Sorry guys for not updating in so long just got busy with life I'm about to graduate university soon so really hectic.
Another update coming soon!!
Byeol woke up at 5:00am to the sound of her alarm. It was time for her and Taehyung to get ready. Although they had to leave separately as to not arouse suspicion. She took a shower and got ready, waking up Taehyung.
"Taehyung-ah, wake up." She whispered soflty in his ear as he stirred over due to her breath tickling his ear.
"Mmm..." He groaned as he put the blanket over his head.
She immediately pulled the blanket off with hulk like strength poor taehyyng got not even think to resist. "Wake up before I force you to do a icebucket challenge right now." She shouted at him in an Authoritative mom voice. Taehyung shot up immediately at lightning speed saluting her with a firm "Yes Ma'm!" Then he proceeded to run towards the bathroom the sound of the shower turning on seconds later. She sighed at his antics and couldn't help smiling. If mornings were like this now when they are engaged, what would It be like during marriage? She went to prepare breakfast for him taking out his favorite Japchae she had made before hand from the fridge and making some rice in the rice cooker. She fried some eggs to go with it and soon Taehyungs favorite dishes were set out on her table for him. He walked out the shower hair still a little wet at the ends and smiled widely at seeing the Japchae at the table. "Wow yeobo, you know me so well." She blushed hard hearing him call her Yeobo so naturally. "Come sit down we have to eat quickly to get to work on time." He sat down without having to tell him twice and literally vacuumed the japchae and rice into his mouth. "Are you heading to the dorms first?" He shared his head, swallowing the last bite of the food before answering, "no I told the boys I'll meet them there." She nodded "that's better, that way we won't be late to reach the rehearsals before the concert." He agreed picking up the dishes and heading to the kitchen to wash them. She headed to the room to get his phone and wallet and her stuff to before heading out. He had put his coat and disguise on already and handed the coat to her while she traded it with his wallet and phone. "You coming with me or taking a cab?" She questioned wondering how he would get there. He grinned "why you offering?" She narrowed her eyes, "no you know it's to dangerous to go there together right?" He laughed "I'm joking, I'll call an uber, see you there yeobo." He leaned in to kiss her and then headed out the door. She went to the underground building parking lot to her car and saw him waiting for the taxi outside. He smiled and waved at her enthusiastically she laughed at his antics, "yeobo Hwaiting for today's concert!" His grin spread form ear to ear, "thanks you too!" He shouted back before suddenly pausing, "did you just call me yeobo?!" She laughed at his Jungshook expression rolling the window up as she drove off. Taehyung git over the shock when the Uber arrived. He sat in the car thinking the entire ride about her calling him yeobo and smiling slightly. The Uber driver had already guessed he was man that was in love looking at his expression through the rear view mirror.
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