Both teens who entered the kitchen had sickly pale white skin, however what set the pair apart was that the male had black hair and green eyes.
Whilst the other was a girl with greenish-black hair and green eyes that looked like venom.
As Marcus suspected to his chagrin, the delinquent transfers would now be here to eat given that they would love to cause some trouble wherever they went.
Not that Marcus could blame them since they were openly hated and scorned just for being who they were.
Despite being Dark Dwellers Marcus did have some appreciation for them.
Even if they did pester Anberine for things that were at times deemed inappropriate.
On the other hand, they often did talk to her and saw her as one of their own hence they were slightly more open to the pair than others would dare to try.
Since the beginning of last year the king had only permitted six to enter the school and ever since it had been chaos.
Some popular nobles had tried to rattle the newly dubbed delinquents since their first day of school, mostly thanks to the prank they directed at the nobles. This in turn caused the nobles to be forced out of their dorms due to a spell that had gone wrong.
In truth it had been the nobles' fault for provoking it and as a result their principle- the king had informed the students to behave and not to cause fights to break out inside the school again.
Some students thanks to the warning had avoided the delinquent Dark Dwellers, while some still continued to make jeering remarks resulting in unfriendly replies.
Four of the delinquents after seeing Anberine practicing magic had soon taken an interest in the young girl.
This soon encouraged them to speak to the timid girl, while the other Dark Dwellers remained aloof as they didn't want to get involved with Light Dwellers.
That was until they saw her being bullied and quickly got involved without hesitation.
As expected the king had enforced stricter rules thanks to the stunts, which as expected been bent by the nobles who had taken it upon themselves to work around them.
Annoyed the Dark Dwellers would often- if they were in the area give 'friendly' warnings on the fact they weren't afraid to skirt around the rules if they were being provoked.
Months had passed and it was still tense when the group entered various areas.
"Can't I get an apple? I'm starving over here" the girl said bluntly as she munched on a green apple before pausing.
Her eyes immediately took in the state Anberine was in, horrified she almost dropped the apple in shock.
"What happened to you?" she cried as her voice went up a pitch, the boy beside her who had grabbed a red apple frowned as he stared at the helpless girl's look.
"Snobs" the boy muttered under his breath before flicking his wrist. A light breeze surrounded Anberine as the group watched the dirty clothes to become clean once more just as the cook finished cleaning Anberine's eyes.
Slowly opening her eyes, she winced from the strong light and closed them again quickly before groaning.
"Easy Anbery" the girl said softly as she placed a lock of hair behind Anberine's ear. It truly distressed the girl at how her friend could go through this and without any justification.
"Honestly what a pack of snobs! They're so disrespectful to us, but when it comes to their own..." the girl growled as she knelt down to lift Anberine's head lightly so she could see the damage, she bit her lip at how red Anberine's eyes were.
"It was the prince as usual" Marcus explained dryly resulting in the other male shooting a look at him, the girl's eyes however turned slit-like resembling a snake thanks to her magic.
"What a pig!" the girl snapped as she took a new towel after placing her apple on a spare plate to the cook's annoyance who had said nothing as she saw that the girl was trying to help Anberine.
"Why do you allow this? Surely you have spells and potions that would teach him a lesson or two" the annoyed said as she huffed heavily showing how frustrated she was about the whole situation. It was always one thing or another with that prince, clearly he had some vendetta against their friend.
"Well, Helga you should know that using spells and potions on a student is against the rules and you will be punished severely depending on how bad the action is. You could either be expelled, imprisoned or worse. Especially when it's directed at the nobles" the cook said flatly as she grabbed another tray of food.
"I'm leaving some food here for you to eat young lady, eat it before I come back" she said softly before leaving the four to their own devices. Anberine looked at the cook with half-open eyes, a sad small smile formed on her face before it vanished completely.
"What idiotic snobs! I can't wait until one day they get their just deserts!" Helga muttered as she finished her apple.
"Oh and Anberine I need help with my core history again" Helga added causing the trio to frown at her, seeing this she shrugged and began munching on her apple once more. Not caring that she was being loud with her eating.
"There are times I wonder about you Helga" the pale boy said weakly as he sighed wearily from her attitude, hearing this caused her to see red.
"Shut up Gawain! I was just saying that I needed help so don't go judging me" Helga spat as she looked away grudgingly, her long greenish-black hair now flicked behind her head before she waved her hand.
Now becoming fed up with how it was blocking her view she moved her fingers in a circular motion. Soon her hair began to tie itself up thanks to a red ribbon that flew out from her pocket.
Thank you for reading, have a lovely day