26% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: (Most of) The Vongola

章節 13: Chapter 13: (Most of) The Vongola

Chapter 13

(Most of) The Vongola

"I consider everything that happened to be precious moments of my life.

The pain.

The suffering.

The fun…

And I am here right now, because everyone was there for me.

I couldn't have accomplished anything by standing still, without anybody's help.

I treasure every moment I have spent here.


I feel pretty lucky.

This is my resolve." - Tsunayoshi Sawada

You're welcome. DOUBLE-UPDATE.

Here's Chapter 13: (Most of) The Vongola.

We finally arrived in Japan. Birds had only perverted (it's becoming a verb.) on me three times, M. M. only tried to kill me once, Ken and I became sort-of-friends-but-not-friends-but-not-acquaintances-either and Chikusa and I made up a handshake.

Well, he only did the handshake with me because I annoyed him so much.

But to me, it was a win.

We got off the plane in Namimori.

Mukuro turned to me with a twisted smile. "So, Yuni-chan. I take it that Sawada Tsunayoshi lives in Namimori."

I nodded. "Yeah."

"And what school does he go to?" Mukuro pressed.

"Namimori Middle School." I replied, with ease. I know, giving away information was bad, but Tsuna needed this. "I suggest you go enroll in Kokuyo though. You'd like their uniforms better."

Mukuro mulled it over. "Hmm, Namimori Middle...thank you, Yuni-chan."

I saluted him. "Peace." I turned to walk away.

"So you will be alright on your own?" he called as I strode off.

I nodded. "I have plans."

Mukuro eyed me, carefully, but let me walk off.

Chikusa glanced at Mukuro. "You will simply let this girl go? She probably has a lot of valuable information."

Mukuro watched Yuni's figure disappear around a corner. "I know. But you simply cannot cage the sky."

Chikusa's eyes furrowed. "What do you mean?"

Mukuro waved him off. "Nothing, nothing. Now, let us go find Kokuyo."

I immediately cursed myself the second that I realized I was lost. In the show, they make Namimori out to be a small town. But in reality, it was a giant town, covering tons of ground.

And I was lost.

I kicked rocks as I wandered around. I was hungry, bored and alone.

I bumped into someone. "Ah, sorry."

The person glanced down at me, laughing. "Hahaha, it's fine! Are you okay though?"

I looked up, recognizing the voice. I came face-to-face with Yamamoto Takeshi.

The honest-to-goodness truth? He was WAY hotter in real life. Messy black hair, innocent hazel eyes and a bright, blinding white smile. That made me internally squeal. Imagine how HIBARI would look.

...I think I just died of happiness.

I nodded. "Yes. I apologize for running into you."

Yamamoto chuckled. "Hahaha, it's fine. Where is your mom and dad?"

I blinked, innocently. Heh, NO. "My mommy is in Italy. And I don't know my daddy. I'm lost."

The young, innocent child card has been played!

Yamamoto smiled, crouching down beside me. "I'm going over to my friend, Tsuna's house. Wanna come with me? Tsuna has this kid who lives at his house, who knows everything. So he can help you."


I beamed back at the baseball-player. "Thank you! I'm Yuni."

Yamamoto grinned, taking my hand. "I'm Yamamoto Takeshi. Nice to meet ya!"

Normal people wouldn't let strange children into their house. Normal people wouldn't have spoken to them in the first place.

Yamamoto knocked on the door to the Sawada house.

Nana answered the door.

The show paints Nana out to be a kind, caring woman. And that was true. She was really pretty, a real Yamato Nadeshiko, kind woman, with warm eyes and a soft smile.

"Yamamoto-kun!" she smiled, as if she was pleased to see him. She noticed me. "Ah, Yamamoto-kun, is this your sister?"

I shook my head. "I'm Yuni."

Yamamoto laughed. "No, she's not my sister. She's lost her parents, but I think the kid could help her."

Nana nodded. "Reborn-kun does seem to know everyone! Go on up to Tsu-kun's room, alright? I'll send up some snacks. Gokudera-kun is already up there."

I smiled. "Thank you, Sawada-san."

Nana beamed at me. "Call me Mama, Yuni-chan."

I couldn't help but like the woman. "Okay, Mama."

Yamamoto stepped into the bedroom, gesturing for me to follow.

But I was kind of nervous. What if Tsuna didn't like me? What if Reborn sent me home? What if Reborn was angry?

I followed Yamamoto, hiding behind him, shyly. I know, it's not like me to do that, but I was about to meet Sawada Tsunayoshi, the strongest person in the Katekyo Hitman Reborn series. I didn't even want to imagine how I would feel when I'd meet Hibari-sama.

Tsuna was sitting at his desk, attempting math problems. Gokudera was standing beside him, his silver hair pulled up into a ponytail and glasses perched on his nose.

Tsuna was adorable, spiky brown hair poking out everywhere, and big, brown eyes. They were kind, and warm. Then there was Gokudera, with calculating green eyes and his silver hair, cut like Shamal's. I shivered. I really hope Shamal wasn't into kids...

Yamamoto grinned. "Yo, Tsuna!"

Tsuna spun around. "Yamamoto!"

Gokudera clicked his tongue. "Tch. Baseball-Idiot, you're late."

Yamamoto laughed. "Ah, sorry! I found this girl and she was alone, so I brought her with me!"

Gokudera narrowed his eyes at the baseball player. "Don't invite people to Juudaime's house without his permission, stupid!"

Reborn's eyes flitted to me and narrowed. "Yuni, what are you doing here?"

Yamamoto blinked. "Ah, you know the kid?"

I smiled, shyly. "H-Hi, Reborn-ojii-san."

Tsuna looked terrified. "R-Reborn-ojii-san?! You're related to this guy?!"

I shook my head. "No. I'm Yuni."

Gokudera frowned at me. "Not another stupid kid."

I scowled at him. "You're mean."

Gokudera's eye twitched. "You little-!"

Reborn shot him a glare. "If you hurt Yuni, Gokudera, I won't hesitate to shoot you."

Gokudera paled. "Y-Yes, Reborn-san!"

Tsuna glanced, nervously at me. "She's not...a weirdo like you, right, Reborn?"

Reborn kicked him in the head. "What do you mean by weirdo, Dame-Tsuna?"

I smiled, at Tsuna. "I'm not an Arcobaleno. I'm Yuni."

Reborn scowled at me. "Yuni, how did you get to Japan? Is Aria here?"

I shook my head. "Mama's not here."

He frowned. "Then how did you get here?"

"I was kidnapped by a pineapple." I answered, truthfully.

Reborn sighed. "You'll never give me a straight answer will you?"

I pouted. "That's the truth!"

Tsuna stared at me. "How can she talk so well, for a kid?"

I shot him a glare that could freeze the fiery pits of hell. "I'm prodigious. Got a problem?"

Tsuna hurriedly shook his head. "N-No, ma'am!"

I beamed. "Good!"

Lambo and I-Pin came running into the room.

Lambo eyed me, sizing me up. Scary... "I'm Lambo-sama!"

I-Pin smacked him. "Lambo, no!" she turned and bowed to me. "Me I-Pin."

I smiled at them. "I'm Yuni."

Lambo held out his hand, expectantly. "Got any candy, Yuni-baka?"

Reborn looked ready to shoot the damn brat, but I waved him down and went digging in my pockets, pulling out a grape sucker. "Here, Lambo-san."

Lambo stuck it in his mouth, happily. "You can be Lambo-sama's right-hand lady."

I handed I-Pin a pink one. "Here, I-Pin-san!"

I-Pin blushed. "Xie-xie."

After meeting everyone, and after a magnificent, perfect, miraculous, Fran-tastic dinner, made by Nana, Reborn and I were the only ones left at the dinner table, Yamamoto and Gokudera having gone home, Tsuna having gone to finish his homework and Lambo and I-Pin to sleep.

Reborn glanced at me. "Oi, Yuni."

I spun around to face him. "Yeah?"

"'I'll bite you to death.'" he quoted, giving me a strange look. "'Kyokugen' 'Boxing is extreme.' 'Join my boxing club, Sawada, to the extreme.' 'You mean extreme feats of speed and strength?' 'Hibari-sama.' You said all these things about all these people, who are related, in some way, shape or form, to Sawada Tsunayoshi. How did you know?"

I paled. "Err, the voices told me. I've told you that before."

Reborn's expression was serious. He used his deep, scary voice. "Yuni, tell me the truth."

I swallowed. "Umm..."


Well, time to go with the excuse I always use. "I'm prodigious."

"Yuni, tell me the goddamn truth!" he ordered.

Gamma had asked me this once.

"The bosses of the Giglio Nero Famiglia can see the future, with the gift of foresight, divination, the power to foresee the future." I said, honestly. This was all true.

Reborn stared at me. "..."

"It's true." I said, nodding.

Reborn got up from the table. "Can you see anything else?" he asked, in his baby voice.

I didn't answer.

He left the room.






You can't cage the sky. Why can't you? Because the sky is wide, huge, never-ending, limitless, beautiful, open, bright, warm and accepting.

Someone, I think it was Michiyo, said that they wanted a double update. So here you go.


shirokuromokona - Lol, what's Fran's cute me-ness? Define it, and I will be sure to use it in later chapters. Thanks for the review!

Paigecat - Fran is da bomb. JS. Thanks for the review!

Meli-chan27 - lol, Tsuna is awesome. Thanks for the review!

Hopelesslyhope - Ahaha, thanks! Thanks for the review!

I do believe I said that after 20 voters, I will close the poll.

And I got 20 voters.

So in first place, Fran with 10 votes! In second place, Tsuna with 9 votes! (talk about close.)! and then Yamamoto, Mukuro and Irie and Bel.

So Fran and Yuni.

Wow. Talk about a crack pairing.

Thanks for the support!

Leave a review~?

Expect an update Wednesday or later.


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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