Twenty minutes later...
"What in the world…" Angela was floored when she saw Gael coming back to her with three tubs of popcorn, a large soda, and a water bottle. "Are we having a popcorn party?"
"I didn't know what you wanted, so I got all three." He shrugged innocently.
She narrowed her eyes. "You could have just asked…"
He glanced back at the long line where he came from and silently agreed that he indeed could have asked her first. He didn't go to movies often, so he wasn't entirely sure what he was doing. Heck—he couldn't remember the last time he went to a movie house.
"Salted caramel. Thank you," she said as she grabbed the tub and the bottle of water from him with a smile on her face.
Returning her smile with his own, he nodded. "Got it. Movie's about to start. Let's go."
Thanks for reading :)