The palace's 2nd level window was open and through it a beautiful woman was peaking through. "Ah!" After spotting the blood that flowed like a river, the scene caused her to shriek.
In mid air Persian Prince's expression changed.
Mud yellow energy waves immediately engulfed the palace. Simultaneously, the waves wrapped itself around the white robed Torqe and the lady that was hiding in the palace, dragging them into mid air.
"Speak, what happened?" Persian Prince looked at the two, filled with rage.
"This, this, this…"That beautiful lady's face was pale. However, Torqe only shook his head. "I don't know. I just know that a black silhouette appeared suddenly, and after that I saw these over 300 people use their own weapons to kill themselves. And the family leader was taken away."
Persian Prince looked at the lady.