
章節 40: Ministry Ball

Dorea tugged on Hadrian's bowtie as he studied himself in the mirror.

"There we go!", she said.

Hadrian smiled at his grandmother before asking, "Can we go now?"

Charlus peered his head through Hadrian's door, "My grandson is going to break young ladies' hearts, I can tell! He gets it from my family, you know. It's the Potter genes."

Dorea turned away from the mirror to face Charlus, hands on her hips, "He will not! You'll be a gentleman, won't you dear?"

She pinned Hadrian with her 'warning-glare', a patented stare indigenous to the Black family's women.

Hadrian nodded his head frantically, "Of course!"

Dorea smiled contentedly, 'Good. otherwise, my plans for you and Cyrus' daughter will fail...'

Charlus then sauntered over to Dorea, glancing at her lovingly as he did so.

"You look-", Charlus pecked her lips with a kiss, "-so beautiful."

"Even after all this time?", she asked, placing her head on Charlus' shoulder as they gently rocked side-to-side.


Hadrian cleared his throat suddenly, desperate to dispel the mushy atmosphere his grandparents had created, "Aren't we supposed to be leaving?".

Charlus groaned, "Yes, alright then. Let's leave..."

Dorea rolled her eyes, "Honestly, Charlus."

"If it wasn't mandatory for Wizengamot members to attend, I would be having a lie-in right now!", Charlus grumbled as he made his way out of Hadrian's room, and down the steps.

Hadrian stayed behind, glancing at himself once more.

He wore an expensive, black, Italian tuxedo. On top of the tux, Hadrian wore a silky, also black, robe. The robe hung from Hadrian's shoulders, down to his ankles. The rest of the outfit was accessorized with a silver watch and Hadrian's Potter and Black heir rings.

After making certain that he was looking as smart as possible, Hadrian hurried down the steps.

Korby was there, handing Charlus and Dorea their robes and receiving his nightly orders from Charlus. Much to Korby's disappointment, the order was for Korby to take the night off - since that's what they were doing.

"Please, Master. Mistress! Korby doesn't need a day off, it's fine-"

"Korby.", Dorea fixed Korby with a glare, "You will take the night off, and you will enjoy yourself."

Korby bowed and begrudgingly said, "Yes, Mistress. I will make sure to do double the work tomorrow too."


"That wasn't what I said...", Dorea sighed.

Charlus chuckled, "We expected this from the beginning, love. It's in their nature."

"I know that Charlus!", she snapped, "I've never liked the way our House-Elves were treated, even when I was a young girl. Goodness knows how Kreacher put up with my sister all those years..."

Charlus was about to respond, but Hadrian's approaching frame caught his eyes, "Finally! Our Heiress has arrived. You spent an awfully long time in there for a bloke."

Dorea slapped Charlus' arm.

Hadrian scowled at Charlus, before grabbing Dorea's arm, who briskly apparated him to the Ministry.

Charlus then promptly followed, a smile on his face as his body warped and contorted away.

The Black family landed in one of the apparition points exclusive to Wizengamot members, just in front of them, was a wide corridor that seemed to lead into the office.

The Security Auror glanced at Charlus and Dorea, greeted them with a nod, and began scanning them for any sort of identity altering potion or spell.

He then made them hand over their wands, before directing them to a gate that scanned them for any harmful objects. Once Charlus and Dorea had been cleared, they were handed back their wands.

It was then Hadrian's turn. The Auror looked at Hadrian and demanded, "Your wand, Heir Black."

Hadrian brought out his wand and handed it to the Auror. The Auror whistled appreciatively, "You've customized it.", he said as he looked at the golden, inscribed wand.

Hadrian shrugged as he walked through the gate, "I guess so."

The Auror then went to hand Hadrian his wand back, but Hadrian just continued walking in the direction of Charlus and Dorea.

"Heir Black! Your w-wand...?", The Auror stopped and looked at his hands confused, he was certain he was holding the Black heir's wand.

'No more Firewhiskey on the job.', he promised in his mind, as he shook his head to try and 'wake' himself up.

Hadrian smirked as he twirled the wand in his hands.

The Black Family eventually reached the Ballroom. There were two Aurors stationed at the door who nodded at the family as they walked through.

Hadrian had been to balls before, but most of them were in places like France and Italy. Whilst it was customary to bring your children to Ministry Balls, most of them would choose not to. They'd wait until their children had breached the age in which they would be attending Hogwarts before bringing them to a ball.

This occasion was more important for the young girls, they would spend most of their earlier years learning how to dance and greet people accordingly, so the Ministry Ball was a rite of passage. A way to show that they had 'graduated' from learning their womanly duties - at least when a Ball is concerned.

It was also a way for the Head of Houses to look at potential suitors for their heirs, taking into account the appearance and status of the one they want to marry their child off to.

However, there were families that tended to ignore this tradition and bring their children from an early age - not keen on training their children just so they could show them off in hopes of a marriage contract.

Immediately, upon entrance - camera flashes bombarded the Black Family, with most of them aimed at Hadrian's face.

Hadrian shielded his eyes, as Dorea held him by the shoulders and gently walked him to the table they would be seated at.

"This is our table, if you grow tired of dancing or talking to other people - just sit down here. It may not completely ward off the persistent ones, but it will dissuade them.", Dorea explained, "Your grandfather and I will be greeting important Ministry officials. Go look for your friends, or build connections with other heirs - just like we taught you."

Hadrian smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Dorea leaned down and kissed Hadrian's forehead. At the same time, Charlus outstretched his hand, ready to mess up Hadrian's hair.

Dorea slapped at his wrist, "No. It took a while to set his hair like that, I won't have you ruining it."

Charlus pouted, before winking at Hadrian and whisking her away to meet the 'All-Important Ministry Officials'.

Hadrian stood up and looked for his friends or any potential friends.

After meandering around the room for a minute, Hadrian came across a small group of children who looked to be Hadrian's age.

There were two twin girls with brown complexions, a redheaded girl with fair skin, and a dark-skinned boy with short hair.

Hadrian walked over to the twin girls first, "Hello there, do you mind if I take this chair? I don't feel very comfortable sitting with old men and women..."

The girls giggled into their hands, before shaking their heads, "It's fine, I wouldn't wish that on anyone!", one of the girls exclaimed.

"It's fine by me, too.", said the other.

Hadrian looked at the other two, who smiled and nodded at Hadrian.

"Thank you. Pardon me for not asking earlier, your names are...?"

"-Parvarti Patil.", she said as she brought her hand out for Hadrian to shake it. Hadrian shook his head, turned her hand so the back was facing Hadrian, and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles.

Parvarti smiled sheepishly, as her face reddened slightly, which gave her pretty, bronze skin a reddish tint.

"-And I'm Padma Patil."

"Hadrian Black.", he said as he repeated the same greeting.

"We know.", The dark-skinned boy said.

Hadrian smirked slightly, before asking for his name.

"Blaise Zabini. Daphne and Theo speak very highly of you.", The boy responded.

"-Duh!", the pale, redheaded girl blurted out.

"And you are...?"

"Susan Bones.", she replied, her face pink with embarrassment.

"You're related to Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Law Enforcement.", Hadrian remarked.

The girl nodded her head glumly, "Yeah. Not really fun since it means that all the old men and women that you're trying to avoid, love coming over to talk to 'The Great Amelia Bones' Niece'."

Blaise snorted, "Here's one coming over now."

Hadrian turned around to look where Blaise was facing. Behind them was a man with an absurdly long beard and bright pink robes with moving crescent moons spinning around his torso in a circling motion.

Hadrian's face became dark and steely, whilst still maintaining an indifferent gaze. The others hadn't noticed, they were to captivated by the Headmaster's presence; and the robes didn't help either.

"Ah, Young Hadrian. It has been a very, very long time since I last saw you in person. I am glad to note that you have grown quite magnificently.", Albus said, pointing his twinkling eyes at Hadrian.

"It has been a long time, what a shame.", Hadrian dryly replied. 'A shame that it wasn't longer.', he added in his thoughts.

Albus then turned to address the others at the table, "Ah, Miss Patil and Patil, Miss Bones, Mr. Zabini. Enjoying your evening?".

"Yes, Headmaster.", The girls responded, whilst Blaise gave a single nod in affirmation.


"Ah-hem.", a small toad-like woman, coughed - causing the table's attention to pivot to her and her hideous sweater. She stood beside Minister Fudge and Hadrian's grandparents.

"Dumbledore! I see you are making yourself acquainted with Hadrian! I don't blame you.", he said as he prowled over to Hadrian and grabbed Hadrian's hand - shaking it emphatically, "We were just talking about you, dear boy! Your exploits with the Nundu Cub and protecting the other Uagadou students are very impressive for one so young."

Hadrian looked at Charlus and Dorea for help, who swiftly came to the rescue.

"I think we should leave the children to their antics, not talk about magical beast subjugation.", Charlus said as he grasped the Minister's shoulder.

"Nonsense!", the man shook his pudgy head, "He should be rewarded!"

"Actually, Minister. Don't you think he should come to Hogwarts now?", Dumbledore interjected, "I'm sure that's what the public would want. The talented, brave, Hadrian Black at Hogwarts - where he belongs, hm?"

Dorea stared icily at Dumbledore, "Hadrian doesn't 'belong' anywhere. He'll choose to attend whatever school he chooses."

"An Heir to two Ancient and Most Noble Houses, studying in a school other than Hogwarts?", the pink-sweater toad woman interrupted, "Are you...ashamed of your heritage?!"

"Dolores, that's enough.", Fudge pierced her with a menacing look which made the woman purse her lips tightly, only giving a short nod as a response.

The small gathering had attracted the attention of many the room's inhabitants, Dolores' shout alerted them that some sort of confrontation was happening.

"We can not force you to attend Hogwarts, but I hope that someday - we'll see you where you belong.", Fudge finished with a wink, as he went off to talk to other guests - his pet pink toad followed keenly behind.

"Charlus, Dorea. You must see reason.", Dumbledore implored them, a moment after Fudge had left, "It is clearly not safe for Hadrian to attend Uagadou."

"It isn't safe for me to attend Hogwarts either.", Hadrian inserted, "I mean, at least the Nundu was in an area separate to the school - whereas you had a Troll directly within your castle walls."

Dumbledore frowned, "It was...dealt with easily. There were no deaths, or casualties - unlike the incident you were involved in."

"Enough!", Dorea hissed. "You will not tell me what to do, it is below your station, you merely hold sway over political and schooling matters. Both of which, Hadrian requires no help with - least of all from you."

Charlus took Hadrian by the arms and started making his way back to their table. Hadrian looked back, the small group of children Hadrian was in the midst of making friends with, looked at him with bewildered expressions.

'Great.', Hadrian scowled, 'Meddling old man, always ruining things!'

Lost in his irritation, Hadrian failed to notice the small girl who knocked into his knees.

"Oof!-", the girl said as latched onto Hadrian.

"Oh, sorry-", Hadrian began but stopped after he saw the child that had bumped into him.

The child had blue hair and violet eyes. However, upon seeing Hadrian, her straight blue hair transformed into black, wavy locks, and her violet eyes adjusted to a deep, emerald green color.

Hadrian immediately recognized who she was, it was his sister!

His face remained locked with hers, until a shout brought him out of the staring contest, "Ophelia! Where are - Oh..."

The shout had emanated from her mother, Lily Potter.

It had been years since Lily had seen her son in person, so it was understandable when her eyes began to gloss over as tears welled within her familiar green eyes.

"Harr-... Hadrian...", she began.

Dorea emerged from behind Hadrian, she swiftly grabbed the young girl and stared at her longingly for a moment. She then placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, before walking over to Lily slowly.

Dorea wordlessly handed the child over to Lily, before walking back to Hadrian and Charlus.

They both noted the solemn tear that fell down her cheek, the tear that stemmed from her long-awaited meeting with her granddaughter. The tear that stemmed from how short the meeting had been.

And they knew then, that the ball was over for Potter-Black Family.

Over before it even began.


READ THIS: Things to address!


First of all, my absence. The internet was down for a week, and I had no other way to post chapters or respond to comments. Please note that if something like this does happen again, It would never mean that I have dropped the story. If I ever drop or take a break, I will always notify you in the author's note on the latest chapter.


To make it up to you guys, I will be doing 1 chapter every day, for one week - starting next week.


Second of all, I have started a Disc Server! Make sure to join, It will be the best way to show you support for the story! Here is the link: https://discord.gg/xAwFaGr

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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