8% Travelers Chronicle / Chapter 2: Hawk Direveil (1)

章節 2: Hawk Direveil (1)

I woke up with a splitting headache. What the hell did I drink last night? Wait, I was in the middle of the Amazon rain forest. I just remembered that yesterday I hurt my leg, was all that temple and weird archway stuff just a fever dream? Damn I have one hell of an imagination...why am I laying on a hard floor?

My eyes flew open, I was in a large white marble room. The entire room seemed to give off an ethereal white glow. Where the hell am I? As my eyes wondered across the mostly empty room, they came across a large white throne twenty feet in front of me. Lazily sitting sideways on the throne with their legs hanging over the arm of the throne was a middle-aged male figure. He was wearing some type of loose white billowy pants, and a white tunic with gold stitching. He had long golden hair that would hang down to the middle of his back, short and neatly trimmed beard adorned his face. And in his lap he was reading a book. He seemed to not even notice me laying on the floor. I sat up but all the figure did was flip a page in his book.

I was completely stupefied, was I in some fever induced dream or hallucination or did I die? And if I am dead, they really did not due god justice. They usually depict him as some old dude, this guy looks a healthy early forties. But seriously is he just going to keep reading his book instead of telling me what the hell is going on? I finally stand up and slowly start walking towards him. The soles of my hiking boots striking loudly against the shiny white marble flooring. Each footstep echoing loudly in my ears, almost unbearably loud.

As I approached the figure, he still did not acknowledge me, he just flipped to the next page in his book. This was really starting to get to me, who is this dude? "Hello?" I questioned towards him. He just held one finger up to silence me. This guy just shushed me!

It seemed to only take him a minute before he threw his book up and with one fluid motion went from lounging to standing straight up and his face showed wide pale gold eyes wide open in shock.

"Who are you? And where the hell did you come from?!" He yelled at me. His voice was quite impressive as it boomed throughout the room.

<You have received 15 points of sonic damage>

"What is this?!" I calmly yelled like twelve-year-old girl as this calm female voice sounded in my head. it also didn't help that my ears started ringing, and it felt like they might be bleeding.

"You really don't know what's going on, do you? Lets see..." The figure leaned forward slightly eyeing me from head to toe. His face slowly changing from surprise, to amusement, to annoyance. "From Earth, no wonder you're confused. But being even being from a primitive planet doesn't excuse the rudeness of bleeding on my floor!"

Confused I looked down and noticed the bandage had come undone and my leg had started bleeding again at some point. My pants leg was dyed red, soaked in blood. My hiking boot was full of blood, and my nose picked up a strong bloody smell coming from my leg at same time.

I started to feel woozy and like I might just pass out at any moment.

"Well I can't have you passing out or bleeding out on my floor, I just cleaned them 1500 years ago." The man sighed before quickly waving his hand, which glowed a blinding golden color, towards me. The light enveloped my, and it felt amazing!

The light felt like the warm embrace of a loved one or laying on a sofa snuggling with a girlfriend. It felt amazing!

<You have been fully healed by unknown entity>

<Health fully restored>

<Stamina fully restored>

The monotone female voice sounded in my head again. I felt fully awake and good. It was like the past 4 weeks trudging through forests was a distant memory. Looking down at my 5'11" body, the blood stains were gone from my clothes and picking up my pants leg showed no wound or scar.

Yep, I've completely lost it. I just wonder if the fever or some wild animal will kill me first? There was a loud snapping sound in front of my face snapping me out of my stupor.

"Good now that you're not daydreaming any more we can continue. My name is Blaise, I'm what you can call the Gatekeeper, what's your name?" Blaise asked.

"My name is.." I tried to say my name is Derin, but my voice quit when I tried to say my name. "My name is...I am....I AM..*cough*." I tried to repeatedly say my name, but I could never get it out and ended in a coughing fit.

"I guess I will have to explain it to you. First of all, you can't use your given name here, you have to use your birth name. And yes, there is a difference between the two but I'm not explaining it. When you gave your Oath, you gave up you past life to became an Adventurer for.."

"When you placed your hand on the pedestal you agreed to the Oath, and according to the marks on your hand it was accepted. And I'm sure you are hearing a voice in your mind or windows are popping up in your vision?" Blaise looked at me expectantly.

"A voice." I replied sullenly while staring at my hand.

"Good, now just say or think 'Status' and a window should pop up just like in one of your VR game things."

Grumbling to myself that this felt like entrapment, I didn't agree to no stinking oath. And what exactly did he think I agreed too? Did I accidently sell my soul, or sell myself into servitude? Shit, what was going to happen to me? And what about mom? I promised her I would make it back safe and sound…

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C2
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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