57.14% Frenzy: DxD edition / Chapter 12: Chapter 12

章節 12: Chapter 12

Shirou, Xuanzang and the Nargacuga were in front of the castle, staring up at it before the sole male of the group turned to Xuanzang. "Alright, I have no idea why the vampire is still in the castle but he's got a death wish waiting for him." he said as the Nargacuga growled at the thought of it.

"But the important thing is what can we do about his spawns? He'll unleash them all to the world if we don't do something." Xuanzang reminded the white haired man, having sensed his building bloodlust. She feared that if she didn't, then he and their companion would totally ignore the bigger threat in favor of wrecking some shit.

She wasn't wrong either.

For a couple seconds, he thought about it before making a decision. "If the worst comes, I will have no choice but to unleash the Brahmastra."

When he said that Xuanzang was stunned at the suggestion. "THE BRAHMASTRA?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! That type of power can destroy the whole area! Including the village nearby!" she exclaimed at him.

Shiro directed a cold gaze towards her, in response. "Do you have any other suggestions then? If so let me hear it. Because those things can kill millions of people around the world. A small price of sacrifice can be enough to save them." he said to the monkey king's discipline as she was about to argue with the berserker, but couldn't because he was right after all. If he didn't go the extra mile by using the Astra spell, then the vampire lord's spawn would most certainly unleash hell upon the world, they had the numbers to do so. But if he used it then it would not only destroy the spawns but also destroy the village.

Like he said a small price to pay in order to destroy the vampire.

"Grrrhhhhh….. Fine, I hate to involve the innocents." She bitterly said to Shiro.

Said male scoffed at her. "No one is innocent here monkey's disciple, no matter what there will be a time someone will backstab you." he said to her as he walked to the castle with the Nargacuga.

If he stood there for a while, he would've seen Xuanzang gripping her staff hard as she grits her teeth at the thought of something. "Maybe…...your right." She sighed before catching up to him.

When they entered the castle, Shiro glanced behind him and looked at her through the corner of his eye. "Here's the plan, I will go to the vampire while you go to the necromancer. It's time to see that no matter what, the predator always gets his prey in the end." he declared, getting a grunt of agreement from the Nargacuga.

"Alright, but what about his spawns?" She asked him.

The male nodded his head in her direction, apparently having already thought of something regarding that. "I heard that the monkey king is known for his mastery in magic and seals, do you know any seals that can cover this whole castle?" he asked her.

Becoming silent, a thoughtful look crossed onto her face while she pondered that question for a minute. Finally, a light appeared in her eyes when something flashed through her mind, kind of like a lightbulb switching on. "Yes, I know a Sutra that can cover this place up but it won't last long." she answered.

"How long?" he asked her, wanting to know the exact details so he could plan accordingly.

Once again, Xuangzang thought about it before she gave her best answer for this scenario. "...maybe….15 minutes or 20?" She guessed, unsurely. As much as she wished she had a better answer, she just wasn't sure about how long it will hold, it wasn't like she was the true monkey king. Her master could hold this place for as long as he wanted, including his old teacher, but she wasn't ANYTHING like her ancestor currently, rather she was just an apprentice so it would be a while before she could be on the same level as him.

"It will be enough. 15 is good enough for me to kill the vampire, start the spell." As soon as he said that Xuanzang nodded before she went to a prayer pose, she was reciting something in buddhism.

While she recited, light began to surround her before she opened her eyes and pointed at the castle which began to get covered with a lotus made from light. Once the spell had been complete, the woman looked back to her two companions with certainty in her eyes. "That should do it, but we must be quick. We don't have long before things spiral out of control." she urged.

An opinion which the survivor of the eclipse agreed with. "Then let's go. You take on the necromancer, I'll find the vampire." He said, breaking into a run towards the opposite side of the castle with the Nargacuga. All the while, the monkey king discipline went to the other side, intent on finding the necromancer.

Shiro's side



An undead warrior screeched to the high heavens, before its life on this earth got cut short when it split in half as blood came out of the zombie. The culprit for its early departure, the Nargacuga, grunted in disdain while it swiped its claw to cleave both the undead and skeletons around him before going in a circle and ate a dwergi.

"Hmph." a short distance away, Shiro hmphed as he swung his lance, getting all the blood off of his weapon and the Nargacuga was enjoying its meal before burping the skeleton out. "Seems like the vampire is very anxious in waiting for his death." Shiro remarked to himself about the resistance he had come up against, all the while he walked through the hall of corpses he and his beastly companion had made, skeletons and monsters around him.

Becoming silent again, he walked through the hall until he entered another with pillars around him, before stopping with the Nargacuga as its ears were moving the side and back. He would have asked what was going on with his companion...



But soon enough Shiro didn't need to. Out of nowhere, a long blade of wind rushed through the area and destroyed the pillar where they stood, but it missed them by an inch. They didn't flinch at the wind or the destruction, instead they looked to the side where the supposed descendant of Dracula, Vladislaus Dragulia, was located. Seeing that his surprise attack had missed, the being flipped off his previous perch above them, landed on the ground before breaking into a leisurely stride, walking like the nobleman he was with his hands behind his back. "You have arrived at last, Demigod." he remarked casually, like he was talking about the weather.

Cautious growls escaped the Nargacuga, whereas Shiro huffed with a hand in his coat's pocket, the other gripping his Lance Kurogane, Rashomon mirroring his companion's sentiments. "Hmph, you haven't run away like a coward you are." he retorted, mentally noting that this guy appeared to be a specialist of wind. Now this would be some useful information for him, he'll be able to tell how this guy fights better, although that mustn't be all that there was to him.

Amused by the words directed at him, the Dracula descendant gave a small, closed-mouth chuckle. "Hmhmhmhm maybe, but where is the honor of greeting someone who rudely entered their home?" he questioned rhetorically.

One which Shiro answered with the following statement anyways. "Last I check, this castle wasn't ever yours, vampire." he replied.

The Vampire hummed, an almost nostalgic tone entering his voice as if he were reminiscing about the good ol' days. This tone was laced with his following words, by the way. "True, the previous master of this place refused my plan of letting my children live where they can drink their delicious meals whenever they wished."

"Children huh? You mean those disgusting spawns you plan to unleash the world huh? Well, good luck with that vampire because you won't get to see them another day. Like a parent missing their children on a field trip." Shiro snorted, a sinister edge creeping into his voice while his bloodlust built itself up inside his gut, ready to spill out at any moment. Beside him, the Nargacuga growled darkly with its intent to pounce soon becoming evident for both parties.

While he sensed that there wouldn't be much time left before their fight inevitably started, "Maybe, it's just I wonder what kind of rage you hold in yourself, the darkness in you surrounds you so much, it's like a cloak of disease. Yet you haven't fallen into it, wonder why that is? Not only that, but what's its origin? Is it… that you lost your parents or is it… that someone has betrayed you?"

Shiro gripped his spear hard when he said that. His aura unleashed as he twirled his spear around before pointing at him. "You just outlived your words vampire, because I was planning on giving you a quick death. But thanks to you poking your nose where it doesn't belong, instead I'll make you burn until there is no flesh on your body!"

In an instant, the fight began with Shiro vanishing out of sight, appearing before Vladislaus and quickly swinging Kurogane with the intent of carving open his chest. Of course the Vampire Lord didn't allow this to happen, instead he opened his coat and jumped back, swinging his coat to make a gust of wind which propelled him further away, as well as pushed Shiro back.

The Vampire Lord didn't get a chance to breathe though, since the Nargcuga finally had enough of waiting, leaping forwards and swiping its right wing towards his abdominal area with the intent to bisect him. It missed though thanks to Vladislaus bending backwards and then aiming his right hand at it, shooting a torrent of spiralling wind at the beast to send it flying, only for it to duck under it and lunge towards the Vampire Lord's hand, biting down on it.


"Grrr! Get off me, you wretch!" He bellowed with a screech, rearing his other hand back for a strike aimed towards the creature's back only for the Nargacuga swung its head around to throw Vladislaus off his balance, knocking him onto one of his knees. The Vampire Lord hissed in anger as he felt the creature's fangs dig into his flesh, knowing that it wouldn't be long before it took his hand for its own to be likely used as an appetizer for its main course. To that end, Vladislaus forcefully threw his free arm down even as he sensed Shiro firing a bunch of arrows from his newly summoned Nightingale, creating a burst of wind that erupted all around him.

This resulted in the Nargacuga closing its eyes and dislodging itself from its prey out of instinct, quickly leaping back to avoid a kick it had sensed from the bloodlust the Vampire Lord was releasing, landing on all fours a few feet away. The Nargacuga howled in fury at this development once it could open its eyes again, then proceeded to swing its Tail at Vladislaus, launching a wave of spikes from its Tail that Vladd held his uninjured hand (the other one already healing) to form a wall of wind in front of him, blocking them.

The same could be said for the Arrows Shiro had launched, to which the white haired male growled as he promptly fired a bunch of energy arrows up into the airspace above their heads, enough to cover the majority of the battleground. He then proceeded to switch back to Kurogane, summoning Rashomon's Threads and launching them at Vladislaus from multiple different angles, intending on immobilizing him so that the arrows wouldn't miss their mark.

Just as they were about to reach the Vampire Lord, though…


A loud cry escaped his mouth when a dome of wind got erected around him, spiralling fast enough that it created this screeching sound while also blocking the Threads from getting too close to him. The wind spiralled even faster the more seconds ticked by, before a DOZEN wind blades like the one which had been launched at the two previously exploded out of the dome, forcing the two to dodge using their own methods.

While the Nargacuga leapt up and onto some of a wall, gliding all over the airspace to different walls, Shiro promptly put Rashomon in its default form in front of him, its beastly head roaring as it devoured the space in front of him to make its shield, repelling the wind blades to stop them from hitting its master. Once the initial barrage finished up, Shiro dismissed his Sacred Gear to see Vladislaus with… what looked like a ball of wind in his right hand, one with four bladed points spinning around it (as well as made a constant ringing sound) that reminded him of the japanese 'fum shuriken' he had seen a few times during his brief stay in that continent.

"Take THIS!"

With that yell, Vladislaus promptly threw the shuriken of wind towards Shiro with the intent of slicing him up. Initially, Shiro wondered if the Vampire Lord had gone insane or not since he HAD to have seen what Rashomon had done to the previous wind attacks, but didn't think too much on it in favor of repeating his prior actions. That turned out to be…

A grave mistake on Shiro's part, which he would soon come to regret when, to his shock the whole thing suddenly enlarged itself RIGHT before it could impact his makeshift shield, easily becoming twice as large as it had been previously. 'What the fuck?! Shit, this is bad!' he thought, sensing violent energies inside this technique that hadn't been that detectable previously. Probably because of both his own arrogance as well as the technique being so small previously. If he didn't stop this thing soon he didn't want to think about the collateral damage nor the kind of damage it would do to him and his companion.


"Rashomon: AGITO!"


In that moment, where the attack began to grow violently unstable, Shiro quickly acted by morphing Rashomon into a massive pair of jaws, a roar escaping them as it clamped down on the entire attack. Instinctively the male cringed when he felt the energy inside the Sacred Gear through his link to it, seemed like it had been far too large and violent to be devoured peacefully, something he hadn't not seen coming to be frank.

This could probably be the first time where he felt CONCERN for Rashomon's ability to devour anything, for he hadn't tested it on anything so chaotic before.

He didn't have time to contemplate this further however, for the moment of truth arrived like a train crashing into a station filled with civilians and killing thousands.

In the next couple seconds, Shiro almost fell to his knees when a loud explosion happened within the Rashomon jaws, the whole thing literally enlarging like a balloon about to burst thanks to the energy within being so violent. The whole thing threatened to burst and the white haired descendant of Karna had to cringe while he struggled to keep the whole explosion contained within. He briefly felt a flash of killing intent behind him during this whole scene, and had glanced to the source to see Vladislaus with what looked to have been a sword made from wind currents emitting from his right hand's fingertips. Fortunately his companion the Nargacuga had stopped any assassination attempt via striking at the Vampire Lord with its Tail, protecting him while he contained the blast.

Fortunately it only took a short few seconds after this attempted beheading, and once those seconds passed the jaws shrunk back to their prior size before the clamping, allowing Shiro to let out a large breath while retracting it back inside of him. He instinctively sensed something wrong again, and despite his brief state of breathlessness Shiro raised his head and saw his panther-like companion about to get stabbed after Vladislaus had smacked it in the face with a roundhouse kick, so he quickly sent a Rashomon thread towards his previously discarded Kurogane (when he'd tossed it aside escaped him), before throwing it javelin style.


Seeing the attack coming out the corner of his eyes, the Vampire Lord hissed as he jumped into the air, using his wings and his apparent wind manipulation to hover for a time so the Spear passed beneath him, before he dropped down and landed in a kneeling position. Standing upright, he saw that he'd missed his chance to end the foul-scented creature, much to his frustration though Vladislaus couldn't ponder on that for too long.

The reason?

"Rashomon: SAWARABI!"

From beneath him Vladislaus noticed the tips of spikes start to emerge, so he quickly saw them as a possible threat and once again propelled himself to the airspace above. Good thing that he did, because the second afterwards dozens of spikes shot up to try and impale him, quickly giving chase to the Vampire Lord in the air. Said being hissed once more, kicking off one of the Spikes as they neared him to fall to the ground nearby. "I will admit…" the being began to say, breathing slightly heavier while getting back to a standing upright position and patting down his coat to cleanse it of imaginary dust. "This fight has been the most exhilarating one I've had for centuries now."

"Must have gotten too over excited then, old man." Shiro mocked while Rashomon sank back into the ground beneath them and the Nargacuga prowled their surroundings. A single Thread from his Sacred Gear went and retrieved his Kurogane, dropping it into his waiting hand. "That attack could have killed us all in this castle, including your brats. Father of the year, i'd say." he mused with a sarcastic smirk.

"I could always turn and rape a few women to replace them. The only thing I care about is the continuation of my kind." Vladislaus replied, throwing his right arm to the side. Once he did so, wind currents gathered together from his surroundings, spiralling into an elongated shaft before they formed a long blade on the end, essentially a Spear of Wind made from so many currents that it was visible to the naked eye. Its shape also resembled that of Kurogane, much to Shiro's indignation. "Copycat." he spat. "Add that to the names I can give you before you die."

(for a better visuals, think the final battle between the white cat and the four armed demon in white cat battle)

A mocking sneer from Vladislaus was his response. "You first, I insist." He declared, swinging his wind spear in a diagonal slash before twirling it in front of him, ending with the main end being diagonally behind him while Vladislaus had somewhat lurched his upper body forwards. In an additional show of spearmanship, the Vampire Lord twirled it in front of him while switching it to his other hand before thrusting it forwards, then twirling around in a full 180 degrees anti clockwise to end up swinging right back around almost like he were dabbing had he not been holding his weapon.

"No U." Shiro replied, slashing his Kurogane in a diagonal angle within his right hand, before proceeding to twirl it in a similar manner to his opponent, spinning a full 360 degrees and then swinging downwards to end up with both hands grasping Kurogane's shaft and angling his weapon's blade towards the ground.

For a moment, all was silent as an intense staring contents played out between them… until Shiro broke it by dashing forwards like a bullet, quickly closing the distance between them. Vladislaus had done the same, before the white haired male jumped at his foe to thrust towards his head, the Vampire Lord tilting said body part aside while thrusting which led to them simply passing by one another.

Twirling around to face one another again, Shiro had a couple Rashomon threads deflect several wind blades launched at him before leaping forth with a thrust, one which his opponent blocked. He wasn't deterred by this, and when Vladislaus went for a second thrust Shiro used the momentum to spin Kurogane into a reverse upward one, knocking the weapon up into the air but not out of the Vampire Lord's grasp. Using the positioning to his advantage, Shiro jumped into an overhead smash, one which Vladislaus barely managed to block with his wind spear's shaft, before retaliating with a reverse side swing while stepping forward, Shiro dodging this by sliding across the ground using his knees, and out of the Spear's strike path.

Getting back to his feet (ignoring the mild burn from the previous movement), Shiro went to move forth but had to position Kurogane's shaft vertically in front of him since the previous strike made by Vladislaus continued on, with the man having moved his hand to the weapon's bottom to get a better arch. This strike hit home and Shiro got sent sliding across the battleground.

While this happened the Nargacuga quickly took Shiro's place by launching another volley of spikes from its tail, spikes which the Vampire Lord deflected by twirling his spear and slashing away from him. Once he tried to deflect the spikes back at their thrower, but the said beast managed to dodge them by leaping to the side. Its eyes began to glow a bright red after this, a sign of its angered state before it burst forth into a sprint at high speeds, launching a series of diagonal wing swipes at its opponent for Vlad to parry them with his weapon's shaft, then delivered a kick which got accompanied by a large wind gust, connecting and blowing the Nargacuga across the area too.

At this point, Shiro had halted his movement and immediately closed the distance between them yet again. Upon doing this, and seeing Vladislaus reciprocating, both fighters raised their respective polearms and struck downwards, both weapons briefly colliding with one another with their wielders stopping right behind one another back to back. Shiro turned around to strike again, performing a diagonal upward swing to redirect Vladislaus's wide reverse side swing above him, leaning his upper body back to prevent the strikes from hitting him.

This close exchange concluded itself when Vlad went for a straight kick with wind currents surrounding it, for Shiro to forward flip over him (as well as avoid a bunch of wind blades that got released from the kick which created long gashes across the ground) to land a few feet away, then swung Kurogane in a similar manner to how Vladislaus had swung his spear earlier only for the Vampire Lord to do the same.

However, the said being shook the formula up by slamming his Spear down and punning Kurogane there, before raising it to perform a reverse swing towards its owner who quickly jumped backwards, landing a few feet away before twirling into a thrust towards the Vampire Lord's head. Vladislaus avoided this strike by tilting his head sideways, the large blade missing his shoulderblade by inches before Shiro pulled back… or rather, he flung Kurogane into an upward swing which disarmed Vladislaus of his Spear which quickly disintegrated into nothingness thanks to there being no energy source to maintain its form.


Now weaponless, Shiro quickly capitalized on this opportunity by launching an unrelenting barrage of thrusts, slashes and sweeps at his enemy, who expertly blocked and parried each one. Shiro's latest strike came after he used the previous one's momentum to twirl Kurogane above his head and spin into a horizontal sweep towards the Vampire Lord's neck, the blade just BARELY nicking him when he leaned his head backwards. One could see a faint trickle of blood escape the area where flesh and metal collided, a simple spec but it marked the first true hit that Shiro had scored against him in this battle.

After a few more repeated attempts to make corrections to that mistake, Shiro grimaced when he saw Vladislaus slam both palms onto Kurogane's rear end, which he then switched to a one handed grip before rearing the free hand back, gathering wind at the forearm and elbow. Then, an eruption of wind occurred right behind the elbow, acting as a propelling mechanism to create more power for the following palm thrust that forcefully SHOT the Spear right out of Shiro's hands, Kurogane impaling the ground behind him about 8 feet away.

'Okay, did not expect that!' the male thought to himself before quickly raising his arms to block a reverse roundhouse kick Vladislaus launched right after his Disarming. One which was also enhanced by his wind so Rashomon quickly intervened by forming its head in front of his arms from the back of his coat, tanking the strike with his arms. As a result, Shiro only got sent sliding backwards across the battleground, little damage done to his arms since Rashomon took the blow for him. 'This little shit… thinks he's so tough… but hey, at least he's more fun than the last time.' Shiro mused internally, his inner beast salivating at the challenge thrown at him.

Time to take this up a notch, then.

"Rashomon: MURAKUMO!"

(Xuanzang scene and necromancer fight here)

She was walking in an empty corridor with pillars around her with decorative glass by the walls , on the top had bit of chains as her footstep echoed the hall before stopping on front of a tall throne as on it sits Davernoch as his hood covered his face before it revealed his undead face as he stared at the descendant of Xuanzang. Beside him were the two brides of the vampire as they hissed at her.

"Well well, if it isn't the demigod's companion or should I say the monkey's king Disciple?" He said to her, she narrowed her eyes at him.

"You've done your research I see? If that's the case then, is it you who managed to revive those spawns?" She asked him.



They jumped down the throne as they transformed and flew straight to her with the intent of sucking all of her blood and eating her flesh but that's not going to happen as she simply tap her staff and a ring of light appeared before her as they were about to pass it, until it binds both of them.



They demanded as they screeched at her.

"They are always so annoying."




A sword pierced the both of them on the torso as they were stunned at the revelation including Xuanzang.


"Y-you traitor…"

They both dispel into ashes, forming two giant skulls, they float to his side.

"Why did you do that? I thought you were cooperating with your vampire friend?"

"Friend? Haha! He's not my friend, I have no need for bonds. The only reason why I ever joined him was to see if I can find a way to restore my flesh and to see my masterpiece on reviving a vampire lord's children." when he was speaking, dark miasma appeared and was going to the necromancer as he was absorbing it, flesh started to appear.

"It took a long time, hundreds of years to even find a solution but when I was approached by the descendent of Dracula I knew this was the perfect way to manipulate him into getting what I want, immortality." he spread his arms, showing white skin and a beautiful face with brown hair on him.

"Soon I will become the most powerful necromancer in the world! Surpassing all the gods here in the world as I will consume their soul and gain their abilities! Starting with you." he pointed at her before conjuring a scythe.

"You really are, the most despicable man there." Xuanzang spins her staff around before it transforms into a staff, the copy of her master's staff.

"Hmph so I've been called." he said as he waved his hand before one of the skulls went to her, she jumped the moment it impacted but he flew to her swiping his scythe at her, she managed to block it before they went on a flurry of attacks at each other, they descend down to the floor. She managed to do a palm attack on him but he pushed her away, she managed to stay still but he came quickly to her, he was about to split her in half if she hadn't done a backflip two times.

He ran to her as he slash left, she dodged right, right, she dodged to the left. He slashed at her head, it would've been taken off if she hadn't duck in time but the skulls flew to her trying to get a hit on her, she dodged them. Davernoch took this time to cleave her in half, she jumped away as the scythe only hit the floor, he looked up at her as they stared at each other before she made a chant, light orbs appeared before her and started to fly to the necromancer.

He kept a neutral face and ran through the halls, dodging the light orbs crashing on the floors. He was cornered when he was on the hall corners, the light orbs crashed at his place, making lots of dust around his area. Xuanzang floated down to the ground slowly, she stared at the dust where he stood, she looked at her back and the two skulls were still floating, she heard footsteps and claps.


"Impressive, not many have managed to wound me, no less give a good fight." a little bit of blood was dripping on his mouth and he had a wound on his arm as it dripped blood. "But I wonder who will be the victor and who will stand the last, your companion or the vampire lord?"

Xuanzang panted for a bit before getting into a fighting pose and pointed her staff at him. "We'll just have to figure it out once we see who will fall to the ground." She ran to the necromancer as he smirked before he too ran at her.

Back to Shiro


Two massive tornadoes spawned into the battlefield courtesy of Vladislaus swinging his arms about like whips. These Tornados moved forwards at high speeds, almost rivalling bullets fired from a sniper rifle, with the intention of enveloping Shiro and likely slicing him to pieces with their sharp currents from what he'd seen in their wake.

"Rashomon: MUROKUMO!"

However, that didn't mean he would let them though, so to stop them Shiro summoned the clawed thread he'd lost a few moments into its previous summoning and had it shoot upwards to the ceiling. Once it had grabbed onto a particularly dislodged piece Shiro had it pull him up when it's grip had been solidified, taking him out of the Tornadoes' flight path.

"Not a chance, boy!" Vladislaus declared, rearing his head back and inhaling a bunch of air into his mouth to the point where his cheeks were all puffed to their maximum. He then promptly spewed out a bunch of what could only be described as 'air bullets' in Shiro's direction, the male quickly summoning his Nightingale and shooting them down with some energy arrows.

Sadly, he had missed one of them and it managed to smash into the area which his Rashomon had been gripping earlier, causing the male to lose his pull and start falling towards the ground. After deflecting a strike from the Nargacuga's Tail when it had tried to intervene on its comrade's behalf (doing so by trapping it in a whirlwind then manipulating that whirlwind to toss the creature into a wall with enough force to shatter it), Vladislaus howled as he raised both arms to bring them down, flinging them with enough force to create a burst of wind currents, ones shaped like a net of all things.

'Uh oh…' Shiro thought as he saw the 'net' of wind advance to catch and probably skwer him apart. He didn't like the look of that wind net and if that hit him, he didn't think he'd be able to recover so easily. Hence he quickly had his Rashomon appendage grab the ground below and pull him to it. Once he had his feet firmly planted, the male kneeled like a knight with the following words escaping his lips. "Rashomon: SAWARABI!" Once his bellow erupted forth, dozens of spikes rose up around him, all curving towards the space of his head and meeting there to form a makeshift 'tent' of sorts or a cage. Well, a cage meant to keep those currents from hitting him, and…

They did their job, deflecting the net of wind off themselves and dispersing it all the while.

'Close one…'

"Tch, you're a persistent one, boy…" Vladislaus remarked as Shiro retracted his Sacred Gear into himself. Not only that but he soon found that he had landed close to where his previously discarded Kurogane lay, still impaling the ground like when it had first left his hand.

Hence why he remedied that by dismissing his bow and picking the weapon up out from the ground with a jerking motion, holding it readily in his right hand. "Why thank you." he replied in a fake cheery voice, just wanting to piss this guy off even more which seemed to work as intended judging from the veins his forehead sported. Internally however, he mentally noted on how his companion seemed to be playing dead from within the rubble, probably aware of the fact that its chance would come eventually if it went and observed the battle while waiting for the Vampire Lord to be weakened and with a dropped guard. 'Alright then, I'll give you your shot, Nargacuga. Better not waste it.' he thought internally.

"... Quite." Vladislaus declared, snarling while biting back the urge to shriek out every profanity he knew of. This insufferable brat would just see that as a win and he refused to give him that satisfaction. Still, the fact of the matter was that this battle wasn't getting them anywhere, which meant only one thing: he needed to pull out the big guns which he had initially been wary of using. By big guns, he meant things bigger than that shuriken blast he had tried before, since as much as he didn't have a problem taking sluts for their intended purpose it wasn't very practical to rape them without a residence and it would probably take him a while to find a suitable location after all this. Still this brat needed to be made an example of, to provide another example of what it meant to fear a Vampire Lord's power. "Since you insist on getting in my way…"

A shrill shriek escaped him while Vladislaus transformed into his humanoid bat form, spreading his massive wings out and baring his monstrous-looking fangs at the enemy, said enemy staring back at him blankly. All the while the Vampire Lord felt his power swell in size and potency in this form, the form all Vampire Lords possessed yet varied depending on the type of personality that they had. He had always yearned for the freedom to do what he wanted and play with whoever he wanted, hence why his true form looked like this and had the power to manipulate wind like it did.

But enough of that, back to the action. Vladislaus made the first move by taking to the airspace above and flapping his wings, showering Shiro's position with wind blades. The boy had responded by slicing at the ones which would have hit him otherwise, as well as protected the area where his companion had hidden himself under the pretense of being bested, all before the barrage ended which allowed him to survey the utter DESTRUCTION his attack had wrought. "Heh, looks like you like breaking your own toys, don't you?"

"Bah, replaceable, just like any of my toys!" Vladislaus responded, holding out his hands and forming two wind spears, ones which he held at his sides while he dove down towards Shiro with the intent of skewering him on their tips.

Meanwhile the descendant of Karna scowled deeply at the implications, mentally adding another reason why this guy should be on his shit list to said list. Upon the Vampire Lord getting close enough, he performed a thrust with his right spear towards his chest which Shiro deflected with his Kurogane, letting it impale the ground beside him while using the rear end to deflect the following thrust upwards. He made to kick at the thing's stomach area had he not been forced to lean his head back when the left wind spear's rear end smacked itself into his temple, staggering him.

This didn't last long however, for Shiro used the momentum from being hit to his advantage once he regained his senses to perform a kick that landed right smack under Vladislaus's chin, the monstrous being grunting as he got sent flying upwards out the castle roof.


Breaking through the roof, Vladislaus quickly regained his balance and hovered in the air, looking down to see his adversary hop out of the hole and onto the roof in question with his weapon having been switched to his Bow Nightingale. With a shriek, the Vampire Lord threw his arms out while still holding his Spears, several large tornadoes rising up around the castle. Their shapes were a little weird due to the barrier surrounding the building (not like he noticed nor cared) but nothing he couldn't work with, the proof being how he put both spear tips together in front of him and watched as the currents combined together there, forming a large sphere of wind. One which he promptly launched at Shiro with the intent of seeing him reduced to nothing more than a piece of mince meat on his castle walls.

Seeing the danger coming at him, the said male growled under his breath. He figured that at this point the Vampire Lord wanted to crush him more than care about property damage, which meant that he wouldn't be holding back like he had been in the castle. Hence why he had Rashomon come out in the form of many spikes around him, spikes which rose up and impaled the sphere of wind that had reached the halfway point between them.


Ignoring the howls within the back of his mind, born from the damage to his Sacred Gear done by the many sharp winds the sphere had contained before its popped balloon-like implosion, Shiro quickly fired a bunch of Arrows at Vladislaus with the intent of shredding through his wings in order to remove his ability to fly. That would eventually lead to Vladislaus being left open to the final blow he would deliver, hence immobilizing him and ushering in his defeat.

This would prove to be harder than it should, since the Vampire Lord kept weaving around his shots like he was dancing to some sort of rock song, retaliating with his own wind blasts. It didn't help that after a few seconds the large humanoid bat screeched as he threw his arms, legs AND wings out, dozens of wind currents forming around him in a makeshift dome.

'Huh?!' Shiro wondered, scowling as he fired a few energy arrows. He wanted to see what that dome thing was all about, but what he didn't expect was for each arrow to instantaneously shatter and disappear the moment their tips got into contact with the spiralling winds. 'Seriously! Shit, so that dome is like some kind of shield, then…!'

Not good, at his best guess that wind shield must be about at least 6 feet wide in diameter, giving ample space to the one generating it to keep himself in the air without fear of attack. Not only that, but judging by the rapidly forming wind spheres in the space surrounding him, it would seem that Vladislaus had the ability to strike at him while in that shield. Shiro couldn't think more since the wind spheres fell on top of him at Vladislaus's arm gestures, the Vampire Lord having dismissed his wind spheres in favor of a bunch of ranged attacks.


What commenced would be classified as a freaking ONSLAUGHT of different wind strikes being launched at a groaning Shiro from all angles. Vladislaus wasted absolutely no expense in his attempt to make sure Shiro wouldn't remain whole for much longer. He launched things like those previously mentioned spheres, large claws made from gale winds, spheres, bombs, all kinds of shit. One time Shiro even had to use Rashomon to bite down on and contain the explosion from another wind shuriken. It didn't help that with a single swipe of those claws Vladislaus managed to pepper him with tornados and massive gales either, forcing him to rely on Rashomon for balance a few times while he constantly hacked away and slashed at the copious wind attacks before they could cut him down.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" After a while, Vladislaus cackled with glee as he observed his damaged enemy, who had been littered with varying levels of severe cuts from the wind attacks that had landed. The shallower cuts weren't so bad, though they did do the job of drawing some blood in the form of small trails, but the bigger problems had been the DEEPER ones, ones which occasionally spewed gallons of the stuff to the point where Shiro looked less like a humans and more like a human potato. The rich, thick smell of iron filled the air, wetting the vampire's appetite a bit as he had to wipe some drool from his fanged maw. "How does it feel, BOY?" he mocked, slowly landing opposite the boy after having launched a small gust to disarm him of his Bow.

Stumbling a bit with blood dripping from his wounds, Shiro glared right back at the Vampire Lord, his eyes burning with defiance even in his damaged state, his divine energy already working to repair his body of its shallowest cuts. The amount of blood lost wasn't small though, but it wasn't something Shiro could do anything about currently, so as a result he began to feel somewhat light headed, his vision slowly starting to spawn some black dots. He doubted he would have long left before his consciousness lost the battle of endurance, so he had to work fast.

Distinctly hearing a few sounds beneath his feet formed a sense of calm in him however, making Shiro's form lose its tensity as he glared up at the approaching Vampire. Summoning Kurogane back to his person, the male made to launch a slash towards the Vampire Lord's neck, only for Vladislaus to flick his left claw and launch a torpedo strong enough to blow the weapon out of his grasp, the weapon impaling a tower nearby.

With a click of his fingers, Vladislaus cut power to his wind shield, letting it disperse so he could reach forth and grasp Shiro by the neck. The boy gasped at the sensation and the strength behind it, the older being slowly lifting him so that his feet barely touched the roof beneath them. "This is your price for standing up to your betters. Remember that on your way to meet Hades in the underworld." he sneered, looking at his neck while rearing his head back. "Hmmmm, your blood may be mostly spent but I guess a quick drink won't hurt."

Just as he made to bite down on the boy, though…

"Oh, no you don't!"

With a surge of strength, Shiro grabbed onto his opponent by his shoulders and forcefully yanked him closer so they were inches apart, the male's mouth open wide. His eyes had a feral gleam to them as he went and…



Bit down HARD on Vladislaus's jugular, putting as much energy into reinforcing his teeth as possible. The sick taste of blood invaded his tongue making Shiro wonder why Vampires liked this stuff, but he pressed on and bit deep enough to draw a LOT of blood from his foe. If that wasn't bad enough for the Vampire Lord which screeched in pain from the blow, Rashomon in its beast form emerged from behind Shiro's coat, promptly chomping down on his other shoulder as well.

Using his weight to his advantage, Shiro pulled them over the hole that Vladislaus had made when he had kicked him earlier, allowing them both to drop down into the corridor they had fought in before. During the fall, Rashomon quickly took its teeth out to bite into and rip off one of Vladislaus's wings in a few hard tugs, electing some louder shrieks from the monster of a Vampire as well as denying him the chance to fly away from his fate…

A fate which came when Shiro sent his Sacred Gear to the ground beneath them and then had it resurface as a bunch of spikes, each one impaling the Vampire Lord from behind in various key areas.


Both beings crashed into the ground, kicking up a bunch of dust and debris all the while. When it all settled, Shiro and Vladislaus were revealed, with the former standing with a slouch in his posture over the latter, who was struggling to heal from the various wounds to his person, being forced back into his human form with dozens of injuries thanks to Shiro's spike attack. Behind him, Rashomon floated with a mocking grin on its maw, utter pleasure reflected in its lightning bolt-like eyes at the state it had left Dracula's descendant in while its wielder kneeled on one leg so the two fighters had their faces closer together. "I'd say… the taste's got a bit too much iron in it for me. But then again, I'm not the one who enjoys this shit." he spat, spitting some blood Shiro had accidentally taken into his mouth from the bite earlier onto the weakened Vampire's face.

"You… You…!" Utter rage burned in the older beings' eyes which was aimed at the boy, who returned the glare. "Just you wait, my brides will come… and when they do, we'll…!"

Shiro simply waved him off, weakly though. "Nah, I don't think so. They'll be the desert to the main course for a certain someone." he stated, and before he could be asked what he was talking about, Shiro clicked his fingers.


Low growls sounded nearby, causing chills to go down the Vampire's spine while Shiro stepped aside, letting him see the source: a pair of glowing red feline eyes bearing down on him with utter malice.

"You probably don't remember, but a companion of mine would like some payback. I think that time's come. Alright boy, he's all yours." Shiro declared, taking a few steps back.

"No… No-no-no, NOOOOOOOOOOO!"


The last thing Vladislaus saw before darkness claimed him, was the beastly maw of a vengeful Nargacuga chomping down on his face, leaving his death one of utter pain and torment.



She was pushed back to the wall, he rolled to the right just before the scythe could cleave her head off.

"You might as well give up, I can do this all day. Give me your soul and I'll make sure your body shall be handled delicately." Dave Enoch said as he smiled at her as the two skulls floated on both sides.

"Y-you just have to make me." She responded as she grit her teeth, cursing that she doesn't have any of those ridiculous special body types.



Chains appeared around him that promptly slithered towards her, intent on fulfilling their makers desires. Seeing them didn't give her any good vibes so of course Xuanzang tried to dodge them by flipping back and forth, spinning to the side but eventually she was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers, they bound her limbs.

"Hahahaha! Now there is no one to stop me! With all the souls inside of me soon I shall ascend into a higher being!" He laughed maniacing as he threw his head back, just before Xuanzang was about to send the command to Shiro on activating the brahmastra she heard the word soul which made her realize something.

"You said souls huh?... good." She smiled which made him confused as he walked to her.

"What are you smiling at bra-!?" He stopped when he felt something inside of his body going out of control, he figured out what it was. "The-the souls! They're supposed to be under my command!" He yelled out, trying to control them but they were resisting as if not responding to him, the skulls before him disintegrated into liquid and the chains vanished. He pointed at her.

"You! What did you do bitch!?" He demanded as he moved frequently around as if trying to get rid of spiders on him.

"Know that in the Buddha teaching, it's all about enlightenment and purification. However, the true teaching…. is about souls." She answered to him.

For a moment, his brain became blank as he tried to figure out her meaning, until moments later when it dawned on it. "! This can't be!" He realized something which made her grin at him.

"Yes, the moment I hit your chest, I planted a seal in you to see if my assumptions were correct, turned out they were true since you blurted out the answer I needed." lights appeared on his body as he started breaking apart. No matter what he tried, there would be no stopping the inevitable at this point. "Soon all the souls in you will be purified and all the evils you've done shall vanquish forever." She made a prayer pose, she recited a Buddha prayer.

"No no no! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE SUPREME BEING! NOT JUST SOME NOMAD BITCH! I WAS ABOUT TO BECOME A GOD!" He screams out madly but couldn't do anything, soon enough he was covered with light.

"RRRAAAAAHHHHH!" Soon he breaks into pieces, light pixies floated to the sky as they ascend to the heavens as if they were freed from their torment.

"(PANT)(PANT) I did all I could." Xuanzang spoke before seeing all the spawns of the Vampire Lord fly into the room by entering the broken windows.

"The rest….. is up to you." They we're close to Xuanzang as she closed her eyes accepting death…but instead there wasn't any pain in her. Slowly, she opened her eyes in confusion before widening. She saw the spawns twitch and explode, all of them tried to escape it but it was useless, soon all of them exploded into pieces.

Xuanzang was stunned at this before she fell to the ground, as she was about to close her eyes, she heard some familiar footsteps approaching before the realm of dreams entered her.

Dark_Spider Dark_Spider


Yo, hunter here. In this chap its one big series of fights, me doing the Vlad/Shiro fight and Darklord doing the Necromancer/Xuangzang fight. Again our styles are reflected in our fights, so we hope you like them. Part of mine was inspired by White Cat Legend, but in the end I chose the way Vlad got beaten as an ironic one cause lets face it, Shiro's inspired by Guts and we all know how Guts tries his best to win no matter what. Hopefully the action was decent and see you all next chap.


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