With this great wave of new people willing to explore and challenge the great Lands of Chaos, came an organisation that allowed people to trade treasures and monster corpses for either gold, spirit crystals or any other treasures you could want. The rise was fast and went almost entirely unnoticed.
Very little is know about this organisation, weather it's who's behind it or what's its purpose no one knows. But it's strength is very evident. It has been one of the two powers who have been able to survive to now.
'Crimson', a very simple name, that's what the organisation is called. It has survived hundreds maybe even thousand of attacks against it, yet it still stands. The organisations wealth is immeasurable, it's power terrifies everyone and it's mysterious history causes a slight fear to form in most powerful peoples hearts, even though they know it has done nothing wrong.
Throughout the time that 'Crimson' has been in the Land of Chaos, the organisation has spread its power all over the continent, some rumours even say it has reached other continents, but no-one really knows.
In the Land of Chaos alone, 'Crimson' has eighty-four towers, these towers are where people can trade items or rent rooms. 'Crimson' has quite a few different systems for example, the mission system. People can take up missions requested by people inside or outside the Land of Chaos, they can be something small like helping a group of young cultivators stay alive as the challenge themselves. Or, they could be terrifying missions of subjugation for example, hunting a young blue dragon that had left its territory.
There are countless missions that anyone can take up, of course there are missions that are put up by 'Crimson' themselves. These missions only tend to be collection missions, but they often have very lucrative rewards that tempt many people.
Although 'Crimson' has helped many people gain treasures, not many people trust the organisation. Again, they haven't done any bad for humanity but, the fact that nearly nothing is know about the organisation causes them to seem untrustworthy. In some cases, the organisation has been challenged by other powers because of the many possible treasures they could gain. But, all of these challengers never returned from where they went and were, without exception, removed.
But, even with this powerful organisation and the waves of cultivators that gather, no one has been able to set foot inside the inner area of the Land of Chaos. Even 'Crimson' haven't. But a few people has managed to see what its like. Some claim it to a place that looks like paradise, filled with beautiful trees and monumental mountains with pristine lakes and rivers. Cascading waterfalls that create a place of true beauty.
But, other people claim it to be a horrifying land filled with death and beasts that could devour mountains whole, that could shatter that land with a single footstep and beasts that split the sky as they fly. Dragons with vicious and demonic auras and Phoenixes with regal but vicious auras tear through the sky spreading death wherever they cross.
The two vastly different views concern and confuse all that hear them. But the lure of a paradise filled with beauty managed to attract many people, many many foolish people. It cause the death and disappearance of many people who were foolhardy enough to enter the inner land of this place.
The organisation now, has been around for one-hundred-and-twenty-three-thousand years. In such a long amount of time, they have managed to gain countless treasures and gained an increasingly powerful foothold in the Land of Chaos. But, even with how long they have been about, 'Crimson' has never attacked another power nor have ever set foot in the inner area of the Land of Chaos. Nobody really know who is behind them and I doubt anyone ever will, the organisation is like an abyss, no matter how long you look at it, you will never find anything.
That is what has cause terror in many people. That is why people find it hard to trust the organisation that is, 'Crimson'.
Thought I might as well pump this out, I’m sorry if I kinda go off track with this chapter, I struggle when it comes to writing this about mysterious organisations or mysterious anything. I struggle to chose how much info I should give and what I should or should not give.
It’s shorter than the last chapter, but I hope you enjoy it.
And advise is appreciated, thank you for reading. BYEBYE!
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