into the water with a splash.

"You and I are good, Levi, just know that." He said, as he patted my shoulder again and walked away.

By the time we finished dinner that night, I was ready to rip Tammy's bottoms off and take her in front of the fire. The sight of Mom and Tammy's G-string disappearing between their twin globes was tantalizing, to say the least. I saw Dad glancing at the wonderful sight more than once.

Just as I was resting back and enjoying the sights, I saw Tammy elbow Mom, who came over to me and began stroking my cock through my pants. Dad's head snapped in my direction as Mom hooked her thumbs in her bikini bottoms and tugged them down her smooth thighs. She helped me shimmy down my shorts so my cock could spring free, flopping onto my belly with a slap.

Mom pulled my head to her crotch and rocked her head back when I latched onto her clit. Mom lifted one leg onto the log beside me to allow me better access to her charms. I used that extra space to slip two fingers into her pussy while flicking at her clit with my tongue. "Oh, fuck me, Baby boy." she moaned, as she pulled away from my mouth.

I reached out for her hips as she undid her top, allowing her breasts to swing free. That beautiful sight of her big breasts and wet pussy stunned me as she moved forward over my thighs. She hurriedly lowered herself onto my cock and groaned when it slipped into her to the hilt. I began to hunch up as she lowered herself, making a wet slapping sound at the bottom of each stroke, smashing her clit onto my pubic bone as our bodies collided.

"He is making me cum on his big cock." Mom yelled out to the night air.

As soon as I felt her pussy contracting around my cock I began to pump her full of my seed. My orgasm lasted a few seconds less than hers, but it was as intense as I have ever felt. Mom held onto me until her orgasm had passed before again sliding onto the grass and offering her body to Dad. "All ready for you." She said, with my cum oozing from her battered pussy.

Dad paused, looking at Mom, then stormed off again, making a show of slamming the door and sliding something against it. Tammy and I helped Mom to bed again, only this time Tammy undressed and slid into bed with me. She straddled my chest and moved her pussy over my mouth, her wet pussy brushing against my lips. "You two look so beautiful." Mom whispered, as I licked between Tammy's lips and found her protruding clit.

She tangled her fingers into my hair and pulled me into her core as I flicked my tongue across her button and then devoured her pussy. I traced my fingers over her ass as she rocked her hips against my face. "Oh, Levi, I love you." She cooed, as she took hold of one breast and pulled on the nipple.

I licked her from her rosebud to the top of her clit, collecting her plentiful juices and drinking every drop. Fuck, the view from under her was spectacular across her belly and up over her twin mounds as I watched her face screw up in ecstasy. She began to jerk above me as her orgasm washed over her body. She almost smothered me with her wet pussy as she shook and gyrated on my face.

Tammy came down from her orgasm and lay beside me. "I'm sorry, Honey. I don't mean to take your man." Mom said, as she looked at us across the gap between our beds.

"You aren't taking him, Mom. It's more of a loan while we work on Dad." Tammy said, as she played with my cock under the covers.

I saw Mom close her eyes, so I kissed Tammy deeply and pulled her naked body against mine. She didn't shy away from the pussy juice on my lips, instead kissing most of it away. Then she kissed her way down to my refreshed erection and took half of it into her mouth. It was only then that I remembered that it would still be covered with mine and Mom's mixed juices. She didn't miss a beat taking me higher and higher until I unloaded into her mouth.

She crawled back up to my side and rested her head on my chest. I glanced over to Mom and caught her eye, and she just smiled a little. "Night, Mom." I said, as she began to drift off to sleep.

"Night, Babies."

It was over a week later, after Dad got teased every night that he got enraged enough to try to interrupt our coupling. He stood and took Mom's arm, trying to drag her off my lap. "Why don't you do something with this instead of spoiling my fun?" Mom said, as she grabbed his erection through his shorts.

This stopped Dad in his tracks as Tammy broke out with a smile. We finally had a reaction from Dad, but I wasn't sure where it was going. "Well, come on, get these off." Mom said.

I again looked over to Tammy, who looked more hopeful than I had seen in months. She watched the action with anticipation, but I was right in the middle of it. She waved for me to get on with it, and I resumed bucking up into Mom's pussy. She didn't miss a beat bouncing on my hard cock while undoing Dad's pants. He didn't look too sure of himself, but his hard cock was taking control.

Mom pulled his cock free of his pants and licked the head a few times as I neared my climax. I gripped her hips and pounded into her thinking it might be better to leave her hanging this time. I gasped and began unloading into Mom, and when I spotted Tammy, she was stifling her laughter. When I finished my climax, I pushed Mom's hips off my cock, slipped away from her, and sought refuge beside Tammy.

"Now fuck me, and if you can make me cum I'm yours again." Mom said, as she spread her legs and lay back on the grass."But?" Dad started.

"But nothing. Last chance, or Levi will be the only one fucking me for the rest of my life." She said, still jerking on Dad's cock, and not giving him too much time to think.

Dad just stood there for a moment; he looked at the door of his dome and then back to the sopping mess between Mom's thighs. I honestly thought he would run until he dropped to his knees between her thighs and wrapped his strong arm under her, and lined his hard cock up with her cum filled pussy.

From then on, Dad went to town, plunging into Mom like she was a ragdoll, her body bouncing off his thighs as he plundered her pussy. Mom hung from his neck as she took every inch he had, and I caught her eyes for a second and was relieved to see her smiling broadly to be fucked by her husband again. Mom began to orgasm on his cock. The years of practice with this woman became evident by the ease he made her climax. And as soon as she was convulsing under him, he redoubled his efforts as he had reclaimed his girl.

A few minutes later, Dad was bellowing out his climax and dropping on top of our smiling Mother, her legs wrapped around his waist and his pants still around his ankles. I took Tammy's hand and led her away, and Mom mouthed "Thank you." to us as we passed.

Once inside our dome Tammy took off her bikini and pushed me on the bed, her pussy already glistening with her excitement as I ran my fingertips through to collect its bounty. She moved facing my feet and straddled my face, lowering her pussy to my lips as she took my cock into her mouth. I kissed my way up the inside of her thigh to the edge of her pussy lips and was able to reach over her ass cheek and spread them. The view from my vantage was incredible; her pussy lips splayed apart with the slick juice clinging to the pink inner lips.

"You are beautiful." I said, as I licked at her clit, and fingered her pussy.

"As beautiful as Mom?" She asked, a question I knew must be coming at some point.

"Mom is beautiful. You know that, right?"

"Yes. Hard not to."

"Well, you are more beautiful." I answered the original question, and licked from her clit to her crinkled opening.

"But you could fuck her pussy any time you liked." She said, and took my cock deep into her mouth.

"As soon as we work out a safe way, I will fuck you even harder." I replied, as I slipped a finger into her backdoor opening.

"I'm yours Levi. I love you so much." She said, and dropped her mouth down on my cock again.

"And I'm yours." I said, as I licked at her clit and watched her pussy open and close each time I strummed her clit.

"You are going to make me cum." Tammy said, and it drove me on more.

I could see the sides of her pussy begin to tremble as her orgasm took over, then her ass began to pulse around my finger, and her pussy dribbled another pearl of clear juice as it opened closed in time with her climax. The sights before me were intoxicating and drove me to fill her mouth with my cum, as I jetted blast after blast of my seed onto her waiting tongue.

Tammy waited until she was back along my side before she showed me her mouthful of sperm, then closed her lips and swallowed it down with a gulp. "Gross." I said, but she just smiled broadly at me.

"It turns me on." She said, after gulping down my load.

Mom and Tammy were making breakfast the following day when first Dad and then I emerged from the domes. I couldn't help admiring the beautiful bottoms on display in their white G-string Bikinis. Dad noticed too, his eyes darting away when he saw me watching. I couldn't blame him as Mom's pear-shaped bottom was almost irresistible when looking from behind. Hell, from every direction it looked awesome.

We went about our tasks during the day. But I noticed Dad was closer to Mom whenever he could, touching her body and holding her hand like I can never remember before. Corky joined Tammy and me on the rocks and led us to swim in the shallow water next to the underwater ledge. I held Tammy's body against mine as Corky tried to nuzzle between us and get us to play with him. I wanted to play alright, but it was another game called hide the sausage. I was afraid to play with a seal bobbing around that might think the sausage was there for his food.

I dove in next to Corky, and he avoided my grip with ease. He was a hundred times more agile in the water than me. He loved to dart around us, almost laughing at our clumsy attempts to catch him. After twenty minutes, we were both puffing. "You win, Corky." Tammy said, her breasts bobbing around in the water and her top floating around her neck.

I took them in my hands, her nipples hard in the cooler water. She leaned in and kissed me as she stroked my cock, and I played with her breasts. Some bigger waves made us move onto the rocks as Tammy abandoned her bottoms and spread her pussy in front of me. "Fuck me, Levi. I can't wait anymore." She said, her frustration written all over her face.

"I wish I could." I said, shaking my head as I tried to hold my nerve when every fiber of my being wanted to ram my cock into this beautiful woman.

"Fuck it, give me a baby." Tammy said, as she spread her pussy lips wide with two fingers.

My body moved forward before I stopped and regained my composure. "I couldn't do that to you, Tammy. I love you." I said, but I had to look away from her frustration.

"I have an idea." Mom said, from above us.

"But June, you can't encourage this." Dad said, appearing beside her.

"He is going to fuck her anyway. How could anyone resist that beautiful girl?" Mom said, and Dad refused to answer.

"Follow me." Mom said, with a wave, and took off up the trail to the camp.

We followed along with Mom leading Dad, her bottom swaying wonderfully. I was trailing behind and enjoying the view of both the lady's bottoms. Once we had dinner taken care of and the darkness had fallen around us, Mom took Tammy aside, and there was a discussion between them. Both Dad and I looked on with interest, unable to tell what was happening.

"Well, you could give it a try." Mom said, handing a roll of something to Tammy.

"Doesn't it break?" Tammy asked, as she moved over between my legs.

"They banned us from wrapping your lunches in it at school, so I guess someone used it, and it's all we have." Mom answered, as she sat beside Dad.

That's when I worked out what the roll was. Tammy ripped off some of the cling wrap and nodded to my pants. I pushed them off my legs in a flash, and Tammy placed the square of the plastic at the tip of my cock and smoothed the sides down the shaft. She took my plastic-covered cock in her mouth and swallowed over half the length. "It might work." She proclaimed, as she came off my cock smiling.

Tammy stood over my thighs and began to lower her pussy onto my cock. I couldn't help admiring her incredible body as her breasts and pussy were in full view, lit by the fire. She used her hand to line up my shaft and slowly descended on me. I felt the warm walls of her pussy envelop the head of my cock until I saw the expression on her face change.

"Oh, stop for a second." Tammy said, with her hand on my stomach to steady herself.

Mom jumped up, and I thought she would call the whole thing off, but she only wrapped her arms around Tammy's body. "Just this one time, Baby. You will see it's all pleasure from then on." Mom whispered, as she took Tammy's breast in one hand and played with her clit with the other.

Tammy clenched her jaw and took her hand off me before lowering herself down another inch. "Wow." she said, then held still again, her legs shaking with the strain.

It took a few more seconds before she began making small bounces on my shaft. I was mesmerized by the beautiful sight before me as Tammy edged lower until she took all of me into her body. "Well done, Baby, he's all yours again." Mom said, before retreating to Dad's side.

"They are so beautiful." Mom said, to Dad as she dropped her hand onto his bulge.

"I still don't think this is a good idea, but they are beautiful, that's for sure." Dad said, as he let his hand fall between Mom's legs.

"It will keep our family together. That's the most important part." Mom said, as she took out Dad's cock.

Mom stood and shimmied off her bikini bottoms and dropped onto Dad's lap. They watched us as she bounced on Dad's cock in time with Tammy. I was getting close and cupped Tammy's breasts and pulled on her nipples as she moaned out her pleasure. "I'm going to cum soon." I groaned, as the tingles began under my balls.

"Cum in me, Levi, make me your woman." Tammy said, as my cock exploded into the makeshift plastic sheath.

I knew Tammy had not cum and wanted to give her pleasure, so I strummed her clit while she still bounced on my pulsing cock. I hoped that I would stay hard for long enough to get her off. She grasped both her own breasts much harder than I would have ever dared, as she rocked on my still-hard cock. She soon began to shudder on top of me, and her orgasm started just as my cock began to soften.

When she came down from her climax, I had a mess around the base of my cock, but when she rose off me, thankfully, no cum dripped from her pussy. We cuddled and watched Mom and Dad climax together, and we could see the practiced ease of their union and the love that we reignited within them.

It was the middle of the night and I could feel Tammy moving around beside me. I put out my hand in the darkness, and all I felt was bare flesh, a breast, then a bottom before I felt her knee slip over my head.

A pussy covered my face without warning, and her wet lips and clit were on my mouth. All I could do was lick to save my life, but I did get rewarded with my cock being swallowed as Tammy bobbed away on my cock. It took me a few minutes to find her sensitive bits, but I soon had her purring. I used my fingers to probe her pussy, and she moaned out her pleasure. I used my wet fingers to put one in her bottom and two in her pussy as I licked and sucked on her clit.

I could hear her moans, signaling her impending climax, and redoubled my efforts, driving her over the edge. While she orgasmed, she pulled away from my cock. Then as she came down, she took my cockhead back into her mouth, bobbing away with abandon. It took her no time to have me on the brink, my cock beginning to pulse and shoot my seed into her waiting mouth.

The following day we made breakfast. Dad and I watched the girls appear from the domes, with that well-satisfied look on their faces. Dad only smiled as they sat next to each other with messy hair and smiles. We finished cooking and served them. After eating, they disappeared back into the domes, returning a little later in only their G-string bikini bottoms.

The teasing lasted all day, as Dad followed Mom around like a puppy, and I did the same with Tammy. They seemed to spend a lot of time bending at the waist, their pussies clearly visible every time they did. Mom went as far as to pull the gusset of her bottoms aside and play with her pussy while we ate lunch on the rocks. I should have looked away, but the sight was so sexy, the way she sat there looking out at the ocean and strumming her clit. Dad also noticed, the ridge in his pants showing his appreciation.

That evening, as Mom and Tammy cooked the fish Dad caught, they giggled as they pulled at each other's ties on their hips, causing their Bikini bottoms to fall away. Dad and I were treated to an even more tantalizing show as they goosed each other at one point or another. Mom was flashing me almost as much as she was Dad, but I thought we had completed our task of getting them back together.

Once darkness had fallen, Mom snuggled up to Dad in front of the fire, her leg draped over his thigh and showing us a lot of her pussy. Tammy snuggled into me, and we watched as Mom pushed down Dad's pants and played with his hard cock. "June, they will see." Dad protested, a little.

"They have seen it before, and it's so romantic in front of the fire." Mom said, as she wiggled over Dad's hips and pointed his cock at her pussy.

"Well, they are certainly seeing it now." Dad said, as we were directly in line with their feet and had an unobstructed view of the action.

"Honey, you know that fantasy I have always had?" Mom asked, and Dad's head snapped to look her in the eyes.

"But, that's just a fantasy." Dad said, as he glanced at me.

"What fantasy?" Tammy asked, as she stroked the bulge in my pants.

"I always wanted to try two cock's at once." Mom answered, and left the words hanging in the air.

"You really think you can take this thing in your ass?" Tammy asked, as she pushed my pants down and let my cock spring free.

"I have taken a dildo in there before, but not with a cock in my pussy." Mom answered, but reached for some cooking oil. "Can I borrow your man again?" Mom asked, and Tammy turned to me.

"Will you do that for Mom?" Tammy asked me, but I couldn't take my eyes off Mom's winking rosebud and just nodded.

I didn't need any more encouragement, as Mom's winking ass was too inviting to resist. I moved over her upturned ass and parted my legs enough, so my cock lined up with her asshole. I pressed my cockhead to her opening as Dad remained still within her pussy. Mom only groaned as I pushed into her tight ass, her sphincter allowing my cockhead to pass inward.

"Oh, Levi, you are much bigger than my dildos." Mom said, as the first two inches of my cock slipped into her. "Go all the way in, Baby. Fill Mom's ass."

I began making small thrusts, and Mom dropped her head as I drove my cock deeper. She kissed Dad and started forcing herself back onto our cocks. Dad didn't seem to know what to do with his hands, but after waving them around for a few seconds, he settled them on Mom's ample breasts. I could feel Dad's cock through the thin barrier between Mom's ass and pussy, and the tightness was causing exquisite pleasure to us both.

"Was it everything you expected?" Dad whispered, as Mom began pushing back on us harder.

"That and more, the feeling is so intense." Mom answered, her thrusts back becoming erratic.

"I'm going to cum." She started, through clenched teeth and began to shudder violently under me.

I gripped her hips and rammed my cock deep into her ass and began to unload my spunk into her bottom. Mom was still shuddering and gyrating her hips when I had emptied all my sperm, so I gently pulled my cock from her ass and retreated to my spot beside Tammy.

Tammy and I watched the sperm trickle from Mom's ass as Dad began to pound into her from below. He didn't take long to cum, his legs stiffening as he gripped her ass and pulled her body to his. Mom giggled and kissed him all over the face as they basked in their afterglow.

The next night Tammy didn't get any cling film but came to the room with some cooking oil. She had been teasing me all day, bending over and showing off her ass or pussy. By the time She dragged me off to bed, I was ready to plunder her pussy. "No cling film?" I asked, as she stripped off her clothes and prowled around the room like a big cat about to eat.

"If you control yourself, you won't need the film tonight." She said, taking some of the oil and smearing it onto her bottom.

"Do you need Mom's help?"

"She is only a few seconds away if I need her." Tammy said, as she lay on her bed face down and, reaching back, spread her ass cheeks. "It looked so hot when you were in Mom's ass. Now get over here and fuck me."

I wasn't going to argue with her, she knew very well what she was doing. I sprang up and knelt between her thighs and looked down at her slick rosebud. I probed it with my finger, and once she could take it all the way in, I withdrew and placed another beside it. I pushed my two digits to the first knuckle, and her ass muscle clenched around them, turning the skin white.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, as I couldn't see how my cock was going in there.

"Push them in deeper. My ass will get used to it eventually." She responded, as her ass clenched even tighter. I pressed in and once over the second knuckle, I rotated and wiggled them to loosen her ass.

Tammy was panting with the strain but would not relent, thrusting her ass at my fingers until they were in all the way. As she loosened a little, she contracted her ass and then relaxed it at her will. Giving me hope I wouldn't damage her with my prick. I was worried this was causing her discomfort until I noticed the juice dribbling from between her pussy lips. "Ass whore." I whispered, and she groaned into her pillow.

"I want you to cum in me, and this is the safest way to do it." She countered, but pushed back against my hand and moaned.

"Ass whore. You want your asshole stretched out by my big cock." I whispered, and she groaned and pushed back again.

"I'm your ass whore." She admitted, and hissed when I wiggled my fingers some more. "Put that big cock in me."

I pulled out my fingers and shuffled forward enough to touch my cock against her slick ass. I rose on my knees and pressed my spongy cockhead against her rosebud. Tammy pulled her cheeks wide as I pushed the head inward. My cock slipped away from the target, sliding along her crack making her moan. I drew back and lined up again, and this time, it looked like it was going in as her ass muscle relaxed, and my cockhead began to disappear. Then Tammy's ass clenched, and my cock sprang out and down through her pussy lips.

"Try again Levi." Tammy said, as I began to back away because it looked impossible to me.

This time I moved higher over Tammy and gripped my cock closer to the head, so when I pressed it against her backdoor opening, I was almost touching her ass with my fingers. I pushed into her with more force than I thought should be necessary, but her ass still wouldn't give way until, with a grunt from Tammy, I felt a pop, and my cockhead was into the rim.

"You're in." Tammy moaned, and she remained very still, not pushing back this time.

I pressed again, still with my hand wrapped around my shaft, almost fucking my hand. Another inch went in, and Tammy bit down on her pillow before grunting and letting go of one hand and halting my progress. "Mom, Please come here." She yelled, and Mom appeared at our side within a few seconds.

"You are doing beautifully, Baby, don't stop now. The worst of it is over." Mom whispered, as she took Tammy's hand from my stomach.

Mom brushed my hand from my cock and lathered some more oil on my shaft before sliding her hand under Tammy's hips. Tammy began to moan as I guessed Mom was playing with her clit. Mom put her other hand on my butt and pushed me forward, and even more of my cock slipped into Tammy.

"Some ass whore you are. You can't even take all of his cock." Mom whispered, into Tammy's ear.

I could almost hear Tammy's jaw clench as she began to push back on my cock, making more of it disappear into her ass. When I thought she was done with an inch still outside, Mom pulled her hand from behind me and slapped Tammy on the ass cheek, leaving a bright red handprint. "Fuck that beautiful cock, Baby, or move over and let a real woman have a go."

This spurred Tammy on, and she drove her hips back onto my cock, swallowing the last inch. I slowly began fucking her ass, the tightness, and warmth of her bottom almost overwhelming. Tammy started to climax, clenching around my cock, as Mom's hand moved more rapidly under her hips. I had been holding back since before I got inside her, so when I relaxed, my orgasm erupted immediately.

"Yes, fill her ass, Honey. Ass whores need their ass filled." Mom said, and I saw Tammy blush.

"You're just jealous." Tammy said, and slipped her hand into Mom's pussy, pressing three fingers into her quickly.

The whole time my cock was getting softer until it popped out of her warm back passage. I looked down to survey the damage. Her ass only looked a little swollen but otherwise as lovely as usual. Tammy rolled over to reveal that Mom still had her fingers in Tammy's pussy, and she now had the same grip on Mom's."Thank you. I don't think I could have finished without you." Tammy said, as Mom removed her fingers and kissed her lips.

"You're welcome. I'm going back to bed with your father and see if I can get him to do the same to me."

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