50.7% Tourn / Chapter 36: Trial

章節 36: Trial

"I'm kind of surprised." John said.

"What do you mean?" Hunter said his eyes still glowing and he was clearly on guard.

"You protected me." I answered for them. My u come and John smiled.

"Exactly." John said.

"The entire point wasn't to judge how strong you are, we don't really care about that or score all that much. What we care about is if Megan and you are both in danger at the same time are you only going to worry about the fact that you are in danger or are you going to protect Megan, in your case you can do both." My uncle explained.

"We just want to make sure you aren't putting her in danger that you aren't going to try and protect her from." John explained.

"Since moms gone now, please promise not to tell her about anything you have found out or that I'm going to tell you."

"Ok I won't say anything, what about you John."

"I won't either, there isn't any point in telling your mother something that she can't fix and is only going to worry about." John said. I looked at Hunter and then back at my uncles.

"Well ummm, the things is Hunter knows."

"He knows what?" My uncle asked. Him and John both still looked confused.

"That I don't actually need protection." I said they still looked confused.

"I know she has abilities, she's an elemental right?"

"How do and why do you know?" My uncle looked ready to snap.

"Well... we kinda kissed and I kinda used them on him by accident." I explained.

"Yeah she kind used a wind to pick me up into the air then drop me."

"Yeah... then we went out last night and I kinda lost control again. Except this time I tried to get away and I got into the water and swam far out so Hunter and everyone else would prolly be out of range but hunter realized I went into the water and how cold it was and then went after me. I made the earth shake and it through him out of the water. I also had an entire water tornado and the wind picked up really strong along with the minor earthquake I might of started."

"Yeah I was pissed, I hadn't really put two and two together and realized Megan actually had abilities so I stayed thinking I needed to get into the water to find her and I was gonna have to fight someone to do so but it was just a Megs."

My uncle and Johns face were pale, almost like they had seen a ghost. They looked at each other I knew I wasn't supposed to use my abilities and it was supposed to be bad that I did but using my abilities really didn't seem that bad.

"Okay do you know she's and elite then and you figured out she was an elemental and I'm sure you noticed how different her eyes glow." John said.

"Yeah I was actually wondering about that, I haven't ever seen someone with elemental powers because it's super rare and I also haven't ever seen anyone's eyes glowing white."

"Well there's a reason for that."

"John no, she doesn't want her to know and it's her place to tell her."

"She won't ever tell her, it's not protecting her for her to not know anymore and it barely was to begin with. That's why your brother brought her to me to train when her abilities started to show."

"John is right, we all knew a day would come when u would find out or we would have to tell you. John isn't just some friend of me and my brothers. My brother loved you with all his heart as do I and we have all raised you as our own because well for a long tim we weren't actually sure who's you were. We had all seen pieces of ourselves in you but after your abilities started to show we knew. John is your biological father, it's the only way you are this powerful."

"What do you mean."

"Your mother and us were all very close when we were in high school and all of us loved her, and there was a few times we all slept with her. The deal we had all made with each other is we would all stay friends and no grudges would be held but whoever's kid she had would be who she would marry. We didn't really know how the world worked back then. We all slept with her on the same time minutes apart one week each month for 5 months until she became pregnant. During your mother's pregnancy your uncle found out he had a child of his own with an ex, so he married her to raise the child that he knew was his blood. I also figured out how the world worked and that being a high-tier meant I couldn't ever marry her since she is a low-tier and the lowest you can possibly be. That left her for your father, he won without even knowing who child it was and after that we felt no need to test you to find out, because even if you weren't it wouldn't be able to change the outcome. We also found out your mother had been taking supplements and injections so her child would have less of her genes as it would be more evenly mixed, instead it took all our abilities and mixed them together giving you elemental abilities and the different color eyes, the drugs effected your birth. When you finally came you were 2 or 3 months earlier than expected, you we're dying though and due to complications your mother was dying as well. I got you and your mother sent to an elite hospital in a helicopter since it was faster. Megs you died after arrival and they brought you back. The drugs your mother took to make it so you might have a higher score out you at risk and caused you to died, within the first month of your life the doctors had already brought you back 5 times and tired may different medications to keep you alive and to allow you to finish growing outside of your mother womb. After that your eyes always began to glow white when you were in pain, you stopped yourself from dying by making the liquids and drugs move through your body faster and being able to warm yourself when you started to get cold and you were able to make yourself take in more air when you had problems breathing. The drugs and medication had already effected you though, after you finished your growth you were still small but you learned things faster than an average child and you were faster and stronger. You were running at a speed that made your parents struggle to catch you when you were only a less than a year old and you were speaking a month after leaving the hospital. I had know you used abilities to save yourself and so did the doctors but I paid them to keep it to themselves. Nobody else knew until I confessed to it once you started showing you 3rd grade. We had all raised you up until then and we all agreed to continue to as it was what was best for you and you have pieces of all of our DNA in you." John explained.

"My brother was always smarter than everyone else and faster, he picked up on everything quickly and at a young age my parents and the doctors believe he might have speed as his ability. I was always stronger and tougher than everyone and I healed quickly. Those are traits you got from us and my daughter was 5 years older than you were and she died right around when we found out about your abilities. You became my daughter after she died and the last that has any of my blood and traits. Your mother almost died but the hospital saved her but as a result of what she had done she could not longer ever be able to have a child again. Your mother never wanted you to find this out, honestly none of us really did but we all knew that one day you would probably figure out that my brother wasn't your father on your own because of your score and abilities. Although technically we all were since our DNA fused together because of the drugs and it took the best characteristic from all of us to create you. This has been a secret all of us had to hold for a very long time. That's why we never wanted you to get tested to find your score and why it was such a big deal that you didn't show anyone your abilities, because your not like anyone." My uncle finished Johns explanation. Then he continued "Hunter, you know her secret and I promise you we will both do everything in our power to destroy you if you tell a soul. Megan you are strong but you can't control you abilities and you might not completely realize it but you do need someone to protect you and I hope Hunter doesn't fail you."

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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