47.22% Mythical Paramecia Fruit "Olympian" [Dropped] / Chapter 16: {Title at the end}

章節 16: {Title at the end}

Nova POV


I ended up napping on Karen's sofa. This store just feels comfortable and safe. I tried to move but Monet and Milk were sleeping on my shoulders. I looked at the girls and noticed they fell asleep mid fight


Pyra: You 4 have been asleep for a few hours. Believe me, it happens more often then you think.


I looked at her sitting on the other sofa... giving Astro a lap pillow. That lucky bastard... I guess I'm in a good position too...


Nova: How did he get there? Wasnt he on this sofa and the girls were fighting on that one?


Pyra: Well... the girls kicked him off that one and he just got up, sat on this one, and fell asleep again. You're a heavy sleeper, they were literally fighting on you before they passed out mid fight. When I sat on this sofa, Astro fell to my lap.


I'm sure my guts are turning green with envy. How can he be so lucky? Is it because the world knows he doesnt see anyone but Shyarly that way? I wonder if he would be immune to Hancock's Love Love Beam...


Nova: Heads up... He in love with his childhood friend down on Fishman Island. He entire heart is hers...


Pyra smiled at me and blushed a little. She sighed before she looked down at Astro and spoke to me...


Pyra: I could tell that he has no lust towards me. He does find me attractive but I can feel that he doesnt view me in that light. It's almost like... admiring artwork. I thought he might be too young to have such feelings but when he accidentally walked in on my in the bath at your base ‐


SAY WHAT!!!!? (In Nova's head)


Pyra: - , he apologized and before he walked away... I asked him how he viewed me. He told me I was beautiful and that my future partner was one lucky individual. He then told me... In great detail... how lucky he is to have someone named Shyarly waiting for him back home. He joined me in the bath and spoke about Shyarly for over half an hour.


I'll skin his Starfish skin later!! He was in the bath with Pyra for over 30 minutes!?


Pyra: He does have the maturity to crave someone but hes already set his sights on someone else. The only question I have though is... how does he continuously get into compromising situations with me on accident? I know he doesnt do it on purpose but it seems like a joke to say it's by chance...


Nova: ... I can wholeheartedly understand what you mean. I wish I had an answer for you. I guess hes just lucky like that? I'm not sure what else to say...


Pyra: You look just as lucky to me... A flower in both hands no? In this case... literally.


She had a sly smile as she looked at both Monet and Milk passed out on my arms. I put a large smile on my face as I looked at them.


Nova: This is true. Monet is my "First Mate" of my crew and Milk likes to mess with her. Milk tries to hide it... but shes lonely. The only time I really see her laugh or get angry is when we are around. She shoots Monet with her gun just to get a rise from her but I know she wouldnt really hurt her. Milk can discharge electricity that can stun Monet when they fight but she let's Monet win each fight rather then shock her.


Pyra: Crew? You 4 are pirates?


Nova: Not yet but we will be. We will travel the sea to visit every island and sail every sea. We actually came from the North Blue. We needed to visit this island to wait for someone. I'm here to pick up 1 of my ship doctors.


Pyra: You are? But this island has at most 3 doctors and they all work for the King... I doubt you can recruit any of them...


Nova: Shes not here yet but she will be soon. As a matter of fact... She is coming with the army that will be invading Cozia soon.


Pyra: Ehh? Cozia will be invaded soon? By why?


Nova: The Germa Double 6. I came here to recruit the Germa Princess Raiju. She has 4 brothers but 3 of them were genetically engineered to be super soldiers without human emotions. She will save the 1 brother who is normal but she was modified too... She would live her life miserable if she has to stay with her father...


Pyra: But... if she was modified like her brothers... shouldnt she be emotionless too?


Nova: No. Her mother saved her. Her mother tought her emotions as a baby... her mother also killed herself trying to save her quadruplet sons by overdosing in drugs... her brave act saved only 1 though.


Pyra started to cry. She clutched her impressive bust in pain and listened. Monet and Milk woke up at some point too... but Astro was still out cold on Pyra's lap...


Pyra: How sure are you that Cozia will be invaded by the Germa Double 6? I'm not even sure they exist... I thought they were a myth.


Monet: They exist. Of that much... I'm sure.

Noma: I'm twice as sure... they will invade within the year... as I'm jealous of Astro's current position.


Milk: So... More then positive?


Nova: Oh yeah. I'd bet within a few months at the earliest...


Pyra: Then... I need to warn the King about the invasion.


Nova: Feel free to but I doubt Royalty would heed the warnings of the common people... not that there's ANYTHING common about you.


She gently placed Astro's head on a pillow and ran out of the room. I looked around and found Karen working on some string gizmo. She had unraveled my bathrobe into string and was using it with other string to make the new Robe.


Monet: Hey Nova... Do you remember my request when I joined you?


I turned to her with a serious face.


Nova: Ofcourse I do. Its 50% of the reason we are here. Grabbing a doctor is a nice bonus but the main reason was to fulfill my promise to you. I will help you get your revenge on him in a way you wouldnt have thought possible. I will leave him alive but only physically... his spirit will be dust and his empire will never raise again unless Sanji or Raiju take over.


It was Monet's turn to tear up. She smiled at me and thanked me with a broken voice.


Monet: Can you do me another favor?


Nova: Umm sure? What favor?


(Nova's mind) Want a kiss?


Monet: Can you pay Ms. Karen for our clothes? The cow and I found great outfits...


(Nova's mind) FUKKKKK


I paid for the mountain of clothes the girls picked. It almost cost me 3 million Beli... I think they cleaned out the store...


Nova: Is there anything you 2 DIDNT want? The racks are empty now...


Milk: Well... everything was cute so we grabbed it. We even grabbed clothes for you and Astro... Your welcome.




Milk: Meh, details.




Once I put everything away and Astro woke up, We were ready to returned to our base. Karen told me it would take her a few weeks to hand make my robe and that the longer she took, the better the outcome. She thanked us (Me) for buying everything in her store.


We passed Pyra's bar and noticed it was still closed so we left a note on her door telling her we returned to the jungle.


We made a few laps around the jungle before we returned to base. We hunted a gator and brought it home. After dinner, we all got ready for bed.


After a few hours of trying to sleep... I just hoped put of my hammock bed and walked outside. I went for a run and got up on my favorite tree. The top of my tree is flat so I use it as a calm place to meditate. I got in my rhythmic breathing and calmed down. After I got into the perfect state, I focused inside and looked at my Marble Orb. Within my Marble... there was a figure...


Nova: What the hell is that in my Marble?


???: Dont worry, your not losing your marbles. How have you been kid? Miss me?


Nova: WHAT THE HELL?? D?!?!


D: The 1 and only. How are you enjoying my world?


Nova: What are you doing here?! HOW are you here?!


D: Well... this marble is your will made manifested. The marble is connected to 3 items. The Nidai Kitetsu, Ame no Hibakiri, and your armband. Your armband was a gift from me so I can pop in from time to time.


By the way... the back story you made up is hysterical. I'll make it so but you didnt think how Rayleigh's current wife will handle him having a surprise kid he never knew of? I cant wait to see how it goes.


Nova: Oh crap... Doesnt that make her me Mother-in-law? Would she hurt a kid?


D: No clue. But I cant wait to see it. Good luck kid. I've made your backstory true. Your mother was Portgus D. Alina. Older sister of Portgus D. Rogue. Your mother died after she helped her sister hide Ace's pregnancy. To safely hide Ace and the pregnancy, she tied her lifespan to help support Ace and Rogues.


Once Ace was born, your mother tried to get back to you but didnt make it. You were 2 years old when she passed.


Nova: ... uh, thanks? Why do I feel that your just making the story true to see what happens...


D: Because I am. I wanna see a story I didnt make unfold with my characters. I'll be watching.


D blinked out of existence from my Golden Purple Orb Marble. I jumped out of my medication state and fell off my tree. It felt like I hit every branch on my way down. I landed on my back and the got my air knocked out. I felt like my world is darkening as my life starts to end... then I happened to inhale and color returned to my world.


[Message from Creator: BUAHAHAHAAA NICE FORM!! (+1 Like)]


Nova: Ughhhh... gravity is mankind's worst enemy...


I picked my battered body off the floor and walked back to base. When I entered, Monet, Astro and Milk were waiting for me. They were sitting in the dark motionless facing the door...


Nova: ... I feel like I should be running away or I've been cought doing something I shouldn't. Why are you 3 sitting in the dark?


???: I'm guessing it's my fault.


I drew Hibakiri and Kitetsu. I dont know that voice and my crew is acting strange... I slashed full force towards the origin of the voice. My body shined Golden Purple as a tried to kill whatever broke into the base. A pitch black arm blocked both swords before they bounced off.


Nova: RUN YOU 3!! RUN!!!!!!!!


My arms started going numb as I continued swinging at the person in the dark. I was slashing and chasing her around the base like a mad man. If it was in my way, it was cut to pieces. She was faster then I was but I didnt let that stop me from trying to end her. Whoever they are... They have Armament Haki so they can easly kill us all. Once Monet, Astro, and Milk are safe... I'll run.


???: Your sword skills suck... But your priorities are in the right place.


The female voice swung her arm and my swords eject from my hands. Without missing a beat, I threw my strongest punch which... was blocked by an open palm.


???: Well, you pass. Sit down. We need to talk...


I am drenched in cold sweat. I used my Haki and noticed that Monet, Astro, and Milk havent moved from their spot. I looked at the intruder as she stood up and walked into the light... I have no clue who she is... kinda looks like Shakky but in her 20s with long hair...


???: My name is Shakky. If the rumors are true... I'm your Step Mother.


I dont remember when Shakky and Rayleigh got married so she could be lying. I'm not even 100% sure shes Shakky... I need to stall for time.


Nova: Why arnt they moving. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!


My Conqueror's Haki fired off again. It made it about a foot before she unleashing her own Conqueror's Haki and instantly crushed mine.


Shakky: Using it unconsciously. Well... you have that in common. Your friends are asleep due to me. They are fine. The snow girl tried to fight me and told the other 2 to run but they instantly joined her so I knocked them out.


Nova: How do I know your who you say you are "Step Mother". I've never actually met my dad but my mom told me some stories. To me... you're a complete stranger who knocked out my crew and stormed my base.


I pulled out my spare swords and got ready to fight again.


Shakky: Stubborn as he is too...


I attacked again but the second my spare swords touched her hand... they shattered.


Shakky: Cautious and mindful... I'll talk to him and let him know what I think. It's been nice meeting you Little Nova. We will see each other again soon.


She walked out and left my base just like that. I locked on to her with my Haki but she vanished like she was a dream the instant the door closed. I ran to Monet and checked on her breathing. She seemed fine so I checked Astro then Milk. Once i noticed they were all fine, I grabbed Hibakiri and Kitetsu. I then tied Astro to my back, held both Monet and Milk in my arms... and ran. I booked it as fast as I could to Pyra's bar.


Once I made it to the bar, I kicked the door again and again until she opened up. I couldnt even admire her sexy sleep ware as I fell over exhausted from running to the bar at top speed. I did however notice that as I was falling... Astro's face magically hit her cleavage and entered her gown...


She blushed some but noticed I was hurt all over. Last thing I remember was mumbling attacked and base before I passed out.



Shakky POV


After jumping out of Little Nova's range, I watched him react. He checked on the kids first, grabbed his swords, then picked all 3 of them up and ran. Once he made it to a bar in town, he woke up some beautiful young bar keeper and passed out. She helped them inside and treated Little Nova's injuries. He walked into his base with the injuries so I'm not entirely sure how he got them but they wernt serious.


I'll let Ray know what I think. He feels like Ray but the kid looks like hes around 15... I didnt know him well back then so I'll have to ask around. I'd love to see how Ray will explain this...



Nova POV


I woke up the next morning drenched in sweat. I reached for my swords but they were gone. After checking my (Storage) and seeing they wernt there... I ran downstairs and found Pyra, Monet. Astro and Milk sitting at the bar. Milk had my swords tied to her back. She walked up to me and placed them in my hands...


Milk: I dont know WHAT happened yesterday but Nidai Kitetsu is going crazy. Ame no Hibakiri isnt happy either. I couldnt let anyone else touch them as they are now...


Nova: Thanks Milk... is everyone ok?


Monet: Not. One. Bit... who was the grandma when KICKED OUR ASSES LAST NIGHT!!?


Astro: The second I cought sight of her... my gills closed up...


Milk: My instincts screamed to run away...


Monet: She grabbed me when I was a blizzard!! How is that possible?


Nova: She knows Armament Haki. Her name is Shakky... shes my dad's current wife... My Step Mother I guess...


Pyra: Why would she attack you 4 then?


Nova: My dad doesnt know his 1 fling with my mom almost 13 years ago resulted in me. She was checking if I was lying about my lineage. She seemed convinced before she left but said she would return soon...


Nova: We need to get stronger... if she was an enemy... our adventures would have ended last night. No more playing around...


Pyra: I have an idea for you 4... but you might not like it...


We looked at her before she dropped a bomb on us...


Pyra: Apply to join the Cozia Royal Army and use them to train. You can go through their boot camp and gain basic experience in fighting foes...




{Title - Meeting my Step Mother}

Bevis Bevis

chapter 16 done, Enjoy.

join the discord to chat about ideas. Had free time so heres the next chap


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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