88.88% Swift and Penny / Chapter 8: chapter 8

章節 8: chapter 8

It's been two months since Swift and Penny   confessed their feelings for each other, and things have been going great between them.

When the rest of the island found out, they were happy for the two, and congratulated them. Commodore Smurkturkski wanted to have a celebration in their honor, but they politely declined. It's not like they were getting married for something like that to happen.

Swift was currently out in the field on a training mission, along with Rod and Brody. Penny   was at HQ observing the training while Speedy and Bea directed the cadets on what to do.

"Alright cadets, now try it out on your own until you think you've mastered it." Speedy told them.

"You got it, Speedy!" The three replied, before ending communication.

"Is there anything I could do, Speedy?" Penny   asked.

"Hmmm... not really. I don't really have anything for you right now, Penny  ." Speedy replied. "But if you want, you could" he was cut off when the screen began to ring. It wasn't the alarm, just a regular call.

"I wonder who that could be." Speedy wondered as Bea answered the call.

"Hello? Is this Top Wing Academy?" asked a female penguin that appeared on the screen.

"Mom?" Penny   asked, a little confused as she approached the screen.

"Oh! It is!" the penguin, who is Penny  's mother, happily exclaimed. "Hi Penny , dear! Hello Speedy, hello Bea." she greeted the three.

"Hello Priscilla. Nice to see you. Can we... help you with something?" Speedy asked, wondering why his student's parent was calling all of a sudden.

"Oh, no Speedy. I don't. I just wanted to talk to my little Penny  ." Priscilla replied.

"Mom... I'm not little anymore." Penny   whined.

"I know, sweetie. But you're still my little Penny  ." Priscilla stated.

Penny   sighed. "I'll accept that. So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Um... is it possible for us to talk in private?" Priscilla asked.

"Uuhh..." Penny   looked to Speedy and Bea for answers.

"I'll transfer the call to the video screen at your bed, Penny  ." Speedy stated, as he pressed icons on his tablet.

"Wait... we have those?" Penny   asked.

Speedy chuckled. "Better get going. The screen will pop up once I press the transfer button." he told her.

With that said, Penny   quickly made her way to her sleeping quarter. Once she was gone from the room, Priscilla let out a distressed sigh, which caught Speedy and Bea's attention.

"Everything ok, Priscilla?" Bea asked.

"I hope so, once I'm done talking to Penny  ." Priscilla replied.

"Ok Speedy! I'm in the room!" Penny   yelled out.

"I'm sure whatever it is, you two will work it out." Speedy told her, about to press the 'transfer call' button

"Thanks, Speedy." Priscilla replied, before she disappeared from the screen.

"Priscilla looked really upset. I hope whatever it is isn't too bad." Bea stated. Speedy nodded in agreement.

With Penny  

Penny   saw a small screen slowly pop up next to her photo of her and Anyu. Soon after, her mother's face came into view.

"Hello again, mother." Penny   greeted her mother again. "So, what did you want to talk about?" she asked.

"First of all, how are you dear? And how's life at the academy?" Priscilla asked.

"I'm doing great! And it's suuuper cool! Speedy, Bea, my friends, the islanders... they're all really cool!" Penny   happily replied.

"I'm glad to hear that sweetie. But remember, you have a family. You have to come visit us from time to time." Priscilla told her.

Penny   giggled. "Yea, I know. I'll have to ask Speedy for some time off for me to visit. By the way, where's dad?" she asked.

Priscilla expression and tone soon changed. "He's... around."

"Mom? Is everything ok?" Penny   asked, noticing the change.

Priscilla sighed. "Actually Penny  ... I need to talk to you about your father."

"Why? Did something happen?! Is he ok?!" Penny   asked worriedly.

"Calm down, Penny  . Your father's fine. It's... actually something that he did... well... almost did... that I need to tell you." Priscilla stated, looking at her daughter nervously.

"What is it?" Penny   asked, curiously.

"First, you need to promise me you won't get too upset about what I'm about to tell you, sweetie." Priscilla stated.

"That depends..." Penny   replied, raising an eye brow in suspicion.

Priscilla sighed, knowing that her daughter would get upset.

"Penny  ," she started, "Your father... almost... promised you to another penguin."

Penny   froze and eyes widened when she heard that. It took her a few seconds to recover from the shock.

"He. Did. What?!" Penny   asked, as calmly as possible.

Priscilla knew she heard, but wanted confirmation. "He almost promised you to another penguin." she repeated.

Penny   took a deep breath to calm herself a bit, then asked as calmly as possible. "With who?"

"I believe his name was, Bobbin?" Priscilla replied, a bit unsure.

"Bobbin?" Penny   asked. "You mean blobby Bobbin?!" her anger starting to show.

"Um, yes. I think that's what your brother said you kids called him." Priscilla replied.

Penny   growled in anger before letting out a loud and long squawk.

In the control room

Swift, Rod and Brody had returned from their training mission and where being assessed by Speedy.

"Great job, cadets. You're getting better with every training session." Speedy told them.

"Well, we are learning from the best." Swift told him.

Speedy chuckled.

"By the way, Speedy. Where's Penny  ?" Swift asked.

"She's in the sleeping quarters. She's" Speedy was cut off by a loud squawk.

"Woah! What was that?" Rod asked.

Swift gasped. "That sounded like Penny  !" he said and quickly flew out of the control room towards their sleeping quarters.

Rod and Brody were about to follow, but Speedy stopped them.

"Why'd you stop us. Shouldn't we be worried. Penny   could be in trouble." Brody stated.

"Here at HQ?" Bea asked and giggled.

Speedy chuckled. "Don't worry you two. Penny   is fine. She's just talking to her mother." he explained.

"Oh. So... why didn't you stop Swift too?" Rod asked.

"One. I wouldn't have been able to if I tried. Two. It's about time Penny   introduced him to her family." Speedy simply stated with a smile.

With Penny  


Priscilla said nothing and allowed her daughter to let out her anger.

She let out another squawk in frustration till she heard a knock on the door.

"Penny  ? It's me! Is everything ok? I heard you scream. Can I come in?" Swift asked on the other side of the door.

Penny   gasped. "He's already back from training?" she thought. She soon turned her attention to the screen and whispered to her mother, who had a confused look when she heard the new voice.

"Don't move and don't say anything." Penny   whispered to her mother.

Priscilla wasn't sure what was going on, but nodded and stayed still.

Penny   let out a heavy sigh to calm herself a bit more, before answering.

"Yea, I'm ok, Swift. You can come in." She replied.

Once he got the ok, Swift opened the door and quickly flew over to her and sat on her bed next to her.

"Are you alright, Penny  ? I heard you squawk. What happened?" Swift asked worriedly.

"I'm ok, Swift. Really." Penny   said with a smile to reassure him.

"Penny  , that squawk sounded like your angry squawk. What happened?" Swift pushed on. Penny   sighed.

"Ok, ok. I'm not ok. I was just talking to my mother and she told me something that made me really angry." She started, 

Swift tilted his head, wordlessly asking 'what was it'? 

"She told me that my father almost promised me to another penguin."  She continued.

Swift's eyes widened, and he felt his heart sink a little upon hearing that. But he let her continue.

"And if that wasn't bad enough, he almost promised me to the WORST penguin in my hatch year!" Penny   yelled, her anger coming back full swing. "I mean, how could he... he didn't even... ugh! If I still had my baby feathers I'd he pulling them off right now! AH!"

"Woah Penny ,calm down." Swift said, gently grabbing her cheeks to try to get her to calm down. He'd never seen her this angry before. 

He began to gently caress her cheeks with his thumbs in order to calm her down, a technique that usually worked. Penny   closed her eyes at his gentle caress, then inhaled and exhaled before placing one of her hands over his which rested on her cheeks, telling him that she had calmed down. Swift gave a satisfied smile at this.

"I guess this penguin was really that bad, huh? I've never seen you this angry, Penny  ." Swift said, his hands still on her cheeks to make sure she stayed calm.

Penny   opened her eyes and looked up at Swift. "He was. At least from what I remember about him. He was the meanest penguin in my hatch year. He'd pick on all of us and felt he was better than us because he was the biggest among us." she replied. "And, the thought of being promised to him by my family is just..."

Swift kissed her forehead, telling her that everything was ok. She smiled and looked up at him.

"Thanks, Swift. I could really use some comforting right now." Penny   told him.

Swift chuckled and repositioned himself to sit behind her. She sat between his legs as he wrapped his wings around her waist from behind, pulling her closer to his chest and nuzzled his head on the side of hers, at which she happily nuzzled back.

"Better?" he asked.

"Much." she replied.

Penny  's mother watched quietly in shock at the display of affection between her daughter and the other bird.

Penny   looked across at the top of her bed and saw that her mother was still on the screen.

"Oops. I forgot mom was still on the call." she thought.

"Swift?" She started, to get his attention

"Mhm." he replied.

"Um... don't get mad or too embarrassed, but... my mom may have seen our entire display of affection." Penny   told him.

"Wwhat? Wwhere is she?" Swift nervously asked.

Penny   pointed to the small screen in front of them. Swift looked and saw an older penguin, smiling and waving at them. He gulped and became red with embarrassment and tried to hide his face behind Penny  , which didn't work.

"Penny  ..." Swift whined a bit.

"Sorry, I forgot she was still there." Penny   apologized.

"There's no need to be shy, deary." Priscilla said to Swift, who turned his attention back to the screen. Despite being seen by Penny  's mother, Swift kept his hold on Penny .

"Penny  , who's this charming and caring young fellow you manage to get yourself?" She asked, smiling at the two.

Penny   blushed slightly. " Swift, this is my mother, Priscilla."

"Ppleasure to meet you, ma'am." Swift nervously and politely greeted Penny  's mother.

"Mom, this is Swift. He's... well he's..." Penny   paused, still blushing.

"He's the one you chose, isn't he? I can tell after what I just saw." Priscilla giggled. "Nice to meet you too, Swift. So, he's the reason you rejected the others, huh?" she asked.

"Yea. Wait!... You know about that? Is that why dad tried to promise me to Bobbin?" Penny   asked.

Priscilla frowned. "Yes. They all told us that you rejected them. Your father was worried you'd be the only one without a mate by the time you return from the academy. Bobbin was the only male left."

Penny   frowned, now understanding the situation.

"I see. I should have figured he had his reason for doing this. I would have asked why, but I guess my anger got the better of me when I heard who it was he tried to promise me to." Penny   stated. "What made him not go through with the agreement?"

"You'll have to ask your father that." Priscilla stated.

"Could you please call him, mom?" Penny   asked.

"Of course, dear. I'll go get him." Priscilla replied, about to go and find her husband, but was stopped when Swift spoke up.

"Um, excuse me, Penny  , Ms. Priscilla?" Swift started, to get their attention. "Ssorry to interrupt, but sshould I leave? Bbecause this seems to be a family matter and... I feel like I'm intruding." he stated.

Penny   and Priscilla giggled, which confused the bluejay.

"You are family, Swift." Penny   told him, as she wrapped her wings around his which were still wrapped around her and nuzzled under his beak.

"I am?" he asked, blushing at Penny  's show of affection.

"Yes, you are, dear. You became family the moment Penny   said 'yes' to you." Priscilla stated and smiled. "I'll be right back," she said, going out of view for a moment.

"I guess I missed that bit of information during my research," Swift said softly to Penny  .

Penny   giggled.

Swift soon let out a heavy sigh, as if he had been holding his breathe. This worried Penny  .

"Are you alright, Swift?" she asked.

"Yea, I guess." He trailed off.

"Swift," she said softly and worriedly, as she placed a hand on his cheek.

Swift sighed, "I'm sorry, Penny  . I guess I'm just a bit nervous. I didn't expect to be meeting your parents so soon. I know I would have to meet them eventually, but I hadn't prepared myself for it yet. I've always worried about if they would accept me as your chosen partner since I'm a different species." he explained, tightening his hold on the penguin, but not too tight.

"To tell you the truth, Swift, I've been worried about that too. I was worried about whether or not my family would accept you and if yours would accept me. At least I know my mom's ok with it. We just need to know what my dad thinks. And of course, I'm worried about if yours will accept me or not." Penny   admitted.

Swift gave a gentle smile. "I can assure you, Penny  , my family will accept you. That is something I'm not worried about." he told her.

"How are you so sure?" she asked.

"Let's just say, my species has a history of going off with other species." he told her.

"Really?" she asked in surprise.

"Yup." he replied, nuzzling the side of her head. "So you have nothing to worry about on my end."

Penny   giggled as he nuzzled her. She leaned into him to nuzzle back.

"I love you, Penny  ." Swift whispered to her lovingly.

"I love you too, Swift." Penny   replied lovingly as well.

Unbeknownst to the two love birds, while they were having their moment, Penny  's parents had returned and were watching the interaction between the two with interest.

"Now, how can we say 'no' to that?" Priscilla spoke up to get the two's attention.

Swift and Penny   were startled and quickly turned their attention back to the screen and saw both of Penny  's parents looking at them with a smile. Swift and Penny blushed and gave a nervous laugh at being caught again.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment, sweetie. But I had to get your attention." Priscilla told them.

"Iit's ok, mom." Penny   replied, still blushing. "Hhow much did you see?" she asked.

"We saw... and heard plenty, sweetie." Priscilla replied.

"Enough to get my approval, sweetheart." Phil stated.

"Really? You mean, you're ok with me choosing a bluejay as my partner?" Penny   asked her father.

"Of course! It's your life, sweetheart. Your choice." He replied with a smile, but frowned soon after. "And... I'm really sorry for what I almost did to you, Penny  . I just didn't want my little girl to be alone."

"It's ook, dad. Mom told me why, so I understand." Penny   told him. "But, why didn't you go through with it?" she asked.

Phil sighed. "For two reasons. I realized I was violating your rights and that I should have spoken to you first about why you rejected all the suitors. Second, Bobbin declined the offer."

This surprised Penny  .

"He did?! Why?" Penny   asked. She was happy to know that Bobbin declined, but was curious as to why.

"Something about being afraid of you. I know, it surprised me too." Phil said, seeing Penny  's reaction. "Did something happen between you two, Penny ?"

"Not anything bad as far as I can recall. The only thing I ever did was defend some penguins by standing up to him to leave them alone. Shortly after that incident, I left to come here to the academy." Penny   explained, then realization struck her and she frowned. "Maybe I unintentionally hurt him with the things I said."

"What did you say to him, sweetie?" Priscilla asked.

"I don't really remember. It's been a few years since the incident. But he obviously remembers what happened. Mom, dad, you know I would never hurt anyone." Penny   stated.

"Of course we do, dear. Not intentionally." Priscilla replied.

Penny   sighed. "I may not remember what happened, but can you ask him and apologize to him for me when you see him" Penny   asked.

"Of course." Priscilla replied.

"So, Penny  ... who's your friend?" Phil asked with a smile.

"Oh, right. Dad, this is Swift, my boyfriend. Swift, this my dad, Phil." Penny   introduced them to each other.

"Hhello there, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you." Swift greeted with a wave.

"Hello Swift. Nice to meet the bird who made my daughter reject all the suitors from her species." Phil said teasingly, which made Swift a little nervous and uncomfortable.

"Dad!" Penny   scowled, sensing Swift's uneasiness.

Phil chuckled. "I'm just teasing, Swift. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but it is nice to meet you. Now, I don't need to ask or tell you to take care of my Penny  , because I've already seen and heard for myself how much you care about her."

Swift nodded.

"So, what did you give her?" Phil asked.

Swift smiled, knowing what he was asking. "Penny  ," he simply said, looking down at her.

Penny   giggled and showed her parents the necklace and bracelet she was wearing.

"Oh my! Penny   they're beautiful. *gasps* Are those kelpicer pendents?!" Priscilla awed.

"Wow! That must have cost you a fortune, Swift." Phil exclaimed.

"Actually," Swift started, blushing and rubbing the back of his head, "I made them myself." he told them.

Penny  's parents eyes widened. 

"Really!? You made them yourself?" Priscilla asked.

"Yup. He did. And that's what makes them extra super special. Besides, I would have said yes to him anyway, even if he didn't give me a courting gift." Penny   said, nuzzling him under his beak. Swift chuckled and nuzzled her back, not worried that her parents where watching.

Phil and Priscilla smiled at the two.

"We can see that you two truly do love each other. Not only did we hear you both say it, but your actions sPenny  volumes. Swift, the way you flew into the room when you heard Penny's  squawk and was able to calm her down, and stayed with her, proved to me just how loyal you are to her. And Penny  , you eased his worry of meeting us and being accepted. That is indeed, true love. Being there for each other and supporting each other." Priscilla explained.

"And from now on, you also have our support, sweetheart." Phil stated.

"Thanks mom, thanks dad." Penny   thanked them.

"Yea, thank you." Swift also thanked them.

"You're both very welcome. I'm just glad we were able to settle everything." Priscilla stated. "Anyway, I think it's time we made our leave. It was nice meeting you Swift."

"Same here." Swift replied with a smile.

"And, Penny  ? We hope to get a visit from you soon, sweetheart. And make sure you bring Swift with you." Phil told her.

Penny   giggled. "I will dad. Bye now. Love you."

"Love you, too, Penny  . Bye. Bye Swift. See you soon." Phil and Priscilla said, before ending the call. The small screen went back down once the call ended.

"Well, that went better than expected." Swift stated, still holding on to Penny  .

Penny   giggled and kissed his cheek, making him blush and chuckle.

"Well, we got their approval. So I guess that officially makes you my penguin and me, your bluejay." Swift stated.

"I like the sound of it." Penny   replied with a giggle.

She kissed his cheek. "I love you, my cool high flying bluejay."

"And I love you, my super slick penguin." Swift replied, with a kiss to her forehead, as they continued their affectionate embrace.

In the control room

"So, I'm guessing everything worked out?" Speedy asked, looking at the screen. Bea, Rod and Brody were also in the room.

"Yes, it did. Better than we expected." Priscilla happily replied.

"We can see that she's in good wings." Phil said.

Speedy chuckled. "I take it that means you approve of her and Swift's relationship?"

"Yes we do. We were able to witness for ourselves just how much he cares about her." Priscilla stated.

"That's Swift. He's always looked out for Penny  , and even more so since they got together. That's just how he is naturally." Bea stated.

"We're just happy our little Penny   found her soulmate. Speedy, I know you'll continue to look after her as well." Phil said.

"Of course, Phil. You and Priscilla have nothing to worry about. Take care now." Speedy replied.

"Bye everyone." Phil and Priscilla replied, before ending the call, happy to know that their daughter had found happiness to move forward with her future Swift and Penny   asked if they could have a week off speedy said that they could Swift and Penny said that they were going to her house they said ok they went to Swift's Flash wing and took off to her house once there Penny   saw her friend playing in the snow she saw the jet land and she saw it was Penny and a nother bird she walked up to them hugged Penny and asked how he was Penny said he is Swift and he is my boyfriend she said nice to meet you. my name is sunny Penny  's parents come out to see how was toking and they saw Penny and Swift they went inside Penny's  3 little sisters ran and hugged her and they asked how is he they got down to there level and she said he is my boyfriend Swift they said nice to meet you Penny   said they were ruby and sunset and abby he said nice to meet you it was their bed time they went to bead 1 hour later Swift and Penny were watching a movie with her parents and they heard Penny's  sisters start to cry and Swift said that he had it and went to check on them he sang a song

I will always be there to protect you I will always be there to lend you a had I will always help you when you need help I will Always be There In case you get scared  I will Never Leave your side until you get better I will never leave you alone And if you have Nightmares I Will Always be there to hug you And if you need advice about boys I'll be there to Help And if that boy breaks your heart I will be there to teach him a lesson And if you need somebody to hug When times Are Tough I will always be there so that you have someone And if anyone be mean to you I will beat them Up And if anyone Humiliates you I will teach them A lesson that stopped them from crying  he walk out to the living room and Penny said how did you get so good at singing he said a lot of practice Penny's  parents came in and said how was singing Penny said it was Swift and they said nice voice Swift said that he was going to the next island to get some thing's he went and got Penny and her sisters some phones then he went back to Penny's house and gave her the phone and gave her sisters phones to here parents and said they get them when they are older than he got a call from his mom she asked him how to get his sister's to stop crying he said put the phone on speeker and he started to sing a song that went like this 

I will always be there to protect you I will always be there to lend you a had I will always help you when you need help I will Always be There In case you get scared  I will Never Leave your side until you get better I will never leave you alone And if you have Nightmares I Will Always be there to hug you And if you need advice about boys I'll be there to Help And if that boy breaks your heart I will be there to teach him a lesson And if you need somebody to hug When times Are Tough I will always be there so that you have someone And if anyone be mean to you I will beat them Up And if anyone Humiliates you I will teach them A lesson she said thank you and were are you at my girlfriend's house he said that they would meet her in 2 days she said ok and thanks again for get them to stop crying he said that he would always be there for her Then They went to bed In the morning swift was the 1st one up so he made breakfast for the Penguin family They smelled something cooking and went to see what it was and found out that swift made them kelpicer pancakes and smoothies they all said thank you to Swift they finished the meal and Swift said that he was going to do the dishes and Penny   asked him if he would like some help he said yes Penny went on a run with her parents and Swift made the family some kelpicer meatloaf they got home and eat they finished the meal and the parents did the dishes They all went to bed in the morning Penny's  sister's asked if they could go back to headquarters for a few weeks and the parents said if it is ok with them you can they said that only if you are good at Swift's house for 3 days they said ok they went to get their things together and then they went to Swift's house it was dark when they got their so they slept in the Flash wing in the morning Swift was sitting on the wing of the Flash wing when his younger sister saw him and she hugged him and said when did you get home he said last night he lay her down and said go back to sleep she did the rest of the family woke up Penny woke up and saw Swift on the wing of the Flash wing she went out and sat down with him he gave her a cup of iced coffee then he said my family should be up and he took his sister in his arms and carried her in to the house and said anyone order a little blue jay they hugged him he said he had 4 surprises for them he went out and told Penny   he would take 2 of her sisters and she take one she said ok they walked into the house he said mom,dad,summer,connie and amaya this is my girlfriend Penny and her sister's ruby and sunset and abby they said nice to meet you then Swift and Penny took them to his room to let them sleep then they went to the living room and talked to his parents 1 hour later Swift heard crying coming from his room and said that he had it and he went to the room Penny's sisters said that they had nightmares so he took them out to were Penny was he said they had nightmares he asked his parents if they could watch them for the night well him and Penny went out on a date they said that they could Penny and Swift went out on their date then they went back home and went to bed the next morning speedy called him and said sorry to cut the time off short but we need you back at headquarter he said ok picked up Penny and her sister's and took them to the Flash wing and left a note on the refrigerator for his parents that said they had to go back to headquarters 

Top wing swifts parents 

It's been three weeks since Penny   and Swift spoke to Penny's parents and got their approval of their relationship. And the two young birds couldn't be happier. But, although Swift told Penny   that his family will approve of their relationship, she couldn't help feel a little doubtful.

Penny   and Brody where out on a rescue mission, while Swift and Rod stayed behind.

"I think I'll head down to the Lemon Shack. I'm getting kinda hungry." Rod stated. His belly growled shortly after, causing him and everyone else to laugh.I think I'll join you, Rod." Swift said. "I could use a snack."

"Awesome! Let's go!" Rod exclaimed. But before they got a chance to leave, the alarm went off. "Aw, come on!" he whined, walking up next to Speedy and Bea as they answered the call.

A gray goose appeared on the screen.

"Hello Captain Gander. What's your emergency?" Speedy asked.

Honk. Well, it's not really an emergency. I just wanted to find out if cadet Swift is available." Captain Gander stated.

"Yea, I'm available. Do you need help with something, Captain?" Swift asked.

Honk! Indeed we do. We need an extra pair of wings to help direct traffic at the airport. This is one of our busiest times of the year." Captain Gander explained.

"Oh yeeeaa... it's summer time, and we get a lot of visitors coming here for vacation. So the airport tends to get a little... hectic, around this time." Bea clarified.

"Oh! Maybe I can help too. I can make sure the area is clear for landing." Rod exclaimed.

Great idea, Rod." Speedy told him, then returned his attention to the Captain. "The cadets are on their way captain."

"Wonderful! See you soon! Honk!" Captain Gander replied, before ending the call.

"Time to earn our wings!" Swift and Rod called out, before leaving HQ.

At the airport

Swift and Rod got to work the moment the Captain gave them instructions of what to do. And, boy were they busy.

"Wow. Captain Gander wasn't kidding. The flocks just keep coming." Swift said to Rod through his watch, while he directed traffic in the air.

"I know. I've never seen this many visitors at once." Rod replied, making sure the ground was clear for the next flock.

At Headquarters

Brody and Penny   entered the control room after returning from their rescue mission.

"Great job on that rescue cadets." Speedy told them shortly after they entered the control room.

"Hakaa. It was too easy." Brody replied.

Penny   giggled. "Well, we did have a little trouble. But it wasn't anything we couldn't handle." she added. 

Speedy chuckled. "That's what I like to hear."

Penny   and Brody then noticed the absence of two birds.

"Hey, Speedy? Where are Rod and Swift?" Brody asked.

"They're at the airport helping Captain Gander with traffic control." Speedy replied.

"Oh! Maybe we should go see if they need some extra pairs of wings." Penny   stated.

"Primo idea, Penny  ." Brody agreed

"Why not? I'm sure Captain Gander would be more than happy to have more help." Speedy stated.

"Cool! Hey Brody, since we can't use our vehicles, how about a race." Penny   said

Brody chuckled. "You're on, Penny  ." he replied, getting into position.

"Ok. Ready, set, go!" Penny   called out, both dashing out of HQ.

Speedy and Bea chuckled and giggled at the departing cadets.

At the airport

"That's the last flock, Rod." Swift said over his watch.

Once the flock had landed and cleared the area, Rod gave him the all clear for him to land. Swift acknowledge this and brought the Flash Wing in for landing. Once he did, he took off his helmet before he got out and flew over to Rod who was talking with the captain.

"Thank you so much for your help, cadets." Captain Gander thanked them.

"It was no problem Captain Gander." Swift replied.

"It's what we cockadoodle do!" Rod added.

Captain Gander nodded and thanked them again before leaving.

"How about we head over to the Lemon Shack now, Rod." Swift suggested.

"Yea! I'm super hungry now." Rod replied.

Shortly after, Swift was suddenly tackled to the ground.

"Whoops. *giggles* Sorry about that, Swift." Penny   laughingly apologized as she lay on top of the bluejay after crashing into him

Swift chuckled and sat up. "It's ok, Penny  . What's the hurry?" he replied.

"A race, that's what." Penny   giggled as Rod and Brody walked up to them.

Brody chuckled. "Penny   and I were having a race to come meet you guys. Aaaand... she won." he stated.

"As usual." Rod added, folding his wings.

"You guys win sometimes." Penny   said, while getting up off Swift and helping him get back up, at which he thanked her.

"Yea, sometimes. You and Swift have more wins under your wings." Rod stated.

Penny   giggled again. "Well, that is true. But anyway, the reason we're here was to see if you guys needed any help. But," she looks around to see the airport empty. "It looks like you're already done."

"Yup. And we were just about to head to the Lemon Shack. So you got here just in time." Swift told them.

"Cool! So what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Penny   exclaimed

But before they could make a move, Swift was once again, tackled to the ground.

"Ugh. Why do I keep getting tackled today?" Swift asked as he lay on his stomach while feeling 3 light weights on his back. After he had said that, he heard giggling.

"Finally caught you, Swift!" they said

Swift's eyes widened when he heard the voices He craned his head to the side to look behind him, and saw 3 bluejay He gasped.

"Sunset,ruby and summer?" Swift asked in an excited disbelief.

With the other cadets

"Who are they ?" Penny   asked.

"Don't know. But it looks like they know each other." Rod replied, as the three continued to watch.

With Swift

The yellow clad bluejays giggled in response before getting off Swift. Swift finally got up to get a better look at them, before they excitedly embraced him with a hug, at which he chuckled and hugged back.

"I've missed you, Swift." They told him.

"I've missed you, too, sis's. You've really grown." Swift replied. "What are you doing here? Don't tell me you came here on your own." he asked in a worried tone.

"Now you know we'd never do that, Swift." he heard a voice say above him. He looked up to see two adult bluejays coming towards them, before landing in front of the young bluejays.

"Mom! Dad!" Swift happily called out.

"Hi Swift honey!" his mother exclaimed, pulling him in for a hug.

"Hey there, son. It's great to see you. How are you doing?" his father stated.

Swift chuckled. "It's great to see you guys too. And I'm doing great." he replied while still in his mother's embrace. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We were on our way back home from visiting a friend. So we figured since we're passing by Big Swirl, we'd stop and give you a surprise visit." his mother replied, letting go of him.

"Well, I am definitely surprised, and happy to see you. Let me introduce you to my friends and fellow cadets." Swift told them, flying over to the others. His family close behind.

"Sorry about that, guys." Swift told the other cadets.

"That's ok, Swift." Penny   replied.

"I'd like you guys to meet my family. This is my mom, Rosanne. My dad, James, and my little sister's, sunset,ruby and summer ." Swift introduced his family.

"I'm not so little anymore, Swift." sunset,ruby and summer  stated, causing the rest of the family to chuckle.

"Mom, dad, sunset,ruby and summer . These are my friends, Rod and Brody."

"Hello." Rod greeted.

"Hiya." Brody greeted.

"Nice to meet you, cadets." James replied.

"Yes. Very nice. But... what about her, Swift? Isn't she your friend, too?" Rosanne asked, gesturing to Penny  .

"Well..." Swift started. Penny   giggled, causing Swift to chuckle nervously.

"Mom, dad, sunset,ruby and summer ... this is Penny  . And she's... more than just a friend. In fact, she's very special to me." He continued, earning a smile from Penny  . "She's my girlfriend, my chosen forever partner." he finished.

Swift's family gasped in shock at the news. Penny   became worried from their reaction, until.

Swift's mother squealed with excitement. "Oh, my boy's all grown up!"  exclaimed, pulling Swift into another hug. "I'm so happy for you, honey!"

"So am I. Congratulations, son." James told Swift.

Rosanne let go of Swift and turned her attention to Penny  .

"Hello dear. It's an absolute pleasure to meet you."Rosanne told Penny  .

"The pleasure is all mine. I'm really glad to finally meet you." Penny   replied.

"I have to admit, I wasn't expecting this from you, Swift." James stated. "I mean, a penguin?"

"James!" Rosanne scolded her husband.

"Dad!" Swift exclaimed, seeing Penny  's worried expression.

"I don't mean it in a bad way. I mean, I know our kind has history of going after other species, but... none of them have ever gone after a flightless bird." James explained.

"Does... that mean you don't approve of me?" Penny  's voice quivered. "But... I thought" 

Oh no, dear! That's not what he's saying!" Rosanne exclaimed. "We approve, 100%. What he meant, was our species has history of going after other bird species, but they are normally other flying birds, like cardigans, blue birds, finches and other similar birds."

"That's right. What I was saying, is that Swift just became the first bluejay to choose a partner that's the complete opposite of him." James explained. "I do approve of you, Penny  . I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't, even though I already said I did. My fault for the confusion."

"Thank you. It means a lot to me to get the approval of Swift's family." Penny   smiled at them.

"Well I don't approve!"summer  exclaimed, causing everyone to look to her. 

"summer ?" Swift asked, giving his sister a confused and hurt look.

summer  said nothing else and flew off.

 summer , wait!" Swift called out to her, but she had already disappeared into the island's shrubbery. "Wow, she's gotten faster. His other sister's said they approved of her 

"She's been practicing. But, I don't understand why she would say that." Rosanne stated sadly.

Penny   frowned. "Maybe she just doesn't like me." she sadly stated.

"I don't think that's the reason, Penny   dear. But we won't know unless we find her and ask her." Rosanne told Penny  . "James, Swift, we better go find her."

James and Swift agreed. Swift then turned to the others and asked them to look after his sisters they said they will

"Are you sure, Swift?" Rod asked. "You'll have a better chance if we were all looking."

"I'm sure. I'll meet up with you guys later." Swift replied as he flew a littleabove his friends with his parents.

"Ok, if you insist." Brody added.

"Swift, wait!" Penny   called to get his attention. "I'm going to help look for her, too!"

Swift parents' eyes widened at this, but said nothing as Swift slowly descended towards the penguin. 

"I know I'm the reason she flew off, and I know you're worried of what might happen between us if I find her. But I can handle myself." Penny   continued as Swift landed in front of her with a gentle smile.

"I know you can, Penny  . That's why I'm not stopping you." Swift told her. "I know when you set your mind on something, there's no stopping you. Also, you've got a very keen eye when it comes to finding things. I hope if you do find her, that she'll be willing to listen to you."

"I hope so, too. Thanks, Swift." Penny   replied.

Swift gave a soft chuckle before placing a kiss on her forehead. "Be careful, ok?"

"Of course!" Penny   happily replied.

Swift flew over to his parents, then looked down at his friends.

"Brody and I are heading over to the Lemon Shack now. If we happen to see her, we'll let you guys know." Rod told them as he and Brody,sunset,ruby sat in the Road Wing.

"Thanks, guys." Swift thanked them. "Ok. Mom, dad, Penny  ; let's go!"

Swift and his parents took off in the direction sunset,ruby and summer  went; Penny slid down the path leading to the nearest river; and Rod and Brody went in the direction of the Lemon Shack.

With Swift and his parents

"I don't understand why summer  would say that. I thought she'd be happy for me." Swift said sadly while looking around to find his sister, while he and his parents flew just below the trees.

James and Rosanne looked worriedly at each other, then to their son.

"You really do love her, don't you, son?" James asked.

"Penny  ?" Swift asked, looking up at his parents, who nodded in response. Swift sighed. "Yea... I do. And... sometimes, I feel like I'm a little too much in love with her."

"We can tell." James stated.

Swift tilted his head in confusion at his parents.

"We saw the necklace and bracelet she's wearing, honey. It looks like your work, but it looks like you really went out of your way to make them for her." Rosanne explained.

"Oh... those." Swift blushed, looking down, away from his parents. "They're... they're my courting gifts."

James and Rosanne's eyes widened. That just confirmed everything.

"Say no more, Swift honey. We understand." Rosanne told her son.

"Absolutely, son." James added. "Now, let's find your sister."

"Right. We should split up. We'll cover more ground that way." Swift suggested.

James and Rosanne agreed. They went in one direction while Swift went another.

With Swift's Parents

"I've never seen Swift so torn. You can see his feelings toward Penny   are very strong." Rosanne said.

"And his sister, who he also loves dearly, just disapproved of her." James added.

"If he feels this way because his sister doesn't approve, imagine if we didn't. He would have been in absolute distress." Rosanne worriedly stated

James sighed. "Let's find sunset,ruby and summer  so she can clear this up." he said, as they continued their search.

With Penny  

"Now... if I was a flying bird, where would I hide?" Penny   asked herself as she swam through the river while looking along the river banks. "Hmm... I'd probably hide somewhere where I can blend with the environment."

Penny   thought for quite a while of where the young bluejay could of gone. Her eyes widened when she thought of a place, then giggled at the possibility that she was actually there.

"It's worth having a look." Penny   said, swimming more through the river till she got to the area with the path she needed to take. She jumped out of the water and followed the path.

When Penny   got to her destination, she was surprised at what she saw. Sure enough, she found the young bluejay sitting in the flower patch of yellow daisies. She had one of the flowers in her hand, twirling it around while staring at it absentmindedly.

"I can't believe I actually found her here." Penny   thought.

She slowly approached the young blue jay and called out to her with caution.

"Um... hi, summer ." Penny   greeted to alert sunset,ruby and summer  of her presence.

summer 's eyes widened as her head shot up  from looking down at the flower she was holding. She turned around and saw the penguin her brother was fond of, standing at the edge of the flower patch with a smile on her face.

"Yyou... hhow'd you find me?" summer  asked.

"A lucky guess." Penny   beamed.

summer  frowned and turned away from Penny  . She continued to twirl and stare at the flower in her hand.

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence between them, until summer  spoke up.

"I know my family's looking for me. I just... needed some time to think." She stated.

"About what? If you don't mind me asking." Penny   asked.

summer  sighed. "About you and my brother."

Penny   wasn't surprised that was the reason.

"I know he cares strongly about you." summer  turned to face Penny , who had kept her distance from her. "The necklace and bracelet you're wearing... he made them for you, didn't he?" she asked.

"Yea... he did." Penny   replied with a smile. Looking down, she held the pendant of the necklace to look at it. She looked back toward summer  who was looking back at her thoughtfully.

summer  got up from the flower patch and approached Penny  . They were almost the same height. Penny was taller by about an inch or two. summer  stared at the necklace Penny was wearing observantly. She then let out a defeated sigh when she was done.

"He really does love you... probably more than you know." summer  told Penny . Penny tilted her head in slight confusion. "He only makes these for the important girls in his life. He's made a necklace for our mother and grandmother, and he's made me a bracelet." she showed Penny   the bracelet with a summer ice cream pendant on it, as she continued. "But, he gave you both. And when I look at them, I can tell he poured his heart and soul into making them for you.

"He... he did?" Penny   asked, looking at her necklace and bracelet. "I know he made them, but... to know that he put his heart and soul into making them for me..." Penny   trailed off, then thought. "I can't help but wonder."

summer  nodded. "I'm sorry about the way I reacted." she started to apologize, causing Penny   to look back at her. "You probably think that I don't like you, but... that's not it. I just... I just wasn't ready to let go of my brother to someone else. We're really close, and... I guess I'm a bit attached. He's done so much for me. Always looking out for me, helping me when I needed it, making me feel better when I was sad or hurt and he even told me that if I ever had a nightmare to come to him and he would sing a song to me that went like this I will always be there to protect you I will always be there to lend you a had I will always help you when you need help I will Always be There In case you get scared  I will Never Leave your side until you get better I will never leave you alone And if you have Nightmares I Will Always be there to hug you And if you need advice about boys I'll be there to Help And if that boy breaks your heart I will be there to teach him a lesson And if you need somebody to hug When times Are Tough I will always be there so that you have someone And if anyone be mean to you I will beat them Up And if anyone Humiliates you I will teach them A lesson and he always said I was his favorite and only flower. And... I guess the thought of not being his favorite and only flower anymore... made me react the way I did. That was selfish of me, and I'm sorry, Penny  ."

"I see." Penny   stated. She then smiled at the younger bluejay. "I accept your apology, summer . But... I can assure you, you are still his favorite and only flower."

"But... he has you now. The one he fell in love with. That would make you his new favorite flower." summer  said, tilting her head in confusion.

Penny   giggled. "That's true, but Swift has never once called me a flower. He calls me 'his penguin' or 'his super slick penguin'. And I call him 'my bluejay' or 'my cool high flying bluejay'. So, I think he only has that saved for you." 

summer  continued to stare at Penny  , unsure what to say.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask him. I'll give him a call to let him know I found you, and where we are. Is that ok?" Penny   stated.

 summer  nodded.

Penny   called Swift. He was relieved and happy when she told him she found summer . She told him where they were. He found his parents and the three made their way to Penny   and summer 's location.

"Your family's on their way. Anything you want to do while we wait?" Penny   asked.

"Umm... do you mind if I made you an apology welcome flower crown?" summer  asked as she began to pick some of the daisies by the stem.

"I don't mind. But... what do you mean 'apology welcome'?" Penny   replied.

"It's my apology and welcome to the family gif."  summer replied as she began to put the flowers together to make the crown.

"Oh. Ok." Penny   replied. She sat in front of  summer and watched as she made the flower crown. In almost no time, she was done. "Wow. That was fast."

 summer  giggled and placed the flower crown on Penny  's head. 

"How do I look?" Penny   asked.

summer  giggled. "Like the penguin my brother fell for."

Penny   giggled as well.

summer !" 

Both summer  and Penny looked up at who had called the young bluejay. It was her mother, along with her father and brother.

"Hi mom, dad... big brother."  summer shamefully greeted her family, looking at the ground to avoid eye contact, especially with her brother.

"We were worried about you, sweetheart." James stated. I know... and... I'm sorry," summer  slowly looked up at her family. "Especially to you, big brother. I'm really sorry for the way I acted. I just..." she explained to her family the reason for her behavior.

"Oh, summer ... Noone can ever take your place." Swift said, as he stood in front of his sister. "Yes, Penny   is special to me, but so are you. She's the one I fell in love with, but you're my sister. We have a bond that can't be broken. Even when we find our significant other and have our own family one day, you'll always be my favorite and only flower." he told her.

summer 's eyes began to tear up when Swift said that, before she jumped at him to hug him. Swift caught her and hugged her back.

"I love you too, big brother. But..."  summer said, ending the hug and looked up at Swift. "If you ever have kids, wouldn't they become your new favorite flowers?" she asked.

Penny   and Swift blushed when she said that, while Rosanne and James giggled and chuckled.

"Let's not think that far ahead, ok sis?" Swift stated.

"Ok!" summer  happily exclaimed.

"See,  summer . I told you." Penny   told her.

 summer  smiled and nodded toward Penny  .

"I'm glad you two are getting along." Swift stated.

"So am I." Penny   replied. "By the way, Swift; can I talk to you for a moment? Alone?"

"Um... ok. Sure." Swift replied, a bit curious of what she wanted to talk about. 

They walked a short distance from Swift's family, where they were sure they couldn't be heard, but could still be seen.

"What is it, Penny  ?" Swift asked, when they stopped and Penny   had turned to face him.

Penny   let out a heavy sigh. "Swift," she began. "While your sister and I were getting to know each other, she told me something that got me thinking." she said, as she looked down and gently took hold of the pendant of her necklace.

Swift saw this, and got a little worried and curious of what his sister could have told her.

"She told me, that you only make one of these..." gestures to the necklace and bracelet. "...for the important girls in your life. But... mine's different. She told me, not only did you make both a necklace and a bracelet for me, but that you poured your heart and soul into making them." Penny   told him, then slowly looked up at him. "I know you tell me everyday that you love me, but... do I really mean that much to you, for you to go to such lengths to make them for me? What if... wwhat if I ddidn't return your feelings? What would you have done with them?" she asked.

Swift was a little taken aback by what Penny   just said, but he understood what she was saying.

"Hmm... I understand what you're thinking Penny  . Yes, you do mean that much to me and more. It took me quite some time to understand the strange feelings I started having for you. When I finally understood and accepted how I really felt about you, it took me almost just as long to figure out how I was going to confess. That's what led me to do research on the penguin courting ritual, which caused me to make my gifts sooner. I... I did consider the possibility of you not returning my feelings. Although I would have been heartbroken, I'd still give you one of them as a birthday gift. Because you're my best friend, which makes you an important girl in my life." Swift explained.

"But, you don't need to worry about that. You returned my feelings," he gently cupped her cheek with his hand, "and have made me the happiest bluejay I've ever been."

Penny  's eyes began to tear up. "Oh! You!" she pounced on him, tackling him to the ground. "You sweet talker." she smiled as she sat on his belly.

"Hey, I was just being honest." Swift defended himself as he tried to sit up, which caused Penny   to now sit on his legs.

"I know." Penny   smiled, and booped his beak, earning her a confused look from him.

Penny   giggled. "You're so cute when you're confused."

"Oh ho. Why you slick little..." Swift was ready to get back at her.

Penny   squealed as she tried to get away, but she only had time to turn around before he caught her by wrapping his wings around her waist.

"Gotcha!" he exclaimed, as he pulled her back towards him, causing her back to rest on his chest. They both gave a happy laugh before nuzzling each other.the other cadets brought his other 2 sisters to them 

With Swift's family and rode and brody 

Rosanne smiled at the sight of the two. "I think weve seen enough, wouldn't you agree, dear?" she asked her husband.

James chuckled. "Indeed." he agreed

"Does this mean we're leaving? Already?" sunset,ruby and summer  asked.

"We've been here longer than we should, sunset,ruby and summer . And we need to get home before it gets dark." James told them 

They asked if they could stay with Swift for a little while and he could bring us back home wene he has had enough of us their parents said if he wants you to stay you can

"...Ok..." sunset,ruby and summer  reluctantly agreed.

The five birds flew over to the young couple.

"Swift?" Rosanne called to get their attention.

Swift and Penny   stopped their nuzzling and looked up just as the three birds landed in front of them.

"Oh! Mom, dad, sunset,ruby and summer . Sorry we left you guys there." Swift apologized. He let go of Penny   and they both got up.

"It's alright, son. Your mother and I both know what you two are going through." James replied with a wink.

Swift and Penny   blushed

 He said I'm just happy to have been able to see you all again. And being able to introduce you to Penny  ." Swift replied.

"And what a pleasure it was! And we know you are both very happy to be together. We did just see it for ourselves." Rosanne teased. "You'll take good care of my son, won't you Penny  ?"

"Of course!" Penny   happily exclaimed

"Wonderful! And Swift, I know you'll take good care of her as well." Rosanne stated.

"Absolutely!" Swift replied.

"Good to hear. Well, we best be off." James said.

". "Don't take too long to visit. And make sure you bring Penny   with you."

Swift chuckled. "Sure thing, 

"Bye! Fly home safely!" Penny   called out while waving at them.

"Let me know when you get home!" Swift called out to them.

"Will do! Bye son!" James called out in response

Once his family were almost out of sight, Swift turned to Penny  .

"So, Penny  ? What did you think about my family?" he asked.

Penny   giggled. "Well... despite the little hiccup with your sister, I'm happy they accepted me.Swift chuckled. "Told you. So now we have the approval of both our families, we have nothing to worry about. So we can just keep moving forward with our relationship 

Speedy said that we are getting a new cadet and there she is her name is and he was cut off by Swift wene he said peak he ran up to her and they hugged Swift said this is my best friend he said could I show her around big swirl speedy said yes Penny asked if she could talk to her for a few minutes he said yes she asked her if she could help her with asking Swift a question she asked what is the question she said that she wants to ask him to be her boyfriend because  she is nervous about what he would say she said I well he took her flying around big swirl and to the Lemon Shack and told Ronda whatever she orders is on him she said ok peak told Swift that Penny wants to be his girlfriend but she is nervous about what you would say he asked Ronda if he could make a special smoothie for her she said yes you can he made her 2 smoothies with kelp-icer in it then he took them to penny she was in the control room he gave peek the smoothies to hold on to then he got on one knee and asked Penny to be his girlfriend she said yes he gave her the kelp-icer necklace and bracelet then gave her the smoothie and said try it she did and said is that a taste of kelp-icer in it he said yes Ronda let me make it myself  she said thank you 

I got the idea for the next part of the story by listening to this song I think any one that reads this should listen to it to but you do not have to if you do not want to 

That night I woke up to Rod's singing. None of the others, not even Peak, were phased by it.

"Rod what's wrong?"

The rooster turned around. "It's nothing."

I smirked. "Yes, it is." I know you

Rod frowned. "I like that new bird, Peak, but, how do I tell her? I mean, there's no way she'd like me."

I smiled. "I can help with that."

Rod took Peak in his vehicle to the lemon shack. As soon as he left, Swift and I began to set up. Rod gave us the locations we needed.

Very long story short, Rod set up a scavenger hunt across the island for Peak. At the end was Rod holding a rose. It was adorable he asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend and she said yes I would love to be your girlfriend then they kissed Swift said I have a surprise for rod and peak he said that he was going to pay for their wedding they said thank you then he told Penny that he was going to pay for their wedding to then she kissed him and said thank you a week before the wedding Swift and Penny and peak went in Swift's Flash wing and went to his house Swift said he was going to get his family ready to meet her and Swift went in to the house and told his family that he had a surprise for them they all sat down and Swift said do not reject her or he would never come back home then he went to get them he said this is my girlfriend Penny and this is my friend peak they said nice to meet you I just came to get my sisters for a few weeks so you can get a good night's sleep they said thank you then they went to get some things and put them in Swift's backpack then they went to the Flash wing and they went to get peak's sisters the got to peak's house she introduced them to her parents this is my friend Penny they said how is he this is Swift and he is Penny's boyfriend and they are his sister's summer and connie and sunset  they said nice to meet you she said I am just here to get my sisters so you can get a good night's sleep they said thank you then they went to get some things and she asked Swift if they could put their things in his backpack and he said yes they can then they went to get Penny's sisters she introduced him as her boyfriend and his sister's summer and connie and sunset and this is peak one of his long time friend and her sisters I just came to see if you won't me to look after my sisters for a few weeks so you can get a good night's sleep they said yes they got some things and Penny asked Swift if they could put their things in his backpack and he said yes they can they were just about to take off wene he got a call from Susan she said that peak's parents were killed in a fire just a few hours ago he said that he would let her know the news then he got a call from speedy he said that rod and brody were killed on a mission he said that he would let them know than he got a call from Wallab and he said that rod and brody's parents were killed in a fire last night Swift said to tell brody's sister that he would be there to pick her up in 10 minutes than he got in the Flash wing and told peak that her parents were killed in a fire just after we left 2 of peak's sisters cried into his shirt and one cried into peak's shirt then he said that he would be paying for the funeral then she said thank you in a sad voice then he told them that rod and brody were killed on a mission than he took peak by the hands and told her to look up at him she did then he told her that he would marry her and Penny than she said thank you then she kissed him than he said that we have one more stop to make and it is to pick up brody's sister they got their Swift told the other's to stay in the Flash wing and they did he got brody's sister and told her that her brother is dead she cried into Swift's shirt for 2 hours then he said that we are going to stay here for the next few weeks so he went and got the others from the Flash wing and saw that all the little ones were sleeping so he picked up 3 at a time then took them into the house it was night time Swift was looking at the night sky when abby brody's sister came out and asked Swift were she was going to stay he said that you are going to stay with me and Penny and you know what I well be paying for the funerals of your parents and brother she said thank you for paying for the funeral and I will pay you back one day and he said no need it is the least I can do they went to bed all of the little ones had nightmares so they went and slept with Swift in the morning Swift saw that they were sleeping with him so he got up but woke them up in the process they said that they were hungry so Swift made all of them breakfast and him and energy drink all of the little ones asked what it was he said something for older people to drink gave them a glass of the energy drink and said they had to share it they did the other 3 woke up Swift gave them a glass of the energy drink each and some breakfast than he said that he would be back he went and got 12 lockets and 2 bracelets then he went back to the house gave each of them a locket and then he gave Penny and peak the bracelets 

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