"Boss, have you ever met the four Pillar Gods?"
"Not at all, I don't like to associate myself with deities"
Apparently feeling a bit embarrassed with that, Boss continued to explain: "Several ten thousand years ago, when I knew that the four Pillar Gods entered the Calming Soul Country, I stopped caring about this place"
"------After all, I have too many places that I need to protect, like the bottom of the Abyss, the Starlight Empire, the Isle of Ceremonial Void, so one and so forth, I was a very busy person"
Gu Qing Shan nodded in understanding, but didn't ask Boss about his identity.
The airship slowly descended in front of a sky-high palace.
This place was the most central area of Calming Soul Country, the center of the entire city.
Laura put her airship away.
The four of them and Boss stood waiting at the gate of the palace.
Several groups of guards were already waiting here.
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Editor: Dr.Lock
Proofreader: Arya
Link to the WAO glossary page for all confusing terms and more: https://otakutl.blogspot.com/2020/02/wao-glossary.html