54.44% Against Fate (Eternal Love of Dream/ Ten Miles Pillow Book FanFic) / Chapter 48: Knight In Shining Armour

章節 48: Knight In Shining Armour

Dong Hua slowly walked back to his own office, as he didn't know how to face Feng Jiu at this time. He called Chong Lin over and said to him, "Bring me all my work documents and laptop from the meeting room. I will probably be staying late in the office as well." Chong Lin immediately went to the Design Department's office and grabbed his stuff.

Feng Jiu noticed Chong Lin coming into the meeting room, and he told her about Dong Hua asking him to bring his stuff back to his own office. Feng Jiu then smiled and thought to herself, "Is he mad at me for ruining his shirt?" Then she decided to forget about the matter and continued working. "I will make it up to him tomorrow by making him a good cup of coffee!"

Feng Jiu then continued working until it was time to head home.


The next morning, Feng Jiu arrived slightly earlier at work. She went into the pantry and started making a cup of coffee for Dong Hua. Then she walked into the meeting room and left the cup of coffee on the table while waiting for Dong Hua to arrive.

She waited for a while, and the coffee started to turn cold. She thought to herself, "Dong Hua is a little late to work today, huh? The coffee is getting cold." Feng Jiu then drank the cup of coffee before it turned too cold to drink, and she walked back to the pantry to make a new cup for Dong Hua.

"Feeling tired? This is your second cup of coffee." Si Ming asked curiously. Feng Jiu then replied casually, "Oh, I'm making coffee for Dong Hua. It's a long story, but I have to make him a cup of coffee for him every morning, from now on."

"I guess your coffee would go to waste now as Dong Hua isn't coming into the office today. Even Lian Song is back at his own office." Si Ming replied. Feng Jiu immediately replied, "I didn't know that. Why is he not in the office today?"

"Not too sure. I heard from Lian Song earlier that Dong Hua stayed late at the office. I think he only went back home after midnight. Workaholic as usual, not surprisingly. Back when he first started Tai Chen Group, he would often have sleepless nights so that he could complete his work. Dong Hua is really a hard worker, and that's something I admire about him." Si Ming replied casually.

"Hey, you're not too bad yourself. You're one of the most hardworking people that I know of." Feng Jiu replied, and she also thought to herself, "Although I always wanted to avoid Dong Hua, I don't know why I'm actually starting to miss him a little." Then she shook her head and reminded herself, "It's just due to habit, and it's just because he's around for the past few days. I'm thinking too much!"

"I'm heading back to work first. I'll talk to you again at lunch-time." Si Ming then took his cup of coffee and left the pantry. Feng Jiu also went back to her workstation and started her day at work.

Lunch-time came. Feng Jiu, Si Ming, and Lian Song went to lunch together at the Mini Cafeteria. The rest then decided to have lunch at the Main Cafeteria.

"I asked Yu Xi about how she felt about meeting up, and she said that she was excited to meet both of you. Unfortunately, we won't be able to have dinner outside because she's trying to hide from her dad. Would it be okay if we had dinner over at her place?" Si Ming told Feng Jiu and Lian Song.

"Of course! That sounds nice, should we do a potluck? I can cook some fish, that's my specialty." Feng Jiu replied excitedly. Lian Song then shivered at the thought of 'fish,' and he replied, "As long as it's not sweet and sour fish."

Feng Jiu laughed out loud and said, "I know exactly why you're afraid of it." Si Ming then smiled and replied, "We all know."

Lian Song then whispered to Si Ming, "One is good at cooking fish, and another one is .... never mind. Now I'm certain that they are meant for each other." Si Ming then shook his head and whispered back, "I guess they complement each other."

Feng Jiu then interrupted into their whispering, "So when is a good time for dinner? This weekend?" Si Ming then nodded his head and replied, "Sounds good. Yu Xi also mentioned this Saturday, if that's fine with the both of you?"

Lian Song and Feng Jiu then agreed on the plans for this coming Saturday. They also discussed over lunch, on what kind of food to bring for the potluck. Feng Jiu will be cooking Steamed Fish with Ginger and Scallions, and Si Ming would be cooking his signature dish, Braised Pork Belly. And for Lian Song, he would be ordering some side dishes from a famous Chinese restaurant, as he can't cook.

"So... Tell us more about Yu Xi. How is she like? Do you like her?" Lian Song asked curiously.

"She's a lovely girl. Although she's born in a rich family, she never once had a princess attitude. She's actually really smart as well, and she learned how to do everything after I taught her once." Si Ming smiled sweetly.

"Look at you smiling when you're talking about her. You still didn't answer my question. Do you like her or not?" Lian Song replied.

"Well. Even if I did, I wouldn't dare to. She's out of my league. Yu Xi already has a rich fiancé as well. We are just friends."

"Hey! So what if she's out of your league? You shouldn't just give up if you really do have feelings for her. Just look at me, I'm still not giving up on Cheng Yu despite chasing her for more than three years. I know that someday she would accept me." Lian Song encouraged Si Ming.

"Well, it's easier said than done. I don't even know how she feels about me as well. And even if she has feelings for me, it won't be easy to get her parents' blessing. I'm just a nobody." Si Ming then bowed his head and continued eating, and it seems like he was feeling a little sad.

Feng Jiu noticed Si Ming looking sad, and she quickly tried to change the topic. "Just let nature takes its course, Si Ming. So Lian Song, any progress with Cheng Yu so far?" She asked.

"No, not at all. I've been tied down with work since I came back, and I didn't get a chance to see her at all." Lian Song frowned.

"How about we invite her to the potluck this Saturday? I know she's free this Saturday, but Cha Cha wouldn't be able to come as she had a work event to attend." Feng Jiu suggested, and then she turned over to Si Ming and asked, "Would Yu Xi mind if we invited more people?"

"I don't think she would, and she did mention that she needed more friends as well. Just invite Cheng Yu." Si Ming replied.

"Yay! I finally get to see my Cheng Yu. I will buy all her favourite food, and then she would be so touched and decides to be my girlfriend. Great plan." Lian Song couldn't stop smiling.

Si Ming then shook his head lightly and replied, "You and your silly ideas. If that would work, she would already be your girlfriend by now."

"As they say, Food is the way to someone's heart." Lian Song replied proudly. Si Ming then replied sarcastically, "Yeah. But we all know, that would only work on Feng Jiu. She's the biggest glutton." Then they both laughed out loud.

Feng Jiu looked up and replied with her mouth still filled with food, "Hey! I'm not a glutton." Then she swallowed her food and pouted.

"Fine fine. You're not a glutton. Oh, we better hurry up and finish our lunch before it gets too late." Si Ming replied. Then they quickly finished their lunch and headed back to work.


"You're not leaving yet?" Si Ming asked Feng Jiu. She looked up and replied, "I will be staying a little later today, I still have to finish up these documents. I would also need to photocopy these when I'm done sorting them too." She pointed towards her pile of unfinished work.

"Alright, don't stay too late. Finish your work, and then quickly head back home. You can always finish them tomorrow as well." Si Ming replied. Feng Jiu then urged him to leave, "Don't worry about me. Are you going to visit Yu Xi later?" He then nodded his head, "Yeah. She's running out of food, so I'll need to shop for some groceries for her."

"Progressing so quickly, huh?" Feng Jiu smirked at Si Ming. "Don't tease me, Feng Jiu. I'm just trying to help her out." Si Ming replied shyly, and he rubbed the back of his hair. "I have never seen you being so shy. You must really like her. Anyway, get going now! I can't wait to meet Yu Xi this Saturday. Say Hi to her for me!"

Then she nudged him to leave, and then she continued to work. Everyone else also started to leave the office, one by one.

Feng Jiu stood in front of the printer, and she started yawning. "What time is it now?" Then she glanced at the clock, "It's already 8 PM? No wonder I'm feeling a little hungry." Feng Jiu wanted to finish her work by tonight, so she decided to head downstairs to the Cafeteria. "I think I will just get a sandwich and a drink, and then quickly get back to work."

While she was queuing up to buy her food, Ji Heng noticed her. She then thought to herself, "Why is Feng Jiu still here? Everyone already left the office." She noticed that Feng Jiu didn't have her bag with her, so she guessed that she was working over-time. Suddenly, Ji Heng came up with another evil plan to get revenge on Feng Jiu.

She waited for Feng Jiu to enter the elevator, and then she took the next elevator after her. She stood outside the office and peeped in. She then noticed that Feng Jiu was the only one left in the office. After that, she swiftly entered the elevator and headed back downstairs.

She faked nice to the security guards on duty and bid them goodbye. Then she casually said to one of the security guards, "I think everyone had already left the office, so don't forget to lock our office doors." Ji Heng's evil plan was to get Feng Jiu locked in the office overnight.

"Yes, Mdm. Don't worry; we will lock the office now." The security guard replied, and then Ji Heng gave a fake smile and left the building. The security guard then headed up to their office and locked the doors. He trusted Ji Heng's words that they weren't anyone left in the office, but he also briefly glanced into the office. He didn't notice Feng Jiu sitting in the far corner, and at the same time, Feng Jiu also didn't notice the guard locking the office as she was busy with her work.

Feng Jiu finally finished her work, and she packed up her stuff, preparing to leave. She then looked at the clock and noticed that it was already 8.50 PM, and the lights in the building would be auto switched off at 9 PM. "I better hurry and leave the office before the lights go out."

Feng Jiu quickly picked up her bag and ran towards the exit. She tapped her work pass on the door control access reader, and she pushed the doors open. Then she realized that the doors were locked from outside, and she was stuck.

Right at this moment, all the lights auto switched off, and it was pitch black. Feng Jiu instantly screamed for help as she was afraid of the dark. Then she started to have a panic attack, and she squatted on the floor.

At this point, she was already in tears from her fear of the dark. She then took out her phone from her bag and turned on the flashlight. Then she noticed that her phone battery was at 1%, and she immediately thought to herself, "Stupid me. Why didn't I bring my charger or charge my phone?!" Then she tried to call Si Ming, but her phone immediately turned off before the call even went through.

She started to scream for help again and started banging on the doors, hoping that someone would hear her. She was sobbing uncontrollably, and she was at a loss on what to do next. It was also pitch dark, and she couldn't see anything at all. "I'm so scared now. Somebody come save me, please." She prayed in her heart.


On the other side, Dong Hua was in his own office. It turned out that he was actually working overtime, and he only came to the office in the evening because he was out for a long meeting.

While he was sorting out some documents for the meeting, he noticed that he was missing one file. Then he suddenly recalled that he had left it at the Design Department's office. He decided to head down to the Design Department's office so that he could retrieve the file.

He took the elevator down, and then he realized that the lights on that floor were already switched off. He then thought to himself, "Oh. I forgot that it's already 9.30 PM. Everyone would have left the office by now."

Feng Jiu then heard some sounds coming from the elevator, and she immediately started to bang on the doors and shouted for help.

Dong Hua, who was about to close the elevator doors, heard the banging sounds, but he couldn't really hear Feng Jiu's voice screaming through the thick doors.

"Is there someone here?" He thought to himself. And then he continued to hear more banging sounds. He took the elevator down to the first floor and got the guards to call the management to switch the lights back on. Then he took the keys for the design department's office and headed back up.

As the lights were still off, Dong Hua took out his phone and turned on his flashlight. He proceeded to unlock the doors. Feng Jiu immediately stood up upon hearing the sound of keys, but she didn't dare to move and her legs were soft as well.

Dong Hua then slowly walked into the office while saying, "Is there anyone here?" Feng Jiu immediately recognized his voice and she ran towards him.

As it was still pitch dark, she tripped on the door stopper and fell right into Dong Hua's arms. Right at this moment, the lights turned back on, and Dong Hua realized that it was Feng Jiu in his arms.

Feng Jiu hugged on to Dong Hua tightly and wailed out loud, "I'm so glad you're here. I was so afraid!" She was still shaking with fear. Dong Hua then immediately hugged her back tightly and patted her back gently, "It's okay, I'm here now. Don't be scared. I'm here."

After a while, Feng Jiu finally calmed down. Then she immediately pushed Dong Hua away. She looked at his shirt, and it was drenched with her tears. She quickly apologized, "I'm so sorry for ruining another shirt of yours."

Dong Hua then replied, "Guess you owe me more than just making a coffee now." He smiled at her gently. Feng Jiu replied, "What do I owe you now?" Dong Hua then pondered for a while, and then he said, "I can't think of anything now. You owe me a favor, and I'll ask you for it when I think of something."

"Okay. I promise to return you a favor when you thought of one. But it must be within my means." She nodded and started to smile a little.

Dong Hua then stared at her puffy and swollen eyes, and she also had a few tears left on her face. "Poor girl, she must be scared out of her wits and cried a lot before I came to save her. Luckily I was around." Then he gently wiped her remaining tears off with his hand.

Feng Jiu blushed when Dong Hua touched her face, and she thought to herself, "Why is Dong Hua so gentle with me today? Wait, no. I can't fall back for him, and I need to exert self-control. He's only doing this because... well, everyone would have done it if they were in his shoes. Right?" Then she backed off and turned her face away from his hand.

Dong Hua noticed her flushed face, and he teased her, "You feel shy now? You don't seem so shy when you were hugging on to me tightly just now."

Then she folded her arms across her chest and said, "Why didn't you push me away when I hugged you just now? You could have just pushed me away, and I wouldn't hug you anymore."

Dong Hua smirked and replied, "Well. I think it's rare that you took the initiative to hug me, so why should I push you away?"

Feng Jiu was speechless and in her heart, she was thinking, "Dong Hua is so shameless! Is he trying to say I'm taking advantage of him?" Then she pouted and replied, "Hmph! So you think I'm taking advantage of you?"

Dong Hua then replied casually, "I mean, this is my first time getting hugged by a girl. So, you're obviously taking advantage of me." Deep inside, he was thinking, "Now you have to take responsibility towards me."

Feng Jiu immediately exclaimed, "That doesn't count! I was just too scared, and people do stupid things when they are afraid. Just pretend that it didn't happen!" Then she pouted again and looked away.

"She looks so cute when she's acting this way." Dong Hua thought to himself, and then he replied, "First you took advantage of me, then now you're telling me to pretend that it didn't happen. I guess I could only blame it on my bad luck, and my first hug got stolen just like that." Then he started to walk towards the elevator slowly. He smiled to himself when he had this back turned against Feng Jiu.

"Wait. Now I feel somewhat guilty. But I didn't do it on purpose! He could have pushed me away, but he didn't. Did I really take advantage of him then?" Feng Jiu pondered.

"Are you coming? Or do you want to stay in the office overnight?" Dong Hua yelled from inside the elevator. Feng Jiu immediately replied, "Yes! I'm coming. Wait for me!" Then she ran towards the elevator.

"I'll drive you back home now." Dong Hua said calmly. Feng Jiu immediately rejected his offer and replied, "No, I don't want to trouble you. I'll just take the bus home."

"It's late now, and I'm just doing my part as a boss and taking care of my staff. Nothing more." He replied. Feng Jiu then smiled and thought to herself, "Dong Hua is such a bad liar! But I appreciate the gesture." Then she replied, "Okay, fine. I'll take your car back home then."

Dong Hua was surprised, and he thought to himself, "Wow, she actually didn't reject me today. That's new." Then they left the building and went towards Dong Hua's car.

Feng Jiu felt a little nervous as this was her first time sitting in Dong Hua's car. There was a hint of sandalwood smell in the car, and she liked it a lot. She was beginning to feel a little excited, and she forgot to buckle her seatbelt. Dong Hua then stared at her, and she immediately felt nervous. "Why is he staring at me like this?" She thought to herself. Suddenly she noticed Dong Hua leaning in closer to her, and she felt her heartbeat even faster, "Is he going to kiss me?!" Feng Jiu felt like she couldn't breathe anymore.

Dong Hua noticed her being breathless, and he replied calmly, "What are you doing? You don't even know how to put on your seatbelt?" Then he told her not to move, and he put on her seatbelt for her. Feng Jiu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and she countered, "It's because I'm poor and I take the bus all the time. There are no seatbelts on the bus!"

At this moment, her stomach growled loudly, and she immediately held onto her stomach and tried to hide the growling sound. Dong Hua then smiled and drove off. Feng Jiu then thought to herself, "Luckily, he didn't hear my stomach growling again. And gosh, that was embarrassing. Why did I even think that he was going to kiss me?! I need to stop having such stupid dirty thoughts in my mind!"

Suddenly Dong Hua drove to the side of the road and stopped the car. Feng Jiu immediately asked, "Huh? Why are we stopping here?" Dong Hua then got out of the car, and he replied, "Just wait here for me. I need to get some stuff." Feng Jiu then sat back and waited for Dong Hua to come back.

After 5 minutes, Dong Hua came back and opened the door. He then placed two big bags of snacks on Feng Jiu's lap and said, "Eat these. I'm not sure which snacks you like, so I bought almost everything." Feng Jiu was stunned, and she replied, "So you did hear my stomach growling and then went to get me some snacks?"

Dong Hua then replied proudly, "I'm a good boss. How can I let my staff suffer from an empty stomach? They need to eat more and gain energy. Once they gain energy, then they can work hard for me." Feng Jiu knew Dong Hua was just coming up with excuses to hide his real intention, but she appreciated it anyway.

Then she smiled sweetly at Dong Hua and replied, "Yes, yes. Best boss in the whole wide world. I'll eat more so that I'll regain my energy and slave for the company."

Dong Hua smiled back at her and replied, "Good. Now, start eating!" Then he started the car engines and drove off. Feng Jiu then happily munched on the snacks.


When they reached Feng Jiu's apartment, Dong Hua parked his car illegally and got off the car. Feng Jiu then stopped him and asked, "Why are you parking your car here?" Then he swiftly replied, "So I can send you up to your apartment. It's late, and it's dangerous for a girl like you to be alone."

"I do this all the time! And I can protect myself too. Get going before you get a huge parking fine."

"Let them fine me then. I have money to pay for it anyway." Then he tried to follow Feng Jiu. At this moment, he suddenly had a deja-vu feeling, like he had been here before.

Then he started to experience the usual headaches that he gets whenever he had flashbacks memories. But this time, it was just a mild headache, so it didn't bother him that much. He then remembered Feng Jiu squatting down at the spot that he's standing in right now, and she was crying because she was worried about someone. He tried to remember more, but he wasn't able to do so. "Why is she crying? Who is she worried about?" His mind was flooded with questions, but he had no answers.

"Hey! Are you okay? You're suddenly in a daze." Feng Jiu waved her hand in front of his face and tried to wake him up from his daze. Dong Hua then snapped out of his daze and replied, "Why were you crying?"

Feng Jiu assumed that he was asking about the incident back at the office, so she replied casually, "Well... I'm afraid of the dark. It was pitch black, and I couldn't stop crying."

"No. Not that one. Why were you crying at this spot?" Dong Hua asked. Feng Jiu was confused and couldn't understand what he was talking about. Then she pushed him back to his car and said, "You must be too tired. Quickly head back home and rest. Thanks for the ride. I'll go up by myself, and don't worry about it. This is a safe neighborhood, anyway. Good night!" Then she turned and walked towards the building lobby.

Dong Hua was still partly in a daze, thinking about what just happened. He remembered that she was crying, but he still can't remember the reason why she was crying. Then he watched Feng Jiu walked into the building lobby before driving off.

"Maybe she's right, and I'm just too tired. It must be because she was crying at the office, so it messed up with my mind. I guess I need to sleep more so that I won't hallucinate." Dong Hua then reassured himself that it was just due to stress.

On the other hand, Feng Jiu started thinking about what Dong Hua asked her. "Why did he ask me that weird question?" Then she began to think back, "Hmm... crying at this spot?" All of a sudden, she remembered that she did cry at that spot where he was standing. She was worried about Dong Hua when he ran out of the house that night. She remembered running all over the neighborhood to look for him, and she broke down at that exact spot. Feng Jiu was momentarily stunned, and her mind was in a huge mess.

"Did Dong Hua recovered his memory?"

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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