21.81% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 931: CAPRICORN'S SINGING



My sore cock remained fully inflated inside my step-sister's ass as I relentlessly rammed my love muscle into her. Laila's moaning pleas to fuck her harder, to go deeper, to cum inside her spurred me on to do the impossible, to push past the exhaustion trying to defeat me. In defiance of the fatigue spreading like cancer throughout my body, I sped up my efforts and demanded my hips push deeper and my cock stretch further.

Her harmonious pained, and pleasured screams sucked the few remaining drops of cum out of my testicles, mixing it with the residue from my depleted prostate. A combined one or two cc's of liquid love bubbled out of my cock into her rectum as my hips thrust forth, holding my cock inside Laila's ass until my dry humping, fluid-less spasms ceased.

Laila's eyes locked on mine as she continued to use an electric massage to force her body to endure one orgasm after another. Angrily making herself climax over and over as she grunted and screamed at me. Each outburst angrier than the last and accompanied by her anal ring tightening its constricting grip around my cock. Her muscular entrapment was preventing my unable to deflate cock from escaping her rectum. It almost felt as if her ass was pulling my penis deeper into her bowels.

I could see something I had missed before in her pained eyes; she hated that she enjoyed climaxing as much as she did, especially during anal sex. But I also saw something else just beyond that self-hatred; she loved me and loved cumming for me or with me. Pleasuring herself as I watched, or allowing herself to receive pleasure from me, or climaxing when I used her to pleasure myself somehow made her feel loved.

She was right.


Some of you might want to know our backstory before I go too much further.

Laila is my step-sister, the daughter of my dad's second wife, Rose. While dad and Rose were dating, I got bits and pieces of their history from dad whenever he tried to sell me on how wonderful Rose was. It seems Rose was a close friend of my mother's, and the three of them hung out quite often before mom got pregnant with me.

I met Laila the night dad had gone out of his way to make sure the house (and me) were extra presentable under the guise of a quiet dinner with Rose. An ordered-in meal from her favorite restaurant where he proposed and Rose accepted as Laila and I both watched in shocked disbelieve.

A year or so later, Laila and I outgrew or could no longer maintain our mental distance from each other. Having endured more cruel heartbreaks than most, I found myself unexpectantly sympathetic to her pain when her boyfriend broke up with her. Laila's emotional recovery (with my help) forged something that has become more than a friendship between step-siblings.

For a long time, I held the mistaken belief she had no interest in me. And, being the self-serving, perverted, sick monster that I am, I tried to take advantage of her. I obtained a love potion called Aries' Horn from a Gypsy named Mistress Alla-i. A magical Y-shaped pendant of two merged ram's horns that would allow me to have sex with Laila whenever I wanted, as often as I wanted, without her knowing I was even there.

The talisman was not real. It was an elaborate scheme created and put into motion by Laila to show me she loved me; the only way she knew how. By giving herself to me, willingly offering me free use of her sex, her body, whenever I wanted, as often as I wanted, for as long as I wanted.

You see, Laila's a slut; a broken slut. Or, maybe a broken nympho is a better description, but I prefer the imagery of the word slut. It helps convey the depravity of her condition. I describe her as a slut, not in a demeaning or degrading way; it's what she is. I know it, she knows, and I'm ok with it because my step-sister consented to be my slut as of a few moments ago.

I've come to the conclusion something happened to her in her past to break her. Something that twisted her understanding of love and how to be loved. I don't know what it was, but what I do know is she's addicted to sexual release and needing to surrender everything she is to her lover. She also hates herself for being the way she is, admitting but not always happy knowing she has a particular fondness for butt stuff. For some reason, she believes she has to let those who love her use her sex often as they want so she can reciprocate their love for her.

So, that's how we ended up here; in her room, both of us naked, having just squirting my first load down her willing throat. I injected my second eruption into her womb and finally repeatedly rammed my cock into her ass until the last of my manly fluids dribbled into her rectum.

As I imagine it is with most male/female couples, she wanted more when I had no more to give. With my cock still embedded in her ass, locked in place by her amazingly tight anal ring, she continued to force her body to climax for me. With her ankles next to her ears, spread open before me, grinding an electric massage to her groin as I watched her climax over and over again until she couldn't take it anymore.


After huffing, puffing, and grunting a collection of incredibly erotic vulgarities during the most amazing and intensely intimate experience I had ever shared with anyone, Laila's head slammed backward on the bed, and her hand threw the massager away from her cunt. Her chest heaving, sloshing her breasts as she panted rapidly with her arms outstretched, across the back of her knees.

My exhausted cock remained in her ass when Laila's head bent forward, glaring at me with silent, shocked disbelief on her face after I took possession of her massager and claimed ownership of her cunt by pressing the ball-shaped vibrating head to her clit.

Her neck muscles clenched, and her tanned face turned bright red as I forced another orgasm to overtake her body. I stared at her, and her blue eyes expressed both shock and relief as the rest of her body stiffened and quivered when a second climax started before the first one faded away.

Watching her unable to breathe as my cock pretend to be a butt plug while I abused her cunt was an amazingly empowering shared experience and something we both needed. I don't consider myself aggressive or domineering. And Laila was by no means passive or submissive, but those roles just reversed. She needed a way to feel loved that involved giving me her sex, and I needed her to let me love her by taking care of her.

My brain didn't review the words I spoke to my step-sister; they flowed naturally from my heart in a language she would understand, "You're mine now," I directed, "Your sex is mine... including your orgasms. I decide when you climax, how long, and how often. You are my submissive, and I will do whatever I want to you, whenever I want."

She struggled to nod and bark her consent through forced huffs of "Yes, yes," as she continued to struggle through the climaxes I made her endure. Even her anal ring, still grasping my spent cock had stopped pulsating, maintaining a firm even clenching around the base of my shaft.

I leaned my head forward a little, also taking ownership of her beautiful blue eyes, eyes that had haunted and pained my soul until that moment. As her tanned face started to turn a paler shade of red, I told her, "I'm taking ownership of your sex because I love you, and I want to take care of you."

What little air remained in her lungs warbled out of her petrified mouth as her head slammed back on the bed again. Laila's entire body thrashed as if my words and the massager on her clit had begun to excise a demon clinging to her soul. Her eyes closed, but that did not stop the tears from flowing out the sides of both of them; small rivers of pleasure evicted sadness streaming toward her ears.

I watched with detached concerned curiosity as I held the massager to her cunt until I was confident her body, mind, and soul all agreed to the transfer of ownership to me. Without removing the vibrating head from her slippery groin, I turn the massager off.

I allowed a sense of empowered control to caress and stroke my masculine ego as her naked, sweaty body continued to twitch and flinch beneath me. And yet, when she mumbled, "Thank you," her words reached into my chest, engulfed, then consumed my heart. The random flinches and visible contractions in her folded backward legs and outstretched arms subsided when Laila lost consciousness.


I backed up a little, extracting my soft cock from her upturned ass, then laid the massager next to her thigh. I admit I was proud of myself for leaving her butthole gaping. I pinned her in place with both of my hands holding on to her upturned thighs. Pressing her knees to the bed next to her breasts as I watched and waited for her pulsating anal ring to contract close.

I then carefully unfolded her arms from around the back of her legs one by one, each leg jack-knifing up for inspection. I caressed and studied her long tanned smooth calves and thighs, from her ankles to her groin. I twisted and pushed her back away from the edge of the bed, then separated her legs before starting a full body detailed examination of my step-sister's nudity.

My fingers danced and swirled around in her triangular patch of pubic hair as I made myself comfortable sitting on the edge of her bed. My index finger circled aimlessly before tracing a line through the dark curly hairs to her V's apex. My finger and eyes then took a journey around the perimeter of Laila's inflamed major labia. My palm cupped her dark red cunt, and I could feel her heart beating as her femininity throbbed under my hand.

My finger found no resistance when I gently penetrated her. This time without any nagging guilt corrupting the moment. My cock remembered being inside her, remembered her vagina sucking on and embracing it the same way it was to my finger. I could feel my penis wanting to reawaken, but it was only a phantom feeling of inflation and not the real thing. A feeling that became almost painful when I extracted a thick glob of my cum from her cunt. A massive congealed bubble of transparent white with a thick tail stretching back into the depths of her pussy.

My finger led the bubble of cum down and across her perineum and into the crack of her ass. After using the tip of my gooey finger to probe her anus, finding her opening still loose and easily penetrable, some perverse part of me decided it would be a good thing to feed her butt the cum flowing out of her cunt.

After playing with my cum leaking out of her pussy, and feeding it to her asshole for far longer than I should have, I shifted my attention to her slow but steady breathing. The rising and falling of her not-huge, and yet, nowhere near small, breasts became my new focus. Her thick nipples had softened again, standing out like puffy chocolate morsels centered on top of milk-chocolate-colored cookies. My hands felt a natural desire to fill themselves with her breasts, kneading and massing her soft flesh between my fingers while occasionally tracing the well-defined edges of her areolas or pinching and pulling at her thick, soft nipples.

I don't think I had ever seen her face seemed so relaxed or comfortable. Her smile was always something that could melt a frozen heart, and her eyes always stabbed at my soul; but watching her sleeping, the relaxed, contented, vulnerable expression around her closed eyes was not new to me. It was the same still serenity I saw on my mother's face when her body finally lost its battle to cancer.

On both of their faces, mom's and Laila's, I saw tranquility. Something about their relaxed, smiling expressions was comforting and alluring at the same time. Laila's perfect complexion, long black hair, and nirvanic appearance reinforced my assertion that no artist could come close to capturing the true essence of Laila's beauty... or my mother's likeness.

My hands retracted, and I took a moment to allow myself to get lost as I admired her face and remembered my mother. Yes, I will admit, I wanted to make love to my mother... and through Laila, I had found something I could never share with the only other woman I had ever loved. Laila's nakedness spread out next to me was a gift she would never understand, and I wanted to savor the moment for as long as I could; until my bladder signaled its fullness. I left her alone just long enough to take care of nature's needs. After washing my hands and using a warm washcloth to wipe down my groin, I returned to my sexual ward, gently using the washcloth to wipe away the evidence of our love-making.


I retrieved the massager, and I turned it back on just before pressing it to her cunt, and inserting two fingers inside her. Laila instantly woke, pushing herself up to rest on her arms and hands, screaming, gasping, and giggling at me. Her hips pushed and pivoted her clit around the device's vibrating head in my hands while her pussy suckled on my two fingers.

Her face glowed at me as I made her climax again. Leveraging my fingers inside her to grind the massager to her clit as I commanded, "Your sex is mine. You will cum only when I am watching, or I have given you permission to cum. When we are alone, you will be naked, or you will wear something that gives me easy access to you... all of you."

With each directive, I wiggled my fingers inside her a little deeper or squeezed the massager to her clit a little tighter until she nodded, and when I finished outlining my conditions, she puffed, "Yes, Master."

"No," I denied, pulling the massager away from her groin, seemingly ripping my fingers out of her cunt as I insisted, "I am not your Master." Staring at her confused eyes, I directed, "You will allow me to manage your sexual cravings and allow me to use your sex to satisfy my perversions. But, I am not your master, and you are no one's slave. You never were, and you never will be."

Taking a breath before I continued, "But, you must consent to be my sexual submissive. If you do, I will take care of you, help you learn to deal with whatever happened to make you hate yourself. To learn to deal with whatever trauma made you feel as if you were not worthy of being loved. If you want me to help you, you must grant me custody of your sex... you will allow me to manage your sex life and sexuality. I also ask that you let me demonstrate my love for you by giving you the sexual affection you need and by letting me teach you how to love yourself."

Laila's tense shoulders dropped, and her face became a blank canvas for a moment. I could also see her fighting herself behind her confused blue eyes. After several breaths, some fast and quick, and some long and slow, Laila's head eventually nodded.

-Say it-

"Say it," I commanded, reaching out, capturing her clit between two fingers, holding her button hostage against the once again active massager, "It's not real unless you say it's real."

I could tell by her confused orgasmic expression she didn't know what I wanted her to verbalize or could not bring herself to push the commitment past her vocal cords.

I freed her sex from my torture, turned off the humming massager, tossing it aside this time, returning my gaze to hers as I said, "Tell me you love me. Tell me you will let me love you, and you will let me teach you how to love yourself. Reaffirm what you've already committed to... allowing me to use your sex to love you the way you want to be loved."

Laila's upper body weight shifted a little, pushing her hands deeper into the mattress behind her and her chest sank when she exhaled. Her eyes began to leak again as she muttered at me, "Why did you take so damn long to go see Mistress Alla-i? Why didn't I tell you how I felt about you sooner... Why did I think I had to trick you into wanting to make love to me?"

Then, angrily cursing at me, "Why are you so good to me?"

"Do you feel that pain in your heart?" I asked, using the most pacifying voice I could muster, "Does it feel like your chest is exploding and imploding at the same time? Do you feel like you want to climb inside me and feel me inside you at the same time?"

Laila's water-flowing blue eyes stayed locked on mine as she nodded her head.

I reached out to caress her naked thigh as I confirmed, "That's how I feel about you. That's what love is supposed to feel like," I replied, "If you let me, I will teach you how to love yourself and me, and maybe others too."

My hand moved up, my index finger reached out, barely touching the top of her slit below her dark patch of fur. I gently caressed her clitoral hood as I suggested, "I know you feel like you need to be sexually used to be loved, and I will show you my love for you that way as often as my body will let me. If you love me and are willing to let me love you, I need you to promise to meet me halfway. Please, give yourself to me, and let me take care of you in ways you never learned how to. Let me teach you what it means to love and be loved and that sex is... sex. It's pleasurable, it's fun, it's intimate, it's a natural means to an end, but it's is not love... sex is only a part of what making love means... I want to make love to you, with you... are you willing to learn how to make love with me?"

"FUCK!" Laila screamed, flopping onto her back, then rolling over, "I hate you and love you at the same time," slapping her hands on the mattress like a spoiled child as she cursed, "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" into the mattress.

"We will," I smirked, caressing her perfect tan butt cheeks, "We're going to fuck all weekend long... after we take a shower, have some lunch, and you agree to learn how to make love with me."

"Fine," she huffed into the bed, rolling away from my tender caresses of the crease where her thigh connects to her butt cheek. She rolled over, walking one arm at a time under her until she sat up, glaring daggers and hearts at me as she struggled to profess, "I do love you... and yes, I will try... but you have to fuck me so hard and so often... and sometimes without warning... I... I... I need to be used to feel... to feel wanted... desired."

"Good enough," I nodded my reply, forcing my middle finger into her pliable ass and my thumb into her slippery cunt without hesitation or warning. My finger and thumb found and massaged her secret button while at the same time my index and ring fingers pinch her clit.

"You do love me!" she half-cooed and half-shouted as her thighs twitching and spasming like a dog's leg when scratched in just the right place. Staring at my hand between her legs, Laila seemed more relaxed and comfortable than earlier as I massaged her sex through another climax.

One of her shaking hands reached out and found my limp cock as I gave her the cathartic and chemical release and relief she needed. She held onto my cock like it was her lifeline, her legs, and thighs convulsing under my control as her thankful eyes kissed my soul.

I rationalized my ego-inflating use of her sex as something she needed to reinforce her commitment to learning a new kind of love, a kind of love contrary to her previous experiences. Telling myself, I was not using her sex; I was providing positive feedback to what her subconscious perceived as a negative.

Watching Laila contently and comfortably convulse from my actions, my chest felt the same as I described to her, imploding and exploding at the same time. A strange sense of responsibility seeped into my soul, accompanied by a feeling of guardianship. I found myself admiring my beautiful step-sister's gratified face as her body quivered and jerked from my fingering her cunt and ass at the same time.

As I demonstrated my love for her in a way she understood, I also accepted the responsibility and risks that loving her implied. "Helping her learn to love herself would do the same for me," I thought to myself, "She's broken; she knows it, and she trusts me enough to let me try to help her heal herself. I can't think of a purer form of love than that."Somehow, her efforts to trick me into loving her had worked, and in doing so, she inadvertently freed me from my pointless existence. Laila's scarred soul and her need to be loved by me gave me a new sense of self-worth, a purpose. She became my reason to be a better person and a sense of self-direction I'd never had before... at least not since my mother had passed away.

Withdrawing my fingers and thumb from her sex, I silently asked myself, "How do I do the same for her?"


Do you know how a random thought sometimes ricochets in your mind, bouncing off other ideas, then transforming into something else altogether? That's what happened when I went from trying to understand what happens next to me accidentally asking aloud, "Do we tell our parents?"

"OH GOD NO!" Laila shrieked, pushing herself up on her hands and arms, spider-crawling away from me until her back found and pressed to the headboard. "Please don't... promise me you won't say anything to mom." Laila's voice panicking, genuine fear glowing in her beautiful blue eyes as she insisted, "She'd freak out... she'd leave your dad... separate us... no... you can't... we can't... never... mom can never know about us... what we're doing... did."

"Never is a long time," I smiled, hoping a little humor and my hand caressing her ankle would calm her anxieties, "But, ok. For now, we keep... our love for each other, and how we choose to share our love, to ourselves."

"God," she puffed, "Every fucking thing you say to me makes me hurt inside. Are you sure this is what love is supposed to feel like?"

"Yes," I nodded, "And it only gets worse until it becomes a part of you, and you a part of it... then it becomes something else; something better."

"How do you know all this shit," she defiantly replied, "We're the same age... fuck, we were born on the same day, and you sound... like you know everything."

"I don't know," I shrugged, "Mistress Alla-i is not the first mystical woman in my life," I smirked knowingly, "One of my professors, a Native American woman, told me I had a very old soul... maybe she was right."

"I want you," Laila pleaded.

"I want you too," I smiled, "But sometimes the flesh is weak. Not in the biblical sense... I mean, I'm literally exhausted and feel like I need a shower... then I want to do things to you... with you... some perverted things... all weekend long."

"You may have an old soul," she grinned, butt bouncing her way to the edge of the bed. Sitting next to me, devilishly grinning as she said, "But you also have a wonderfully dirty mind... and I think I've finally found my soulmate." Laila bumped her shoulder to mine, tenderly kissed my cheek, then told me, "I want you to tell me every sexual fantasy you've ever had so I can make them come true... And I want to snuggle naked next to you and find out what kind of porn you like and do those things to you too... for you."

"Thank you," I replied, hearing what she was saying beyond her words, "I love you too."


We shared the cramped bathtub shower in our Jack and Jill bathroom, exploring each other's soapy bodies. Rubbing against each other, caressing, probing, and massaging each other's erogenous zones. At one point, Laila dropped to her knees and thoroughly cleaned my cock and groin. Then insisted I urinate as she watched.

Sounding very much like my mother when I was much younger, Laila explained that I make sure I clean 'her' penis thoroughly and urinate after anal sex, reminding me of a line from the poem she wrote as Mistress Alla-i. Reaching around from behind me, Laila played with my penis, steering my flowing stream around the drain, working on her aim as she warned me about the risks of anal sex, what I could and could not do.

Laila recommended I get into the habit of always using my dominant hand for her front door and my non-domain hand for her back door. She, not wanting to sound like she was telling me what to do, promised if I did, she would make sure her ass was clean and well lubed as often as possible... just for me.

I made her promise two more things after she lowered herself to her knees, studying my penis up close under the ruse of post anal cleanup. First, she had to promise she would tell me when she was not ready for anal, even if it meant pushing me away. I explained that I would understand, and, using words I knew she wanted to hear, I promised to use her some other way to pleasure myself. She gave my cock an extra tight squeeze when I promised to express my love for her that way.

She stared at my cock, squeezing it, pulling at it, and trying to stroke its semi-flaccid state as she suggested, "I will let you know when I've made my ass ready for you. And if you find a buttplug in my ass... that's me telling you I'm yours. Just take it out and take me; replace it with this wonderful penis of yours," smiling up at me as she added, "Without asking, of course."

I reached down and helped her stand, holding her attention eye to eye as I agreed, telling her I would follow her sexual hygiene expertise, provided she follow my guidance regarding mental hygiene. Reminding Laila that her letting me take care of her sexual needs was only one way I wanted her to demonstrate her love for me.

"Love is not just about sex," I tried to explain, "We have so many things in common I want to share with you... I want to be more than your lover, and more than your best friend... a lot more."

The confused fear in Laila's eyes told me she was not ready for what I wanted. I adapted to her mental state and allowed my sexual desires to win this battle as I suggested, "But, this weekend is... all about sex... nothing but step-sibling sex," smirking as I pinched one of her nipples.

We both almost slipped and fell in the cramped tub when she embraced me, pressing her mouth to mine as she mumbled her affections into my mouth. We slow danced around and around under the raining water of the shower, kissing and caressing each other. One of her hands held or fondled my penis, and one of mine moved down from molesting her breast to finger her cunt.

As you already know, I love to make Laila cum for me; after all, Laila agreed to be my sex pet, and the perverted self-serving side of me intended to make her do tricks for me as often as possible. After my hand explored past her furry triangle, I worked two fingers into her slit and pinched her clit as we kissed. Her almost instant orgasm vibrated up our soapy embrace, echoing from her chest into my mouth.

God, I loved doing that to her, and feeling her cum while sharing an embrace and kissing me was a new experience, one I hoped to repeat. I discovered just how lucky I was to have Laila as my lover when I made her cum several more times the same way. Each climax was quick and body-shivering but nowhere near as intense as the ones she experienced when I pushed her secret button.

I will admit, loving a woman who I can bring to climax almost instantly was something I was going to take advantage of as often as possible. Not just to stroke my ego, but, maybe, as a way to make Laila feel loved in a way she could understand.

-Free use-

After we stepped out of the tub and dried off, then wrapped her towel around her hair, creating a beehive turban. when she reached for a second towel hanging nearby, I insisted, "No."

Taking it from her as I directed, "I want you naked... all the time... at least when we're alone."

"Oh," she cooed, apologizing, "I'm sorry," as she opened her arms and separated her knees after turning to face me, asking, "Is this what you want?"

"Perfect," I replied, not hiding my lustful admiration of her nudity. "And," I added, "When you can... I was hoping you could take your clothes off in front of me... for me. I need you to remind me you're committed to giving yourself to me... all of you."

Her eyes almost teared as her hand clutched the breast over her heart. I stepped closer, sliding my hand under her's. Laila watched as I started to massaged and fondled her breast, slightly pushing her other breast forward when I reached up with my other hand. Her face glowed with pride, watching my fingers squeeze her pliable flesh. I felt her twitch when I pinched her nipples, pulling them, squeezing them before encircling one with my finger and thumb as I leaned forward to lick, kiss then suck on her thick puffy button.

She released a quiet, tender moan, which I made more intense, lowering my other hand to her shower moistened pubic fur, randomly exploring her perfectly manicured bush before massaging her cunt. My mouth switched off between her two breasts as my fingers induced a couple of small pavlovian positive re-enforcements orgasms.

She tried to drop to her knees, but I stopped her, "Nope," I directed, "Not yet. If you're going to be my sex toy, that includes letting me play with you when I want... I do not expect you to go down on me every time I make you cum; sometimes I'm doing it to remind both of us you are my slut, and I control your sex."

"But I want to suck on you and taste your cum in my mouth," Laila pleaded, sounding very much like a disappointed child denied a sweet treat.

"You will," I confirmed, twisting her around caressing her butt as I told her reflection, "I like making you cum, and as my slut, I'm going to do it to you often. When I'm ready, I will let you take care of me, or I will simply use you to take care of myself."

"I love you," her tender blue eyes told my reflection, moving to stand next to me, her hand caressing my ass, then digging her fingers into my cheek as she said, "I want to make you cum so hard and so often... I can almost taste your cum in my mouth and feel you inside me."

"Good," I replied, turning to face her, her fingernails scratching my ass as I twisted away from her grasp. I then gently guided her shoulders down to the counter while simultaneously reaching around behind her, my wrist spreading open her buttcrack as my thumb penetrated her pussy and my fingers found her clit.

Her head dropped when the pleasure of the orgasm I induced hit her brain. "No," I commanded, "Look at me," Pulling her long black hair with my other hand, lifting her face toward the mirror, "I want to watch you cum. Look at me, and keep your eyes open."

Laila did as I directed, and I watched her eyes and guilted pleasured face in the mirror as my hand released her hair and moved down to her dangling breast. I pinched and pulled on her nipple while thumbing her pussy and pinching her clit through three body-trembling climaxes. Two so intense, she had to close her eyes and grind her teeth to keep herself from screaming at the mirror.

"Next time," I said, withdrawing my hand from her backside, "I want to hear you when you cum for me."

"Sorry," she panted, "I've been forcing myself to cum quietly since mom, and I moved in."

I nodded, feeling the weight of her breast in my hand for a moment, understanding what she meant and why.

While reaching for my toothbrush, I suggested, "Well, things have changed. From now on, when it's just you and me in the house, I want to hear you. And... since I own your sex now, you are not allowed to pleasure yourself without my permission... more specifically, you can only cum when I'm watching you or with you."

"You want to watch me masturbate?" she questioned and smirked, watching me squeeze the toothpaste onto my brush.

"Yes," I nodded, "Watching you climax... especially in public, is one of my fantasies. I expect you to do so for me often."

"You are just as fucked up as I am," she muttered, a realization she should have had much sooner.

I nodded as I brushed my teeth. Laila stared at me, unspeaking for a long time before her face glowed with a happy, contented grin. "You make it so easy for me to love you," she muttered aloud.

"I can say the same," after rinsing and spitting, "You give me what I need, and I'm going to do my best to give you what you need... it may not always be what you want when you want it, but I promise to love you and take care of you... sometimes in ways, you won't understand."

Realizing my cock had reawakened watching Laila cum for me, I decided to test her commitment to my free use of her sex. After drying my hands, I possessioned myself behind her. Then without warning or asking permission, I inserted my erection into her post-climax slimy cunt.

Laila watched me in the mirror while I stared down at my cock, effortlessly penetrating, then retreating from her embracing pussy. I swore I heard her purr a few times as my hips rocked my cock in and out of her.

When I looked up, her face glowed at me as she casually said, "I want you to fuck me outside," raising her shoulders, starting to brush her hair while I continued to fuck her. Our two mirrored reflections unconcernedly discussing our sexual fantasies as I used her to pleasure my penis. The quiet slapping of my hips to her butt and my balls gently kissing the top of her upside-down slit seemed so domestic, as if we had been fucking each other for several years when in fact, our relationship had just moved to a new level of shared intimacy.

"When I'm sunbathing," she indifferently proposed, pulling her brush down the length of her dark mane, "I want you to surprise fuck me. That's one of my fantasies. Sneak up on me, then mount me from behind like you're a wild stallion, and I'm one of your mares. Hold me down and fuck me without saying a word until you cum inside me. Then... kiss the back of my neck and leave... make me feel loved by using me." Her eyes turned to plead at my adding a begging, "Please."

I nodded but kept my eyes on her butt crack, spread open by my thumbs so I could watch my cock disappearing and reappearing from her tugging labia. The glorious feeling of her silky cunt massaging my cock as I moved in and out of her quickly drove me to fuck her harder, faster, adding to my increasingly desperate need to cum inside her.

I started ramming into her so fast and hard; she had to brace herself for my sexual assault. But not for very long. I came quickly; the feeling of her vagina swallowing my cock made it hard not to cum. My cock jabbed into her several times; then, my hips held the head of my cock to her womb as it squirted.

I grunted a quiet, "FUCCKKK," as I climaxed.

It was a quick moment of personal pleasure, my cock throbbing afterward, wanting to inject more of my seed into my step-sister's womb. I held myself to her backside, my eager cock savoring the embrace of her velvet walls as I took a moment to enjoy the feeling, the view, and Laila's approval sparkling blue eyes.

Looking down again, pulling my not yet soft cock back to the tip, then pushing it forward into her again as I suggested, "How about we make some sandwiches for lunch. We'll eat while watching some porn on the big screen in the living room. Then I'll lick your pussy, and you can suck on my cock for a while. After that, I want to fuck you while playing some video games."

I looked up at Laila's reflection, grinning from ear to ear as she declared, "Anything you want, lover... and more... I want you to fuck me in every room in the house... including mom and dad's bedroom..."

Like before, only this time without the guilt, the way Laila referred to our parents as mom and dad elicited a subtle thrill of doing something even more taboo than a step-brother fucking his step-sister. Inspiring me to suggest, "You wanna fuck in dad and Rose's bed?"

Her mirrored face and eyes glowed her consent, and I nodded, feeling a perverse smirk on my face as I admired the reflected image of Laila bent over the bathroom sink. Savoring and memorizing my step-sister allowing her step-brother to keep his just spend cock inside her, my naked hips squishing her equally naked butt cheeks.

"I have an ethnics report due on Monday," Laila announced, "And I haven't started it yet."

"Well," I smirked, "Some would say what we're doing as step-bother and step-sister isn't very ethical."

"Ethnics," she chastised, "Cultures and immigration stuff."

"I know," I replied, once again looking down at her ass and my cock embedded in her cunt.

I had it my first semester," I added while holding my softening cock as deep in my step-sister as its retreating length would allow, suggesting, "I've got some school work too. We can do it together; then we can do each other."

Laila responded with comforting, "Anytime you want," cooing, "you can take me... use me... anytime, anywhere... except in front of mom," she warned.

I pulled back when my limp cock oozed out of her cunt, followed by a long congealed string of my cum inching down the inside of her thigh, and my spine tingled seeing my goo following my penis out of my step-sister's creamy cunt. My cock tried to return to attention, watching its milky cream seeping out of Laila's slimy cunt, drooling down the inside of her thigh.

I looked up again, not meaning to sound panicked, "Are you...?"

"On the pill?" she questioned back, smirking as she replied, "No."

My involuntarily breathing ability stopped, and I unconsciously held my breath as every possible future conversation with dad and Rose ran through my mind, followed by several scenarios of Laila and I raising a child together.

My eyes did not move from hers until I realized the smirk in the mirror was her torturing me.

"But you are on some form of birth control," I asked for clarification.

"No," she replied, her playful expression fading to seriousness as she turned away from the counter, facing me, stating, clearly, "I can't have babies."

There was an anguished sorrow in her tone as she revealed, "I can never give you any children..."

Laila's eyes told me more than her words could. I instantly understood she had more to say but wasn't ready to divulge how her past trauma connected to her sterility.

Genuine relief glowed from my face as I suggested, "I don't want the responsibility of being a father. At least not yet. I just want to try and try and try some more," I teased playfully. She seemed unconvinced before I added, "We're not even through with college... we're simply not ready to be parents." Pausing for a moment before I suggested, "And when we are, I'm sure there are lots of children...lots babies out there that will be happy to have two people as screwed up as we are as their parents... it's not like they would know any different."

"Do you mean that?" she pleaded.

"Honestly," I replied, "Right now... I do. I mean... we're just getting started. There are ten thousand things that need to happen before I'm ready. So, yes. I mean that. All I want to do right now is use you repeatedly, for my pleasure, and knowing you can't get pregnant... makes me want to use you even more."

"You really do love me," she whimpered, pressing her face to my shoulder and neck, her chest squeezing the air from my lungs as she mumbled into my flesh, "Thank you... thank you for understanding me... thank you for letting me be your slut... anything you want... anywhere... I'm yours... use me; please use me."

"I just did," I chuckled to myself, then grinned as I teased, "but not in front of your mom."

-New reality-

I have to say, Laila made my new reality better than some of my fantasies. Having done what she wanted, using her to satisfy my desires in the bathroom, seeing walking around naked did not affect me sexually for a while. Instead, I quickly grew an appreciation of art I never really had before.

I started to see Laila as a living, breathing thing of beauty, enhanced a thousand times simply by being naturally intimately playful. Made even more poignant by how much she reminded me of my mother.

I always wanted and never really thought it would be possible for Laila to want to touch me as much as she did, especially my penis. She had a fantasy-girl level obsession with either looking at my cock or gently massaging my penis and balls in much the same way that one might kiss a friend's cheek or casually touch them.I, of course, returned the sexual affections, caressing her breasts, feeling the curve of her ass, or casually fingering her pubic fur as we talked and assembled our ham and swiss sandwiches on sourdough. The best part of her behavior, what I found myself struggling to believe the most, was how she always playfully flinched when I caressed her. Or winking at me, smiling at me, or quietly gasping whenever I stimulated one of her erroneous zones. I knew she knew a thing or two about wanting to feel wanted, and trust me, I had never felt more wanted in my life.

With sandwiches made, pickles and chips on the side, and drinks at the ready, I wrapped my arms around her from behind after she closed the refrigerator door. I pulled her close, pushing my cock into the crack of her ass, kissing the back of her neck. My heart floated, and my ego ballooned when her body gelled a little during my embrace.

She cooed like a dove when my hand found her fur patch, dancing in her dark forest for a moment before seeking out and finding her slit. Laila's clitorial hood was inflamed, distended and eager for my touch. Her entire body clinched when my finger brushed across her third nipple. I held her closer and tighter, wedging my cock deeper into her butt crack as her body shuttered and quaked for as long as I flicked, rubbed, and pinched her clit.

Her legs were a little unstable when I finally stopped, twisting her around to enjoy her post-climax blue eyes. I gently guided her backward; when her back found the counter, I lifted her (with her help) up to the counter. She watched me spread open her legs; then she pulled them open even more when she realized I was about to dine on her cunt. I looked up briefly, seeing her face expressing her silent yet eager permission before pressing my face to her fur-crowned macaroon.

I told you she cums easily. And that unexpected benefit set her apart and above every other woman in my mind. My tongue had just starting to taste her frictionless lips, and flicking across her firm, hypersensitive clit, when she started to huff the start of her climax. Her rapid, intense response to my sexual affection was something I knew no other woman could give me. My point made even clearer when her fingers tangled themselves in my hair, then pulled my face tighter to her slimy slit, loudly begging me, "DON'T STOP!"

Non-consciously I made Laila's body tremor through three orgasms as directed by her poem before pushing myself away from my nirvana. I pulled myself closer to her with my arms around her. My lips found and suckled on one of her dark, super hard nipples. I pressed my face into her cushiony flesh before sliding over to bury my nose between her breasts. I held myself to her chest until her arms engulfed my skull and squeezed the sides of her bosom to my head, entrapping me in her cleavage. I could feel her chest expanding and contracting as she regained control of her breathing, and I suffocated comfortably.


Laila pushed me back, leaned forward to kiss me. I think that was the first time we shared an intimate, loving kiss. Both of her hands tenderly held my face in front of hers. Laila's blue eye glowing past mine, burning her brand on my soul. Then her mouth met mine, gently, tenderly caressing my tongue with hers as she slid off the counter. Still holding the sides of my head, she pushed herself away, not far, just enough our lips remained connected. She puckered her lips, and we shared a tender moment of lightly touching lips before she released her grasp of my face, dropping to her knees. Laila then applied the same gentle tenderness she used on my mouth to my erection.

Ok, so the kitchen is not the most romantic place, but what Laila was doing to my penis sure made it seem that way. She wasn't franticly sucking my cock, or trying to get me to cum down her throat in some desperate attempt to get to my heart through my penis.

Laila was giving herself to me. Not her body, or her sex... herself.

On her knees in front of me, on the tiled kitchen floor, she wasn't a slut hungry for her next cum fix. She was genuinely trying her best to make love to me. And I let her.

I watched and enjoyed as her mouth, tongue, cheeks, hands, and the back of her throat all took turns or collaborated to make my cock, and myself feel loved. One hand stroked me; the other cupped and caressed my balls. She wasn't in a rush either. She took her time, forcing me and my brain to slow down and savor every moment and everything, including simply watching as the woman I loved made me love her even more. An experience made infinitely more intimate as her sensual blue eyes looking up at me.

It was sensual more than sexual, and when it came time for me to cum, she didn't change her pace. She quietly, gently, tenderly allowed me to climax in her mouth. I quietly grunted, our eyes locked on each other's as she milked my penis, only slightly increasing the vacuum around my shaft and head to prevent any of my liquid love from escaping.

Even after extracting the last of my cum, she didn't stop; she kept going; although the loving tenderness did fade away. Every caress of her tongue on the head of my hypersensitive cock made my knees flex. I tried to back away, but she wouldn't let me. Instead, her hands grabbed my hips, turning me around, then pressing my butt to the lower cabinets. Laila then shifted her body to pin me in place; without removing my cock from her mouth. The intent in her eyes shifted when her body shifted. I could tell by the narrow focus of her blue irises; what she was doing to me was no longer a demonstration of love; she hungered to get more out of me.

I've watched a few videos where some guy is hooked up to a cum milking machine, purely to satisfy my curiosity about what it entailed and what it did to him. What Laila had started to do to my cock looked like it might feel the same.

Laila's cheeks curved inward like she was sucking on a milkshake straw. The inside of Laila's mouth pulsated with intense negative pressure around the head of my cock, while her tongue aggressively stimulated the tip and eye, while one hand stroked and the other squeezed my balls.

It was not all sucking; she would frequently free my penis from her mouth so she could lick or suck on my balls, or my shaft, or flick my magic button; the spot at the tip of my penis where the eye slit met the shaft. Every time her tongue found that spot, my balls twitched. When my balls danced in her palm, she returned to using her mouth on me like a milking machine.

There was something else, the sound of her sucking my cock was so erotic too. Not the slurping, gurgling, gagging sounds when she deepthroated me in her bedroom. No, this time, the sounds were subtle, suckling sounds with occasional pops when she pushed the head of my cock out the side of her tightly closed lips. Usually followed by quiet slapping sounds when she smacked my cock against her cheek, sounds so subtle I might not have heard them if the refrigerator's compressor kicked in.

At one point, both of my hands tenderly massaged my balls, double stimulating them as her tongue worked its magic on my frenulum. She was insistent I cum for her again. Twisting her head sideways so her lips could suck the underside of my erection, sliding up and down the bottom of my shaft as her tongue licked me and her lips pulled at my erect flesh.

She then returned her attention to the head of my penis, pulling back the flesh on my shaft with her hand, stretching the tip of my penis open before the tip of her tongue licked and flicked inside my cock's eye.

My knees dipped when I felt the pangs of a second load preparing to march out of my balls, through my penis, before invading her mouth. It was the most pleasurable pain I had ever felt when she coaxed another climax out of me so quickly. When she saw or felt my hips instinctively thrust forward, she engulfed the head of my cock while still stroking my shaft. My balls clenched, and my cock felt like it was going to ignite into flames when my cum pulsated through it.

The moment I started to grunt my climax, her mouth doubled its vacuum, and her tongue began to work even more franticly around the tip of my cock. Her grasp of my cock tightened, and her stroking increased to a furious pace. Even her hand cupping my balls felt like they were trying to squeeze juice from my loin fruits.

I inhaled and held it as my hips spasmed forward, holding my cock in Laila's mouth as I squirted the second load of cum into her less than five minutes after my previous ejaculation. It was a first for me, and it was amazingly intense.

I found myself huffing and puffing and wanting more as her pride-filled blue eyes looked up at me, opening her mouth, showing me my cum before she swallowed it. She had every justifiable reason to be grinning proudly as my hands behind me grasp the top of the counter, locking my elbows to prevent myself from dropping to the floor.

"I've always wanted to do that," she said, standing up, tenderly massaging my not quite soft penis. Smiling at me, she promised, "Next time, I'm going for three."

Laila's confidence was back as she left me recovering, carrying our plates into the family room, directing, "Get our drinks... and don't forget the napkins."


I obeyed Laila's suggestion after my post-climax fog cleared. Swapping the two canned drinks on the counter for cold ones from the refrigerator. Then I stopped to grab a couple of napkins from the kitchen table. I entered the family room to find our plates on the coffee table, but Laila was missing.

I looked at the two sodas in my hands, then at the two plates on the coffee table, and yes, for a long moment, I wondered if I had snapped. After all, I was standing naked in our family room with two cold sodas in my hand, expecting to find my naked step-sister waiting for me to have lunch with her, then fuck her, or eat her cunt before she offered up her ass for my penial penetration.

I mean... that's insane?... right?

The sanity check had already failed several tests in my head when Laila appeared, naked, from the hallway carrying a couple of beach towels under one arm, holding up her phone with the other, asking, "Can you show me how I can put my phone on the TV?"

"You mean casting?" I confirmed, my heart restarting after skipping several beats while watching her breasts as they swished and swayed toward me. Eventually, I looked up to see her bright blue eyes glowing with a cautious eagerness to share one of her fantasies with me.

She tossed the towels bundles on the sofa, and I popped open one of the cans and passed it to her. She drank as I popped open my soda. Before I put it to my lips, I asked, "What are the towels for?"

"Skidmark prevention," she answered nonchalantly, trading her phone for my soda. She put both of our sodas on the coffee table while I made sure her phone had the right casting app. Laila, then spread out the towels across the cushions, revealing two sex toys and a bottle of lube as she unrolled one of the bundles, commenting, "We're going to have a lot of laundry to do before mom and dad get home tomorrow night.

"We will?" I questioned, focused on a long, thick purple penis replica, somewhat disappointed by its breadth and depth being much larger than mine. I was also intrigued by what looked like a small pink Pac-Man in her hand when she transferred her toys and lube to the coffee table.

She spread out the towels, doing her best to cover the entire sofa and not just the cushions as she replied, "We'll need to do these, my sheets, mom and dad's sheets... maybe your sheets too," stopping what she was doing to look up at me, "We are going to sleep in their bed tonight? Right?"

"I'm not sure how much sleep we're going to get," nodding at her toys as I suggested, "Depending on how new your batteries are and how much lube you've got left?"

She chuckled, bending over to wedge the towels into place. I had to force myself to breathe as I stared at her glass butt-plugged ass. The transparent black hole created by the crystal window to her taboo cavern suddenly became the one toy she brought with her I found myself wanting to use on her the most.

She glanced up at me, a prideful smirk on her face before she intentionally aimed her black-holed butt and cunt in another direction. My spine shivered when I forced myself to breathe deep again and mentally told myself to be patient and relax. It was a momentary struggle to resume my efforts to setup up the TV's inputs. With both the TV and her phone ready to talk to each other, I handed back her phone, asking, "It is a video file on your phone or a website?"

"I want to show you what I want to do to you," she grinned, standing up, both of her thick puffy nipples standing out full and erect against the backdrop of her milk-chocolate areolas. Laila's arms squeezed her breast together, holding her phone in front of her magnetic cleavage. Using one finger, she swiped and tapped on the display for a moment, a moment I spend longing to bury my face between her breasts before she aimed her phone's screen at me, insisting, "This one."

Without breaking eye contact with her bosom, I told her what to do, and a few moments later, a young half-blonde half-brunette sucking a man's penis, POV-style, filled the big screen TV's display behind me.

I turned around to watch, then Laila and I, with our eyes locked on the TV, backed onto the towel-protected sofa. Laila snuggled up next to me, one of her hands resting on and her fingers gently spidering my penis as she muttered, "You feel good," as she kissed my upper arm.

"You feel better," I replied, just as the penis on the screen squirted across the smiling woman's nose. The blonde-brunette on the big screen quickly re-consumed the uncircumcised erection, sucking the rest of his load into her mouth; then didn't stop. She kept sucking him, teasing his cock with her tongue, mouth, hand, and cheek just like Liala had done to me in the kitchen, but more lustfully and less intimately.

"That's what I want to do to you," Laila declared when the unseen man grunted a second, smaller climax onto his lover's extended, open-mouthed tongue.

"You just did," I replied, reaching for our sandwich plates, passing one to Laila, keeping the other for myself. I had to rest my plate on the end-table because Laila's hand caressing my penis refused to move. I also had no place to put my spare arm except around her neck, draping down to caress one of her breasts, circling and rubbing her hard nipple under the tip of my finger.

Wait for it," Laila declared, setting her plate next to her on the sofa for the same reason I had to use the end-table. Through her full mouth, she mumbled, "There we go," as the penis climaxed again. Far less came out, but the man did ejaculate some cum for the third time, and it looked like his partner was going for four.

"That's what I want to do to you," Laila's now sandwich-free mouth declared, squeezing my cock, "I want to make you cum four times in a row."

"He just came three times," I corrected before biting into my half-sandwich.

"Wait for it," Laila said again before taking another bite of her half-sandwich.

Laila was right; not long after, the woman on the TV, sitting on her knees in front of her lover, and the camera, worked the POV penis until she extracted another few drops. Not leftovers massaged out of his shaft, new seeds from his garden.

Laila stroked my not fully awake penis as she said, "I changed my mind; I'm going for five."

"I'm not sure that all her," I suggested after I swallowed what I was chewing, "A lot of that is him. I won't lie... I want to be able to do that... with you, or because of you."

"We will," Laila offered, "I promise. It just takes practice and persistence," before finishing off the last bite of her half-sandwich.

We continued eating lunch, then cuddling and caressing each other as we ate, mostly me focusing on her comfortably hand-filling breasts and Laila teasing or caressing my groin. But it was more than just exploring each other's erogenous zones. I think we both enjoyed the feeling of our mutually bare flesh smushing together, a needed intimacy that transcended our bodies' desire to merge sexually.

Laila controlled the porn selection from her phone, finding an orgy from Czechoslovakia before snuggling even closer to me, easing her access to my balls as well as my hardening penis. About three minutes into the sub-titled orgy, Laila slid down, laying on her side, using my thigh and hip as a pillow so she could fill her mouth with my cock. She lifted one leg, bending her knee slightly, resting her foot to the back of the sofa, granting me multiple ways to access her fur topped, slimy slit, and crystal-fill butt. Relaxing into a comfortable position, her hand caressed my balls, and her warm, slithering tongue circled the head of my rapidly hardening penis just inside her lips.

She pushed against the armrest, sliding herself closer, taking most of my cock into her mouth and making it easier for me to finger her entire cunt, inside and out. My finger absent-mindedly circled and probed her pussy. Inside her, my finger felt the smooth glass rock in her ass, circling but not activating her secret button. When my finger exited her clenching interior, I did the same to her clit, teasing it, sometimes accidentally passing over it, which elicited an ego-boosting twitch, or whole-body flinch from my step-sister and lover.

Laila quietly suckled on my penis, not trying to get me to cum, more like she was using my cock as a pacifier. I could feel how abnormally relaxed she seemed, more than I think she ever had been, even after falling asleep next to me during family TV nights.

I will admit, I was enjoying the porn she selected. Seeing some of the women sucking on one cock, then having another one inserted into them from behind without warning. All of them taking their unannounced penetration without resistance or reaction enhanced Laila's effort to get me hard again. It did not take long for me to announce, "I'm going to cum."

Laila didn't react or respond, to my declaration, other than to adjust her breathing. I growled a deep moaning grunt, followed by a few more guttural sounds as I squirted, then inhaled panting gasp as her tongue swirled my cum around the hypersensitive head of my cock as she continued to suckle on me.

What I gave her, and what she swallowed after sucking on me like my penis was a straw, was not a lot; maybe about average for one of my masturbatory sessions. The best part, I found the sexual relief and release I wanted with Laila, from Laila, and not my hand as I imagined her doing what she had just done.

"It feels so much better than doing it myself," I found myself muttering without filtering my thoughts.

Laila's throat vibrated her "Um-hum" agreement through my penis, continuing her suckling without stopping, maybe trying to get me to cum again, or simply because she was enjoying what she was doing. I had a hard time believing the latter; my amazingly gorgeous step-sister finding peace and tranquility sucking on my cock still seemed just a little too far from reality to me to fully accept. But, I was working on it; and hoping she'd let me pacify her this way several times a day.

-Capricorn's Singing-

The orgy ended, and as I looked for Laila's missing phone, I asked, "What do you want to watch next? Do you have a preference or a favorite? Is there anything, in particular, you'd like to watch?"

Suggesting, "Girl on Girl? Monster cocks? Threesomes, groups, DP... DAP... sexual oddities?"

Without releasing my cock from her oral captivity, Lalia mumbled her reply.

I understood only a small part of what she said, the rest corrupted by her tongue licking around the head of my captive penis."Capricorn's Singing?" I questioned.

Lifting her head and her mouth away from my cock, Laila clarified toward my knees, "No celebrity porn or fisting." Licking the tip of cock before she continued, "My pussy is just the right size for your cock, not your fist. I love anal, but I don't like watching anything thicker than a cock in some poor woman's ass, and I don't want you getting off or aroused by a celebrity crush, especially if she looks better than me."

"There is no one who looks better than you," I replied honestly, caressing her perfectly rounded ass, "You're the most beautiful woman in the world."

"You're just saying that cause I'm naked and sucking on your cock, and because you know I like butt stuff," Laila countered, disbelieving in herself, as she wiggled her ass under my hand, making the light refracting butt plug wink at me

"That's not true," I retorted, finding her missing phone wedged between the sofa cushions under her hip when she wiggled her ass at me. "You can stop what you're doing anytime, And I'd still love you for who you are," I argued, knowing her well enough to know she'd see stopping what she was doing to me as a defeat she could never fully accept.

I caressed her ultra-black smooth as silk hair, offering her a truth I knew she would also have a hard time fully accepting, "If you never have sex with me again, I'd still think you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met... and my best friend."

She didn't reply, her self-doubts conflicting with my honesty until I asked, "Do you want to stop what you're doing. Do you want to go back to the way we were yesterday?"

"No," she muttered, then swallowed almost my entire cock to demonstrate her point. Her lips and tongue both knowing exactly where to stimulate me to induce an unexpected inhale.

"How about some bondage," I puffed, "I like watching women forced to cum... over and over again."

"I know," she mumbled around my cock, licking me, then looking up at me, grinning perversely. The joy she had lost moments before returned to her eyes as she asked, "Would you like to tie me up and make me cum for you?"

"I would," I nodded, then winked as I added, "and I will... later. Right now, you're supposed to be trying to make me cum five times in a row like that Girl on your phone."

"Group bondage," she replied, rubbing my cock across her face, "But nothing where anyone gets hurt... and no rape stuff... she has to want it," she added as an afterthought, rubbing my cock to her cheek with her palm.

Her suggestion intuited answers to many of my un-asked questions and sparked a few more questions I wanted to ask, questions I knew she was not ready to answer.

She resumed her oral efforts, and I watched the back of her raven-haired head in my lap, thoroughly enjoying the feeling and texture of her tongue slithering around my cock, and the heat of her moist mouth around my shaft.

She almost did what she wanted. I felt my entire groin wanting to shoot another round of cum into her mouth, but the ammunition wasn't loaded. Another dry climax shivered up my spine as I caressed her soft dark hair, my hand flowing down her naked spine, on its way to trace the outline of the three moles that pointed at her butt crack.

My finger followed their triangular pattern several times before dipping into and swimming around the divot above her butt crack. Running my finger through her butt-valley, up to, but not touching her transparent plug. I leaned over, reaching for her phone between her thighs. It was a longer stretch than I expected and the smooth base of her glass buttplug rubbed against my arm, which made her cheeks jiggle and her mouth moan on my cock.

After retrieving her phone, on the way back to me, my hand stopped, and my index finger circled the rounded diameter of the crystal securely held in place by her tight sphincter. I could feel harmonic vibrations echoing back through the glass and into my finger, feeling very much like the glass organ my teacher offered me up as a sacrificial lamb to demonstrate to my class during a sixth-grade field trip.

"HOLY FUCK!" Laila gasped around my cock after gagging unexpectedly. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Laila shouted at my groin, pushing herself up, her shoulders lifting her face away from my lap, but her neck was too weak to keep her head aloft as she moaned another much longer, "Fuckkkkk."

Laila's entire body trembled, shook, and spasmed; even the back of her thighs quivered with enough force to make her butt cheeks jiggle. I continued to elicit the same singing harmonics from the crystal plug in her butt, marveling at how the space between her flared shoulder blades had turned bright red under her tanned skin. Until I realized she had stopped breathing, unable to reinflate her lungs for longer than I thought possible.

When I removed my finger from the resonating crystal in her ass, her face flopped into my lap. I could feel my harder than soft cock pressed to the side of her face as she gasped several times then panted. "Oh my GOD! I don't know what you did, but that was intense... too intense. I can still feel it tingling under my skin... everywhere... fuck, even the hairs on the back of my neck feel like they're standing up."

She rolled her butt away from my hand, twisting her body, almost falling off the soda if my hand hadn't grabbled her hip. Her blushed face looked up at me from my lap as she declared, "I want that again." Puffing her hot cock and cum tainted breath at me before insisting, "A little warning next time... holy shit," she exhaled, then inhaling deeply while wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead. When her hand moved away from her face, her passionate blue eyes declared, "God, I fucking love you so fucking much... where the fuck have you been all my life?"

"Waiting for you," I smiled cautiously.

"Well," she glowed back at me, "We're together now, lover... and I'm not letting you go." The love in her eyes and on her face was the most sincere and genuine representation of her devotion to me, to us, I had seen all day. A dedication she demonstrated when she asked, "Where do you want me? What do you want to do to me...anything you want as long as you promise to do that to me again... when I'm ready for it."

I could feel the ego-stimulated pride and eagerness on my face as I rolled her back onto my lap, then butt walked closer to the center of the sofa while directing Laila to move the way I wanted her to. She ended up where I wanted; Laila's perfect ass and creamy cunt offered up for my inspection and whatever perversion I wanted to do to her pussy and glass-filled butt.

Two perfect tan melon-sized cheeks jiggled before me. Between her slightly open thighs, her puffy outer labia pressed and squeezed her inner lips out of their shell. I pushed my fingers between her legs, spreading open her flesh a little more so I could get a better view of my thumb sliding up and down and between her pussy lips. As what seemed to be her norm, Laila's cunt continuously leaked lube, which allowed my thumb to slide effortlessly between her beautiful folds of feminine flesh. Her butt and hips wiggled and squirmed on top of my lap as I poked, probed, and generally played with her pussy. I took my time, penetrating her and savoring the liquid velvet texture of her cunt with my thumb while my other hand explored her back. At the same time, my other hand was reaching out to touch her where she wasn't expecting or simply wanting to feel her flesh under my fingers, always coming back to caress her butt cheeks.

I avoided the transparent ring that opened a black hole into her butt, teasing her by approaching it, but never quite. This purposeful torture made her wiggle her hips toward my approaches, which I denied at the last moment. I twisted my pussy hand around, allowing my middle finger to do a deep dive into her slippery and slimy hole. A thin film of her fluids coated my entire hand at this point, which made twisting my fist between her thighs much easier, smoother.

I fucked her pussy with my middle finger, watching it disappear and reappear at will. Inside, my fingertip explored her tender invisible flesh, her cunt clenching and contracting around my probing digit. I could also feel the curve of the butt plug pressing to the walls of her vagina. Once again, finding her secret button, her whole body spasmed, clenched, then I felt my face flush with pride as goosebump manifested all over her back and upper butt.

Laila's quiet moans, unexpected gasps, or long slow, "Fuuuccckkks," made me want to do more to her. I could feel my cock getting hard under her as I continued to fondle, caress, penetrate, and generally abuse her willingly offer cunt. Whenever I brushed over her magic button between her vagina and her rectum, her entire body spasmed.

Wanting to see how far I could take the agonizing pleasurable I forced my step-sister to endure, I induced a repeat of the harmonic vibrations that set her off earlier while rubbing her hidden button.

Laila's body convulsed violently across my lap as she shrieked for me to stop, then instantly demanding I keep doing what I was doing. There wasn't a single inch of her body that wasn't twitching or flinching. Her butt cheeks were two perfectly rounded bowls of tan jelly sloshing under my hands. She then grunted several times as her cunt soaked my hand, which took me a moment to realize I had made her squirt.

Inside her cunt, my finger felt her muscles spasming, contracting, then releasing over and over again in an inconsistent pattern. Her anal ring was doing the same thing to the butt plug, making it very difficult to keep my finger ringing the edge of the glass, which created the harmonic vibrations that set her off.

I eased back, slowing my eager fingers, and enjoyed the view of Laila's now sweat beaded back for a moment before changing tactics. Her body unstiffened, laying limp across my lap and the sofa. She continued to curse complementary vulgarities as her breathing puffed back to something close to normal.

I started to play with the glass knob inserted into her ass. Carefully twisting it, pulling it out so I could see her brown-eye stretch as it clung to the glass's shape. She began talking to me, praising my efforts and pleading I do or don't do something next time. I heard her but didn't listen. I was too fascinated pulling the greased plug out of her struggling ass, then pushing it back in. Enjoying watching the inward resistance as I forced the raindrop-shaped bulb to spread open her sphincter, then seeing her ass swallow the buttplug before reversing the process, pulling it out of her clinging hole again.

She did not climax as she had before, but I could tell by the way Laila kept trying to twist her head around to watch; she was enjoying what I was doing to her.

Her voice finally registered as she aimed her glowing face at me, "You were right; it does feel so much better when you do that to me. I fuck myself all the time, but when you do it... it's so much better... I can relax and enjoy it without having to think about doing it."

I continued to play with the buttplug, occasionally fingering her pussy. I felt Laila's body relax as she embraced my desire to play with and explore her asshole and pussy. She offered a few flattering, "Oh that feels good," and a few, "Right there... do that again," requests. I complied until she looked back over her shoulder again, querying, "Which do you like more... my pussy or my ass?"

I removed the glass plug fully, inserting my thumb in its place while continuing to let my middle finger explore her vagina. After watching her anal ring cling to my thumb as I moved it in and out of her rectum, I replied, "I know you like butt stuff, and I will fuck your ass more because you want me to, and I like the taboo aspects of anal... but your pussy feels so much better around my cock."

Laila sighed disappointedly, so I expanded on my reply, purposefully sliding my thumb in and out as I said, "Your ass is super tight right here; nothing you've done to me, or for me feels like your butthole squeezing the shaft of my cock." Pushing deeper into her ass, I added, "I can get deeper into your ass without having to worry if I'm going to hurt you... you know, bruise your uterus, but it feels different... your just not as tight higher up, and the muscles are harder, not as soft as your vagina."

Switching my attention to her pussy, my finger moved in and out faster, twisting around inside as I explained, "Your pussy feels amazing around my cock. It fits me like it's a greased velvet glove, touching, stretching, and pulling on all the right spots, especially the head of my cock. I know I could hurt you if I go too far, but there's nothing else quite like it when I can get that deep."

Immediately I corrected myself, shaking my head in disagreement as I said, "But that thing you do with the back of your throat... it feels like you're sucking on the head of my cock with your tonsils... that's a close second... you can do that to me anytime."

Laila twisted away from my probing and toying with her ass and cunt, pushing herself up then twisting around to sit on my lap facing me. She rested her arms on my shoulders, and I could feel my cock hardening below the moist heat of her groin as she stared into my eyes.

I'm not sure what she was waiting for or if she was looking for something beyond my matching stare. Whatever she was doing, she suddenly smiled at me, then pressed her face to mine, opening her mouth to mine, inducing a mutual tongued kiss. We kissed long enough for some of her natural lube to drip onto the head of my cock, and I could feel it mixing with my pre-cum as it oozed down to the bottom of my shaft.

She pulled back, "What do you want? You want fuck my cunt, my ass, or do you want me to deep throat you again?"

"I want it all," smirking my reply, winking at her before I suggested, "Turn around and let me fuck your cunt so we can both watch the TV. After you let me cum inside you, I want to eat your pussy clean... then you're going to show me how to use your toys on you, especially that pink Pac-Man thingy. If its' what I think it is, you're in trouble."

Her glowing smile and sparkling blue eyes touched my heart. I gave her a quick lip peck then promised, "For every climax you give me, I'm going to return the favor fivefold, and if that's a clit stimulator... oh just wait and see what I'm going to do to you."

"You can do anything you want to me," she replied, unable to relax her smile as she spoke. She then twisted off me, bent over, spread her thighs, waiting for me to grab my cock and hold it in place before she impaled herself on my erection. While her velvet cunt massaged my cock, she found a new video for us to share; specifically, a "free-use" video where the daughter was repeatedly fucked (secretly and willingly) by her brother and father. Laila twisted back to smile at me, her ass not losing a beat bouncing up and down on my hips as she said, "That's what I want... I want to be used by you anytime you want... but... mom can't know."

-On and on-

Laila and I fucked all afternoon, in every room of the house, including the garage. We skinny-dipped in the pool after dark, and she sucked two loads out of me as I watched her floating in front of me at the edge of the pool.

After paying the pizza delivery driver, I returned to the poolside to find her lying on a lounge chair face down. I mounted her ass without warning; she grunted when I pushed inside her, then she relaxed as fucked her without saying a word until I grunted my climax into her ear as my body pressed her down onto the straps of the lounge chair.

When I finished squirting my load into her ass, I stood up and walked away without saying a word, not until I opened the pizza box, calling her over, "Hey, the pizza's here," from the patio table as nothing had happened.

We tried every position we could think of and aided by some of her toys; I DP'd Laila several times, both front and back. Then she made the mistake of confirming what her pink Pac-man was and how it worked. With that toy clipped to her clit, I fucked her in every way possible all over again. Double fingering her and massaging her secret button while she gagged on my cock, as Pac-man nibbled on her clit, almost made her pass out.

Late into the evening, we ended up in our parent's bed, trying out various positions and techniques on each other until our bodies refused to cooperate, and our brains struggled to remain conscious.

Our last fuck of the night was me spooning behind her, weaky rocking my cock into her until I strained to express what had to be just one or two drops of cum from my battered penis. She was comatose when that happened. With my spent cock still inside her and my arms holding her close, I slipped into a deep, exhausted sleep immediately after my forced climax peaked. I took her sluty nakedness with me to the other side of consciousness, where we repeated the day's events in my dreams.

-Not the end-

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