83.47% Perfect Revenge: Mommy turned into The Villainess / Chapter 94: Flashbacks, the wounds of the past 5

章節 94: Flashbacks, the wounds of the past 5

Seven Years ago:

"It was fabricated, Angel! Fabricated!" Noah yelled at the top of his lungs, tossing all the things off his desk onto the floor.

Angel flinched when he saw the result of the investigation on the floor.

"I know, and I'm so sorry."

"You know who you should apologize to? Adriana!"

"I know."

"Well, guess what? She's dead! Thinking that we all hated her, thinking that we would never believe her words! How many times did I tell you to fact check it? And now a month after her death you come and tell me it was all fabricated? Find out what happened. NOW!"


When Noah woke up from his nap, he realized his nightmares were back.

All of those tormenting days, as he found out the reason for their divorce, was all a lie.

That Adriana had not aborted their child, that she did not try to kill his sister (something he never believed anyway), and that she did not love another man.

He could still remember how much his heart stung.

She was claiming to love another man when she had whispered lovely things in his ear just days before! How could he believe that?

He looked at his sister's missed calls and messages with a sigh.


While Noah tried to suppress his urge to see Adriana, Kimberly was in front of Adriana's bed.

Unlike everyone else who knew bits and pieces of the past, she knew nothing at all.

Not even the fact that Adriana was accused of trying to poison her. She never heard a single whisper about.

Noah was too protective of his wife, and he made sure to have the matter investigated properly. With his threats on everyone, people had no choice but to remain quiet and pretend that nothing had happened.

It was quite simple for him to conceal the matter since only the people who attended their wedding knew about it. This included, family friends from his mother and father's that he could not deny the invitations to despite his efforts to only keep people close to them at their reception.

All of these things were pieces of a puzzle, that Kimberly had to watch, waiting for it to form.

She did not know what happened. All she could remember were fights and separation until Noah and Adriana divorced. After that Noah did his best to find her, but he could never.

As he tried to get in contact with her and talk things out, he would isolate himself even from her.

A few months later they found out she was dead, and it was too late.

Since she had requested not getting a funeral, everyone had reunited in a beach house in Adriana's name.

Everyone who knew her, all her friends were there, and that's how they bid her a last goodbye. Adriana didn't want a funeral. She had mentioned her ashes placed in a tree, but there were no ashes to bury, and so they planted a tree together in her honor.

Visiting their loved ones who had left this world, was something she and Noah did together all the time. Every day the day of their death repeated, she and Noah would leave some flowers and talk to them, tell stories of how they have been.

They would do this with her mother and Noah's aunt. She hoped they could do the same for Adriana, but her brother never did.

She was aware he would visit the tree on his own a few times, but she stopped requesting to go together because she understood it wasn't something he could openly share with her.

Looking at the woman she thought was dead long ago, was still shocking every time.

Seeing her sleeping peacefully, she walked out gaining a glare from the guards.

They locked the door and refused to move from then on.

"She's still asleep." She told Cristy.

"I win, my brother won't come."

"Then why do you look so disappointed in that?" Cristy asked, watching her take a seat in front of her.

"Maybe, I hoped he could have a taste of happiness again. Seeing him suffer alone these years was painful for me. The brother I knew changed, and I did my best to remind him of the good parts of life. And I tried to act like things would be okay, but I myself couldn't accept the fact she was dead."

"I mean, there was nobody found, I had teams searching for a month straight. No clues, except the reports telling me the current had taken her body away. And now I find out that she was pregnant during that time. How many months? Eight? Imagine that…." Kimberly lowered her head in shame.

She could have done better.

She should have.

"It's not your fault. Adriana did not want to be found. I didn't even get in contact with her until James was 3 months old. If what she experienced, wasn't bad enough, she thought her baby girl was dead. Thanks to our continued insistence we got the truth out from the doctor who treated her, and since then she never stopped trying to find her girl." Cristy told her.

"I've never seen her happier, than when she had both her children together in one place. To be honest, meeting you and telling you the truth is probably what has lifted the weight on her shoulders a bit."

"What do you mean?" Kimberly asked.

"Well, knowing the people she cares about to think she's dead was a weight on her. But she didn't want to show up in front of you because she didn't believe herself strong enough." Cristy explained.


A few minutes of silence followed.

"I don't know what side to take."

"Sides?" Cristy frowned.

Did Kimberly think they are sides to this? There was obviously one right "side" to take and that was none.

From her analysis, everyone was at fault, and everyone got hurt. Mostly, Adriana.

"No, I know that it's just…. I don't know whether to be mad at my brother for not trying hard enough or at her for never giving my brother an explanation."

"You want me to tell you what side I'm on?"

Kimberly nodded and looked up at her.

"Everyone was at fault, everyone played a part in why things are the way they are right now. Everyone was blind and made mistakes. It is something none of us can change and can only regret. Adriana, Noah, everyone was in the wrong. Butt things only went wrong because of that little-" Before she could start cursing Briana, Cristy turned to the door of the ward, which was opening.

'Yes, I'm obviously the one who knows the full truth of the past. Because in this world, I will always be someone she can trust.'

Cristy did not trust these 'pawns' of Adriana. She didn't think their regret for the past was enough for Adriana to trust them. But she wasn't worried, because she knew if any of them betrayed her or broke her trust Adriana would quickly solve it.

Knowing her, Adriana probably has backup plans the backup plans and calculations on what would happen if someone betrays her, and also how she would solve it.

Anyway, in Cristy's head there was only one solution, 'You. Betray. Her. You. Die.'

And of course, Cristy did not trust anyone, not Sanders, not Kimberly, not Bryan, not Olivia, and most definitely not Simon.

A small smile appeared on her lips, seeing Adriana again.

She looked better and that made her sigh in relief.

"Let the doctors in," Adriana ordered and then walked back inside.


Adriana spent 5 days in the hospital recuperating.

It was difficult to watch her twin's expressions every time they walked into her ward. They hated seeing her this way. It was the very reason James had traveled from Paris to New York when he heard she was sick.

The last time they saw her in the hospital she had fainted from overworking, and this time she had given the same excuse and not revealed the truth.

On the fifth day, the last time she saw Sanders, Adriana was especially annoyed.

"What do you need?" She asked.

"Nothing much, just wondering why high society is very positive the Brooklyns and the Prestons will have a political marriage soon."

"Just let it be, they won't actually get married. Once the rumors are proven wrong, you can make your move." Adriana answered.

"Okay." He then took a seat on the couch on her ward, watching her pack her clothes.

"Why are you still here?" She asked.

"You still love him, don't you?" His bright green eyes stared at her as if he was looking into her soul, and he ran his hair through his blonde hair.

He then exhaled sharply.

"Since when do we discuss such matters?"

"We haven't in a long time, but I'm curious." He narrowed his eyes at her.

"I'm not taking you seriously when you're dressed like Ken the doll," Adriana replied, zipping her bag close and pouring some cold water for herself.

"It's a disguise, shut up."


He stood up and walked up behind her, placing his hand on the table and not allowing her to move away from him.

"Did you love him when I was courting you?"

Was this man serious? There was only one person that could corner her like, this and whisper in her ear! And it was definitely not him.

Adriana's lips curled upwards, and she burst into a round of laughter.

Using her empty cup, she slammed it in his hand and walked away from him.

He glared at her in response, taking a step back.

"You were courting me? Thomas Sanders, you were courting me? I'm sorry, why didn't I get the memo?" Adriana asked sarcastically, calling him by his real full name.

"I'm not joking. Answer me."

"I did. Every single second, I spent with you. I loved him." Adriana responded indifferently.

His lips twitched and placed his hands in his pockets.

"Do me a favor, don't speak as if we had a romance going on. The only positive feeling I ever had towards you was an alliance and common interest. When you were 'courting' me, I was detailing my plan to use you and get rid of you. So don't get too full of yourself."

Courting? The time she was him was spent in training? What romance blossomed that she was not informed about? And this man clearly does not love her romanticly, he's just obsessed with how she's his perfect ally and partner.

If Sanders had to look for a perfect wife the first person he would turn to was Adriana. And once she did that she would literally cut him into slices and feed him to the animals in the pacific.

"Fine, I won't." He laughed, not bothered by her words at all.

"Even if your heart is not with me, it won't matter at the end of the day. I hope you don't hesitate when the time comes." He patted her shoulder and walked past her.

"Sanders, for a second have you ever taken a minute to listen to yourself? Don't involve your feelings or mine in this. We are professional partners, so act like it."

He didn't respond to her words and neither did he care. Sanders never did, he only saw her as someone profitable.

And he never let a profitable situation slip through his hands.

Realizing he was FINALLY gone, Adriana exhaled.

She opened her fists and placed her hand on his neck, which she was imagining.

"I just want to…." She then wrapped her fingers elegantly around the imaginary neck of his.

Hearing the door open again, she turned around.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Was that who I think it is?" Cristy asked, cringing.


"If I see him again I will probably choke him." She scowled.

"Precisely!" Adriana nodded, agreeing with her 100%.

Even if Cristy wasn't very aware of the allegiance Sanders and Adriana had, she never liked Sanders, for every time he showed up he would say things and give her a vibe that made her uncomfortable.

She and Cristy had the worst impression Sanders could give them.

"Anyway, we should go." Cristy helped her pick up her things and added, "The kids are waiting at home."

"Okay, I just need to make a call." Adriana smiled and after the call, she followed Cristy outside.


New York, 3 pm:

"Father, why are you suddenly pushing for an engagement?" Briana asked, taking a sip from her coffee.

"Because I want the best for you. And he's the best husband you can find, don't worry, this marriage will definitely succeed. I have given his father the best offer he can't resist." Her father assured her.

Briana smiled contently, but she was not at all happy.

Not only did she feel something amiss about this, but she was still in the aftershock of her mother's truth.

"Well, I'm happy to have come visited you but I have to return dad. I have to continue working on the Milton project, I will go inspect the new mall we built in Albany." She informed him.

"Will you leave right away?" He asked her.

"Yes, it's important."

"Be back for the family dinner. We still have to discuss the engagement details with the Prestons." Her father minded her.

"Oh... yes right." Briana smiled stiffly.

Adriana calculated wrong. She thought Briana would be too busy with her fantasies in marrying Noah, that she would forget about her mother temporarily.

She thought if she had Briana wrapped around in a fantasy she could surprise her with another attack about her family's true nature and then permanently erase all possibilities of an engagement between her and Noah. Adriana expected this to work in the following way: This part of her plan will cause distrust in Briana's heart for her family, her emotions would cloud her to make impulsive decisions which Adriana would offer her. Soon enough she would be so broken and weak that Adriana would push her to a further corner by taking away every single person she loves.

And when thought that she had Noah by her side, she would break her illusion and make her realize she will never get what she's been so patiently waiting for.

Adriana knew Noah only considered this woman as a younger sister, as a friend. And even if his emotions were to change someday, she would never give Briana what she wants. Never.

It was so thrilling, Adriana could not wait to see Briana's anticipation for this engagement to play out. Only to get her heart crushed by reality!

And could Briana really blame her? Adriana was just returning the favor she gave her those years ago!

Unfortunately, Adriana was partly wrong and was too focused on Briana's supposed obsession with Noah.

Briana wasn't obsessed, she just wanted the person she loves to love her back, and forcing him into a marriage like this would just separate them more, which is why she would not allow it to happen.

She did not want to win Noah this way; they were all ready to apart from off now, because of the hypnosis incident. So instead she texted Noah her father's plans and when she saw how relieved Noah was that she willingly explained it all to him, she smiled.

They set up a time to meet and discuss how they would stop their parents from pressuring them into marriage.

Now, this is how she would gain his trust again.

This was something Adriana had miscalculated, so she did not expect Briana to value Noah's trust more than a chance at marrying him.

It this failed calculation which Adriana would regret later on.

Anyway, despite this failure Adriana was yet to know about it, she had something else planned.

Angel's job was done.

He had shown Briana that he would no longer follow her every order and that he did not support her and Noah anymore. His second last task was to give her the exact time and date Briana would visit her father's office and leave it.

His task had to be precise and perfect. Thankfully, he did not fail her.

Angel had indeed done as he was asked, and thus, her plan was executed properly.

Briana walked out of her father's office and bumped into the delivery man, taking a package up to her father's office.

She frowned when she recognized the strange spot, the name of the person it was being delivered to was placed.

She immediately recognized the same placement as the box she received earlier. Something told her whatever was inside would not be good.

Maybe she was being paranoid, but she needed to be careful.

"Wait! My father told me to take this package home."

"Miss, I can't do that-"

"Excuse me? My father wants me to take the package home. End of story, so now deliver whatever else you need to deliver." She glared at him and snatched the medium-sized box from his hand.

Feeling its lightweight, she sighed in relief.

The delivery man walked back down to pick up his other packages when he was stopped by Angel.

"Thank you, here as promised." Angel then opened his wallet and paid him the money.

"Thank you, sir." The delivery man then walked away.

Angel followed Briana out of the building and watched her enter her car. He watched her open the package in a rush and he smirked.

"The package has been delivered successfully." He reported.

"Good. Proceed to complete your final task." Adriana replied.

"And after that?"

"You will no longer be of use to me. Which means you're free to go Angel." Adriana replied in an indifferent tone and then hung up.

Angel sighed and closed his eyes.

Despite working for her, he didn't feel any forgiveness from her and neither did it make him feel like he had made up for his past mistakes.

And even if he did, he was nothing but a pawn to her. Their friendship was over the day he ended it.

The only reason she trusted him with her children's existence and the fact she's alive was that she trusted his guilty conscience.

Not for him, not for his desire to make it up to her, not for forgiveness, but because she knew he was guilty.

She was a judge, and he himself had pleaded guilty in front of her.

And now that his sentence was over, it left him with emptiness and a disturbing nothingness. He didn't know what to do anymore.

Where would he go and what would he do after his final task?

Her cold words made him realize something! How could he not see it earlier? He laughed, finally following along with her game.

He was sure other prawns after him would end up the same. One by one they would confess their truths to Noah and go on about their lives with the same feeling of not having accomplished anything.

The feeling of not achieving redemption or forgiveness.

Such crafty revenge!

He could not be more proud of how she calculated his very feelings at this moment.


Mass release goal for this week:

Chapters: 6

Power stones: 200+

lizmorgan lizmorgan

The flashbacks will stop here, for now.

There is yet more to reveal about the past. Btw, I'm sure you will be interested in knowing about the car accident and how Adriana lost Aria right?

The first volume of this novel will come to a close soon. I promise the second volume will be filled with more thrill, secrets, and discoveries.

And yes, cute adorable fluff from our precious twins

And maybe some steamy romance ;)

Stays safe~

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