After leaving All Might Izuku's room simply, he walked through the corridors and left U.A. and as soon as he got outside he saw Momo, Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki waiting for him.
Just seeing them Izuku predicted he would have a headache.
He was already waiting for Momo, as he informed her to wait, but Katsuki was the type who didn't learn the lesson without having some broken bones in the process, and Todoroki was just an arrogant person who had problems with his father.
[Hey Deku, how dare you do that to me, huh?]. (Katsuki)
[If you want to complain, go do it with All Might, he was the one who chose the theme of the class and being honest, I want you to fuck yourself, you should be grateful that I didn't destroy your bones, and just putting you to sleep]. (Izuku) He said it clearly without caring the least about Katsuki's face or ego.
[What did you say?]. (Katsuki) He said exhaling anger.
[I said you are a useless weak who depends on other weak to inflate your ego because you can't reach a damn by yourself, now get out of my way before I get angry and send you to the ward]. (Izuku) He said releasing his Haoshoku and intent to kill to a controlled extent.
Feeling the pressure Katsuki calmed down and wondered who he was talking to and what Izuku could do if he wanted to, and fear was born so he stepped back and walked away.
Shoto and Momo who also felt Izuku's aura density were shocked and a little scared of it, as it was like being in front of a peak predator.
Izuku, seeing Katsuki retreating mocked, and then looked at Momo as he retracted his Haoshoku and murderous intent before saying:
[But before I start giving you the training methods, I want to know how far you want to go as a Pro-Hero, and what kind of Pro-Hero you want to be, so I can prepare your training accurately but have in mind the higher the aspirations, the worse the training will be, I'll give you the means to reach the goal, whether or not you can do it. (Izuku)
Momo upon hearing Izuku nodded, and began to think about it clearly.
After talking to her, Izuku noticed that it would take a few minutes to give him an answer, so he turned to Todoroki and said:
[Todoroki, I know you're not like this explosive asshole, but I don't think I offered to help you as I did with Momo, which leads me to the question, are you waiting for me, or for her?]. (Izuku)
[For you]. (Todoroki)
[Is this something that should be discussed privately?]. (Izuku)
[Yes]. (Todoroki)
[Hais, so you'll have to wait until I'm done preparing Momo's training, let's get going, as this will clearly take some time, and there's a coffee shop two blocks from here that serves excellent pie]. (Izuku) He said and started walking.
After that, they walked quietly in silence and as soon as they arrived at the cafe, Izuku ordered an Apple Pie and a pure black coffee from the attendant.
Momo ordered a cheesecake with a milkshake, and Todoroki ordered tea and an apple pie.
After a few minutes, Momo finally made up his mind and said:
[I want to be a Professional Hero who helps with disasters and fights villains, and I want to be the best I can get if I ever can reach All Might]. (Momo)
[I see, in that case, your training is going to be the hardest one, fine, give me a few moments]. (Izuku) He said and withdrew his notebook and began to write.
He wrote a ridiculously caloric diet with 9 meals in a day, each with a large number of calories that could keep an adult man working out for a full day.
And then he started writing a series of exercises that seemed to come straight from hell to Momo and Todoroki.
She would start the day with her first breakfast, and after that, she would change and prepare for warm-up by preheating 200 push-ups, 200 squats, and running uphill with her hands while creating small objects.
The warm-up, which Izuku described began with 300 sit-ups, 500 jumps, followed by 200 squats, and 150 push-ups.
After Warm-Up Momo was supposed to run 15 km without rest, at a constant speed of at least 15 km per hour, while continuing to produce small matryoshkas dolls, the entire route, without stopping for a single second if she stopped breeding, or ran below 15 km, she should start the exercises from scratch again.
After the race she would eat the second breakfast Izuku wrote, and go to school, running instead of walking, and on the way, she would continue to spawn the dolls.
Arriving at school at least 40 minutes in advance, she would eat breakfast.
During classes, she would generate different small objects, from screws, bullets, pencils, erasers, throwing knives and etc ...
She would continue to do this until lunchtime, where she would eat the special lunch that was huge and even richer in calories than before.
After that, she would do the teacher's exercises, after finishing the exercises she would again create small objects without stopping, and after 10 minutes doing this, she would eat the 2nd lunch.
And then she'd run home while she was making the dolls once again, and if she ever stopped making the dolls, she would have to rush back to school and start all the way again.
After finishing the course, Momo should eat the third lunch, and then repeat the morning exercises, which did not involve the school, once finished she would have dinner.
After dinner she would do the pre-bed exercises, which were 'light' according to Izuku, 'only' 300 jumping jacks, 300 barbell pushups, 300 inverted pushups, 300 squats.
After that, she would eat the second dinner.
And then he'd go to her room, before she started making as many toys and children's clothes as she could, and only stop after she didn't have the fuel to even make a needle, and then she'd take a shower, and then I would eat the third dinner before going to bed and start repeating the exercises again the next morning.
Instead of going to school on weekends Momo should go to orphanages and donate all the clothes and toys she created, of course, she should go running while carrying everything she created, and it should be an orphanage at least 10 km away. where she lived.
Momo would have one day off every 10 days of training and should add 100 of each exercise and 500 meters during the races every 30 days.
And after 2 months, she should start running with weights.
Just looking at the exercise Todoroki thought Izuku wanted to kill Momo, the training was inhumane for any ordinary person.
Momo lived 10 km from the school, and Izuku wanted her to run the course every day after all the training.
[You can only be kidding right?]. (Momo)
[You were the one who asked for my help, and stated that you want to become someone on the same level as All Might, if you want to get to that point, this training is the minimum expected from you, I do a training 100 times harder as warm-up, and I'm not even on his level, so I already warn you that this is just the first part of an 8 part series of your workout, each part will be harder than the last, and it will push you to your absolute limits and break them. ]. (Izuku)
[You can't expect me to do this]. (Momo) I said exasperated.
[Momo I think you're getting something wrong here, I don't expect anything from you, honestly, I couldn't care less if you're going to be a Pro Hero or not, and I don't care whether you like me or not, to be honest, I don't even care if you're alive, the situation is that simple, if you don't want to do the exercises don't do it, I'm not your drool to hold your hand and carry you around, but I guarantee without the exercises you will never reach your full potential]. (Izuku) He said quietly, before turning to Todoroki and saying.
[I already finished my subject with Momo, let's go, to talk about what you need, because I still have some more appointments today]. (Izuku) He said before withdrawing 50,000 yen and paying everyone's bill and leaving a good tip for the attendant.
As he was leaving Izuku stopped and looked at Momo before saying calmly:
[Momo, I know I may sound tough, but you have to understand that the Age of Ease to the Espers is over, now only the truly hard-working Espers will have a chance of overcoming the Quirkless if you don't want to be trampled by the most powerful. you start to get stronger]. (Izuku) Said and left.
Todoroki gave Momo a complicated look, before following Izuku, he didn't care much but understood that the current situation was not good for them, as Izuku said, either they would adapt, or they would be stepped on and exceed.
After leaving Izuku and Todoroki walked to an abandoned shed and stopped to talk.
[Ok, Todoroki, more abandoned than impossible, now tell me what you want]. (Izuku)
[Is your medical technology advanced right?]. (Todoroki)
[Yes]. (Izuku)
[Do you already have treatments for advanced mental trauma?]. (Todoroki)
[Yes, we have several forms for any kind of trauma, why the question?]. (Izuku)
[I wish you would treat my mother]. (Todoroki)
[What do I get from that? Don't get me wrong, but I'm not a charity, and treatments like this are expensive, and given the kind of bastard Endeavor is I don't think he'll pay the bill]. (Izuku)
Todoroki on hearing Izuku was silent, he knew that Izuku being willing to help was excellent, but not even clocks worked for free, they needed some energy to work, and Izuku followed the same principle.
[I'll leave you thinking about this for today, and tomorrow you can tell me, but remember that I won't do it for anything in return]. (Izuku)
After saying what he needed Izuku left.
He had no problem healing Todoroki's mother's traumas, but he wouldn't do it for free, just as he had said, Izuku wasn't charitable, or Todoroki would pay it somehow, or Izuku prefers to pretend she never knew about Todoroki's mother.
He was like that.
After leaving Todoroki, Izuku went to a secluded spot and moved to Fairy Tale, where he saw several people training.
This was a sight Izuku admired, the techniques he left were mainly used to train top fighters.
Izuku had copied various kinds of Ninjutsu and placed them in his library to help.
There were Ninjutsus from all the clans of the Elemental Nations. And Izuku just didn't put the most dangerous forbidden Jutsus, like the reaper seal, or the twin serpent sacrificial jutsu, the Edo Tensei wasn't available to anyone but him either.
Izuku had already confirmed that there was a pure world in this world and that Edo Tensei would work perfectly in this world, so he was determined never to allow this Jutsu to come into the world by hands other than his own.
Edo Tensei is the absolute Ace in Izuku Manga in case a war breaks out, Izuku had already tested the issue with some death row prisoners.
It is amazing what you can get when you have money because it is easy to bribe the guards, to hand over some condemned to death, for human experiments to be done.
Of course, Izuku never did this kind of action in person, he built androids that were practically replicas of humans, to make the negotiations, and the money came from the corrupt politicians' account, Izuku hacking and transferred the money from the corrupt accounts directly to the corrupt guards.
And with that he got all the criminals he needed, and started the experiments, Izuku had no mercy on the convicts, in Izuku's opinion they all deserved what was to come, Izuku made sure to use rapists, and pedophiles for them. most painful experiments.