16% Travelers Chronicle / Chapter 4: Welcome to Negressea (1)

章節 4: Welcome to Negressea (1)

I really had to stop waking up with these monstrous headaches, it felt like I had tiny devils in my brain with tiny pitchforks poking my brain and eyes over and over again. Sadistic little bastards is what they were! I tried to open my eyes but the second the light hit my eyes I shut them as tight as I could as the devils went to town on my eyes.

Sunlight seemed to be filtering through my tightly shut eyelids. I could feel a warmth spreading over my face, like I was laying down under a warm spring sun. With my hands I could feel grass underneath me. I could smell a clean scent of grass, clear crisp scent of pine and cedar trees, and other natural forest smells. Where am I? And what the hell was with that pain? Blaise could have warned me, was he trying to be a dick by not warning me that it was going to feel like he was burning me from the inside out? Besides my brain attempting to play a drum solo, I felt no other pains in my body. Sighing deeply, I gathered every ounce of strength and courage I could muster and slowly opened my eyes.

I found myself in a clearing surrounded by trees on all sides. There was a small pond 18 feet wide in the center of the clearing, the water was crystal clear with a reflection of a sun in the center of the pond. Looking up I noticed with a bit of shock that two suns hung in the sky. One appeared much larger than the earths sun and shined with a bright golden color. The second sun appeared smaller than the first and shined with a reddish gold light, it was mesmerizing. I definitely wasn't in Kansas anymore.

It was at this point I noticed three bars in the upper right corner of my vision. When I tried to move my head to get a better look at them they stayed exactly in the upper right corner of my vision. The top bar was a light red in color, the next was a lime green bar, and the bottom bar was a rich azure color. It was just like in video games, the red had to represent my health, the green my stamina, and the blue my mana. I another blinking icon was in the lower left side of my vision, next to the blinking icon was another small icon of a human shape, It reminded me of those wooden dolls my artist friends all have in their studios, and next to that was what looked like a old school satchel. Before I could fall further down this rabbit hole I decided to check out the flashing icon first, and as I focused on it a screen popped up in my vision. Instead of the original dark gray and tarnished gold window, now the main window was slightly transparent silver with the border a gleaming gold.

<Awakening successful

Successful transfer: World Negressea

Successfully unlocked Bloodline:

Merlin's Descendant (Weak)>

<Message left by Gatekeeper Blaise; would you like to read the message?>

<Yes> <No>

So I guess this worlds name is Negressea, and I unlocked my bloodline! I can't wait to see what bonuses that will give me, maybe it will give me some insanely powerful magic abilities. I was so tempted to ignore Blaise's message and pull up my new status screen, but I figured if the old goat decided to go to the trouble of leaving me the message it might be important. So mentally clicking the 'Yes' a new window popped up.

<Hawk, I realize you are probably still cursing my name about the pain. I would apologize but first I would have to be sorry, usually for those that transmigrate the awakening process is slow taking anywhere from a year to 25 years. I just saved you a lot of time and I gave you a large head start in trying to catch up to the natives, who are born already awakened. With your current measly level one attributes any 8 year old brat could do you in. Before you start you new life of travel and adventure I have two things to tell you.

First thing is placed spell on you to obscure your status page, only someone above my level of power would be able to see your status page. And Secondly I have done you another small favor, I broke a few rules and had you placed in the northern part of the continent in a forest that will be good for your growth. Now good luck, and remember this isn't one of your video games, you only get one life.

Welcome to Negressea, Grand Archmagus Blaise>

I'm still not his fan but apparently he isn't all bad, but he still could have warned me about the pain. Hell, he could have given me an idea about what kind of world this Negressea is. Knowing what type of political systems it has in place, I don't even know if the locals will understand English. It would also be great to know what types of dangers I could run into, since apparently even though this world functions like a game there aren't any respawns.

I was never fond of insane mode of games (A difficulty mode where you only get one life), I usually played glass cannon type characters when I wasn't required to play a healer or tank. I was a highly skilled at playing magic classes, but I was still considered a skilled healer and decent tank. But thinking of all the current unknowns I knew I would have to play this carefully.

Before I try to plan anything further I should really check out my status page, so I focused on bringing up my status page. Before the window with my info popped up I started hearing a sharp dinging like sound with the systems voice inside my head.

*Ding* <Congratulations you have learned the skill: Anatomy (Beast)>

*Ding*<Skill Anatomy (Beast) has leveled to level 6>

*Ding* <Congratulations you have learned the skill: Anatomy (Humanoid)>

*Ding* <Skill Anatomy (Humanoid) has leveled to level 5>

*Ding* <Congratulations you have learned the skill: Biologist>

*Ding* < Skill Biologist has leveled to level 6>

*Ding* <Congratulations you have learned the skill: First Aid>

*Ding* <Congratulations you have learned the skill: Herbalism>

*Ding* < Skill Herbalism has leveled to level 3>

*Ding* <Congratulations you have learned the skill: Survivalist>

*Ding* < Skill Survivalist has leveled to level 2>

Before I could even begin to understand all these skills learned and skill level gained messages my new and apparently vastly improved and increased status screen appeared. A literal wall of text blocked my vision.

Ariauth Ariauth

Hope you like the story! Please leave a comment and let me know what you think of the story so far.

*re-editing the chapters for a shorter and easier reading experience.

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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