20.48% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 840: KEY LIME PIE

章節 840: KEY LIME PIE

It was late on a warm, sultry Friday afternoon as I drove home from O'Hare airport after a five-day road trip. I had spent most of the day just sitting on my butt in airports and airplanes trying to get home and putting up with the interminable boredom that is called air travel. For some reason I have never been one of those business travelers who can sit in an airport and get a lot of work done. There are too many distractions, especially in the summertime when the girls wear much less clothes than they do in the winter. The result was that by the time I turned onto our street, I was hot, bored, and tired, but especially I was horny. After no sex for almost a week I was really hoping that Trish would be in the mood tonight, because I wanted—no, I needed—to get laid.

Now, that is usually not a problem with my wife. Trish is a cute little pixy-like redhead with short hair, sparkling green eyes, and a curvaceous little body, and she is almost always horny, especially when I have been away for a few days. I was really looking forward to getting home. I had spent much of the last leg of the trip fantasizing about the really nasty sex we were going to have this evening.

As I rounded the curve in the street just before our home, my hopes and fantasies were dashed. There was a car parked in front of our house that wasn't ours, an older Lexus with California plates. This wasn't the classic problem of coming home from a business trip and finding a strange car parked in front of your house and then discovering it belongs to some guy who has been spending the afternoon screwing your wife. No, I knew this car. It belonged to Trish's aunt and uncle from California, who were, in my view, two of the dullest people imaginable. I slowed as I recognized the Lexus, my fantasies of spending the late afternoon and evening fucking my curvy little wife in every room in our house going up in smoke that dissipated into the steamy Chicago suburban atmosphere. "Fuck!" I said to no one in particular. "Now I'm going to spend the evening playing nice with Trish's Uncle Phil and his stuffy wife, Betty." Maybe I would spend some time in the office this weekend after all.

I turned into the driveway, hit the button on the garage door opener, and pulled into my bay of our three-car garage. Trish's car wasn't there. Odd I thought. We have company, and she's not here? Maybe she took them shopping? Not likely with that stuffy old pair.

I retrieved my carry-on bag and my briefcase from the back seat of my BMW and stepped through the door into our kitchen. That's when my day began to pick up. Seated along side the kitchen table was a tall, leggy blonde I hadn't met before.

She looked up and smiled a thousand-watt smile that lit up the room. "Hi! You probably don't remember me, but I am your wife's cousin Kelly. From California. My parents are Trish's aunt and uncle. I know you've met them, but I don't think we've ever met."

As she stood and walked toward me with her hand extended, I said, "I'm Chris." I couldn't get much more out as I looked at her. She really was stunning—about 5'10" or so, with those tan California legs that just seemed to go on forever, but actually stopped at a pair of very short, very tight white shorts. Her scooped neck t-shirt showed off a pair of very firm medium-size breasts, and her thick, long blonde hair framed a face of an angel. One look at her and you knew immediately what the Beach Boys were thinking about when they came up with California Girls.

I managed to gain enough composure to drop my bags and stick my hand out to meet hers for a handshake and was pleasantly surprised when she used the handshake to pull me forward into a hug and a peck on the cheek. She smelled just delicious, and the hug was close enough that I could feel her tits pushing into my chest. Yes, my day was suddenly looking up—but where was Trish?

"Hi, I'm Chris. Nice to meet you," I said as the hug unwound. Saying hello and introducing myself seemed a bit of an afterthought following the hug, but my mother always raised me to be polite.

"I know," she laughed. "You already said that."

Oops! Well, this girl was seriously distracting. Changing the subject, I said, "Uhhh . . . do you happen to know where my wife is? I noticed her car isn't here."

"Oh, she went out to get some pizza for dinner. She should be back in a few minutes. She told me to fix you a drink if you got home before she did."

"That's the best idea I've heard all day. If you'll make me a gin and tonic, I'll take my things upstairs and get into something more comfortable than these business clothes. The booze is in the cabinet over the fridge, tonic's in the fridge, and there are usually some limes in there, too. If you don't mind, I'll take time to grab a quick shower. I always feel really grungy after a day in the 'Friendly Skies'."

"Okay, I'll get to work. I used to be a bartender, so a G&T is a piece of cake."

I stopped before I left the room and turned back towards Kelly. "That's your parent's car out front isn't it? Are they here with you?" (Please God, let the answer be no).

"Oh no. They sold me the car when they bought a new one. Gave me a good deal on it when I told them I wanted it so I could drive to Vermont to go back to college."

"So you're on your way to Vermont?"

"Yes. I have to be there early next week. Trish told me I could stay here for a night to break up the driving. I hope that's okay?"

"Oh, for sure," I said. (Yes there is a god. A night with Trish and her gorgeous cousin!) Looks like I won't be going to the office this weekend after all, I thought.

I bounded up the stairs two at a time, dumped my gear in the corner of our bedroom and peeled off my clothes before stepping naked into a luke-warm shower—just the thing after a hot, sticky day like we had today.

While I stood in the shower washing off the day's grunge, I tried to remember what I knew about Kelly. Now that my mind was no longer being reduced to mush by her short shorts and her long legs, I remembered Trish telling me something in the past about her. As best I could recall, she was about the same age as Trish (early 30's) and had been a pretty close friend of Trish's at one time, but when college time came, they went their separate ways and really hadn't been in touch since. Then a little light bulb went on, and I remembered. Kelly was more or less the black sheep of the family. She had finished college (USC, as I recalled) and then veered off the family-approved life course by becoming a dancer—well more precisely, a stripper. Her parents had pretty much disowned her. Seems kind of harsh I thought. I had watched a lot of strippers in my time, and it looked to me like they were working hard for their money.

As I showered I let my mind linger on Kelly and her long tan legs. My badly neglected prick began to respond to my thoughts about Kelly and her legs and that nice round ass above them, and before I knew it I was halfway to an erection. Still thinking about Kelly, I absent-mindedly used my soapy hand to pull on my prick. Now I really had a full-blown erection and my stroking felt so good. No, no, I thought. Don't let yourself cum now. You've been saving this for days for Trish. I stopped stroking myself, but now my undisciplined mind was revisiting the fantasy I was having on the plane from Seattle to Chicago about squirting several days of accumulated cum all over Trish's nice big round boobs and then eating her to a screaming climax while she rubbed my cum into her tits. I didn't get any closer to climaxing, but it wasn't helping my erection subside either.

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, doing my best to think about something, anything, other than sex, and by the time I stepped back into the bedroom to dress I had managed to relax a bit. My prick, while still enlarged, was at least hanging down between my legs instead of standing straight out, as it had been before. I stepped into our walk-in closet, pulled an old college T-shirt over my head and a pair of cutoff sweats over my hips, and then shuffled my feet into a pair of flip flops—my standard summertime weekend garb. As I stood before a full-length mirror combing my hair, I noticed that my still partially engorged cock was causing a bit of a bulge under the soft fabric of my shorts. What the hell. I knew Trish wouldn't be offended, and while I didn't know Kelly, if she had been a stripper, how could she possibly be offended by a man with a bulging package? "Not a problem," I confidently told myself as I trotted down the stairs. Besides, as horny as I was, there wasn't a hell of a lot I could do about it, short of getting myself off.

As I walked into the kitchen, Kelly was standing at the counter with her back to me finishing up the drinks. God, she had a cute round butt. I could see her ass cheeks peaking from beneath her tight shorts. "Down boy," I told myself silently as I felt my cock beginning to stir again.

"Got that drink ready, beautiful?" I asked. As soon as I said it, I wondered if calling her beautiful when I had barely met her was going too far.

"Absolutely," she said as she turned toward me, holding out my drink and lighting up the room with another of her thousand-watt smiles. "Oh my," she said as she looked me over. "You look a lot more comfortable than you did when you came in." I apparently hadn't gone too far.

"There are work clothes, and there are weekend clothes, and it's definitely time for weekend clothes," I said. As I spoke, I did a little pirouette for her.

"Very nice. Cousin Trish always did have good taste." She pulled a bar stool out from an overhanging kitchen counter and perched on it, hooking her high heels on the lowest rung and leaning back against the counter with her legs splayed apart and her breasts protruding. Of course she was still fully clothed, but still . . . oh yes, she was sex personified. She continued to look at me in silence, with a pair of gray Lauren Bacall eyes staring at me over the top of the gin and tonic she was sipping. Of course, I could hardly be offended as I was doing pretty much the same thing as I sipped my drink. We were both quiet as we sipped our drinks and looked at each other. I wasn't quite sure where this was going, but so far the ride was great.

Just then the door from the garage swung open banging against the wall. Trish charged in juggling a pizza and half a case of beer. "Chris, you're home!" she yelled. She ran towards me, somehow managing to set the beer and pizza down on the counter without breaking her stride or any of the beer bottles, launched herself into my lap with both arms around my neck, and then planted her lips on mine for a long, sloppy wet kiss. As she finally pulled away she said loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear, "You've been gone so long. We are going to have great fucking sex tonight. I'm going to suck your . . . "

"Trish," I interrupted. "We have company."

She giggled. "Well, it's just Kelly. She knows I have sex. When we were growing up together we always told each other everything about the guys we were screwing. Maybe she can help us tonight."

My dick lurched at that thought. I'm sure Trish could feel it pressing against her cute little round ass that was planted so sweetly in my lap.

"And the girls," Kelly added.

Trish laughed. "Yes, we told each other about the girls, too."

"Kelly, do you remember the ranking system we used to have for guys?"

Now Kelly laughed. "Oh that's right. We did, didn't we."

"What?" I asked. "You mean you ranked your dates on a scale, like guys rank girls they see walking by on a scale of one to ten?"

Yes, but it was much more sophisticated than that," Kelly said.

"Right, right!" Trish said with excitement. We ranked them on a bunch of different factors and then averaged the rankings for an overall rating."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Hmm." Kelly said. "Can you remember them all Trish?"

"Well, there was the overall hotness rating. Just how good did the guy look?"

"Right," Kelly agreed.

"Was this with or without clothes?" I asked.

Both girls laughed. Trish said, "Actually both. Some guys looked great with their clothes on and then were a big disappointment once they undressed. A good suit can hide a lot of flab. Then there were others that were just the reverse."

"How'd that work?" I asked.

"Well," Kelly said. "You might have a guy who showed up in grubby looking sweats and then turned out to have a really ripped body underneath the sweats."

"You mean like me?" I said as I gestured at my tired cut-off sweat pants and my faded Cal t-shirt.

"Not necessarily," Kelly responded. "I don't know what you look like under the sweats, so I can't rate you. Trish, is he ripped under those baggy sweats?"

"Oh, most definitely," Trish responded.

"Hmmm," Kelly said as she seductively put a fingertip in her mouth. "He looked really good in that suit he was wearing when he came in, so if you tell me that he is ripped beneath those baggy clothes he's wearing now, he must be a ten!"

"Most definitely!" Trish agreed.

"Whew, I passed the first test on your ratings system. I'm almost afraid to ask about the others."

Kelly leaned even farther back against the counter, pushing her breasts out even farther. "I suspect that you would do just fine, Chris, but only Trish can say since I've never fucked you."

"So what were the categories," I asked.

Kelly, leaned forward holding a wide spread hand before her. "Let's see. I think there were five. Isn't that right Trish?"

Trish was occasionally squirming just a bit in my lap so that my erection was now full blown. "Yes that's right—five." With that the girls began to count them down.

"First there was the overall hotness rating we just described," Kelly said.

"Right," Trish agreed, "And then there was a ranking for the guy's dick."

"Size?" I asked.

"Partly," Kelly said. "But it wasn't just size, like some guys rank boobs."

"Right," Trish said. "In fact a guy could lose points for being too big. We thought optimal size was about 8 or 8-½ inches. Baseball bats are out. They hurt."

"And it can't be too big around. No beer cans," Kelly said.

"Ugh, no!" agreed Trish.

"And they should be circumcised," Kelly said.

"Actually Kelly, we never really agreed on that point," Trish pointed out.

"Why did it matter?" I asked.

"Don't know," Kelly responded. "I just liked circumcised better then. Not sure I care anymore."

"And I thought it didn't matter even then," Trish responded. "I was always more mature in my tastes than Kelly."

Kelly responded with a nasty look that made Trish giggle.

"And then there was just an overall appearance criteria," Kelly said.

"It was very subjective," Trish added. "Some dicks are hot and some aren't. It's just the way we saw it."

"Right," agreed Kelly.

"Wow, I'm afraid to ask how I would rate. It sounds intimidating."

Trish again squirmed her ass on my now rigid dick. "Not to worry lover. You would do just fine. You don't think I would marry a guy with a low-rated dick do you?"

"She's not bullshitting you," Kelly said. "She always had very high standards on the dick criteria." She paused for a moment looking at me with a critical eye. "So Trish, how does Chris here rate on the dick criteria?"

Trish squirmed her ass around on my now rock hard dick again. "Oh, he's most definitely a ten."

"A ten? You never rated any guy a ten on the dick criteria the whole time we were growing up."

'Trust me. He's a ten, especially when he is as hard as he is now."

"Can I see it? Really. I want to see this Adonis of cocks. I've never seen a ten before."

Trish continued to squirm in my lap as she stalled a bit. She bit her lip in a mock pout and finally said. "All right. You can see it. But then we have to eat this pizza before it gets cold."

Trish hopped down off my lap and pulled me to my feet, dragging me to the center of the room. My dick was making a huge tent in my sweat pants, and there was a small spot where pre-cum had soaked through the material. She grabbed the waistband on both sides and yanked the pants down to my ankles as she stood aside to give Kelly a clear view. I felt like a bull about to be offered at auction.

Kelly's eyes widened as she studied my cock. It twitched involuntarily.

"Oh my," she said. "That is a really fine cock." She continued to study it in silence as Trish stroked it from below and held it to the side for Kelly's inspection. Finally Kelly said, "Yes, I can see how you get there. That cock is definitely a ten. My, my. You don't see many of those. Can I suck it?" My dick twitched again as she said that.

"Not now," Trish answered. "Maybe we can all eat each other later if you behave, but now it's time for pizza." My dick twitched again at thought of the three of us engaging in a round robin of oral sex.

"And," Trish continued, "Since Chris is already naked I think we should get naked too, rather than asking him to put those baggy old shorts on again. Chris, take your T-shirt off and slice up the pizza while we take our clothes off."

I know when to obey my wife, and this was clearly such a moment. My T-shirt was off and sailing across the room in the blink of an eye. As I walked to the drawer where the pizza-slicing wheel was stored, my dick bobbed happily. Both girls seemed more focused on it than on their assigned task of stripping down.

I opened a beer for myself and was about to begin slicing the pizza when Trish spoke up. "Kelly, since you're a stripper, you should go first, and then I can do it. Maybe I can learn something from watching you."

"Ex-stripper!" Kelly said firmly. "I told you I'm on my way to Vermont to go to law school."

I couldn't constrain myself. "Law school!" I exclaimed. "This country has way too many lawyers already. Look at the mess they're making in Washington, D.C. What we need is more strippers and less lawyers. I can tell from looking at you that you are a great stripper. What a waste!"

Kelly gave me an acid look that began to wilt my dick. "Was a great stripper. Not any more."

"Okay," I sighed.

Trish was cracking up in the corner. "Kelly, you're going to make a great lawyer. With just one look, you wilted his dick. He's sorry. It's just that he's a great fan of strippers and has had some really bad experiences with lawyers."

Now both girls were laughing and my dick continued to wilt. Kelly walked around the counter until she was standing in front of me. She reached down and gently picked up my now half-deflated prick. As she stroked it, it began to recover and then she looked over at Trish with a "mother-may-I" look.

"Only 'till it's hard again. I don't want him cumming yet."

"Kelly's smile lit up, and she sank to her knees and slurped my cock into her mouth and began to massage it with her tongue. As it recovered she began to suck on it with long, slow strokes. Once it was hard to her satisfaction, she rubbed the head across each of her still-clothed breasts and popped back to her feet, giving it one last stroke with her hand. "There, all better now." she said. It definitely was.

Trish was beside herself with laughter.

"May I cut the pizza?" I asked. Trish had obviously given up on the "strippers' first" idea and was pulling her T-shirt over her head. Just as quickly she reached around behind her back and released her bra, letting it fall to her feet and kicking it across the room to where her T-shirt had landed. God, she has beautiful tits, I was thinking.

"God, you have beautiful tits," Kelly said as she stared at my half-naked wife.

Trish just smiled that kind of nasty smile she uses when she knows she is driving me wild, but this time the smile was aimed at Kelly rather than me. Hmmm. There was more history between these two than I had been told about, I thought. I wasn't jealous, but very curious.Trish quickly stripped off her shorts and the panties beneath them and then stood naked before us. Kelly continued to stare.

"Okay Missy," she said to Kelly, "now it's your turn."

Kelly continued to stare at Trish's naked form as she slowly peeled off her T-shirt and bra. Her tits weren't as big as Trish's, but they were still really nice tits. She had dark brown areolas and nipples. Her nipples were swollen and standing out from her breasts like a pair of small rocks.

Now it was Trish's turn to stare. As Kelly slowly released the snaps in the front of her shorts, Trish moaned softly and licked her lips. Kelly's pussy appeared as the trousers and panties fell away. It was fully shaved.

There was a little catch in Trish's breathing as she stared at the now naked Kelly. She blinked and then just as quickly turned back to me. "Well, are you going to cut the pizza?" she demanded.

"Sorry! I was distracted," I said as I began to slice the pizza into wedges. Yup, definitely some history here.

"As he should be," said Kelly. "If two naked girls as sexy as we are didn't distract him, I would be worried that you had married a gay guy."

"Oh, not to worry about that," Trish said as I finished slicing the pizza. "He is far from gay."

"Let's move to the back porch," Trish said, suddenly changing the subject. "The sun is down, and it's going to be a good deal cooler than it was."

"Does that mean we have to get dressed again?" asked Kelly.

"Not a problem," I said. "The house on one side is vacant, and the neighbors on the other side are gone on a trip to Europe. Trish you bring some plates, I'll take the pizza, and Kelly your job is to bring the beer." I led the way to our back porch, flipping on the lights as I went. Soon we were all seated around our patio table, quite naked. It was still humid, but the temperature had moderated, so that it felt like being in Hawaii—about 75 degrees with a gentle breeze and soft, moist air. Very nice, really. We divided up the pizza, opened beers, and began to eat. We were all so hungry that our conversation dropped, as did my prick (well, sort of).

About the time we were well into our second piece of pizza, Kelly spoke up, "Hey, look at Chris' prick. What happened to him?"

"Not to worry," said Trish. "Eating is his next most favorite thing to sex, and when he's hungry he gets focused on eating to the exclusion of everything else. He'll recover."

"Does he go limp when he eats pussy?" Kelly asked with a devilish grin.

"That's different," Trish said.

Wanting to change the subject, I asked, "Ladies, what were the other three characteristics you used to rate your men on?"

"Are you sure you really want to know?" Trish asked with a twinkle in her eye.

"Sure. What the hell. You've never complained about me before, so I must have at least ranked okay on them."

"Okay. You asked. Kelly, tell him about them."

Kelly took a pull on her beer and deliberately let a bit of it trickle down between her breasts. She used the hand not holding the beer to rub the liquid across her tits and pulled a bit on both nipples.

"What? Oh, the other ranking scales. Sorry, I got distracted." She leaned back in her chair and put one long tan leg up on the table giving me a beautiful view of her neatly-shaved bare pussy. My prick reacted appropriately, rapidly returning from half-mast to something approximating full-mast.

"Oh look. You're right Trish. He recovers quickly."

I had smeared pizza grease on my hand and was slowly stroking my now fully erect cock. "Kelly," I said, "what are the other characteristics?"

"Oh yes, that. First he has to be willing and able, really able, to eat pussy."

"I can eat pussy," I said. "In fact I really enjoy it."

"Yes, but are you really good at eating pussy?"

"Trust me," Trish said. "He is not only willing and able, but he is really good at eating pussy. One time we were on an empty car on the L and he got down on his knees in front of me. I pushed my skirt up and pulled my panties off, and he began to munch on me. Before we got to the next stop he had me screaming so loud the conductor came back from the next car behind us to see what the problem was. We weren't paying attention and got thrown off the train. Fuck yes, he can eat pussy."

"Okay, you pass on that rating," Kelly said. "Even I never got her to scream that loud."

Hmmm. More information about the history of these two that I hadn't known.

"So, what is the fourth ranking item?" I asked, trying to stay on the subject.

"Let's see," said Kelly. "Number four was . . . Oh yes, I remember. Endurance. No one wants a guy who pops off once three minutes after you start and then goes to sleep for the rest of the evening. How good are you on that, hotshot?" Kelly asked.

"Okay, I guess."

"Okay?" Trish interrupted. "He's way better than just okay. Sometimes he pops off a little too quick on the first round, especially if he hasn't had any for awhile, but after that, he recovers in just a few minutes, and then he can last forever and cum two or three or more times during the evening or afternoon or whatever. You'll see tonight, if you're a good girl."

I liked that idea. I wanted to fuck Trish tonight, but I also wanted to fuck Kelly.

"So what's the last criteria," I asked.

"Overall attentiveness as a lover," Kelly answered quickly.

"What's that mean," I asked. "It sounds a little vague." I was still stroking my cock.

"Oh, but it's the most important one!" Trish said.

"Absolutely!" Kelly concurred. "Let me explain. Imagine a guy who just gets on top of you, jams his prick into your cunt and humps away until he cums and then gets dressed and leaves. He gets a zero on this criteria."

"Where's the fun in that?" I asked. "It sounds like masturbating. Better than reading the Wall Street Journal, but it still misses the main point of sex."

"And what might that be?" Kelly asked.

"Seeing how many times you can make a woman scream in ecstasy during the course of an evening," I said.

"Oh, Trish. Where did you find this guy, and does he have a little brother at home for me?"

"Actually he does," Trish responded, "but he's gay."

'Really. How can that be? He must have guys lined up at the front door."

"He more or less does," I said. "That was a bit of a problem with our parents when we still lived at home."

Trish started to say something, but just as she began to speak, a large glob of gooey greasy cheese dripped off of her pizza and landed on one of her big boobs. Trish started to reach for a paper towel to clean up and Kelly and I more or less simultaneously said loudly, "Wait! Don't do that. I want to lick it off." We both looked at each other with an "I can't believe you said that," expression. More history.

"Not a problem," Trish giggled as she smeared more cheese on her other boob. Now both of you get over here and clean me up."

Kelly and I walked over to where Trish was sitting and leaned over to begin cleaning her tits. We each took a boob and began licking. It wasn't long before we had cleaned up the cheese and were focused on a nipple each. Trish was moaning. She has always had sensitive nipples.

I reached down with one hand to slide a couple of fingers into Trish's pussy and found Kelly had beat me to it. She had two fingers well into Trish's cunt and was doing a good job of finger fucking her. Not wanting to go into competition, I used my fingers to begin lightly massaging Trish's clit while I continued to suck on her nipples and massage her tits with the hand that wasn't occupied with her clit.

"Oh fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! That's so good," Trish said with a moan for punctuation. "Don't stop. Whatever you do, don't stop." So we didn't, and in about five minutes I felt Trish stiffen beneath my hands, and then she climaxed with a scream that could be heard a block away. Good thing the neighbors were away on vacation.

Trish pushed us away as she came down from her orgasm. Kelly wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me over next to her so we were standing side-by-side, bound at the hips, facing a thoroughly spent Trish. Then Kelly reached over and began to casually jack my pizza-greased cock with her free hand. It felt exquisite.

By this time Trish was coming back to life. "Kelly what are you doing with my husband's cock?"

"Just making sure it doesn't feel neglected."

"Oh, it doesn't I assure you." I said.

"Ooh, ooh I know," Trish said with a truly evil grin on her face. "Both of you stay right where you are, and Kelly you keep jacking him until he cums. Chris, your job is to squirt your cum all over my tits." Getting her tits coated with my first load of jism after I had been away for a few days was one of Trish's favorite things, so I wasn't surprised at her idea.

Kelly was beginning to twist her hand on my grease-covered cock now and it felt spectacular. "I won't last long with this treatment," I said.

"Good!" both girls said simultaneously.

"I want to see you squirt," Kelly said

"And I want to feel your hot slippery cum splatter on my tits," Trish said.

Then everyone was quiet. The only noise was the sound of Kelly jacking my slippery cock.

It felt so good. It wasn't long before I felt the cum starting to rise up in my cock. I grabbed it away from Kelly and pointed it Trish. My first shot went high and hit her in the face, but there was more to come. As I flexed my gluts and pushed my crotch towards Trish, I shot stream after stream of hot slippery white jism on her tits. "Unnnnh!" I groaned repeatedly as I coated her in spunk. "Fuck!" I said. "I really did save it up for you this week."

"God damn! That's a lot," Kelly said.

"I told you," Trish said to Kelly. "Now get down on your knees and eat me, just like you used to do. Nice and slow."

I was feeling a little wobbly so I took a chair where I could watch as Kelly slowly lapped at Trish's pussy. Trish was groaning quietly, but I knew her well enough to be sure that she wasn't really close to another climax.

I realized that I had picked the right chair, because I had a great view of Kelly's slick shaved pussy as she leaned forward on her knees to eat Trish. Watching Trish rub my ample cum into her tits and listening to her moan and while I stared at Kelly's naked slippery pussy was erotic enough to get my cock started on the road to recovery, and I gave it some help with my trusty right hand.

Trish could see what I was doing and when she thought I was fully recovered she raised her hand and crooked her index finger, telling me to join them. I stood and walked, with my now fully erect cock bobbing, until I was behind Kelly. "Fuck her," Trish mouthed silently.

"Me?" I responded in silence pointing at my chest.

Trish nodded and mouthed "Now," in silence.

I dropped to my knees and put my hands on either side of Kelly's ass. She pulled her head up and looked at Trish silently asking if it was okay if she and I fucked. Trish nodded and pulled Kelly's face back to her pussy while Kelly reached back with one hand, found my cock, and guided it to her pussy.

Nobody had said a damn thing aloud, but as far as I could tell, my wife and her cousin were fully okay with my fucking her cousin, so I slowly slid my dick into Kelly's pussy. She felt so warm and wet. Oh fuck, it was good. Kelly moaned, pushed back, and began wiggling her ass—another sign she was good with this, so I began to thrust in and out of her cunt.

Kelly was the only one of us who hadn't cum yet, so it didn't take her long. After only a few minutes of my restrained thrusting (and pulling on one of her nipples which I had reached forward to grab) she pulled her head up from Trish's pussy just long enough to say with a growl, "Harder! Fuck me harder! As hard as you can! Now!" she was still licking my wife's pussy, but she had one hand rubbing her clit.

Always one to follow instructions, I grabbed both her hips and really began to pound my dick into her with everything I had. Kelly was still trying to eat Trish, but my pounding and her crying was making it difficult for her to maintain contact. I looked up at Trish and she said, "Give it to her Chris. Fuck her. Fuck her hard. She's a horny slut, and she deserves it."

Trish's dirty talk set Kelly off. She came with a scream and I felt the muscles in her cunt clamp down on my cock. Her orgasm seemed to come in two or three waves, but she eventually relaxed and slumped down between Trish's legs, exhausted. My still hard cock popped out of her and Trish looked down at me and said, "My turn."

Trish and I walked to another chair where I sat and she climbed into my lap with her legs astride the chair and me and let herself slowly sink onto my cock. It was very different than Kelly's cunt, but it felt so good. "Oh god, I've been dreaming about this all week," I said as my cock filled her cunt.

"Me too," she said. "You are so fucking hard."

"That's what you like, isn't it you horny slut."

"Oh, fuck yes," she said. "I've been wanting this hard cock in my hot little pussy all week."

I was flexing my cock in her pussy and pumping it slowly in and out. We kissed a long, sloppy wet kiss, and then I began to play with her big soft tits with both hands.

"Ummm. Good. Play with my nipples."

She was crying and whimpering as I pulled on her big nipples and twisted them. "Oh fuck! Fuck yes! So good!" she said.

We kept that up for at least ten minutes. At some point, I noticed that Kelly was now stretched out on a chaise longue with her legs spread wide and gently massaging her pussy and clit as she watched us. We made eye , and she smiled at me and then closed her eyes as she continued to masturbate.

I could tell from the way that Trish was squirming on my lap that she was getting close, and frankly so was I. "How do you want to finish, Babe?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh finish. Yeah . . . I'm about there . . . I want you on top and I want you to really pound me like you did Kelly. God, your cock is hard."

I stood up holding her by the ass with my cock still inside her and her legs wrapped around my back. I carried her over to a chaise longue next to Kelly, where I placed her on the cushion and pulled my cock out long enough to walk to the end of the chaise and let the back down so it was flat. Then I walked back around so I was standing at the foot of the chaise longue, my cock still sticking straight out and glistening in the light. Trish was laying on the cushions with her legs spread in invitation. I dropped to my knees and then plunged into her. She quickly pulled her knees up and back and then rocked back on her hips so my cock was getting maximum penetration.

"All right, now fuck me! Fuck me hard and fast!" she growled. I really begin to pound her and we were both growling. It didn't take long before I felt the cum begin to boil up from my balls and my prostate.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming," I yelled and I felt my cock beginning to spurt streams of cum deep into her cunt.

That set her off, and she screamed something unintelligible as her pussy muscles clamped down on my cock. It was fucking fantastic! We both collapsed in a heap and just lay there in silence.

After a little while, I looked over at Kelly. She was lying with her legs spread and looked equally exhausted. "Did you cum again?" I asked her.

"Ummmm. Yes. You guys are fantastic," she said.

Trish popped her head out from beneath me and said, "See Kelly, didn't I tell you he was a perfect ten?"

We all three lay there, pretty much exhausted, for several minutes. Then I remembered something. Something very important. I lifted myself up off my wife, sat down on the end of the lawn chair, and looked down at her. "Trish," I asked, "last night when we talked on the phone, you promised me a key lime pie. Did that get made?"

"Key lime pie!" exclaimed Kelly. "She makes the best key lime pie in the history of cooking."

"I know," I said. "It's the reason I married her. Well, one of the reasons."

"You told me it was my tits and ass!" Trish exclaimed in faux outrage.

"Well, those too," I responded back-pedaling, "and there is your dirty mind. I really like that, too. But really, is there a key lime pie?" I continued, returning to the really important issue.

"Yeah," Kelly said. "I haven't had one of your key lime pies in ten years."

"Well, what's it worth to you guys?" Trish asked. "What do I get from you if there is key lime pie?" She was sitting up and grinning now, so I knew we were going to get the pie.

I looked over at Kelly figuring by now that she would know what the answer to this question was. She winked at me.

"Is there whipped cream to go on it?" Kelly asked.

Trish giggled. "Yes, if he whips it up."

Is there enough so that we can spread it all over your pussy and lick it off you?" I asked.

"Oh, I am sure there will be enough for that," Trish responded.

I looked at Kelly again and we both said, "Then we'll smear the whipped cream on you and eat your pussy, but not until after we have our pie."

"Okay, let's go!" Trish said as she jumped from the chaise longue and ran naked towards the kitchen.

Kelly and I were in hysterics laughing at her. By the time Kelly and I caught up with her, she had the pie out of the fridge along with a container of heavy cream and the rest of the ingredients I needed to make whipped cream.

"Chris, you get to work on the whipped cream. I need to pee."

"Me too," said Kelly, and with that the two of them walked out the kitchen arm in arm. I just stood staring as two of the sexiest asses I could imagine left the room.

I noticed that Kelly had her hand on Trish's ass as they walked out, so I figured they would be awhile. I was right. When they finally returned both had that post-coital blush across the top of their chests. I had finished whipping the cream, set out slices of the pie for each of us, and was spooning on the whipped cream.

I couldn't resist teasing them. "That took a while?" I said.

"Ahhh . . . We got distracted," Trish said.

"Riiight," I said with all the sarcasm I could muster. "Couldn't wait for the whipped cream?" I asked.

Kelly laughed. "He's not in the slow learner group, is he Trish?"

Trish laughed, "No, he's not."

"Well," I said, "You girls treated me pretty well out on the deck, so I guess you get your pie." I pushed a piece of pie across the counter to each of them. "But Trish, who are you going to sleep with tonight?"

"We have a big bed," she said. "I think all three of us can fit."

I smiled, a really broad smile. "That's the best idea you've had all night, other than the key lime pie."

We sat silently savoring the key lime pie and the whipped cream topping.

Finally Kelly said, "Wow! He really does shut down when there is food."

"Told you."

"So Kelly, tell me about this law school stuff," I asked between bites, trying to prove that I could eat and think at the same time. Actually eating and thinking is much easier than sex and thinking. That is just about impossible.

"Well, you can't be a stripper forever," she said as she gave her boobs a totally unnecessary lift with her hands.

"Looks to me like you're in a lot better shape than a lot of strippers I have seen."

"That's just the point," she said. "I don't want to wind up like them. It's important to go out when you are at the top of your game. I knew this one girl who kept at it until the guys would actually boo her when she came on stage."

"Oh, way harsh!" Trish said.

"It was sad. That's when I decided it was time to look for a new gig."

"But why law?" I asked. "I mean law school is a lot of work and there are a lot of people competing in the field."

"So is learning to dance, and believe me there is always a new girl wanting to take your place on the pole. Besides, lawyers make a lot more money."

"Some lawyers do," I said in a cautionary tone.

"Chris, you need to 'fess up," Trish said to me.

"What?" Kelly said, giving each of us a quizzical look.

I was silent.

"Chris," Trish said in a threatening tone.

"Okay, okay. I sort of forgot to mention that I make my living as a lawyer."

"Oh, you fraud!" Kelly exclaimed, with a pouty look on her face that once again caused my dick to wilt. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, I guess I just felt like I was less than gentlemanly when it first came up, so then it was hard to 'fess up."

"He's not good at that," Trish added.

"But really, I meant what I said about law school and the competition," I said.

"I know," she said. "Lots of lawyers have told me that. It's amazing what guys will talk about when you are doing a lap dance for them. There you are sitting nearly naked in their lap while they stuff cash in your G-string and try to restrain themselves from touching you, and all of a sudden they want to talk about their work or worse yet, their wives and family."

"Well, I'm sorry," I said.

Kelly laughed. "He's really cute when he looks guilty, isn't he?" she said to Trish.

"So true. It makes it hard to stay mad at him. I think you two should kiss and make up."

"Okay," Kelly smiled and then stood and walked around the kitchen table. She swung one of those long gorgeous legs over mine and then sat down astride my lap facing me. Then she placed a hand on either side of my head and bent to kiss me. The kiss started out slow, almost chaste (well as chaste as a kiss can be when you, and the girl sitting in your lap, are both naked), but it progressed to something amazing. My god, that girl could kiss. We quickly found ourselves with our mouths open and our tongues dueling for space in each other's mouth, and it went on for what seemed like forever. I reached up with my hands and placed them on her ass and pulled her towards me. Kelly responded by rubbing her naked boobs against my chest. Then she reached down with one hand and began to use my now fully recovered prick to rub her slit.

I think my cock would have been in her in another minute, but Trish interrupted, reminding us that she was still here. "This is really fun to watch guys, but have you forgotten about the whipped cream?"

Kelly broke the kiss and pulled her head and chest back, still staring into my eyes and still using my cock to stroke her slit and her clit, "Whipped cream?" she said, as though in a fog.

"Yes, whipped cream," Trish responded, "As in key lime pie whipped cream, that gets smeared all over your pussy and licked off by someone with a talented tongue."

"Oh . . . yeah. That sounds . . . just great," Kelly said, still in a fog and still using my cock to keep herself in the fog.

My head was almost as fogged as Kelly's. I leaned back and looked over at Trish and said, "Okay Trish, where are we going for this orgy?"

"How about the big bed in our bedroom? We will have to wash the sheets tomorrow anyway and whipped cream doesn't stain."

We spent the next hour or so on our king-sized bed in a tangle of legs, arms, boobs, pussies, cocks and other naked body parts liberally coated in whipped cream (I had made a lot). I know I made each of the girls scream at least once as I sucked whipped cream off her clit and I came at least once more before the evening was done. I can't describe in detail everything we did that evening as we thrashed around on the bed in the whipped cream, but I do recall in particular one point at which I found myself laying on my back with Trish sitting on me, impaled on my cock, while Kelly was kneeling on either side of my head so her pussy was right over my mouth. The girls were leaning forward kissing and fondling each other's tits while I pumped my cock in and out of Trish and used my tongue to lick Kelly's clit. I ultimately got both girls to a screaming simultaneous climax. I think that is about the time we finally all collapsed in a heap and went to sleep.

I woke up in the morning sandwiched spoon-style between the two girls feeling badly in need of a shower to remove the dried cream and other fluids that were coating me. As I tried to extract myself both girls woke up and we collectively agreed it was time to try out our extra large walk-in shower. We not only got clean, but everyone climaxed at least one more time in the process.

Alas, all good things must come to an end. As we were having breakfast on the back porch, still naked, Kelly informed us that she had to get back on the road to Vermont right away. She dressed, put her bag in the old Lexus, and drove away shortly thereafter. Trish and I adjourned to one of our spare bedrooms and slept into until about two o'clock. Then, as we slowly and sweetly made love yet again, she told me about the year she had lived with cousin Kelly before she went off to college.

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