91.66% Pathway To Heaven / Chapter 11: G U N

章節 11: G U N

The man stood still. He immediately dashed behind the counter, and popped back up, this time wearing clothes. Micheal looked at the man horrified from their appearance in his shop. He had a scruffy beard, and his t-shirt looked well worn, just like him.

"Um… I'm Johnathan, what can I get you, Princess Noami?"

Noami walked forwards, and started, "This is Micheal. He had just gotten a monetary reward from the king. He is about to go on a mission, and he would like to prepare himself. This is his first time in a high class store such as yours, Johnathan, so if you could show him around, that would be wonderful."

Micheal felt embarrassed at having Naomi take the lead, but he knew when to stay out of things he didn't understand. Johnathan walked towards Micheal, "Welcome, Micheal! What are you looking for?" Johnathan has never heard about Micheal before, but to be awarded by the king himself? Micheal must be an important person, and even if he's not, then he is now, after being awarded by the king himself! One has to know, he has been working here making high class equipment for nearly thirty years, most of which has been orders for the army or royalty, and not once has the king ever even spoken to him!

Micheal started, "I'm not really used to stores like this... But I'm looking for equipment, and ingredients to advance in step. I have some weapons in mind, but I'd like a professional like you to give me some recommendations, first.

Johnathan was glad, any chance to show off his most high class products was a welcome one! "Aha! I promise that you won't be dissatisfied with my products. As a proud Step 5 Technician, my products are best of the line! Let me show you my masterpieces."

'Masterpieces! This is just what I need! A simple spear of wood and stone can over double a person's combat strength and the L-Shaped Gun can even end those with higher level steps with ease!' With that thought, though, Micheal looked over Naomi. After all, a limit on what he could get wasn't set, but surely there must be one. If he had to give his opinion, his reward is being given in a rather unorganized way. Naomi nodded, but put a finger up and said, "Just one."

Micheal was lead into a backroom. Johnathan enthusiastically started speaking, "This is where I store my masterpieces! Well, not really masterpieces, It would be dangerous to work with something beyond my limits, but my highest quality items that I would make."

So, you want a melee weapon? Ranged? Perhaps you're a magic user that would like something to channel your powers through? Or perhaps something a little bit more special?

Micheal thought back to the scene of Julia getting demonstrated instantly by a gun. If he had a spear, and had to fight a person with a gun, he couldn't think of any way he could win! Even if he had a spear which inflicted the myriad disease and poison to an enemy upon scraping them, and was more durable than steel and resisted magic, what could he possibly do if someone just starts spraying him down with a gun!

Just in case, he asked, "Would any of your melee weapons be able to give one with a low step the power to defeat a regular man with a gun?"

"Ahahaha, that would be armor, not a melee weapon. Melee weapons can bridge the gap between the strong, but unless the weapon is truly legendary, a weakling wouldn't be able to defeat a man with a gun! The thing about a gun is that unlike swords or bows, they have a set strength which is harder to change, not relying as much on the user's strength! If you want to defend against guns, would you like to take a look at my armor collection?"

"Later." Micheal replied, as he made up his mind, he would buy a gun later! For now though, he could not waste this chance to get a great item. Even if it's not too useful now, one had to always plan for the future! "Can I see your collection of ranged weapons?" Micheal asked.

Johnathan was not discouraged seeing Micheals lack of interest over melee weapons, although he was confused over his questions. To garner the king's attention, he must be strong enough to defend against guns, is he planning on gifting the weapon? Unless he's not strong, but skilled…

Johnathan introduced plenty of amazing weapons which shocked Micheal. He also learned more about the world of the powerful. Weapons are only the beginning… magic weapons is where it's at! Through various ways, items can gain the powers of a Step! Scrolls which let anyone use a spell, or even amulets which purify evil!

'A bow which can convert strength to life force, chakrams which can be controlled mentally, blowpipes whose shots travel through the spirit realm and attack the soul, this is truly impressive! Just knowing weapons can be strong like this will benefit me in the future…'

At this moment, Johnathan pointed to two deep, black items. They had a strange shape, similar to a gun, but also not like one. Each one was much larger than a gun, and had much sharper edges than the guns he's seen before. On the sides were deep engravings, and a symbol on both sides placed upon a circular area. On the part facing outwards, was a javel. On the other side, was a balance scale being held up by a blindfolded man.

"This was my attempt at making a more unconventional weapon." Johnathan started, "It started with a thought, guns are the most powerful weapon uninfluenced by the powers of step holders. So, if I added mystical powers to one, surely it would be powerful beyond equal, right?"

'A gun with Step powers! THIS IS IT!' Micheal could barely contain his excitement. Johnathan continued, "Unfortunately, I was met with limited success. The very same thing that makes a gun powerful, limits its strength. The upgrades one could make were limited. Fortunately, as a Technician, I still had my ways. Each one can be fired up to six times before needing to reload, and the reload process is much easier than a flintlock. Due to the need to use ammo, the strength of the bullet couldn't be increased as much as I would like, however-"

"The main thing about these guns, is that these are guns that enforce your vision."

This was the part that left Micheal confused. "How so?" Micheal Inquired.

"Unlike people, on an item, you can mix powers from different pathways, with limits, of course. So, I went with a specific theme in mind. Enforcing your vision! Let me explain. With just a thought, as long as you know what this gun can do, and you're its user, you can trigger its special abilities, with limits, of course.

Judge. By using energy, it is possible to fire a bullet resistant to mystical powers. Whereas normally a strong person has countless ways to avoid or block the bullet, this helps cancel it out.

Law. You can make the area have a sort of law, similar to the law of gravity. Typically, they would be used to restrict your opponent, say they had magic, you could restrict the use of fireballs.

Weaken. You can weaken the effects of anything. A power, an attack, a concept, anything!"

"This is it! This is what I want!" Micheal said. Johnathan was instantly shocked! "This? But.. I had so many better items! Are you sure?"

"Indeed", Micheal Replied, "This is exactly what I need!"

"Ok then, let me pack it up for you." Johnathan continues, "So, you also wanted ingredients for a step up? What do you need?"

Micheal looked at Naomi, just in case, and seeing no response, he started, "I need a Wynn Frogs legs and tongue, an Adder octopus's brain, a clown heron's beak, 50 mg of ground energy stones, 100 mg of silver dust, and a vial of mercury."


Silence filled the room as a sudden realization dawned upon Johnathan. Those were the ingredients to advance to the Step 2 Trickster. It was such a low step that the ingredients were public information. This… combined with what Micheal asked earlier… Micheal is actually a Step 1 weakling? 'If he's that weak, he can't actually use the gun I made!' With that, Jonathan's laugh filled the room.


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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